Anyone know what happened to the Russian National Socialist Party? Did they disband? Are they still active? If so, do they engage in the war in Ukraine, and are they siding with the separatists and Barkashov?
Anyone know what happened to the Russian National Socialist Party? Did they disband? Are they still active? If so...
those poor uzbeks
Putin put them back into his military for now. Whenever needed they show up.
Were they ever a factor in russia? Rnu was far greater, wasnt it?
It got banned and most of its famous members are imprisoned.
A famous russian anti-hate crime law was introduced to stop all the racial violence against immigrants.
Backstory: In 2008 over 100 immigrants were murdered, this made many muslims and other immigrants chimp out. So they decided to ban Nazi symbols, imprison violent neonazis like Tesak.
Putin destroyed the entire Neonazi movement in just few years.
Russia is still far away fro being sweden, but compared to the mid 2000s the situatuon got deescalated substantially.
Bernd you should not really open this topic. You are young, playful, everything's easy for you. This is an another thing. It's not Snowden and not even secret services archives. Better not to get into that. Seriously, any of you would deeply regret. Close the topic and forget what was written here. I fully understand that this post incites additional interest, but I far the curious - stop. The rest will just not see it.
Tell me more dima
Come on, we're not talking about new world orders and illuminati and so on. Tell me more
The Nazi movements in Russia are dead. Putin put all the skinheads in jail.
They were a ruse(get it?) to demonize nationalism, with the muh nazis argument as per usual for Russia. They probably were chechens themselves under the masks, the Kremlin is known to use them for staged terror attacks.
It's a lie.
Ok tovarish Chekist/KGB, pls no execute my family for this.
i dont get it. why would sub humans worship hitler?
I think it's still pretty active over there. I come across new videos of Russian skinheads beating the shit out of random people (probably immigrants) every once in a while on VK
fake quote
That was Gerbils IIRC, Hitler was very mild mannered when it came to talking about non-Germans.
These are probably the old ones from 1999-2006.
Bydlos tend to repost shit.
the videos I see have very decent video quality actually
>Russia is still far away fro being sweden
>russian nazis worshiping a man who tried to kill them all
they're both cucks alright.
They're just random neo-nazi thugs, can't police all of them.
well its russia after all, killings and beating happen all the time there.
>hitler tried to kill them all
how? through op. barbarosssa?
What happens in this video...?
"Generalplan Ost" never existed, it is a meme, an Allied lie that they've been pushing down our throats for years. No actual documents for Generalplan Ost exist and nothing shows proof of its existence
One gets beheaded and another gets shot
What bullshit, lebensraum idea predates the nazis, the Germans wanted to expand east in WWI because of it
What a pussy
acebook com/StadtwacheArnstadt/videos/2000381153536430/
>russian nazism
Stalin is spinning in his grave.
living forever is objectively the best choice
in time you could acquire the money and land
where is the video?
>brawler is apparently three russian words
homo degeneracy, he has a point
East Germany is an island of real Germany.
acebook com/StadtwacheArnstadt/videos/2000381153536430/
him sleepy
Surkov got bored with them and created another political party instead. Probably a group of feminists to satisfy his taste for irony.
I think that was the first beheading video I saw
Its a good one, nice music in it too.
you happen to know the name of the second song that plays at some point during the beheading?
Arab invader. Speaks not a single German word. Shouts in arab at a German rail conductor. Germans in the first time stick together.
If this would had happened in West Germany The Germans would have been overrun by migrants.
After Format 18 was "shut down" Maxim(Tesak) and Dennis came up with "White Rex".
EDIT: The Germans would have been overrun by migrants and German girls.
>source: colon
Nice cherry picked image faggot
God I fucking hate Uzbeks.
Why would they kill bunch of non-threats who were just studying in Russia? seems like staged shit to me, to have an excuse to ban "nazis"
They weren't just studying in Russia, they were in Russia to work and and get a wife.
>Why would they kill bunch of non-threats who were just studying in Russia? seems like staged shit to me, to have an excuse to ban "nazis"
Its called white terror. They terrorize chechens, armenians, georguans and central asians so they would not come to russia in the first place.
story on this? were the killers really nazis? who were the victims
>National Socialist Party
They had a rough time in the early-mid 1940's over some oven scam and never really recovered.
Look at this butthurt ukrainian and his shitty commie memes lmao!!!!
No idea bro
"On 15 August 2007 Victor Milkov, a 23-year-old student at Maykop State Technological University (ru) in Adygea, was arrested for distribution on the internet a video entitled Execution of a Tajik and a Dagestani, which depicts the murder of two non-ethnic Russian men by a group calling themselves "Nationalist-Socialist Party of Russia."
It was later revealed that one of the victims was 24-year-old Shamil Odamanov from Russia's mainly Muslim Dagestan region. The Tajik national was never identified. In 2008, 20-year-old Salakhetdin Azizov from Tajikistan was attacked as he walked across a stretch of wasteland in South Moscow. The 20-year-old Tajikistan market worker was stabbed and then decapitated. A group calling themselves "The Militant Organization of Russian Nationalists" claimed responsibility for the murder and demanded stricter immigration laws. A photograph of Azizov’s severed head was emailed to Sova. The two men can be heard saying "We were arrested by Russian national socialists" before Odamanov is beheaded and the other man is shot in the head by two masked men dressed in combat fatigues.
Initially, Russian Minister of the Interior suggested that the video is a fake, but prosecutors eventually admitted it as authentic."