>tfw forced to watch Black Panther so my black co-workers don't think i'm racist
Tfw forced to watch Black Panther so my black co-workers don't think i'm racist
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wtf? why'd they even bother marketing this to asia?
Cuck. My Mexican co-workers know I'm racist.
>forced to do anything
>against your will
No, you just lack a spine.
>having black coworkers in the UK
This. What a faggot.
>Either watch it because you want to or don't
the juxtaposition of that mask..
>those eyes
looks like a horror film
How were you forced? That's the dumbest fucking thing I've heard of. You weren't forced, you went willingly you stupid faggot.
>BLACKED panther
Literally a cuck if you watch this while you sit down and let him have all the action
do you have a link to the free download?
I thought by watching black panther you're invading black space, and thus being racist?
I aint falling for another Marvel movie, doesn't matter if they tell me im racist because this one the cast is 95% black, wouldn't surprise me if thats a marketing tactic to sell more tickets.
I see tons of criticisms over how niggers are reacting to the movie and how hard (((they))) are shilling it, but how's the movie?
> tfw you don't care what nigger colleagues think
> tfw you don't care what your soyboy colleagues think
I fully understand how this happens and I can help you OP.
It's simple. You use the process of corruption to "uncorrupt" yourself. It will take time. Possibly a year. That's how long it took me to like traps. Now i'm having to unlearn the traps because it's gotten so bad that i've gone from bi to almost gay at this point. I'll tell you what i'm doing.
So you first do that by creating arguments as to why the female pussy is way better. You start thinking of what you like most about traps and then start seeing what you like about traps in women to create an association between liking the trap and the woman. So first, I go to a porn picture that is as far off the deep end as my corruption goes, but with a pussy. Don't just start with vanilla pussy if you don't have to. My absolute favorite picture of a pussy in the best position and camera angle I like the most.. You think of a traps asshole. Now, you think of a pussy and realize that it's actually an upgraded asshole. More lube. Because i've always been an assman with women, I think of a small traps ass and realize that a womans ass is even bigger and better. Then you imagine your dick in that warm hot pussy. And you find your absolute most favorite in the world pic with a pussy in it.
And then I think of a trap and start jerking it. And mid jerk, I go to that pic of the pussy and start jerking it to that pic instead while thinking of all the things about a woman that I just argued to myself is like a trap but even better. If you're more of a 2d hentai lover then start off with 2d pussy on futas and move to pussy by itself and then to 3d.
If absolutely nothing is working to get you going for the opposite sex to get started on this, you fap to a trap and like 30 seconds before you're going to cum then start switching to the hottest pic you have of the opposite sex and cum while looking at it and thinking of the arguments you made as to why the opposite sex is like the same sex but better. That works
Don't watch the movie if you're not interested. It has nothing to do with racism.
I'm not interested in this movie at all. It's a shame so many people fell for the marketing of a mediocre superehero movie.
''Backdraft will probably do for firefighting what Top Gun did for fighter pilots,'' Bell said.
Is that from the movie?
I basically had to come out as racist to a few people yesterday when I said I didn't want to watch it. I'm fucking done pretending to like these monkeys.
why do you have these on your computer user?
Why is Cred Forums so unstrung about the movie? I paid to see it and it was just a Marvel movie but in Africa. In some ways the plot was the ultimate redpill for black americans basically saying "You could have this but you continue to be violent niggers so leave our lands."
It it didn't go that overboard with the whole evil white guy tho.
Sill the movie was just another crappy Marvel movie no better or worse from the others.
Now go watch Blade Runner 2049 my fellow green boys.
It's a generic marvel movie
Did you honestly expect anything beyond that?
Of course it's not gonna be unwatchable garbage, they've been making them for 10 years now, of course it's not gonna be a masterpiece they've been plain for 10 years now
It's just another marvel movie, if you care about the universe go watch it I guess
I joogled Wakanistas, expecting to find Wakandan freedom fighters who would trade cocaine for weapons, but sadly they are lovers, not fighters.. and they have no cocaine.
No need to pay a ticket. Here is a resume:
You're retarded. It's a damned if you do damned if you don't situation. You should have just stayed away. Now you'll have to keep up your charade with your coworkers as they expect you to remember the scenes they did and chime in with them. You dun goofed.