So, Cred Forums
How does it feel knowing that the Kremlin controls the white house and you played into their hands like the absolute pawns you are by voting for him?
So, Cred Forums
How does it feel knowing that the Kremlin controls the white house and you played into their hands like the absolute pawns you are by voting for him?
Other urls found in this thread:
Wouldn't Trump's first act in office be to lift the Russia sanctions if he were a Russian agent?
More to the point, why would anyone think it's crazy that Russia wouldn't be meddling in the US elections. The US does it to every other country they consider enemies or people of strategic value.
Don't expect the Russian shills here to answer this thread, OP.
I know this is bait, but I'll bite. After a year this is all they got. That's pretty funny.
You mean two russians whose names were found in a Buzzfeed article from 2013 and discovered while Googling "russia troll putin bots", and then 11 made up Russian sounding names? Why are none of the 13 in custody? What are the plans to arraign them? Can we see proof of the "Pro Trump Rally" that supposedly took place in NYC four days after the election?
wait hol'up so you sayin' we wuz russian boughts n sheeeeiiitt?
Based Russia helping our country.
>lift the Russia sanctions if he were a Russian agent?
He vetoed another sanctions bill, which passed congress by overwhelming majority.
>Wouldn't Trump's first act in office be to lift the Russia sanctions if he were a Russian agent?
No, it would have been too obvious. Plus the outgoing Obama admit effectively tied Trump's hands by releasing the U.S. intelligence community's initial Russian interference assessment. Trump couldn't do shit without Washington exploding.
how do you feel knowing that mueller plagarized his whole investigation from a fucking russian article from 2014? FUCK OFF useless fag
On behalf of all Russians we shills are so sorry for telling you the truth about Hillary, but thanks for the uranium anyway, see you glow in the dark niggers in Syria..your welcome
Mueller is the biggest Putin shill in the world right now.
Watch. Just wait til foreign governments uproot the same people and show how the US has been doing the same shit. Dems don't think they'll do it though.
I'd legit rather have the Kremlin than the democrats. They at least care about the preservation of white culture.
You mean the bill he initially signed into effect while, rightfully, decrying that Congress was overstepping their Constitutional bounds by forcing the President to conduct foreign policy?
He refused to renew it after it expired.
I honestly thought the yanks would downplay this. I mean, really, pointing fingers at OTHER countries for meddling in elections?
It's unethical for governments to pay organizations to pose as citizens of another country to sway opinions. If the US did that, you people would be all over them. Since it's Russia, you will jump down my throat over this post.
you guys are sure going after the russians. they must have some bad shit on you. come on you can tell me.
Why would they downplay the only piece of evidence they have?
The goal is to impeach Trump and install their own people in the WH, they will never admit that Trump is innocent.
look at 1:58
All indicted.
Plea deals for the last 3
Trump jr emails about the meeting 'he lied about (claiming it was for "adoption") are on his own twitter
,proving the follow up of said meeting (for obtaining damaging intel of Clinton)
He invokes "client/attorney privilege" when asked questions about said meeting
Trump saying it was a witch hunt, a hoax, now change his mind
Still no sanctions. None being discussed.
All he does is tweeting that he dindu nuffin
What more do you need?
You realize that Russia shilled on
>literally all sides according to that very same indictment......
>What more do you need?
evidence that he or his campaign colluded with the Russian government to influence the 2016 election
that's literally the charge laid against Trump by the media and the Democrats, anything short of that is irrelevant
>not actually reading the indictment and not realizing it has changed nothing
I can't wait for the DOW to go to 30,000 this year. I'm gonna make so much money on my Square calls.
>shitposting Facebook memes = control of the whitehouse kek
Trumps generals are actively engaging (and wrecking) russiatroops in Syria.
I highly doubt he's controlled by the Kremlin. Hopefully he will kill more commies
feels great. the government here is anti-white, at least putin cares about white americans.
You RETARD... the indictments are for ads after the election
>Trolling is now illegal
wtf is this timeline?
>Russians create bots that retweet Alex Jones
>US politics descends into chaos for two years
They did, in Ukraine. The Obama administration did it, but none of you lefty faggots cared then. Fucking hypocrites.
I think they should face appropriate consequences for it and I'm not a lefty
Yeah so do i
Can you give me concrete evidence that "The medias" (all except fox news i guess" and "the DEMS" colluded to undermine Trump?
evidences like meetings, emails, money, guilty pleas...?
indictment says nothing about Kremlin dipshit.
Why are you completely changing the subject?
lmao they are literally in the process of retracting their plea deals
Thanks Obama.
Mueller's FBI Russia investigation either coincidentally came up with the same russians from some old Buzzfeed article, or the FBI slapped some shit together at the last minute by plagiarizing from some old Buzzfeed articles.
Another implication is that this changes the timeline of when Internet Research Agency was KNOWN. Current narrative is that it was formed in 2014 but nobody knew about it until the election, but they were taking interviews from BuzzFeed/ MSM since 2013-2014 so they're not even a secret. If all they found was the name of this place after 1.5 years they truly have nothing.
Russia busted CIA spies running fake companies that don't exist anywhere in Russian financial records.
And all 13 Russian individuals named in the Mueller indictment were taken from a 2015 article here:
Internet Research Agency (IRA), the "Russian troll farm" has been reported by BuzzFeed and other MSM since at least 2013.
ATLANTIC: Russians Online Comment Army (2013)
BUZZFEED: Documents Show How Russia’s Troll Army Hit America (2014)
Does Mueller Indictment Mean Clinton Campaign Can Be Indicted for Chris Steele?
You tell me that you won't believe Trump is guilty until you find/see evidence. I agree with this
But you also tell me that the Dems/Media are somehow plotting against Trump
Please give me evidence? You wouldn't believe something so big without evidence right? Or is there just some facts (like facts in my 1st post) that are guiding your thoughts.
pol is run by Putin's troll factory so it feels pretty good to them
>But you also tell me that the Dems/Media are somehow plotting against Trump
Please point to the specific post where I told you this.
ooooh, now congress is overstepping it's bounds, huh? the motherfuckers who can declare war? Trump's actions are shady as fuck here.
When do we find out what kind of video evidence they have on this Mueller guy?
way easier to believe that trump is innocent than any agenda CNN pushes desu
more indictments coming, stay tuned,
Rosenstein merely said that *this* indictment didn’t contain evidence that *these* Russians succeeded in changing the outcome of the election. In other words, that’s coming later, either in future indictments against other Russians, or in superseding indictments against these same Russians. Mueller and Rosenstein managed to not only make the most significant and damaging move in the Trump-Russia investigation to date, they managed to trick Trump into thinking it was a victory for him so he wouldn’t try to retaliate. That means they’re free to continue dismantling him, which they will.
That lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya met with Glenn Simpson (Head of fusion GPS) both before and after the meeting. She was let into the country by the Obama DOJ. It's a scam.
no collusion.
haha, comrade
>that's literally the charge laid against Trump by the media and the Democrats, anything short of that is irrelevant
How is reporting the facts and dems related? Trump is being charged because of what he does and says.
The dems works with the media? (all except fox news right) If so where is the evidence please.
you poltards are soooo fucccckkking dense it boggles the mind, this is not the last indictment moron, why would you think that? Lawyers speak very precisely, you need an 8th grade reading comprehension level to understand it.
Rosenstein's main job right now is to keep Trump from figuring out how fucked he is so Mueller can finish with the rest of the indictments.
Rosenstein merely said that *this* indictment didn’t contain evidence that *these* Russians succeeded in changing the outcome of the election. In other words, that’s coming later, either in future indictments against other Russians, or in superseding indictments against these same Russians. Mueller and Rosenstein managed to not only make the most significant and damaging move in the Trump-Russia investigation to date, they managed to trick Trump into thinking it was a victory for him so he wouldn’t try to retaliate. That means they’re free to continue dismantling him, which they will.
hi russian bot here beep boop
feels great man beep boop boop beep
>a couple of russians posted political memes on facebook
>this proves that russia owns the us government
>More to the point, why would anyone think it's crazy that Russia wouldn't be meddling in the US elections. The US does it to every other country they consider enemies or people of strategic value.
so many problems with this logic. 1. There is an issue with their meddling. They wedged themselves into our political discussion by exploiting our weaknesses. Is it expected behavior? From an enemy of the state, well sure. It's crazy in how effective it is. The kremlin helped to elect the shit storm in the white house. how is that NOT crazy, you cuck?
2. I'm so tired of "the US does it so it's ok if it happens to us" illogical fucking gibberish you apologists trot out. We bombed Hiroshima, so the japanese can come over here, bomb las vegas, and that's fine, they get a free pass.
Seriously. You better be paid to write out this fucking cucked gibberish.
You can't see poster IDs? What's wrong with you?
there's so much more evidence than just 2 fucking facebook posts you cuck.
Imagine being so stupid that you actually wrote this
>Former CIA Chief Admits US Meddling In Foreign Elections "For Their Own Good"
>"Well...hhhmmm, numm numm numm numm... only for a very good the interests of democracy..."
You want to know something weird?
i fucked up
>No evidence of collusion
No evidence of collusion
>No evidence of collusion
No evidence of collusion
>No evidence of collusion
No evidence of collusion
>No evidence of collusion
No evidence of collusion
>No evidence of collusion
No evidence of collusion
13 russian trolls under obamas watch that btfo'd all our intelligence agencies.
So what?
Why should I of Russian heritage hate Russia?
You think the whole country consists of schizophrenic Anglos and Celts?
It's very simple. Can you make a logical conclusion that the 13 indicted people were not ALL actually helping Hillary? Exactly what do these 13 Russians mean? I want you to be logical
And how do we know they weren't hired by Hillary and crew.
They would have had similar findings for literally any us election stone the advent of the Internet.
It's more than the Republican shits got after umpteen investigations of Hillary/Benghazi
Bingo bango. The fact that people are trying to make ANY conclusions from this is so darn retarded it's like the Dem shills are run by a group of 10 year olds
I have a video where she admits it.
Poetry and Prose Connecticut Drive
Sweetie read wikileaks and then kill yourself
Exhibit A
Exhibit B
All 13 of them
Exhibit C
>How does it feel knowing that the Kremlin controls the white house and you played into their hands like the absolute pawns you are by voting for him?
Trans-national oligarchy controls dominant political parties essentially nullifying democracy.
Trans-national oligarchy bleeds native population dry, exports good jobs. Imports cheap labor. Creates massive debt slavery.
Against all odds native population manages to elect candidate not approved by the said oligarchy.
Human shield bourgeois with their obedience filter diplomas actually believe this blatant and obvious propaganda.
What a sleazeball
Fuck off nigel
Fuck off with your strawman thread. Kremlin's dealings were with Killary, Obongo and the DNC. You ignore what you don't like and yell as loud as you can what you do like. Kill yourself faggot.
Time for the Goyim to get a taste of the Storm.
The test is over.
You fucking retard. I’m just an average newfag lurker who got in here back in 2016. There was literally nothing Russian oriented that got me to love this board or vote for The Donald. I’m ashamed of your stupidity, user.
It's pretty sad that all they have is shitposting.
Even funnier, all under the Obama administration, and they didn't even warn the American people.
Its like a Russian CTR/Shareblue, except Soros is Putin.
If they think 0.14% of political facebook posts can influence things, they may want to look at the % of Anti Trump articles written by Jews.
Whats that percent 50? 70? 80%?
Trump likes pussy. What is the problem here? Trump is the personification of the Chad Meme®.
Imagine if 35 Senators and Congressmen had Russian Duel citizenship and they were 96% Republicans.
>Gary Ackerman (D-NY)
>Shelley Berkley (D-NV)
>Howard Berman (D-CA)
>Eric Cantor (R-VA)
>David Cicilline (D-RI)
>Stephen Cohen (D-TN)
>Susan Davis (D-CA)
>Ted Deutch (D-FL)
>Eliot Engel (D-NY)
>Bob Filner (D-CA)
>Barney Frank (D-MA)
>Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ)
>Jane Harman (D-CA)
>Steve Israel (D-NY)
>Sander Levin (D-MI)
>Nita Lowey (D-NY)
>Jerrold Nadler (D-NY)
>Jared Polis (D-CO)
>Steve Rothman (D-NJ)
>Jan Schakowsky (D-IL)
>Allyson Schwartz (D-PA)
>Adam Schiff (D-CA)
>Brad Sherman (D-CA)
>Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL)
>Henry Waxman (D-CA)
>John Yarmuth (D-KY)
>Richard Blumenthal (D-CT)
>Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
>Benjamin Cardin (D-MD)
>Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)
>Al Franken (D-MN)
>Herb Kohl (D-WI)
>Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ)
>Joseph Lieberman (Independent-CT)
>Carl Levin (D-MI)
>Charles Schumer (D-NY)
>Ron Wyden (D-OR)
>Michael Bennet (D-CO)
Nothing to see here right? No possible collusion at all?
Think again.
Trump is a woman you stupid pleb.
Jokes on YOU
Russians with names like Moshe, Shlomo and Ehud control the WH.
All these kikes...
>Finds a baker's dozen Ruskie shitposters
>Literally more evidence that Bernie, Jill Stien, and HIllary got more help than Trump did
Your faggotry is tiresome.
>Camaign unaware
If you are being paid to be here by a group affiliated with the DNC the treason charges outlined by the recent memos can apply to you as well. We are coming for you. As yourself if this is worth it.
Better Putin than Killary
>no one outside of the US and russia tried to influence the election
Shit talking about women.
We saw it.
Guess who let those russians enter to the country, fucking nigger.
putin deserves the congressional medal of honor for getting trump elected
Stupid Goyim
All you had to do was be good.
Was that really too much to ask of you?
>Obama is the sun, Trump is the moon that temporarily blocks Obama
Moon isn't even real.
Today we implode the goyim ego and if they refuse, they don't get to transcend earth.
Oh tough decision day.
>Internet Research Agency (IRA), the "Russian troll farm" has been reported by BuzzFeed and other MSM since at least 2013.
They were known about!?! Case closed might as well throw out the grand juries indictment now
Y-you’re right. ONLY a preemptive nuclear strike on Russia can free us from their control by your MSM standards. Expect massive casualties in retaliation but it is necessary and worth it. Good luck OP hope you make it!
Nukes are a lie
LOL We made it up.
All you had to do was be decent.
Why weren't you?
You chose to post violence and reduce women to objects.
Now you find out the truth.
For people to stop pretending like their side is clean and using McCarthyism 2.0 to distract from that.....
Laws against gay propaganda when? I've seen enough people become trannies and then kill themselves because it was just a phase they were talked into
This happened to my brother:
>step 0: normal straight man who can not stop a boner when looking at a nice rack
>step 1: no, i don't conform to the mass media's concept of a man, i am clearly feminine
>step 2: i am not a real man, i would be better off as a girl
>step 3: i always knew it, i sat down to pee when i was a kid once
>step 4: i only get had to traps and sissy porn now, obviously i was never straight (step 5: anal feels better than penile. why would this be if i were a man? (step 7: hehe look at my boobs everyone, i like them too.
>step 8: suicide
The impeachment process of Bill Clinton was initiated by the House of Representatives on December 19, 1998, against Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States, on two charges, one of perjury and one of obstruction of justice. These charges stemmed from a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against Clinton
Trump is a woman.
How many times do I need to say it?
why do leftyfags always say 'sweety' ... i guess you really can't hide your literal homosexuality
You have no understanding of how corrupt our media apparatus is and further how easy it is for a small group to control what comes out of it. A sort of differentiation process occurs before you are even allowed to be a lackey.
We didn’t listen? WE DIDN’T LISTEN!!
he literally hasn't enforced sanctions that were passed by a majority in congress.
With regards to Christopher Steele; the U.S. government has made cases using informants much less savory than a former MI6 agent
Are any of the Russians going to jail because if they aren't it's a nothing Burger
>in this indictment
They also help the Bernie Sanders campaign and the Jill Stein campaign
so its okay to cheat on your wife?
The indictment itself specifically stated that the 13 conspired with "persons known and unknown" to the grand jury. Mueller very clearly promised more.
If Satan was in control of both Trump and Hillary (he prolly is btw) I would still prefer that Hillary get raped to death by a pack of wild niggers
>Meuler's investigation comes to its conclusion
>entire buzzfeed staff goes to prison
The influencer part is big. Do you think a metric for how influencial he was became established and it was determined he be allowed to predator to his hearts content simply because he was too valuable to someone? Not just any zillionaire can change a group’s collective mind...
The Republicans at least got evidence of what all got fucked up with Benghazi and Hillary. They just didn't do anything with it since they're all in the same camp.
>How does it feel knowing that the Kremlin controls the white house and you played into their hands like the absolute pawns you are by voting for him?
Well, how does it feel, Burgerbro?
Guess the book of revelations was a big joke.
Hunter S Thompson's favourite piece of literature.
I wonder why.
13 Foreigners did less than what Two whole AMERICAN Organizations did this whole election. [CTR, Shareblue]. How are these organizations off the hook?
"Posting on facebook" isn't and shouldn't constitute as "Election Meddling".
OP is right. My friend saw an ad for Trump on facebook. He was going to vote Hillary, but, upon seeing the ad, he prompt bought a MAGA hat.
You disgusting piece of fucking traitorous garbage YOU and your disgusting liberal friends are STILL playing right into the kremlins hands faggot. now go kill yourself you disgusting delusional traitorous faggot. i hope your children watch you dangle and shit yourself.
So apparently, all we needed to do was organize ourself as a "Super PAC" and we wouldn't be in this problem?
>Holding Not My President rallies with Michael Moore after the election is somehow helping Trump
Liberals were duped into helping Russians resist! Lol yep, Kremlin controlled the old White House those days are finally over. Lets hear it for the worst president in American history!!!!!
Be quiet peasant and take the medicine.
>he doesn’t know.
Git yer filthy association prop-o-gander away from muh based Thompson!
13 people on teh interwebz aren't who they claimed to be! Indicted and can't be extradited. Tax dollars well spent!
>13 russians indicted
>boss of troll factory and 12 troll factory officers
>budget of 1 million dollars to subvert US and completely crush CIA, FBI, NSA, DOJ and the rest of the (((3 letter agencies))) with multibillion if not trillion dollar budgets
>(((mueller))) and dems are proud of their investigation findings
*breathes in*
>you played into their hands like the absolute pawns you are
We've known about Russian bots setting the agenda on this board for years.
There's even a meme about it.
Like what? Don't come here doing half assed posts, at least try to prove you are not a faggot
Kremlin is more to the authoritarian left and anti white than any jew in the USA.
Kremlin controls the white house, goys