It was founded by GERMANS. GERMANS still dominate culturally in Schlesien. GIVE IT BACK
Schlesien is Germany
No thanks
More lands for poor refugees?
>It was founded by GERMANS. GERMANS still dominate culturally in Schlesien.
[Citation needed]
Silesian dutchy was founded by Polish Piast dynasty, my uneducated germ friend.
You greedy fucks already control almost all of Europe. Give it a rest, mmmmkay?
It's actually rightful austrian clay
it's staunchly Serbian as is the entire local interstellar cloud
Silesia region was created by Piast dynasty in 10th century
Most of the developed places in Baltics\Poland\Ukraine\Russia was founded by germans\austrians. Prove me wrong.
Silesians we're germanized western slavs but german culture is gone there.
Now stop the divide and conquer, Europeans must unite not fight each other.
The Silesian eagle is a Piast Dynasty eagle .
Certainly true for the Baltics, Bohemia and some regions in Hungary/Romania
But our cultural heritage is long gone
>Most of the developed places in Baltics\Poland\Ukraine\Russia was founded by
Piast Dynasty
It's not like Germans deserve it after losing 2 world wars. Whereas Poland does deserve a chance to restore a union with Belarus and Ukraine
>claims clay for a nationality
>uses meme flag
Nice fake map.
what about Schleswig-Holstein? where my dirt farming ancestors came from in 1850
>American education
It is portraying the year 1018. Learn some history or at least how to use google
Cherven cities were not p*lish, they were Ruthenian. Kingdom of Poland controlled the area briefly, but it came back to Rus'.
Why don't you go and fucking take it instead of being a pussy and demanding it from them, cunt?
God I can't fucking stand people like you who spout off about "muh rightful clay".
>this is what poleshits actually believe
I'd rather wait a bit. At the moment we would only pollute it unnecessarily. Poland seems to keep it in order quite well as for now.
And Oberschlesien wasn't really culturally dominated by Germans. Breslau is as German as it gets though.
Its historical fact
Like the fact that Bandera was a war criminal
why are you mongs always trying to tell people the Chinese whispers you hear about where you come from
Schleswig-Holstein was originally Danish so it's a fair point. Countries steal other countries' land.
And that Khmelnitsky was Ukrainian, even though the term "Ukrainian" started to exist no earlier than in 19th century
Silesia is trash
You can have it back
>bydlo flag..
dear god.. fuck ukraine jewcocksuckers..
>bydlo flag
ohh my gosh! ukrainians are shit!
Khmelnytsky was a Ruthenian Cossack. Ruthenians are ancestors of Ukrainians.
>bydlo flag
god.. you should just drop dead.. you are a traitor to your russian race.
>Ruthenian Cossack
Khelminski was and is russian. he pledged to his russian race and his tzar. he and his cosacs were true russians. you are just pathetic piece of traitor shit. ukrainians are traitors of their russian genes. you are cocksuckers of jews.
>Ukrainian Hetman
>Khmelnytsky was a Ruthenian Cossack
Very good.
The West of Schleswig-Holstein was and still is Frisian and the East was inhabited by both Danes and Germans since the Middle Ages
>Ruthenians are ancestors of Ukrainians.
you are talking with traitor bydlo. keep that always in mind.
But it was still under the Danish crown. The Danish king almost started a war with Germany by marching around Schleswig-Holstein as if he still owned it.
Land is rarely given
>But it was still under the Danish crown.
and then it was under german emperor feet. whats your point my dear americunt?
Just what I said about countries stealing other countries' land, including Germany stealing Schleswig-Holstein from Denmark.
got a few close Ukrainian friends, they are very good people, only a bit brainwashed by nationalist propaganda in their country
I've learned recently from an Ukrainian that Taras Shevchenko wrote only poems in Ukrainian, but no books whatsoever, even though wikipedia says he wrote also poems in Russian and quite a few books in pure Russian
>got a few close Ukrainian friends
no you are not. you got parasites on your skin, which will sell you to the best jew with shiny pennies.
does it mean you and your americunt family will leave USA for the shit hole, they crawled from?
Germany didn't steal it, it was mostly Germans living there, only in northern Schleswig there was a Danish majority
>Germany didn't steal it
wana proof it at the international court?
The "shit hole" was Schleswig-Holstein... And no, for the same reason, as even the American Indians were stealing land from each other when the Anglo settlers arrived.
I don't disagree with you, and I know that Alsace is another historically German area, but no way is Germany innocent of taking other people's land.
>The "shit hole" was Schleswig-Holstein.
come back my little arier. homeland needs your to feed old turkish farts!
Give it back to Bohemia actually.
Canadians are worst shit on this planet. fuck them.
Nice fake flag ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So you're here to change your memeflag for every shitpost? You do seem to know something about Europe at least.
Are you a complete imbecile? Hetman is the head of Cossacks, you moron. And back then people didn't call themselves Ukrainians, they called themselves Ruthenians.
Here, from the very same wiki article you posted.
>Ruthenian language: Sѣнoвi Бoгдaн Хмeлнiцкiи; modern Ukrainian: Бoгдaн Зинoвiй Mихaйлoвич Хмeльницький
And here the name of the state he was head of.
>The founder of the Hetmanate, Bohdan Khmelnytsky, declared himself as the ruler of the Ruthenian state (or Rus state) to the Polish representative Adam Kysil in February 1649.
Straight talk, how are things going in eastern Ukraine?
They aren't? Aren't those just synonyms.