>Dating a Jewish gf for a year
>She says "it would make me really happy if you circumcised for me"
Should I end it Cred Forums?
>Dating a Jewish gf for a year
>She says "it would make me really happy if you circumcised for me"
Should I end it Cred Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>dating a jewish gf for a year
Yes. Jewish females are the real villians. Brides of the watchers.
Tell her it's not part of your religion but you'll do it if she does it too.
> Become a jew so my parents approve
Time to drop.
I'm dating a super liberal Jew for ny. It's horrific. I must have a fetish for intellectual pain.
If she would pay for surgeon. Kikes are greedy so they wont pay..
god bless you dear canadian :,)
Based leaf..
But yes, tell her to go first.
Get over the religious difference if you like the girl that shit doesnt matter.
Dont get forced into anything though, you were born who you were and you'll only ever change for yourself or god.
That's rough. Ideally your parents wouldn't have been so shitty and did this for you when it was quick and easy. Now as an adult, due to your terrible parents, you will need to endure a horrible procedure.
I say do it. No pain no gain. Your dick will be glorious.
You should make her grow a dick then circumcise her for saying that
I think dating jew is enough. Cut your dick for her? Are you crazy?
> t. Schlomo
> Offering your foreskin to our god will enable you to join the tribe
what she actually meant
Tell the dumb bitch it would make us all proud if she stopped ignoring the new testament and accepted Christ
Text and pics OP
Fuck no nigger. That's a 1/3 of the nerves in your dick.
Besides, the ZOG is gettin' long in the tooth.
tell her you will if she gets her clitoris removed
>should I end it
She was surprised I knew so much about Jews when we met but she doesn't know it's because I browse Cred Forums
did you see the shameless episode where the teen boy gets circed for his black gf and then she starts cheating on him and becomes a slut?
I mentioned marriage and I think she's getting serious and expects me to convert to your religion
What do Shlomo?
Everything about circumcision aside, you should never, EVER change yourself for a woman. Nothing dries up pussies like a turbulent personality.
Marry her. Jewish woman make great mothers and wives. Just don't get your dick cut.
if the average polack was given the choice to be a Jewish Israeli I bet they would take it. There's your religious ethnostate with 3.1 fertility right there
it's not like most people here actually have a real connection with their 'people'
Hell No! I'm in the US where the circ rate is much higher and every girl I've been with has never had a problem with me being natural, infact they love intact
whatcha doin there, rabbi?
I dated a Jewish chick, and she had no problem with my uncircumcised penis, lolllololololol....I don't think they really care. Although, if you marry a Jewish woman, and have a son, she will want to circumcise him because that is what a Jew is supposed to do.
>Should I end it Cred Forums?
Yeah mate, kill yourself.
Don't do it. St.Paul says that if you get circumcised you are obligated to follow all the Jew rules.
is that her pronoun?
congrats on becoming a jew cuck
Do it OP.
Take those sons of bitches down from the inside
>Trying to get outsiders to take your women
You are a depraved people.
-1 future jew
No nigga
Tell her only if she gets circumcised first, fair is fair.
Tell her to get her's clipped first and then dump her.
Yeah, well his city is full of Somalis
>Just don't get your dick cut.
I'm Swedish/French, no Jewish heritage.
Is it a really bad idea to do it? I'm not enthusiastic
that is lie. like allways.
"It would make me really happy if you weren't a jew."
Tell her it would make you really happy if she underwent female circumcision for you.
From her reaction you'll understand why you should end it.
Assuming you are not a kike youself, since you are using a memeflag.
Dump her O N T H E S P O T.
She’s just gonna leave you anyway with a mutilated dick
Well when you exclusively pound boipussy...
My God man this woman just asked you to cut a portion of your dick off any you are trying to normalize it
You're just a host to make a jew baby.
You will have no say whether your child will be cut.
Don't cut your foreskin unless you have a medical issue. If she won't marry you because you won't cut your dick skin, then maybe move on.
Of course it's a fucking stupid idea.
1) say goodbye to fapping without lubricant
2) say goodbye to sensitivity (sex becomes less enjoyable)
3) say goodbye to your pride (literally mutilating yourself for a girl)
4) it's a slippery slope. First, it's "only" circumcision. Next, you have to convert. Then, you have to accept the 'other men in her life', because that would make her 'rally happy'.
End it. Seriously.
Best solution.
Also, talk about shit test...
>dating any girl for 1+ years
Yes, it's time to end it, whether you snip your dick or not (don't, leave it to the kikes)
yes, if she coverts to Islam
Tell her you'll think about it if she gets a labioplasty, then dump her.
If you love her enough then get your weiner skinned.
Born in Israel myself but parents are Russian. Absolutely fucking not user, even my parents refused circumcision for me...but the Israeli government kept pushing that shit on them for 2 years after my birth. I am eternally thankful for their choice.
>can you cut off part of your body for me goyfriend
>shit that never happened
Are you even sliding with this shitpost?
good goy
Tell her you'll only agree to circumcise if she agrees to have her clitoris removed.
Then leave her anyway.
Yes. End it all.
>b-b-uh b-being a smelly fucking virgin for years
>blablabla some reddit-type shit blabla
>"g-gh should I d-do?"
yes OP, off yourself
A good leaf post?
I've must've used a wrong meme spell and end up in bizarro Cred Forums or something
Why would she ask you to circumcise? Just being circumcised doesn't make you Jewish. If she did, she'd ask you to straight up convert. So yeah either you made this up or you got some serious body hygiene issues OP
I'll tell you this once and only once.
Don't ever get in your head to marry a jew and retain your faith, especially when jewry is a pseudo-matriarchy. Today is circumcision, tomorrow is conversion, so ponder on where you want to head with your life.
say yes but you need to get circumcised too.
> Jewish woman make great mothers and wives.
Ha, more like ball busting emasculating irrational emotionally cold harridans.
t. user with a half-Jew mother
One for one
Get the circumcision if she gets FGM
Why r u even dating a Jewess?
Tell her you'll do it if she gets a female circumcision too
>implying amerimutts aren't already circumcised
>1 post by this ID
ignore all shill threads
>in all fields
top kek
i bet shes secretly sipping soy and fluoride into your meals, slowly domiciling the rebellious goyim..
In what way does the Israeli government get involved? Annual dick inspections.
Fucking hilarious.
Remember to reference the term "meat curtains" in the conversation.
Do you know how many governments tried to stop us from doing brit milah? If it didn't stop under the Greeks, Romans, Nazis or Communists, it's not gonna stop there either
Yes, but not because of any of this. KYS so we have on less fag in the world.
This seems like the right thread for this.
>Ask about someones view on interracial marriage
>I watched a video about how white women can't really understand the same feelings a black man can with their culture, racism, etc.
>Get the following response
>"More than 50% of crimes are committed by black people"
>"Less than 15% of America is black"
>"As a result, some black people get stopped by the police, because they look like the vast majority of crime"
>"This is intensified by the culture of hip-hop"
>"Hip-hop is popular among black people"
>"This profiling makes black people look more stupid if they aren't criminals"
>"This has NOTHING to do with race."
>"Police officers don't stop black men randomly. That's a waste of time. You get fired for being unproductive."
>"Yes, it's annoying, but that's it."
>"70% of black mother's don't have a partner."
>"That also has nothing to do with skin colour."
>"Sorry, that's 50% of murders. Not crime."
>"Sorry, my boyfriend is mansplaining this to me."
>"He says, the experience of one person does not equal the experience of a group based on skin colour."
>"I don't know. He was being a dick about this statement. He said I should talk less and ask you more questions to convince you to be red pilled."
>"Convince me of what?"
>"That black people don't experience things that white people don't."
What the fuck did I just walk into.
Also, if she does it break up with her afterwards.
Just say no thanks and keep dating her.
You will never be accepted as a goyim no matter how many hoops you jump through, understand?
source on this webm?
>Meet pretty jewess girls
>Immediately call them out as jews
>They are impressed and flattered
>Think I must be jewish or have great knowledge/respect for jews
>Don't realize it's because I have been training for my dream job as an official jew spotter in the Fourth Reich
Nice try Schlomo. We know about your little kosher loophole. If the goyim cucks you the kid is still jewish.
I had to get circumcised in my early 20's and the loss of sensitivity thing is BS.
I like Circumsized Dicks.
Stay with her.
>It would make me really happy if you mutilated your genitals for me gentile
What the actual fuck is wrong with Jews? Who fucking asks their partner to get a major cosmetic surgery, much less one on their sex organs?
Yeah it was a very random moment and Cred Forums memes briefly flashed before my eyes that I'm dating a foreskin collector. I forgot to mention her family is very well off in my country and they own a large engineering firm. I've never met them but I suppose I'll be having this conversation if I ever meet them.
How does having sex with no foreskin feel like? Any mutts here to answer?
I think it's because she's used to dating all Jews before me and I was her first non-jew, she's not mental or anything
they can't compare it to non foreskin sex
My advice is to tell her you don't get the circumcision but you join their tribe
All of Asia
You're going to be the only Goy in that family, retard.
I've never had a foreskin save for the first few minutes of my life, so I wouldn't know. Pic related.
But anyone who asks you to fucking mutilate your genitals for them is fucked up. How would she feel if you ask her to get a fucking boob job and pierce her nipples? It's not something that's OK to ask of your partner.
Dude, just say no and unjew her.
there's no way this isn't bait.
Lets call it for what it is = MGM. A concerted effort to avoid using the word "circumcision" first but instead saying MGM or male genital mutilation and then follow it with "(aka circumcision)" will often elicit the desired response which can then be dealt with.
why did your ID change?
God hates the tips of little baby dicks. If your kids a male you better cut it off or they’ll go straight to hell. Way back in the beginning god was making men and women and he noticed a piece was a bit too long.
Get right
it will really make you happy if she gets implants
Literally nowhere in the book does it say you have to keep doing that.
Fuck no idiot.
>>She says "it would make me really happy if you circumcised for me"
You say: "it would make me really happy if you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour"
If she says, "it is against my principles" then you say "Well it is against my principles to have my dick cut off"
What's the point? It's not like you can ever become a Jew. Tell her no, it's not like she's forcing you. Be a man.
God gathered people's leaders
Said start snipping baby's wieners
This will be a sign of our love and covenant
A few then went and raised objections
Saying they didn't see the connection
But he said "I'm God so none of this needs to make sense."
Get circd and then you CANNOT get a boner for several weeks or else it fucking rips your dick and you need more surgery. It hurts so bad and if you then go erect it will feel like your dick just got dipped into boiling oil. Go ahead and do it for her user.
I swear this is not bait though, it actually happened
this is the worst post Ive ever read on here
Bait of the now
I find this a fair compromise. I suggest user follow this line of dialog.
this gotta be an aussie cunt with a proxy?
>Ignores point made
>jewess gf
>lebbit kekistan
Checks out, end you life
Op, seriously... Run for the fucking hills. Anyone with enough hubris to ask you to hack part of your body off for them, and you're not even married... Well, it's just a prelude of shit to come. Can you imagine what she is going to ask your to once you are married. Fuck. That. Shit. Put this in the I told you so column if you go through with it and get married. Don't cuck.
ahahahahaha holy fucking shit this is why asians kill themselves and why the apple factory needs safety nets on the side of their building. absolutely brutal!
You can't fucking convert to Judaism tho
You need to off yourself
Either you're a useless larp
Or you actually are dating a kike and conaider mutilating your genitals for her
Either way the world would be better off without you
Sex with foreskin: More sensation in head. Most pleasure coming from own foreskin sliding up and down shaft.
Sex without foreskin: More sensation along shaft. Most pleasure coming from inner vagina gliding along shaft.
They are both pleasurable for different reasons. Too close to call which is "better". Gun to my head I prefer sex now after getting cut but the difference isn't worth the pain of getting circumcised (though in my case it wasn't optional).
My advice: Be happy with whatever you have. You're not missing out either way.
Don't submit to the bitch user. Women don't respect you when you have no spine.
Uko polski more like
Tell her you cannot convert to a lie. Christianity is the absolute truth. Stop treating religion as a club. There is only one truth and that is the Holy Bible and the word of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I'm not making this up shnitzelnigger
100% dead serious
Do what I told you here
Either that or ask for boob implants in return. Quid Pro Quo
i still remember it user, that shit scarred me for life, had it done for medical reasons and I was only 6. Couldn't imagine doing it as an adult.
It would be sweet if you offered, I guess, but it's kinda fucked up to ask your lover to mutilate their genitals for you.
Can you ever marry Jews if your dick is not clipped? Can she marry in a Christian church? I don't know if her family would let her either. I think I'll have to consider all possibilities because she asked me to cut
In this case, you are a spineless, weak and submissive embarrassment for even considering mutilating your penis to please your retarded girlfriend
of course you fat shit
No one should have to self mutilate for a girlfriend, and I’m not even one of you racist pol nazis
>Mutilating yourself for pussy
Cuck please.
Ladies first!
Tell her yes, cum in her then bail.
Nigger style
Only if she hacks her clit off.
Do it. My jewess milker gf got me into the nepotism circle. You can't beat em. You won't beat em. Join em.
What's happening here? I don't understand current dating bullshit
Either end it, or redpill her.
Will you betray them at some point if required to?
here you have sauce.
This is a crossroads in your life senpai, a major one, and while it might seem more difficult on a personal level for you and your benis, it will be far -far- better in the long haul.
yeah anons dont get women, and if they do, they dont post about it
Rest of my post still has merit though memeflag-senpai
>it would make me really happy if you cut a part of your dick off
>she's not mental or anything
I think I'm in permanent Cred Forums mode. I can no longer tell who is a kike because everyone looks like a kike now
Imagine if these two guys were bald
Ai! ai! A Creatura! A Creatura is come!
>yeah anons dont get women, and if they do, they dont post about it
Not quite. Many of us have another story:
>Be typical beta normie male in high school
>Romanticize love, women, marriage, etc.
>Get friendzoned and rejected constantly
>Involuntary celibate
>Become a bitter recluse
>Find online communities
>Take the "red pill" and learn how to game women
>Mold self into a player and score with hordes of increasingly attractive women
>Be the life of the party with a circle of friends and girls you only dreamed of back in high school
>Still feel empty inside
>Become increasingly repulsed by the emptiness of social circles and women
>Return to online communities
>Become a bitter recluse and shut self out of society
>Reject women and social situations
>Romanticize love, women, marriage, etc. but realize it is a long gone dream
>Voluntary celibate
>Increasingly unstable hermit repulsed by the world you've experienced and the one you now know you will never experience
The blue pill to red pill to black pill transformation is probably more common than you think around here.
I'm 1/4 and trying to spin a free trip
Yes, end it. Don't chop your dick for someone.
Have you dated one or just word of mouth? She's "normal" no way you'd tell her apart from a regular euro girl.
>Voluntary joining the Synagogue of Satan
>Rejecting Jesus Christ and embracing his killers
Speak for yourself Schlomo.
Too close for comfort user.
Semites are not like us senpai they don't think of this as a big deal like we do
>Official Jew Spotter
Yea be a good goy and do what u master want.....
flee you fool! Jews always just want your shekels and your schmeckle.
>he thinks he is in Cred Forums mode
the other day i saw one of those traditional jews in the subway and instinctively checked that my wallet still was in my pocket.
not even memeing here.
Muh religion, so cut up baby dicks, and If you're super, super religious, you get to suck on it aftawaads!
>Gets circumcised recently
>lol I haven't lost sensitivity yet, what do you mean that years of this will gradually decrease it?
Don't forget to delete system32 while you are at it. Your new cock will thank you.
She sounds quite the manipulative bitch, even if she's just joking.
>Tfw you have to dump your girlfriend because she doesn't want kids or to move in with you because it will interfere with her independence.
It bothers me because when she gets older I know she'll change but because she's young her career is more important.
Best ever leaf post.
Five years later and I still didn't feel any problems.
And please tell me about your experience with being uncircumcised/circumcised and compare your personal experience in the two situations? Or are you just talking about something you've never experienced faggot?
absolutely yes no question
What the fuck leaf!
Which Product was made out of your foreskin leaf? (pic related).
>Muh personal experience
Yes goy, you must try everything before making a judgement on it! How fucking stupid are Can*dians that they don't think you can have an opinion on circumcision until the Jew has knifed your dick?
tell her you will do "brit shalom" instead of circumcision.
Regardless of how she may "feel" when she's older her attitude now is indicative of a lifelong problem.
No shit I'm relaying personal experience. Meanwhile you're making judgements based on nothing. You're either an uncut faggot trying to feel superior or a cut faggot trying to scapegoat your problems away.
There was no loss in sensitivity after my circumcision. Sex was different but not worse. Feel free to talk about your own experiences with/without circumcision.
Why do you have shit like this saved on your computer? You absolute madman
I've given it some thought: skin her instead of your dick.
have you ever browsed a /curcumcision general/ before? this is posted every day
I've got to be careful though, got banned for showing a botched circumcision before now. So I'll just have to leave you the link. Take a look.
Because there's a group with a vested interest in selling "foreskin recovering tools" to young men by making them feel insecure about being cut.
you don't have to end it, but tell her to fuck off
What in the fuck
Can’t fault her for not wanting an icky-dick bf