Explain to me how you would even begin to take away our guns
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sex robots
48% will never shoot at the authorities when they raid their house to confiscate their guns.
Send in the army to shoot you and your family.
>b-but dee army are totes on our side guyz!
There'll be a few hundred deaths at most in every states then you'll give up your guns because you'd rather be alive than see everyone around you die for nothing.
Freedom isn't free if you're dead, retard.
until they realized that the Government is taking away our guns
They will Jew people into giving them up to the government.
>duh army is conservatives and libertarians just like us they wud neva blindly follow orders just to kill a buncha ppl
Sounds like the rest of the world has some catching up to do. No-guns faggots.
>Durr the military will all totally comply with the government about murdering their friends and family
Leftist magic spells. Lord knows they have enough fat wiccan bitches in their ranks.
Level a couple rebel cities to show you mean business, force the rest to submit.
As if sufficiently evil dictators have never succeded disarming huge populations before.
>source: survey
how many people in kenya did they ask?
wait! you mean to tell me they mostly just asked people in america and then compared it to countries that had banned guns and bluffed that they asked those people?
>hurdurr the military aren't a bunch of low IQ mongs only there for their cushioned government Welfare Queen job
most of whom are minorities and absolutely hate Americans and the military in the first place and only view it as something a Job and life long benefits
Kys retard
>duh deep state will totally not find several loopholes to encourage trigger happy soldiers to do it anyway and make the stupid population agree with the government just like they did with Waco/Ruby Ridge
Whatever lets you sleep at night, burger. No matter what you think or do, the government will always rape you in the ass because whites have not been able to converge into one united force since WW2.
They'll divide and conquer you, they'll always win.
The majority of surveys done agree there are more guns than people in the United States
Stop, you're making this too easy.
But if they have a warrant, it would be legal. It would still be illegal to shoot them.
We've become the enemy we warned others about. An evil nation full of killers hell bent on destroying prosperity and happiness. Made sense when america WAS prosperous and happy. Now that prosperity, wealth, and opportunity balance is shifted far east of gmt, we are now just the mal-adjusted would be school shooter of the world.
>Most of the military are minorities
blatant propaganda
If any of that were true they would have done it by now
>being afraid of death
Top lel.
>O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Get güd, m8.
>Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord:(For we walk by faith, not by sight:) We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.
You act like any other nation on the planet is or was as armed as the USA. We are the most armed country in history
Dunno but I'm buying more.
Get a licensing system for guns, but you have freedom to whatever gun you want.
"But they'll monitor me!!!"
They already do, just look at gun store backlogs lol.
They're just waiting one more generation so that white boomers who make for the biggest part of "traditional patriots" finally die.
>quoting bible shit
I rest my case. You'll find all the freedom you need in "Heaven".
Yeah the whites who join are blind Christian crypto kikes from Alabama who are happy to fight for shlomo
If you look at current recruit numbers, the military will be minority soon. Is if you look at current birth rates right now there are less whites being born than minorities. You forget the numbers are in are artificially inflated because the majority of the higher command are still white.
Besides the majority of the white people in the military are the exact same gubment gibs me that welfare Queens. And if their kike Commander told them to do something they would do it
>Freedom isn't free if you're dead
short sighted and selfish thinking is why you will be over run in 10 years and can only mutt meme out of spite.
Doesn't matter what I think, whites will be a minority everywhere by 2050 and you'll start regretting not doing anything with all the second amendment rights you currently have.
You won't be able to hide behind traditional libertarian philosophy and your Founding Fathers anymore.
You won't be able to juste quote a soon-to-be 300 years old piece of paper to defend yourself.
Liberals might as well keep fantasizing, because it will never happen.
A bunch of rednecks organized this just because the government was threatening to make them stop letting their cattle graze on land that they didn't even own.
You really think everybody would just willingly hand over their guns? Even if only 10% of gun owners fought back, that is a significant resistance. And there's plenty of militia members and others out there who are perfectly fine with putting their lives on the lines to protect their rights.
If the government can find ANY way to turn you into the bad guys they'll do it and people will eat it up (again, like Waco or Ruby Ridge). Then they'll have the morale high ground to kill you on sight. Who cares if you fight back? You'll become the enemy inside enemy lines. To the UN, to NATO, to the world.
Your kind is dying and no one's there to replace you. At least not the same color of skin and mindset.
yea, thats not in question though.
They are making the claim on a global level and somehow reached a definitive 48%. I simply pointed out that "survey" is probably as reliable as the "whos voting for hillary" polls.
You guys are so stupid it's not even funny. The Bundys stood down the FBI because the government didn't want to start national shit by decimating a bunch of morons.
> how would you even take my guns
Easy son. That you can't think of it shows how little you understand the powers that be:
1. Ban goes into effect in 24 months. You must surrender the guns voluntarily at your convenience.
2. Government buys back at 80% of retail price during the 24months period
3. Once the ban goes into effect having a gun becomes a felony charge, several years in prison
You keep them if you want. As the guns start cropping up over the years, the owners serve time for stupidity one at a time.
No revolution, not a problem.
>300 years old piece of paper to defend yourself.
ya, its called a gun
Except most guns aren't registered and... " Sorry officer I lost all my guns in a terrible boating accident."
You just said the trigger word for gun owners to go 1776
t. Less than 20 year old
Does your retarded ass know that ATF specifically targeted white militias in the 90s and at the same time Clinton built this "militia boogeyman" narrative to justify their actions?
Correct. Most of the rednecks will bury their ARs in barrels full of cosmoline and tell themselves that they resisted da gubermint oppresshun. Yet they'll never dig them up again.
I know, but see You won't want to become a felon so you'll live in hiding and start the "Acceptance" process.
No it wouldn't be legal.
No after that I'll find the officers' houses and kill their families.
>Carring what's illegal in a civil war
Soldiers are weak to fire and white phosphorus as well as blinding laser systems.
1. Ban goes into effect in 24 months. You must surrender the guns voluntarily at your convenience.
Day one families of politicians, Jews and leftist thought leaders start to die.
You don't understand.
This war is next door.
>Haha, the constitution was written like soooooo long ago, doesn’t apply now
>Besides, the government will never do such a thing
>Don’t worry guiz, we’ll just become the evil dictators we always made fun of them for warning others about
First against the wall
Re: back to 1776
I actually welcome it. The last time you fkn morons thought you were on the right side of things we decimated your population, took your lands and raped all your women. What do you think is going to happen the second time around when your stupid head tells you that the war will be fought with guns in the 21st century fully knowing that the north has stealth technology, drones, rail guns and precision missiles.
Hold own to your semi-automatic rifles fuckwit.
And like two thirds of those deaths are suicides. What's your point?
You think they'll ban EVERYTHING at the same time? Don't be retarded, they'll cook the frog gradually, the pot isn't boiling yet.
They'll start with a generalized AWB in blue states then high capacity magazines then most sporter semi-autos then... not over one year but in ten or twenty years.
You're already going to give up "rate increasing device" like bump stocks and binary triggers after ONE shooting occured using those.
They can't, and they won't. But don't go around saying that.
/that reminds me, I was gonna buy some more AOBC...
Because Irl a civil war looks fucking different than Afghanistan.
Go ahead, destroy your own infrastructure and bomb civilians on your own side by accident.
You imagine endless policing actions, but irl guerilla warfare defeats standing armies.
Not in my state.
I constantly hear about how we should start to expell the left.
Our numbers are equal to yours, and we won't just go away.
Also I can literally go buy tannerite explosive targets off the shelf here with cash legally.
And that's just the legal stuff I can do :)
>Doesn't matter what I think
literally the only correct statement you've made all fucking thread.
>Day one families of politicians, Jews and leftist thought leaders start to die. You don't understand. This war is next door.
Blah, blah, blah. The same shit you said about Oabama, the African socialist infiltrator that was supposed to take your guns and destroy the country. Except you and your ilk are full of shit and when shit hits the fan everyone folds and gives in like good little bitches that you all are.
I think it's great that you metropolitan morons are the ones that will be opposing us thinking you are going to shoot missiles at americans and win a war lol
Only about 1/4 of Americans own a gun, and about 3% of Americans own half the privately owned guns in the USA. So these people are targeted.
Lol k shill.
Like I said by all means do it.
Trigger the one way civil war starts here with 100% chance.
I'm tired of your posturing.
Imagine being this fucking stupid and thinking the Army, Navy, Coast Guard, National Guard, and Marine Corps is going to kill the very civilians they die for.
Literally future Marine here, all the people at MEPS, all the people at the station, literally every branch, we brought this up and they all fucking laughed at the thought.
Here's what they said to me most: "as fucking if we're going to kill our family and friends to break the oath of allegiance. That's the literal definition of treason and terrorism."
The only people thinking of using institutional and military oppression to trample the constitution are you soyboy faggotpansies. I won't be helping you, nobody at my station, in my Marine fucking Cops will be helping you, except to usher your bitch ass off to the next life if you fuck with our country.
That's not a threat, it's a promise.
Preach. Leftists have no idea how much conservatives care about the constitution, tradition, beliefs. All they care about is control. When they try to implement it basically every gun owner I know is willing to die for it.
It's also laughable they're trying to shill that the military isn't on the side of the constitution. "Foreign and domestic" will become a battle cry within the military and it's defectors if they went that route, which would be the whole military. Nobody is getting our guns, it's really that simple.
> Trigger the one way civil war starts here with 100% chance. I'm tired of your posturing. DO IT
Sure thing peaches. We'll elect a black African president so you can start the civil war. Oh wait, didn't happen.
We'll start socialized health care, that will surely get you firing... oh, it didn't?
We'll add more checks and controls to prevent guns landing in stupid hands. That will get the stupids organized... oh, not enough then?
We'll gradually set more regulations, banning different styles and classes over a 10 year period until only handguns are allowed and only by service members or commercial users.
Will that start your precious civil war, or will you just watch it happen slowly and bitch like the moany little nancy you are?
Me thinks you'll moan and then grab at the ankles like you always, always do.
>Explain to me how you would even begin to take away our guns
Datamining thread, sage.
My only problem is that many of you won't help us exterminate or deport kikes either.
You will see a larval stage and think it's a child instead of a parasite.
Any idea how we can come to an understanding that the Jew must be expunged or must I wait for the propaganda to cook longer?
you just didnt respond to the point made in the pic.
putting a tax on production and selling, so that each one will cost 50.000/100.000$ to you.
The black market would be a little more elastic, meaning 25.000$ each one, and terrible quality.
Not so hard. Basic macro-economy.
> this is what happens when you propagandize the voting public and flood the country with low iq niggers spics and sand niggers
I can't speak for what others will do but Idc. I already went to jail for shooting a nigger once.
I got to keep my rights cause plea deal dropped it to misdemeanor.
Im not afraid to draw and fire commie.
Those numbers would be false. My state doesn't even make you register your firearms. I hope you show up at my doorstep comrade, but unfortunately we both know you're too pussy to do that.
You haven't accounted for how stupid the Left is. Realistically 80% of America is against you, not including propagandized online forums and CNN braindead idiots.
Eventually some leftist nutjobs will form up and start killing people, probably whites. After that point, all of you degenerates are completely fucked.
You also are not accounting for how good Europeans, especially Germanics, are at war. The death tolls would be 1 of ours, for every 30 or so of yours. Maybe even a bit more on your side.
But what if we kill a few hundred of the people who want to take out guns. By your logic that should be enough to stop the process.
The people with the guns decide a piece of paper's value.
>Im not afraid to draw and fire commie.
Not a commie son, I'm a capitalist through and believe in American freedom.
I'm just done watching children die so you can masturbate on your gun collection. If that means you need to die for us to be normal, then so be it. I'll happily take a shit on your stupid corpse.
Invent laser weapons and sell them to Americans. Regular guns will be obsolete.
Also leftists simultaneously think all we have is semi-autos and mis-id semi-autos as assault rifles.
My neighbor has fucking artillery and a grenade launcher.
You just have to get the right paperwork.
Tannerite can be ordered online to anywhere in the u.s., same with flamethrowers, real one which have the range of a shotgun.
You are gravely mistaken on that bud.
Try then.
Just fucking try.
Because I care about my children, and their right to defend themselves from nogs.
If that means you and your kids have to die to enshrine that right bring it the fuck on.
Dumbest pic I ever saw.
Basically Illegal in the U.S..
See the "Drexel Vs Bailey" case.
You cannot use taxes as a purely/solely punitive measure.
Actually real life laser weapons are like looking at a welding torch, and will also fry digital optics if it's a maser.
Im building such a weapon legally in my garage lol
It will scatter hundreds of individual single wat lasers that won't burn, but will instantly and permanently blind anyone who looks in it's general direction.
For science lol
I can't wait to see a million man armed march on DC. Would never have to fire a shot, just the shear number of armed citizens (a miniscule fraction of the total) would cause crippling fear in politicians. All it takes it the will of a single man to change the world.
> If that means you and your kids have to die to enshrine that right bring it the fuck on.
yeah, that's what your side thought last time. Buy a fkn history book.
user-kun, perhaps you should begin to entertain the idea that it is you that is on the wrong side of history.
What is also not accounted for in this thread is the massive amount of gun owners who are looking for an excuse to use them on liberal infiltrators. They have wet dreams about the thought.
It's all coming true. What a time to be alive.
I love this pic.
We are more than willing. Just waiting for an opening really.
>civilian pwned
It looks like that was pulled out of their ass. 48% of the world's total firearms maybe and I doubt they've accounted for all the guns that may be possessed illegally. It's hard enough already owning any of the semiautomatic rifless in question with clips higher than 20 rounds in most of the major urban population centers.
America makes up 5% of the world population but 100% of our politics and government are talked about in 100% of other countries (while we give 0% of a fuck about their governments and politics).
Seriously? No one has posted Red Team guy yet? I'm phone posting. Someone whip that screen cap out please.
> perhaps you should begin to entertain the idea that it is you that is on the wrong side of history.
Take off your foil hat. The world has been enacting gun laws for decades and nearly every developed country has removed guns from civilian life and are thriving for it.
The "side of history" I'm on was decided last century. You retrograde fucks are the last remnants of your deeply-stupid mouth-breathing kind. Not just in north america but in the entire developed world.
remain in bondage then
- mandatory background checks+sanity checks for private sales
- sanity checks for new gun buyers
School shooters are usually young psychos.
Yeah the world's doing great bud. We're the last remnants of Western greatness and when the pendulum swings back you'll be dead.
Probably less than "talked about in 100% of other countries". You are giving niggers and poojits toomuch credit.
Lol power shill mode go
>b-but the state works for me, I'm a voter, I matter
And what exactly stops an oppressive government from creating and enforcing a police state in any of these wonderful gun-banned countries you seem to adore so much? Say the UK wanted to impose martial law today. What does the average citizen have left to do other than bend over and accept the dictators will? I’ll wait.
where i live the authorities would deputize me and we'd be shooting you for making up statistics
It’s an exaggeration, sure. But, some dude in Spain knows who trump is or some guy in Thailand knows who trump is but the average non-Spanish or non-Thai has no clue who their leaders are. It’s aboit relevance and cultural dominance that we still exert on the world.
Even you, America’s hat, take a great deal from us despite wanting to be different so badly.
Oh sanity checks
Promoted by Shekelstein Technologies
This is totally feasible like anyother record checking system currently in operation...
Drone strikes and tanks. Duh, Dumbass. What is your precious small penis compensating guns gonna do against them?
I can de-authenticate drones or jam their signal reliably.
Also tanks have people who service them.
Politicians need to fear the gun control side more than they fear the pro-gun side.
That will bring about change.
People need to be willing to primary challenge every candidate who is "pragmatic" on guns. People need to be willing to march on Washington, camp out on the Mall, and mob congressional offices on a daily basis. People need to be camping outside their congressman and senators house, holding vigil, so they cannot look outside or take a step in public without being verbally assaulted into doing the right thing.
>Even you, America’s hat, take a great deal from us despite wanting to be different so badly.
The only people who are like this are the liberal fucksticks who vote for people like Trudeau.
I don't think so, the second a mass confiscation happened the civil war would start. Most local law enforcement wouldn't even follow such orders and the local feds enforcing would either defect, be exiled or be killed.
replace the word american with nigger
owned with gun crime
>sanity checks
>believe what I say, repeat it word for word, or you are insane and cannot be considered a person
>remain in bondage then
Oh yeah, I'm so fkn oppressed. I have 2 fire stations within a quarter mile that will come in a minute if I run into any kind of trouble, and my friendly local police department carries guns and shows up in groups to any emergency.
I don't need guns son, I live in America. I have the strongest military and the best civil services. I pay my taxes and I can have a dozen trained pros come for my needs with one phone call.
Where the fuck do you live that you need to protect yourself against foreign invasions, killers in your property, and you must be ready to overthrow your government at all times?
What shit of life you must live. And you want that for all of us. Instead of wanting my happy, safe life you want to force your shitty one on me. And I'm the oppressed one.
Are you retarded? The first domestic drone strike would be met with the White House, Senate, and Congress being stormed. The military member controlling the drone would be outted and the punishment so severe nobody would dream of doing it again for 100 years. Liberals and niggers man, no foresight.
>hurr you can’t win anyway so you may as well give up any chance you may have of defending yourself
>implying the military aren’t pro gun and pro civilian
The Army legally can't be used inside the US except in case of invasion. See Posse Commitatus Act. Any attempt to repeal that would be an immediate red flag for preppers everywhere to bunker up.
shit b8, m8
I have 8 police in my whole town.
No feds.
These 8 officers cannot disarm my local population and have said they won't.
Because everyone knows where they live.
It’s funny. Y’all are either like America lite or Trudeau irl shitposters. Assuming you’re a member of the former.
goddamnit I have it and i just looked through 200 screenshots and I cant find it
>friendly local police
>average 911 response time in America is 11 minutes
Start punching yourself in the face. Let me know how it feels after 11 minutes.
>And what exactly stops an oppressive government from creating and enforcing a police state in any of these wonderful gun-banned countries
Politics. If you don't get it there's not explaining it.
And holding on to your semi automatic rifles is not going to give you the power to stop a modern government. If you want to make that argument you should be collecting tanks and missiles. Any less and you are just using the argument to help you get your cummies when you play with you shiny metal things.
>Semi auto
You still don't get it.
Perhaps willingly.
That's just what legal and easily available.
We can do so much more due to access to 1st world supply chains.
>Shekelstein Technologies
Unlike the FBI, Shekelstein Technologies will find your comments about wanting to do a school shooting.
You put on airs of intelligence but do not understand reality at all. Gun control is a weird, un-Western idea, and it is not befitting of peoples of European descent. Throughout most of modern Western history, common people have had access to arms. Gun control is a relatively recent invention, one pushed by (((non-Westerners))) to con us out of our heritage and turn us into literal captives of Jewish-controlled government.
>sufficiently evil dictators
Which side would you say you're on?
>"side of history" I'm on was decided last century. You retrograde fucks are the last remnants
You faggots are so deluded, it is pathetic. You live in your brainwashed bubble while all of your "developed countries" fall to muslim barbarians. Because you are too weak and cowardly to live.
WE can take the fucking world, let's do it my Amerimutt brother!!
The government still has to have the people to press the button, to commit the treason. Say what you want about Americans but our military members are not going to do that. If they just happen to find the one Prozac'd out 18 year old who would he'll be tortured beyond imagine after being outted by his fellow military members. You're not thinking.
>politics wouldn’t let a dictator arise!
See: hitler, stalin, mao, kim family, etc
>>believe what I say, repeat it word for word,
Yeah, if you're a known psycho who also posts comments wanting to shoot up a school you forfeit your right to semi-automatic weapons.
drone operator here.
If the government targets people with drones, you target the drone pilot's family. kidnap them cartel style and send the operators some bits and pieces of their family in the mail. suddenly the operators don't want to play anymore.
And tanks don't do too well without a shitload of support. just look at syria.
that is a credible threat, congrats on being dumb as fuck
> We can do so much more due to access to 1st world supply chains.
For fucks sake, then what is your argument? If you believe you can access war-level equipment when the shit hits the fan (say the military is on your side and whatnot), then what the fuck was your argument about keeping guns to begin with?
Can we just be done with this obsession with collection weapons of war at a civilian level, and move on to something else? Collect antiques or baseball cards.
And those that need guns for hunting or for true protection, agree that you don't need an AR-15 with nato rounds. Let's keep hunting gear and house-safety handguns legal, and ban the rest of the war equipment so that the next time a psycho targets a school he kills 3 people before going down instead of 15+.
I guess the biggest difference between us and the cartels is that we wouldn't actually torture them.
I think all such work should be done post Mortem.
I can access chemicals and electronics you dumb fuck
>And tanks don't do too well without a shitload of support. just look at syria.
Not really a fair assessment of ability to use any Arab or Persian military force as an example of anything but institutional failure.
Tanks do need support, but mostly they need to be free to act at a tactical level. Overwhelmingly tanks are not aloud to act independently but are used as support for infantry. To be powerful they need to return to the roots of cavalry and independent command.
The right to bear arms isn't for hunting it's for protection against the government you mental fucking midget. Move to Europe.
Says who? And it has absolutely no consequences to him buying rifles privately.
>That frat boy is just too powerful, you'll never throw him off you, so let's just get rid of personal pepper spray.
> The right to bear arms isn't for hunting it's for protection against the government you mental fucking midget. Move to Europe.
If it were you'd be collecting tanks you god damn bottom of the barrel fuckwit.
>Freedom isn't free if you're dead
What does this even mean? I mean it sounds like some cuck shit, but it doesn't seem to make sense.
No right is absolute. Sensible gun laws NOW.
You can collect tanks you fucking retard
Tanks need operators moron. Tanks and missiles are for country disputes, not for civil war. The government can side with liberals all they want, can't wait to teach my children about the great 4-hour war.
People do. There's a guy in my state who privately owns 6 functional tanks. He supplies them to parades and stuff.
They're fucking expensive.
Anyone trying to use the argument that police are good enough is retarded. One of my neighbors' house got shot up and the police didn't respond for 20-30 minutes. A neighbor called the cops on me for shooting an air rifle in my back yard and 3 squad cars showed up, you know what they told me? "We aren't worried about you, the guys on the other side of the bridge have real guns. Just make sure you have a good trap or shoot into a berm." They sent 3 squad cars for an air rifle, yet when nogs get into firefights in my area there is no response whatsoever.
We will just listen to our leaders.
Oh wait, fuck that. I think the gun shop is still open.....
EVERY right is absolute. Back to school for you.
> You can collect tanks you fucking retard
And are you? is any of you?
Wha'ts going on in this country is that a bunch of you useless white niggers (about 3%) decided to buy guns by the dozen to cover for sexual deficiencies and possible to be ready to end your sad miserable fucking lives when you grow enough mettle to pull the trigger.
And every now and then one of these members of your ilk decides to go out in a bang and takes it out on the most defenseless members of society.
The whole thing about being ready to overthrow the government is the manner of BS you tell yourselves to justify your moronic behavior. Not one of you sad fucks believes half of this shit. You seem to posture as much for your benefit as for mine.
Even Boxxy packs heat....
And furthermore, what about the Bundy Ranch standoff / the Oathkeepers? There is a reason the government wasn't just able to arrest them all and hush up what happened with that.
My right to defend myself is nigger, you can fuck right off
Most people don't want to be killed for 30k a year. That's why they rush to pull over grandpa for rolling a stop sign and hangout in the parking lot of a school being shot up for 45 minutes before going in. They may be assholes but they aren't stupid.
First you fight, then you win...
"Rancher Cliven Bundy, recently freed, sues Nevada and Clark County"
>and are thriving for it.
England has 4X the violent crime rate that we have and that's including our inner cities. Go fuck yourself.
How many people that argue against the government monitoring gun owners voluterily blacklist themselves via Facebook groups?
hey Cred Forums what do you call a lasgun whit a tactical light attachment?
If you have to call the police to save you you're dead.
Here is what it is like when the police are there to save you. Your chances of getting this lucky are zero.....
caught with semi auto? 1 million dollar fine.
Everyone will turn them in or bury them
> England has 4X the violent crime rate that we have and that's including our inner cities. Go fuck yourself.
Oh yeah, the mass shootings in England are way out of control. Fucktard.
Dude in the bathrobe must be a cop, too.
I like you
“Send snacks”
No, but the stabbings are. Go fuck yourself.
>liberal bleeding hearts scream and cry about dead muslims half way across the world caught up in war
>from the comforts of their home in a country an ocean away
>they can tune into the suffering, then tune out back to their normal lives as they please
Right. The moment anything resembling a civil war happens across the nation, you can bet your ass the first people who go mental and either grab for more authoritarian police force or start stocking up on guns or become Stasi agents would be those same liberals.
>caught with semi auto? 1 million dollar fine.
Still takes you out at 1000 yards...
Yet they are not in total anarchy with warlords who would have though really milks your almonds does it not
Exactly. But this is exactly what the lefties want. They want us to be vulnerable to the criminal element as well as their fantasized commie leader.
I'm hoping we get above 50%
Hopefully all the anti-constitutional talk by communist gun grabbers convinces Americans to go buy more guns.
>kill someone? jail for life.
>everyone will stop killing each other
Nothing makes me harder than libshits and democraps chimping out over gun control. Especially in the same breath they call Trump literally Hitler. It's been entertaining around the office watching normies and fencesitters slowly get that Don'ing Light in their eyes when they realize these people are fucking lunatics.
> No, but the stabbings are. Go fuck yourself.
That's you making my case. There's violence everywhere - bingo. But not mass shootings cause no guns. You can go postal with a sword and down a few people, but nobody shoots 100 people at a concert, 'cause no fucking guns.
You base slimy bimbo fuckstrami
Do me a favor. Post this:
“Hitler and the Nazi’s were right and I agree that they should have survived and finished the job! And Islam and muslims are violent!”
Prove to us you really are not a shill.
how are you going to enforce that 1 million dollar fine faggot when i have guns and you have a dildo up your ass?
>Oh yeah, the mass shootings in England are way out of control. Fucktard.
>there's more co2 emissions where there's more people
Instead they just bomb the fucking concert, with a bomb made out of easily purchasable materials.
>my god 17 people died what a travesty, take away the guns!!!
>doesn't matter how many hundreds or thousands of people die, the guns must GO!!!
america also houses 40% of the worlds garbage. We need our guns.
> Instead they just bomb the fucking concert, with a bomb made out of easily purchasable materials.
That one fkn time. We kill children and movie goers by the dozen every other week.
There are so many shootings in the US we are no longer hearing about even half of them.
Of course, if they were black...
MSM would forget to tell us again....
6800 people died in the US on the same day the 17 students died. Why do we care so much about these 17 kids. If they weren't in a gun free zone, they'd still be alive.
What about the police? They do t seem to give a shit.
I think they started making bullet primers have a life expectancy of 5 years or something in a lot of states, so if they just stopped the sale of them wholly then eventually the bullet supply would drop off the face of the earth.
There are roughly 650 million guns in the world.
Roughly 320 million of those are in the United States.
Roughly 20 million of those guns are US military, police and government owned.
The private citizens in the US own the remaining 300 million guns....
And many other estimates show that America might have as many as 750 million guns in the citizen's hands... :)
On November 25, 2016 (Black Friday shopping holiday) there were more guns sold in the US than would be needed to arm the entire United States Marine Corps! :D
Maybe only one bomb at a concert but that's not including the other random bombings they don't tell you about. Or the accidental bombings because these somalians are stupid and blow themselves up.
The rest of the world got their guns tooken away
>private citizens in the US own the remaining 300 million gun
That's a really low number. Plenty of people have something buried in the back 40.
Such seditious words.
>You won't want to become a felon so you'll live in hiding and start the "Acceptance" process.
you never actually met a redneck right, they still produce moonshine openly where I live and sell it and that was 1920's. and yes thats a felony
Fucking New Jersey
Slowly over 2 generations.
Keep 2A the way it is, just ban the sale of all new firearms.
Rust and time will do the rest.
False. If stored properly ammunition and its components like primers will outlast their owner and their owners children's children.
And look how well they are doing. Getting flooded with mudslimes at insane rates. This is what they want for us as well. The commies want to be able to import millions of low IQ retards without resistance. They want to infiltrate our institutions and government even more than they already have. The only thing stopping them from pulling the same shit that Mao did is that we are armed to the teeth and there is no way of knowing exactly how many guns are owned by who.
>The U,S, Army will shoot hundreds of its own Citizens because they refuse to give up one of their most important rights without a single case of disobedience, desertion or revolt
Yeah no
>Look at me, I am completely free of adult and civil responsibility.
Mt best guess is about 550 million working guns in the US.
Hey here are some good gun control laws!!!
bonus points if we can get them quoted on MSM as a good common sense idea...
>when they raid their house to confiscate their guns.
Good thing that would be illegal in Alaska, Thank you HB69
A nation that cannot protect its children from gun violence has no future.
>1. Ban goes into effect in 24 months
those voting for the ban die within 24 hrs.
ban cancelled
Can you imagine being this stupid?
>you'd rather be alive than see everyone around you die for nothing.
That's where you're wrong faggot.
>I think playing cowboy with a weapon I don't need but which compensates for my micropenis counts as "civil responsibility."
Show me where this is a bad thing
Your hero Marx understood the importance of the common man being armed. This is how I know most commies haven't even read his works. If they had they would be in support of citizen ownership of guns just as much as patriots are. How will you be able to overthrow the bourgeoisie without guns while they have armed security and their own guns?
>Implying the feds or local state police would do that because they value their lives and their community and know that the consequences will result in mostly good people on either side getting shot is counter productive.
you can make a bump stock out of a piece a scrap wood
>Explain to me how you would even begin to take away our guns
Not a gungrabber but they'd make the sale, purchase, creation, transfer, transport or use illegal or so regulated it would be impossible to accomplish any of those things.
They'd get those laws by having a false flag where a "nazi" shoots up a school full of niglets and have a Jew or a darkie politician argue that the second amendment is unconstitutional due to the fact that "the act of owning a firearm inherently violates the constitutional civil rights of minorities" because that so many minorities are killed by firearms.
75% of americans want gun control,Why do you love your guns more than your children John?
>Drone Operator
Thats actually pretty cool. Is it like being a pilot?
tell us why Obama didn't ban shit when he had democrat control in the house and senate. They knew it would be suicide.
>Your hero Marx understood the importance of the common man being armed.
He just wanted to arm the workers to form his dictatorship.
There are already laws in place that prevent the circumvention of our rights in that fashion. Not to mention the criminally minded don't give a shit about the law. A common sentiment among criminals is "I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6." This is the mindset all Americans should have.
American kids should learn the best gun control we can possible give them!!!
Who the fuck is John? And is this the same 75% that voted for Hillary? I think we can completely discount polls entirely at this point.
Yes but in doing so it also arms any possible resistance or infiltrators. Marx also knew this but it was understood there would be no chance of success if they were unarmed.
Because a child does not understand the world. As an adult it's our job to make sure they do. Something you parents failed to do, commie.
If just 5% shot back did they would quickly run out of people that would want to try to take guns.
then go to your nearest neighbors house and take his gun. what is stopping you?
>There are already laws in place that prevent the circumvention of our rights in that fashion.
I think in such an instance the politicians would simply ignore or undo such preventions.
>Not to mention the criminally minded don't give a shit about the law. A common sentiment among criminals is "I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6." This is the mindset all Americans should have.
I agree.
I'm simply saying that's how I believe the government could ban firearms without mass confiscations that would lead to a civil war.
google 'Rolling Thunder'
happens every year, has been for decades. Most of them are carrying.
Are you fuckin' shittin' me? The Germans have all the fight raped out of them by the Soviets. You have become a nation of cowards, blindly accepting the dictates of your masters.
Ah, so funny! ;-)
>75% of americans want gun control
Geez you think with a number that high it wouldn't be such a politically suicidal position for a politician
really activates the almonds
No, actually it's preferable to die free.
Voter registrations can be accessed by the public. Do a gun grab or circumvent the rights of Americans and lefties will be hunted down and eliminated. Regardless of whether or not they actually voted for these measures. Also, politician's home addresses are known, and it sure wouldn't be hard to find their extended family and begin eliminating them.
People that don't have guns, have no clue at all really.... They will ignorantly believe any shit they see on TV...
But many are waking up!
Through the same process that you wish to use to deport undocumented migrants
So never
>Voter registrations can be accessed by the public. Do a gun grab or circumvent the rights of Americans and lefties will be hunted down and eliminated. Regardless of whether or not they actually voted for these measures. Also, politician's home addresses are known, and it sure wouldn't be hard to find their extended family and begin eliminating them.
That would imply that the people actually rose up against the government.
The problem is, their standard of living would still exist.
They'd still have a job, they'd still have some money, they'd still have food and beer in the fridge and they'd still have football on the talmudvision.
They'd be too comfortable to revolt and there wouldn't be armed soldiers breaking down their doors to confiscate their firearms to justify their resistance.
So their firearms would remain rusting away under their beds.
Wrong. They are illegal immigrants, not undocumented migrants. Stop trying to twist language to suit your purpose. Only a couple more weeks and DACA is done. They will be deported. I've been sending tons of tips to ICE here in California.
Spoken like a true gubmint slave.
>Through the same process that you wish to use to deport undocumented migrants
If a business knowingly hires or houses an illegal immigrant, that business loses their business license.
Also, any state that is a sanctuary to illegal immigrants loses their federal funding retroactively from the moment they become a sanctuary.
No jobs, housing or benefits? They'll leave of their own accord.
Your logic is 8 year old RTS fan retarded lvl.
Listen here muttard this is 101 of starting a civil war.
You bigots like to own guns, everyone knows you're terrified of AntiFa, they run amok in your country undermining you conservative values, tearing down historic monuments and propagating literal communism under your noses and all your guns doesn't make a shred of difference to this. Taking the guns out of your fat manlet hands would be a small challenge for them.
>75% of americans want gun control,
Our fireare rights aren't subject to opinion polls.
>Why do you love your guns more than your children John?
Because our firearms protect our children from jewish commie faggots like you.
Talmudvision is losing it's grip on more people every single day. People's standard of living is eroding more and more every single day. I know many people who would rather die free than live enslaved. These people all own guns whether they are "allowed" to or not.
As a demonstration of how beautiful gun control is....
Obama tried to disarm the people of Iraq and told them that the police would protect them.
Then Obama thought funding ISIS was a great idea.
When ISIS came to Iraq the police ran away.
And here is what happed the to poor people that trusted Obama's gun control when Obama's ISIS showed up in Iraq...
You have guns because politicians really are fucktards....
>Talmudvision is losing it's grip on more people every single day.
People still by in large watch television for 20+ hours a week.
>People's standard of living is eroding more and more every single day.
As long as they still have a job and some relative comforts, they won't feel the need to rebel.
> I know many people who would rather die free than live enslaved.
That's the thing though...they wouldn't feel enslaved because they wouldn't be allowed to see the bars of their cage.
> These people all own guns whether they are "allowed" to or not.
And those guns would remain in their homes instead of being used because they'd feel they'd lose too much by rebelling.
When they truly feel that they have nothing to lose and everything to gain, then they'll rebel.
We're nowhere close to that yet.
Nope. Obama didn't do shit because of Bundy Ranch, when we proved you decisively wrong.
As usual, we are right, and you in fact know it--you are simply trying to galvanize somebody to go machinegun a bunch of senators because it would make us look like crazy people.
Doesn't matter. It would only take 10% for a successful resistance.
What would you do if 'Literally Hitler' ordered all those racist cops to start going door to door killing all non white patriots?
Would you do anything or would you assume that government always knows whats best for you?
dave you were a statist tard then and you are still one now, your vision is shit, you'll get some fights and some confiscation then you will get an epidemic of mass murder that doesnt look at all like war which will target anyone left of hitler or anyone who recieves a gov check and yes that means you faggot lol
sage kys
Lol ok big guy - you protect your retarded children from the scary 'nogs'
By the by, if you wanted to undercut any and everything you say, you've done a great job of it with your gay little Nazi flag
>war equipment
name a war that used the most common US rifle known as the AR-15. I'll wait.
>Doesn't matter. It would only take 10% for a successful resistance.
We'd have to get to that 10% though. We're not there yet.
I think at best we're 2% to 5%.
Conventional warfare would not be used in a civil war. IEDs are incredibly easy to make for anyone with even a little bit of reading. Guerilla tactics would be used extensively. Politicians would fear for their lives every single day, regardless of how much security they have. Hell their security may even be the ones to kill them because their security would understand that they would lose the ability to defend their own families if guns were taken away.
Kek you are literally Shawn Eckhardt
I think we are well over 10%, most just don't speak about it openly because that would be stupid. America was founded by a group of people who would not stand by and let a tyrannical government disarm them. Most of us have their blood flowing through our veins. This is why the left wants to import low IQ shitskins at massive rates. To be able to have a fighting chance at implementing their ideas.
An American civil war would be a very short war...
Russia showed the world how it would go....
is just a variant of the standard military issue M4 based on the M16, both the main weapon used since Vietnam. The design is 99% the same. That’s just fact. armalite openly uses that fact as a marketing and selling point...
>tank blows up an entire apartment complex killing hundreds because one dude was holding out on his two 22s in his shoes
>A nation that cannot protect its children from gun violence has no future.
laws don't protect.. they are for punishing the offender. Murder laws didn't stop school shooting did it?
Not Germans, friendo. The USA is a Germanic country - 19% of the population is genetically Germanic not even including all the Scandi and Balt descendants here. Combine that with some Native blood and you begin to see why we are top dog on the planet.
The "authorities" are on our side
>Not a gungrabber but they'd make the sale, purchase, creation, transfer, transport or use illegal or so regulated it would be impossible to accomplish any of those things.
oh.. like Molly?
>but you're not in the cia
>yes, i am
>but you're not
>but i am
>but you're not
>but i am
That movie was great.
Switzerland has close to a 100% gun ownership rate and you never hear about those guys shooting each other.
I don't want to and I pray that I never be put into such a situation but I will if they come.
Speak for yourself faggot. Every soldier I’ve ever talked to says there loyalty is to the constitution not the government.
Also have almost no blacks or mexicans.
Really makes you think
Thats because 48% wont be at home, they will be in their liberal neighbors homes using the commies as human shields
This would only further galvanize the rebels. How many rebels would be in control of a tank other fighting vehicle? Tanks and other vehicles need to be refueled and their operators have families that would be vulnerable. This isn't Russia. Russia is a vast country but most of it's population lives in a couple of places. America is a vast country with people spread out across the whole place. There are many natural chokepoints which would put any government forces at a severe disadvantage. Not to mention how many other countries would jump at the opportunity to help the rebels.
>if you look at current recruit numbers the military will be minority soon
[Citation Needed]
Except NOBODY believes Waco or Ruby Ridge was justified. I don’t know where you live but over here the ATF is a terrorist organization funded by tax dollars.
also a fact that AR15 has never been used in war
also fact, you cannot buy an M16
also fact. an M16 is not an AR15.
its like banning a butter knife because a steak knife is serated.
I've been told by a few soldiers that the army is pozzed as fuck. The other branches are pretty white though.
they run amok because people are expecting law enforcement to deal with them and do not want to go vigilante, once you ban guns government legitimacy is gone, and it no longer matters and you can string the faggots up. If i'm looking at time because my gun is illegal fuck it no other law matters then either.
dont stab that guard you'll get 50 years!
add to the 50 i'm already serving motherfucker.
You actually can buy an m16 it's just gonna be a model from the 60s. You can quite literally buy almost any fully automatic weapon if its pre assault weapon ban era. They're just tens of thousands of dollars. machineguncentral.com
>license to exercise to exercise constitutional rights
fuck off faggot
>also fact, you cannot buy an M16
I am sure you were trying to make some point....
once its all illegal fuck it you can make anything you want, might as well at that point
Guns were what kept Obama from going full socialist. Imagine what he would have done if it was Europe.
This. In for a penny in for a pound. Gonna make me a felon overnight? Fuck it. ANFO and meth for everybody.
By any taxes necessary
Nuke all major population centers and all chemical plants or power plants near major bodies of water.
Let the people with guns die and then send in the military in full force, with police and SWAT support
And I believe all indicted on the charges were acquitted or charges thrown out all together.
Of course, who would buy some 100,000% over priced old fucked up Vietnam M16 when you could....
>Even if only 10% of gun owners fought back, that is a significant resistance. And there's plenty of militia members and others out there who are perfectly fine with putting their lives on the lines to protect their rights.
A peoples militia can not be fought against.
(((They))) fear us because we outnumber them 10 million to 1.
Soviet Union or America couldnt win in Afghanistan against local militas with far less tech.
The peoples militia always win. Even though the enemy has greater tech.
In the end it comes down to the army in a war.
And tense of millions of civilians with semi autos?
Behind ever grass straw there is a gun in America, its IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to successfully overthrow the American people.
The 2nd amendment right is one of the biggest obstacle for (((them))) to have their prison planet and world tyranny.
Sweden - Strictest gun laws in the western world, murder, robbery, and Rape capital of the world.
Im sure those girls getting raped to death would like to have guns in Sweden.
The make false flag after false flag in order to take away American rights, but die protecting your guns, if they take them its all over.
"You wont need the second amendment right until they try to take it away from you".
>insecurity maymay
Literally “small penis” tier.
>This was before Obama took office and scared people into buying guns as quickly as possible.
I'm sure that number is 55% now, at least.
>be english
>get hacked to death by a machete and then run over
source: my ass
well this time we wont be raping there women ewwwww
When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.
No cop is gonna go around taking people's guns. The only way to enforce this law would be to fine people until they hand them over. This would of course cause civil unrest.
They literally thought the same thing before the first American Civil War.
1776 was started over a tax on stamps.
in 2007 US had .9 guns per capita, it's now 1.01
That reminds me of the super swell job Joe Biden did for our kids....
I'm not in favour of it but it would be ridiculously easy.
Make them illegal, set up an amnesty with the condition that those who hand in their guns during the amnesty period would be looked upon favourably when the now restricted firearms are allowed be sold to the public again eventually.
99% of gun owners will go along with this. Anyone who says otherwise is a retard. Just like 99% of people pay taxes willingly, accept that abortion and homosexual marriage take place in their state.
blue helmets
How many school shooting happened in 1875?
>Freedom isn't free if you're dead, retard.
Freedom isn't free if you aren't free to own weapons to take down a tyrannical government you retard.
need to make murder illegal, then we can tackle guns.
>give us your gun.
>sorry I lost it
>well ok then
LOL you do realize that's impossible. At the end of the day the pro gun side is truly the one to fear because its more likley that they will shoot them.
>Implying our sexbots wont be armed
Here is what is is like to stop a mass shooter...
This. One of the first thought that comes to mind when this issue comes up is, if the people who want to get rid of guns are so motivated, why don't they start by removing the guns from the criminals? If the goal is to remove guns from everyone throughout a society, then why not just start with the worst offenders? Once all of the criminals don't have their guns, maybe give it some time and see how things go. It's highly likely you won't even have to go all the way and take the guns away from the rest of the population.