Do you ever wonder why it seems like black people can never get ahead?
Do you ever wonder why it seems like black people can never get ahead?
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why are they destroying it?
They're niggers
I like this meme
I'm guessing they either want the components to sell or that there is some sort of energy facility that they work at and see these panels as a threat.
>destroy inventions of the whites
>filmed on iPhone and uploaded to the internet
So after doing some research it turns out that those solar grid's electrical currents are powered directly into the homes of whites. So its seems the colored cousins want whites to leave their land by removing their commodities first. This is also a group that have desires to live without electricity and any "white man" contemporary technology, which in seems retarded but thats the way they want it.
tldr; turns out the browns are destroying the solar grids that power the homes and business of whites living in their land. they want whites gone along with their technology.
Evil white inventions so they destroy them
Fucking retarded. They could've used those
Nice source you got there. I'm convinced.
Looks like some sort of Indian land dispute t.b.h. There is enough legitimate nigger shenanigans going around, no need to make shit up.
are they?
the last one in the picture looks like a POO
where is this?
Exactly, they could kick out the whiteys and then use the solar panels for themselves
That's what I would do if I was in a race war and wanted to kick out an enemy race
How about simply unplugging them and rolling the panels to their village?
If this is a land dispute, then stealing is better than destroying. IMHO that would be the only legitimate reason to go berserk. If they have gotten fucked by a company stealing their farm lands.
But every panel is worth around 2 prime quality acres in whatever shithole country this happened in.
Nope already know
>don't want technology
They drove there on a motorcycle and are using a smartphone.
Also, they used a hammer.
If they walked, used a rock, and drew a drawing in the sand with their ducks, OK.
Total hypocrites.
Honestly lads, why do they just destroy everything?
Where was this?
It's all so tiresome...
She dun burnt the ape coal
>live around niggers
>have valuable stuff
>leave it unprotected and easily accessible
>think it won't get vandalized or stolen
They deserved it tbqh
It’s a legit question though, is it hardwired in their DNA just to larp about as kings whilst doing literally fuck all other then ruin everything?
Somebody needs to dispatch reinforcements to Helios 1 stat
Checked senpai.
Because you allow it you stupid faggot.
>le sad wojak meme with honest question XD
If your dog shit all over the floor, do you ask the same thing or boot outside? Honestly XD, kill yourself.
I mean, this has been well-enough documented. It’s a legit, if silly, question.
Probably some superstition
>"since dey white put da panels my back hurts , mah neigbur say head hurts da white man are making da spirits angry "
>>live around niggers
>>have valuable stuff
>>leave it unprotected and easily accessible
>shoot niggers when they touch your shit
Sorry, what?
Again, sorry, what? How does that answer anything?
I would not even be mad if they used these free-gibs technologies, instead, they act like fucking monkeys and destroy millions dollar worth equipment without any good reason.
Which just proves the point that blacks are worse than animals and humans.
>sorry what
>evading this hard
I am calling you a faggot desperate for (yous) while are people are being wiped out. And now you make it worse with your pretending of not knowing what I am getting at when I clearly am stating your lack of killing niggers is why do they do this shit. This isn't difficult to follow, but you are more interested in yourself than the topic that made you ask the question which is nigger-tier, but for White people.
they seem like they're under the influence
their shaman has some really good shit going on
>So after doing some research it turns out...
it turns out girls ass!
What's ridiculous is that white still think they can civilize these primitives.
How to trade cheap with Africans:
- Cut off all aid to them. No more medicines, no more clean water technology, nothing
- Great die off ensues
- With no technology, all white build infrastructure will crumble and disappear
- They revert back to an even more primitive stage
- Go back to Africa and start trading colored glass beads for diamonds, and uranium, and whatever else we need, and that they have available
- Africans will be happy
>implying arabs in the north wouldn't take a chance as soon as they would smell weakness and colonize the whole africa
Those panels are draining the energy of the sun. If they don't destroy them, eventually the sun will be consumed and it will be night forever.
I’m asking why are they so violent and why do you destroy and ruin everything? You’ve got to understand your enemy first you moron.
Does it even matter? Unless the electricity from the panels is being used to torture them physically (doubtful) then what good reason could they possibly have for destroying millions of dollars of solar panels, which are generating electricity in what appears to be a hostile environment (I.e. not the kind of place you would expect to have an abundance of natural resources)
Who needs a country that has electricity when you can sell that transformer oil for $40?
Looks like some arab nigger mutts.
Nah, the Arabs have nothing but absolute contempt for Africans.
Looks like BlackPanther may have some good parts after all.
Much Wakanda technological marvel. Kek
can we meme this to be a conspiracy? after flat earth being a thing - this is the next logical step
they are upset because white men are taking over black land and placing those hideous solar panels on african land.
They know that solar panels cause global warming by increasing the albedo of the Earth
I really hope that the S. African niggers really go for the shoot and try to genocide all the boers and then... Something goes terribly wrong, something happen.
Trump go insane and decide to intervene or Putin decide that would be good for his own agenda to help the white men in S. Africa.
This african niggers really deserve to lose, and lose badly like ever before.
Search inside yourself senpai the answer was in front of your face all along.
The Chinese are taking over in Africa pal.
Are they redpilled?
Well they're setting themselves up to lose based on what happened in Rhodesia.
>says the white guy.
I was thinking maybe because of thousands of years of being in an environment where it kill or be killed, no chance to grow crops, no stuff to make buildings they incapability of functioning in society is natural to them. That good enough theory?
If thats Africa the panels most likely belong to the Chinese
So they will hunt those nigs down
Look up the Chinese in Africa then lard arse.
This is just like the stupid white people who go to Haiti to build them free shit, they strip it all down and sell it as raw materials here the first chance they get.
I think that whoever did it was probably more happy to break it than I'm sad to lose it. The total happiness in the world increased. So whatever.
I can fap to this!
so i can read the white man's propaganda?
invented by chinese. Iphones aren't white.
According to /pol, technology is evil, so they are doing the right thing.
Much like our devil white skin, solar panels were created specifically to steal photonic energy from the sun and deprive the earth. Black have harmonious melanoid cells which reflect back rays and enrich the environment.
#Woke #WhiteAreAlien #WhiteDevils #Colonists
They’re trying to steal the copper wiring
What if it was produced in India?
why they dont steal?, at least that would make some sense
>no chance to grow crops
South Africa amd Rhodesia where called the bread baskets of africa at one point. Food literally grows on trees all over africa. A competant people would have no problem growing crops there.
A people that pride themselves in destroying everything that was left for them, however, well thats a different matter.
Cred Forums never said that.
What the fuck are going on about?
unibomber gets praised a lot of times here you newfag
>set up charitable foundation for building solar panels to produce giganigs of electricity
>raise millions to support foundation
>pay no taxes as government loves niggers
>buy low quality ping pong tables from china
>assemble ping pong tables wrapped with plastic wrap in wakenda
>kangz destroy "solar panels" leaving no evidence of your fraud
>keep rest of money donated, maybe even give some to warlords for teh lulz
EZ PZ m8, most fun you can have in a desolate wasteland
environment plays a role. So does socialization. But the real lynchpin is genetics. This will happen no matter the advancements, handouts and leg-ups are provided for a group of hominids that don’t seem to be biologically motivated to improve/evolve. My .02 is this is an eternal thing. It’s just the way of the world. Naturally higher-level hominids have the heightened capacity for empathy so, as the road to hell is paved with good intentions, we wind up telling these poor beings they can do and be whatever. They can achieve! But history and science bear out a different conclusion. Only an ignorant or scheming being would toss this conclusion aside and continue their efforts.
thats not africa thats india or bangladesh or some other south asian country. fucking idiots all of you
My thought too.
>Food literally grows on trees all over africa.
Not on an industrial level, hence why when the whites came, they could actually feed Africa on a larger scale. Even though those whites were just plain evil, right?
I’m on board with this.
that'll happen anyway in about 10 billion years, don't tell the niggers though
What's up Tariq
lack of long term thinking , in whites most of short term thinking whites got killed in strong winters.
Except for italians ,greeks and spanish , which is why latin america can mantain a civilization but short term thinking eventually gains and destroys everything and the society resurrects again.
In the case of africans there was not strong seasons forcing long term thinking , hispanics and italians are europeans with medium term thinking due to mid winters.
Arabs are violent because islam favors the most violent breeding more , on top of that the rivers caused dry years in the islamic areas causing more war and violence.
>as the road to hell is paved with good intentions
God, yes, absolutely. Explains Europe and the migrant crisis. You bring third world people, you get third world problems. Their DNA largely due to genetics is based on handouts, hence why they are all mostly dependent on the government.
>Because you allow it you stupid faggot.
>>le sad wojak meme with honest question XD
>If your dog shit all over the floor, do you ask the same thing or boot outside? Honestly XD, kill yourself.
So if you live anywhere on the planet with these niggers, it's your fault?
How about YOU kys moron.
just another "wiser than you" faggot trying to sound all hard by shitting up the message boards.
Interesting. So what's deficient in our language/thinking when Eskimos have over 40 words to define "snow"..?
>Cred Forums is 1 person
And then the next day they will riot because there is no electricity
They are going to sell the wiring inside and minerals
The in fact looks like Indians or Pakistani
Just as a reference. Each panel costs ~$300 new, say $150 in second hand value. Filling up a two wheeler, a single person could walk away with 900$ worth of second hand solar panels. In Kenya, that is equivalent of 0.5-1.5 acres of prime farmland.
That man with a hammer and his wife could come away from the adventure with enough money to buy 3 acres of prime farmland, with crops growing already.
This is just so.. beyond retarded.
>ive never seen a black person work so hard before
thanks google
holy shit
dey opresed buy whitie
because its far easier than creating something
Why does any primitive animal do anything? You can't expect them to have sapient behavioral patterns when they lack sapience.
kek, thanks for correcting me, have a cute girl pic
Can somebody with GIF or WEBM making skills make me one of the nigger walking forward breaking the panels?
This is satire no one can be this fucking stupid, seriously just holocaust the whole of fucking niggerdom just gather them and gas them
Google told me it's a picture of "9 11 jumpers"
The jew-d pill is baffling to me.
It's just a bunch of lines and colors. How does that even get youre dic hard?
You are mentally I'll.
ping pong table company owner spotted
just go to a lumber yard and get some sheets of plywood and some 2x4s, it would cost less
This picture reminds me of the Clock Boy pictures, it's fake as fuck. Everyone has the same exact hardhat. They're all shiny and no scratches or decals. Blue prints dont have greasy finger prints or creases or hand written notes. Black guy has on a fucking suit jacket while the white guy is a t shirt.
I have never seen a fucking general contractor in a suit and if it is the owner of the project he wouldnt be wearing a fucking vest.
Stick this fuckery back in your ass where you found it.
white devil sorcery hubs are stealing the sun rays meant for the melanoid kangs to unfold their superpowers.
>it's fake as fuck
It's a posed image sold to companies. Not that hard to work out.
I have bad news for you.
>it's fake as fuck.
thank you master of the obvious
Your government probably built those fucking panels for them. They'll just send more money to build more.
The fibre board crap you buy from China is way less than North American plywood though, especially if you only order table tops without the metal legs. Keep in mind you want low quality extra smashable panels that will break before the niggers get bored of tired and plywood would be too much work for them.
>>it's fake as fuck
>It's a posed image sold to companies. Not that hard to work out.
.The poster of the image was trying to imply that nigs run shit at construction sites. Half the time they're doing zero effort jobs like standing around with a water hose on fire watch.
because if we harvest the suns light it can never have a chance to recycle and interact with the preshuss resource that is melanin
But we wuz wakanda n' shiet
She did a hardcore porno in her younger days
>>it's fake as fuck.
>thank you master of the obvious
Autist doesnt get why I posted that response.
Calls me an autist.
Goes back to jacking off.
Heartbreaking levels of retardation.
>Much like our devil white skin, solar panels were created specifically to steal photonic energy from the sun and deprive the earth. Black have harmonious melanoid cells which reflect back rays and enrich the environment.
>#Woke #WhiteAreAlien #WhiteDevils #Colonists
Little know fact,
blacks invented gravity.
That would require cooperation and the ability to operate a screwdriver or a power tool of some kind.
I'm feeling sleepy just thinking about it.
This is why we need solar power satellites safe up in power the nigger death ray satellite.
Anprim gang strikes again
>go through all the trouble smashing the solar cells
>all they had to do was find the disconnect and beat it till the fuses fell out
I'm glad we are allowing these people into our societies. Then when they becomes slightly educated and buy their first firearms, they will learn that they will just need to shoot at the coolant tanks at electrical power stations to really cause electrical outages.
Not that I would encourage anyone to do this. Just saying.
We need to start jailing, sterilizing, or executing whites who are responsible for perpetuating the pathological mindset that has created this circular pattern of evetns.
We know they are savages who destroy. If you have a glitch in your brain that prevents you from accepting this you need to be removed from our genetic history even more urgently than the physical human niggers need to be removed from our societies.
Oh yes they most certainly can.
Wakanda in Indiana "Gary" 85% black. Whites leave for the outlying regions, it becomes third word shithole smack in the middle of posterity. Literally 25 freaking miles from one of the most prosperous cities in the U.S..
I can't make this shit up Pic Related, don't believe me Google street view take the virtual tour and behold black majority in action.
Do you ask your dog why it shits on the floor or do you accept that its a dog and throw it outside?
Even crackhead niggers know to sell the copper for more
Wakandans don't need your shitty solar panels
We git our powers from the black sun.
>Honestly lads, why do they just destroy everything?
It's in their nature to do so.
There was a black fraternity that would hold an event in Galveston Texas during the spring break weekend. They coined the term Kappa weekend but locals called it nigga weekend.
up to 50,000 niggers would pour into the city Saturday morning and shit it up. They would congreagte in the parking lots of local businesses and throw trash on the ground until it was a foot deep. They would do uturns through grass esplanades and fuck up the landscaping. They would cause traffic jams by running red lights and casuing grid lock. They would also intentionally block in white motorists and dare them to hit them.
They would go into local restaurants and run up huge bills and then all get up at once and leave without paying.
Eventually restaurants along the seawall would just close down. Of course the first thing nigs did was scream racism.
This is a good post
Also fuck niggers
>Wakanda, 3018
>Solar tech is obsolete to them
These Wakanda warriors (blessed be their actions) are doing us a favor by showing us the energy of the future: coalburn.
It is just my nature, said the scorpion.
>up to 50,000 niggers would pour into the city
That’s probably a destruction equivalent of Fat Man
Oh god.
>using mineral oil for frying
This thread has some interesting posts:
>The police started getting real bad on messing with folks
>Although females were practically getting raped when they walked thru a crowd of nikkas.
>Still had a good time...way too much facebook, twitter, etc for it to go down now like it did back then.....
>shyt had me like :mindblown: as a youngin out there with older bros and cousins.
>COPS.... The last time I was there, it was cops everywhere so nikka could do anything in peace.
>nikkas...nikkas was wildin out too much. They started shutting down all of the stores because nikkas would come in by the dozen and steal and walkout and the clerk can't do anything bc it will too many at one time
My god thats fucked
>wakanda is most technologically adcanced country
Is Latveria retconed or something?
This makes me so fucking angry.
Sounds like black biker week in myrtle beach
The liberal mind cannot comprehend what planet of the apes really means
My parents had a home half a block from the seawall.
Nigs would park their cars in front of their home and then toss their trash out into the front yard.
Meanwhile I would dig through kitchen pantry looking for expired cereal and crackers.
Nigs walk off and I throw stale bread on the ground next to their cars and then run back to the porch. 100 seagulls swoop in and five minutes later it looks like a pterodactyl shit on the nig's car.
Other than self-loathing leftists, who cares?
The sooner we halt gibs the sooner they fuck off back to their deserts.
I honestly don't give a shit about them anymore.
>white people continue spending time and resources on africa
the real question is why are white people so dumb?
>Niggers destroy to chase out Whites
I agree. See every major city in the Western world
why? do you identify yourself as a solar panel?
don't give me that green ideology bullshit >muh finite resources and precious planet
you faggots lied about emissions from your cars just like some niggers
>I throw stale bread on the ground next to their cars and then run back to the porch. 100 seagulls swoop in and five minutes later it looks like a pterodactyl shit on the nig's car.
i like you user, that's some good shit
lol nice
IPhones are American no matter where they are built
>slavnigger rushing to defend the violent chimping out of his nigger cousins
or even understand how ee lectricity works
africans have a 67 IQ on average.
And you expect them to take it apart, and put it all back together again LOL
Why don't we just invade Africa?
What better place to create a white ethnostate than to leave the countries niggers are ruining and just take theirs for ourselves?
We probably could just take it by force, since these niggers lack the forethought and organizational skills to fight back.
>so i can read the white man's propaganda?
You mean the truth?
what are you going to do about it? gas me?
I met her once ... She was traveling with Ted Turner at a high society pool party. He looked senile. My former respect for her left that day. I did get a nice photo of them together, though.
They're muslims and technology is bad.
You know I just realized that telephone pole probably hasn't seen any maintenance work in 15 years.
I'm guessing wakanda, USA has pretty mild weather, no major storms or anything. If a town like this existed up here in Canada, a single winter would have cut the electricity, and then, given what I've seen of blacks, they all would've starved/frozen to death.
No you dullard they are extremely White inventions.
>>I throw stale bread on the ground next to their cars and then run back to the porch. 100 seagulls swoop in and five minutes later it looks like a pterodactyl shit on the nig's car.
>i like you user, that's some good shit
You want to know what's even funnier?
One of them was a convertible with it's top down.
Yeah because it's all propaganda and not so much as a sliver of the true true to be had from this.
Live longer, lurk moar
The disputed Schweitzer quote is as follows :
"I have given my life to try to alleviate the sufferings of Africa. There
is something that all white men who have lived here like I must learn and
know: that these individuals are a sub-race. They have neither the
intellectual, mental, or emotional abilities to equate or to share equally
with white men in any function of our civilization. I have given my life
to try to bring them the advantages which our civilization must offer, but
I have become well aware that we must retain this status: the superior and
they the inferior. For whenever a white man seeks to live among them as
their equals they will either destroy him or devour him. And they will
destroy all of his work. Let white men from anywhere in the world, who
would come to Africa, remember that you must continually retain this
status; you the master and they the inferior like children that you would
help or teach. Never fraternize with them as equals. Never accept them as
your social equals or they will devour you. They will destroy you."
Or you could just read. I mean look at all ... that... African....literatu......
hahahahahahaha. Fuck I couldn't even get through it. Eat shit nigger.
the panel in assembled form is more valuable. Why don't they just unscrew it?
came here to post this
hahahahahaha only in a staged stock photo would this image ever happen, AND YOU FUCKING LINK IT!
Some iPhones are white. They are most definitely an invention created by people of European descent.
You stole that right from the video's comments, faggot
I know this old lady from the simpsons. I didn't knew she was real
You may see wild animals, but I see a doctor, an engineer, and a rocket scientist.
>when you are too dumb to even steal
This is a proof that american negroids are more inteligent after spending hundreds of years with white people
>hahahahahaha only in a staged stock photo would this image ever happen, AND YOU FUCKING LINK IT!.
I copied the pic and filed it under shit that never happened.
What is the matter white boi?
Afraid of getting a taste of your own medicine?
Now you know what it was like when the white man invaded africa's well established, high technology, civilizations and destroyed all their solar technology.
Hire a couple of models and bring in a photographer. BOOM !! . . . Instant propaganda !!
you imply they know
I see a project for a doctor, an engineer, and a rocket scientist. ie how do we gas these niggers from as far away as possible?
it's a good meme
In this case they’re probably pissed the land was taken over for something they’ll never be allowed to benefit from. They’re fighting the kikes.
>bright pink sari
Actually they're Indian but functionally they're identical.
>What is the matter white boi?
>Afraid of getting a taste of your own medicine?
>Now you know what it was like when the white man invaded africa's well established, high technology, civilizations and destroyed all their solar technology.
Little known fact,
blacks invented fusion.
You’re making the fatal assumption that the African geneset is capable of advanced thought
What is he eating?
>why are they destroying it?
Probably a land dispute.
Since the dawn of history the Negro has owned the Continent of Africa—rich beyond the dream of poet’s fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet. Yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light. His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled. A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrow-head worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour. In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud. With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail! He lives as his fathers lived—stole his food, worked his wife, sold his children, ate his brother, content to drink, sing, dance, and sport as the ape!
Dixon, not darwin
This also describes women.
>What is he eating?
Some dudes shin.
That's disgustingly racist.
But funny too.
Dis iz dae work ov dae devaal. Wae muss destroy et muh bruthas
it was in the way of their 5 mile walk for water
Here it is back in 2003.
Check the comments too.
It's all so tiring.
That reminds me of something... oh yeah...
Literally 30 different neighborhoods in & around Atlanta.
>Do you ever wonder why it seems like black people can never get ahead?
Because they are incapable of learning. Pic related
Copper isn't something you can easily get out of panels. It wouldn't even be worth the effort.
It has to be some stupid superstition.
God creates, Satan destroys.
solar panels suck - if rampant vandalism results in the de-funding of the solar scam, then the dindus are doing the world a favor
They also invented the airplane.
We used to be at peace with eurasia, but whitey ruined it and caused that war too.
Whites are double plus ungood.
>solar panels suck - if rampant vandalism results in the de-funding of the solar scam, then the dindus are doing the world a favor
It just goes to show what you can learn from the animal kingdom.
that is just GROSS, it reminds me of a rhinosauras ass
I like a round ass, no doubt. But this isn't plain gross
dey #whitedevils be stealing de sun shine and making de crops go bad.
I hate niggers.
instant karma
>They also invented the airplane.
>We used to be at peace with eurasia, but whitey ruined it and caused that war too.
>Whites are double plus ungood.
Blacks invented time.
Not the concept of time but time itself.
Before then everything just happened at once.
It's called luddism retard. It's when people who don't seek to benefit from economic growth destroy the means of growth, like what those peasants did during the industrial revolution. It's basically people who want to remain in more simplistic and traditioanl lifestyles and don't want to bow down to Judaism. You know, like us.
>invented the airplane
It was the Wrights who were white actually dumbass.
Even better example is Detroit. Once the industrial might of America and 4th largest city. In the 1950s it was clean and super modern way ahead of its time. Niggers moved in and voted for a nigger mayor and local reps and took an anti white stance, whites flee and the once shining beacon of a modern city turns into Haiti within a few decades. The highest % black city in the US.
Can someone give me a brief synopsis on how empathy can even dissuade us from genociding these creatures? Or at the very least leaving them on their own in Africa? If it was up to me they would not exist.
They could just replace the fuses if that's all they did. If there is one job black people would rather work themselves to death than do half-assed, it's destroying other peoples' stuff.
Except that I’m not going to go smash up some solar panels you fucking nigger.
>It was the Wrights who were white actually dumbass.
Black people invented the atmosphere,
you wouldn't have planes without that.
They must recycle Vibranium from the panels to survive.
>It was the Wrights who were white actually dumbass.
Then why did dey call them brothers?
Chakote browses Cred Forums maque confirmed for /ourguys/
Why not? They're taking direct action to preserve their sovereignty. Yes, they are uncivilized, but so were whites before the Jews gave us their knowledge. Civilization is not necessarily a good thing. It destroys traditional lifestyles, just like is happening in America today. People are being sidelined by economic growth as more and more capital flows to the cities and creates a vacuum sucking everyone and everything towards then. This is why California and New York are hated so much. And this is the same thing that's happening in Africa and other largely rural countries, hence the people taking action to fight back against the Jewish imperialists.
They sound like they're speaking some INDIAN Dialect... can anyone confirm... come on we know you;re here..
This is true, a black scientist I met living under the freeway told me this as well.
>coming from a country where denying the Armenian Genocide is common practice.
>This is true, a black scientist I met living under the freeway told me this as well.
little known fact,
blacks invented freeways.
Nigs gunna nig
you could civilize them, but it would require forced eugenics.
>Made by the whites
Solar panels are mostly made by the chinese..
ummm why is she topless?
inb4 blacked
Technology is what lifts people out of poverty. It is the water that lifts all boats. The window of poverty constantly shifts upwards in standards.
Today in the USA somebody in poverty is somebody who has indoor plumbing and lives in a climate controlled house with running water. Much of that was the height of luxury or not even possible yet 200 years ago.
Then you shouldn't oppose the technological progress in the west that is going hand in hand with liberalism in all other forms. It's literally the same thing as is happening in Africa except on a larger scale.
They also invented the space under freeway overpasses
And a new meme is born! Left can't meme!
>Solar panels are mostly made by the chinese..
yes, they over-invested in factories using cheap loans from state-controlled banks and are dumping panels on the world market, destroying Western competition.
There is no Chinese technological superiority in this.
obligatory post
Hi im not here for the thread. Im just checking if the nigger mods still have me banned
>lefties shill for solar panels
>lefties also shill for a nonwhite America
>they don't see any irony in this
All Iphones are white. Just because a Taiwanese company with factories in China assembled them doesn't make them less white. All core technologies in the IPhone are western. Some components are Japanese. Only the low tech stuff are done in China. Even then all of their technology are originally western to begin with.
It should make you angry, because with behavior like this, humankind will regress into savage darkness.
There's a certain kind of beauty in nig infested areas, like a post-apocalyptic wasteland just waiting for settlers to come and rebuild it into a functioning society.
We could do it but niggers have more rights than bald eagles, and the only way to keep them from destroying anything you build is leathal force.
You’re still banned, sorry
Everybody knows that the more hot and more sunny an area is, the more solar panels you'll find put there. And far in the north, you'll find few panels and lower sunlight. So it's evident that solar panels attract the sun, attract the heat.
It's simple. They're combating drought.
>They're niggers
Can we just call them Wakandans now? I'm trying to turn it into the new 'nigger' on youtube and see if we can get it turned into a designated racial slur before black panther gets to blu ray.
>after they found conclusive evidence that solar panels not only convert the sun’s energy into usable energy, but that they are also draining the sun of its own energy, possibly with catastrophic consequences far worse than global warming.
Good, fuck the white devil and his evil trickery
>Everybody knows that the more carcinogenic and more second class food an area is, the more shit tier food you'll find put there. And far in the west, you'll find few second class food and lower carcinogenic's. So it's evident that shit tier food attract the second class, attract the cancer.
>It's simple. They're combating ICE gas chambers emissions .
it's easier to sell copper than solar panels
niggers are 40k orcs, they don't think about why they're doing something, or how it could be done better, they just do it
They would not make a profit. They are just trying to destroy the white man's invention.
Meanwhile in white Wauconda
These things are worth more than gold.
>solar panels attract the sun, attract the heat
>niggers oversimplifying things so they can try to understand it
If I could go back in time, I'd sink every damn slave ship and kill every slaver. This shitty future filled with protected class incompetence was just not worth it.
someone should do a netural, school-educational style documentary about the effects of black leadership that investigates places like this and tesll the story
>Do you ever wonder why it seems like black people can never get ahead?
I don't have to wonder... it's because of the jews.
Yes tyrone, solar panels literally suck the sun dry of energy. That is totally physically possible.
thats surgery by nigger standard
You heard 'em
Get out and everything with you
Let them prosper!
>don't want to bow down to Judaism
Ok. How about electicity then?
they don't look indian.
where in india do they dress like that?
Itt's a proud african tradition known as burku b'rm'guguku.
The first law of thermodynamics.
The faster you use energy, the faster it is replaced by energy from the sun, until the sun is depleted.
Someone. Welcome to the rich culture of Africa.
Are you trying to trick me into killing myself?
The only food around for 1500 miles
I've come to calling them tiresome people. it's a bit of a pain to type or write out but that just reiterates the misery of acknowledging them at all.
>Not going onto a great nigger hunt as soon as the (((west))) stops prepping the african bull
the based DR user who never passes up a chance to spread Haitian hate like Haitians spread the AIDS virus
Make Hispaniola Great Again
This was actually filmed in Argentina
>Do you ever wonder why
No, never.
you know, they have all right to be mad at whites for ruining everything by giving free shit, because now the smart niggers are minorities to begin with, no way out of the hell YOU created for them for being globalist humanitarian
We have no easy way to refer to those 40+ types of snow. In fact, we need to have them specifically defined.
>putting massive solar farms in africa is a good ide-
>that comment section
It's cheaper than renting a helicopter.
No the first law is that energy cannot be created or destroyed, not that using energy will suck the sun dry.
I mean lets also explore those implications assuming what you are saying is true, I mean should we destroy plants everywhere because they use energy from the sun to live?
what did google mean by this?
You can take the ape out of the jungle but you can't take the ape out of the ape
Best post on this board in like a year.
Just remember lads when they say diversity is strength. These are the "people" they're talking about when they say you need to accept immigrants. There is a concerted effort to dilute white nations with this literal shit.
>If a town like this existed up here in Canada,
Like most native reservations?
You can drive across a border from a white municipality into a rez and it's like driving into mexico.
those dirty things don't power jack or shit, they're just shells, expensive junk placed in the desert to justify the amazing amount of money skimmed from whatever "green" initiative financed them
Is it ironic they are cursing the white mans technology while using the white mans technology to ride there then destroy it?
They think it's witchcraft. It's too common of a problem.
t. Engineer that has worked on setting up solar farms in Africa.
no, like Cred Forums the niggers only support thorium salt reactors, they, like Cred Forums hate solar
redditors please leave if you dont support what these niggers did
>Stop assuming human intelligence in monkeys
True, however. I was just projecting the lowest level of human thought, ie that of a gypsy thief. Still, that is head and shoulders above these specimens.
Remember that stupid asshole kid growing up that would go around and throw rocks at windows of vacant houses and buildings?
Same thing, on a continental scale.
italians and spanish people are white, whites who mixed with indians in south america and gave birth to mestizos are the ones who are fucking everything up, this is why Spain and Italy are fine. Learn who is white and who isn't
I want the gooks to annihilate every nigger on Africa.
nothing south of france is white