It might not be too politics related, but I trust you guys more than other boards.
I live in Eastern Europe in the part of a city where gypsies are very rare, I see more chinks and niggers every day than gypsies.
However today the bell rang and I picked up the phone (I live in a commie block). Basically, I've been threatened to be killed by some random guy I've never met. I would give you guys the approximate transcript of the convo, but I don't want to bore you. In short, he asked if I'm user to which I suspiciously said yes (because my fucking name is on the entry phone) and this guy was looking for an user. Then he told me to come down which I naturally refused then he started threatening me and asking where I work and how tall I am and where my mom lives. When I asked who he is he refused to tell ("you'll see, just come down") and described me the various ways he'll kill me. Obviously he was looking for a different user (even though in the entire building I'm the only user I know of) but he didn't want to believe me. Quite the opposite, he further threatened me he'll come by tomorrow ("I know where you live"). I left the phone hanging and went to my real phone and called 112 then explained to the lady that I'm actively receiving death threats at my door. She said she'll send a cop car by and asked for descriptions of the guy but of course I haven't seen him and the entrance door isn't even visible from my windows.
When I got back to the entryphone, the guy had already hung up. I looked out the window and immediately noticed a suspicious looking gypsy male who was walking around the building and looking at the windows on my level. I went down to ground level and waited for the cops to show up, and took some pics of the guy. As I waited, the guy went around the building and I couldn't duck in time and he noticed me and waved to me for some odd reason. I opened the door, he looked at me, I asked if he is looking for me? To which he said "no, I've never seen you in my life, brotha. Why would I be looking for you?" I told him someone was telling me to come down. "Look at me, do you think I told you to come down? What the hell are you smoking, man? I'm just waiting for my buddy." I closed the door and he left.
Waited another hour in case the cops show up. They never did.
Is my life in danger, Cred Forums? I fucking knew some day my real name on the fucking entryphone will fuck me up. Tomorrow I'll get it removed and will get someone to make and install a thick steel door to my apartment. What else can I do, guys? Or is it time to move?
Brayden Collins
get a gun or improvise a gun or projectile launcher if you can't get a gun.
Evan Williams
Improvised "projectile launchers" tend to be ineffective. Within confined spaces a large machete/sword/kukri knife will be more effective.
Gavin Powell
That shit happens every time in Mexico, did he told you what did he want ?
Brody Smith
>did he told you what did he want ? No, when I asked he said he'll tell me when I get down.
Luke Edwards
Take your fucking meds and give drink a break you paranoid slav
Jonathan Gonzalez
Call the authorities. Dont be stupid.
Landon Roberts
Yeah but I figure, now that he's seen me and realized I'm the user he's looking for, he'll leave me alone. But if I go to the cops, he'll definitely kill me. He or some friends of his.
Eli Perry
Stay safe user, god be with you
Gabriel Evans
Ivo, stop drinking pls
Leo Brooks
Call the police then faglord. Tell them you're being threatened and they'll send a cop car.
Christian Jackson
btw I call dibs on your stuff
Oliver Wood
Just get armed for a while. Anything will do. And watch your back. This guy sounds like he wants to scare you, so he won't just sneak up on you, he'll make a show out of it. That's a good thing. He's already threatened your life, and you've already called the authorities about it. Now you're basically legally in the clear to fuck his world up. You tried to protect yourself the legal way, and it didn't work.
So now, he's going to come at you and shout your name. He might hit you, trying to stun you first, but he wants you scared and submissive more than anything else. He wants you to know he's won. That's the weakness you need to exploit. Pack a knife in your waistband or pocket. Keep it within reach. When he comes for you, look scared. That'll be the easy part. But the trick is to get angry as fuck, and conceal it under your surprise. Once he's close enough to hurt you, and he's still making threats, you have to get angry and go at him with everything you've got. Pull the knife and put it in him in one quick motion. Then do it again and again. Then fucking run.
You'll be alright.
Thomas Wright
Tell him if anything happens to you a certain Mongolian shoe repair site will be flooded with anti gypsy memes
Michael Moore
>Waited another hour in case the cops show up. They never did.
Your a dead man. Better hurry and 3d print yourself a liberator.
I already made some for shitsngiggles but come to think of it. Its a decent one shot gun for self defence. Doubt you will get a reload done before the gypsie has sold your tv at the nearest pawnshop tho.
Jaxon Brown
sounds like he got the wrong guy/phone number and you're being paranoid. I'd still make preparations to defend yourself but I wouldn't panic.
Lincoln Anderson
That does sound pretty worrying. Any way for you to find a gun?
Evan Carter
Printing of a part of this size takes hours. ... and you'll have to get ammo.
Michael Powell
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. 2 knuckle duster and knives are all I have.
Definitely no way.
I don't have a 3D printer yet and if he's coming for me tomorrow it's already too late for that.
Landon Barnes
Lepin sucks
Austin Smith
Pic related. He was probably just waiting for his buddy as he said and thought he'd kill time by threatening a random guy on the gate phone. you go bitched for a goof, retard. He was definitely dangerous if he's doing that, but probably meant no actual harm. Avoid prison at all costs, they'll eat you alive. And move if you live in a building where a guy like that would wait for anyone.
Evan Ross
Bro, you're paranoid or having a psychotic episode. Whoever they were looking for wasn't there if that guy saw you and didn't shoot you. Just leave it, the more you seem triggered the more they might think you are that guy. >eastern europe >doesn't know what to do when random mafia types threaten you
this has to be some elaborate LARP Show flag
Jose Wood
Is this a bot thread? The fuck is wrong with you?
Kayden Lee
>>eastern europe >>doesn't know what to do when random mafia types threaten you I'm not really used to this desu. What do? Kill myself before they do? Dig my own grave too? I don't know what you're implying.
William Bailey
Finally an interesting LARP
Matthew Walker
>And move if you live in a building where a guy like that would wait for anyone As I said, after I "confronted" him he left immediately.
Easton Reed
Yeah, this is some weird as larp/slide shit. Saged.
Jaxson Russell
bot? nah, it's possible OP is just opinion checking/data gathering. I'll humor him. >I don't know what you're implying. You're paranoid.
Ian Sanchez
>he asked if I'm user to which I suspiciously said yes why in the everloving fuck would you answer that question? your response should have been something along the lines of 'what's an user?' stupid fucker
Thomas Murphy
>post legit thread with legit story >people think I'm larping I'm truly dead
Luke Wood
>Within confined spaces a large machete/sword/kukri knife will be more effective. makarov tends to get around them
Pistol > Melee weapon
He would be on the ground before he even gets to swing.
Evan Phillips
How about you reveal your flag first, then we'll TRY to help you? Mkay? You are using a meme flag after all
Josiah Williams
Better now? I wanted to protect my identity in case of happening.
Brandon Baker
It was in response of recommending >Improvised projectile launchers whatever that is supposed to mean Gardening tool > self built mini-crossbow
Just remembered, this video is pretty good when it comes to what to expect when getting hit by a pistol, which I believe to be unlikely, as the neighbors would get alarmed by the noise and call the police
Grayson Hughes
>I wanted to protect my identity >by using a memeflag You do know your IP and location are always logged regardless of memeflags, right?
Anyway, look man, these criminal types are believe it or not humans like us, they all make mistakes. The best corse of action is to just not give a fuck because this is a shake down/mental erosion/test method.
Here's how you stand
>you have nothing to do with them >you don't know what the fuck is going on This means what? That if you start acting like person who may not be like the last two, chances are they're gonna do something really bad because they were probably tipped off to shake you down, police may or may not be in on it so don't rely much on them.
Do you have any rich/businessmen family memebers or police? They may be after them and trying to get them to them thru you but that's just a possibility.
It could be just some pranksters who are trying to get under your skin or some serial killers looking for a new victim.
If the latter then just warn your neighbors someone was threatening you so they lock their doors and keep children in. You should also do the same. Don't forget to lock your door, warn your familia and maybe reinforce makeshift alarms(put a chair infront door at night so if someone lockpicks it it will fall and warn you). Keep a bat around, or a knife or two.
That's all I can dilvulge, good luck
Michael Bennett
>live in Eastern Europe stopped reading there no one cares you fucking subhuman sage
Owen Sullivan
>You do know your IP and location are always logged regardless of memeflags, right? I know that, but I meant in case that guy is browsing Cred Forums right now. You never know, man.
>Keep a bat around, or a knife or two. >That's all I can dilvulge, good luck Well, thanks.
Ayden Nelson
This. If you want more lethality against the guy, aim for major arteries. Three stabs in 3 arteries should guarantee his demise.
Christian Brooks
OP, I think you're not thinking logically here. Just calm yourself and think rationally: if you did nothing to aggravate anyone, then in the worst case scenario is this is some thug going full psychological warfare on his target and on the best case scenario is someone pulling a prank on you.
Just be cautious but try not to be paranoid, have something on you that you can clench with your fist like a big enough lighter in case of a fight and be conscientious of your surroundings. This is probably nothing at all, it's probably just someone wanting to mess around and nothing more.
Matthew Morgan
Just carry weapons on you. Avoid being alone at night.
Have you tried hunting down who this guy is? Flip the script, find him and beat the fucking shit out of him.
Whatever you do, don't be a bitch. I would actually go on the offensive/attack here.
Jose Perez
>Waited another hour in case the cops show up. They never did. What the fuck man? Is this common in your country?
Carter Fisher
Rip op we hardly knew ye
Isaac King
>why do you need a gun for, you mysoginistic racist >just call the cops :^)
>aim This is how I know you've never fought before. People don't get to "aim" or "think". They "do".
It's good to know where an artery is or where a bullet's trajectory from the barrel of the gun you're holding but in general instinct trumps thinking/consideration during combat. It's faster, the latter WILL make you hesitate in some way or not react fast enough.
Life isn't Counter Strike
Andrew Harris
It's just a prank bro. I'll come by tomorrow as well, make sure you come down this time.
Jose Sanchez
I dont carrot all about you
Henry King
>What the fuck man? Is this common in your country? I've never had to call the cops before, so I don't know, but probably yes.
>Have you tried hunting down who this guy is? I'm looking through the WANTED on the police website, so far nothing. They're like 90% gypsies though. 13k people on the list.
Lucas Evans
Look on the bright side, if you get whacked 4skin has your posting history so that can be used as evidence.
Your ISP should know too but idk if it comes with a built in proxy
Cooper Ross
I'm coming for u op
You'll see who i am when the time comes
Brody Ortiz
And why would he want to hurt you, did I miss something in that story
Elijah Hall
He didn't tell.
Christopher Thompson
OP probably sells/buys drugs and scammed someone he shouldn't have.
He's probably lying he's a goodboi right now
Isaiah Torres
Just admit it man, if you're not LARPing why would anyone come looking for you? because you're a stoner/crackhead
Oliver Brown
Something also to keep in mind, for criminals being criminals is a job. Unless he's completely mentally ill, there is no reason for him to take unnecessary risks. He might be a psychopath not feeling any empathy, but he will not behave in a way unnecessarily endangering himself.
If he has a gun, he very likely won't use it, it's too loud. (unless you pull out a knife, which will make him nervous) He will generally not want to make unnecessary noise/attention. If he has a knife, it doesn't make any sense to attack someone also holding one, it's an unnecessary risk, bad business practice. If there are several, stay with the back to a wall so you won't get surrounded.
If possible stay with a neighbor/relative until stuff cools down. If it gets really bad, as pointed out, don't aim, do Did you do anything that might get someone to hire him to do something?
Daniel Gutierrez
Europoors responding to this thread be careful what you say. It's a datamining thread to see how you anons respond to being surveilled.
Dominic Campbell
>Did you do anything that might get someone to hire him to do something? I'm a stay-at-home neet, unlikely. Unless it's someone from Cred Forums or some other website, but I'm very cautious about my internet anonymity, so highly unlikely.
Regarding the video, the best option wouldn't be to got for his eyes and gauge them out?
Anthony Young
>but I'm very cautious about my internet anonymity, so highly unlikely. Well don't keep us in suspense you whore, what were you shitposting about online?
btw you're a stupid retard if you think you're anonymous
Kayden Butler
I'm pretty sure I'm anonymous to some retarded killer gypsy. I know I'm not user to the police or FBI, but I don't do shady shit.
Samuel Smith
Nice Larp
Fake and Ghay
Sebastian Martinez
>Regarding the video, the best option wouldn't be to got for his eyes and gauge them out? People tend to see stuff that moves towards the eyes, and if you're 2cm off, you'll hit bone.
Tyler Harris
I know you don't have any Scandinavian Viking blood but you should have came out sprinting and charged the fuck as soon as he called you and made threats.
Either way if you can't own guns there, start boxing and lifting weights. Life is so, so much easier when your jacked.
Have you tried tracing his number? If you remember the time, ask your apartment for their surveillance footage, their video of him on the phone.
Jason Howard
You are Eastern European, just get an akm and some vodka and you'll be fine.
Logan Gomez
Thomas, they can’t help you
Jordan Gray
>Have you tried tracing his number? I know I said "entryphone" but really I meant the intercom, just didn't remember what it's called.
No security cameras either.
Aaron Ramirez
>It's a datamining thread to see how you anons respond to being surveilled. I know that's why I participate. People don't know it but I'm prone to breaking the 4th wall. I NEED to be observed or be thought about or I'll stop existing(not joking death is a better alternative). I need to figurate in people's minds in some form even as a possibility, even if they don't know me or who I am irl(to be frank my personality or body don't matter that much). Doesn't even need to be some concrete image or expression just that subtle feeling on the edge of their subconscious even the collective one is enough. Call me crazy but it's the cold hard truth.
If I get on another list, then I win.
No, that doesn't mean I'll go shill for some society where everyone's actions are monitored down to their individual breaths but god damn do I wish to be one.
But in general, data-mine the dataminer and observe the observer. Hide nothing but see everything.
Julian Hernandez
Then move on and don't let it bother you.
If he calls you again, or someone in public looks menacing, go full attack.
Keep a knife with you, and keep your country white as fuck bro.
Jaxson Long
I'm sorry did I write "who"? What, should be more accurate.
Brayden Bennett
Cool lego set user. Idk why someone would kill you over it
John Garcia
It's a gypsy that wants to mug you. Jesus Christ be a man and go down there to meet him with a bat next time.