Hey Cred Forums! How does it feel to be the most hated board on Cred Forums? To be such absolute garbage that even Cred Forums look down on you? Are you proud?
Hey Cred Forums! How does it feel to be the most hated board on Cred Forums...
Sounds like you're mad.
I only care what /mlp/ thinks
Yes actually, it means we're a shining light in this den of degeneracy
>Hey Cred Forums! How does it feel to be the most hated board on Cred Forums?
We are the only board of Cred Forums
Cred Forums is the only relevant board on Cred Forums, is Cred Forums still a thing?
Shitty phone OC
Feelings are for liberals. Fuck off.
>Hey Cred Forums! How does it feel to be the most hated board on Cred Forums?
You want the crown? Come and take it then.
Your hatred is merely an expression of your impotence.
Cred Forums is a porn bord now. All the people who made Cred Forums famous migrated here a long time ago
The same logic applies to killing commies
And it's actually true.
You hate us kause u ain’t us
This place is great. always come here for some laughs when i feel down. I've accepted that most of you aren't just LARPing for lols, but actually legit mentally handicapped. Which just makes this way more hilarious
WTF I am hated on Cred Forums like everywhere else in real life.
Feels nothing man.
>implying we ever think about the opinions of other boards
stop bitching, poo - you already had a thread for that today
>"BLYAT YURI THEY KILL DA OLD FOLKS DA WIMMEN DE CHILDRENZ" *starves millions of women children and old folks* - some commie
that schnzozz
Cred Forums is the only board that even remotely comes close to how it felt lurking Cred Forums 14 years ago
blocks ur path
I'm sure Simo Häyhä said a similar thing about killing commies.
Imagine actually thinking the nazis weren't human and hating them this much for fighting for their country
>be soviet
>want to stop ebil natsis because they will kill civilians
>burn down your own villages during retreat, killing civilians
this describes it perfectly.