first: "February 18, 2018 12:58:07 PM -14"
repeat: 2 weeks
sticky: false
title: "Ban The ADL"
text: |
ADL is a foreign lobby that should be banned or restricted for illegitimately interfering in American Politics for an expansionist, and predatory religious minority. The worst example, is that we know Cruz Florida Shooter was Jewish, but the ADL still pushes the "white supremacist" line, and refuses to retract any statement. We all know that the ADL places Israeli interests ahead of America, so why do they get such a pass in our government? We need to hit them hard, and get them away from our leaders, and support a pledge for all new candidates to boycott foreign lobbyist groups.
First: "February 18, 2018 12:58:07 PM -14"
Other urls found in this thread:
Fucking bump
why are they using the AWB symbol?
They're a big problem bot not nearly as big a problem as AIPAC
Why are they using a Russian Navy flag?
Here's just a tiny portion of the US Congressmen they have in their pocket.
>first: "February 18, 2018 12:58:07 PM -14"
repeat: 2 weeks
sticky: false
title: "Ban The ADL"
text: |
the fuck is this?
I did not put that url in the name field
What URL? AND why the fuck would you put a URL in the name field? Are you fucking retarded?
The fuck is your name field bruh
Seems the kikes 404'd it pretty quick
y tho
Jews did this
Pretty fail larp.
But 100% true.
Exposing the churches on video for the normies.
Snorting blow and smoking crack while wanting his cock sucked from some prostitutes.
Its hilarious.
I disagree. We need to find a way to outcompete jewish lobbies, not advocate the loss of our own rights. A counter-semitic lobby is needed.
Just kill the Jews you fucking idiot.
Why do they all walk like Zuckerberg?
triskelion is an ancient symbol.
>this post brought to you by the ADL