>America and Canada are not stolen land. Get over it losers, you've never accomplished anything, we conquered it!!! It's ours! Fair and square.
>Muslims and browns people start conquering the West through breeding
t. average Cred Forumstard.
America and Canada are not stolen land. Get over it losers, you've never accomplished anything...
It's kinda hard to steal land from a people with no concept of land ownership
ask indians who owned the land
they wont say it was them
indians had no concept of land ownership, only bloody territorial fights
>living on the same piece of land for thousands of years doesn't give you an abstract right to it, over foreigners.
So you'd be okay with Muslims and Africans taking over Europe if you Europeans didn't have a concept of ownership?
Well, you're in luck, something quite similar is happening. The idea of the West belonging to everyone is becoming very normalised. So, by your own logic, you should stop complaining and accept your conquest.
>So you'd be okay with Muslims and Africans taking over Europe if you Europeans didn't have a concept of ownership?
Could I blame them for taking it?
>only the abstract concept of ownership gives ownership
>living there for several thousand years gives no credence
What a bizarre game of mental gymnastics.
Your argument's basic premise is equality. This for that, tit for tat.
You say we should give their land back, because it's "fair".
Is it not-ok when we fight them for land, but ok-when they fight each other?
Yes, since your people lived and toiled the land for thousands of years, made it theirs through blood, sweat, and tears.
what relevance does several thousand years of existence have? They didn't coalesce out of the ether, they didn't sprout from the dirt, and they didn't do a single fucking thing to prevent their loss of those oh-so-abstract land ownership rights.
This also applies to you, you have no moral justification to complain about being taken over. You are simply too weak as a civilisation, and Muslims and non-whites are exploiting this to take over. Deal with it.
This also applies to you. The concept of ownership is an abstraction that is less real than physical occupation.
As I said several times, you are actually arguing in favor of whites in this case.
The presence of whites was devastating for natives.
The presence of muslims and browns is devastating for whites.
You are literally saying "hur dur you conquered someone in the past, you should let a new group of people conquer you because reasons"
I've never understand how low your IQ has to be to not understand it.
>The concept of ownership is an abstraction that is less real than physical occupation.
Hence why the natives were almost wiped out completely. In the time it took the white man to create ships capable of sailing the globe, we had random tribes of shitskins in the US smoking and scalping each other over hunting lands and shit.
>people react differently to colonizing and being colonized
If you believe might makes right, as most of you do, then everything I've said is logically consistent. If you can say to the natives, we were superior and we conquered you, stop complaining. Muslims and blacks will be able to the say the same to you. Deal with it.
>If you can say to the natives, we were superior and we conquered you, stop complaining. Muslims and blacks will be able to the say the same to you. Deal with it.
but that's demonstrably wrong
Your country is almost 50% white.
Conquering doesn't necessarily have to be by military means, you brainlet.
We're almost 70% white and we have 300M guns across 300M gun owners, nobody is uprooting our culture within the next few centuries.
>We're almost 70% white
Only if you include 'white hispanics'
>300M guns across 300M gun owners
So? Most of you are cucked, and most americans believe in diversity. Also, blacks and other non-whites also own guns.
The idea that white americans are going to rise up in some great fight against non-whites is delusional. You're going to go to your grave with your country being more BLACKED than it is now.
You're a fucking retard, did you know that?
Whatever happened in the past happened. At this point, ostensibly, we have all agreed that all peoples have a right to be preserved and not genocided. Which means white people don't go into Africa, execute all the men, and take all the women as fucktoys. Everyone leaves everyone else alone so that we can develop and thrive independently of foreign influence.
That agreement was what led to decolonization and the emancipation of the third world.
Now if you want to say "hurr durr extinct the whitey BREED BLACK" you can, but you're abandoning the 'agreement' and have no recourse if we rise up and slaughter the lot of you.
>he thinks a civil war 2.0 would be along racial lines and not loyalists vs patriots
I don't care if there are brown and black people in that figure, they tend to be based americans just like that white guy Doug with the NRA sticker on his car.
All's fair and love and war, fag. Including white genocide. But don't be surprised if people fight back.
Not going to argue with that.
I don't care about a fictional white race.
White people is a social construct that means absolutely nothing to me.
For example, no white person has ever achieved anything significant. Louis Pasteur discovered pasteurization, not in the name of white people, but French people.
And of the many Nazi inventions, none of them were white people, but strictly Aryan and German. Nationality is a social construct, but with more significant basis in reality.
The French moved to Acadia and established trade posts along empty vacant lands; it attracted natives to the lands they occupied because of the availability of European goods. The Acadian French traded and interacted with the natives, but eventually forced them into European culture and converted them to Christianity. My ancestors, my British ancestors, moved to Acadia (We called it Nova Scotia) and said to the French and Natives "If you don't pledge an oath of loyalty, we will evict you". Those that didn't pledge the oath, were driven out (some were allowed to come back); those that pledged (very few) were given full religious and cultural freedom and allowed to live where they claimed land.
The wabanaki confederation was started by Natives to fight against the british, and were aided by the Acadian French, Quebec, and France; the war ended in British victory. The british actually allowed the Wabanaki confederation to exist as a state within a state.
My ancestors worked hard to provide for the rights of the British, the French, and the natives; for that, I deserve a cultural home; I deserve not to be invaded.
If it weren’t for the moozlems and police state slowly conquering the isles I would leave this shithole of a country for good and move back to my family’s homeland in Wales.
So a civilization is not allowed to fight back because it is "too late"?
Would you say the same to the Amerindians here?
We know this. We also know the alt-right is trying to awaken the saxon. If it happens....OH BOY is life going to be exciting.
Fight back, but don't pretend you have a moral base for it. And if you lose, deal with it.
Didn't you just establish that might makes right and has no moral relevance?
Beads had value
And how exactly did I negate it with the post you're replying to?
Okay Achmed
>Fight back, but don't pretend you have a moral base for it.
Lol we are.
Personally, I believe the only amount of land you own is the amount of land you can defend. But things change and require eternal vigilance.
>fight back
>but if you lose deal with it
Never too late to fight back. Otherwise, you're telling the Amerindians to "deal with it". You wouldn't want to do that, would you? Or maybe only Whites should deal?
Can't argue with that. Same with Jews and Israel, only country in the world held to a different standard regarding conquest and military conflict.
Why are there so many brits who make abhorrent posts? For every decent post I see made by someone from the UK, I probably see at least five that are atrocious.
At least use a proxy, so you don't make the rest of us look bad.
Did the native Americans have the right to defend their land by killing the white invaders?
If your answer is yes, then white Americans have the right to kill people invading their country.
OP, your argument doesn't make sense with the tenses you're using.
Natives WERE conquered. Therefore, whites own their land.
Whites are BEING conquered. Therefore, whites should fight or the conquerors will own their land.
Your argument would make sense if whites were conquered, but that hasn't happened yet.
I'd also like to add a few things:
1. The moment a race is conquered isn't well-defined. However, it's obvious to everyone that the conquest of natives has progressed much further than that of whites.
2. Even when your argument makes sense (ie when the subjugation of whites equals that of natives), it wouldn't make sense to accept it, because the 'hypocrisy' your argument is pointing out inspires races to continue to exist, despite oppression from other races.
3. Why are (((you))) pushing talking points that discourage the white race from pursuing its own self-interests (like existing?)
>complaining about people that are currently trying to conquer your land is bad
are you meantally damahed?
>Natives WERE conquered. Therefore, whites own their land.
>Whites are BEING conquered. Therefore, whites should fight or the conquerors will own their land.