WHAT should be done to solve school shooting?
WHAT should be done to solve school shooting?
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Damn, she makes my cock hard as rock with that look.
is he ok
ban guns
What should be done is people should stop posting single mothers who worship Russia's worst tsar.
but there's already like 500 billion guns in america and we share a border with mexico so it's easy to smuggle them into America
you're acting like school shootings are a bad thing :^)
>it's easy to smuggle them into America
Not if the wall is built
Nothing. School shootings are not a big deal.
In the grand scheme of things, almost nobody dies from gun violence. If shootings are bad enough that we need to take legislative action to stop them, then we also need to ban cars, ban fast food, ban cigarettes and alcohol, ban prescription drugs, etc.
So the rate was already going down?
boats and it will never be built anyway becuase trumpf is a lying jew
other factors probably
Put controls, like the airports.
Or ban schools.
>what's the coast guard?
literally give everyone guns, every single person in the school. Start toddlers off around age 5 with firearms training. Every single person gets guns, and training. What could go wrong?
Let kids fight their bullies again.
it's been like 3 days and anyone is hardly talking about it, yesterday there were still threads up on it and now nothing, same with the media...
face it, it's the same as terrorism and all other horrible shit, nobody can focuss on nothing because 2-3 days after each incident things are back to normal...
Ban schools.
Take down the zionist elite who organize the school shootings.
There needs to be a better sense of community. Kids need to not totally alienate each other. Teachers need to not make the situation worse.
stop staging them
witness says there were multiple shooters:
witness says he thought it was a drill because told there would be officers firing blanks
CNN national security correspondent Jim Sciutto interrupts interview guest to deny there was an active shooter/SWAT drill, says it was a fire drill
And promiscuity needs to be demonized.
arm all children
Most of the drugs/guns come to the US via tunnels, which the wall would stop because it goes underground and would be monitored heavily.
Boats can be stopped by the coast guard and planes are too obvious.
It's not about stopping 100% of smuggling. It's about stopping 90% of it and crippling their trade.
If walls dont work, the Dems wouldnt be protesting it.
Also stop posting mummy, you fucking shill.
So other factors caused the western world to lower its homocide/crime/violence rate, and not gun control?
FBI could try doing their jobs. Or was that their goal? Ignore pleas of concerned citizens in hopes the psycho shoots shit up so they can use these shootings as leverage in gun control.
Ban assault niggers.
every company I have worked for has had anti bullying, harassment policies.
why don't schools?
Disband the CIA.
Make a TSA security check point for the front of the schools.
Abort schizos.
Armed guards. Armed teachers. Armed students.
Any or all of the above.
We need to ask Mummy, she will know da way.
Easy: make murder illegal. Problem SOLVED.
All teachers concealed carry trained and armed. Anyone trying to fuck with anyone at school deserves the most immediate death penalty. Schools become hard targets and anyone trying to fuck with one doesn't get far. Problem solved by the Second Amendment and god damn common sense.
>Nothing. School shootings are not a big deal.
Children are being murdered
cute cute!!
Wait until evolution produces a race of bulletproof children. Checkmate, atheists!
wait I meant tbis
ban republicans
probably. Look at the year. Around 2000 quality of life started to improve overall in the west
>libtard teacher using a gun for protection.
yeah, that's not likely to happen.
how would these fear mongering teachers be able to teach the guns are bad if the are carrying one.
The difference with the ones you listed is that people are voluntarily ending their lives with these. Cars are more accidental, but the rest is pretty much your own fault.
It's a matter of innocent lives vs voluntarily fucking yourself
Take away your guns. Because guns are used to kill.
Public schools could maintain a list of students with possible mental health problems, and then gun shops would ban anyone on the list. If you want to get off the list you have to go for a mental health exam.
>If shootings are bad enough that we need to take legislative action to stop them, then we also need to ban cars, ban fast food, ban cigarettes and alcohol, ban prescription drugs, etc.
Nah we can just ban guns.
>Children are being murdered
Shit... better burn the constitution.
Post the link where she said that pls
(((they))) will simply expand the definition of mental health problems to include ideologies they don't like.
Make dying illegal too!
What's the coast guard? A place for retards and burn outs like Dubya.
Teach people that if you kill your opponent, they win. Then give trophies to all the victims. That will teach school shooters!
>I want to live in a country where teachers are armed and trained to battle their students
Are you a nigger by any chance?
Haven't you heard that making fun of our PM for using "peoplekind" makes you a nazi?
Ban schools and children.
Security with gear to take down some idiot with a rifle. And a district wide shooter response team able to deploy in like 8 minutes.
Otherwise its a lot more expensive.
Arm teachers
We need more guys who are alright going to school tomorrow.
How would locked security doors on the outside of schools not solve like 90% of school shootings?
fire hazard
They open from the inside.
One person opens the door from the inside, the shooter walks in.
What about an advanced AI robot with automatic rifles walking in the hall
Who opens the door for the shooter? I mean, you see a dude with a rifle go "come right in?"
Nationalize women and distribute them equally to lonely men because all the shooters have been guys who don't have girlfriends.
Send him into a synagogue.
So an existing trend continued?
Put a couple of guys at the entrance who won't let ppl with guns in
Well, that will ruin "show and tell" day.
i SUPPORT this
A shooter team of two. Like columbine.
Privatize the school system.
If only she knew the power she wielded with the potential command of entire legions of NEETs, and she could take the reigns at any time simply by naming the jew.
Government mandated VR waifu's
Why do you only selectively care about innocent lives lost?
Alarms on doors so if they are opened without a code, you treat it as an active shooter situation.
School pre-shooting.
>what's cuba?
This takes a coordinate effort. How many school shootings have had two perps since Columbine?
let me assfuck you 10 times for every round of ammunition in the states and i'll give up legal gunownership
that one in Florida a while back
a shithole?
So all the doors have a code to open. The shooter could find a regular schedule of somebody who goes through a door, wait outside that door, then bust in.
You see lone shooters because there is no reason to team up. With a reason to team up, they will.
Guys! Guys! I found the answer!
>The shooter could find a regular schedule of somebody who goes through a door, wait outside that door, then bust in.
You really give these retards too much credit.
Let's just kill all the kids, so there's no more kids left to shoot.
No more school shootings.
Problem solved.
I think you mean Pre-school shootings.
I'm just playing opposition to find the best solution. I still think the solution is having security with gear, I'm going through prevention through fear here.
OK, how about double security doors, like an airlock?
Or cages on the outside, like they have for bears in Alaska?
Its very simple
Online live clases via youtube.
Each school have few youtube channles so each grade have a diferent channel.
No need for schools, only via internet at the comfort from your house
Prove me wrong
What are DUIs?
Get more guns and legalize military grade weaponry
Those are still accidents. You think drunk drivers want to crash?
You'd have to put double doors with a way to communicate to a central security station at all entrances to the school. It would be expensive but I think that would work. The station would need security people because if IDs are used to unlock the doors, the shooter might be a student of the school with an ID.
That will most likely be the one incident that gets our rights taken away
They want to get drunk
Ohhh for fucks sake... There's always one isn't there.
That's not the question. They're still accidents, regardless of the criminality.
What does it matter if they are accidents or not
Someone is still dead
Because the original argument was about people intending to kill, you memeflag mong.
Each 3 monts make a Championship Called "School Shield" where all the studentes from the last three grades fight other schools with airsoft guns to prove who have the best habilites to defend themselfs.
No it was about things that kill people
You said they are things that mostly only kill the people doing them
Drunk driving kills innocent people
Far more than guns
More shootings. There will be noone left to do shootings if you shoot everyone yourself. Simple.
what is pic related, ameribro?
First, lrn2ID.
Second, that wasn't the argument at all. ESL?
The OA.
Ban schools
Reopen asylums
Pay armed vets to patrol schools
>professionally trained school shooters
The what?
How about we equip all schools with roof Koreans?
School shooters need to be flown out to mosques in France and the UK.
Alcohol restrictions would save far more innocent people than gun restrictions
Netflix series. Was trippy but pretty interesting.
Not familiar with the Prohibition Era, eh?
yeah don't get how Netflix can solve our school shootings problem.
Right. Found it
Take the AR-15 away and they’ll pick up a handgun, take the handgun away and they’ll pick up a knife or drive a car into a crowd. Banning guns isn’t proactive, it’s reactive.
I am surprised how few people took up the bit about a drill being organised on the same day and how suspicious that kids reported more shooters.
Ban ssri drugs and hang every kike "dr" that pushed them.
I wonder where all that footage of kids evacuating, just like a drill.
You didn't see the show. There's a school shooting in it. (spoiler)
Teachers should be armed and drilled to shoot school shooters.
People should start actually listening to their kids instead of drugging them and act surprised when they go berserk.
The Education system in general should be overhauled.
Just from the top of my head.
What about it?
Some asshole put shit music over it. But don't watch this clip if you want to see The OA. It's basically the ending.
Death, violence, gangs? Meaning your suggestion would produce the opposite result.
I didn't work, had the opposite effect and only made things worse.
>WHAT should be done to solve school shooting?
Disband the CIA.
yeah pretty fucking hard to disband the most powerful information agency on the planet dontcha think?
>Disband the CIA.
Also, remove all dual citizens from public office, and expell all israel art students.
The deaths were gang members killing each other
Not innocent people
It did work
Alcohol consumption and related crimes went way down
Everyone should be home-schooled, problem solved, you may thank me later, america.
Let the roasties and soy goys learn of their degeneracy
Who votes to make a mini caesar's legion of teens going around and cleansing schools?
or all dancing Israelis
Hire security. Arm the staff. Regulations wont work. Not even a total ban. Look at Chicago. Strict gun laws-high gun crime.
Most importantly the FBI should do their fucking job and listen when people warn them about a possible school shooter.
but the showers in the jew schools have a little thicker air ;D
You don't deserve your flag.
Not an argument
>Not innocent people
Right, just like the drug war. Retard.
Ban school shootings.
>yeah pretty fucking hard to disband the most powerful information agency on the planet dontcha think?
WE don't chose to do this thing because it is easy.... We chose to do it because it is hard.
How many innocent are dying from the drug war?
>or all dancing Israelis
Those are art srudents.
They are current serving Israel military, who come over on art visas for espionage and sabotage.
Ah yes the OA, of course, the best solution.
I agree it needs doing but I have yet to hear a single clever idea how. And ofc we are being watched also. So.... 'tis the hardest thing ever dreamt
911 was an inside job
Tells you al you need to know about who does what and how and what interests and deception are involved
>All citizens with no criminal record above the age of 14 required to carry a gun
>Combat training begins in fifth grade, continues through high school
>State funded locally run militia groups offer advanced voluntary training and opportunity to volunteer police for concerned citizens
>Teachers and other able-bodied adults entrusted with the safety of children must undergo mandatory combat drills and prove competency with firearms every six months
>School's over 50% white receive heavily armed security personal through a veterans work program
>Students showing antisocial or violent behavior, depression, or general faggotry are placed in a mandatory lifting program
Alcohol consumption went up.
Parenting classes in High School curriculum. Notice how all these cases of serial killers, shooters, or extreme violence come from people that grew up in a broken home? Really makes you think.
Are they doing special beam cannon or kage bunshin?
>I agree it needs doing but I have yet to hear a single clever idea how.
Well, the dems are about to get a lot more thin in the house and congress... so it might be easier after that.
>911 was an inside job
it was a combination inside/outside job.
>Are they doing special beam cannon or kage bunshin?
special ed cannon.
oh LOL you one of them silly boys who thinks the republicans are any better?? the two parties are a sham. the deep state controls it all and they won't budge via elections. if votes changed anything they'd be illegal
think Israel was in on it or..?
Arm the students.
wtf is up with this bitch, she looks like an evil anzu.
Is she trying to lull us into a false sense of security or soemthing?
Modern day schools are basically Marxist training camps. I hope we don't get rid of our guns for its sake.
ban schools
Mass deportations and a relook at involuntary mental hospitalization laws.
Ban guns you total fucking idiots
"Americans are morons" is as much of a tautology as "water is wet" at this point
Fucking lol
STOP giving out SSRIs
Stephen Paddock, Omar Mateen, Gavin Long, Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold, James Holmes, and now, Nikolas Cruz all have one thing in common other than the mass murders they carried out. They were all reportedly taking prescription drugs which alter their state of mind and carry a host of negative side effects ranging from aggression and suicide to homicidal ideation.
why do i have to sit here in the corner with daddy while that dark guy hurts you?!
Csgo school edition. Kek.
Only ammo should be limited
>NYT Opinion column
Are you new here? Or just a jew? Given the memeflag, I'm going with the latter.
Delet dis plox
An existing trend continued? Also, a gun ban led to less gun deaths? Who would imagine! Now show homicide rates. Sexual assault rates. Home invasion rates.
Even though yours is a false equivalence, you still have to take a test to get a drivers license, and get your car registered every 1/2 years, and can have your license revoked for misuse.
If it were up to NRAcucks, literally anyone could just buy 12 ak47s at the dollar store and take them with you to a daycare
That number would go way, way, way, way down if we just deport all african americans.
>Mexico wall
Have you ever seen the US-Canada border? It’s a 3500 mile ditch with “no trespassing” signs and padlocked gates
Only if you want to drive on public roads
You can buy a car or alcohol
Jesus fucking Christ your country is beyond saving
Sure thing Cleetus - y'know you do realise that all other first world nations use SSRIs heavily as well, right? And you realise we don't have a massive public shooting problem, right? Because you realise all other first world nations have realised that legally restricting firearms leads to fewer innocent people dying, right?
Cleetus the slack-jawed yokel... I always thought it was just a joke, but it looks like it was a factual portrayal of the average yank.
Strap teachers. Let students carry too. Schools arent (safe zones). Safe zones are death traps
>african americans
it should be mandatory for teachers to carry and learn how to use guns
Just because some popular mass murderers are white doesn't change the fact that if we were to deport all blacks, the United States homicide rate via firearm would literally plummet to an insignificant number, you retard.
Now looks at sex crimes and violent crimes. Both way up.
These guys get it
>Registered democrats
>Ted Kaczynski
So would you be all for the new law I'm going to support, where you can buy a gun, but it has to never leave your house, and you aren't allowed to shoot it?
Shall not be infringed
>ywn meet mum
Funny you say that, because you don't seem very bright. Do you know what a false flag is? That's not to deny any actual problems, but these shootings and their aftermath are all so obviously planned it takes a special kind of stupid not to see it. Maybe that's why they are confiscating your bread knives.
>inb4 macaco
Jokes on you, this country has never been good, and it's much more jewed than yours, probably than the US even. You brits on the other hand had opportunities 99% of the world didn't and you threw it away. You truly have no upper hand to lecture americans
idk more weapons at schools I guess
>Ban guns you total fucking idiots
Ah yes, that certainly wouldn't cause a civil war with the potential to destabilize the entire world. Great idea.
You're quite obvious
Solution to the school shooting problem? Get rid of the democrats that always do the shootings.
>WHAT should be done to solve school shooting?
Give the school officials the right to carry firearms if they wish.
Then stop using cars as your defense of guns argument, because they are not the same, just because cars can also cause deaths
Armed teachers/staff, police/security on premises.
>don't do what is effective against my views
>just because cars can also cause deaths
far more innocent deaths
Gun free zones are deadly.
Gun free zones should be illegal.
Driving is a privilege, not a right.
Firearms are a right, not a privilege.
Vehicles kill more people than firearms do, which proves that you don't care that people die, you only care about how they die.
You don't want to save lives. You want to disarm the public.
The parents of the minors that commit school shootings should be charged with involuntary manslaughter. A lot of times we find out these kids where troubled, but neglected by their parents. If neglectful parents know they could face prison time if their crazy offspring commits a mass shooting they may start paying attention to their kid and prevent another shooting.
Government assigned gfs
Segregate schools and actually listen to and pull out troubled students. Get them therapy or force them to be home schooled. If still fucked. Put them on the short bus if their parents can't help them from there. Pretty much a genetic defect if they can't integrated with society from there.
If you remove every single Jew in power, the will be fewer cases to undermine the NRA and 2nd amendment
Cruz's parents were dead.
Lanza killed his mom who wanted him in a mental hospital because she believed he was dangerous.
While I agree a great many signs were missed in Cruz's snapping, arresting people that didn't pull the trigger will do nothing to stop these shootings in the future.
>If you remove every single Jew in power, the will be fewer cases to undermine the NRA and 2nd amendment
Exactly. Cred Forums must never forget that it is the Jew behind the attempts to disarm us.
Just stop it.
That's not what I'm saying retard, I'm saying don't use a logical fallacy unless you want to look like a retard.
School shooting victims aren't less innocent than people killed in a vehicular accident. But like I said, there are laws to try and prevent vehicular accidents.
>you don't care that people die
No, society would fucking fall apart without cars. They are a necessity, we'd be fine without guns. Cars have extremely useful benefits with deaths as an unfortunate side effect, guns only exist to kill. Might as well say "but you can die during risky lifesaving surgeries, let's ban those too if we ban guns!"
Either build insane asylums in every city or arm teachers....Its your choice .The leftist will do neither.
>No, society would fucking fall apart without cars.
If it saves just one life, it's worth it though...right?
>They are a necessity, we'd be fine without guns.
Society would fall apart without firearms.
Only the government and the law breaking would have firearms in such an instance.
>Cars have extremely useful benefits with deaths as an unfortunate side effect,
Firearms have extremely useful benefits with deaths as an unfortunate side effect
>guns only exist to kill.
So what?
> Might as well say "but you can die during risky lifesaving surgeries, let's ban those too if we ban guns!"
You don't care about saving lives though...you only care about banning guns.
If you actually cared about saving lives you'd attempt to save lives without stripping us of our constitutionally protected rights.
Came here to post that.
Nigel, what do you do when your sister is raped by one of those muslim invaders? Do you bust out the butter knife and go after him? Fuck off and sip on your tea while you wait for Ben to bong.
1) Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Scott Israel want to have a school shooting in their county.
2) Alphabet Soup gets a tip on a "suspicious comment" that N. Cruz made about wanting to be a "professional school shooter".
3) Alphabet Soup says they can't verify it and leave him in place to become the patsy.
4) Date & time of shooting is selected by DWS and Scott Israel.
5) Feb 14th – Students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have an evacuation drill in the morning.
6) Something causes Cruz to show up on campus via an Uber Taxi("Hey meet me outside class after Pre-Calc! --Cindy").
7) Team of 2-3 shooters (Mossad Agents) go into the school and kills kids with Cruz on campus.
8) Alexa Miednik(Blonde Jew witness) sees Cruz during the evacuation and speaks to him while hearing shots fired elsewhere on campus.
9) For unknown reasons, hired shooters fail to execute Cruz and stage his suicide.
10) Students are evacuated and Cruz leaves campus in the shuffle.
11) Cruz does not know the police are after him and decides to go get something to eat at McDonald's/Subway without knowing he is the pre-selected patsy.
12) FBI/Police arrest him as he walks down a residential street on his way home as he has been pre-selected to be the "shooter".
13) They spend the night using MKUltra/Brainwashing techniques him convincing him that he has done the crime.
14) Feb 15th – Cruz pleads guilty to 17 counts of premeditated homicide due to the MKUltra/Brainwashing techniques.
15) Feb 16th - Demolition of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fl is announced to cover up the scene of the crime
More points
>Scott Israel quoted the Talmud in press conference for shooting
>MSM made sure to report the shooting interrupted "Holocaust classes"
>Several victims were Jewish (blood passover/sacrifice ritual)
>Cruz was an Elsagate MKUltra victim / Youtube pedo
Teenagers stop acting like douchbags toward each other would be a good start.
If the shooters did a better job actually targeting bullies, this may happen.
Why does a one line broken english OP have 200+ replies? What the fuck is wrong with this shit hole?
Go fuck yourself anglo you ruin everything, are you salty Because a bobby molested you for having metal knives in your kitchen instead of plastic?
It's the other way around, you english speaking gay fucks. Does "Operation Fast and Furious" rings any bells? Hint: it isn't a movie.
Our culture adopts a tatemae/honne system
This is why Japan has no mass shootings, but SJW barista want to think it's because "MUH GUM CUNTRUL!!!"
>What the fuck is wrong with this shit hole?
Says the meme flag.
Kaczynski and Mcviegh didn't use guns.
>Stop putting kids on unstable pharmaceutical drugs
>Stop ignoring warning signs that kids will attempt to shoot up/bomb/stab/do whatever else to others
>Teach and arm school staff
>Allow students to carry guns with them in schools
Enforce pic related and hold elected state officials accountable for failing to do so with fines, loss of job, or imprisonment.
But niggers would never follow that
They have no discipline
Convince people that caring for each other, having strong families, and taking notice of signs that others in their community might not be in a good spot is the best way to stop school shootings.
>School shooting victims aren't less innocent than people killed in a vehicular accident
there are far fewer of them
>No, society would fucking fall apart without cars.
We don't need alcohol
We would be slaves without guns
I would rather lose my car than my gun
Put all /r9k/, r/incel, r/hapa posters into camps, where they'll be forced to clean, work the cafeteria, and do group activities together and socialize.
If they refuse, tell them they can get beaten by chad thundercock to learn some humility.
That should sort out a few.
GREAT rebuttal
Ban public schools.
i love that stone cold glare she has
Stop prescribing people all sorts of psychotropic drugs. Crime in general would drop, including mass shootings. Of course, nobody will, even here on Cred Forums, think of connecting Billy Bob going postal and shooting up his old school to him swallowing Goldstein's SSRI pills on the daily. And every niggerkike on here will continue to debate gun control and ignore the real problem that is (((Big Pharma))).
End all schools or hold annual battle royal games in every high school
>Media publicity
Have a look at those white criminals, pic related.
Why would you want to delete something so beautiful?
Society should be unfucked so that people lose the desire to shoot up public places.
Something like 90% of the mass shootings I remember over the last 20 years were motivated by the shooter thinking that society is fucked beyond repair and wanting to lash out at it. It's literally in all of their manifestos.
Remove globalism, feminism, forced diversity, LGBT bullshit etc and I guarantee you that school shootings will be a thing of the past.
>WHAT should be done to solve school shooting?
the best way is to change the name to 'learning building', problem solved.
How many school shootings happened in the 50's? None. We need to get back to being 85% white and having pride in our nation.
>STOP giving out SSRIs
pretty much this.
shoot back
problem solved
Get rid of schools