The Dark Side of the Pie: Heroin, Mob Cheese, and New York Pizza > 17 FOUND GUILTY IN 'PIZZA' TRIAL OF A DRUG RING > How Do Criminals Launder Money Through a Restaurant? > Real 'Mystic Pizza' Owner Pleads Guilty To Tax Evasion, Could Face 15 Years > Peabody pizza shop owners face federal charges after trying to recover hidden money > > Transaction Laundering (TL), sometimes referred to as “undisclosed aggregation,” or “factoring,” is a growing threat to the payments industry. Money laundering by another name, it is the dark side of payment facilitation, an established, legitimate aggregation model that provides smaller merchants, ones usually not qualified because of their size, a way to take credit and debit cards for payment. While potentially benign, aggregation violates both the merchant’s agreement with its acquiring bank and, potentially, a number of federal and state laws, including the U.S. anti-money-laundering (AML) laws.
What Is Transaction Laundering? TL takes a number of forms: 1.) Front company. A pizza business passes the due diligence underwriting tests. However, rather than just making pizza, the company also (or instead) launders drug money or sells illegal products disguised as the pizza Merchant Category Code (MCC).
Pizzagate is them laundering their ill-gotten gains from human trafficking, drug dealing, and other nefarious activities.
Aussies hit the jackpot so hard the mod had to step in
Julian Watson
I remember the good ol days back in NY. i watched helicopters land on top of ginos pizza and drop down by rope, they unloaded tons of heroin and they did this monthly. it was so prevalent back in those days it was incredible, police were on the take and looked the other way, drugs flooded NY.
Anthony Perez
I mean, look at this shit. They're not even trying to hide it!
Here's the rundown >restaurant itself is right next to, and physically attached to a masonic temple >restaurant changed names from 'encore pizza' to 'billys pizza joint' during the last few years >encore pizza had a pedogate related 'boy lover' logo >child in the new logo resembles another 'billy', william tyrell, who is currently the most famous missing child in the country as of 2014 >restaurant menu has items called 'tight ass tuesday', and 'your daughter on a plate' >owner has connections to saudi arabia, and other businesses in melbourne and abroad >restaurant is located nearby, and has openly catered to the laird, melbournes oldest faggot sex club
Sebastian King
>police were on the take and looked the other way The common wisdom is that 80% of such an organization is just doing a job for a paycheck, 10% is the worst kind of scum, and the last 10% are absolute paragons.
Even so, it only takes one bad cop to give an investigator trouble.
Lincoln Morgan
If you want to know more, just ask. I seen so much shit over the years it would make your head spin. well thats the thing, the cops were scared because their own fraternal police lodges had mafia ties. If you said or did anything that would affect the enterprise, you could be killed.
Michael Lopez
It's my experience, at least locally, that Freemason lodges are involved with child trafficking.
How would they launder large amounts of money? Just buy a dozen pizzas at a time?
The heroin would be stored at the pizza parlors and the laundering of the actual money was done by sophisticated bookies and accountants. Do you know who headed the investigation that busted the pizza parlors? It was rudy guiliani. Guliani's job was to protect the cia and its assets that were being used as a cover with the pizza parlors. the pizza parlors were operating on behalf of the p2 lodge in italy.
Juan Nguyen
>the pizza parlors were operating on behalf of the p2 lodge in italy. Oh yeah, that don't surprise me. Mafia, masons they all take orders from the same people
Joshua Reyes
>03:46 >because oy vey that's not music
Luke Perez
sick vid, really
Owen Hughes
I shouldn't be too surprised. Law enforcement seems obligated to protect these sort of black ops.
How would they actually move the drugs? In the store, parking lot, down the street?
Tyler Hughes
The drugs were stored at the pizza parlors. the money after it was made was either bought out in large suitcases and put on a plane out of JFK back to sicily or laundered through brokerage exchanges(chicago mercantile exchange) and foreign banks like bcci and swiss banks.
Tyler Gomez
Er, I meant, how would they get them to the consumer? I had a friend who claimed to find pills hidden in the actual pizza itself.
Anthony Johnson
Man, if only we made drugs and money laundering illegal. That would stop this shit for sure.
Brandon Hall
No more mcdonalds for me
Bentley Campbell
I bet you think you're being funny.
Dominic Adams
So what's your answer?
Nathaniel Moore
see I'm sure at least 10% of people out there are good at heart. It's just a matter of getting the message to them.
Cameron Nelson
Charles Gomez
I can confirm some cops being genuinely good guys. I've had a lot of encounters with cops, most are assholes.
Thomas Harris
Some are only take the badge for the power trip, I'm sure.
Asher Smith
So you naively believe that the 10% of moral good people who won't do what it takes to defeat evil will somehow defeat the 10% of people who will lovingly massacre babies for fun and their 80% pawns?
Let me ask a simple question then remind you of a simple truth, then ask another question- Q: Will you kidnap and torture and slaughter your enemy's children for sport? Truth: Your enemy will gladly do this to you. Q: Are you truthfully willing to sacrifice your family, friends, and life to stop these people, basically to give no fucks, moral as you are?
This is the moralfag's Achilles Heel. The people you're up against know your weakness and they will exploit it all the way. Meanwhile their Heel basically requires you to become like them, or at the minimum to become suicidal. This is why it's all so ingenious. Sick as it might be. What you're really up against is human nature. Power corrupts, but corrupt people also seek power by nature and they're also devious enough to lie and cheat their way into the highest positions of power. High-level psychopathy can only be defeated by itself in the end.
Jonathan Anderson
Eli Sullivan
All it takes is one whitepilled fearless person to destroy their house of cards. Their control is based on fear, nothing they fear more than the fearless, it's something they can't control. Look at people like Jesus, that's all it takes to cause a chain reaction
Jack Hill
Being a good person in this world means fighting with both arms tied behind your back and a ballgag in your mouth.
Levi Cox
This nigga gets it.
Leo Rogers
no it was an interesting structure. The way they laundered was here's an example. they would get a ton of small bills that equaled up to approximatey 1.25 million.
then the bills were turned into "money" orders that were under 10,000 dollars, the amount that would trigger a CTR. Once the money was converted to money orders, the money orders were either used to purchase in the brokerage exchanges or wired to swiss bank accounts outside the country.
Evan Powell
>High-level psychopathy can only be defeated by itself in the end You neglected to mention autism btw
Parker Fisher
>nothing they fear more than the fearless You're not fearless. No man is. >Look at people like Jesus, that's all it takes to cause a chain reaction Oh yes. Jesus ended evil forever. That's why we're having the discussion we are right now.
Pretty much.
Samuel Rodriguez
>You're not fearless. No man is. What if you have nothing to lose and welcome death?
Juan Thompson
when u do it 4 teh children
Samuel Turner
You're suicidal. You won't stand a chance. You'll die before ever getting to someone big. The 80% of pawns will ensure it. It means you don't give a shit enough to push yourself to the point of doing anything effective.
This shit was crafted by geniuses. People who know human nature through and through. They know every weakness, how your mind works completely. They know how collective psychology works as well, how groups think as a collective, and the weaknesses of those groups. Everything scales up, fractalized eternally. This is how they are in power and good people are not. Why this has never changed for the long-term.
To find true heaven, you have to give up everything. But to give up everything means certain death.
Chase Russell
Sounds like a golden ticket to Heaven to me.
John Jackson
there are long ass lists of people who has died trying to uncover child traficking or ritual abuse, people still do it, it rarely means anyone getting busted, but some times it does. Shit still happens man.
Eli Peterson
Can't blackpill the whitepilled
Cameron Bell
Why are you hiding behind the meme flag though?
Joseph Ortiz
definitely check'd
James Rodriguez
no thats not true. the pizza parlors were used as wholesale fronts, they didnt have junkies walk in off the streets an buy pizza with pills in them. they just stored the cans of tomato sauce at the pizza parlors (heroin inside) and sold the drugs to street level dealers.
Michael Butler
Because. California is represented on the US flag.
I'm not trying to. Taking a blackpill, i.e. trusting in nihilism, isn't the answer. The answer, for me, was to just stop caring about lower creatures, about humanity, beyond my simple curiosity. I care about myself and my absolute close family(and even then I care more about myself than them). I bow out of the program, while taking advantage of the system. Think of normal society as a virtual machine you can use, but has no authority over the main system. Take the clear-pill. That way you can see what's inside.
And yet it took seven(or eight?) hearts to kill David Rockefeller. No one important goes to prison, or gets assassinated.
Juan White
Ah, okay. The more you know.
I don't appreciate your demoralization attempts.
Robert Ward
people die for it, and I'm hoping (and so are they) that some day it will be worth it (i.e. somebody important gets caught a 100%)
Lincoln Morgan
Now will they find all the money laundering via 7/11, Chinese restaurants, Dry-cleaners/laundromats, garbage disposal companies, and Teacher's Unions? God damn NY is fucked
Kayden Jones
A bunch of 7/11s were rolled up recently for MS-13 affliations.
Jose Evans
Don't forget the Chinese mob smuggling in illegal Bengali/Chinese immigrants in exchange for their working in 7/11. A bunch of local shops were busted, but as per NY tradition once the pigs look away the rats go right back to work
Xavier Foster
I haven't heard about that one. I always assumed the Triads worked exclusively from Chinese restaurants with the blinds drawn. Is that racist of me?
Tyler Mitchell
Jaxson James
I've actually seen the Chinese mob moving people in huge windowless vans from 7/11s where I live on LI back to Queens. A friend and myself actually flagged one down and after a couple of light cycles they started driving erratically. There's also a Chinese restaurant that plays CCTV all fucking day. Fucking SBU attracts all the Chinese scourge
Brody Sullivan
The large windowless van seems to be a common strategy even when they're only moving one or two people.
Robert Richardson
Nah lad when the door opened there were at least 6 of them excluding the driver/passenger. That's what prompted my friend and me to follow them, since I was actually in the midst of explaining how the Triads operate here. He didn't believe me until that van rolled up, and he was just in shock
Blake Phillips
Wyatt Cox
That's some (((coincidence))) user. Be aware that organized crime and the intelligence community are tightly entwined.
Aiden Morris
Money laundering is what these kinds of places would be used for if anything. I'm glad at least this thread gets that.
Chase Sanchez
Okay, nobody knows how many pizzas you sell. Did you take in 3000 in cash that shift, or only 2000? Throw a thousand in drug money in the safe at the end of the shift, and call it pizza profits. Throw it in the bank drop at the end of the night, and it looks like legit income.
Christopher Baker
Thanks for clearing that up.
You're too kind.
Jackson Rivera
Oh wait, you made this thread? Fuck, forgot to sage then.
Parker Barnes
Ayden Peterson
It would irresponsible of me to encourage someone's mental illness.
You seriously do need some form of mental help just in general. It's worrying me more than anything.
Henry Hughes
Here's one more (You) for the road.
Jacob Ward
Nothing meaningful to contribute?
Logan Reyes
A few questions...
1) Why is it always pizza/pasta/related among the conspiracies? Why not another non-italian cuisine?
2) Do they eat children? put their blood in their recipes? or just traffic them for money?
Landon Wood
nothing I care to share on the surveilled internet
Blake Lewis
1) There are a number of food references including hot dogs and donuts. I can only assume it goes back to the Italian mob.
2) I think a web of blackmail is a large part of it.
Ryder Myers
1. Pizzagate disinfo. It all started because people were looking into the Clinton Emails and there was one email titled "Pizza". Pizza is a code word for little girls, but shills ran with it as literally being associated with pizza. Thus Laura Silsby and other possible connections weren't looked into while everyone doubled down on whether Comet Ping Pong had a basement or not.
2. Certain individuals do, not at the pizza places though. No, and yes they traffic them for money.
Lucas Ross
the ai figured it out
John Turner
Also Franks are a code word that's used as well. It's hardly all Italian cuisine related.
Robert Gray
I suppose that's as good a reason as any.
Wyatt Reyes
Jaxson Cook
nice, is it true thought that the Italian mob does not deal with child trafficking ? If not, is it other international secret organizations ?
Daniel Fisher
It's a shame the OP is hijacking the previous thread topic just to spread more of their disinfo all so that they can maintain their LARP of being an insider.
Angel Campbell
Everyone gets their hands dirty at one point or another.
Christian Fisher
it's a good thread, great topic, but many people who try to do anything on it wind up dead. Like Jill Dando--heard about her? We are surrounded. And most normie retards act like you're cray when you bring it up anyway soo..
Robert Morgan
Wyatt Parker
What else would I be referring to?
Jose Reyes
I haven't heard of her specifically, but I'm familiar with this lady.
Zachary Barnes
Bump for a good topic at the very least I suppose.
Parker Allen
What are typically the blackmail tactics ? Or nothing in particular and just depends on the person/case ?
Alexander Reyes
>>restaurant menu has items called 'tight ass tuesday', and 'your daughter on a plate'
I've been to pizza and burger joints around the world, even hipster bullshit places with weird exotic takes on things and "funny" names on the menu.. I've never even seen anything close to this. I know there's been a lot of these weird menu names and references for the pedogate pizzerias and while I'm not exactly buying into the whole conspiracy, it's just so fucking odd, this one thing.
Referencing kids or sex at all in food establishments, fast food especially, is just baffling. And I say this having been around Yurop where the tolerance for that is even higher.
Jose Johnson
The person you are responding to has drawn pornographic art of a pedophilic nature just for your information. This person doesn't know anything and has been called out for being full of shit many times now. They inject themselves into these kinds of threads all the time and can never back up a single one of their claims.
Eli Lewis
As far as I know, in the intelligence community, you either give your firstborn or you take one if you catch my drift. I assume the same process happens with politicians.
Didn't Obama's daughter intern with Weinstein?
Jayden Roberts
There is no need to be upset.
Jack Evans
Evan Russell
Keeping it alive.
Daniel Howard
They're usually not as blatant as that instance. Usually just something like a tiny "kid's corner" and a few butterflies hanging from the ceiling.
Bentley Rogers
Again with you making claims that you can't back up with jack shit. Is this really so much better than just living your life? Couldn't you just spread actual information you find and bump threads? Is this the only way you think people will ever pay attention to you?
Ayden Baker
are the prices typically extra-high ?
are the kids delivered in toilets ? (as was shown in one CPP-like pizzeria)
sorry for quite technical questions
Isaac Murphy
1. depends, prices can vary from busts that I've seen.
2. No, that's just fucking retarded.
Kevin Cooper
I know very little about logistics or prices, sorry.
Lucas Torres
The Albanian Connection; As Italians Move Up, a New Group Does the Pizza and Pasta
Interpol reports that the Kosovo chapter alone runs heroin markets in Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Belgium, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Sweden and Norway. And Italian mobsters are said to hate dealing with the Albanians because they’re too violent and too unpredictable.
When they first expanded into Italy, local justice officials were amazed that the fearsome Albanian criminals were prepared to take on the local mafia.
Albanian mafia is one of main criminal organizations operating in Italy.
Gambino boss Arnold Squitieri had sought the meeting. The veteran heroin smuggler was weary and wary of the uppity Albanian mobsters and wanted to reach an agreement.
Twenty Gambinos, all heavily armed, accompanied Squitieri. Rudaj brought six guys (
The Albanians, probably owing to their being outnumbered, not to mention mad-dog crazy, threatened to blow up the gas station with everyone in it..
The Italian Mafia and the Albanian Mafia "I hate these f**** Albanians," a captain in the Genovese crime family was captured saying on tape. The captain continued, "If you have a beef with them you have to kill them right away. There's no talking to them." Reports indicate that the Albanian Mafia including immigrants from Kosovo has replaced the Italian La Cosa Nostra Mafia, an offshoot of the Sicilian Mafia.
Heavily-armed gangs throw out Italian families to seize control of the criminal underworld in Milan
NCIS investigators said the power of the groups, which recently took control of the criminal underworld in Milan after a two-year power struggle, must not be underestimated.
"They threw out the Italian mafia families," said an NCIS source. "That is how violent they are."
The Albanian mafia is definitely complicit in trafficking operations.
Jose Russell
I have recenty noticed this by the way.
Kind of falls in the realms of pizzagate.
Could it be connected to the Deception / Half Moon Islands ? e.g. the Rothschild Island in Anctartica.
Is it there where there are secret slave facilities and slave drugs are made ?
Sorry if slightly off-top
Brody Murphy
Ok sorry, I thought the penguin glands were shipped from Anctartica. hence my confusion ...
I think now, my point was a bit invalid
Chase Moore
Antarctica is for things like bunkers, technology, secret government projects, and things of that nature. Having trafficking operations up there would hardly be effective. Elites don't spend a lot of their time up their anyways. It's short visits if anything.
Cooper Carter
>are the kids delivered in toilets wut
Jordan Parker
Pizza shops can launder money but there's absolutely no possible way they could be trafficking kids. Noooooo way
Liam Evans
Jeremiah Price
Thanks There was a picture I can't find, from CPP or a similar pizza place, with things like 'Fuckroom' written on the walls in the toilet room there Are there any specific breeding grounds for child slaves etc ? Are they private (epstiens island) or military based (mkultra US gov programs ), located in underground bunkers ?
I remember the lead singer of Linkin Park who was recently suicided (and turned out to be J.Podestas son) was brought up in Canada in a military mkultra base called Linkin Park >pic related
Jordan Taylor
Chinese run businesses all launder money. US/Canada/Australia has one big underground laundering scene going on by the Asians, and no one even knows. A friend of mine found out through his friends that had other friends linked up with this information
Chinese use the border too, there's a black market in Manhattan that employs them in Chinese restaurants all over the US.
China supplies most of them, either officially or unofficially through Triad channels.
everything is controlled and organized thru China gov't via overseas Chinese authorities and established groups (triads) under Chinese gov't even Chinese takeouts (unofficial franchise) are all established via this extensive global "gov't within a gov't" system
this article touched on the aspect of how Chinese immigrants, brought from China in shipping crates from 1970s-1990s, would live under direct governance from the Chinese authority in the US (mafia) this is how the Chinese came to open up restaurants and dry cleaners w/o having any $$ or experience, thru the help of a very well connected mafia. the mafia would then collect fees from the "franchises"
I think once he realized he used to be abused by Podesta, he could not live with it or something along this story
Josiah Watson
Breeding grounds do exist, but I personally do not know of where they'd be located. That would be tricky to figure out. I assume that some of the locations are indeed underground. Islands are a possibility I suppose, though I've never heard of one being used as a breeding ground.
Justin Garcia
>something something minerva
Jacob Martinez
During one of our biannual security briefings we were told by a US gov't agent:
"over half of all Chinese restaurants in the United States were started with CHICOM intelligence seed money. They are used primarily as blind drops for espionage, industrial and otherwise."
They also told us that over 90% of Chinese foreign exchange students are, in actuality, intelligence recruits tasked with getting into elite US science and engineering programs. Their goal is to get internships at top US tech companies to conduct industrial espionage.
about chinese restaurants is that they are all pretty much the same: same menu same taste same format/design a mafia-run franchise that spreads throughout the planet. all the restaurants may have different names, but that is the only difference.
Noah Kelly
Let's just blurt out random names to make us sound like we actually know something, that's real informative.
Justin Campbell
Here is the full story on the Podesta/Linkin Park, sorry the picture before was a short version
Brandon Peterson
Thank you, now speaking of breding grounds it reminds me of
the Aryan breeding grounds run by SS and Hitler in WW2.
Levi Cook
Don't test me on my Greek mythology.
Gabriel Clark
Yeah, I know all about his (((suicide)))
Jordan Miller
Lel, never knew those were a thing.
No, I wouldn't be surprised at all that the works of fantasy and make believe would be your forte.
Elijah Flores
Human subjects go through biological experiments dowm there, Trafficked end up there never to return and also other DUMB locations.
Hunter Campbell
Hudson Roberts
No, why would you send them to Antarctica for that when you have so many other different locations? Yes, I believe that does happen, but not at Antarctica.
Jonathan Edwards
I have heard about them old once and looking at the pics they seemed quite effective.
Anyways, it is the Nazi Germany 'scientist' such as Joseph Mengele etc. who via Operation Paperclip got to the US to start the whole MKUltra.
I was thinking about the breeding grounds, as all the celebrities (and even Obama) have extremely questionable upbringing locations (and oftentimes lack of contact to parents). Probably related to Disney too, but to know the exact locations would be cool, but also very difficult I suppose
These experiments were what preceded the whole MKUltra in the US
Jason Green
i notice, in a lot of pizza-related threads. there always seems to be someone who shows up and tries to get everyone to feel like any effort is hopeless. not really anything else other than trying, incessantly, to get you to give up all hope/effort at uncovering this shit.
Daniel Rivera
Don't give up user!
Jayden Price
One of the oldest tricks in the book.
Brayden Allen
Adam Baker
You actually should give up though because you're doing nothing but trying to garner attention with making like you know more than you really do.
Charles Rogers
Anyways related to child slaves, I have noticed this finger pointing sign along with the glasses a lot.
Not sure the exact meaning though. Is eating children considered healthy or is it more for occult reasons ?
Nah, I was talking about it bc there was some chink chainsmoking outside waiting to get picked up
Easton Long
Daniel Sullivan
What good is attention on an anonymous image board without a tripcode to back it up? I work hard to avoid getting (You)s.
Dylan Baker
They inject the blood of the young to rejuvenate themselves, otherwise eating people actually boasts a host of health complications and diseases. It's for more occult reasons. That's called Spirit Eating I know.
Joshua Walker
what is that??
Brandon Hughes
Do you know what were the reason for his death ? I have heard many theories, one that he was about to expose the 'pizza gate', otherwise I do know know really
I have known people personally involved in Triads but each time I have tried to ask a bit more, they'd tell me they simply cannot tell Thank you, there even is a legal start-up in the US for this reasons called Ambrosia - Young Blood
They do not disclose where do they get the blood from though...
Caleb Lewis
You used to name fag. This is the only conduit you really have, which in of itself is rather sad. Is your fear is that you didn't LARP that you could just fall off of the face of the earth and no one would notice? Sometimes you even act like a spook or a shill just to get people to insult you because you like that kind of attention. It shows that you sadly aren't used to receiving praise or any positive attention in general, which does make me feel sorry for you actually. You really are a victim of adamant self loathing from what I could observe.
Joseph Hill
Some of the elites slowly want to make some of the messed up shit they do become main stream.
Benjamin Evans
t. naive comfy Midwesterner. The CCP won't issue passports unless they get something in return. These people, like he said, are harassed by the Chinese mafia which is an arm of the CCP. These immigrants are unwilling participants of China's overseas espionage
Owen Perez
The Albanians I have known are surprisingly on well terms with the society. They typically deal with prostitution that is legal in here, along with drugs a bit and car repairs.
Do know know that much about other operations, but in many swiss/German towns they are literally like 70% of the local population.
Also have noticed a bit they had a mixed relationship with Italians
Caleb Davis
>make some of the messed up shit they do become main stream
Just two slight quirks to what you said:
1) This is brand new research showing incredible effects in age reversal by tapping into younger blood.
2) Blood replenishes.
If young people's blood becomes highly valued all young people can earn a good paycheck just donating blood regularly. It doesn't hurt them and it helps the elderly. Prices are high now but would go down with wider use.
There's literally no reason not to do this, or to give testosterone to aging men, or to supply everyone with the option to grow their own stem cells (unlike fetal stemcells these are endogen and better for you).
There is only moralfagging preventing it, the rich already do it, bans and slowdowns only make sure the poor and middle class don't have access to it. Making people healthier by simple tricks like this would vastly lower cost in medical care too.
Jayden Brown
I'll check those digits for you, but that's the last (You) from me.
Nicholas Sanders
It just seems strange, though I suppose it's really not a bad thing as you are saying.
Truth hurts, I know.
Dominic Lopez
it's not strange at ll to want to prolongue life, youth and health. it's what most these rich fucks deranged rituals are about. If you look at the faces of rotschilds, soros and bush etc.. they all look weird. like vampires.I guess one might say it has something to do with ..replenished blood from the young. One can only hope that was consensual. Guess we all know here it was not
David Russell
>Usually just something like a tiny "kid's corner" and a few butterflies hanging from the ceiling.
Anyways, I have noticed these signs in a few restaurants and empty warehouses nearby.
To order, does one have to know some kind of special slang ?
Because I realize its not possible to ask for the thing outright
Sometimes I wonder if it's like Karma related or something. That would be stuff about energy though which isn't really Cred Forums related.
Brody Myers
o, i cant. how anyone can turn a blind eye to this shit.. fucking kids being abused/ritually sacrificed.. makes me sick
Mason Nguyen
>Pizzagate Get out of here with this larp bullshit. You nigger fuckers are worse than Julian assnigs
Kayden Wood
Supposedly they use coins stamped with the symbols or have some coded language. Again, this is beyond my area of expertise.
Normies tend to have a comfortable life and they don't want to disrupt that for what looks, at first glance, like a wild conspiracy theory.
Jaxson Ortiz
It's just not the abhorred nature of it all, but these kinds of trafficking networks spur corruption wherever they are. There really is nothing good about them for those not on the receiving end.
Parker Davis
>coins stamped with the symbols I can tell you're literally just making up shit on the fly. Who do you think is really this stupid to believe you? Seriously, come on.
Jaxon Parker
a bit off-topic but is kids blood also consumed in red-wine (something I have heard of) ?
I remember when this vid was originally released on here (found on the CPP website) and some user realized it indeed was Skippy...
Lincoln Myers
Serious last (You).
Kayden Smith
I wouldn't put faith into everything the FBI does and there's no direct correlation to them actually using those for transactions. That would be stupid as hell. You think these people have a stash of currency that basically spells out "I am a pedo"? You need to cut this shit out. it's not good for you or anyone else.
Uh, never heard of that before so I don't know.
Luke Jackson
Bumpity bump
Brayden Diaz
Shut up james
Asher Bailey
Thank you for the talk friends
I was supposed to do some work tonight, still have some reading to go...
Think ill look into this topic of Lebensborn, seems legit
Isaiah Gray
Stop harassing that man. You already got a lunatic to get into my shop and threaten his clients. There was nothing in the basement, no kids no shit. He already said he doesn't even like kids. Police cleared him up. Stop it.
Joseph Jenkins
gib state sanctioned gf NOW
Joshua Adams
Michael Perry
j...jjjjames ? Anyway last time James was on here, always his self-revealing code-word was "KYS" - something James'd always post acting as a DNC shill
I'll check-in in a while ... Out of topic ideas on my side for a bit, also need to do a bit of work
be right back
Liam Gutierrez
Don't worry, I'll make sure the thread remains bumped.
I'm still kind of shocked that you actually spent a week thinking up that LARP BS you told me. I noticed you cut me off immediately after I started picking it apart. I could tell that you were reluctant to speak to me through any other conduit than here because you know you can't hold up the facade as well otherwise.
Jeremiah Morgan
In case one had forgotten
Kayden Howard
Looks like your thread is pretty dead. Seems no one is playing into your little charade anymore. it's for the best though really.
Christopher Wood
Hudson Russell
what other means of talking are available ?
Jose Diaz
What's this?
Justin Taylor
>You already got a lunatic to get into my shop and threaten his clients. >You Didn't the shooter know James through his museum?
Jack Thompson
>There was nothing in the basement, no kids no shit. I thought there was no basement.
Blake Brown
Long distance communications. I went to the trouble of contacting this person outside of this site to see if they could actually provide any helpful information and that sat there and lied to me straight the whole time as far as I could tell. Part of the reason why I'm being so vindictive right now is because I don't appreciate so much of my time being wasted on someone who for all intents and purposes seems to be nothing more than some sad loser who will invest hours of their time just for attention and to maintain some false persona. Not only that but this person derailed my efforts here in threads I made for no other purpose than to alleviate their boredom. It would be one thing if they were ordered to do so but didn't really want to, but now I believe they did it all out of their own volition. If I had known they were just some normal person in the beginning I never would have wasted so much time on them.
Brayden Cook
That's just a copy pasta that I was posting to be cheeky, don't pay much mind to it.
It's fucking nothing like any of the other shit you spew or point out.
Jason Gutierrez
Liam Torres
>Q: Will you kidnap and torture and slaughter your enemy's children for sport? No. But I'd be willing to kidnap and slowly and brutally torture someone that tortured the innocent. The suffering of the wicked brings me pleasure. >You're not fearless. No man is. Phobias are not universal. Not all phobias are even useful. Many are irrational and have the effect of paralyzing a man. 1. You can control your "automatic" fear response to NOT be automatic. You can learn to control many processes that are automatic because you've never practiced exerting executive control. 2. Of course, death is the ultimate fate that we all "fear." But there are many things scarier than death. And if you never live, then why fear death? God is the only thing worth fearing.
The Lord is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked advance against me to devour me, it is my enemies and my foes who will stumble and fall. Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear, though war break out against me, even then I will be confident.
Hunter Sanchez
Ok. Sorry about the derailment if also from my part.
Sorry all, going to bed, almost sleep already.
I will refresh the thread in the morning to see the thread.
Good night all!!
Austin Cox
You didn't do anything wrong, no worries. Goodnight and sleep well.
Isaiah Myers
Nighty night.
Gavin Lewis
>God is the only thing worth fearing Couldn't agree more.
Ethan Adams
My intent isn't to shill or derail - just an honest question in regards to something like the "Billy's Pizza" shit:
If you were to be operating something like this - why be so perverse about it openly and risk someone putting the pieces together? Why not operate in a far more discreet location that didn't have the expectation of service to real potential customers that aren't pedophiles.
Are they just that sick and eccentric about it? Do they think they're untouchable? I know often time reality is stranger than fiction, but that's just bizarre to me.
Aiden Sanchez
You're actually thinking about it the right way. They wouldn't be so open about it. The whole Pizzagate nonsense got way out of hand and it made the whole board look stupid. People don't actually run trafficking rings out of pizza places. It's silly.
Samuel Mitchell
They think they're just that untouchable because they have bought police and political protection.
Jonathan Adams
Not every police officer can be bought off, but of course you're completely oblivious to that.
Owen Johnson
New /ATG/ when?
Jaxon Bell
Well that's because shills immediately jumped on board there and focused on the whole pizza place aspect of it. There was a huge shift in shill activity the days when it started, like they all diverted all their energy to that
Nolan Reed
Exactly! That's what it was and so many people fell for it.