When will the polish apologize for the holocaust?
When will the polish apologize for the holocaust?
The kikes have changed history on a dime. Now the Poles were apparently the bad guys and the USSR and Germany dindu nuffins.
When will the germans apologize for keep ruining Europe?
Fact: The polish are EVIL!
What is this? More proofs of polish wrongdoings against defensless jews?
jewish polish
Leave the potty-cleaners alone, Hans
The jews are going to change history so that all the communist revolutionaries were actually ethnic Poles and not jews.
Also Marx was a Pole. Pontius Pilate was a Pole. The snake in the Garden of Eden? His real name was Kowalczyk
jewish polish genocided
There's nothing to apologise for.
gotta make one with the Jews killing Ukrainians and Russians
jewish polish genocided prussia
7 million murdered after the war
Sidenote: There is NOTHING wrong with killing pr*ssians
"evil laugh"
what book or pdf is this its beautiful link it please
checked 1488
can't do it anymore though. the thing with actual genocides is that people who actually get genocided are gone. permanently
they don't get their own country and increase in population and power
Got nothing we had few cough "temporary relocation centers" here in the states. So not tossing stones from muh glass house.
>the asterisk
Why do turkroaches make themselves so easy to spot?
Holy shit this thing is really turning up the gears. Let the fucking games begin!
Ohhh, Lenkai. You're like a little baby, watch this.
If the holoHOAX was for real, why so many lies about it?
Lies like the one that had Jew ashes/fat used to make soap? Turned out to be a lie. The one that had Jew skin used to make lampshades? The one that had giant electrical mats used to electrocute Jews? Both LIES. The one that said Bergen-Belsen had homicidal gas chambers? The one that had the shrunken Jew heads? Both LIES. The one that said steam chambers were used to kill Jews? That a secret Death Ray killed 20,000 at Ausshitz. Both LIES. The one that said electrified water vats were used at Belzec and one that said 4,000,000 Jews were killed at Auschwitz? Both LIES, since that number dropped to a little over one million, and that included non-Jews.
Then there's the LIES about Majdanek, which originally claimed around 600,000 dead Juden, but now the number has dropped to around 70K. And my fav, the one that said DER EVEL Nazis used a huge electric chair, capable of frying 10,000 Jews at once at Ausshitz.
So if they LIED about Ausshitz and Majdanek, why and what else did the holoHOAX liars LIE about? And where did all these holoHOAX survivors come from?
I’d laugh if it wasn’t true.
Ahh who could I expect behind this post. The eternal we didndu nuffin strikes again.
Your grandparents most likely murdered innocent jews during the holocaust.
Oh no no no no
When will they apologize for invading Belarus and Ukraine?
Kek, based litwini
kek saved
You just did
God, what a boring song.
This one is better.
When will the Jews?
I apologize ;_;
Jokes aside I recently visited my grandparents who saved a few of those ungrateful rats back in that times. I can't say how they feel now. I guess they must regret not siding with Germany in '39.
Move along, move along, nothing to see here
wow i feel attacked and its only my first time on pol
t. newfag
Depends what do you like
>the state of modern nazis
The Sparticist rebellion was a good thing tho, Luxemburg wasn't a bloody-minded retard like Lenin (who she criticized the heck out of.) Only the rich benefited from it being crushed.
I prefer 20th century music
Oh shit, I'm sorry.
The Jews genocided the Poles in Nazi-Plalestine death camps in Cambodia
stale pasta
>If the holoHOAX was for real, why so many lies about it?
>Lies like the one that had Jew ashes/fat used to make soap? > The one that had Jew skin used to make lampshades? >The one that had the shrunken Jew heads?
The germans did make some soap from human bodies, just not jews, so not quite a lie, and was a rumur widely spread during the war and used as a threat by the Gestapo. Yes, no human lampshades were found – it turned out to be goatskin. But given the other horrors of the Nazi camps, it was not much of a stretch to imagine them, and there was a strong rumour even among the German guards that one was made. Makes a good threat as well. Two shrunken heads were discovered at Buchenwald. Given the horrors of the camp it was assumed they had been made there. It was some years later that they were discovered to be anthropological specimens from Indonesia that a Doctor at the camp had collected before the war. That was widely reported at the time, and no one who knows anything about it has claimed otherwise since. A simple mistake, hardly a lie.
And no one who knows anything about the subject now claims any of these things. Only idiots and deniers bring this nonsense up.
>The one that had giant electrical mats used to electrocute Jews? > The one that said steam chambers were used to kill Jews? >The one that said electrified water vats were used at Belzec? .
All this was wartime speculation, which was dismissed at Nuremberg and no one now claims any of these things . Mistakes rather than lies.
They knew that people were being killed, en masse, but did not know how. Electrocution was a possibility – it turned out to be false. Given the use of exhaust fumes and gassing, steam was a plausible idea, but the original report that it may have been steam also mentioned gas as a possibility – so again, not a lie, an early mistake corrected when facts were known, and no one has claimed it is true since 1945.
is still stale
>That a secret Death Ray killed 20,000 at Ausshitz
Atomic death rays - this was brought up at Nuremberg and instantly dismissed – again wild speculation during a war when no-one knew what was happening – but they knew about the atom bomb. It was a wartime rumour from third hand testimony (not even claimed to be eyewitness) so it was never taken that seriously.
> The one that said Bergen-Belsen had homicidal gas chambers?
The initial 1945 Associated Press report that said there was a gas chamber at Belsen was mistaken – the Doctor Bendel they were quoting had said “Birkenau”. There were other claims of a gas chamber there – never by any official who had visited the site and no serious historian claims this.
Why get on such a high horse about this one camp? It was a pretty horrible place to be, even without the gas chamber. Perhaps you pick out this one because it is a case of it not being true that people were gassed there and everyone agrees that. So why not claim the same for Auschwitz? Because it is true that people were gassed there, and there is plenty of evidence they were.
>The one that said 4,000,000 Jews were killed at Auschwitz? A lie since that number dropped to a little over one million, and that included non-Jews.
Yes it was a lie. By the Russians. Soviet propaganda never accepted by the West or by historians. The Soviets said 4 million PEOPLE (not mentioning jews or non jews) but historians doubted this, and by 1955 were firm on it being about 1 to 1.5 million. The propaganda plaque was changed after the fall of the iron curtain. So yes, a lie told by Stalin and his crew, but one that western (including Jewish) historians debunked sixty years ago.
>Then there's the LIES about Majdanek, which originally claimed around 600,000 dead Juden, but now the number has dropped to around 70K.
Again Soviet propaganda – they at first said 1.5 million killed there. But In 1961, Raul Hilberg estimated the number of the Jewish victims at 50,000. And it has in fact crept up a little as he was giving his figures as minimums that he could strictly account for.
>So if they LIED about Ausshitz and Majdanek, why and what else did the holoHOAX liars LIE about?
Well “they” didn’t lie about Auschwitz and Majdanek. The Soviet propaganda people did that. “They” – historians, many of them jewish - spent years trying to find the truth and publishing it – and they came to a figure of Hilberg’s minimum provable 5.1 million total, of whom 900,000 to 1 million at Auschwitz (in the 1950’s) and have argued about it since, with a range up to 6.3 total, and most settling about 5.5 to 5.9 these days.
It has been very thoroughly documented, with people going through literally tons of German archive documents to find the numbers.
Just because some people in the earliest days speculated a little wildly does not mean that they deliberately lied, or that those untruths in any way undermine the truth of the torture, the beatings, the individual murders, the rapes, the medical experiments, the theft, and the starvation and cruelty and slave labour and the enormous mass murder. If they spoke a little wildly, who could blame them?
The Nazi concentration camps were places of horror. I would not wish that fate on any one. Even the idiot who keeps posting this stale copypasta.
Poland better apologize for the holocaust and WW2. They started this mess by invading Germany to kill all Jews.
Bullshit, its your fault
Short story of ww2:
Piles wanted to kill all the jews
Germans invaded poland to protect semite minority
Germans created luxury vacation camps to hide jews there
Amuricans and britbongs bombed german supply lines so poor kikes died from hunger
The end
Your denial of death camps existence just further proves your guilt. Your attitude shows inherited antisemitism. Apologize!
Never, you have no power over me żydzie