Link to possible Kraut habbening twitter thread:
Mister Metokur's newest video:
Reminder that Veeh is a filthy gypsy who is only concerned about protecting his hentai stash.
Link to possible Kraut habbening twitter thread:
Mister Metokur's newest video:
Reminder that Veeh is a filthy gypsy who is only concerned about protecting his hentai stash.
Other urls found in this thread:
Reminder that Christ is lord, and no word or sword will ever change that.
>*laughs fakely destroying your entire ideology*
lmao should we start mass flagging him to make things moving? i'm not on any private servers anyway
*gives u free 2 hour education*
>a server where a group of people are talking about doing things
Holy shit can that faggot fit in any more hyperbole over a fucking chat room? He sounds triggered.
>bunch of "principled" centrists make fake accounts LARPing as alt-righters in a "private" server that will be intentionally leaked.
Imagun mah showk?
This is only a partial understanding though. Truthfully, Christianity also inculcates the extreme individualism of the modern right-wing as well. In this respect, both the left and the right are driven by inculcated Christian value-judgments that pit the feelings or concerns of the individual above all else. The only part of the political spectrum that is not Christian through and through in its morality is the far-right, which is why it is anathema and outcast. If we can deconstruct Christian morality therefore, people will be increasingly amenable to far right ideas; people should focus on this rather than sperging unhelpfully about "muh ethnostate"
Nietzsche needs to be referred to over and over again because this is exactly what he does, and people are increasingly prepared for it by the disillusion the modern world has created. Nietzsche is basically the starting point for any serious revival of western culture.
I would not be shocked if it turns out Kraut and Pee has already committed suicide.
Reminder that there's only one god and that's Aqua, and her prophets are the Axis cult
I know this is real because I know the jew
Next Kraut's video
Reminder that Aqua is shit and will be forever assblasted that she can't attain the same waifu god status as Eris.
No wonder he hates the alt right, everyone is so rude to him. *Runs away to my wife's dinosaur*.
Getting nervous rabbi?
xD, christian values are about individuality?
>future videos will be about Germany advancing into Belgium and France
Can we stop shitposting for a second and address something here...
How does this dumbass not realize that the primary principle valued by the alt-right is the value of the natural inequality of man: the diversity of gender, race, and religion.
He wanks all day with his big brained liberalist nibbas about principles while not grasping ours and not even having a primary principle for his sippy-cup libertarian ideology. Which is all about individual rights with at the same time "bake the cake, bigot!"-ing. The guiding principle of his ideology as far as I can tell is simply "whatever Sargon wants is principled".
Is this an accurate assessment of the situation, what am I missing?
New Alternative-Hypothesis:
Black Panther's "Wakanda" Isn't Real
Oh shit, how do I swear allegiance to the liberalisticist party and its dear leader sargon of akkad?
Link to video?
>Fake tits
>Fake goddess
>Fake followers
not hungry anymore lads
just popped down the shop and picked up an all-day breakfast sandwich~
Why are you faggots shitting up this thread
there are things that differentiate left libertarians from right libertarians, freedom of association is one of them, to Sargoy of Cuckad prohibiting someone from entering a group is against his individual freedom of association, to right libertariasn forcing someone into a group is violating the rights of the members of the group to freedom of association
Did it taste good? I just had a breakfast burrito
He's like 90% of the way to the alt-right, but can't quite make the leap. I mean as far as I can tell he's conceded most of our points like race realism. He's even in favor of deporting illegals and refugees. He made a long video yesterday mocking illegals being deported.
How many quids did you pay for it?
Sargon never had any principles, which is why his principles list is such an abortion of a contradiction. All he knows is shaming people that he doesn't like, which is why ancaps and libertarians are excluded from being liberalists. And that is also why he can't do anything but try to get people to say something unpopular and then just act smug as if that accomplished anything, his whole strategy is just using the same shaming tactics the left has been using for ages.
So he's a fucking left-libertarian
It was good, I put some crisps in there for a little texture
Quite an expensive bread desu lad.
The funny thing is, peaceful secession IS possible.
Look at the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
yh, both classical liberalism and liberalistitsm is to the left
I haven't been following Internet blood sports since December are /ourguys/ wining right now or is Sargon winning?
Sargon simply has a mental block, he won't admit his beliefs massively overlap with the Alt-Right in a lot of ways because hes a severe narcissist. We made fun of him, we embarrassed him, and he won't ever let that go.
He'll come out in favor of major immigration reform, ending most welfare, deporting illegals, banning companies from employing illegals, he hates Islam, he'll admit race is real so long as he isn't arguing against the Alt-Right. But he still wants to pretend like we have nothing in common. His followers are really the only ones who suffer. Those people don't care what he believes, they're just little cultists following what he says.
"In your ethno-state what size will the average street be? What regulations on private construction will you have? What rate of taxation will you have and will you opt for a flat or progressive tax?YOU DON'T EVEN FUCKING KNOW! "
*chuckles autistically* "Listeen, listeen! What kind of flat tax are you going to have? How will you make sure no one is cheating the tax system? What if that causes class divide and you have a communist revolution" *Vee chimes in* "Meeyte, In communist Romania they did the same thing" *once again chuckles autistically* "What would you do if someone doesn't want to pay taxes? If you call the authorities on them... what exact height will you want you officers to be? What hair colour? What would be the proportion of their upper to lower body???"
Ye tell me about my dude, it was pretty tasty tho so there's that
He'll probably claim
>"b-but it wasn't peaceful enough and it doesn't count because it collapsed, let's just ignore the fact that the Soviet Union WAS capable of retaking the lands by force"
This is exactly what these sjws he claims to hate so much do.
>im not going to exert the effort to educate you
Reminds me of that asiant cunt who was called out by huffington post.
Libertarianism is all left wing
Does anybody have an answer? Do I need to sacrifice my left testicle to the almighty sargon?
*pseudo-intellectualism intensifies*
Islam and mass thirld-world migration will force europeans to do exactly that.
Was it halal brother? Inshallah
>In simple language an evidence-based method of judging truth.
>he doesn't know what empiricism is
You are a literal retard. Why are you even bothering to discuss philosophical concepts when you are evidently completely unversed in what they mean? Empiricism is a theory of knowledge; it is not the rather narrow definition you are there ascribing to it. Empiricism is the theory of knowledge that ALL knowledge is based on experience. If you can't see how a philosophy that places its entire emphasis on sensory experience leads to perspective-based thinking, arbitrariness and chaotic subjecsctiveness (not to mention obsession with individuals, rights, etc.), then you're evidently incapable of thinking the thing through (and this was my argument that you said was "rationalism" btw). And that's not going into the most glaring weakness of the theory, which is that you cannot empirically prove the truth of empiricism. e.g. I observe that observation is accurate and therefore it is accurate; this is circular thinking. It is why modern analytic philosophy accepts a prioris and does not call itself merely "empiricism" (being a hybrid). The modern extreme emphasis on the self and subjective feelings is a direct consequence of such a perspective--it is its logical endpoint, even.
You're no different to the retarded leftists and black people who see the cheddar man reconstruction and go "hurr durr it's science dummy", accept it or you denying da facts!!!
Try to stick to subjects you know something about in the future because this was just embarrassing (for you). Fucking Sophie's World is more advanced than your understanding.
wtf is wrong with you
academics plz respond
>What if you have a murderer in your state? Using force to stop someone infringes on their rights. Have you even read my ARK fanfiction?
The Soviet Union COLLAPSED. Peaceful secession is only possible if the empire COLLAPSES. Don't you know how the British Empire LITERALLY COLLAPSED. The alt-right is so stupid you don't even know the history of COLLAPSE.
*Runs away to his wife's dinosaur*
>what am I missing?
nothing in terms of "understanding the gravity of the situation" but are you still hungry?you have to be recruited by the Sargonne family and work your way up to Capo of Libshitalists
Sargon has absolutely crushed the alt right and caused all of their leaders to go hiding. The liberalist party is expected to turn britain into a one party state.
Can somebody link me to the part where Sargon ran away from Enoch? I tried to watch the whole video but it's too boring.
Nah had some sausage and bacon in there - don't tell the Mabahith
Sargon debated Mike Enoch? Can someone plz link
This, it's sad to admit but we were crushed at every battle
Yes, and equality. It places supreme emphasis on the dignity of each and every individual above all else. Hence why the entire political spectrum, their morality resting on Christian value-judgments, touts the greatness of equality--all that differs is that they focus on different types of equality. The far-right rejects the notion of inequality straight out, and adhere to the pre-Christian belief in Suum cuique.
Protestantism grew out of the fundamental dogma, and Protestantism amounted to (in the end), a renunciation of all hierarchy and a belief that individual interpretation and connection to God was all that matters (not hard to see how this rapidly becomes rather self-serving). This is individualism and it was these fanatics who went off to found America in the first place.
Sargon completely crushed enoch and enoch apologised for his previous actions. He has now joined the liberalist movement.
>but are you still hungry?
Well I was just about to offer you have some chinese takeout :D butt...
The alt right is concerned with how individuals are groups actually act in the real world.
The centrist, liberalist or whatever is only concerned with a theoretically perfect world in which people will all become big brain Gladstonians if only they read a sufficient amount of esoteric philosophizing about the nature of individual rights within a democratic framework.
Sargon the other day literally made the following argument;
>If Labour lets in a bunch of 3rd worlders to tip the demographic balance in their favour, the next Conservative government can't remove those people, because if they did the all the remaining ethnics would never vote Conservative, also Labour will just let in more 3rd worlders the next time they are in power so it's pointless to ever try to fix the problem. Also you can't kick people out, because they are here, and they are legal citizens, and kicking them out would be wrong.
Despite believing this he still somehow thinks that democracy is great, and that we should be preserving Western civilisation through big brained arguments on the merits of liberal democracy directed at 60 IQ 3rd worlders who are not even capable of understanding the things you would have them believe.
I am absolutely convinced that Hoppe was right that democracts need to be physically removed from society.
do you have the link or not fgt?
bruh look at this dude..
oh no wait till you see the… OH NO NO NO OU OU OU OU
Meant as reply to:
I'm asking myself the same question... Maybe they're trying to tease yellow-feverBro over here with images of asian girls (his weakness)
Isn't Vee the king now?
Watch it at 2x speed.
>Sargon disavows Kraut, everyone knows that Sargon knew what was Kraut doing, he doesn't stop him
>Gets into the debate with Styx vs Spencer. Styx ends up being reasonable as well as Spencer, Sarg'n is not as smart as he think he is and makes a fool of himself
>Leaves the debate, and goes into a stream with his pet about how he won and sniffing his own farts
>No one buys it, after two days Sargon admits defeat and starts a movement called liberal + autist
>Jim makes fun of him because of the autistic movement, Sarg'n ambushes Jim, Jim tells him he is an autist and Sargon says is his moral duty
>Time passes, Vee spergs out, stuff starts leaking, he is into vore and wants his mom to be raped by muslims
>Sarg'n calls chat trolls a bunch of white niggers
>Sarg'n gets into a stream with Andrew Angling, Anglin is a brainlet but that doesn't stop him to show the world how retarded Sargon souns
>Back into sniffing his own farts, Sarg'n refuses to debate the alt-right because "there is no point"
>JF tricks Sargon into jumping into a stream with Alt-hype and Cedarwood, he switch tactics into history, he gets destroyed
>Sarg'n flee the stream as soon as Enoch gets into the stream. His excuse "He had to take care of his wife's dinosaur"
>Theres proofs that Kraut is still on, and doxing people, his youtube channel goes back on and he refuses to belive he was wrong
>Vee keeps sperging out, makes videos about the alt-right every day
>Jim makes a video, making fun of Sarg'n, Vee and people who oppose blood sports
What can you tell me about the Reapers?
oh man this is gonna be good
Look it up you lazy faggot
I thought we both agreed that I shouldn't eat Chinese
It's been painful, but I've conceded to liberalististism. I am now proudly flying the liberalist flag.
Every one has a soul. That soul is intimately connected to that specific persons identity and action.
Salvation is individual. Your actions matter for your salvation only.
Bonds of civilization, country, society and even family don't matter. Only your obedience to God and it's commands matter.
Gas yourself kike
this, such an accurate analysis Hans. He whines about the tactics marxists use on him but he does the same thing to us with a composed smug attitude and an autistic chuckle
He won't make the leap because he is an egotistical and vain fool who refuses to renounce his "principles" even when they are the exact cause of the things he claims to hate. He is highly ignorant and has not read deeply into any of this subjects, and you can see this by his defense mechanism when subjects come up of which his knowledge is scant (which is all the time): he dodges, he evades, he says "you don't understand" and "i'm not going to explain that: google it." He is a complete and utter fraud; a video game nerd who somehow attracted a large following of retards who thought he was intelligent and thoughtful, when he was really just a fat loser who knew how to piece together videos using the work of others.
You notice how in his argumentation against alt-right individuals he uses the same arguments as leftists, the very ones he made videos whining about ("You want oppression, Richard...You want feudalism, Richard....that's the tyranny of the past, Richard). He is your prototypical in the flesh example of classical liberalism leading directly to modern liberalism.
We've been intellectually raping them. Winning is an understatement.
Was it Sargon who pushed the kekistan bulkshit?
What a prick
Sargon is btfoing the fuck out of us
>it was pretty tasty
at leas that urge of yours has been satisfied :D :D :D :D
"Render unto Caesar" you dip. It's considered a sin to go against the will of your nation unless it is directly confronting a Christian lifestyle.
but Chrisitanity like most religions is a form of organization that depends on the individual's valur towards the group, you can't be forgiven for your sins without a larger group
SaltRigjt lies, sargon just keeps btfoing your idols. Join the winning team liberalististicist party.
How do we, the salt-right are we going to stop him?
3D girls
*in scratchy voice* "No but your loyalty will be required and if it is neccessary that you die for your Stepfather you should make that sacrifice as I would do for you. As all liberalists would do for one another. Loki bless us all "
Tbh modern mass democracy is a plain logical absurdity: it makes no sense; Mencken was great at pointing this out. Democracy barely worked on the city-state level, with a population of slaves--10s of millions voting people in for four year terms to run a supersized and massively centralised government is so nonsensical that it defies belief.
And today, in the UK, to reject democracy outright is almost equated with terrorism (seriously). It is no surprise that dishonesty and distortion is so rampant in modern society because the entire thing is built on a lie and a delusion and so everything has become disfigured and bent out of shape as a result (and needs to increasingly be done so to keep a clamp on the cognitive dissonance).
Fuck lads, he's too smart, how do we refute his points??
I hate that romanimutt
but you have a responsability towards your family
You prove my point. God's commands and the salvation of your soul take precedence over anything else. Other bonds or duties are conditional.
I doubt it. We're just complete brainlets compared to Sargon the god king. He knows our principles better than we do.
I literally don't understand how he became famous. His videos are unbearably long and repetitive. And it's always mocking some incredibly far gone sjw cultist. Which is like playing the game on super easy mode.
I’ve been repeating the word liberalist and gigling for two hours.
Yes, that's also what fascists believe in regards to their Highest Order. Read some Evola; dependence on man made hierarchies will lead only to degeneracy and corruption. Tradition requires a rejection of the material.
Ok, so your individual actions are what counts the most over the redemption of your soul but this does not take away neither your responsabilities towards your own group(family) and your interactions with them
Yes but I am trying to feed you temptations in order to strenghten your will and ability to resist .
You're in a mistake, this is the real liberalistist flag
I guess we can't do anything, it's time to convert.
I'm calling Jerome and my gf to meet
im a huge sargon fan. Watching his youtube channel was one of the reasons I cancelled my cable television service. I met him at Milo's last berkely appearance. I even took a photo with him (not posting it).
I do not blindly follow everything he says. I do not think the liberalists are a good idea. I think sargon is attached to an early 2000's meme that conservatives are stuffy, boring, mean, and anti-freedom.
I went through a particular logical progression that began with sargon and ended up in Cred Forums. I see the same progression in his videos, only slower. He needs to be told that these beliefs don't make you a bad person.
Enlightenment was a mistake.
>On twitter Vee tried to claim 2.6K hours Sargon has spent on ARK is because he's hosting a listen server
>When he has stated he rents it in videos
Wew Vee like you don't watch everything he makes, I have 500 hours and that's low for this game
This dude is awesome.
Anime characters are mostly white
And? I'm not a fascist.
In my view hierarchies are not man made and they are not a reflection of some platonic realm of ideas. They are best understood as a product of natural selection acting over massive stretches of time. No need to invoke further entities or explanations
Curiously tel aviv is one of the most liberal cities in the world with lgbt population being around 30 %.
I'm not defending Soygoy or anything but those far gone sjw cultists are the ones in control in the media, politics and tv in most western countries. They still need to be utterly destroyed.
We need a miracle to beat this guy. G-God..? Are you out there? It's Level 40 Destiny Shill... Please help Destiny out so we can destroy the Salt-Kikes!
in case you aren't trolling
Still whiter than a 56% though
It evetually must be admitted, Liberalistism cannot be stopped
We should try to commit an assasination on him as he is buying some fruit.
>Has less loyalty to his own blood and flesh than to some insane desert despot that might just exist
Last thread degenerated into the typical religious conversations on Cred Forums but basically you are the perfect argument as to why this religion is not going to do anything to help Europe out of it's current state.
"listeen listeen!" *autistically chuckles* "do you even know every single minor detail about the ethno-state and it's organisation?"
>gets pwned
*autistically chuckles*
"well that just proves my point"
*leaves as Mike Enoch comes in so he can bail his wife's son out of jail*
>It places supreme emphasis on the dignity of each and every individual above all else.
Lolwut. Christianity is extremely hierarchical. Why do you think it endorses divine right of kings and mandates that wives obey their husbands and slaves obey their masters?
The only extent to which Christianity embraces 'equality' is that any person can achieve salvation. That does not (necessarily) have any bearing on how humanity should organize politically on Earth.
Will the liberalist party maintain the british tradition of genociding everything in sight?
This thread is getting too sexual in nature.
You're ideaology does nothing to explain what constitutes a good society from a bad one, only ones that are. This is onsensicla and only leads to intellectual stagnation.
And these hierarchies:
How can they not be man made? Do you not choose to rise above your peers? Do you not have a greater will than others that allows you to succeed above the rest? This new age brand of wishy-washy apathetic libertarianism would make Rand puke. The free market only works because great men seek to master it and exert their dominance over it, not because they flowed into the pools like murky water into a fetid swamp. You are consumer cattle; you are no Atlas, friend.
>As the weekend approached, the parties truly blossomed. I was repeatedly told I needed to return during the massive June Pride celebration, which brings together an estimated 180,000 locals and tourists.
>That’s almost half the city. I heard laments from the women I chatted up that it’s impossible to find a single, heterosexual male in Tel Aviv in June.
Sargon are the faggots retreat position.
Jew fight!!!
People who do not do physical excercise degenerate mentally as a result of physical degeneration. Except for a 4 year period between 1941 and 1945 Jews have not worked and laboured and their mind has thus degenerates to the point where they are the engine in the realm of degeneracy, perversion, sickness, fetishes etc.
Everything Aryan
I also have access to 2chan memes and my say that animuh is huwhite.
based hebrew
Shit lads
When we buying our tickets to go watch Sargon LIVE!
"Bringing you a live show by YouTuber Carl Benjamin, who runs the channel Sargon of Akkad.
The evening will be spent discussing politics, philosophy and the endless idiocy by the extremes of each political wing.
Carl "Sargon of Akkad" Benjamin is a popular independent Vlogger with over 700,000 subscribers on YouTube.
Carl critiques ideological arguments and his channel is dedicated to rational arguments backed by evidence. Sometimes a polemicist, at other times soft spoken, Sargon of Akkad has created a considerable amount of content regarding skeptical thought.
Tickets: £20 plus booking fee"
i don't know i think my meme is better because it actually shows transitional stages and telates anime's characteristic simplified anatomy to the way the japanese are
Seriously, I was watching alt-hype bringing up all sorts of contrived examples, when all he could've said was Czechoslovakia
Quick rundown?
his mind is so far gone that he'll spend the entire talk about how hes being harassed by trolls
I like this kike, but that sounds gay as fuck
Who are these alt-jews he's talking about?
>Saturday, 16 Jun 2018
This dude will have killed himself by then, no way this doesn't get cancelled
So this was his super secret plan. Sell tickets to some shit you can watch for free on the internet.
Surely this will go as planned without any unforeseen problems.
>Carl critiques ideological arguments and his channel is dedicated to rational arguments backed by evidence. Sometimes a polemicist, at other times soft spoken, Sargon of Akkad has created a considerable amount of content regarding skeptical thought.
We should buy tickets, show up in nazi gear and all sieg heil
>Media flips out
Wont that get you lads put to gaoul?
It's a scheme by the ultra orthodox jews to outbreed the normie jews.
didn't he used to make fun of anita doing this sort of thing?
>radical centrism
I can't imagine anyone showing up to it
you would probably be the only one that bought a ticket
>t. sargon
You want our shekels since no one of your fans will show up
He actually had to sit down and write that shit. lol
Hasn't Sargon been haemorrhaging followers since he picked a fight with the alt-right?
I remember Mr Metekour who only has a few more months to live btw (someone link to the "ich hatt einen kamaraden" song) remarked on how easy it's getting "ethnic kekistanis" to spend money on objects they do not need.
>Normie Jews have to fight in the army and are 999% more likely to be LGBT
>Hasidic Jews sit all day studying the Torah/Talmud while getting welfare
The good thing about the Ultra Orthodox is their lower IQ compared to other Jews, meaning that eventually jewry would stop being a threat to us.
It's ultimately funny how Jews themselves are facing the same problems as the West (low IQ people outbreeding their upper counterparts, rampant materialism)
For you
H-he's too -s-strong lads, I think we're going to have to call this one a loss
He's going to play the victim card when it fails too. He's following SJWs strategy during Gamergate.
Looks like Cultured Thug is interested in getting in on bloodsports and getting in contact with JF. Personally I hope he has a friendly discussion/debate with JF over libertarianism/fascism rather than jumping straight into a debate with Sophist Sarcuck, but either way this is good news.
Vee kinda looks like pic related
>go watch Sarg'n live
>get to yell at him in real time
>bring Mike Enoch along
>She has to pad her chest to be popular.
Eris a shit.
I don't really get it either, because he doesn't really have anything going for him aside from picking a few good names for things and being able to edit videos (not funny, not intelligent, not very articulate, not got a good voice--seriously ticks none of the boxes that would matter to me). I suppose it's just that most people are stupid and shallow and they find a twin spirit in Sargon. I suppose he got lucky enough to be there early and get exposure from GamerGate and Milo (who actually has a few positive qualities).
>The evening will be spent discussing politics, philosophy and the endless idiocy by the extremes of each political wing.
If someone has the balls to do it, you should buy a ticket and show up to get into an impromptu debate/argument with him. He's much more sheepish and cowardly IRL than he is in person (see his cringey interview on Joe Rogan)
>richaaaaaard what would be the average temperature in your antarctic ethnostate
I don’t know about minus 31.
>but richaaard don’t you know that the average temperature on antarctica is minus 32. Have you even read loki?
Aqua is best girl
>turn on vee's stream
>he's talking about how he likes big tits
don't know what i expected tbqh
Why does his chuckle make Alt-right so mad?
So what happens when the liberalisticistites are destroyed?
I only follow this thing by what appears on DS and Cred Forums but it seems to me that eventually they'll either be converted or out of followers. Does Warski have commies lined up to argue with us?
The fedora is still shaking from the tip he gave it
Grug see left side want bring in dark skin tribe to cave
Grug see right side want keep dark skin tribe away
Grug want some dark skins
Left and right sides of cave same
Look at circle stone theory
Yes shlomo that's exactly what we should do. (((You)))have been found out!
He fared decently against Molyjew even though Moly hogs 80% of the time and is much more verbally adept and a more expert sophist than Sargoy.
But I agree. I'd much rather see an honest debate/discussion with JF. Get in the video's comments and CT what you think. He actually reads and responds to comments.
It doesn't matter anyway. Whoever thinks we will be running away or giving up on our lands is delusional.
I'm not a Jew, my grandpa is a black italian
He brought it up in the alt hyp debate too.
No, no, no, you j-just don't understaaaand...Liberal principles are just really complicated and you're not quite getting it. Read Tom Paine
Tom Paine being a literal maker of woman's clothes who wrote dumbed down and simple-minded rhetoric to appeal to the masses, and whose ideas were not supported by a single thinking person in the US with the exception of Jefferson. No-one thought Paine had anything insightful or interesting to say; he was a rabble-rouser and little else; pity he didn't get guillotined like he should have; he'd have deserved it for being such a silly and vain idealistic fool. He actually got all butthurt and wrote spiteful things about Washington because the guy didn't use his influence to bail Paine out of the mess he'd got himself into for stirring up the masses all over Europe. Then he drank himself to death in obscurity; what a hero.
The only guy I would honestly trust with CT is the distributist desu.
The whole "what race are anime characters" is a meme made by Koreans on 2chan to piss off japs.
Seriously discussing what race drawn characters are is pretty autistic desu.
>turn the other cheek.
>do not fight.
>abandon everyone and everything including your children
>just to save your sorry ass in the afterlife.
nothing individualistic about that at all.
>richaaaaard, what race are the anime characters?
Sargon is such a slippery fuck it is unbelievable. He says one thing and then denies it next minute. Also he never actually debates ideas, the anglin vs sargon made me fucking sick, how can someone be this disingenuous. Richard calling sargon dumb could not be more accurate.
>"Am I talking to Vee right now or Vee's dick?"
Top comment
He's been living in this fantasy world where he's a leader of men speaking truth to power (and he's black), what he calls "the alt-right" is simply anything that reminds him of reality.
What anime waifu pillows will be allowed in the ethno state?
His entire MO is avoiding stating a position of his own. It's 2014-era rightist politics where to have a principle means to be mockable.
>I think sargon is attached to an early 2000's meme that conservatives are stuffy, boring, mean, and anti-freedom
There's almost no difference between modern conservatives and sargon, except maybe Sargon wants to legalise weed, or some other trivial non-issue. Modern conservatives are just an older form of liberal.
I suggest people read George Santayana's "The Irony of Liberalism" if they can find it (i can post up some of it later if anyone wants): here he systematically dismantles the ideology of liberalism and shows how it is a system where it is inevitable for the next generation to devour its parents in an endless progression (to nowhere).
That is good reaction gif
No, sargon is a bad person because of his massive ego.
>racial realism has been settled 5 years ago and its counter arguments destroyed about a billion times by now
>JQ has been addressed, and expanded into also a similar time frame ago. Many different sources of lore, from many different people and groups. Books translated (like 200 years together) and more or less the same end point conclusion as with racial realism has been reached (all jews must keeel, just as all negroids must too)
>a bunch of other inconsequential but also interesting topics have been talked to death
>go see what the normienet and the ones who arent even half...probably not even 1/10th red pilled are up to
>the same kiddy pool squabbling that goes on all the time
>zero important events and discussions going on between these figure heads
>mostly just things without arguments and just heaps of dumb fallacies and other stupid ways of thinking
>got to the end of lore, stopped playing video games and now the internet more or less is boring again because its just dumb cunts trying to teach other even dumber cunts how to be less dumb, and kinda failing.
Christ, what a depressing bunch these e-celeb "blood sports" are.
All dakis are allowed, but normalfags that misuse the word "waifu" go in the gas chambers.
But they have big eyes and often light color hair and eyes.
>this liberalist on vee's stream going full 1488 against the sikhs
JF has been fair with every guest so far. I think they could have an amicable understanding and CT would get positive exposure (I know he doesn't care about that, but he should. He's the only guy out there talking about this stuff seriously)
No Manami
wtf I love the libs now
JF would probably be very interested in talking to a genuine economic Fascist like CT. Hes a well read guy.
Because those features are attractive and add variety to the animation. It just so happens that white people are attractive.
In realistic anime set in Japan it's all dark hair and dark eyes.
I never trusted frame games but maybe I was wrong
What actions?
Which brand of modern mainstream Christianity places ANY significance on actions?
Its become "Believe and don't rock the boat" and that's the extent of it. You can argue that it isn't supposed to be that way, but in most of the west that is what it has become.
Watch the video about his debate with jf that the distributist did. Jf is better than molymeme or sargon but I still don’t trust him.
On the other hand, it literally is a waste of time to get baited into discussions with trolls who aren't arguing in good faith. If Cred Forums would remember that lesson, this board might improve a bit.
Leftism is perpetual revolution, revolutions always kill their own. Take a look at the what's happening to the left's leader class today, hollywood stars and comedians getting the figurative guillotine for letting Trump happen.
But what happened to "muh based brown people are great so long as they're not islamic :^)" argument that euro-liberalists always use?
Also, anyone how many of these liberalists tend to be eurofags who worship this false idealized version of America like it's something out of a (((capitain america))) comic book?
>The evening will be spent discussing politics, philosophy and the endless idiocy by the extremes of each political wing.
Holy shit, what an insufferable retard. He hasn't actually read any philosophy, so what is he even talking about? He makes endless content about the terrible state of the world, media, etc. Yet he thinks this can be solved without venturing outside a placid 19th century ideology that led to this exact spot in the first place. God damn i cannot stomach such combined stupidity and egotism.
It comes of Euro countries being ZOG tributaries. We have to live in it, they just get propaganda.
>Hey fellas, there's a group of AltJews out there trying to subvert the JQ
>t. A based Jewish lawyer
I don't know who's jewing who anymore.
I find that I have the best debates playing the devil’s advocate as then I challenge my own believes.
Are we doing this again?
>he hasn't even read any philosophy
t. salt righter who hasn't even read loki
Someone just go there and ask him genuine philosophical questions and watch him flounder around cluelessly. He will not have an answer because he doesn't know any philosophy. He subscribes to Locke and yet doesn't seem to be aware that Locke's philosophy fucking hinged on blank slate theory.
They're acting as if they read rules for radicals. Accusing us of what they are doing.
u ruined my non-fap, i thought we were bros
On ylilauta there is a crossdresser that calls themselves holo so please don’t post pics of her because I don’t want to be reminded of those threads.
>big tits
speaking of which
Someone just go there and ask him genuine philosophical questions and watch him flounder around cluelessly. He will not have an answer because he doesn't know any philosophy. He subscribes to Locke and yet doesn't seem to be aware that Locke's philosophy fucking hinged on blank slate theory.
>seth rogan laugh
no replying to you anymore
*destroys ur career*
Is this even a good show? I never see it talked about anymore, kinda like Madoka
S-sauce pls
That sounds terrible
You don't get enough credit for your OCs.
Godspeed, user.
It’s because people start screaming when you mention it.
Also checked
>I am absolutely convinced that Hoppe was right that democracts need to be physically removed from society.
*sheds tear*
>going full 1488 against thee sikhs
How convenient, the one religion that was originated as a result of Muslims genociding Indians is the only group of people liberalists have no issue killing.
That would be the jews. SJWs are just useful idiots. I used to think sargon is a good gate keeper, but his lot has degenerated so much and we have so much exposure and better arguments and integrity that i now agree that the liberalists must be destroyed.
Anyone watching this?
>Liberalist: Yeah baltimore is terrible, the police better be trained like soldiers - I felt safer in Afghanistan
>Vee: Is there any white gangs?
>Liberalist: Wha-what do you mean... like bikers?
The entire liberalist concept relies on the blank slate theory being true.
>what do you mean you are going to unite all Germans under one flag?
>what if there are Germans who are going to appose you?
>*chuckles* Austrians are not going to hand over hegemony you know, there is going to be violence
>what is going to happen to the Poles, Danes, French and Lithuanians? You are going to have to kill them
>your country is going to be a shithole because it's not a civic nationalists country. I rather live to high IQ Pole than low IQ German
Top waifu coming in
Asian women are so boring
European women are so loose
Why does nu/pol/ like these autistic obvious shills?
This guy comes into your bloodsports and slaps your zionist gf's ass, what do you do?
lol, I actually read Locke ages ago and it was a huge fucking waste of time. Full of either obvious, or inane points (his Second Treatise that is); his philosophical work too is completely worthless in comparison to Hume, or even Berkley.
The fact Sargon thinks he is so important says it all really. It is actually a myth that Locke had anything but a negligible impact on the Founding Father (Jefferson just borrowed his line).
And Locke thought universal suffrage was retarded anyway; if Spencer said the same thing Sargon would say "so you want to oppress people, Richard, you want to bring back Feudalism? Have you not even read Locke"--al while giggling like a silly girl.
I feel genuinely sorry for anyone who takes the man seriously.
sup chuvashbro
But why?
Because Enoch is based
>Tfw you will never be comfy enoch
I’ve been here probably longer than you kiddo
I liked it. Though its been awhile since I watched it. Pretty much Merchant and wolf girl making savy business decisions and coming out on top.
IDK unfortunately
Doing what?
>Christianity acknowledges individuals exist
>therefore it’s individualist
>The liberalist party is expected to turn britain into a one party state.
Liberian ethnostank when?
>IDK unfortunately
>Not reading this guy instead
>Not realising that induviduals don’t exist
Have you even read Orwell?
wow, nu/pol/ really is cancer
real Cred Forums hates Enoch and TRSniggers
>That would be the jews.
I didn't feel that I needed to point that out as it's so blatantly obvious.
I agree that liberalists also need to be destroyed.
Posting asian women. But now I am doing 2D
How long have you been here twat?
:(:(:(:( I genuinely feel so sorry! I really wanted to make you stronger by making you resist temptation. But there is a positive side. Now you won't need to worry about your yellow fever perversions since you have already relieved probably thinking about the girl in question.
Unironically this.
There is only the abstract of ‘human’ nothing is even real.
It kills the Destiny Drone
>split dicks
when will they learn?
>he hasn't read heidegger
since the election
Long enough to remember when Clinton, a close friend of the Enoch family, called out the (((alt right))) to attack Trump
Exactly what I expected. Go back to td, you’ll eventually reach enlightement.
Give it up Moarpheus
>giving him the (you)s he craves
>Vee: Is there any white gangs?
>>Liberalist: Wha-what do you mean... like bikers?
Horseshoe theory btfo again
>meme flag defends CIA honeypotfags
Anything interesting happening today?
They'll acknowledge that it's false though, because no-one remotely credible takes it seriously anymore. But then they'll use arguments that basically amount to "our principles will clear the slate and then fill it with genius and decency"
I'm not buying the whole 'Enoch is trying to subvert the Alt-Right' theory, but perhaps you can help change my mind: How do you think Enoch plans on sabotaging the Alt-Right's aims?
Dude, I have been here since October 2014, I am still a newfag. Shut the fuck up.
>been here since the election
>actual cianigger calling others cia honeypots to sow decent
>a candle on table
>must be a Jew
>creating millions of anti-semites to own the anti-semites
u dummy
>Not satisfied with bombing is own reputation and channel Kraut is now going to take down the whole "Skeptic community"
Pls make this a reality
Jews trying to subvert the jewish question by embodying it. NOICE!
It's pretty obvious
He and his faggot friends at TRS are trying to co-opt the whole movement (that explains why TRSfags are alwys raiding Cred Forums) into some cartoon le evil nazi ideology.They want the entire alt-right to be fascist retards (instead of the clssical liberal/conservative/libertarian ideology it originally was) for two reasons
>easy target to attack trump
>stop any REAL progress from being made to save western civilization
While you fags are listening to TDS and Richard "CIA" Spencer, Peterson and sargon are mocked when they make real attempts at saving our culture
classic controlled op
Not sure if this is a troll but it’s beautifull.
Have you even read Gottfried Feder?
So Richard and Mike are co-opting their own movement? Do you realize how retarded you sound?
People who follow this sort of things actually think SJW's have some sort of institutional power.
>when u watch one milo video
>Carl critiques ideological arguments and his channel is dedicated to rational arguments backed by evidence
I think he has "every view that isn't mine is ideological" syndrome.
But i'm not sure anyone relies on overtly ideological arguments than he does, even on his own side.
>believes in completely abstract and universal concept or rights not grounded in any tangible reality
>thinks it's other people who are being ideological
I made a comment. Spam the stepfathers comment section and piss the liberalistists off
>not knowing how the feds work
They're taking thousands of young men who are ripe to become the next gen of true right wing resistance and brainwashing them into thinking "da joos we must kill all da blacks"
Every hour you spend listening to a fascist podcast is one hour you've wasted not learning about the real threats from serious political philosophers. That's what they want. a stupid cult that doesn't address the REAL enemy
It's a comfy show about a cute wolf goddess and a grey/white haired traveling merchant, being nice to each other and jewing themselves through a middle age setting, while out-jewing other merchants trying to jew them, I liked it quite a bit.
This doesn't even sound forced, redditors actually speak like this.
Kraut is a nigga?
Lmao get the fuck out newfag
whoops was meant for
"Who's next?"
check out this threadREAL Cred Forums recognizes that TRSniggers are cancer. real pol hates you
real Cred Forums doesn't buy your shilling
I wasnt posting those for no reason I was posting them to tease yellow-feverbro. But he just jacked off to them and now I feel guilty :(:(:(:(
>newfag thinking his opinion matters
Stop posting. Lurk moar.
Tell me about the real threats like the democratic party and transsexuals. But gays are completely cool right? We don’t want to be bigots.
TRS fags are believers of “acceleration” theory, that is, their belief is that it is in their interests to allow western civilisation to be ravaged by (((cultural marxism))) and (((globalism))) so as to create the conditions for an armed white uprising. Unfortunately, our friends at TRS have failed to take into consideration that if things become so bad in the first place, most of them would be locked up by a totalitarian leftist govt which they allowed to happen.
>Bombshell story
>AltJews fighting with the Alt Right about Jews
What world do you live in where you think this is consequential?
Oh lol I was posting in one of the yellow fever threads earlier
Lmao imagine being this stupid
Nothing you said here is even remotely true
Cred Forums has been making fun of civcucks for years now you brailet
They migrated from the trump threads
>instead of the clssical liberal/conservative/libertarian ideology
all of the above listed have failed. Libertarianism is economically very healthy but culturally it ignores cultural and social grounds on which political warfare is launched and thus are bound to fail.
>implying it isn't just one ambitious fag with a proxie
This. they freak out in the comment section when it happens
>Libertarianism is economically healthy
*vomits violently*
someone make new bread
no u
We must protect goddess Eris from evil Cult Aqua.
that happened yesterday
T-take that back
Lads we need to get back in the game or the Salt-Kikes will take over
Aqua is the mascot of /IBS/
They have actually become ideologues. They preach horseshoe and contradictism and no matter how much an argument stomps them they have no intelectual flexibility besides throwing it under the rug.
People like them would become genocidal dictators over nighy because of their sheer stupidity.
Wanted to post the stalin sargon meme where he edits meriticratic principles out of the photo but i can't find it
no u
if he has something why doesnt he just drop it like others did for krauts discord? why all the show?
You misspelled 02 user
Are you a conspiratard that thinks posting about lizardmen gets stuff done? We've got a movement, we're damaging the narrative, the establishment is weak, and gen Z looks like they're on the path to rejecting leftism wholesale in a manner similar to the boomer's rejection of their pap's conservatism in the 60's.
Look, I've got my issues with Spencer and Mike, but they're not awful from what I've seen. The Jews are an issue and I haven't seen them say we need to kill the blacks.
I'm open to hearing criticism of them, but you've got to be more specific than "muh feds," or at least, you've got to provide some extraordinary evidence.
>listening to spergy podcasts and posting on a larp forum is a movement
trs niggers actuually believe this
as always, succinct and timely.
Also a bit about a successful African Tribe. Guess the commodity they exported?
Why is she so great?
I will if you talk to me again
>some sceptic faggotry tonight
run that by me again
>Nick Monroe
>Joy Sparkles
who are these people?
That's a bit far fetched, spencer is far from ideal. He's nowhere near a Fuhrer, and Sargon is right he'd probably get killed in a night of the long knives scenario. That is if he doesn't actually have the right opinions but only in private
> Oh really what color is my wife's son :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
>TRSodimites conveniently ignore this post
>TRSodimites conveniently ignore this post
>TRSodimites conveniently ignore this post
Let's face it user.
If they are the majority they can easily make her the mascot.
>saving our culture
Fucking kys redditfag. You don't even know what culture is.
literally who?
I'm not from America, I don't care about Trump
>Complete denial
>Flavour of the season
Have fun when in 4 weeks your waifu stays irrelevant and not even you will remenber her
By the way german-user, are you baking a new thread?
So what do you want me to make a new thread about IBS?
What is your country actually?
Yeah just /IBS/ will do i guess
Oh fuck, didn't see we crossed the bump limit.
I can make a new one gimme a sec
have you ever read Gilbert Godfry.
Don't make a shit thread with no links again.
>i'm not from America
>hiding behind a meme flag
I don't believe you.
I believe its part of the movement, and you still haven't provided evidence for your claims or even offered an alternative other than "true right wing resistance," whatever that means. Hopefully it doesn't involve inflatable post-offices, but that's the vibe I'm getting from you.
Be more specific, or no one is going to take you seriously.
Have you even read winnie the pooh?
playing Devil's advocate is fine... if you're actually interested in the argument.
Many people are not interested in the argument, but are just looking to frustrate the opponent.
>tfw nobody ITT has even read Thomas Paine
Oh shit, that's a pretty awesome (you).
The memes are getting more and more advanced.
Wait, how did it happen that the one of three forms of government Aristotles said were bad (oligarchy, tyranny and democracy if i recall?) is now considered the best? Do you have any idea for that? Also, did Nietschze say anything about rise of democratic states? Is the "last man" connected to the rise of wealth, or democratic societies or what?
That or Stepfather hate thread specifically?
Its like you've never even read Alfred Rosenberg *laughs in nazi*