Is there a single doubt on Earth that paid shills are behind the mutt spam?
Is there a single doubt on Earth that paid shills are behind the mutt spam?
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Just let them have something Ohio
No its just you americans cant take a fucking joke
t. el goblino
The shart meme is retarded, don’t ruin the mutt meme with it
It's just Cred Forums trolls having fun.
>being this delusional
b r u h
Not really, but I'm certain make up 10% of the posters.
This is how psyops works
>paid shills
I do it for free.
So in your world it's more likely that somebody paid shills to go back in time and enshrine a census requirement in the US constitution then it is that people simply make fun of the data that it reports?
You're on an island that is almost entirely full of actual mutts, did paid shills create you and everything around you too?
I don't even believe in the mutt meme.
It's just funny and you retards getting pissed over it make it even more fun.
but why Mehmet? What did Americakun do to deserve this?
No. They were the same outfit trying to force that shitty HD wojak too.
mutt meme is retarded shart meme was first
It's not paid shills--it's just Europeans intent on derailing every thread because they hate Americans. It's hilarious because these babies come onto an American website, cry about Americans all day, want American mods to ban American posters, etc. Eurofaggots know that they can simply go to 8ch and create a Euro/pol/ but they won't. They'd rather just stay here and shit up the board.
Its the least shithole countries could meme up after years of taking bantz in the ass from america
Yeah, retarded mutts get triggered because the US is a MELTING POT.
>Puerto Rico
No, it's just fueled by european obsession.
They're not whiter than me, they deserve this.
legit question, why do so many of you use memeflags?
italy cute
I do it for free.
It's about keeping a movement clean, we don't want subhumans, only purebred.
Stop making new threads mr 1 post by this id.
where can I get payed for this, seriously?
There is a lot of shilling here but if the mutt meme is one of them, its the only funny successful thing they produced. Which makes me think they didnt produce it. The mutt meme is funny because I cant stop seeing it in real life everywhere I go now.
No autopsies of bodies were ever conducted by any Allied
investigators to prove gassings of camp inmates.
No photographic evidence was taken by Allied aerial reconnaissance of
the camps between 1942-1945 showing mass exterminations or removal of
human remains, even though such activity would have been easily spotted.
No German communications, which were being monitored by the British
government throughout the war due to the early cracking of German codes,
alluded to any mass extermination or extraordinary loss of life in the
No captured diaries or journals of high-ranking German officials
alluded to any program of extermination, nor is there any documentation
whatsoever alluding to a program of extermination. As holocaust
believers claim that the National Socialists killed eleven million
people - roughly 5 million Europeans and 6 million jews - the idea that
every single document alluding to this massive operation was destroyed
is ludicrous.
Neither mass graves of eleven million bodies nor the remains of the
equivalent number of bodies in layers of ash and crushed bone, have ever
been located in or around the internment camps.
The claims of 'human soap', 'skin lampshades', and 'shrunken heads'
were debunked and admitted as lies in mainstream American newspapers in
the 1980's.
The 'steam chambers' and 'electrified floors', the first alleged
methods of mass extermination, were quickly proven to be lies before the
'gas chamber' story emerged and took hold in the public consciousness.
If the gas chambers had been real, there would have been no need to lie
about 'steam chambers' and 'electrified floors' initially.
The Katyn Massacre, the shootings of over 20,000 Poles for which
Germans were hanged, was admitted by the Russian government in 1990 to
have been actually committed by the Bolshevik NKVD.
More paleskin than you, Mohagrug
The Babi Yar massacre was a lie conjured up by the Soviet jewish
propaganda minister Ilya Ehrenburg. The story, which involved the
Germans allegedly killing 30,000 jews outside of sniper-infested Kiev in
1941 (with no eyewitnesses) and then returning to the site three years
later to dig up all the remains and destroy them using "bone-crunching
machines" (while being pursued by the Red Army, no less) was laughable
to begin with. However, there is evidence which supports mass executions
of Ukrainians at the site in the early 1930's by the NKVD (see:
Holodomor). It's probable that, like Katyn, the Babi Yar massacre was an
example of the Soviets projecting their own atrocities onto their
enemies as propaganda.
Official Soviet policy was to prioritize the evacuation of jews via
trains ahead of the German advance. Eastern Soviet territories such as
Kasakhstan, Uzbekhistan, and Tajikistan recorded huge numbers of jews
flooding into their lands during WWII
All the "information" on gas chambers came from the Soviet Union, as
the Western Allies did not capture any camps that are currently claimed
to have had any, though initially, they did falsely claim that they had
liberated "death camps" with gas chambers in them such as Dachau.
All German camps had supplies of Zyklon B, not just the camps which
were said to have had gas chambers. Large quantities of Zyklon B are
neither mysterious nor sinister, as it takes a relatively high amount of
the spray to kill lice.
A study conducted in 1999 by an Australian team of researchers using
ground-penetrating radar proved that the ground around Treblinka had
been undisturbed down to 30 meters, meaning that no human remains of one
million people were deposited there. This supports official German
documentation which shows Treblinka to be a transit camp.
Records show that German guards were severely reprimanded for so
much as striking camp inmates, let alone killing them. Karl Koch, the
commandant of the Buchenwald camp, was executed by the SS for killing
several inmates and stealing personal possessions.
Germany has no history of genocidal behavior, not even at its most
aggressive. Jews on the other hand, have a long and bloody history of
genocidal behavior towards their perceived enemies, recent examples
including Russian Orthodox Christians, Ukrainian kulaks, Polish
Catholics, Germans, and Palestinians. Furthermore, jews are notorious
for projecting their pathologies, hatreds, and hears onto their enemies.
German "admissions of guilt" were obtained through brutal torture
and coerced "confessions" by Allied agents which included genital
mutilation, mock executions, beatings, and threats directed at family
members; Rudolph Hoess, commandant of Auschwitz, was tortured so
terribly, he admitted to the location of a concentration camp that
didn't even exist.
If the Germans had wanted to kill jewish inmates, all they would had
to have done was simply not feed them. This is how Eisenhower
exterminated 1.5 million German POW's in the Rhineland death camps after
the war. No need for gas chambers, "bone-crushing machines",
electrified floors, or any other outlandishly preposterous claims
conjured up.
It's about derailing discussions and trolling because you hate Americans. Eurofaggots need their own chan or their own board. No one cares about your politics over here, anyway.
Rudolf Vrba, the Slovak Jew who popularized the gas chamber story,
was forced to admit under oath during the Ernst Zundel trial in 1985
that he had never witnessed an actual gassing, and that his stories were
"artistic representations" (that's jew for lies).
Numerous Holocaust memoirs, such as Herman Rosenblat's "Angel of
France" and Jerzy Kosinski's "The Painted Bird", have been proven to be
fiction. Elie Wiesel's "Night", supposedly based on his experiences at
Auschwitz, fails to mention any gas chambers and instead talks about
huge pits in the earth where jews were allegedly burned alive.
Deception is central to Jewish interaction with non-Jews, as well as
Jewishness in general. Extreme dishonesty in regard to their holocaust
stories is entirely in keeping with their racial character.
The "Holocaust" is used as a political weapon to extort billions of
dollars from Germany and other nations, to inculcate sympathy for jewry
in the face of its global criminality, and to stifle European
nationalism at a time when their homelands are being invaded by millions
of hostile racial aliens.
If the holocaust had actually happened, it would not require laws
drafted by powerful jewish organization to defend its veracity. No other
historical narrative is protected by the threat of heavy fines and
imprisonment. Truth doesn't fear investigation.
All German documents and statements made by German officials show
that the "Final Solution" meant the repatriation of jews to their own
territory in the East, not their extermination. Holocaust believers
claim the Germans spoke and wrote in coded language (e.g. "ausroten" =
extermination as opposed to its actual meaning "uprooting", i.e.
physically removing and transporting people) but there is no evidence to
support this idea.
During the First World War, the British government ran stories in
the newspapers about Germans allegedly gassing people to death and
'bayoneting' babies. After the war, the British government issued an
official apology for their lies and wartime propaganda. They didn't do
so after WWII due to the need to justify the foundation of Israel.
Jews have a history of exaggerating their suffering, such as during
the Khmelnytsky Uprising in Ukraine in the 17th Century. For centuries,
jews claimed that half a million to a million of them died during the
rebellion, when today it is generally accepted that actual jewish
casualties did not exceed ten thousand.
There is no reason to believe that the emaciated corpses found in
the camps by the Allied forces were anything other than victims of
starvation and typhus, which afflicted all of Germany in the final weeks
of the war due to Allied saturation bombing. Gassing people does not
cause them to lose weight, and if Jews were being immediately gassed
upon arrival at the camps, as propaganda states, where are the otherwise
healthy bodies that died from these alleged gassings?
The mobile gas vans allegedly used to gas jews were actually a
method of execution devised in the Soviet Union by NKVD official Isay
German commanders refused to follow Hitlers' Commissar Order of 1941
(mandatory executions of Bolshevik Commisars and Soviet
intelligentsia), as they considered cold-blooded killing dishonorable
and a violation of international law. Yet people are told to believe
that these same commanders were overseeing the widespread extermination
of millions of civilians of the Eastern Front.
Sporadic killings of the few Jews that remained to be caught by the
Germans in the Soviet Union were typically carried out by vengeful Slavs
who had scores to settle after two decades of jewish tyranny and
violence directed at their countries and families. It was German
soldiers who routinely stepped in to stop the violence.
The Einsatzgruppen, who lately have been the focus of TV shows,
movies, and books on account of the death of the gas chamber narrative,
were German troops whose job it was to secure the rear lines, which were
frequent targets of terrorist activity by Soviet partisans. There is no
reason to believe they were shooting thousands of millions of people as
is routinely claimed.
Topkek. This is so much fun, I gladly do it for free, desu.
I raze a glass to right side of this fight nice job at keeping the human race sine and not a pile of normies good job.
This meme really exposed the lack of trad culture here. Probably for the better. If you can't handle the banter, should you even continue on with life and etc?
also a meme that depicts mixed race people as lovecraftian monsters isn't exactly the sort of PC thing you'd expect
The people that get butt blasted are actual rebbits, so im okay with it
It's not even about banter it's about spam and derailing conversations. It's just more crapflooding and makes this board worse.
I'm not a shill and I use mutt memes to shame el caligoblinos
Kek. Haven't seen that one before. Makes me wonder what genes cause their weak bowels.
Nah,its just enjoyable to see how badly Burgers handle banter
They worship Lucifer. The morning star. The dragon. They are fully controlled by him.
>By Cameron Kasky
anagram=Rockabye Skyman
The bough breaks. The strongest branch of a tree. The father is no more. As Lucifer (mother) signs to its children. Read the fucking lyrics.
Beware the Ides of March (14/24)
the mutt spam is bants meant to inspire whites to get off there asses.
does it hurt your feels?
then go save save your race.
Fellow anons, if you, like me, have been posting the mutt meme™ for free, just go ahead and send an invoice to [email protected] along with your bank info. I just got my first $0.05 invoice paid in full :^) (+ tip).
well duh, you cant stand if you're dead
As an american, what should I do about mutts? Should I kill them? Should I kill myself? What do you want?
t. mutt
This is OP
Too much lactose in milk. Pasteurized and homogenized milk isn't really supposed to be consumed in large quantities. Also the destruction of gut bacteria by conservans in other processed foods.
Ill let you in on the truth OP and anons, the amerimutt meme use to be only a "le 56 face" old pic from years ago.
When shit started leaking about the deepstate, shills / jews / shareblue took it and made pre-packaged memes to post and inject onto the board, it all happened when leaks were happening, it litteraly came from out of no where, i remember the week.
The meme was successfully injected and its now stuck with us.
If an American is trying to do any sort of informative / leak / truth kinda post, a shareblue/jew can simply just shitpost a amerimutt meme to throw the entire thread upside down and disregard it, sorta like how leafs like me get "A FUCKING LEAF".
I don't mind singular amerimutt meme threads, but paid shills use it to discredit legitment posters / threads.
Nothing, just live your life. America is a lost cause. The few Americans who aren't mutts should flee the country.
Paid shills must be behind all the mutt butthurt too, playing both sides. Mutthurt.
But where should I go? If I am inherently a mutt, I will only be a cancer to any other white nation.
shareblue injected pre-packaged memes.
europoors took it and made more, so its here to stay to discredit legitment american posters.
he wishs he'd be
The ratio of crapflooding vs. actual banter is not significant enough at this point. Most burgers are really not fucking handling this very well user. I've legitimately prevented discord and leftypol shills before, I am not a shill and I hate the actual, broken-English crapflooders who often do use the amerimutt meme. But we must be honest with ourselves on this meme, burgers are dropping the ball bigly. Many aren't even post-ironic yet and this meme proves it.
It's a mix, but I guess goys will be goys. Doing the jews bidding for them.
Why are all of these anti- ethnic nationalist?
I haven't seen a single one of these things that attacks groups that are actually openly pushing for multiculturalism in the US.
I'm ded
im pretty sure this is weird
Literally half the posts on the internet, regardless of the site, are directly from google algorithms.
This is my cousin billy. He is american. Say something nice about him.
this user gets it, its about shill-derailing tactics.
I don't mind the banter, but its not even banter at this point
No. Just remember that they spent 80 million on that meme and Cred Forums and Cred Forums are better at making them for free.
Either jewish or uk based.
If you are a mutt, just stay in America or go to Brazil if you feel like doing a bit crazy. These are the places you will feel at home the most.
"It's just a meme"
the muttpill is an unfortunate but necessary pill to have
And that is that "white" people in North America are all mixed breeds. I'm a Romanian that moved to Canada almost two decades ago and I noticed it when I came here. Everyone has Irish/German French/Duch or some half/half ancestry at the very least. Then you get the Native admixture, the blacks, etc...It's obviously gotten worse and worse since that time but I knew it even then. As a person with only Romanian parents and only Romanian ancestry it confused and scared me to think there were people that had to think about two ancestries (and my suspicion was that because of this burden, they were deafened to the voices of their ancestors).
The muttpill makes you understand that North America has become a genetic playground where people try to come up with the next new human. Human Alchemy. The horrors of it are real.
And yet there is hope in the muttpill, because there are mutts who have achieved great things, and there is hope that there awaits a new ubermensch among those mutts.
i find the mutt posts hilarious
However, the irony is I embrace the amerimutt idea. It is what has made us back to back WORLD WAR CHAMPIONS.
America has never and will never lose a war.
And now for a message from our
>(You) in screenshot
Is there any greater mark of a newfag?
Because we are making fun of white nationalists who aren't white a.k.a. American white nationalists.
Not sure about that. The first amerimutt image is actually pretty old, as old as Cred Forums I would say. It's only been since the last months that it was posted relentlessly.
If you let an image macro ruin your thread, you shouldn't have posted atball.
The unfortunate reality of why you have military and economic superiority is jewish money. You are being propped by (((them))). Always have been.
Just leftists and kikes trying to divide their opposition.
You're a fucking leaf, were asian-mutts as well, we might as well get annexed by the U.S and get gassed. Don't even pretend canada is some sort of white country
I want to die, user.
O frunza,,in pula mea
Some are useful idiots. How is san juan faring?
Read my post, idiot. I clearly stated North America.
Nobody seems to have posted this gem yet.
>I don't understand the mutt meme
Idk why so many anons get bent out of shape over this. Just laugh at it. If you haven't noticed (((they))) want white men to get angry and get violent. That way they can justify taking the guns. (((They))) know it's coming within 15-20 years. (((They))) will throw everything at us to get us to spurge out. Stay vigilant.
Fuck off nigger, this meme is the truth on what Americans look like in 2018.
He looks like that because of a bone disease
i'd rather be a mutt then some sort of jew-mongolian-gypsie hybrid.
Hungarians are the mongolians. Gypsies are legal slaves of Romanians. Jews were expelled in Romania.
Learn your history.
Then again, you can't read so nevermind.
Don't say that, friend. Don't be sad by matters that are out of your control. Focus on doing the best you can, we will all be equals in heaven.
These things come and go. Take it in stride.
>implying Americans arent concerned about actual white countries letting in millions upon millions of "refugees" and turning themselves into the very meme you're posting
Those "white nationalists" or "white supremacists" (since you dishonest fucks use both terms interchangeably) are just regular people that think you're being destructive and stupid.
You say Americans cant have a say in white culture while you openly destroy it. You should stop taking in so many Muslims in your countries before Americans unironically become whiter than you, Muhammad.
Dute si pregateste taurul pentru Jamal,frunza.
I laugh at (You). The impact of the Jude is quite overstated. Geography, the constitution, and intra-ethnic mixing created a super stock of hearty, healthy, smart, and unpredictable violent people which has made USA the undisputed heavy weight champion of the word. The native Americans also taught the early American settlers how to fight a real war, instead of lining up like European dipshits.
Then again, you're a leaf, so fuck a dog.
its better than most of the stupid memes people make today.
Yes, seeing as how it's actually hilarious.
>the mutt meme can only be about America
>multiculturalism doesnt produce more mutts than anything else
think we're dealing with la luz extinguido, guys
It's the diets. Too much processed shit and meme diet pills.
Dece? Iti plac lucruri dineasta?
I'll take mutts over dumb frogposters any day desu.
No we fucking won't. If I am a fucking mutt, I am a fucking disgrace.
Not an argument. Close your fucking borders.
He looks like that because of genetic failure. Fifty years ago they would have said he was still born while some old nurse smothered him. Progress is a lie told to you so you can feel a little better.
This meme is actually hilarious. This mutt meme and the soyboy hate meme is the best Cred Forums memes of all time since they are the truth.
You are right Americans can't take a joke.
But the emergence of that meme was a sudden concerted effort.
I'm not sure who was behind it, but it wasn't organic.
Shills were vocal that Europe made it, which leads me to believe whoever created it wanted to foment division between America and Europe.
>meme making fun of mixed race mutts
>anti ethnic nationalist
> fuck me harder nigger
>He didn't get his local rabbi's shekels for this
Typically jewish
I do think it is divide and conquer crap from devious sources.
How mutt are you exactly. Can we have specifics?
it's just an easy way to trigger you insufferable faggots
Fucking this good god you shart in marts need to lighten up. I post it for a laugh
I always figure it was create by a bunch of butt-hurt, ass-blasted Europeans that realize the core of our strength, as a people, is that WE are not inbred. And USA went from insignificant country to saving the European continent from itself twice in a row.
I have not implied that, but nice try.
The mutt is about laughing at race obssesed faggots, most of whom come from places diverse enough to look like the picture, and who mostly come from the US because you faggots are the majority of this board.
Not only that, but the sense of superiority Americans seem to have over the rest of the world is what bands us all together into mocking you.
The fact that you think I'm implying mongrels don't exist in the rest of the world shows me how hard you want to deflect this meme and how much it hurts you when it's directed towards YOU.
tl;dr, you deserve this meme
>pic very much related
Nope. It's just murricunts not being able to take a joke.
My mother was scottish, born on a german airbase. My father's father was lebanese, his mother anglo; however, a 23&me revealed that my grandfather, while being born to lebanese parents, had a significant amount of italian DNA. My grandfather blames the crusades for this.
It's literally just a successor meme to shart in mart. Just another way to shit on Americans. It's nothing new although Americans get more development in their insults because we're fucking awesome. Meanwhile India is still on poo in loo because they do fucking nothing interesting to warrant another meme.
>Being this delusional
where can I get my paycheck mr la luz extinguido?
>Americans get more development in their insults because we're fucking awesome.
Do you see what I mean with ?
you literally deserve this meme., and you get your panties stained whenever people post it
Crusader Italians were all northern Italians. Those people are white. You sound like a mongrel, not a mutt.
this user gets it
it's a decent may may but it's forced and funnier to non-americans, obviously
this post is the exact reason people make fun of amerimutts, hope it was sarcastic
>save europe twice
do you even know where you are?
yes considering that i make some and do not get paid even if I wish i was
Probably shouldnt have sided with kikes to destroy Europe.
> Talk shit, get hit
Its the way of Cred Forums
reported for off thread
I've been muttposting >for free for a long time, where can go to get my paycheck? Do I get paid in US dolars, my country's money or Bitcoin?
Mildly annoyed when I'm trying to have an intelligent conversation and the other guy or someone else degenerates into name calling. Memes are a good indication that you've won a debate or that you're right in your beliefs.
Also that it belongs on /bant/, not Cred Forums. This is supposed to be a board for intelligent conversation.
Hello old polack. This is where all of this boards energy should go, to debunking the holocaust.
How do you think I feel as an Indian, cunt? I'm literally not allowed to take part in conversations or I get meme spammed
But when it happens to you, it's the fucking FBI or some shit
>Cred Forums
>intelligent discussion
>Memes are a good indication that you've won a debate or that you're right in your beliefs.
Or that you are a gigantic asshole who refuses to see any other argument so the world has no other remedy but to make you look stupid to shake your brain and slide common sense in you.
Seriously, this post coming from the one country that resorts to name calling every single nationality in the world?
Fuck off
>intelligent discussion
Yeah they are behind the leaf meme too
I like how you could just remove "American" and replace it with "Indians" or "Brazilians" or "Argentinians"
Well in his defense he said "meant to be".
Yeah but the retarded who made that comment was an american flag
What board do you think you're on you retard
This shit has been happening to shitskin posters for years. Yet you cry when it happens to you.
>dozens of 56 memes appear overnight till mods delet these threads.
>it's not organized tactical assault on nation with most white people on planet.
>la creatura
>el ogro de las americas
>la mutacion
>el leviatan
>la luz extinguido
>el abominacion
>el goblino
>el atrocidad
>el absoluto terror
>la puridad no mas
>el arcangel de los mixtos
Am I missing something?
I'm American, I'm 100% white (7th generation), and I look basically exactly like pic related
What exactly is the issue here?
Dude, I know. That's my point, he's being a whiny bitch
I honestly thought this was some sort of reference to genetics but some "sources " say its a reference to the fact 56% of america is white.
>tfw took a DNA test and find out i'm 56% european.
they were created largely on Cred Forums before coming to Cred Forums, that's why
fuck me harder pls
>Cred Forums
Pick one
Yes! goys will be goys.
you did it wrong you fucking tardo
>el ogrillo
>el mestizo tenebroso
>el monstrou texano
Literally not an argument. "Where do you think you are?" is not an excuse to be retarded. That's like saying you have to be an asshole on Cred Forums because "Where do you think you are?".
Americans do not really obsess about ethnicity. Its not a sensitive question, which is why people often ask about ethnic roots.
When I ask a person about their ethnic roots, I am actually looking for people that refuse to answer and just state, simply, I am an American. These are the people I identify with regardless of what they look like.
The folks that answer: oh I'm half this 10% that 25% whoever are just foreigners to me that do not understand that liberty and justice is American culture. The rest is an existential and/or identity crisis of weak-minded fools that let the media think for them. Sorry, not my problem.
(yes was being sarcastic, touchy plebe)
Can we get paid doing what we love, lol? Where do I sign up.
Make up your fucking mind, you indecisive cunt. Am I a fucking mutt or am I a mongrel, am I good or am i bad, am I fucking necessary to you you fucking coward.
You probably reported it for other (((reasons)))
>That's like saying you have to be an asshole on Cred Forums because "Where do you think you are?".
Pretty much sums it up.
oh hey it's the "not an argument" sperg
If I know you (and I do) you like to get muttposted at
>la estrella oscura
>el aberracion
>la catastrofe
Americans are the ones that jerk off the most to muh IQ tests and enter discussions by calling other non whites and sub humans. Shitskins, leafs and Euros have been made fun of for years. But when it's you guys, IT'S A PSYOP, DIVIDE TACTICS, SHILLING.
Have redpill
>Standard answer #1 in any thread about the 56% meme by the same poster
Coincidence much?
Nah , americucks just can't accept the fact that nobody likes them.
>a Bulgarian Turk sides with the goblinos
Like clockwork
>be american
>bully indians off the board by derailing everything with POO IN LOO
>laugh it off, "just bantz bruh"
>be american
>bully canadians off the board by derailing everything with A FUCKING LEAF
>laugh it off, "just bantz bruh"
>be american
>bully the swedish off the board by derailing everything with calling them a cuck
>laugh it off, "just bantz bruh"
>be american
>get bullied on Cred Forums
>create a grand conspiracy theory because you can't handle the bantz
>be american
>get shot
>no american alive today is responsible for slavery
>but every American alive today is responsible for what the WW2 generation did
Fucking leaves need to go
I only post mutts then american accuses somebody else of not being white
Does it really matter? If it riles up whites to stop race mixing and realize their folly, its a win win. But faggots like you start getting all butt hurt and preach "MUH DIVIDE AND CONQUER"
If you get mad at the meme you are a mixed race mutt. Enough said.
How is this relevant to what I said? I think at this point we'd all know that Latinos and niggers are useless to the land of the shart.
>be American
>be like him
Because you know for a fact that a white American is posting under that flag?
Damn right. And I wouldn't have it any other way.
>whoever created it wanted to foment division between America and Europe
Americans were already doing that on the daily, and still are
Confident white man won't post to European brother that they are not white, So yes, I basically use this against shitskins or insecure white boys, and it works as intended
>to foment division between America and Europe
that's good
my nigga chill the fuck out its a meme jesus christ
It's just Cred Forums and newfags
Anti-American posting is fucking old, but retarded newfags think they're somehow original for sticking it to the Americans.
They cound't take jokes either and thought Americans are big meanies to them so they made their own crap while ignoring the already existing stuff.
Yes I get it. But understand whom is control in this relationship. By your logic it would follow that Afghans and Egyptians also control America. I'm saying all these states are, in proportion to their dependency on USA money, are our vassal states. America controls them. You got it backwards. By my logic, Israel is USA's most totally dependent bitch.
Every time an American makes an x isn't white joke, he is spammed by at least 12 different muttposters, taking him unironically. It's you whiny faggots that can't take a joke
Americans going mental over a meme only because its directed at them. I knew you guys were pussies but goddamn.
Even if there was a single person who was behind all the mutt drawings etc. doesn't change the fact that it's clearly popular for a reason and spread like wildfire, thus it IS organic.
Fuck, I don't even think this is a Cred Forums meme, more like Cred Forums
There it is
No, I agree 100%
Mutt posters that post the images are trying to putt cracks in the Anglo alliance.
Report mutt posters.
Sage mutt threads.
Acutally it triggers white Americans who will try to tell you south Europeans and fins aren’t white and shit like this
This is a bad spiral.
You’re a useful idiot for the divide and conquer shills
It's not a meme, it's fucking true. We are a bunch of fucking interracial mutt disgusting abominations and we need to all either kill ourselves or kill each other. We have no identity left, we are no better than disgusting fucking niggers claiming to be kings when we say that we are this or that. We deserve to fucking burn.
It upsets Americans because Europeans are trying to tell us the history of race in our country.
The Founding Fathers were white nationalists and you essentially had to be white to become a naturalized citizen until the immigration reform in 1965 flooded our country with non-whites.
They lied and said that it wouldn't have a major impact on the ethnic makeup of the country, but it obviously did.
I'm on your side.
Don't throw in Bongs with EU faggots.
Who cares? I find it very useful in warning europeans about their future. Every time someone drops a mutt post, he’s reenforcing the idea that mutts are to be mocked, and that being a mutt is undesirable. Stop crying about it and use it. It’s one of the most powerful weapons The Jew has created for us.
[spoiler] I'm lovin' it ;) [/spoiler]
The EU is NOT Europe.
You revealed yourself.
>ITT: butthurt Euro mongs drained and devoid of any semblance of nationalism or pride, triggered and awestruck by burgers standing up for their country and flag, "hurr durr they can't take the bantz"
We share a language. Nuff said.
Who's that pokemon?
>not hiding your flags
don't let us see you're just shitskins, it ruins the meme
Okay Carlos Roberto Santiago de la Huerta Velazquez Johnson