>Muh stupid hateful brotherwar thread cuz a fool of the Jewish meme. >bump muhself cuz no one takes the bait. Just go away. You're giving polish Jews a bad name.
Parker Thompson
What was that? Can't hear you over all the freedom we have here. Good luck, ameriman.
Nathaniel Ward
slavs are not white nor PoC aka literal shit ruskies btfo by mongols balkanslavs btfo by turks westslavs btfo by germs all of them btfo by communism never to recover and stays eternally overshadowed they cope with this by beating each other to a pulp like teh spineless apes they are if u slav = kys
Aiden Flores
Why won't you reveal your albanian flag, my dude?
Charles Perry
>ad hominem Nice acceptance of your shitty genes and non-existent history now go back in your rathole cuck
Jaxon Powell
Typical anti-Slav, choking on his own filth.
Daniel Anderson
get russified loser I stated facts, not filth, you are delusional
Oliver Young
Adam Brown
Jayden Scott
Russified? The organisation which's flag you choose to represent is a communist one in principle - Pic related is the ideological father of the EU, it's aim is to turn Europe into USSR v2.0 but this time even shittier and less european.
Lincoln Collins
Gopnik must be protected, cheeki breeki
Bentley Martinez
My great grandfather on the Finnish side of my family was a Russian Tsarist.
Can I join?
Christopher Ward
We'll see about that. The anti-red mentality remains, I take it?
Nicholas Diaz
My family lost land in Ukraine when the reds rolled in, much of relatives and friends were killed, pretty sure my forefolk from both mother and fathers bloodline fought in the Winter War, grandfathers brother fought for the SS.
It's in our blood, I couldn't hate commies anymore even if I tried. I COULD'VE BEEN A WEALTHY RUSSKI
Ian Cook
slav girls are cute and suck a mean dick in italy for just 10 euros
Jaxson Clark
We have infiltrated the white house and are doing our job of destroying anglos. Russians are playing them like a fiddle too. For fuck sake other slav bros wake up and start doing yours job too!
Sebastian Flores
>when swedencucks have to resort to amerimutt tier LARP
Brody Wood
No matter where they are from you'll find woman who'll suck dick for 10 euros. At least our women are pretty tho.
Caleb Cooper
Well then friend, you seeem like a good man. Hold tight for now, your initiation will happen shortly.
Dominic Rogers
Ukraine and the three Balts should be part of Russia again
Isaac White
i wish i had slav gf ;w;
Caleb Adams
>wish I had a golddigging slut FTFY
Jace Richardson
dont bully pls
Colton Cruz
Poland is fighting the kikes, the mightiest opponent, so we fulfill our job too.
Michael Diaz
Eat shit faux Roman, if it is in your blood and DNA if you've met these people how "hurr durr LARP can it be" by your retard logic if you were born in Tunisia to Italian parents you would've be LARPing an Italian. You're either stupid, not thinking further than your nose goes or you're just so desperate to pick on a country and people and that desire born of Cred Forums memes and fake news. By all means dont let your education get in the way of your ignorance. I however forgive you, European and possibly Christian brother.
Robert Rivera
Romans were snowniggers.
Brody Reyes
True. Across all time and space the slut element will slut. All that can be done is to have a strong society that can keep them in check. Otherwise they turn into feminists.
Christian Sanders
>shitty genes and non-existent history >uttered by an fucking albanian
Brandon Clark
I don't mind, if you like them be my guest!
Hi Varg. Still jealous of our culture, I see.
Carson Ross
looks like her ancestors got khan'd pretty hard ackchually
Asher Murphy
She looks pretty asian to me, maybe she is finnish?
Aaron Fisher
nuh she is slav but probably very asian uwu
Jaxon Young
Your dumbassery shows yet again because a Norwegian living in France would totally have a Swedish flag.
Colton Diaz
It's not rare to see slavs with asiatic features, you're not wrong.
Joseph Jackson
>implying Varg wouldn't move back to his ancestor's land to complete his LARPing session I'm still waiting for the video where Varg builds a longboat and goes from Scandinavia to raid the UK's shores.
Evan Roberts
Bentley Phillips
Jace Stewart
Hell I'd watch it..
Aaron Myers
gib gf like this pls
Jordan Bell
It sounds interesting, then you realize we are far from the vikings days and he will probably be arrested by the coast guard.
Andrew Davis
I want to get myself a sabre.
sabres > all other swords throughout history
Bentley Turner
He is no stranger to being arrested so I don't think it'll be much of a fight there.
Mason Brown
Minior element caused by keeping asians as slaves during the times of primitive agriculture, mainly apparent in the eastern most regions of the Slavic domain. Don't worry though, with how hard the westerners are pushing for race-mixing with asians you'll soon surpass anything a Siberian Russian could look like.
Oliver Edwards
Too lazy to look it up, also Lvca Traini did nothing wrong.
Logan Long
but asian looking slav girls are cute
Gabriel Howard
Daaaamn right
Josiah Nguyen
I still wonder if Italians are westerners.
Cameron Jenkins
>italians, the people upon which all western civilization is founded, aren't western
Tyler Stewart
I'd say so, no shame in it though. Europe is seeing tough times but it has before.
Zachary Brooks
Don't you know? According to nordicists we are not europeans and all the culture and civilization comes from barbarian and germanic tribes.
Josiah Howard
That's the issue, I don't want Italians to be associated with a decadent world. Don't get me wrong, I quite respect other cultures but I don't want Italy to be associated with people suffering such degeneracy.
Brayden Green
American through bread slav here.
Spent hole morning listening to Slavic folk music and rowing. Feels good.
Can't find decent slav wife to make babyes with in this dirt country. Feels bad.
Is it worth it to import?
Carter Long
don't start d&c pls
Nathan Hall
Elijah Thomas
>la creatura
Grayson Wood
>That thought bubble >Slavic >That el monstro >American
Ryder Ortiz
Every political ideology has it's version of history. Italians are currently the best westerners followed by Icelanders.
Ian King
Odin is not your god, slave.
Angel Bailey
We are so dumbed down by the Russian attempts at murdering all of the people who had high IQ in their genes that we will never overcome the Slavic hunger for cash and power, therefore never breaking free of the rule of Yehudim ubermensch.
Connor Campbell
Much appreciated pole. I didn't expect such opinion by you.
Lucas White
It's but another obstacle to conquer, things will change soon enough.
Kevin Hall
What does /slav/ think of race-mixing with Scandis? Progressive? Degenerate? Should I kms? >I race-mixed with a snow nigger >my son knows he's a half-breed >my youngest son is BLOND? wtf?? I have brown hair btw
Nicholas Jenkins
That's not Odin you fucking moutain Jew, it's Perun, pleb.
Mason Walker
As a rule of the thumb - if a Scandi comes here and assimilates, yeah. If you go to the Scandis, assimilate, come back with a spouse and want to change your home into a socialist utopia, no.
Christian Williams
>no history >no contribution to science & the arts >lived like cattle under the Mongols, then under the Germans, then under the Jews >I'm myself ashamed of being 1/4 Polish
Jordan Moore
One thing about Luca Traini reminds me of something which makes me shocked, people here are actually defending him, try and imagine how would people react if the shooting happened in Germany, France or even in your country. I don't want to brag in your face about my country, but it feels good to see that we are not cucked yet compared to the rest.
Julian Gray
Odin rip off then, fake and gay
Daniel Price
Sorry friend, mommas fresh off the boat. Le mutt is everywhere. And i am but a stranger in a strange land.
I have been to the motherland several times. And I love it. But I have a very fulfilling job that I cannot bring myself to leave.
Is it wrong of me to mail order? Maybe help some poor wummer flee Europe as it descends into shit? Is that so wrong? Is it even.
Luke Lee
>How do we upkeep Slavic traditions and values? What are "slavic values" ty jebany debilu?
Elijah Parker
1.3 children per Polish woman, combined with Polish emigration it predicts no good future
Andrew Jones
We have many problems but you are not the heirs of the Roman Empire, which means you can never be fully white.
Levi Green
Educate yourself, french boy. The Polish contributed a shite ton to science and art on their own, the rest probably have too. You don't know our history beyond western propaganda, you can fuck off. >what is common origin >what is indo-european heritage >why are mountain jews so bad at logic
Parker Cruz
Tyler Garcia
Dylan Howard
Luke Watson
That's a good point. Chances are increasing automatisation of industries and economy will greatly reduce the need for high population in the first place, allowing low-pop countries to thrive. I'm pretty sure after we reach a certain low the birthrate will bounce back up, sooner or later.
Brody Roberts
I really pity people living in Eastern Europe, especially Poland. Poor, without achievements and relevance, they try so hard to escape from their every day reality that they have to come up with some bat shit crazy phrases, theories and stories, so as to make them feel respected, important and strong. I wonder if for instance Macedonians do the same shit
This is also why Poles have a bad reputation world wide. Full of idiots, con artists, who are proud of something which is a norm in other countries. It's like inviting your neighbour to see your toilet, because she is connected to water
Ryan Allen
Don't say cucked, cuckolds find pleasure in seeing who they love getting fucked. I do not love seeing my country getting fucked, if this happened in Sweden I would 100% defend this man of God repelling the decadent invaders from Hell.
Adrian Hill
>sl*v thread >posts a proud Sarmatian ???
Andrew Cooper
Poland was and is a country of medium relevance and medium achievements. Why boast that we have something to "protect" from others, as if others wanted to take this from us. Does any moron really believe that a German or a Frenchman give a shit about Poorland and the lifestyle there?
Adrian Anderson
Isaiah Ross
Hudson Cooper
Joshua Rivera
I wish I could believe you, but until I see something you claim happening in reality, I won't believe it.
Noah Parker
>One post by this user >Its selfhate
Sebastian Perez
>posts a proud Sarmatian wearing turkish dresses is funny
Eli Parker
Transitory situation Still more than Norwegian, Icelandic and Finnish accomplishments - even though you probably would pay to suck their dicks no matter what, what matters is that they are not Polish nor Slavic. You are a self-hating subhuman. So what? Self-hate some more, obv. everyone outside this triangle is a dirty ape. Who cares about merchants? And cities are hotspots of shit infested degeneracy anyway.
Angel Williams
Chuj w dupe kurwa debilu xD
Gabriel Stewart
They were worn as ornaments won through battle.
Bentley Allen
Dear Newfriends,
this is a VPN @ work
best regards,
your hard working, new-friend friendly diaspora :^)
>Transitory situation Why so sure? Portugal didn't make it, Spain pretty much as well
>Still more than Norwegian, Icelandic and Finnish accomplishments those are small countries and we have fewer than even Denmark
>Who cares about merchants? And cities are hotspots of shit infested degeneracy anyway. Apparently millions of Poles, because otherwise we wouldn't have this complex of inferiority
Doesn't change the fact they're weird. During 18. century Poles started to come back to common sense and finally abandoned those idiotic notions of west-east synthesis
Zachary King
That's a good guy
Liam Wilson
>Doesn't change the fact they're weird. During 18. century Poles started to come back to common sense and finally abandoned those idiotic notions of west-east synthesis What garment are you talking about ?
those In 17. or even already 16. century polish aristocracy thought they have "tamed" the East and created a synthesis, thus they started wearing weird dresses, inspired by Turks, which were considered odd in the West
Samuel Reyes
"Sarmatian belief and customs became an important part of szlachta culture, penetrating all aspects of life. Sarmatism enshrined equality among all szlachta, and celebrated their life style and traditions, including horseback riding, provincial village life, peace and relative pacifism. It popularised Eastern (almost oriental) clothing and looks, such as the żupan, kontusz, sukmana, pas kontuszowy, delia, and szabla.[...]
In accordance with their views on their supposed Turkic origins, Sarmatian costume stood out from that worn by the noblemen of other European countries, and had its roots in the Orient. It was long, dignified, rich and colourful. One of its most characteristic elements was the kontusz, which was worn with the decorative kontusz belt. Underneath, the żupan was worn, and over the żupan the delia. Clothes for the mightiest families were crimson and scarlet. The szarawary were typical lower-body clothing, and the calpac, decorated with heron’s feathers, was worn on the head. French fashions, however, also contributed to the Sarmatian look in Polish attire." - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarmatism#Culture_and_fashion
Jordan Perez
Some descriptions of how sarmatian weirdos governed the country, what consequences it brought:
"We sell the wool to England, Holland, Netherlands so much... what do they use it for there? They transform it into cloth and other uncommon products, bring them back to us and in exchange then, they take away lots of money for them, from us" - Jan Grodwagner (17. century)
"Poland is a country in which nothing is produced except for the simplest utilities of every day life" – Adam Smith in his "Wealth of nations" of 1776
"The country has no factories and almost no trade; the king enjoys almost no authority; the nobility is in a state of absolute anarchy; peasantry is suffering under the feudal oppression, way worse than the tyranny of an absolutist ruler. Never have I seen such wealth disparity, such big contrasts of the biggest wealth and the worst misery; wherever I looked, everywhere and constantly the most sophisticated splendor neighboured the most cruel misery. In one word - the freedoms, which Poles so much brag about, aren't in the slightest enjoyed by the whole of society, but only by magnates [rich noble] and nobility" - Hubert Vautrin
Kayden Carter
I'd put a sharpie in my pooper if I wouldn't in this case ;) Pozdrawiam
Adrian Anderson
In my opinion, it's likely the Turks themselves took their fashion from southern Europeans. What did Polish nobles wear before the 17th century ?
Interesting, thank you. I knew about Henryk Sienkiewicz, but I didn't know Polish nobles LARPed as an iranic tribe.
David Nguyen
Hunter Wilson
Depends on your t levels.
Connor Campbell
>What did Polish nobles wear before the 17th century ? Medieval clothing, Idk. Also armors as knights
Tyler Gutierrez
Overeaching democracy which allowed foreign forces to further their interests and spread corruption is what caused the issues in the first place. A strong ruler is a necessity in Poland, not unlike the early rulers of the Piast dynasty.
Levi Ross
>not unlike the early rulers of the Piast dynasty >I don't know my history
Nolan Ross
>What did Polish nobles wear before the 17th century ? Depends how far back you take it.
Hudson Green
Sup, how do u polish guys think about russians? Btw I lam 1/4 polish, is it worth to move from Russia to you? (przepraszam for bad English)
Camden Morales
Pretty solid, I work out every day akin to the workout used in Taxi Driver, no joke it does wonders and fits with my current routine.
Jayden King
Usually not much. Unless someone's still blinded by the hate for the USSR, they usually don't think negatively about the common people in Russia. Unless they are communists they don't think overly positively as well.
Jace Long
Typical Polish students in their 20s think of vodka, hardbass and gopnik culture when they think of Russia. The red scare in media is slightly disappearing in comparision to previous yers.
However, recent conflicts with EU and Israel caused a big rebirth of nationalism in young Polish circles. Especially praised are post-1945 anti-communist partisans. What's interesting is that Jews seem to be now more often blamed for communist atrocities than Russians comparing to previous time.
Grayson Sanchez
Alcohol and warmongering, picko degenerisana.
Joseph Rodriguez
Does this propaganda makes young Polish think better of Russians?
Julian Morgan
I mean, now we are "democrats" and almost anti-commies
Brandon Nguyen
It certainly does make them more relevant. To the youth atleast. Although I can't say if it extends much over saying cyka blyat while playing CS:GO or squatting for facebook selfies once in a while.
Jordan Russell
No, not because of propaganda, anti-russian moods are falling down rather because everybody is used to media portraying Russia literally starting WW3 in a second, and don't treat is seriously anymore.
Connor Lee
I just can't understand, what have we done wrong that we are being hated for so long? (Except Кpым нaш)
Easton Rogers
we do not give a singular fuck about Krym, it was yours to begin with, but commie occupation still reverberates stronk, and when we recently tried to remove commie judges that learned law straight from mocba suddenly, international outrage
Jaxson Davis
You got to know that Poles are really sensitive about their history. There is a common idea here to see Poland as a "Christ of Nations" whose opponents are evil to the bone.
Putting aside the time of partitions and tsarist ocupation, many people here associate Russia with USSR, with which we fought and competed since our country was reborn. During ww2 Soviets deported many Poles to the east or shot them in Katyn. Also, USSR stripped Poland of its eastern borderlands, and many can't forgive that. Also, 45 years of living as USSR's puppet state which was a time of economic stagnation and political oppression. Also, we have a lots of literature obligatory in schools that may cause some... opinions, like "Dziady" (despite its author called for Polish-Russian dekabrist solidarty against Tsar), or "Inny świat" which is memoir of life in gulag.
Jack James
>we do not give a singular fuck about Krym Very true. Occupation is the main reason people have (if someohe has, that is) a general distaste towards Russia.
Jack Gutierrez
Yeah, high school literature is also very pro-jew for some reason, I never quite liked that.
Jonathan Young
welp, it was given to Ukraine less than 50 years ago by Chruszczow if I recall correctly, and ruskie living there got pissed at Ukraine also Putin is serious dude and does not care
Aiden Howard
if you are so great why are you flooding other countries?
Ryder Torres
because fuck you, thats why
Jordan Edwards
Ukraine is gonna get partitioned soon enough
Brandon Gray
If you take an average lower or lower middle class man and promise him short term gain, he will migrate. Preference for short term gain is why he's a lower class man in the first place. It's your country's job to keep out who you don't want.
Parker Adams
Same as with all race mixing, kept as close to 0 as possible
Jace Martinez
A bit far fetched to consider Scandis a different race, don't you think? I can understand why you would not want non-Nordids/non-Subnordids to breed with Nordids to keep European diversity, but other than that I don't see the point.
Julian Rogers
well, maybe not a different 'race' but definitely different enough as a people that the two cultures and people should be maintained separately. I just wanna stay as far away from Kalergi as possible
Luke Gutierrez
Yeah, I see him on every thread even remotely about Poland. Sometimes he admits to not being Polish - Calling us Slavshits, Sl*vs, Slaves etc, and sometimes he replies with clearly google-translated Polish phrases which make no sense grammar wise. I guess the jew is being a jew and is trying to demoralize young Polish lurkers with his cherrypicked propaganda from Germany and from times when Poland wasn't on the map
Alexander Young
Check out "зaпaдoпoклoнничecтвo". To be short, this is a group of people who think that Europe and USA is better than Russia (for example) in hmm... everything
Landon Roberts
Jeremiah Rogers
Perun is older than Odin, you retarded fuck. Perun is as close to Perkwunos an Indo European god as possible. Odin is a fucking mutt god.
Slavs have more in common with Aryans than you, you 56% subhuman.
We are the best and there's nothing w*stern dogs can do about it
Cameron Hernandez
>Swiss >get called 56% phew lad, seems like Cred Forums has reached a new low
Julian Bailey
Swiss are literal mutt trash compared to Slavs and Balts. You look like North Africans, your skin is fucking brown.
Luis Rodriguez
Don't engage the mountain jew. He started by insulting our Indo-European heritage, when proven wrong the jew will resort to twisting logic and deception, this is what a jew does. Do. Not. Engage. It.
Benjamin Miller
I like you Polocks you just need to stop being meme Catlickers
T. Byeloruski
Christian Jenkins
>your skin is fucking brown. Thanks for sharing that you have never left your shithole country even once in your lifetime you poor faggot. Slavs are the subhumans of Europe, even worse than the meds. Go kill yourself you worthless, stealing piece of disgrace.
Colton Johnson
You're a country of mutts. Literally.
Nolan Lopez
>23.3% of the residents are foreigners >64% of those are from Europe What were you saying again you stupid polish roach?
Isaac Taylor
Cameron Walker
Grayson Miller
Yup, he'll talk about Meds being subhuman and then try to deflect the data saying most of the immigrants are European while the biggest group is Italian, the much hated by him Meds. Fucking kek. Jew logic.
Mason Walker
I'm honoured that someone I don't know and don't care for puts such effort into making me react to it.
Evan Ward
Wasn't the definition of a mutt a European who has mixed with non-Europeans? Well then I don't really see what you are trying to say, my dear slave.
Colton Davis
Listen here you LARPing for a German jewshit - your bullshit was never welcome in Europe and it never will be. The incoming bloodbath will make your myths of the holohoax look like a fucking tea party.
Ian Adams
There's literally no difference between a german and a kike.
Jonathan Howard
Are you questioning god's chosen people? I would be very careful, slave. This time the holocaust will be reversed and we will gas your asses in Poland.
Leo Wilson
Why do you guys ape the Ottomans so much? A faggot mustache and I wouldn't be able to tell you apart.
Nobody would confuse Western or Northern European culture or iconography with Ottoman shit
Blake Watson
>Should we build a wall around the Slavic territory to create the perfect utopia free of shitskins and feminism? What economic system are you planing to implement?
Carson Adams
Communism, obviously. These subhumans love to be starved by their (((leaders))).
Brody Russell
wew, the swiss are a disgusting mix of germans (bah), french (eugh) and italians (stink)
Adam Lewis
Sure, pretty much arabs. About culture - other than taking clothing and ornaments won in battles against Ottomans and thus adopting it in the 17th century we don't have anything in common.
James Richardson
communism is a western invention. so I hope the slavic union will take example of Golden Liberty(ancap) and implement that
Colton Walker
>he doesn't know about sarmatians wow, somali education
Elijah White
That's a good question. In a perfect scenerio, feudalism would be in order. In a real case scenario it's much harder to determine.
Thomas Smith
For comparison, team of MUTTS
Colton Howard
The problem with the period of Golden Liberty is that it was too easy for foreigners to infleunce the inner affairs of Poland through bribing the less wealthy noblemen. Unless we could create an area existing in a vaccum it will succumb to the same issues and we both know it's impossible to accomplish.