>black people call each other nigger all the time > but me being white am not allowed to use it on the sole basis of the colour of my skin . Isn’t that essentially the definition of racism?
Black people call each other nigger all the time > but me being white am not allowed to use it on the sole basis of the...
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but nothing good will come out of that realisation
Because white people are too tolerant ?
no more racist than the way your wife gets fucked by jamal daily but won't let you put it in
You suck jamals dick after he’s finished to give it a clean befor he sticks in it your asshole faggot ?
why can't you call them niggers?
I can but I would be scolded and called a racist ?
But you are a racist, own it, you pommie fuck
I’m racist ?
Calling someone a nigger is just like killing one.
It's only a problem when a white person does it.
If you go around calling black people niggers then probably. Don't play dumb
The call each other nigger . So why would I be racist for calling them nigger ? Just because I’m white . The racism is on there side
Are you 12?
It took you the dictionary.definition of racism to realize that niggers and everyone else can be racist towards white people?
Fool! Y'all invented that derogatory term! Stop playing dumb
>Niger (Murricans couldn't into french pronuciation)
Wrong. It's actually a really simple language chain. You are the one who needs to quit playing dumb, niger.
hey cracker, that's a country.
We do not call each other nigger you niggerbong and the usage of nigga is something that you have to earn with a black person on an individual basis.
How fucking dumb are you Achmed?
>it's a country
Hey nigger, you are missing the point. Which isn't surprising. You think even Nigerians called each other Nigerians? No. They called each other Nigers. Which just changed further. Try using some basic reasoning instead of just believing what Daquan Muhammad Asalamadingdong told you.
top kek.
fuck off white trash. Nigerians don't call themselves Nigers.
>Isn’t that essentially the definition of racism?
This is the most blatant and vilest racism ever. These assholes are the biggest hypocrites and racists on the entire planet. I'm tired of being asked to feel sorry for someone who thinks like that. And you know what, why don't these assholes try to put themselves in white peoples shoes instead, and realize how fucking annoying it is that everyone wants to go live in your countries, and then people who think like that that they then fucking complain that the country they live in has white people. Why in the hell do they not just fuck off to begin with. Go to africa go to anywhere else almost, so many countries, there's what like 195 countries in total in the world. Vast majority of them have no white people in them whatsoever.
Either everyone is allowed to be racist, or no one is. I'm sick and tired of this double standard where white people are supposed to be super polite, whilst everyone else run around saying the vilest shit imaginable about white people directly in the news and media and in every day life, and they just pretend that it's perfectly fine and make excuses for why they are allowed to do it and others aren't. Meanwhile if you say the word nigger or negro, black people almost want to fucking kill you and people want a near public execution if you do it in media etc. Eventhough it's simply means black in latin (niger), or negro which means black in portugese. It literally means the color. But anyways, i don't even think anyone on the planet is more racist than these assholes.
It's everything that seems to be on their mind constantly and black this and black that, and what can we do for black people and so on and so forth. And they're not even in fucking africa, but are sitting in white nations doing these things. But if say white americans want something for themselves in their own country, oh then it's racist. I'm really getting tired of watching these people, they are just mainstreaming the most foulest racist garbage, and then get surprised if white people want to remain majority in their own countries so they don't have to put up with this bullshit in the future. I mean just imagine what the fuck these douchebags would do if they ever became a majority in a white nation, white people should probably best pack up and leave at that point. They would do the most racist shit and not have any second thought about it, because they are such gigantic liars hypocrites and ultra racists themselves, whilst at the same time acting as if they are the victim of everything they do themselves. It's like a saying we have that a thief thinks every man steals. Similarly niggers think everyone else is racists, because the nigger knows he/she is the most racist fucking person themselves.
-Superior riches
-African roots
-Race Card (if he starts losing -which he won't- he can use this ability to make his opponent feel shame and stop attacking).
-PANTHER LIVES MATTER ability (works similarly to "Race Card")
-Ability to summon scores of BROTHAS AND SISTAS to his aid - also known as Summon Detroit Minions.
-Demand Reparations ability, which causes confusion among his foes since they don't know whether to take him seriously or not
Also imagine moving to japan or china and because its more difficult for you and you have less opportunities because you don't speak the language, are from a different culture, have no roots, your ancestors didnt contribute to the building of the country and fight wars to protect its Interests you are at an inherent disadvantage you started screaming at everyone to check their Asian privilege and started calling everyone racist. Telling them the country will be better when they are no longer a majority. Doesn't that sound insane, thats what its like to be a white person in a multicultural western civilized nation that has moto diversity is our strength. Also being told its ok for non white people to be racist towards white people and have resentment towards them.
This and nice picture.
(Black Panther related)
jesus christ - let it alone. You guys are as big a faggot as Baked Alaska with your forced "meme" shit. This movie sucks enough as it is - it doesn't need to be sabotaged
I mean don't you think it's ridiculous, that the people who complain most about racism are the biggest racists probably anywhere in the world? If you hate white people and want space away from white people. Just move to another fucking nation and stay there, don't complain that white people are in white nations.
Can't they see that they are the ones causing internal strife in white nations? Even when nothing is going on they just keep finding something to complain about with regards to white people. And then they are accusing for example white americans for racial division. Man, don't they realize they are the ones doing it. Also let's say they are in a place where no white people, do they think just everybody else is their best friend. Nah they'll find some other ethnic group to complain about, and it will probably be whatever ethnicity is the majority where they are at, infact they already are, they don't give a shit about other ethnicities either, only how they can use them against white people. They're just as racist against other ethnicities.
The US went through all this civil rights movement, based on the notion that it was incredibly unfair that blacks couldn't live among white people or go to same schools etc. And so they got segregation removed. And now so many years later in 2018 they are the ones calling for segregation. I mean you can't make this fucking shit up. All they are doing is proving that segregation probably was a good thing, and that either you have that or they go live in a nation where there's no white people, since it's apparently impossible to get the black people to stop being the turboracist assholes they are. And ironically they themselves are calling for it. It's so funny they say that white people are the biggest racists, when white people are probably the least racist on the entire planet compared to everyone else. And blacks are probably in the top 3 of the most racist ethnic groups on the planet.
This also indicates that blacks don't actually have a problem with racism, since they're not out slamming blacks being racist against white people or others for that matter. No the only problem blacks have with it is, is that they don't like other people being racist against them. But when they are racist against others, then it's totally fine, and they think it's fun and amusing and a perfectly acceptable thing to do.
I don't care how much crime black people commit and these things, or how their life has turned out etc. If they complain about racism eventhough white people are essentially bending over backwards for them. Black people live in bad neighbourghoods with a lot of crime and murder eachother a lot in the US, and somehow this makes it ok for them to be ultra racists against white people and probably others too for that matter? No it doesn't. Either everyone is allowed to be openly racist, or nobody is. These people are the ones fueling racial division in the US, i don't have to live in the US to see what these assholes are saying on social media and even when being interviewed by actual media organizations, to see how massively racist these people are, and unapologetically so.
Niggers are only happy when they have someone else to blame for their problems. At school the niggers go out of their way to walk into people, to scream "racism" at the slightest thing and to just be as unlikable as possible. The idea of being a decent person escapes these kind of "people". There is a reason people say "FUCK" internally when you come across niggers during the day to day trials and tribulations of life.
I don't doubt that. Not in the least - like everything white people do, we do it at the very height of ability.
Which leads into the question, why on god's green fucking earth is everyone jumping up and down on whitey's head? Wouldn't it make far more sense to accept the olive branch and try to work toward a better future for everyone? Why would you push and push and push and fucking push white people into the ground with nonsense such as 'much systemic racism' knowing full fucking well what happens if white people have had enough?
In brazil, you can call a dude a nigger...but never call them black unless you are really good friends.