>President Trump: Year One
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>VP Pence @America 1st Policies event in TX 2/17/18
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis in-flight presser 2/17/18
>NSA McMaster @Munich Security Conf 2/17/18
>DNI Coates on russian election meddling 2/17/18
>This Week @State 2/16/18
>Tiffany/Barron arrive in WPalmBeach 2/16/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Broward County Sheriff's Office 2/16/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Broward County Hospital 2/16/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arrive in WPalmBeach Fl 2/16/18
>Pres Trump Departs DC 2/16/18
>VP Pence/2nd Lady/Rato after visiting border 2/16/18
>VP Pence @RNC in San Antonio TX 2/16/18
>VP Pence in Hidalgo TX on immigratin 2/16/18
>VP Pence/2nd Lady arrive in TX 2/16/18
>DepAG Rosenstein indicts 13 russians 2/16/18
>SoS T-Rex presser w/RoachFM Cavusoglu 2/16/18
>CommSec Ross @Small Biz Summit 2/16/18
>Pres Trump Addresses Nation on FL Shooting 2/15/18
OP pastebin:
/ptg/ President Trump General - Oy Vey! Edition
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Fucking sandnigger.
>he flipped on gun control
>he flipped on anmesty
>meuller is tightening the nose
... your responese, /pdg/?
Have the left actually thought through their ban guns proposal at all?
post the original
>liberals think police are going to risk their lives trying to confiscate firearms
>liberals think police would blindly grab guns even if legislation was ever passed
I never understand why liberals think the military and police will be on their side
Government only has power at the end of the barrel and the barrel is held predominately by conservatives and passing words on paper won't change that
I like that Israel is excluded.
>P-Please shake my hand, donald
>W-We control you, goy, please come back
>implying the bahamas belong on this side of the wall
Whoah now. You can't hate J*ws AND Based Muslims, that's not how it works. You have to pick a side, wh*toid.
Hello — *wipes jew seman off face* — /ptg/ poster here;
There is nothing more embarrassing then a bunch of black people worshiping a committee made, profit driven, corporate product as some sort of banner for "blackness"
This is like people forcing themselves to like the new ghostbusters because it had women in it.
This, All Muslims are FUCKING BASED!
Like I said. We will be making Europe Great Again.
Get onboard or get out the way.
>Embezzlin' Bibi
>liberals think only cops should have guns
>liberals also think cops are literally Hitler and are racist, sexist, evil, etc.
How does one hold both of these opinions simultaneously?
>Have the left actually thought through
No. The answer is no.
>tightens the nose
Anyone reported him to ICE yet?
asylum in the US confirmed
jews don't extradite to us so fair is fair
>lets roll tanks down the streets and start shooting civilians
Stop being such a tease. If we're going to go down this route let's fucking go.
They don't think like us.
wakanda isn't real
Get fucked, /lgbt/
>They don't think
Connecticut instituted mandatory gun registration after Sandy Hoax and by the required deadline they had an compliance rate of 13%
fucking KEK
Why do DACA kids get a free pass, Where is my Free pass? Democrats, You said I wouldn't be deported if I voted for you guys
Not sure you get what I'm responding to. You said "in need of saving". South Africa's ruling party just passed a land redistribution law for all intents and purposes making it illegal for whites to own land and requiring it to be given to blacks. There's going to be a genocide there within the decade.
>Be gone THOT!
Can't argue against that. Pretty bad optics desu.
What's the status with the wall bros? Seems like we will be needing the wall on our Germany border soon so better get some wall experience from the don
even the Muslims celebrating white genocide and want to destroy western culture? (aka all of them).
b-b-b-but muh 6 gorillion goy! Remember them and hold your head in shame!
Good old Slavic Kinetic KungFu
Bullshit, more Wh*te propaganda to keep da kangz down
#ComeHomeWakandans #IAmBlackPanther
i just wanna know when the bullshit will end
>implying I don't already have guns and ammunition cached and buried off my property
Search away officer, all you'll find are drives of monstergirl and loli porn
Is he being ironic with that last comment?
QT3.14 digits confirm.
*bows down to the jews
*sucks dick of the FED*
*kisses rabbi*
*goes to war against russia & syria*
*starts revolution in iran to succumb to the plan of "great isreal"
*nearly all people from the white house are jews*
There are no exceptions, drumpfkin, not even with those numbers
What a loser
>bank takes my house
God I hope so, if not then may he suffer eternally.
On June 17, 1775, early in the Revolutionary War (1775-83), the British defeated the Americans at the Battle of Bunker Hill in Massachusetts. Despite their loss, the inexperienced colonial forces inflicted significant casualties against the enemy, and the battle provided them with an important confidence boost. Although commonly referred to as the Battle of Bunker Hill, most of the fighting occurred on nearby Breed’s Hill.
Prescott, in an effort to conserve the Americans’ limited supply of ammunition, reportedly told his men, “Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes!” When the Redcoats were within several dozen yards, the Americans let loose with a lethal barrage of musket fire, throwing the British into retreat.
After re-forming their lines, the British attacked again, with much the same result. Prescott’s men were now low on ammunition, though, and when the Redcoats went up the hill for a third time, they reached the redoubts and engaged the Americans in hand-to-hand combat. The outnumbered Americans were forced to retreat. However, by the end of the engagement, the Patriots’ gunfire had cut down some 1,000 enemy troops, with more than 200 killed and more than 800 wounded. More than 100 Americans perished, while more than 300 others were wounded.
>He's been here all week
Also, he loves israel
Yet more confirmation the left can't think more than 20 seconds ahead.
patreon? thats not a thing
It's almost like letting millions of spics in our country was a bad idea.
You kikes have push and pushed and left us nowhere to turn. Now we need the racists to keep our country in tact. I love america more than I love kikes, spics, and niggers; I'll tell you that much.
Now you're going to pay the price for destroying and dividing our country in such a horrible way.
>Trump made my take out a loan I couldn't pay
>Oy vey I'm going to need to sell my $100 machine that squeezes a pouch of juice into a cup, there's no other way to get vitamin D
w o w
>Judas is back
How's that nigger infested shithole of a city you pleb?
Dude is a turbo SJW, so who knows
We salute this man.
>Have libtard "friends"
>They're pointing at these fucking kids being put in front of microphones to go all "gib up ur guns" as some end-all argument
>Cuz they're "victims" and therefore the final authority on everything somehow
>These "friends" somehow forgot that I was shot in the fucking chest when I was younger than these people
>How the fuck am I not the greatest authority of all by their own goddamn logic
>How did they not even remember this minor detail about me
That can't be real
looks like Fluffy's awake now Eva
sick him boy
People actually give him money?
Begging or shekels on the Internet seems to be pretty profitable, Maybe I should start
>Turkey excluded
I approve of this post
>He protected that smile
no lie, I teared up.
>"I'm very bitter. These DACA kids definitely have this sense of entitlement," Paredes said. "People fought for them and they got DACA and they got their work permit and then they went to sleep, instead of working to fight for the rest of us."
Their bitterness is so sweet to me
I had to look up who this guy was. Turns out he's just some bohemian Youtuber with no job who can't even be bothered to make content on Youtube.
The hubris of the Left is that they think they're "correct", and that no one can possibly disagree. It never occurred to them that the primary proponents of 2A are cops and the military. Are the cops and military going to doorkick themselves?
Also unspoken:
This notion that cops and "the government" will be their willing killers, like they could just one day say "Kill everyone who owns a gun" and then millions of government agents will rush out and do it for them, just because. Leftshits think everyone is just as soulless and evil as they are.
>Vitamin D deficiency
>Not eating eggs
This is not normal!
I bet bitch didnt try to apologize once.
Why'd someone shoot you?
I actually had a similar conversation with my mother not too long ago
Too many mentally ill people, something's got to give sooner or later
>How did they not even remember this minor detail about me
I have TERRIBLE news user
Checked and cute!
I hope this slanty-eyed nigger goes to prison.
Hiro is the hero anime needs.
I thought he was arrested already.
>Otou later explained that he has been giving her the cold shoulder out of jealously for the attention and care the children get.
what an autist
I really need to get to my backlog, I missing out on all the jojo memes
>having a juicero
He deserves death tbqh
And nobody wants to look realistically at why there's so many unhinged and angry young men, just use it as an excuse to gun grab and bash "fucking white men" some more.
Neither person in that cap is wrong, which is why the gap persists.
Source? Want to laugh.
>tfw no dino gf to call you darling
Why are we here, just to suffer
>There are people that still don't believe "tits" is not a CIA plant
Wow. And the weekend isn’t even over yet.
*sips tea*
>thinking that trump isn't a kike puppet after he has proven every week for the last months now that he is
>Vitamin D deficiency
>tfw too smart to go outside for free vitamin D
Liberals and kikes actually believe that Trump hasn’t done anything since being elected. If you know any of these (((people))), show them these links! We can’t let the fake news win!
Trump Accomplishments -
Trump MAJOR Accomplishments (2017) -
>ICE arrests hit 3-year high under Trump (
>CNN to lay off up to 50 employees after missing revenue targets - viewership down 30% (
>US homebuilding permits soar to highest level since 2007 (
>The DHS is planning on denying green cards to legal immigrants if they receive federal or state aid (
>The Education Department officially says it will reject transgender student bathroom complaints (
>Arrests of illegal immigrants without criminal records skyrocketed in 2017 (
>Feds collect record taxes in first month under Trump’s tax cuts; runs surplus in January (
>Stocks close higher, post best weekly gain since 2013 (
>ICE arrests 212 illegals, targets 122 businesses in LA raid (
>France boosts defence spending to hit NATO target after Trump complaints (
It's all so tiresome
On December 31, 1775, during the American Revolutionary War (1775-83), Patriot forces under Colonel Benedict Arnold (1741-1801) and General Richard Montgomery (1738-75) attempted to capture the British-occupied city of Quebec and with it win support for the American cause in Canada. The attack failed, and the effort cost Montgomery his life. The Battle of Quebec was the first major defeat of the Revolutionary War for the Americans.
Less than five years after the Battle of Quebec, Benedict Arnold, then commander of West Point, famously turned traitor when he agreed to surrender the important Hudson River fort to the British in return for money and a command in the British army. The plot was uncovered after British spy John Andre (1750-80) was captured with incriminating papers, forcing Arnold to flee to British protection and join in their fight against the country that he had once so valiantly served.
Um, sorry sweaty, but do eggs come in soy flavor? I simply NEED my juicero, it's simply unbelievable that humans have survived for millenia without it
Holy quints confirm leftist retardation
They do, they don't want to lose their jobs for wrongthink
Somethink will happen that will piss off enough people one of those days. My mother had to vent to me how she saw a twitter post where leftists were attacking a father of a dead girl from the shooting(and her as well) cause he had a trump shirt on. Something will happen, eventually, and people will stop caring about losing their jobs
why is everyone getting so butthurt over a movie?
oh nononononononoooooooo
Theyre lying I am 100% sure
so, is the show as DeepTM as eva yet?
Let's archive that
Cuz he was an asshole.
School even tried to cover it up cuz they genuinely thought they were gonna have a good football season (they didn't).
>Since Mueller copied names right out of a 2013 Buzzfeed article for a company that has been inactive since 2016, News Jews have attacked:
> Trump
> White people
> Anyone who doesn't go along with their plans for an America-Russia nuclear war that wipes out all the goyim for the benefit of Israel
is this the game that leftist scum attacked for not having any niggers in it?
One way or another it's happening.
>every week for the last months now
is that what your paystubs say
Fucking top tier
Because anyone that doesn't like it is a racist
>Impeach 45
Impeach 45
>Impeach 45
Impeach 45
>Impeach 45
Impeach 45
>Impeach 45
Impeach 45
>Impeach 45
Impeach 45
>Impeach 45
Impeach 45
Trump has attacked the deep state aka the intelligence sector. If you understood this entity is operating above you would see Trump has a valid point.
Wew, fucking american schools man
>"experienced unit" with a massive chip on their shoulder about 02 needs to 5v1 those things just to kill them
>Hiros squad can't even touch them with the exception of Delphinium
>Strelitzia slaughters them like cattle
Why is everyone else so shit? How have they survived so long?
it's a parody account of some loser.
>Pays bounty for the apprehension and ultimate deportation of blacks
Say what you want about me and Spencer, but I'd like a white ethnostate with certain similarities to Israel, too.
you forgot to turn off the meme flag
>ywn make women wet just by watching them on tv
>I actually had a similar conversation with my mother not too long ago
Your mom is the only one you ever mention. So you either live with your parents or you have no friends to speak of. Probably both.
British Royal Navy ships forcing a passage up the Hudson River on 9th October 1776: Battle of Fort Washington on 17th November 1776 in the American Revolutionary War
After defeating the Continental Army under Commander-in-Chief General George Washington at the Battle of White Plains, the British Army forces under the command of Lieutenant General William Howe planned to capture Fort Washington, the last American stronghold on Manhattan. General Washington issued a discretionary order to General Nathanael Greene to abandon the fort and remove its garrison – then numbered at 1,200 men[6] but later to grow to 3,000[2] – to New Jersey. Colonel Robert Magaw, commanding the fort, declined to abandon it as he believed it could be defended from the British. Howe's forces attacked the fort before Washington reached it to assess the situation.
Howe launched his attack on November 16. He led an assault from three sides: the north, east and south. Tides in the Harlem River prevented some troops from landing and delayed the attack. When the British moved against the defenses, the southern and western American defenses fell quickly. Patriot forces on the north side offered stiff resistance to the Hessian attack, but they too were eventually overwhelmed. With the fort surrounded by land and sea, Colonel Magaw chose to surrender. A total of 59 Americans were killed and 2,837 were taken as prisoners of war.
After this defeat, most of Washington's army was chased across New Jersey and into Pennsylvania, and the British consolidated their control of New York and eastern New Jersey.
Wait for Goku
I've never been on facebook or twitter, but I'm starting to think that at this point, it's mostly just a bunch of normies taking pictures of their dinner and mentally ill people venting in their safespaces
I know, based israel!
Squad from 26th was just playing it safe. Rest of 13th are just "greener than grass" makeshift team with almost zero experience.
Did... did Best Girl actually win for once?
That artist is fucking godsend
This is probably the greatest refutation of SJWs in video games, ever.
that's all it's ever been
that and business marketing
Above the constitution i mean. Some of these intelligence agency buildings are bigger than the pentagon but not the military. Trump has sided with the military against them.
She regularly calls me about once a week. Even if nothing is going on, we shoot the shit for half an hour or so, it's been like that ever since i've been here. Think of that one scene from EVA Where asuka takes the phone
Mind you TW3 was heavily pushed on non steam platforms but KC:D is doing fantastic, heres hoping it inspires other "problematic" developers
yeah lol
Is this game actually fun or something? It looks like crap to me.
Alex jones called it a "internet ghetto", so I guess he was right
>be popular manchild
>blame your lack of funds on Trump
I try telling my liberal parents about this crap, but they just don't see it, or make this "conservatives are just as bad" kind of excuse. Which may be true sometimes, but it's liberals who claim this moral high ground about "compassion" yet don't exhibit much of a sign of it, or they do only selectively.
This pleases me greatly
Basically yes. I use FB to keep up with senpai only, reading some of the anti-Trump pages are hilarious actually.
George Washington’s iconic victory on 26th December 1776 over Colonel Rahl’s Hessian troops after crossing the frozen Delaware River; the battle that re-invigorated the American Revolution
Battle of Trenton on 25th December 1776 in the American Revolutionary War
>frozen river
>at night
>in your sleep
>on Christmas
>Have the left actually thought through their ban guns proposal at all?
The left doesn't understand they are tracking the exact footsteps of the British right around the time of the American Revolution. I'll elaborate on it but before (for those interested) read this [1].
> his Article reviews the British gun control program that precipitated the American Revolution: the 1774 import ban on firearms and gunpowder; the 1774-75 confiscations of firearms and gunpowder; and the use of violence to effectuate the confiscations. It was these events that changed a situation of political tension into a shooting war. Each of these British abuses provides insights into the scope of the modern Second Amendment.
>Think of that one scene from EVA Where asuka takes the phone
I guess it really is just like my Japanese animes
>illegal alien
>wearing shirts violating copyright laws
Moar like internet barrio and thot control project
I like this. God bless Trigger and by extension A1 for making this show happen.
My dad lives in chicago, and he casually calls blacks niggers and jews "children of the devil". Everyone is like that around here
>Except for fluffy, but he hates his country, so he doesn't count
>thinking that this kike puppet will do anything for whites instead of giving jews and his jewish cabinet more power over the stupid goy
oy vey
Pretty much
Except my anime is filled with slavs, addidas and vodka
Hey Czechbro you guys calling yourselves 'Czechia' yet? Or did that go away?
DACA hates illegal aliens too? WTf I love dreamers now
Where is the multiculturalism and social justice?
Literally nothing you said refuted my post. You have no friends to speak of. And yeah sorry, Chris Chan, I don't watch your faggy kiddy cartoons like a manchild.
Czechia is supposed to be new official name, but people here kinda don't give a shit
facebook is for old people now. parents, teachers and every other uncool adult is on there.
What do you think our beloved janitors will think of that post of yours?
pretty sure snopes was already debunked on that point.
why the name change?
I bought some czechia domain names hoping to flip later, I guess those lottery tickets won't win.
Reminds me of fallout caravaneer scenes.
None of those entities that image calls Alt-Right are Alt-Right.
>My dad lives in chicago
Has he gotten any good at dodging bullets?
>What do you think our beloved janitors will think of that post of yours?
Or my wife. I'm browsing in the big TV at the living room, keep the smut to a minimum folks
As with every one of the American victories, the Battle of Bennington did much to revive the colonists’ flagging morale and raise the standing of the American cause in the eyes of major European powers such as France and Spain, whose intervention in the war became increasingly likely.
>Darling what are yo-
>Oh Darling!
>*pant*pant* You unn You keep lickiiiii
>you keep licking my horns!
>So sensitive, it feels so good darling!
>Don't put them in you mo-ah! ah! oooooh
>[He's sucking on my horns! Hiro has my horn in his mouth!!!]
>Darling!! I-I-I'm going to get addicted to this!!
>keep the smut to a minimum folks
Here's your Lara Croft
>A-Alberto, what are you doing on the internet?
Saved into my pasta folder
dont forget georgie boy the pisces had dysentery and he crossed the river not once but TWO times in his insanity
Glad he got it straightened out for us.
She's supposed to be the new lara, right? Tits too small, but that's about it
> Lara Croft
> Absolutely no boobs
I don't think they got that part right, casting Angelina Jolie as that character was the right choice (despite her complete lack of acting skills)
Yes, user.
What an idiot.
Same god, same side
>She's supposed to be the new lara, right? Tits too small, but that's about it
And the hair, where is the ponytail?
yeah, but tomb raider rebooted, she's younger and has smaller tits now
Something is missing. Hmmm
Fought eighteen days apart in the fall of 1777, the two Battles of Saratoga were a turning point in the American Revolution. On September 19th, British General John Burgoyne achieved a small, but costly victory over American forces led by Horatio Gates and Benedict Arnold. Though his troop strength had been weakened, Burgoyne again attacked the Americans at Bemis Heights on October 7th, but this time was defeated and forced to retreat. He surrendered ten days later, and the American victory convinced the French government to formally recognize the colonist’s cause and enter the war as their ally.
And where are her curves or cute face?
You're God damned right
It wasn't even a contest. Ichigo never stood a chance.
>keep the smut to a minimum folks
>keep the smut to a minimum
I know you know better than to say things like that. All you had to do was ask.
I disavow all 21st century reboots. For me Micheal Keaton is Batman, Jack Nicholson is the one and true joker (that killed Heath Ledger because he dared to try to usurp his throne), Michelle Pfeiffer is Catwoman and Christopher Reeve is Superman.
>despite her complete lack of acting skills
DELET she was perfect in Hackers
how many lobbyists
I can't imagine being white and living in Chicago these days.
Baking, Worry not
Show some love for our /x/ boys
So a private company with funding from Putin could have influenced the 2012 election too?
We all remember Obama saying to tell Vlad he would have more flexibility after the election...
We all know Obama authorized selling US Uranium to the Russians...
We all know Ted Kennedy contacted the Russians asking for help defeating Reagan...
What if the democrats were accusing Trump of what they have been doing for years?
>I know you know better than to say things like that. All you had to do was ask.
kek, let's roll the dice
I'm going to miss you when you're gone. Thanks for keeping this up mystery OP
The fuck does /x/ have to do with anything?
>DELET she was perfect in Hackers
Only because the part only required a teen lacking empathy and social skills
Got some nice abs on her. Just needs to get better shouldercaps and she's set.
She looks pretty good in the trailer. But I'm one of those heathens that vastly prefers Nu-Lara to old busty pixels.
You're arguing with a known lolcow, he doesn't know what he's talking about, he just spams shit that his shill server tells him to
btw, he likes to hide his flag, he's stupid enough to think people won't notice
wtf is this?
>implying you get vitamin D from the sun
>implying UV radiation carries vitamin D
It activates the vitamin D in your body, you have to already have eaten the inactive form to benefit.
4chin cup going on right now
nothing to see her goy, MAGA!
*backstabs whites to give jews power over america*
It's 69D chess, can't you see!
I agree with you, but new lara is also pretty good, from what I heard
>thinks that white guilt is real
Wait, isn't that supposed to be something positive for them?
The nuLara had a nice ass which considering the third person view was apprecietes.
Most of the musicians would have been boys that were too young to fight in the war but were following their fathers who were fighting. Other musicians could have been men who were too old to fight. This meant that males that were younger than 16 or older than 50 could serve as musicians in the army. To help the young musicians, Drum and Fife Majors would have been musically talented soldiers who instructed the young musicians.
On the battlefield, musicians had the responsibility of helping keep order in battle and make sure the soldiers functioned well as a unit. Drummers would play beatings telling the soldiers to turn right or left as well as to load and fire their muskets.
>Some as young as 12
>Would determine the hold of the line
Have to agree with you.
Bullying Ichigo is honestly one of best part of the threads on Cred Forums
What was that, more smut you say?
Top kek, I love Spencer now.
You're living in an alternate timeline, aren't you?
>all this love for Best Girl
...drawfags pls i beg of you...
Please please please draw this
Are you going to clap over building Legos next?
I don't hate her but it's really fun.
>I never understand why liberals think the military and police will be on their side
Well, we have gun control laws *now* that we didn't used to have, and they all got enforced without a Civil War II. With that in mind, it's not a bad bet they're making.
What the ban/confiscate crowd don't think about is that all those laws we obeyed were gradual, and still left us the pretense nobody really wanted to literally take our guns.
Come the day people literally go door to door, someone's going to take a shot. It doesn't even have to be a large number at first, once someone takes a shot the confiscators are going to get more militaristic and antagonize more, and things escalate.
I was gonna comment on her legs, but you can't really tell. She needs nice legs to pull off the cliff jumping.
> figure of an upside down triangle.
> over masculine shoulders
> no tits at all.
>Bemis Heights
He's just getting fatter and fatter.
Ichigo is best girl, but to love her is to watch her in misery.
Dumb Drumpfkins gonna starve to death lol
Why does it seem to me (I'm probably wrong) that the hippies of the 60s are now like the Libertarians today? Staunchly against all war and violence etc etc etc.
It's too early in the morning for this kind of sadness
>how many lobbyists
We may never know
Is AJ going to be on today?
Wanna hear some shitpost.
look at this fucking kike
He doesn't have any answers, he will just spam mutt memes and call trump a kike, like a child
It's amazing that everyone didn't just keel over & die before Obamacare in this fantasy world they live in.
literally who?
She has Moonman tier genocidal tendencies against KlaxxKoons
Of course we love her.
The whole show is about
>Reject the Kike pro-longed adolescence system that destroys love and healthy relationships
>Both men and women need to be in sync to truly be powerful
>Walls work, we must defend our borders from shitskin unevolved savages that want our resources
>We are the ones that put in the work to extract the magma, and as soon as we do here comes all the KlaxxKoons wanting a hand out
>When they show up we should kill them, not give them the fucking magma
Why was this no translated?
Remember me? Yeah neither does anyone else.
The false song of goblinism. He surrendered to it.
This is the most autistic anime i have ever seen.
>Protagonist male acts like a bitch
>girlish hair
>frail body
>Is oblivious that he could get with both girls
Lead female is butch
>devil horns
>hair clip latches(under) horns which triggers me
Beta female
>emo hair
I love Ben.
let's be honest the average 4channer is not some kind of volkish diety
Oh no, how will the party with all the money survive
How did he flip on gun control shill?
Awoo comrades
>(that killed Heath Ledger because he dared to try to usurp his throne)
That tends to happen when someone dies three minutes after being introduced.
>Anything but trash
Awooskie, frens
Once the troop lines came into contact, close quarters battle (QRB) involved pistols at short range, bayonets, and inverted muskets, in descending order of lethality. Surrender often hinged upon the immediate peril of the commanding officer, or the preservation of canon.
>t. didn't watch episode 6
I love Cred Forumsnon's work.
Oh and sauce.
Nigga, its $800
Sanctions against Russia have only emboldened the leadership and their voters by encouraging them to better develop their own central bank and credit system. Further sanctions won't do shit.
holy rat faced kike lol