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Croatia appreciation thread
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odjebi polcuck deutschland uber alles
Hajduk Split is a nice club
dead cunt, dead thread
hajduk won against dinamo today, hzv
jedi govna
I used to like flipping their oppressive VAT , now I like the fact they get cucked out of nearly everything by their balkanigger government, which suits them the balkaniggers that they are. I also like the fact we got rid of a shitty enterprise by selling it to them and the one they are bailing out rn kek
but I don't
I love it more than this shithole, when the serbs die I'll move back
>when the serbs die I'll move back
But Croats are Serbs in denial
But serbs are turks in denial!
But Swedes are Russians in denial
Fuck this country, can't even earn enough money to buy a plane ticket out of here.
But Leafs are just ... fucking stupid
>just ... fucking stupid
HMM, what did he mean by this?
>dolazi lito
>opet wagecuckat
>pic related
how did we end up like this. slovenia is literally controling us. are we the cucks of balkans like germany is of europe?
You don't feel fucking humiliated having to slave for those Dalmatian shitbags every summer? I honestly admire you people.
greeting from hungarian bro, join us where u belong in v5! we need u guys!
>Wha.. What?
I thought you were importing portuguese cars, polish technology 'n shiet.
The hell are you talking about? We're a post communist corrupt nepotist shithole.
srbi su orci i cigani
Let us join OECD, Orban.
Fuck this country
Im saving money and leaving in May.
I think we have more corruption and nepotism than Venezual or any African shithole.
At least you are Catholic. But your love of Bosniaks is insufferable.
Where are you going?
Nigga please. You can count on one hand the number of niglets in Hrvatskoj.
I like Croatia
>Croatia appreciation thread.
>I think we have more corruption and nepotism than Venezual or any African shithole.
THIS. where are you leaving for? pls dont say germ
Gonna be in Thailand till September than where the wind takes me.
i am leaving as well
already got everything set up, leaving in 3 months
fuck this shithole
I am Dalmatian.
>Gonna be in Thailand till September
how did you end up there?
>i am leaving as well
shit man, Im thinking about it but dont want to
Where to? I'm taking suggestions.
Are you in ship related busines or what?
Then why don't you have your own restaurant where you underpay your Slavonian workers and make them live in their own shit while you do nothing for 9 months in the year?
Croatia is cool but I mostly like it since I fucking hate Serbia
I'll try to take out a few Serbs before I die, at least 1
just go
if u know german go to austria if not go to ireland or the uk
jebeš ovu državu
idem u austriju, imam obitelji tam
Ah, easy mode. Good luck brah.
my dad's half croat
immigrated too early to participate in the Ustaše war """crimes""" of WWII tho
i hope its easy mode compared to this autistic country
hvala frende, također
>Show how much you love Hrvatska user.
But I don't
>how did you end up there?
My friend left 2 years ago.
Living is dirt chep and easy. 250$ monthly for food and rent. Getting a Visa is also easy, and finding a job for a English speaking white guy is easy.
The worst part is the plane ticket price of almost 1.5k €
will you get a croatian gf or some random chink one?
>Gonna be in Thailand till September than where the wind takes me.
Ohh i see, your not a Hrvat now are you, Bill?
>The worst part is the plane ticket price of almost 1.5k €
That's my biggest problem. Can't fucking earn enough money to go to America and have enough capitl 2 live there for 2 months before I find a job.
i bet this one claims Tesla was full of turkroach rape baby blood
these posts would mean a lot more to me if they didn't come from the country that elected Fidel"Its Ok to Fuck Dogs" Trudeau to double its 5 million population with chinks and sand nigger refugees
>Tesla 100% croat!
>Then why don't you have your own restaurant where you underpay your Slavonian workers and make them live in their own shit while you do nothing for 9 months in the year?
Because we have an apartment that we rent for €100 per person a night for six months and it's full all the time?
no teacher in croatia teaches kids that tesla was croatian
keep your serbian delusions to yourself
Dalmatia is best Croatia.
my whole family is involved with electronix in SHEEEEEEEEEEEIT and i'm one of those dalmation shitbags the other Croats despise, especially the diaspora ones
Croatians indiscrimanently killed more than half a million serbs, even elementary school aged children.
Meh, doubt weedbro is gonna get another term. And if you think we elected him, you don't know exactly how Canadian parliamentary elections work.
We vote for ministers, the leader of the party with the most ministers becomes the prime minister.
Fuck was ment for
I'm a Dalmatian shitbag too
this country is garbage
in 10 years there will be no one left
Dalmatia and parts off Vojvodina and Central Serbia need to purge you subhuman scum
Croatians are the only group of people willing to suck dicks of those who've been enslaving them for over 1000 years than to unite with other slavs
Not even we like Germ*ns as much as you guys
EDGY, janko
yah, i get reminded every time i visit skabrnkje, or the grave site where i stepped on a landmine, good news is we don't bitch and whine like jews. Just imagine if we started? oy vey
Ah yeah forgot about that. So you still work because you don't make enough money to fund gold digging dalmatian women?
Uniting with central Europe, sure. Uniting with Serbia? You know how that worked? All the money went to Belgrade and the army of that supposedly united country attacked us. Oh, and you had to speak Serbian in that supposedly pan slavic army.
sort of like how the nominee of the party with the most electoral votes becomes president you dumb nigger leaf
so much this
lazy dalmatinci complaining about having to work for four months of the year is embarrassing.
drinking jastrebarski pinot right now
plavac is shit
Where do u live bitch you can try me first.
No it's not. Try flying from a non retarded airport. It's €500 maybe.
>Italians needed to stop the Usthase from genociding a whole village
It's called being sponsored that's how diaspora moves preko
Teran frende, samo Teran
>Because we have an apartment that we rent for €100 per person a night
What kind of retarded price is that?
kek you subhuman Dalmatian are the worst,I dont know why Tito migrated you scum To Central Serbia and Vojvodina instead off Southern Serbs
>Oh, and you had to speak Serbian in that supposedly pan slavic army.
but you already speak it
southern serbs are subhumans
t. southern serb
Then why is the language called Serbo-Croatian or Croatian-Serbian and you guys arent writing in cyrillic now?
How do feel Croats feel about other Slavs?
Particularly, the Poles, Slovaks, and Slovenes.
I had no idea, explains the bitterness
my dad got punished for trying to escape the Tito regime and while in a work camp in italy the communists would salute him saying something nice about Tito and he'd respond with "Jebo te tito" with a smile
u pravu si
Yes it's one language.
Southern Serbs maybe just little more violent and hot headed but you guys are much better then Hercegovnas,Montenegrins,Serbs from Northern Albania and Dalmatian trash that infest these parts
teran je slovensko
Sponsored by whom?
It's not called like that neither by Croats nor Serbs, it's a Western thing. They're similar, yes, but in a supposedly united army you were forced to speak the language like Serbs do it. Imagine Canada and USA being a united country and the army being forced to speak in the Southern American accent. It's not the same example, but close.
Croats are brainwashed by their country to hate serbs with a passion. They are essentially a 1945 neo racist state so no point in seeking logical responses about Serbia.
niti je riba meso, niti je dalmatinac covjek
Russian Internet Research Agency or JIDF which one is seeding the hate right now?
>be Croatian soldier in the JNA
>speak with your funny accent
>get made fun off by Serbs for your accent
>''fucking evil Serbs you will get it one day!!!''
>It's not called like that neither by Croats nor Serbs
Not everybody is as backward as you. You're probably not even 25. Grow up.
Do they really? From what I've seen a lot of it is just banter with Serbs until diaspora ultranationalists end up start triggering a shitstorm.
Friends or family (90s it was friends but economic background today means cousins or close family now)
yeah, diaspora create false image that majority of the people here are still at war with each others
Tudman is serbian
Love them as they love us, same with hungarians.
I've heard stories that you can't say you're Serbian in Croatia.
The hell are you talking about? Officers in the army were Serbian, nearly all of them. And you had to communicate in Serbian with them. If that's too hard for you to understand, I can't help you. Westerners, you don't give a fuck about how the languages differ, call it the same language.
Yeah, ask your dad what would happen if you addressed your superior officer in Croatian or Albanian or Macedonian.
bull shit from my experiance Serbs in Croatia are like polar bears,most off the shit they get is free,like education,easier time finding a job,EU minorety privlages etc..
that's all bullshit. Most people in croatia (and probably serbia) will treat you the same. nobody really cares.
That's false.
dijaspora are cancer
I'm talking about people twice your age recognizing it's one language, idiot.
Serbs from Croatia get double privileges and easier migration to EU
t.Serb from Croatia
THIS, as diaspora trash I can attest to this, the most nationalist and autistic fags are always us diaspora.
croatia is 100000000x worse than canada
wtf are you on about retard
stupid diaspora ape
i knew all those years packing containers of food and supplies for CARITAS would pay off
my dads superior officer was a Montenegrin and right when his term was about to end the war started so he just dragged into it lel.
Shut up nigger. Ask any Canadian serb you don't speak Serbian while n Croatian because they'll recognize your word choice and dialect.
and someone cracks a joke if it's a new guy and everyone gets back to drinking and acting like they're king nigger.
you are stupid, stop posting
Croats and Serbians don't do it. It's not called like that in schools, when you ask any person in either country 'which language do you speak'', no one will say ''Serbo-Croatian''. I have literally never heard anyone say it. If you're Dutch, what in the flying fuck do you know about this topic? You're telling me you know more about this than I do?
That would be great but I'm still not talking Serbian you can test the waters first burazer
Ćuti, Ćuti Ujko!
That happens extremely rarely.
That's ex-yu commies simply fear mongering trying to paint identity politics
Cause I know both serbs and croatians, childish tool.
People just don't care.
aha, isto kao i piranski zaljev
I inherited land in Zadar. Not sure what to do with it.
Great, they're yugophiles. For the third time, no one in Croatia and Serbia calls it Serbo-Croatian nor did that name ever exist in history.
give it to me, i would know what to do with it
funny since most off your country speaks a Serbian dialect(mostly in former Krajina) and the other one is a Slovenian dialect
>piranski zaljev
zaliv se kaže
Serbo-Croatian /ˌsɜːrboʊkroʊˈeJʃən, -bə-/ (About this sound listen),[7][8] also called Serbo-Croat /ˌsɜːrboʊˈkroʊæt, -bə-/,[7][8] Serbo-Croat-Bosnian (SCB),[9] Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian (BCS),[10] or Bosnian-Croatian-Montenegrin-Serbian (BCMS),[11] is a South Slavic language and the primary language of Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro. It is a pluricentric language with four[12] mutually intelligible standard varieties.
Sit in the middle of a field, call it Serbian clay and declare independence?
actual linguists, croatian linguists, call it one language.
Different dialects, but one language, not 'mutually intelligable languages' like Ukrainian and Russian. When you go to Bosnia the health warning on cigarettes is written three times, for each 'language' like how in Belgium they have it in Dutch and French, and it just says the same thing three times but once in cyrillic.
Why are you quoting Western sites? It's a Western simplification.
Bosanci i Hrvati su uvijek bila braca oko moje meni ne moras ni dati samo daj da ti pricuvam kad nisi tu
Za kucu spremni
Are you mentally retarded?
The jews did this to keep us divided
What are you gonna do about it if he does that??
based mr. president vucic
I got land too near the sea and thought of building a tavern called Krajina 2,0 for rich serbs but there aren't many left in the world
>no Croats and Serbians call it like that nor have ever called it like that
>it's a Western thing
>quotes a Western site
You sure are.
>actual linguists, croatian linguists, call it one language.
I studied linguistics, can confirm
You should return to daddy Hungary.
It's the official name of the language and dont act like Croatia is somekind of Anti-Western country
I put that shit on everything.
Thanks Croats!
22 years
Failed college
Demotivated seeing everybody leave from hometown
Left for germany, 1 month in, living with grandma
Speaking fluently german
Looking for job that usnt back breaking since I have commodity doing so
Good, you will get cancer and die.
Take back your nigger diaspora pls
They are on the same level as Serbs and Turks
Well idk about the experience your family had, but my dad was stationed in Skopje for his term back in 85 and I can tell you that he had the exact opposite in his experience. Out of the guys in the garrison some 3/4ths of them were Macedonians, many of his superiors were also Macedonians. He's told me that during that one year, many of the Serbs and Croats would have to learn Macedonian in order to properly work and be taken seriously, in order to have been able to work at the garrison. My dad to this day speaks fluent Macedonian thanks to working with his Macedonian counterparts.
how ere Burgenland Croats like?
what is that like a dried withered carrot in a bag?
Probably. It's definitely a made up distinction with no scientific base. It's literally political correctness.
Fine, we'll call it Croatian, Serbs can call it Serbian, IDGAF. Ijekavski/ekavski što/šta/kaj/ča boli me kurac.
I got some in vojvodina cause commies took it
Got about $10000 CAD when we sold it
Hopefully soon
It's a mix of spices but mostly salt. Also has some stuff that isn't really good but nobody really cares because their uneducated to know better.
He got a memetic face.
dried pwdered veggies salt and spices in a bag, it just make everything taste great, you were close enough
Official where? In Croatian schools the school subject is called Croatian, just like it's called Serbian in Serbia. Our dictionaries say ''Croatian language'', just like Serbian say ''Serbian language''. Serbian school kids in Croatia have textbooks in Serbian, which is very important to them and our constitution guarantees their right to have them. The hell do I care what some foreigners think?
That's a pic of a Serbian soldier while being captured by Croatian soldiers.
Most of Croats were forced to go to Serbia.
they probably deserved it
Those I met were actually pretty like every other European I met, can’t say anything negative about them
But Christ those who came to Austria during the 90’s are obnoxious cunts
>muh folk music on full volume in the car
>muh 10 year old bmw
Seriously sad because they ruin other people’s opinion about Croats
You must be a dirty serb or kosovar
Okay your taking it way to far , your acting as if the divide would be similar to Portuguese and Spanish. The real example would be the Arabic countries that have vastly different dialects and slightly different speech patterns within each other.
reminder that he got btfod by a little Croatian boy
we need to make visa to visit their country, other balkanieros are much friendlier, so why should i love them if they dont love us?
nah, still based
getting sick of this country being gay as fuck
sick of everyone in Croatia fucking me in the asshole every step I take
what do? in Sweden I know who's trying to fuck me and I see it plainly, in Croatia it's my neighbor and cousin trying to screw me over for pennies
But I need to make a visa to go to your country too user and I still like you.
This is Balkan mentality you fuck over someone you know more than a stranger.
unfortunately. poland is different thing. i think they joined EU later than you. But may be if we would make visa with central asia -stans europe could accept us witout visas. by the way i like poland
What about us
I was always courious about what you think of us because half of this country works in Austria
I honestly think that Vucic is the only importent Balkan politician nobody really fully trust him not the West,East and our neigbours.
yeah lmao I can't into it at all desu I'm such a huge fag I surround myself with people who aren't scumbags who smile at my face and simultaneously shove their cocks up my assole
certainly, that's why he's so based
To your disappointment - no. Grandfathers on both sides were hardcore Ustaše. Stop being blinded by western bullshit consumerism. Use normal spices. Vegeta was developed by some old lady in Virovitica and commercialized by some other money hungry faggots in Croatia. I know this because dad was doing business with these ppl.
in what way? also, where do you live?
driving Serbia away from Russia, but cant being fully accepted by EU, whats good in it?
if your Russian you don't need Visa to enter Serbia same goes to the Chinese
>Most of Croats were forced to go to Serbia.
Hrvat bro your acting again like only croats had it bad in yugoslavia. In the case of the draft my dad also had no other choice. There are so many other things that my dad was opressed for by the government, if we want to be real, the only people who had it good in yugoslavia were the cocksucking party memebers who lived in luxury in the metropolitians living off of the toil of the country folk.
I don't know Arabic but what I heard was that there was a bigger difference between Tunisian and Egyptian Arabic than Serbian and Croatian. In fact it's wrong to even divide it like that since the linguistic differences do not correspond to political borders.
Sweden, not a meme flag
latest example, my father and I are building a house in Croatia to rent out over summers. We're considering selling it, even at a loss, because my fag cousin won't fucking work and we've paid him in advance. He started a carpentry business of his own and we figured we'd get a cheaper price and he'd get a reference
instead he just took the money and plays xbone all day
Thanks leaf. Always nice to be praised but we're too lazy for that level of genocide.
This thread needs more Janez
Vucic is becoming bigger than Serbia, I'm not sure if that is good or bad thing kind of like Trudeau for Canada orTrump in America
didnt know about chinese but know about rules for us. Do you have lots of chinese tourists? I still want to visit Serbia, Sarajevo, Zenica and Cernogoria one day.
being neutral as he says it everytime Putin comes here or some other politics related with Russia.
not like much has changed, the money is completely in the bankers hands, the government is still on their payroll and foreign companies own the utilities and oil production
can anecdotally confirm that chinese tourists are populating the coastline and they have a better command of the language than i do
what you guys working at abroad?
You think Dutch and French aren't different languages, or what? Anyway, my point was that it's the same language. It doesn't matter what you call it, but calling it Serbian and Croatian is just confusing.
yeah, you should've given the job to a real company, not some lazy dalmatian retard.
could you stop stepping on the toothpaste, there's enough of it in the thread already
If you have 50000 dollars you can start a business and live in west Balkans forever and they'll let you in because youre Russian.
fair enough
We do,also Slobodan Milosevic migrated here 250k Chinks when we were supposed to have eletctions just so they can vote for him.
I think so aswell when he was now in Croatia he was acting same like he owned the place,treated his Croatian oposition same with his Serbian one.
It's comedic and worrysome at the same time.
>when he was now in Croatia he was acting same like he owned the place,treated his Croatian oposition same with his Serbian one.
careful of those chinese brate they are snakes
It may be that it is the same language since we can understanf each other very well, but you will never hear any healthy minded person in croatia saying the language is serbo croatian. You have to realize that to us it's like an insulat and a spot to the face. The reasoning being the war and the attrocities commited to the civililians and soldiers alike.
i wouldnt like to go to Balkans and meet there.. chinks. No way. They are everywhere, yelling their shit
Do you mean Cernogoria only? But whats the use if weed is illegal there too
i thought he was kind of nationalistic no?
yeeah no shit I though I could trust my own flesh and blood
Try and understand the level of pain that had to be suffered to the point that people don't even our languages the same.
They're fucking everywhere too
Even the small towns have at least 2 Chinese shops
I live in a City and there's one literally 3 minutes away from a commie block in which I live in
It's like a fucking invasion
Why would Chinese even immigrate? Jobs are rare thing in Serbia and most get you like 10€ per day. I mean even Chinese are better than that..
No, I was agreeing with you. They have to have all 'official' languages on the cigarette warning, which is why I chose dutch and French as the example, because they are different. But take that same principle to Bosnia, where they have three official languages, you see that it is not the same because it is just one language. See my post
who the fuck know but somehow they are allways loaded with cash but they are staying here and they're total number is uknown here in Serbia
When did this influx begin was it because of the one path, one way initiative?
a russian oligarch bought out an airport and the chinkies have been setting up made-in-china stores eveywhere in my parents city. The locals laugh at them, the tourists only shop in there because of the familiarity in their multicultural countries.
Idi u pičku materinu,
Tell me, user... How do we SAVE SLAVONIA?
What's up with Slavonia?
300k+ people moved to Germany, Ireland, Sweden, etc. to literally get any job
MSGA - Make Slavonia Great Again. Lower taxes to minimum, attract more business and invest in education.
I aim to retire there desu, return to mother land. Aww christ OP, I'm getting all sentimental like Michael when he goes-a-back-to-a-Italy...
(((Government)))'s plan is something like this:
>raise taxes to make living in slavonia nearly impossible
>hundreds of homes will remain empty
>buy these homes for basically no money
>sell them cheap to the local cronies who vote for you, or even migrants (some of them are currently only in Zagreb and Zadar)
>destroy domestic companies and replace them with the (((equivalent ones)))
And why? Because in the past, it was said that Slavonia produced enough food to feed a good chunk of entire Balkans, and had a massive wood industry = RESOURCES
idk since i don't know whats wrong with Slavonia to begin with.
"Red party" and "Blue party" are basically the same thing in Croatia. Neither left nor right, just a bunch of Brussells lapdogs. Sheep, of course, can't see shit
That's very sad my Crobro to hear. I know nothing about croatian politics. Is there any nationalist party in Cro?
chevapchichi are really good.
>(((Government)))'s plan is something like this:
horrible every time, krkandija destroys everything, Im planning on joining pic rel, literally out only hope
their current rulling party is a nationalistic one
Funny enough, I'm literally a member of ŽZ (and NO, I'm not Pernar, he doesn't even know about Cred Forums).
>literally obeying to EVERY order from Brussells
the what now? there were war between Croatia and serbia.
which one is muslim and which one is White?
>Funny enough, I'm literally a member of ŽZ
are you in ZG? do you have a contact, I already contacted them but Im not sure should I join straight you have some meetups or smth? we should stay in touch.
We are perhaps the shittiest part of this shithole
Nope. I'm in, well... Slavonia :(
I joined them and vote for them, but I don't believe they are perfect, nobody is. There were some issues with the leadership (something about donation money, I don't know for sure), but I find the ŽZ section in Osijek-Baranja county is more trustworthy. Anyway, let's see if we can bring ŽZ to power, and see whether they'll play fair.
Any radical movements? Are all people 40+ cucked beyond repair?
top kek
>Any radical movements?
not radical, but Živi zid (=human wall) is a pseudo right wing libertarian party with a vision
>that pic
What are the benefits of being being Croatian?
Damn I actually remeber now about Pernar since couple off years ago when there Croatian presidental elections our media represented Pernar as a comedic/meme candidate just like we had Beli.
Also, the party itself is somewhat disorganized, but that's normal for a party made from a bunch of activists.
There are ALL sorts of people in the party - some of them are different to a massive degree. For example, Branimir Bunjac (one of the leaders) is a history professor who wrote a book on holocaust - but the coordinator of Sisak-Moslavina county is practically bordering on neonazism.
However, even with all this chaos, the nation is so sick of Reds and Blues (and their 20+ years of orgy) that Živi zid became a third-ranked party in the country.
One of the goals is to force the "left" Reds and "right" Blues (who "hate" each other in public, but both of them came from former Communist Alliance of Croatia) into a "Great Coalition". While it might seem utterly dangerous, if done correctly, their voters will go berserk and seek another option. And that option will be us.
Of course.
Mainstream politics is a scam. Democracy is a fix. You can vote for liberals, or for liberals.
sorry čedo but you really need to stop falling for this meme
HDZ are cucks
You can play chess on the national flag.
Does anyone have any pictures of white Croats? I've never seen one
look at Cirko, that stupid cuck
we have our own Pernar you can say,but I didn't vote for him because what's the point
forgot to add vid
I will love it if I manage to get a job at the state-owned company I am working in as a student.
I inherited land in Korcula a couple of years ago - no idea what to do with it. Any ideas?
Croatia #1
do you have a party system where you have to be a member of the leading party in order to even get an opportunity to work for the public sector (and some other benefits like sandwiches if you're a good goy)?
Anything tourism-based. You will be cashing money in no time, because only tourism currently works in Croatia...
Hope you cucks enjoy working as a waiter/cleaner on a shitty wage to pay 1000 euros to live in a shitty Dublin/Munchen apartment with Mohammad and his 10 brothers, while not having any money left for other expenses.
Precisely. I refuse to be their lapdog, so no job for me. I must settle with season work in tourism
You just need to have connections with someone from higher rank in the company belonging to public sector. Very, very strong connections. My dad has moderately strong so we'll see but I don't wanna work for private company owners in this country, too much stress..
A guy from Osijek was smashed in the head with a metal bar by a Nigerian in Dublin a few years ago
Yep, join one of these two and reap the benefits of sitting on your ass and getting money every month while doing virtually nothing. Dont forget that even though your party has
but ofc, those connections are people who previously came in that position because they belonged to leading party
The usual HDZ voter excuse: "I don't like them, but I vote for them because I have a family to feed and they give me a job"
HNS is even more disgusting than HDZ/SDP
Do you have any info on Generacija Obnove?
kek, i've heard he's a closet faggot
/pol approved
>"""unbiased and trustworthy"""
i mean he really acts like one, just look at those pics of him there
I was in London, not Munchen, but it is a shithole.
Unless you have millions you can only live in the third-world quarters and they are terrible. I prefer my comfy poverty in Zagreb to that shit.
Zagreb poverty, best poverty(osim Dubrave i Trešnjevke)
Gastarbajter dijaspora ovdje;
cujem cesto za groznu situaciju u Hrvatskoj, samo nemozem da razumijem, neznam za primjere.
Cujem cesto da politicari kradu, i da to ni vise na tajni nacin namjestaju, nego otvoreno.
Zar je ozbilno sada tako posrano, ili jest to balkansko kukanje?
Love the people, hate your fucking politicians. fucking crooks.
Its normal to live in your parents basemant
Aj reci to ekipi na remizi ak si faca
Boli me kurac za taj melting pot janjevaca i ercegovacan i bosanaca.
Wow nice language there boy. Treniraj malo neide ti.
ok you fucks, since there's so much conflict between Serbs, Croats, and Bosnians they must be easy to tell apart
how do I tell a Serb from a Croat?
On avarage? Croats have wider shoulder, Serbs look darker and more like roaches/Turks.
>more like roaches/Turks
wrong, turks look nothing alike us nor we do look like them
Why these lies?
what is there to lie? even height isn't the same
I have no opinion. Nice Game of Thrones location though
>I am Dalmatian.
Dalmatians are slavicized aromanian-latin mutts.
Come home ruman brother.
treba ih sve povješat, a ne im govorit stvari u facu
W-what about Bosnian Serbs?
Southern serbs are our brothers and based.
ALL serbs are our brothers, along with croatians, bulgarians and greeks.
You are an idiot for selling it
>wanting chinknadians to own your land
You should be happy for the land not owned by foreigners.
>tfw in Israel it's illegal for foreigners to own land
>all the land is owned by the state or jews
Wish we could do the same thing, all property and land in the hands of foreigners must be immediately seized and evicted.
He is from there, and you never sell your family land or djedovina
>diaspora mutts
pick 1