NEETS wins again
clean your room, bucko was a psyops by Jordan B. Peterson to kill off nazis
>Not using vinegar and baking soda
Thank god I use vinegar.
My father used it all the time when i was young to save money on cleaning products and i just adopted it. My mother hated the smell of it though
my mom bought me an air freshener thing that sprays stuff every 20 minutes, am I kill?
While that is disgusting as hell, probably not.
Yes air freshers have hormone disruptors which feminize you and give you cancer
I can't even smell it desu
like flowers?
>all those times my mom trespassed into my basement to spray that shit she was trying to kill me
What a fucking whore. I'm gonna beat the ever loving shit out of her if she tries to step foot in my basement ever again.
>everything in the modern world makes you more feminine
good thing I don't give a shit
No not like flowers the stuff in air fresheners is chemicals and is not natural
>not using soft soap
>not using vinegar
I don't think air fresheners have benzene, that's like industrial level dangerous chemicals that you need permits for and stuff
>Not using vinegar and baking soda
I keep a number of coral reef systems in my home in glass boxes. We converted to vinegar/baking soda years ago to avoid the known pollution that will basically destroy the few hundred gallon ecosystem I created. My home is still clean, and nothing is hurt by my methods.
holy shit... still better then my room.
>Was gonna clean my apartment today
yes they do google it
Don't lie. Thats the shrek guy from Cred Forums
>google it
not a list a need to be on right now
I'm looking at the box right now, it doesn't say benzene on it, just a bunch of fragrance chemicals, if air fresheners had literal benzene in them then half the western world would be dead already, it's not the sort of thing that you can just play around with, it's literal poison, you breath it in and you'll be dead pretty quickly
oh yeah and your picture says formaldehyde, literally neurotoxin, yeah, nah
We had one of those, and one day my idiot brother turned it towards the wall (god knows why). In like a day the paint on the wall was coming off.
Bad idea sempai.
well at least I don't have aids like you
I'm not particularly fond of chemicals either but that meme pic is taking it way too far, it's listing literal hard toxins that not even chemists are allowed to interact with outside of a well equipped laboratory, that's just not possible
All cleaning products?
Sounds like BS.
>they heard me digging
When you actually clean with beach/vinegar/baking soda you won't even consider using airfreasherners. And when you do Clean, wear a respirator. (And vinyl gloves for that matter.)
Good god that's worse than mine
I didn't think it was possible
>no period of exposure mentioned
Post yours.