>Israel completed a steel fence along its southern border with Egypt in 2013, which has largely stopped the influx of Africans.
>Of those who made it to Israel, a number have already moved on to other countries. About 20,000 have left in recent years, with many finding Canada a more hospitable host.
>Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada told CBC News that 1,880 Eritreans living in Israel were given refugee protection in Canada since 2016, mostly under private sponsorship programs.
>The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, which represents Jewish groups in Canada, is urging Ottawa to sponsor African refugees in Israel, so there is "minimal dislocation and hardship for asylum seekers."
>Muluebrhan Mesgna said he would jump at the chance to relocate from Israel to a safe third country, including Canada.
Did Modi snub Trudeau so he could continue hanging out with Rouhani instead?
Christopher Kelly
48%, lmao wall aint gonna help anymore
Owen Sullivan
god i hate Trudeau and his reckless overspending, among other things. too bad Harper wasn't much better
Robert Price
so many loos
Joseph Morris
Why would Canada give these shitskins refugee status if they're living safely in Israel, and refuse White South Africans, if it were not purely meant to genocide Whites in Canada?
>pic related
Levi Gutierrez
Harper also allowed in ungodly amounts of chinks and poos he wasn't much better
David Scott
Why? Obama was happily taking refugee niggers, you will get another Obama in 3 or 7 years. Just relax and enjoy the fall of Rome.
Mason Carter
Yeah it is tolerant, much more tolerant than that fascist modi
Adam Brown
Yes! Thank you faggots !!!
Dominic Sullivan
Makes me wish I was a filthy kike. I can't believe that h3h3 faggot and his sister-wife chose California over Israel.
William Barnes
Tyler Stewart
Jackson Green
fucking faggots who elected Trudeau deserve to be hit by a bus
Connor Hall
>Boers get massacred in SA >Plead asylum in Canada >Shut up, racists t. Treedope
>Bunch of niggers get uppity, cause jews consider them second class citizens like anyone else who isn't a jew in Israel >OH YOU POOR OPPRESSED MASSES COME AND SUCKLE UPON OUR CITIZENS' TEAT
Evan Parker
Turbanigger detected
Landon Richardson
Samuel Morris
Why do they look like warboys? I am totally down for them blowing themselves up with thunder sticks
Eli Watson
420 my dude
Nathan Parker
Nice meme flag, opinion discarded
Robert Thomas
Chase Thompson
Jose Howard
>the center for israel and jewish affairs
Hitler was right
Wyatt Lee
It's a win-win for Israel and Canada.
Jordan Parker
haha fuck cananananada
Wyatt James
Dont worry. We are sending you hard working top notch people. Trust me.
canada is going to fill up with people who would love to come to america and fuck it up. they are going to pay for their air fare and put them in homes and teach them the compass direction "south" america, as their neighbor, needs to start recognizing the threat building on our northern border.
Jayden Moore
Jacob Evans
If Africans are so scared to go back to Africa it is our moral duty to colonise their lands to ensure their safety.
Mason Jenkins
seriously, thats the best thing that can happen to african countries. all the places in africa that are not shitholes are the ones who have been colonized.
Isaiah Hall
Noah Myers
what the actual fuck is that thing?
Connor Bailey
The byproduct of an innocent/already brainwashed human being being pumped through the jew rape machine and turned into a jewish caricature of your culture to mock you.
Nathan Wood
The average Punjabi girl in the anglosphere.
Never leave India for the west, it'll scar you for life.
Kayden Flores
Sebastian Ramirez
Canada to become nigger shit hole in short order. Top Kek.
Charles Roberts
The finest Khalistani beauty, you ugly Hindoo
Logan Torres
Africa is vast, it's fucking huge, there are many countries contained there, so no they should be in Israel, or Canada, or anywhere outside of their own culture if their only concern is getting out of Rwanda.
Zachary Gray
>Khalistani >Hindu Choose one.
Justin Scott
They are importing people by the Millions, mostly those from regions hostile to the West, the US will have to invade them in short order.
Austin Bennett
>Now I'm black can I have gibs.
Charles Bailey
The problem is seeing immigration as a boon to the country's overall economy (via the debt they'll accumulate) instead of caring what it does on the ground level. Infrastructure's shit and getting overburdened, hospitals are way over capacity, ditto for schools which have to re-purpose rooms into classrooms, the job market in Canada's not stellar in the first place and now people have to compete for shit-jobs instead of employers competing for employees, the housing market is a joke, local citizens are growing increasingly annoyed But the numbers show economic growth, it must be all good If only they'd gone for sustainable immigration instead of mass immigration with dozens of back-doors for a further influx of people into a country that can't support a large population. But the large-population = good meme was too strong
Henry Adams
you may be trolling but after ww2 the pro colonization argument against the UN decolonization programs was that the colonies would fall to anarchy and it was the duty of the empires of the time to mantain order.
They were right in the end and anticolonist seriously wrong.
Jonathan Gonzalez
You idiot, read my post again and carefully this time
Alexander Carter
meme flag
Brayden Morris
If Canada doesnt elect a full on fascist dictator as PM in the next 20 years Im going to be surprised by the level of cuckery
Jose Turner
How diverse
Logan Murphy
It's not even about overburdened. We can't even keep large sections of Highway 17 acceptable. And that's the fucking TRANS CANADA FUCKING HIGHWAY!!! You'd think the road that links the country would be a pretty high priority! But no.... And that's ignoring quite literally everything else that's crumbling or falling apart because it was built 40-60 years ago.
Carson King
I'm reading The Prince at the moment, if you want something to last, you colonise. You guys would know all about that.
I'm not trolling, I am all for armed white colonies bringing stability and security to African countries to stop them hacking each other up with machetes, dying of diseases and coming to white lands wanting gibs. We would take a % of their resources and use lands for crops as payment.
John Anderson
>whiteface I'm offended
Brayden Lee
Whiteface is racist. That should be grounds for deportation.
Brandon Howard
Well. If you talk the talk you should walk the walk you fucking canuck. You canadians always shit on everyone else, 65% of all plebbit posters are canadians, nr 1 country that visits plebbit and you talk so much shit about everyone everywhere, like Sweden you are the worst of the worst. If I could I would make Canada and Sweden worlds refugee sanctuaries.
Kevin Scott
>(((private sponsorship programs))) I think we found the root of the problem
John Torres
How are these blacks able to travel from place to place?
I'm just trying to get a 3 day weekend in Las Vegas for a vacation, but I'm too busy.
These clowns are traveling across continents, flying to Canada, have time to dress up and protest, etc Fucking negros
Jordan Davis
What the fuck did you just fucking say about us, you little red? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Cred Forumsack’s finest brigade, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Antifa, and I have over 300 confirmed redpills. I am trained in autistic warfare and I’m the top shitposter in the entire Cred Forums board. You are nothing to me but just another shill. I will wipe you the fuck out with redpilling the likes of which has never been seen before on this board, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, commie. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of autists across Cred Forums and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, you shill. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, pinko. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can troll you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in slide thread exposing, but I have access to the entire arsenal of Cred Forums and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the internet, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” reply was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn sheep. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, Goldstein.
Jeremiah Brown
These fucking Jews Deport them from Israel Jews in Canada take them there It's like they want a Holocaust
Colton Ortiz
No shit... Who the fuck is flying them across the ocean??
Joseph Reed
t. Suckwinder Singh
Xavier Gomez
>The Jews would know all about it
Well they did build the British empire
Ian Stewart
lmao from two days ago virgin leaf absolutely btfo
Nathaniel Phillips
Anytime greatest of ally. We love Israel! We love Muslims! We love african-canadians!
Jackson Morris
Israel is giving them $3000 USD and a one way flight over. LOL
Wyatt Wilson
Grayson Williams
I hope canada has a race war of chinks vs shitskins/niggers
Austin Foster
if this happens, then mandarin is gonna become canada's second language
Gabriel Cooper
Our chinks are based
Anthony Perez
and that’s a good thing!
Logan Stewart
JUST a friendly reminder to kill yourselves before Trudeau does (and he will). So you can kill yourselves and decide the level of pain, or wait until Trudeau mobilizes his tolerant Shariah Army of Peace(TM) to come and rape repeatedly by BBC's of Peace(TM) until your anus is ruptured and you die of internal hemorrhaging while being unable to scream as the BBC's of Peace(TM) have resorted to throat fucking you as your anus is no longer tight enough with Trudeau standing and smiling over your dying body chanting Islamic chants.
>pic related
also related
Carter Jackson
fuckin nogs think jews are white
Daniel Gonzalez
all your cuisine looks like it either already came out of someone's asshole or came back out their mouth.
Jeremiah Young
agree on everything except on >we wuz hussar don't play that card
Gavin Diaz
Invasion is waste of time. Nuking their population centers would be sufficient.
Jonathan Sanders
Canada is a lot less likely to be taken over by Muslims than any EU country lol.
Gabriel Ward
How cute, a Leaf trying to argue about national cuisine.
Just a friendly reminder that everything Canada is known for food wise and actually is good, smoked meat, maple syrup, poutine, an bagels, is Quebecois.
The only thing you shitskins have is Kraft Dinner (literally, listed as a national food) and a fucking Timbit.
>pic related
Thomas Howard
god fucking damn it canadians do something about tradeau
Christian Lopez
>Poolish cuisine
Luke Martinez
Jose Phillips
Now mud cookies are being sold in Montreal by the Haitians lmao
Elijah Collins
Even Somalian cuisine is richer than Poolish cuisine.
Andrew Smith
That shit is crazy. Why even bring it up?
That's like someone wiping my ass after I take a shit.
Carson Wood
polaks just never learn, do they?
no, always fighting against the people who you should be joining up with to fight against the real enemy. but no, the eternal pettiness of the poolack rears its ugly head once again.
maybe that's why you're called 'lacks in the first place. you are lacking in intellect and processing power.
Angel Bell
>flag >intimately familiar with hand-eaten Nigger cuisine >not a Somali
Makes sense
Joshua Thomas
>Le israeli kike on 2015 : oy vey white countries please have some diversity, look at this poor refugees children dead on a beach >Le israeli kike after : oy vey nig- goyim what are you doing here get back in your own country >But suddenly, le canadian kike coming out of anywhere : oy vey no watcha doin send those astrophysicians in Canada, we jews in Canada love the diversity and the african surgeons
Every fucking time.
Christopher Powell
Good thing that we have literally zero contact with the israeli kikes.
Christian Garcia
>Flag >Not familiar with food >Possibly because of Germany, Russia and Turkey raping it throughout history
Checks out
Noah Russell
>Every fucking time. Nah Israel has always stamped illegal immigration pretty hard since the beginning, and the jewish over non-jewish number of legal immigrants is definitely high
That's more of a liberal secular jewish thing from outside of Israel
Brody Barnes
Did i say they didn't ?
Jayden Hill
>Mexicans seeking asylum after being threatened by cartels >A-OK says the government >White people being threatened with death in South Africa and legitimately seeking asylum? >RACIST FAKE NEWS! >Blacks going to Israel for gibs >Hey come on in we got white hoes and plenty of chicken for the whole family! Immigration==Urban white replacement
Evan Kelly
i for one welcome 40000 africans to our community
Easton Mitchell
know that we are far more racist than Israelis ..so easy to just ..disappear up here
Jackson Collins
>>Le israeli kike on 2015 : oy vey white countries please have some diversity, look at this poor refugees children dead on a beach
Bibi was in power in 2015 and was speaking extensively against the refugee crisis and the hordes moving over to Europe. He's been caught talking shit about Merkel, Macron and a few other Western European leaders in a meeting with Eastern European PMs
We don't actually want you guy sto die. Europe becoming Eurabia seems almost guaranteed at this point, there's a reason Trump is so popular in Israel (90%+ of Israeli Jews support him) and his policies.
Ryder James
Oh and for those who'd say 'If israelis are so against illegal migrants coming to your country and keep your nation strong, why send refugees to Canada?'. Well you got to understand the situation in Israel. There are entire neighborhoods in Tel Aviv and a few other cities that are turning into mini chicagos where only illegal migrants live and they are bringing the same kind of drugs and violence and crime culture that you can see in Africa or US ghettos. Israel has tried its best to stop the flow of migrants coming and in the last few years we've had much better success but there are still tens of thousands of them in the country. To avoid trouble on the international community they are offered a plane ticket and money instead of just being kicked out. Problem is a lot of them don't want to go back to Africa, and would rather stay in immigration jail so if some country comes and says 'Sure we'll take those off your hands' well most people are glad to get rid of them
I'd feel bad about it but well, Canadians voted for Trudeau and less than 2000 of our african illegals is nothing compared to the 40-45k a year Syrian migrants alone Trudeau has been letting in Canada
I mean it's not helping but you guys really need to get your house in order and vote in sane people so instead of welcoming refugees we all agree to send illegals back home
Austin Martin
maybe ur right ano
Wyatt Davis
>Now i'm white Burn them for cultural appropriation
Andrew Reyes
-and our strength is weakness
Henry Fisher
the commies need to be purged from education..and then media ..right now..trump won't be there forever
Grayson Phillips
Jeremiah Watson
Syrian girls are hot af tho, African girls not so much.
Levi Sullivan
>Canadians voted for Trudeau Trudeau got 40$ of the vote and 55% of the power I also vaguely remember that he promised to fix this shitty system, but seeing as how he wouldn't be in power without it, that was tossed aside
Asher Perez
lmao stephen harper let in 50,000 immigrants a year on average for a decade, Trudea is letting in over 300k a year plus tens of thousands of refugees
Aaron Powell
Oh, it’s the amerimutt Jew who prentend to be polish. Once again, article has nothing to do with your shit greentext. Good job on not posting yesterday during the sabbath.
Jason Williams
he's the leader of your country. your system put him in power. it was the choice of your country and you guys need to wake up if before he destroys your country.
Hunter Rogers
Owen Murphy
We meet again
I'm Polish nigger, I'm not a mutt. The greentext is from the fucking article, Abdullah Mohammed Wang Singh Al-Abeedi Aisha.
Lincoln Hall
Yet no European country has a Somalian Muslim refugee in charge of their immigration policy. Hmmmm....
Michael Fisher
>pic related
Literally a Somali Citizen Nigger Muslim Immigration Lawyer Rapefugee.
Nicholas Campbell
He's also going to remove inadmissability on health grounds from the rapefugeegration policy, so now people with Black Plaque, Ebola, TB, HIV/AIDS, Cancer, etc are going to be let in with free healthcare
Julian Murphy
Noah Martin
>>Muluebrhan Mesgna said he would jump at the chance to relocate from Israel to a safe third world country, including Canada. Fixed
Easton Adams
Your point? Chinks and poos are still going to be Canada's main source of immigrants. Not to mention the EU has a land route with most Muslim countries.