What would be the political implications if all women looked like this?
What would be the political implications if all women looked like this?
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She ain't shit. I could take her.
You couldn't take a shower, loser.
Why do i want to give her my cummies?
She can probably carry all the laundry in one trip.
Va fan? Jag dodar dej, Emil.
Birthrates would plummet lower than what they already are.
Aside of my dick draining all blood from my body?
More sex user. Women like this love to fuck and their pussies are tight.
Because snu-snu needs hug-hug!
>implying you would have the choice
True, their snu snu needs to hug cock a lot, let it user.
The polish gent gets it.
Political implications? I mean, I guess we'd have to accept steroids as a normal part of life? If all women were juicing that much, we could probably just forget about having children around too. If in your scenario, this was not the result of steroid use, then I guess then men and women would be on roughly the same strength levels, so you'd probably see a lot more fights between men and women. Men would no longer feel social pressure to restrain themselves against women. So I imagine you'd see a lot more bruised and bloody women. I bet the press wouldn't treat it like a travesty either, since they're clearly bulky and strong. Now when they run their mouths, they actually can face the consequences without it being a fucking hate crime.
They'd still be much less capable than men though.
No they become infertile
I don’t typically say people are using steroids especially for men since we can get ripped without steroids, but there is no way in hell this woman is not juicing.
snu snu
who is she? My dick acks for her ass.
this is the average german woman
all natty bro
By what exacly? If this was actualy the way the sexual dimorphism worked they could still have babies. I mean this is how this shit works in spotted hienas: females are bigger, stronger and more agressive than males.
>op webm chick has a standard build for a man
And yet some noddle boy could beat them in an arm wrestling match.
Well, it would only last for one generation (the last generation).
Proving in this fantasy world, they would still be women, vanity and all.
Well duh. She probably only has a few years left of a relatively feminine face.
Arm Wrestling is more about technique than strength there soyboy.
because you are gay
Prices on awful boob jobs would rise.
I dunno but I know the implications in my trousers would be priapism.
How is it possible that a steroid junkie like her only curls 20lbs? Thats fucking less than rookie weights.
She has the muscle mass but wtf.
Men who like girls like this are obviously Fucking gay.
Also, would fuck.
unless being ripped changes their risk taking stance, cunning, spatial awareness, long term thinking, ... nothing
Politicians would vomit at the mention of womens’ sex rights?
Of course! They're just big women.
That's that sarcoplasmic hypertrophy bro
Women are supposed to be soft and squishy.
>when you are such a streetfighter that you need to hide your flag
haha what the fuck are those weights?
Is she like 160cm tall? Must be if that's all she can lift with those guns
That sounds more like your job lol
Don't know about political implications, but I would constantly be arrested for public indecency from always having an erection and cum-stained pants.
none, they still can't fight for shit
absolutely fuggin degenerate
I've trained in gyms for 15 years. Do you know what happens when these women hit 30+ and nobody wants to play with their thumb-sized clits or liver-spotted fake tits? They lose their goddamn minds. This chick could've been a sold 8+ hardbody and instead she'll an hero. A pity.
We are talking about a hypothetical situation of humans having sexual dimorphism most common among animals.
and if I like women small and skinny it must mean I secretly like twinks, right?
Unfortunately true
That woman is trapped in her own body. Not only would she get exhausted after 30 seconds of a fight, she also needs TONS of chemicals & food just to maintain that physique.
While it looks impressive, it's a sport and not a benefit, otherwise we'd all look like that just through evolution.
She doesn't have any advantage over a man in a fight, or anything so I don't understand the point of this post ...
Swedish cuck longing for a woman to dominate him?
Imagine the kegel exercises a broad like that would do. I bet she could squeeze a dick so hard it would explode.
Wanting to fuck women is pretty fucking gay to begin with.
I'd have a hard on 24/7
sophie arvebrink
This sounds like some perverse shit from /d/
A vast majority of us would turn gay.
Dude you like women? That's fucking gay, bro
nah, just fucking randomly pressed one, no need to hide
mine's not a joke
for what purpose?
>liking women is gay
Mais non!
>mine's not a joke
All these women are taking steroids. Chicks don't develop muscle like this naturally.
Roid rage + PMS = not a good time
Steroids would be legal
Looks like a cyclist.
My reflexive guess would be track.
I'm okay with this.
The steroids they are taking, isn't it obvious?
this the new obsession of the gaylords from /fit/?
Just because you can't handle all THIS!
I can deadlift as much as her and I'm 25kg lighter she's also the European champion and i'm just a regular gym rat.
women are a meme
your projection is my fun :^)
Also being on anadrol makes women horny af so more sex. Eventually when she goes on her cruise cycle and reduces doses and adds clomid conception rates would go up. Being anabolic means women are more right wing and nationalist. IQ, height and average LBM % would all go up.
I would probably become a monk and stay celibate forever.
Yeah but nobody wants to fuck your non-female ass
>This sounds like some perverse shit from /d/
Well this is how shit works in general. Mammals are kind of an outliner with males being bigger. Again, we are talking about a purely hypotethical situation. Not sure if it's Cred Forums related but i don't thing that Cred Forums needs a board for alternate history or some shit.
Not anymore
Holy fuck, she's got retractable talons in her elbows!
Most men don't develope muscle like this naturally either. Their diet is highly supplemented with creatine, niacin, and hormone boosters.
If you think any man can become Arnold Schwarzenegger tier built you're deluding yourself. He was buff as a kid before he started lifting. It takes extreme rare genetics to be truly "all natty".
My girlfriend is built like this but without all the degenerate tattoos.
>The steroids they are taking
Well, the question was pretty much "what if this was normal" so i guess imagining reality other than your own is beyond your cognitive abilities.
based burguers
user has a point
>ywn be drugged, kidnapped and raped repeatedly by a muscle girl until she is pregnant when she then kills you and eats your corpse for the protein.
feels bad, man.
>"Hey, dumbass. Heard you said online I wasn't a woman? Well what have you got to say now, jamoke?"
Yeah, didn't have a plan for that did you, mook?
>mfw I realize I'll never get my head crushed by those thighs
That dude needs less chest days
He would win in the fight anyway. If you denny this truth you are a femnazi.
less blood goes to your brain when it has to pointlessly circulate through all this extra meat first
this is why skinny asians are so much smarter than us
what a fag
>being such a cuck you're afraid of a little baby dick clit
Fag spotted. Even after BOTH partners cycle heavily babies can be conceived. Just look at Bostin and Ariela. If youre not running shit in 2018 to counter the oestrogens in the water and petroleum products you're an idiot. As long as a woman has her voice and a feminine face it's all G.
>Not keeping you alive so she can milk your semen and raise her T levels using your nutrients
Dream bigger
I don’t care how much muscle a chick has, she still can’t take a punch or deliver one with much substance
>wanting a clit you describe as a "baby dick"
can you be more obvious about your homopedophilia
What actually motivates a woman to make herself like this? What does she get out of it? It's different for men obviously but what do these women want for themselves?
She is on steroids and sterile. The main issue is escalated collapse of society "The Human Sexes" by Desmond Morris (1997): youtube.com
low reps high weight vs high reps low weight
Low birth rates. Do you think she fucks men? No. Athletic chicks are almost always dykes. Just look at the average NCAA women's sports team and you'll be looking at a group of 90% dykes.
Dunno but thanks for quoting every post in the thread like a stupid fucking jerk
We will not fuck them.
Muh Feminism, Womyn is stronkk
i just wish i could hold someone at night
Either deep insecurity or trauma or obsession. Or she genuinely enjoys looking like that
Then you would just have to dominate the women completely.
Hot! I like dykes.
>We will not fuck them.
That sounds like a good thing.
Who would win
Politics are no longer relevant, as the world has been enslavened by a superior mind with a weightlifting fetish.
The fuck is wrong with his skull?
Hard to tell.
Is that reverse trap or a trap?
Stop dumping your entire folder of your weird fetish into the thread then so I won't have to you autist.
Muscle bound people in general are slow and lumbering.
This isn't Dragon Ball Z, a roided bodybuilder can't teleport behind you just because they got swole enough.
I got in a fight with a big dude once, ended it all with a single headbutt that sent him reeling.
Realistically, probably the soyboy on the right. I wouldn't want to stickie my dickie in him though, unlike hefty lefty there
I bet she has an enormous clit from all the steroids
>social media presence which leads to sponsorships and coaching clients
>selling fetish stuff on the side
>competition prize money
>be around big, shredded freaks
At least for once I could find the damn thing.
Bit the broad hard once and shell start crying
Blue shirt
He waits till the victor is decided between the two then pounces on them as they're exhausted.
Human women can't get that big without steroids. Their physical frame is still weaker than a mans. Their litigants are not as strong. Women don't have ruining hips, punching shoulders, and do not have jaws that were designed to take a hit.
The real issue is women have been taught being female is being inferior to a man, so they are trying to be men. If they did not feel inferior to men, they wouldn't be trying to be one.
See, that one's actually pretty attractive.
I don't know what's supposed to be what with those stupid fucking labels. It's a biological female, obviously.
I have a feeling the majority of these women suffer from some sort of mental illness.
"I will be as strong as men, they won't rape me this time!"
Don't know, what would they be ?
alright I guess I'll change my flag then
Some women report sexual pleasure from heavy lifting. It squeezes their girl parts and they basically work out to masturbate. Look it up.
Doing all that work to have a nice physique to then only ruin it with slicing your chest open and inserting deformed silicone sacks under your skin.....
me in the middle
You can dominate people in more ways than just physically. In fact its easier to dominate women on an emotional level than it is on physical.
good point
Who's doing the raping, again?
>!About those fucking stupid labels.
Reverse trap= tomboy
Trap. = boy who dresses like girl.
>Human women can't get that big without steroids.
How fucking hard is that for you to understand that we are talking about a purely hypothetical situation when human phisiology itself is diferent. It's the same cathegory of questions as "what if humans had gills" or "what if abbos could do anything".
The amount of male hormones they took to get there very well might.
>Some women
>he didn't saw pumping iron
You are full of shit.
Why do you want to be a man? What is wrong with being female? Why do you think someone with a woman's body is inferior?
>he doesn't like twinks prefers woman instead
What are you fucking gay or something?
A body like that is the most women should strive for. Any more than that will only attract people with a muscle fetish.
I don't wanna do away with feminine women bro, I like them too.
The only natty one in the thread. Also, the only one that's actually hot. But then I have a weakness for qt track girls.
>tfw no lumberjill gf
If the face is fine, let her get as muscular and shredded as she pleases
equally large males are still stronger than women
Human race would die off, there's no way they're sterile and if they got pregnant the steroids would genetically fuck the children up.
A raging case of body dysmorphia, I would guess. So they're not any different from the male bodybuilders really.
There's no risk for that, she's natty
How'd you know she's natty? You her doctor?
Could be low dosing anavar.
Aka the best fetish
She's curling no more than 50 pounds. The average skinny boy can curl 100.
>What would be the political implications if all women looked like this?
Mass murder of women
If a girl has visible abs, she probably also doesn't get a period.
Pretty sure it's extremely unhealthy for women to work out like this and affects their fertility, so no that's not okay.
>How'd you know she's natty?
I should've said the only one that *could* actually be natty. But if track types dope they don't usually use anabolics unless they're only competing in very short sprinting events.
feminism btfo
She's also curling on a goddamn machine. Absolutely disgusting.
would love to lick her sweat from armpits and tongue bath her whole body like a sissy slave I am
Nobody's disputing this. Have you seen women's MMA? Even the best female fighters in the world are shit. but fetishes are rooted in fantasy, not reality.
This is fucked up and morbid, and anyone who is into this is either messed up from porn watching or at least a little bit gay.
Jogging can stimulate some women.. not that'd I'd know..
Unlike you lol
I doubt any of the women in this thread could get pregnant. If they did there would likely be complications leading to a miscarriage. So basically in their insane attempt to become men they've not only failed to compete in the realm of masculinity, they've also sacrificed their natural advantage to do that.
This is what the healthy female body should look like 2bh. This is the most natural a woman can get.
She explodes more violently than the usual reject.
Judges flat out tell girls they could place higher by getting implants. Don't blame the girls, blame the judges.
Imagine them being dominated by this bulky bessy right here. You just know they'd love it too.
It depends on whether or not the women have to do any physical labor. If they do, they might have less body fat than that.
Some women with female frames can defeat equally sized men in fights though. It's exceptionally rare but it's happened, they have to fight very defensively and avoid taking direct hits.
Fallon Fox is a man who decided to "change his gender" so he could fight women and put most of his female combatants in the hospital.
Ashley Evan Smith is a technical all around fighter who prefers sparring with male combatants to train in BJJ and wrestling. To date I think she's the only woman to ever defeat him by TKO in a full match.
Shit, we got a sleuth on our hands
The absolute state of Swedes. You guys are so gay that your men aren't even enough, you want the women to be men too.
>family guy
dropped twice
That phalic mother fetish is really messing your head.
I would take any of the amazons posted in this thread over the average obese amerilards. Strong girls at least show a level of dedication not seen in your average landwhale tweeting about fatty acceptance.
It takes a real man to handle a woman like this, not some british faggot with shitty teeth and shittier breath. only a nordic GOD can quell the penis thirst of these buff wenches, not some *nglo
I don't even need to see the scars to tell you those awful fakes are fake. Honestly western women need to start going to Asia for their implants. If there's one thing Asians are good at , it's making fakes.
Normal stay-at-home wife body is totally fine by me.
This is the correct answer. There's a reason estrogen causes soyboyism, it's because it promotes fat storage and milk production. All these girls will be feeding their kids Soylent if they manage to get one Caesarian.
Don't try to replace women with fake men, Schlomo. Now ditch that Swedish proxy and show us your real flag; we all know Sven is gay.
>man who takes hormones and with no balls so is weaker than a normal man
>it takes a real man to get fucked by a man
Delusions about your own """masculinity""" was always your downfall, Sven. I suppose that's why your self-described feminist government exists.
Free implants, because it's a woman's right to have tits.
Too many spatially retarded wasp-jew hybrid doctors here perhaps.
Femininity is key. If she's STD-free and can stay healthy and not-fat, you've basically hit the jackpot in current year +3.
End of the human race.
Nobody wants to fuck that.
>Even the best female fighters in the world are shit
That cyborg girl can most definitely stand her own against a male her own size, not saying she'll win but the guy definitely won't just run her over.
I have also seen videos where Misha Tate takes over some soy boys in training and the soy boys seem legitimate amazed how skillful she is. She legitimate take the soy boys against their will and put them in locks which seem quite arousing and made me wish I was a soy boy getting femdom by some stronk independent mma got girl who need no man
You girls would be hot as fuck if you weren't fucking mutants.
so what was your reason for the same, *nglo scum?
>That cyborg girl can most definitely stand her own against a male her own size, not saying she'll win but the guy definitely won't just run her over.
Stop talking.
>Too many spatially retarded wasp-jew hybrid doctors here perhaps.
Maybe. I have no real explanation for why western plastic surgery, and especially the fake tits, are so bad in comparison. But they most definitely are. Some of the Chinese models I can't even tell. Except for the fact that Chinese wouldn't normally have tits.
We don't have one, chum. We're in a bad state but no one in Europe is in a worse state and you guys.
This thread is only an hour old and I have masturbated to climax twice.
I planned on being productive at some time today.
>implying he takes his hormones before fights
Why are you making excuses for the tranny? Testosterone alone doesn't instantly boost your physiological/caloric output, it just allows you to build muscle faster.
Stop posting Fallon.
Where do I find women like this?
>Misha Tate
I want to be dominated by hot muscle girl now ;_;
>What actually motivates a woman to make herself like this?
M8 come round the local constabulary for a sit down yeh? That's too much ass for you to possess
>That cyborg girl can most definitely stand her own against a male her own size, not saying she'll win but the guy definitely won't just run her over.
These women are the best in the world and often look like male amateurs.
Obviously an UFC female MMA fighter can take out the average joe if the size is the same. But years of training to get this result is not exactly a great achievement.
White women would be totally debased and white men would date exclusively Asian women because Asian qts would never look this disgusting.
Even their movies desu, they have better photography, lighting, composition, anything and it doesn't matter if it's Japanese, Chinese, Korean, etc... It's different if you can see a Hollywood film with a great visual arts team or a European movie (generally the Europoors have great visual style). But American things are just spatially retarded these days. The movies, even the tits now as you pointed out. I blame zog.
hmmm, more fuel for the snu-snu folder
le coal burner rib cage tattoo
We would all be womans rape toys.
>She ain't shit. I could take her.
I could take her (to bed)
>Why are you making excuses for the tranny?
It's merely common sense. Men without balls are physically weaker. What, you think you don't need to build muscle in MMA?
Man against woman of the same weight and similar level experience means the man wins virtually every time, just like untrained males against untrained females.
>Do NOT Pour Water on the Heater!
Why did that warning label need to be posted?
I hate these mentally ill roided up women because they prevent normal women from lifting
Normal women who dont know shit about bodybuilding will go "oh I dont want to lift weights because I dont want to look like those she-hulks" even though natural muscles look great on all women, period
absolutely FUCK the steroid she-hulks and what they do to culture.
La creatura...
Agreed. Although I would extend it to fuck the steroid hulks and what they do to culture in general.
the gym,... muscle beach cali?
Also to all the faggots like posting roided up roasties here, consider that you're literally into women with the bodies and hormonal system of men. It's the equivalent of being into a tranny on test blockers that still grows out a beard.
I just want a thicc gf that I could beat in a fight
Kek, women who say that never would have started lifting in the first place, just like men who say the same.
I guess, but atleast the roided up "natty" men like rich piana and the cookie faggot will cause people to lift and be healthy, whereas these she-hulks have the opposite effect on women
Venice Beach, there's never anybody working out at that gym anymore...well unless they are doing some event
Women practice for years to become the best in their field.
A man practices for one year and is mediocre, yet can do the exact same things in less time.
what's the matter limp wristed swiss cheese boi, can't handle wimmenz stronger than you?
It's an electric sauna. A Dry Sauna (sacrilege!). My gym has one too.
Fuck...do I need to start lifting for this?
Daily reminder that "working out" is degenerate.
Bodybuilding gyms, specifically.
Soyboy spotted. Real SPARTAN men are into muscle women.
You are the one who needs to shut the fuck up
And this bitch decided not to fight cybor for her own health
What well thought out logical responses.
>real men are into REAL women!
Then how come these women need to inject MALE HORMONES into their muscles to look like that?
Believe me, I'm a /fit/izen, have abs, delts and glutes and I still can't get a woman because there's no bulge in the wallet.
I always notice this about Italians, they're extremely put-off by fit and tall women.
Which is funny, because they're all some of the shortest people in Europe, and haven't won a single military battle in roughly 500 years.
You'd think they'd get over their egos and breed with stronger women to make stronger sons... but alas, they prefer to be a race of shrimpy manlets.
Realistically, yes. It's all they do and all they know about. But they're still women and still hypergamous as fuck, so you'd need to be one of the biggest, most shredded dudes in the social circle of lifting bros they associate with. It's probably a 5+ year time investment, even with the steroids.
>political implications
>pole implications
I am against roids, but INTELLECTUAL and STRONG men want to have children with strong women so that their sons will be strong.
It would be great, they would spend all day in the gym.
Wow you guys really get turn on by women that look like man????
I hope you guys are joking
Sounds like a huge waste of time. What if I just get a fucking bulging wallet?
Tfw my pee pee is hard
>I am against roids, but
But you're into girls who roid?
Yeah makes sense, totally not a faggot in denial
Last i was there was 2015, plenty of good looking stronk girls around
yeh, i started working out just an hour everyday years ago as a skeleton and started eating a lot more, if you keep it up (and that's the trick) you can transform yourself faster than you think, but it takes dicipline, just be aware of what you eat and change your work out, you don't want to be all muscle upperbody and skelly waiste /legs for example
How do you know that they use roids? Soyboy projecting most likely...
>Sounds like a huge waste of time
>What if I just get a fucking bulging wallet?
It might work. But they'd definitely still cuck you with the aforementioned biggest dude in the circle of lifting bros they hang out with. If you're using cash, a standard issue Instagram "model" is a better bet.
Bodybuilders elbow
kek, I bet you're the kind of retard who believed Rich Piana that he's natty.
>but he's not roiding he just lifted for a long time
Death by SnuSnu!
This one is right on the edge of what is actually attractive.
>when the burger tries to use words to hurt the italian
You know. You didn't really change the fact that men without balls are weaker, which completely destroys your pathetic fetish fueled attempt at claiming women can beat similarly trained men, something Fallon Fox probably even wasn't considering he relied on brute strenght as yourself have claimed.
Do wasps actually have low spatial IQ?
I know jews have high verbal iq and mediocre spatial IQ.
Carrot Top?
i wouldn't listen to /r9k/, they lack the dicipline and charisma to be succesful with woman so they blame it on not being wealthy enough.
Plenty of girls that are just looking for a guy that takes care of himself and makes them laugh.
Rich piana openly admits he uses steroids you soybrain. I know women don’t turn you on so you can go back to your gaycave.
Stop moving the goal post
Jesus, I'm about to start my 3rd fap because of this thread.
If I don't post again, it means I died.
He died brah.
Good thing these retarded whores don't know that they can literally just inject prolactin or fat into the breasts to make them grow permanently and cheaply and it doesn't make them infertile or ugly like implants do.
But implants are Goldberg's first choice, I guess.
He roids in heaven.
I have the weirdest erection
That's a lie
So, you're closeted? Either way I want none of that cocktail(heh) of crazy/nasty. That clit is gonna be measured in inches aaaaaand NoThankeK!
It would be absolutely horribly bad for humanity.
When you give women that kind of physical power they turn into men and do what they want and fuck who they want with or without you.
It may hurt your cultural marxist brain to think of this but; this would be a total disaster and not in any way produce any sort of greater advancement for humanity.
I wouldn't want to date that girl for the same reason I wouldn't want to date Power Girl. I wouldn't want to get punched through the wall when I said something that annoyed her, and I wouldn't want to get thrown out a window halfway across the world (literally halfway across the world) when she wanted to get fucked by someone else.
How big do you think her shits are?
I wasn't even referring to anything in this thread.
Just that it is an inefficient use of human resources to have women compete on a physical level that doesn't involve bearing children.
Women in general are also intellectually mediocre when compared to a similar percentile of intelligence that is above average, so using them for tasks that require intellect is also, in general, a waste of time.
Population control big time.
There would be no black woman i guess
Need sauce on that
he has gay alien skull
He didn't at first.
And there were retards like you who thought he was natty.
Just like there's retards who think or are natty.
You realize that testosterone is one of the biggest factors in building musculature, and women have about 100x LESS than men?
You realize pictures like the ones you're posting even exceed what is natty peak for most males, BUT THESE ARE FEMALE, WITH 100x LESS NATURAL TEST THAN MALES?
Only an absolute fucking buffoon who has no fucking idea about lifting or muscle building would believe these are natty, and yet here YOU are trying to call me a soyboy, you absolute fucking pathetic sack of shit. I bet you never touched a barbell in your life.
Moving the goal posts and cherrypicking. I see semen and soy have destroyed your tiny brain.
>I used to go to a 24 Hour fitness in ABQ nm
>would go around 2AM, so I'd be alone
>wasn't doing any real lifting, just a place to work out and not get harassed by drunk wagon burners
>one day a couple of roided out dykes show uo
>always asking me what I was looking at, and trying to be mean cock dudes?
>after about 3 weeks of this, one of them starts screaming like a banshee, bloody fucking murder
>I get there and there's fucking blood everywhere, and the one of them is on the ground convulsing
>I called 911
>bitch cut her self and bled the fuck out right there, dead before the ambulance got there
>I have a free membership too 24 hour and it's affiliates for the rest of my fucking life
Ring on his ass medi pack, let him know was up
>I dont know how to respond so I'll just check the "logical fallacies" spreadsheet to throw out some buzzwords
Strawman!!! Argument by authority!!! Ad hominem!!!
What are these women getting ready for, the apocalypse?
There's absolutely no reason anyone should have such destructive power at their fingertips.
Implications? Me never getting a boner again.
Is there a way to contact women like this?
a ban on steroids.
people would stop reproducing
>bitch cut her self and bled the fuck out right there, dead before the ambulance got there
Accident or suicide?
Your green text skills are lacking, you need to hone them up a lil more before you move out of reddit for good
Literally this, the test cycles they're on make them infertile permanently.
>Says the mutt who's literally been dicked by most of Europe
>You will never be held down and ridden by a sexy muscle girl until she makes you cum 'against your will'
Why even live?
Carrot Top?!
That's really not impressive. The thing about musclely women is that they're still far weaker than men at their level of development. The difference is stark, honestly. It's why they have to make rubber weights for women that look as big as men's weights. Because working with such small weights would actually be difficult for things like deadlifts.
You're a woman, aren't ya'?
Bone density plays a huge part in why women can have the same muscle mass as men, but still be considerably weaker in effect
So you could probably still beat the shit out of one of those innatural freaks
>There's absolutely no reason anyone should have such destructive power at their fingertips.
This woman are mostly water stock by bulks of creating, if they stop shoving rods up their ass even if they work out 24/7 they'll turn in to nothing but a mass of shit just like any other roided fuck but worst
>harry potter
>"GTFO you libtard cuck"
I tought she was going to shove it up her cunt, and what she was cleaning up at first was the blood left over from her previous attempt :|
Jesus could she not afford to get her implants done better than by some guy with dirty hands and hairy knuckles in a Motel 6 bathroom? Fuuuucking hell.
This is the lefts push on blurring the sex's.
You make a lot of men into soy boys and then you encourage woman to become male bodybuilders.
Jesus, for 10 minutes i surfed this thread thinking i was in /fit/.
It's a toss up.
Even stronger looking women are not as strong as men.
Check the record lifts. It's about a 50% difference in power.
>A women would think this far ahead
None of those guys have ever actually been in a fight.
Did coed infantry training at a military academy. Even the varsity athlete chicks couldn’t handle a baby ruck on a short road March or any other basic physical activity. Women are weak, even the ones on steroids.
im 1.70m beeing dominated by that would be fun.
She just cute her arm on the equipment , she was taking blood pressure meds and anticoagulants to counter act the steroids
also, I have never been to that shit site and am hungover as fuck
Is that a guy fucking a guy? wtf
OK you post sauce before you get banned
Hahaha, thats awesome. Those crossfit chicks are soooooo cocky.
How the fuck do you cut yourself and bleed to death at a fucking gym?
What's the sus?
seriously you should of seen it, the blood was spraying out of her
I had to get tested, i was covered in it
It was like that one scene in Adams family , I am not exaggerating ...much
Karyn Bayres
Nephilim offspring
imagine how tight she could grip your dick with her kegles
>She just cute her arm on the equipment
What kind of equipment do they have at that gym? Throwing stars?
IDK how she cut it man, I didn't see it
Testosterone women are half men
Women taking male steroids look absolutely disgusting, none of these women posted here are natty and its gross
Less race mixing.
Although, probably less mixing altogether.
Fun thread. Lots of new fap material.
>im 1.70m
holy shit hoe krijg je dat voor elkaar, ben je indo ofzo?
still cute actually
too bad i'm a calisthenics fag and they would probaby crush me
I mean she does more than most of the lank/manlets here
even if she juices
This is perfectly acceptable and Good.
virgin,normally you fuck a girl and thrust
but here it's reversed
why do I only see women do this