Is it sinking in yet????
Other urls found in this thread:
2:30 am !!!!!!!!!!
He did attack Russia though?
Those glasses make him look like a fly. Which is fitting because he seems like a pest.
Trump saving the best for last?
Why would anyone pay any attention to this obvious kike puppet (((Krassenstein)))?
What a complete faggot
So that means with Poland not accepting jewish guilt for WW2
Russia talking about revising their history wrt the jewish involvement in politics
and Trump calling out the snakes in the American government?
Jews are not gonna have a good time
wonder why he could look like a pest
Because, retard, Trump didn't work with the Russians. The Russians aren't the ones spending 24/7 breathlessly calling Trump a traitor of the American people. I'm sure Trump is working to the full extent of his power to deal with the Russia bullshit, but what do you expect him to do? Spend every single day condemning Russia publicly?
The people listed there are obviously problems that exist and make their presence known every fucking day they attack.
Russia is innocent.
I stopped being surprised at this point
Imagine living this deeply rent free in someone's head that they'd track your every move waiting to criticize it. It's no wonder Trump made a fortune in real estate.
>When you're so far up your own ass about how "enlightened" your party is that you'll admit 13 Russians that shit posted on Facebook using 100k of bought advertisements beat a candidate that spent 1.2 billion dollars on her campaign and was jerked off by every western leader, media outlet, and financial sector rather than deal with the fact that your ideas suck.
No one that matters cares.
This guy has taken too many black dicks up the ass and has given Comey too many blow jobs. His mind is gone and he is dying of aids or Trump Derangement Syndrome. A total piece of shit.
if trump is a jewish puppet why is krassenstein out for his blood?
98% of trumpcucks suffer from extreme jealousy
>it's another 0 content twatter E celeb screenshot posting for attention thread episode
fucking cancer.
I wish I could take as many dicks as he can in his ass
Russia is a much better ally than Israel.
Is the link between those Russian people and the Russian government proven yet?
wakanda if true..
Even if not I'm sure they'll hire someone to "find the connection"
What's with these two Jews? They jump on any Trump tweet. Wtf kind of productive things do they do in society?
What is bugman?
Every. Single. Time.
every single time
YA! Let that sink in, Goy. :)
Ed is such manlet.
Hilarious that his only clout is being a character on Cred Forums...His bio/feed are straight from central casting...
>can you send me a twitter-obsessed soyboy millenial asshole?
Considering the liberals were doing Russia’s bidding, he’s right
He right yo know regardless of his heritage
He didn't attack Sri Lanka or Luxembourg either. What is Trump hiding?
fuck off bad to reddit larping faggot
Let that sink in!
He's only controlled by the Israel lobbyists, not the liberal white genocide advocate jews
Why would he attack russia? Because a couple of russian citizens shitposted? You would have him saber rattle and risk armed conflict over a bakers dozen shitposters? Who should be attacked over the veritable army of clownstrike employees? Do you really think your tricks work here?
Why is this Jew always triggered? It’s really annoying. I would have no idea who he was if he wasn’t consistently hanging out in the Twitter ghetto under Trump’s tweets.
fuck off faggot
Once the public is red pilled enough, and they are getting daily doses at this point, that will get blown the fuck out as well.
Mental illness. It's prevalent in the older heebs.
The kid fucker? Don't care the opinion of kid fuckers. Social Media makes everyone feel relevent. Even kid fuckers.
It went from
wew it's quickly falling apart isn't it
Why does the world revolve around Russia to them?
>he didnt attack Russia
No fucking shit, sherlock. Trump is one of the few people THAT DOES NOT WANT TO GO TO WAR WITH RUSSIA FOR NO GOD DAMN REASON
Trump needs to call them out on this shit. Why do the libtards want to fight Russia so badly?
Yes, Cred Forums, I can see the stein.
These fucking kikes will never admit later on to how wrong they were and to how much hatred they spewed against the president. Don't ever let them forget, Cred Forums.
>Cred Forums influence teams
Do these people realize that only implying and not explicitly saying what they mean is a consequence that their viewpoint is irrational?
If his argument were made explicit, it would be something like:
Trump attacked all these entities whose evil is questionable, but he didn't attack Russia, an entity far more evil than any of these. If he weren't evil himself, he would be sure to 1) agree Russia is super evil, and 2) be sure to attack them when he is attacking less evil entities.
His point, as irrational as it is, "sinks in" and surely gets passed on, but if he isn't just passing this on himself, he surely must be aware that his point is absurd? So why post this? Is it just because his name ends in (((stein)))?
All the Jews are using the same tired talking points.
He also didn't attack INUITS!
Let that sink in is probably the best filterable phrase on the internet
remember that just like a female this is his BEST picture and he still looks like a norwood 3 jew
I thought some one had shooped the JUST hair onto him from the thumbnail, turns out it's his own hair.
>"General McMaster forgot to say that the results of the 2016 election were not impacted or changed by the Russians and that the only Collusion was between Russia and Crooked H, the DNC and the Dems," Trump wrote on Twitter. "Remember the Dirty Dossier, Uranium, Speeches, Emails and the Podesta Company!"
>he’s ATTACKING McMaster
>he’s LASHING OUT at McMaster
When will the MSM let this meme die?
No idea. I honestly don't think these kinds of people think that far ahead and just see Russia as a scapegoat. If it wasn't Russia it would be something else.
True...the inuits had more of an effect on the election then russian trolls .
Best President IN MY LIFE!
How do you say traitor in Russian?
Didn't attack Finland either. You burgers should get fucking scared.
The MIC and deep state are fucking fuming that they got cucked out of their Iranian AND syrian wars. They HAVE to bomb something, the share price depends on it. Hillary had it all lined up then drumpf came along and ruined everything
george takei finally merged with his husband
Right after *sips tea*
FtM tranny jew.
>trump SLAMS mcmaster
Is my least favorite by a long ways
stop posting this literal who faggot kike that abuses Twitter algorithms for visibility
how will bots recover?
source? I've seen this image like a thousand times but never found out where it's from
Resident evil 3
I voted for Trump, I even bought the hat, I can't believe I allowed the Russians to use me as a useful idiot. We need to take our country back!
I now surf the #BlueWave2018!
Yeah but it is Russia, no one gives a fuck about Clinton. This is about America
You don't attack your boss.
I wish i can suck many dicks like krassenstein sucks
Probably has to do with the uranium deal. I feel like they did shady business witht the clinton foundayion and then fucked the clintons over somehow. Maybe there was agreed upon terms and Putin got what he wanted and broke the deal off. This whole Russia narrative reeks of revenge or punishment for not playing by the globalist rules. Maybe they know to go to war with Russia will take an immense amount of propaganda to sway the general public into supporting direct conflict.
The Democrats, the FBI, the Media, Adam Schiff, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are all worse enemies of the United States than Russia. Let that sink in. And, bullshit would Trump attack "America".
Because Democrats are far more dangerous to the United States than the Russians are.
Why would he? What they did was tame compared to the people he attacked.
(((Krassenstein))) Cred Forums
Let that sink in!
He didn't attack Liechtenstein, WTF!
let that sink in
I'm sick of the guy. I guess that's their intention. His task is to annoy the shit out of us incessantly. It's basically the Chinese water torture.
Because Russia is a different country, he's mad about traitors to our country right now.
you know Trump might not be the best president ever,
but it's difficult to judge his shortcomings because all of his opposition is CONSTANTLY GIGANTIC FAGGOTS that are incapable of making actual arguments or taking positions that would make America great again
>what is not involving/wildly slinging accusations at a foreign power
>what is 'not stirring the hornets' nest'
>what is modern diplomacy and foreign relations
>what is 'draining the swamp'
you don't realize how many shit firestorms he's putting out, do you? your spin lacks creativity, btw.
trump attacked all the appropriate parties.
this problem lives at home, lock them up.
Haha like just ignore him and don't read his tweets lol
Yeah he hates the communist fifth column
So do we
Pretty much this.
yeah, he did attack russia. he literally said they did meddle in our election.
This kike, like the others, is nothing but a con artist.
Russia has a tape of Trump raping and killing a toddler. This is why he doesn't dare go against Russia's interests.
I trolled him and accused him of messing with little boys in his garage and he blocked me. Tweeted that since he isnt' giving anyone else due process he doesn't deserve it. Pol should troll the hell out of him and accuse him of child molestation
lol. nice fan fiction
It's not a joke. It was filmed on Epsteins island
Fuck that nigger, he raped a child. FACT
>It's not a joke. It was filmed on Epsteins island
Trump has a weird fascination with Epstein.
so you're telling me it doesnt' exist. got it.
Check. This was before he found out Jeffy fucked kids. Google it retard.
Trump is a pedo. Which is why he endorsed Roy Moore so enthusiastically.
Giant Aviator glasses to compensate for his gigantic jew nose
Really??? Are you sure? I’ve known Trump longer than anyone here, no. No he isn’t. He wanted a Conservative to win. Fact.
Trump's twitter.
Educate yourself, bigot!
He praised Schiff and questioned the integrity of everyone else.
I’m the bigot, lol nice.
Good luck with that argument Podesta.
Well I actually don't have a Twitter account because I think it's a piece of shit but it would help if the anons here would stop posting his tweets. Kind of hard to not see what this Jewish faget is tweeting if people here keep spreading his shit around.
This guy is such a faggot, literally replies to every single Trump tweet with some retarded whining
Kushner is a fucking jew you retard
Fucking underrated holy shit
Hello diversity hire. Your safe space is back at Neogaf with the other sexual deviants.
>calling people bigots
>That nose
Slav nigger
Let that sink in
Ed is a treasonous shitsmear who should be hung from his mininuts
Yeah he did he used their names
Clinton's Obama etc
I hate this god damn faggot I hope get gets killed in a car accident.
Agreed, Leafbro, tweetposters should be exiled back to plebbit.
>tweetposters should be exiled back to plebbit
So true.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend
You should know that isn't true by now.
This fag is one to talk about tweet amount.
pro tip:
Try to find anti trump tweets that aren't from jews.
Reminder that Krassenstein is a pedophile.
>I hate to appear like I am "triggered," but some things are painful on a deep level. I had finally started to put a certain traumatic childhood event behind me when I decided to make a twitter like everyone else. And there is my ghost from the past, laughing in the face of his victims by denouncing sexual abuse on a huge public arena. Applauded by everyone. thousands of "likes" on his total hypocrisy.
>Because when Brian Krassenstein was in his early 20s, he anally penetrated me and my brother (aged 11 and 14) in a garage in Florida after luring us inside with promises of cash for helping move stuff. According to my brother it happened to other boys in the neighborhood as well but I can't know for certain, and I can't talk to him about it because he shot himself in the head 2 years ago.
>I've never told anyone about it so I hope you forgive the venting. I had to put the words to paper, maybe it can help with these feelings I have that I'm sure my brother felt as well. They scare me.
The thread you were looking for does not exist.
>Reminder that Krassenstein is a pedophile.
>>I hate to appear like I am "triggered," but some things are painful on a deep level. I had finally started to put a certain traumatic childhood event behind me when I decided to make a twitter like everyone else. And there is my ghost from the past, laughing in the face of his victims by denouncing sexual abuse on a huge public arena. Applauded by everyone. thousands of "likes" on his total hypocrisy.
>>Because when Brian Krassenstein was in his early 20s, he anally penetrated me and my brother (aged 11 and 14) in a garage in Florida after luring us inside with promises of cash for helping move stuff. According to my brother it happened to other boys in the neighborhood as well but I can't know for certain, and I can't talk to him about it because he shot himself in the head 2 years ago.
>>I've never told anyone about it so I hope you forgive the venting. I had to put the words to paper, maybe it can help with these feelings I have that I'm sure my brother felt as well. They scare me.
>The thread you were looking for does not exist.
Die in a fire, Krassenstein. Fucking parasite.
>>Reminder that Krassenstein is a pedophile.
>>>I hate to appear like I am "triggered," but some things are painful on a deep level. I had finally started to put a certain traumatic childhood event behind me when I decided to make a twitter like everyone else. And there is my ghost from the past, laughing in the face of his victims by denouncing sexual abuse on a huge public arena. Applauded by everyone. thousands of "likes" on his total hypocrisy.
>>>Because when Brian Krassenstein was in his early 20s, he anally penetrated me and my brother (aged 11 and 14) in a garage in Florida after luring us inside with promises of cash for helping move stuff. According to my brother it happened to other boys in the neighborhood as well but I can't know for certain, and I can't talk to him about it because he shot himself in the head 2 years ago.
>>>I've never told anyone about it so I hope you forgive the venting. I had to put the words to paper, maybe it can help with these feelings I have that I'm sure my brother felt as well. They scare me.
>>The thread you were looking for does not exist.
>>>Reminder that Krassenstein is a pedophile.
>>>>I hate to appear like I am "triggered," but some things are painful on a deep level. I had finally started to put a certain traumatic childhood event behind me when I decided to make a twitter like everyone else. And there is my ghost from the past, laughing in the face of his victims by denouncing sexual abuse on a huge public arena. Applauded by everyone. thousands of "likes" on his total hypocrisy.
>>>>Because when Brian Krassenstein was in his early 20s, he anally penetrated me and my brother (aged 11 and 14) in a garage in Florida after luring us inside with promises of cash for helping move stuff. According to my brother it happened to other boys in the neighborhood as well but I can't know for certain, and I can't talk to him about it because he shot himself in the head 2 years ago.
>>>>I've never told anyone about it so I hope you forgive the venting. I had to put the words to paper, maybe it can help with these feelings I have that I'm sure my brother felt as well. They scare me.
>>>The thread you were looking for does not exist.
>he didn’t attack russia
Maybe threatening a country we are currently fighting terrorist with isn’t such a good idea....
>>>>Reminder that Krassenstein is a pedophile.
>>>>>I hate to appear like I am "triggered," but some things are painful on a deep level. I had finally started to put a certain traumatic childhood event behind me when I decided to make a twitter like everyone else. And there is my ghost from the past, laughing in the face of his victims by denouncing sexual abuse on a huge public arena. Applauded by everyone. thousands of "likes" on his total hypocrisy.
>>>>>Because when Brian Krassenstein was in his early 20s, he anally penetrated me and my brother (aged 11 and 14) in a garage in Florida after luring us inside with promises of cash for helping move stuff. According to my brother it happened to other boys in the neighborhood as well but I can't know for certain, and I can't talk to him about it because he shot himself in the head 2 years ago.
>>>>>I've never told anyone about it so I hope you forgive the venting. I had to put the words to paper, maybe it can help with these feelings I have that I'm sure my brother felt as well. They scare me.
>>>>The thread you were looking for does not exist.
Imagine being such a fag your full time job is lying on social media against a president that has actually be making Americans lives better.
Business brothers own Lee home raided by Homeland Security
>"They're here to remove everything from the house, all the computer software and all that stuff," Messina said. "They walked at least 20 to 30 bundles of stuff out of that house and into their cars."
>According to property records, the home is owned by brothers, Edward and Brian Krassenstein. Neighbors said the men are not only twins but business partners.
>We found the brothers are listed as co-founders of a company called 3Dprint, which is described as a news organization for 3D printing.
Brothers Edward and Brian Krassenstein owned the MoneyMakerGroup and TalkGold internet forums.
Easily the two largest publicly accessible Ponzi promotion platforms on the internet, both MoneyMakerGroup and TalkGold were pulled offline last month without explanation.
Today BehindMLM can exclusively reveal that, in relation to their operation of both forums, the DOJ has accused the Krassenstein brothers of wire fraud.
The MoneyMakerGroup and TalkGold forums went offline within minutes on or around August 22nd.
On August 21st the DOJ filed an asset forfeiture case that reveals wire fraud accusations against the Krassenstein brothers.
Do Krassenstein have a fetish with Trump.why he only seem to talk about him?
"shitposted" should be one word.
pretty nice timeline
He didn't attack
This has terrible depth of field. Worse than Hitler in terms of spacing and scale.
Content aside I'd enjoy meeting this millennial just to learn how sad and empty their life is.
>LET DAT SANK IN!!!1!11!
>wtf GLUMPF didn’t ban guns
>let that sink in
>GLUMPF didn’t sink in
>let that sink in
I can smell the self-hatred from here.
He also did not attack jews ,let that sink in.
Attacking all of the people in
>>Pic related is the same thing as attacking Russia. Considering what we know about what BHO and HRC were doing with a little something called URANIUM. Kike
>being jealous of this
Holy shit like clockwork
Man I hate that Ed Kikestein. All he does is post on Trump's Twiiter every time he posts something
Russia is expected to put out propaganda, why bother negging them for something they are 100% expected to be doing? You are naive.