What does Cred Forums think about the current popular music?
What does Cred Forums think about the current popular music?
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shit forgot link
Just as toxic and degenerate as punk
Awful and degenerate
I don't care and it doesn't make me angry because I don't listen to or watch it.
His fat prepubescent face annoys me.
when they replaced the guitar solo with the rap segment in the early 2000's I realized the Jews had won
la luz extinguido
the song is ok. sort of depressing and monotonous
you're right
if rap is jewish tricks then rock music is too
I think its not politics. sage
true. glorious powermetly solos are absolutely transcendental.
That ugly thing looks like it's 12. GTFO.
this is the bottom
Seriously who the fuck listens to some faggot spic who looks and sounds like a 12 year old with Down syndrome and tattoos on his ugly mug mumbling about a mistress? What's next?
I'm a musician and I hate most currently popular music with an undying passion. Rap music is getting more and more retarded while also becoming more popular and prominent as a cultural force. I will never understand how most rap culture as of recently was glorifying Xanax abuse and then everyone still chimped out when Lil Peep died.
I think it accurately represents the US
A californian "american" mexican with a mexican name and surname with an artistic name referencing a drug americans need so they wont shoot themselves and end it all
I have friends that are like RIP Lil Peep, that shit was sad!
Then later that night they're popping pills like it's no tomorrow.
pop music is retarded. if the music was any good it would stand the test of time. Look at the top songs from 10 years ago and tell me how popular those artists are now (minus a few exceptions)
now you understand
For context when was the last time in history you think pop music was good?
thing is though not only is cloud rap a mixed bag musically, as there's some decent artists amongst all the absolute shit (Lil Ugly Mane, Ghostemane, Suicideboys) and not only do they make decent if still simplistic music but they're an asset in our culture war - the way rock was hijacked by blacks, we can now push for artist like these to hijack the popularity of rap and have white youth looking up to white figures even if they are wiggerish
Music stopped when JS Bach died. All that came after are talentless knaves. I only listen to Buxtehude or Bach. Everything else is for low IQ cucks.
Jesus Christ.
This passes for "pop music" now?
All family problems and mental illness aside, Michael Jackson was the pinnacle of pop music.
This song was #26 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in 1989 and peaked at #1 in Netherlands in 1990:
And it's still less degenerate than the blue video creatura.
youre not white
Shut up wigger
Am not Swiss
Rappers are stupid. It's all a show. lil peep died because some cunt sold him fentayl xanax that wasn't seen since 2015. I operated on the darknet market, fentayl xanax had a few scares in 2015 but was never seen again, there wasn't even articles relating to new deaths about it.
Fentayl xanax randomly shows up again in 2017 and the first new death was lil peep.
>really makes ya think. I think someone has lil peep killed, they won't be caught though. Best way to kill someone who uses drugs is drugs.
Rest in peeps and fuck the Jews who made a few fentayl xanax bars that have killed like only 10 people and somehow Lil peep gets one from a girl who didn't even try them herself beforehand
Also lil peep hated Israel and was a fruitloop who may of tainted the market and may of been a rising risk to the industry. Who knows.
Lil Xan is fucking lit
I've heard a lot worse desu
>fuck the Jews who made a few fentayl xanax bars
I think you mean Chinese.
whoa bro
Shit's annoying as fuck man.
I've wanted to play in a rock/metal band since I was a kid, and the state of that genre now has made me question my lifelong dream that I've put all my eggs into. Most people in the scene have become SJW mouthpieces in their music or otherwise, or at the very least they hold such views and are just as easily triggered when you question them. It used to be about celebrating masculinity and rebellion and not giving a fuck, not being another product to push an agenda and keep people in line.
What kills me is that the people who aren't completely oblivious to what's going on are more than happy to go along with it for personal gain. The only reason I have any resolve to continue as I have is because someone needs to stand up to these cunts and tell them they're full of shit, even if I get steamrolled in the process.
Rap has just become who can be the dirtiest slimiest scummy person its really gay imo
personally I think its all devil worship fag shit and unoriginal
pic related
check dis out
it's surprisingly popular
be the one in your group to be into it before it was mainstream
Gucci Gang Gucci Gang Gucci Gang Gucci Gang Gucci Gang Gucci Gang Gucci Gang Gucci Gang Gucci Gang Gucci Gang Gucci Gang Gucci Gang Gucci Gang Gucci Gang Gucci Gang Gucci Gang Gucci Gang Gucci Gang Gucci Gang Gucci Gang Gucci Gang ...
Pure lyrical genius. Who can argue with this poetic and political message that cuts to the heart of a generation?
snowflake mod will be upon this thread soon
The imbecile communist dream of racial egalitarianism:
The black man and the huwite man as equals in dirt.
>What does Cred Forums think about the current popular music?
I don't listen to it.but this song grows on me i have listen to this song a couple of time's so i'll tell you what,here is the deal.
You get this little Xan guy to beat up Justin Bieber.
And i will start telling people i like him.
I'm 23 so I'm not as well-versed as others may be, but 90s dance and europop (Ace of Base, Real McCoy, stuff like that) was the fucking shit man. Even early 00s has that nostalgic sheen for me. Honestly I don't even hate rap intrinsically. Some of it is fun to listen, and at least back then they embraced being niggers instead of trying to pass it off as being troubled or emotional to better sell to white girls.
I took a white bitch to starbucks
That lil' bitch got her throat fucked
I like to rock out, I'm misfit
My emo bitch like her wrist slit
Curly hair bitch like I'm Corbin
Got like three bitches, I'm mormon
Skeet on your main bitch's forehead
Don't want your pussy, just want head
look at all this progress the jews have given us..
White women
faggot music
ghostemane is pretty good. would recommend.
I listen to Blue Eyed Devils, Vaginal Jesus, Nokturnal Mortum, Peste Noire and Angry Aryans nearly every day and fucking despise nonwhites, I'm just not too closed minded to enjoy good music without bringing race into it and also you missed the premise of my post, pushing these white rappers could be a step in the right direction reclaiming popular culture for whites - remember the blacks and jews worked their way in playing our kind of music that we liked before they started forcing their jungle shit, we could push a reversal of the culture back to white artistic values. Ever think of that?
"im a binidzman"
KEK, I hope at the very least this little spic realizes his kike handlers is the only reason he has clothes on his back and a roof over his head
its a sign of the times. I was behind a group of high school boys the other day and they couldn't stop talking about drugs trying to 1 up each other saying how much lean they drink or taking xanax bars. I'm thinking what went wrong in a childs life where they want to be constantly fucked up on pharmaceuticals? Or are they trying to be cool, and if that's true why is taking pharmaceuticals cool? Dunno, I'm 27 and did a good amount of drugs in my youth. The older I get the more I realize how drugs are for losers .
THIS is real music OP
>be the one in your group to be into it before it was mainstream
get out
Ghostmane is pretty chill, I like the black metal vibes and he's knowledgable on esotericism which is fucking unheard of in mainstream music.
Did they record this after the kids bedtime?
You've seen nothing
This leaf's from Cred Forums btw
nonwhite detected
I actually do play in a Death Metal band (vocals) over in the UK and it's not so bad. Most of the guys I hang / play with are fairly open minded and have wicked senses of humor.
this is the work of the DEVIL
it's no longer music
Same here I really like how his production is like a weird mishmash of old school Three Six Mafia slow horrorcore with black metal and industrial techno sounds, sometimes his voice grates on me a bit but overall I enjoy his work
Just incoherent rap "music"
Reminder that ghostemane is just a huge 808 some hihats, a snare,a really simple melody and the rest is just him mumbling/yelling shit that you can barely understand.
Also you're right about the esotericism shit, he's got a lyric that goes " A pagan neo-judaistic genocide" makes me think he might even be an undercover /ourguy/
fuck your "viral marketing"
got a lil fag post every week, aint clicking it, sage and hide all marketing threads.
Three 6 mafia had demonic influences. There is an entire /x/ conspiracy connected to them. Heavy occult influence.
>wants whites to act like niggers because the rapper is a wigger
Wew lad
>What does Cred Forums think about the current popular music?
it's mostly propaganda shit.
That is complete cancer.
It's woke af!
>Rap music is getting more and more retarded while also becoming more popular and prominent as a cultural force.
pic related will clear that up for you
I'm not really one for gangsta rap, but this new shit is just horrible.
I'm pretty sure rap peaked in the 90's, and it's been all downhill from there.
Vid related, the peak: youtube.com
>her pussay taste like skittles wut
>you can really taste the rainbow wut
Why is some underaged fetal alcohol syndrome victim with lipstick on mumbling about stupid shit considered music?
>mutt mumble rap
I got that last thing and it contradicted the first part. Listening to faggot shit like the shit from the OP is not acceptable and I called you out on it.
This isn't even rap. This is ultimate braindead nigger faggotry.
(the boring bands you mentioned don't impress me, btw)
I'm not sure if the difference is the country, genre, or coincidence. I grew up on pop-punk bands (Green Day, blink-182, etc) before getting into metalcore (A Day to Remember, Attack Attack!, Asking Alexandria) and as far as I can tell, any dialogue on major issues is essentially Buzzfeed tier. You would think that 4-6 dudes driving around the country in a shitty vehicle to play loud music that they themselves wrote is an intrinsically manly, adventurous endeavor, but somehow it all went wrong.
I don't think I heard that song, but very well could be haha. At least one can hope so.
Ok let me put it differently
When niggers first wormed their way into public cultural consciousness, they did it with shit like Prince, Marvin Gaye, Michael Jackson ect who although definitely recognizably "black" also employed conventions palatable to white musical sensibilities - calm, melodic pianos, soulful lyrics that weren't just the ooga booga shit of today's urban black music, and real musicianship. That was the wedge in the door - fast forward to today and the nigger sensibility is the dominant cultural mode, so stuff like what's being posted in this thread is being posted. My point is why not infiltrate in the exact same way - copy their niggish ways to acquire exposure, then slowly move the cultural zeitgeist back towards white values. Ghostemane already does that to an extent, the black metal vibes in his music will turn some kids onto black metal, a white artform, and some might even go further into NSBM. If more people attempted to shift that musical overton window, in 20 years white artists could be dictating the trends and values of the artistic landscape once more. That was my point
get some better material fool
It's gay
wyppo be mad bout da niggas who are more talentiousisly then dem crackas
Yo Trips bitch, trips bitch yo, uh check motherfucker, check motherfucker, check’d..
you are like a little baby
watch this
>popular music
Literally the worst source of music. Anything with the premise "popular" in it is guaranteed to be shit. Popular culture = Black Panther and Spiderman 13. Popular videogames = Call of Duty 18 and Angry Birds.
I wouldn't be caught dead listening to Lil Xan, Lil Pump or any of those kinds of rappers, but this current memphis revival has actually spawned some decent rappers, such as the ones I listed in the post you replied to. I dont want to continue this I just wanted to clarify I would never be the kind of faggot to listen to Lil Xan
>this current memphis revival has actually spawned some decent rappers
he is unironically great
what about lil peep
Come home white man. youtube.com
>some decent rappers
No. At best not as pathetic as lil xan.
>Why is some underaged fetal alcohol syndrome victim with lipstick on mumbling about stupid shit considered music?
Is the American cycle
>White girl listen to nigger music about taking drugs and fucking niggers
>white girl goes out takes drugs fuck niggers and has fetal alcohol syndrome kid
>kid only skill is talk about his shit life taking drugs and rap
>white girl listen to it
Rinse repeat having an ever more retarded kid who can't even sing but just mumble about drugs and shit
>cycle continues
Soon it will be nothing but potatoes making weird noises on a beat
shit man,I don't think even back in 2012/13 pop music was this degenerate and filthy. gen z is fucked
Brockhampton is actually pretty cool, shame they have some gays, but good hip hop.
Kinda like outkast.
I would expect a retard to microwave styrofoam
Also its so derivative it's mush. These new rappers act like the only hip hop made in the past 20 years is three six mafia.
Also not even remotely politics. This music is too stupid to have an argument.
>pretty chill
You have to be 18 to post here
I just found it yesterday, really like this style
This was one of the recommended vids, also really good and may be more palatable.
I wanna take some acid and watch heilung
What is that
>Listening to youtube.com
>forget my pc is connected to it
>click link
Beelzebub grant us the power to read
Are you a /xanarchist/ yet user?
Music always changed every ten years because artists were bold and creative and wanted to make a unique mark on the next generation.
>1940s music was much different than 1930s music
>1950s music much different than 1940s
>1960s music much different than 1950s
>1970s music much different than 1960s
>1980s music much different than 1970s
And then came the mid to late 1990s rap and hip hop, and music stagnated for 25 years. Every new young rapper sings, dances, performs, acts like and dresses like nearly all rappers before him. Artistry and individual expression does not exist in rap. Pop music is today nothing but effeminate, high-pitched male singers and slutty, low-IQ dingbat females.
My nigga, his cantata Jesu Membra Nostri is my jam, along with of course his organ works. Check out Rheinberger, great composer too I feel his music was very original
1st verse of the song "I sold my soul it was a good deal"
Satanic jewish garbage everywhere as edgy
burning in hell wont be edgy
>20 satanism is cool
>Christianity is evil and uncool
today's rap is filled with soundcloud mumble shits, retard drugs, and child rapists.
If you like that you might enjoy these.
Slower than yours but pretty nice nonetheless
He should have been kicked down the stairs here.
lil eyejizz
there is zero benefit to nigger cultur, no matter if whites associate with it or not.
All you fucking queers that listen to rap and use nigger speak unoronically need the be euthanized. Weak minded cattle.
>Soon it will be nothing but potatoes making weird noises on a beat
The word play here is unironic kino
who the fuck are these people? They are like social media attention whoring zombies.
I'm not into LARPing thanks
woah, based lil' poop
Nice, me too. A very nice happy accident to stumble upon them. Its music that you can feel within your soul.
I listened to a bit of Danheim as well. Great stuff. Now I just need a sound system in my garage to play this while I'm at my forge. Might help inspire me.
I'm not too up to date on it myself but as far as I can tell its some kind of offshoot of all this Three Six Mafia worshipping cloud rap thats got metal n hardcore influences and industrial and shit going on
I personally like it but can see why the average Cred Forumsack doesn't
How was rock hijacked by nigs?
So rap is the new edgy
It's not for you, nigger.
Fits perfectly. Genius. 8/8
I'm sure the're the ones behind #GrammysSoMale
Doesn't help when everyone else ignores the misogyny in the music. Fuck it.
definitely will, I like what I've heard of both songs.
I like a lot of neofolk or whatever the general term is. I am really glad to see it making a comeback, maybe because so many people have become rootless cosmopolitans, they want to find out who they are.
Most modern rap isn't even about such deep issues. They're just about how great drugs and sex are.
There was a definite shift from Jim Morrisson style cultural icons to Prince/MJ ones that marks the moment where nigs started to become more prevalent in popular culture
Mumble over a beat and make millions.
What a world.
Music used to be beautiful because our culture was too. You can easily see the stagnation from the 1950s and so forth up until today, by looking at what is popular music. Instead of listening to what you like, you are told what to like, and today the music industry is owned almost completely by the jews. They use the music as a tool, combined with television and fashion to make trends. You see, the jew is successful because he owns all the parts of an industrial chain; he owns the rubber plantations, the tire factory, the bus factory, the ticket machines and by that he is able to regulate the industry and the price with utter and complete control. And by owning the cultural institutions of the world, like music and television, in addition to the major sources of advertising, we are bound to be a subject to them. This is why they want to remove our folk culture, so we adapt to their popular culture instead.
>modern music
>gooshe gang gooshe gang gooshe gang
fucking trash
It's sadly not the worst shit Ive heard recently but 125m view worthy? God damn the kids have no taste.
it is over because after being brainwashed we will never know what we naturally like
the war is lost, it was lost long ago
it's liiiiiit skrrr
They're semi-braindead and need a lobotomy.
>saved for later
Thanks, Norway bro.
it's the other way around, rock was always ours
Not even trying to act like they're straight anymore...
Wish he would have overdosed, but Lil Xan doesn't actually take Xans. Fuckin' total faggot spic pussy who's afraid of them.
Vivaldi > bach, though technically bach died last so you're still correct
brainwashed people to the extent they give up their basic instincts of having an offspring
Definitely genre. It's because most of those bands are trendy, flash in the pan bands. They're just out to make a quick buck, be cool or fuck chicks.
I'm not saying all pop punk and metalcore bands are like that but a lot of the ones I know are filled with bandwagon hopping d-bags.
They're also not the only ones - There's a few dudes in the Death Metal scene who are utter shitheads as well but generally speaking because there's no money or chicks it ends up being pure love for the music.
You should care, because this is the music the next generation will grow up on.
>125 million views
I don't think we will make it.
well yeah, but I feel like back then, the message was more straightforward and without pretense - "we party because it's fun and we don't care if you don't like it". Then former emo kids started getting into the rap game and then it became "I do these things because I'm sad and need to numb my emotional pain". Just add the thinnest veneer of sensitivity to sell more records, wet more panties, and encourage more self-destructive behavior in people my age and younger.
LiL PEEP's own family regularly posts about the investigation and claim they don't even believe the original suspect is responsible for his death, and that he was purposefully poisoned by another member of his group (poisoned with a pressed Roxi, NOT Xanax). He got Cobain'd by Gothboiclique because he was planning to cut ties with them and they're fucking nothing without him.
>music that you can feel within your soul.
Sometimes I wonder this is true or it's a placebo. I like lots of folk music all over the world, but doesn't quite connect with me like the way the way of this stuff.
Well there is a whole world of music out there. The xxxtentacion is a little bit interesting, the rest is seems like simple drum machine shit, stuff that makes the shitty D&B from back in the day look like mozart.
He's a little kid who'd OD on a few mg.
is that....anne frank?
I hope you realize you're a gigantic faggot for knowing this.
I am 18 but, i think modern pop music is shit
Your country is next, bitch. Get ready.
I have a different question - why does Cred Forums accept (((KPOP)))?
>need a lobotomy.
they tried but couldn't find anything to remove
lmao it is
>doesn't quite connect with me like the way of this stuff.
Maybe because it's the songs of our people.
kpop is trash
about as shit as popular music has always been
fuck nirvana
fuck the beatles
fuck everything you've ever heard of
(((tavistock))) garbage all
You think you're any less of a faggot now?
So what, they'll be alright
Why not?
ugly mane is a pretty big advocate of (((the agenda))) and is from (((virginia))) but i admit he's the best thing tavistock has put out since the smiths, from an objective musical quality standpoint
lorde released the best album in the history of music.
Your country is falling and everybody's laughing at you helpless losers.
black people invented rock you fucking moron.
>rock/post grunge: died in 2008 or so. a few remain and it is no longer mainstream
>rap:its trash
>billboards: continues to be trash
>country: after 2012 or so something happened to catch middle aged rock listeners. Has became pop rock
>electronic: a fad that was fun but quickly burnt up
>others:remain irrelevant
t.post grunge and pre-pop country listener.
I'd say The Beatles and Elvis are still bigger than any other artist or band.
>Every new young rapper acts like and dresses like nearly all rappers before him. Artistry and individual expression does not exist in rap.
Not really, no
>Pop music is today nothing but effeminate, high-pitched male singers and slutty, low-IQ dingbat females.
yeah kinda
Don't forget lil xan will "mysteriously" od once he stops becoming profitable.
Infinitely better cloud rap desu
you call this music?
Wow this video is so cool and artistic where do I buy there merch? Do I get fent pressed xannies with every purchase?
What does that have to do with you being a gigantic faggot? Retard.
>whites are less degenerate than the 80's. Great music but whites are far tamer than that timeframe. Drinking and driving was a hobby in the 80's called Cruising. Cops would dump beers out and let you go.
>as spics become greater population they are new degenerate consumers.
holy fuck ur right
He took too much xanax
It didn't help that 80's bands collapsed in the 90's leaving a void. And then people had to decide to listen to grunge or hip-hop/pop.
It’s literally government funded music propaganda.
>Implying this is popular music
>tfw your ex was a witch,... like someone who actually would go innawoods at nights to collect shrooms and do rituals
I call that noise
more noice incoming
common misconception, blacks invented delta blues and whites invented southern country both of which rock descends from as well as ancient european folk song structure and themes so it's more of a group effort between blacks whites and latinos than anything
>guys taking shirts off
>not women
How far we have fallen.
Absolute trash my man
Techno slav is that you?
It's shit nobody understands a word of and some of the girls are cute.
kike producers
Lil Xan is on top
Just let it show how this culture affects white people. Most ordinary folks have a bad gut reaction to this crap.
the trash is you my friend
it's been always these ways. sausage party at it's finest.
all slavs are techno/tekno slavs. but it's not the same these days. too much commercialization, trash, visuals which are ruining the feel.
>garbage tier techno
Nothing wrong with having bad taste my man
Lil ugly man hails from Richmond not Fairfax...
K. Ronaldo is superior
*beats his pregnant gf*
POP in anything is for brain dead ass holes, good day.
Old Punk is great. The commies leeched on to recruit later but 1st wave Punk excepting The Clash and The L.A. scene was great.
>la creatura
>le 100% music
I'm not certain.
just found an example of my exact point regarding shifting the overton window via engaging the popular culture
MC Holocaust - Ghetto Hitler (I'm legitimately not shitting you, click it and see)
I don't even listen to recent music as there's nothing catering to my taste, all the good stuff came out in the 2000s.
real cloud rap is youarelistening.to/chicago with the soundcloud on
music ended sometime in the 90's
Like getting real Alprazolam on the street is a thing anymore. It's mostly pressed etzy mixed with bootleg fentynal now.
.t Drug Dealer
Well. I guess it’s now cool to look and sound like you’ve done nothing but huffed gasoline your entire life.
It's wrong to try to understand this as music. Obviously, it sounds like a late 90's filler track onjust about any hiphop album ever i.e. pushed out quickly, wouldn't have made it to a b-side. Production wise, whereas in the early 90's and before there would be 18 tracks dedicated to the percussion doing interesting things, now they force the whole damn track into mastering via a vst and say"fuck it, it'll do".
No, this is not recorded music as you might think. Like "dance music" that morphed into a million different names and acronyms but still amounted to bgm, this cheap quick to market shit is marketed at 12 year olds as a way to "gain instant peer credibility" with a halo effect of immature adults still trying to do the same thing well into their 20s. It's quick money for an industry that overspent inthe 90s, shrank in the 00s and is now almost entirely bgm via four production houses, all using the same vsts.
REKT and checked,
i liek dis.
Your assessment is pretty spot on, as sad as it is for me to admit. A lot of them fizzle out after 3-4 album cycles (if they get that far), or they jump trends in order to stay relevant. After Bring Me the Horizon put out That's the Spirit (great album, all things considered), which redefined their sound and careers, every band under the sun tried copying their sound to get the same results. Instead, we got soyboy hard/alt rock with a thin veneer of the heaviness it once had. And instead of saying anything actually meaningful, it's another way to capitalize on teen angst and rebellion™. It's sad to think that I'm in the minority for actually enjoying the music in and of itself, because I liked the way that it used metal and pop elements to express a wider spectrum of emotion.
I was born in late 80s and I try not to be the old guy with music and pick up things made recently but I can’t man. At least not the popular shit.
It's all so Jewed up.
This. ICP sounds like The Beatles in comparison.
Background Music. Music to play when something else is going on and the music isn't the focus. Like "dance music" etc. People used to listen to hip hop albums, now they use the latest track to pose. If you could see a breakdown of phone plays on OP's track it'd be near enough 90%.
Music? I haven’t herd any music come out since 2006, just commercial background arrangements that get passed off as “songs”. Elevator music and ambient bullshit you hear while sitting at a restaurant just so it’s not dead silent. There is no music anymore.
Keep in mind that anyone with an IQ over 70 tends to pirate music nowadays so Shlomo has to pander to the lowest common denominator in order to sell records.
Your country is circling the drain lmao.
Oh I’m more than aware. The art of music is dead, it al runs on algorithms now to make sure the investors have a high probability if not absolute opportunity to get double back on their investment. Fucking Jews.
i dunno, i like background music, but these things to me are a videoclip genre at this point
He's right--you are a faggot for knowing details of the band OP posted. I have never even heard of that goy until I saw this thread. Now I'm Jewgling "mumble rap" and it's apparently a hot new genre. It's total cancer and I have no idea how you kids listen to it. Tupac was Mozart in comparison. Lil Xan lacks all semblance of talent.
Bragging about how out of touch you are with society doesn't make you look like an authentic Nazi, it only makes you look like an autistic contrarian or a boomer retard. Which you are if you haven't heard of 'mumble rap' in 2018. 2Pac was nothing compared to LiL PEEP you nigger worshipper LOL.
wtp I love lil'pep now
Music Production has come on leaps and bounds as well now. It's so easy to make a bunch of talentless hacks that can barely write a song sound like a massive band.
Therefore it starts to become more of a style over substance kinda deal - Hence why a bunch of trendy faggots have taken over the genre.
This is literally what's happening right now lmao
>autist faggot using words like lol and mumble rap
>(((jordan peterson image)))
Checks out desu
>Bragging about how out of touch you are with society
Dude, no one over the age of 25 can listen to this garbage. You teens are the ones out of touch with society and you're going to look back on your years listening to Lil Xan like I did when I listened to Limp Bizkit and Papa Roach. You'll visibly cringe. That guy is going to disappear quicker than Soulja Boy.
There nothing wrong per se with good bgm. Good "dance music" is ace when you're dancing, and a good dj works the crowd into a frenzy with their box of tricks. There's certainly an art to that, but the music itself is not an artefact, it's in and of the moment. It's not recorded music and doesn't usually work like that.
OPs stuff is almost that "omg he's crying burn the constitution" jpg: you take a good looking lad, make he just rough enough to look edgy but not so much he looks authentically wrecked, then have him rap about one of about three things, partying, criminal stuff, and regret that he's lost "you" his one true love. You can mix the whole thing in eight tracks and cram it through Greg Wells MixCentric vst. The consumers of this are not even listening to the music,so why bother making an effort?
>implying Romantic era isn't the pinnacle of music
It's like a race to give the least amount of fuck, same deal with modern art.
absolute banger
> the music itself is not an artefact, it's in and of the moment
> It's not recorded music and doesn't usually work like that.
it attempts to capture that sweet hypnagogic point
>OPs stuff is almost that "omg he's crying burn the constitution" jpg: you take a good looking lad, make he just rough enough to look edgy but not so much he looks authentically wrecked, then have him rap about one of about three things, partying, criminal stuff, and regret that he's lost "you" his one true love. You can mix the whole thing in eight tracks and cram it through Greg Wells MixCentric vst. The consumers of this are not even listening to the music,so why bother making an effort?
We need rap songs about traditional values
F Beamerboy
You're an adult you're not with it
"a awful lot"
Beat on the brat
Beat on the brat
Beat on the brat with a baseball bat
Oh yeah
Oh yeah
Oh ho
Interview of Ghostemane
He apparently doesn't do drugs to much so that's probably a + for you guys
aftercwatching these videos, i am left with an impression that i just watched a bunch of upper middle class nig teens on a sleepover party with their gender fluid friends. will we get a rapper named pillowfight soon.
ah yes, canadian black music. slightly less white than german black music.
>Lil Peep died from xanax overdose
wait, how much xanax are we talking about? I happen to sometime take high doses of xanax and mix it with alcohol so I want to know
pop music has always sucked; shitty surface level lyrics, trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator, etc.
that's not to say i'm a music elitist, there are some really talented musicians and singers in all kinds of genres.
but i am more drawn to more indy style production stuff, and less formulaic tracks
I think that's a good thing to the extent that it opens more doors for more people, and gives listeners more quality material. The problem is half these bands don't even write their own shit, it's pretty much all producers and ghostwriters, and if they can't even play live, they'll just backtrack everything (which has it's place in putting on a good show, but don't use it as a crutch ffs).
Do you think there's any hope to bring spirit and substance back into the music, or will it always just be a gimmick to sell to kids who started smoking/drinking/fucking in middle school?
Fentanyl laced xans
okay, I guess I'm safe then
>xanax and alcohol
nigga you gon die ):
Still don't do xans, those shits fuck with you
White people perfecting and amplifying degenerate nigger rap is tragic but hilarious. Steeped in nihilism from a young age Whites need some emotional outlet, from grunge to emo music, this is obviously the next musical 'thing' that Whites will use to cope with their existential crisis brought on by a shitty atomized culture.
I agree with the Bong death metaller, it really depends on genre.
SJW soy cucks play pop punk/metalcore/djent/prog, so stay far away from that. All of the aforementioned will be dead within 5-10 years anyway. Stick to black and death metal.
t. death metal guitarist
Kek why does everyone have "lil" in the name?
I cant stand hearing these little faggot sing about this hard shit. I want to just kill them.
I dont, because I never listen to it.
You wouldn't let niggers in your house. Why let them in your brain?
I don't know. I stopped listening to popular music over ten years ago. Sometimes I hear stuff on the radio when I'm out shopping. It sounds like poppy techno with female lyrics and heavy bass. Then sometime I hear nigger rapping and like video game sound effects.
Honestly, I've considered learning to play guitar and write music (I play drums) and making/publishing my own shit to feel fulfilled instead of working with/pandering to an industry run by and for SoyJWs. It's a hard life decision to consider but the cognitive dissonance of trying to make my dream happen in a system I know to be broken is fucking killing me.
Better than I expected. Just read a New Yorker profile about him.
>Artists of the sad-rap movement possess a world-weariness that makes them seem older than they are, and Lil Xan has spoken many times, in a harrowed tone, about battling a Xanax addiction. “Fuck Xanax 2018!” he told the crowd. But he added a footnote, lest he start to sound like too much of a killjoy: “I’m still Lil Xan, though, at the end of the day.”
That's what Lil Peep thought
This motherfucker is performing in Benson, NE tonight. Guaranteed some nigga gettin shot.
I don't give a fuck, pussy, I bump LiL PEEP all the time.
Just be smart about it and treat your music as a business. As contradictory it sounds, you have to separate work and emotion. You just have to play the right moves and you'll do alright. And most importantly, never be a dick. Don't give people anything to try and use as leverage or as an opportunity for them to be all holier than thou.
Seems like an endless sea of rainbow haired peacocking niggers regurgitating repetitive monotone shit. Soundcloud was a mistake desu.
this little gen z twit so this is the generation that you fuckers say will save us ?
pol is delusional
$uicideboy$, pouya and ghostmane are fucking lit though
You mean the 16 year olds that have face tattoos, copy nigger music, wear grills and glorify opiods like xanax and rap about fucking bitches and dealing drugs?
>A guy that lisps over karaoke
Sounds like he's fucked up on smack.
I've been present at autopsies where 23 year old cadavers show hearts and livers that look like they are 80 years old.
One where the body had started to putrefy within 24 hours of reported time of death, even really old, sick people don't decompose that fast.
You cannot make drugs look cool or rebellious to me, it's just how dumb, self-destructive or poor people turn themselves to slime and pay ugly monsters for it.
A lot of punk was. I still love the Misfits though.
>i've seen some shit
>it's all shit
>i'm still the shit
>shit yo
nope, the niche for this garbage has been artificially expanded to a whole genre.
mindless drug hoovering criminal is not an identity, it's a network of failures covering emptiness.
I guess that's how it has to be. Staying professional and keeping my mouth shut should be easy enough. Thanks DutchAnon, I'll keep powering through it.
Why has he and the other one who died both got problems with their upper teeth? It's like they have false teeth too big for their mouth.
I don't listen to the radio, and haven't for years.
>only station I might check is alt stuff
Spotify is my life now, sorry
>on opiates
>can't even finish his own song
How to create a modern pop song:
>trample on a synthesizer with all the dials all the way up
>think up of some random lyrics about love and sex
>record a video of some party or twerking roasties
Congratulations, you have made it to the number 1 spot on every chart!
126 million views. Dear God. The comments are funny though.
sad but true
nothin' jewish bout rock'n'roll
These kids deliberately getting hooked on prescription drugs so that they can fill the void of they're non existent personality/talent with a fabricated problem.
I don’t think about it at all.
mm yeah...slurrrp...mm...fent pressed xans...slurrp...mmm...xannies with fentanyl mmm...yeah...I want that in me....*lick*...yeah I hate reality yeah...mmm...need opiate death quickly mmmm...sooo coool yeah....lets stop breathing slurrrrp....slow that breathing gurl lets die....xanax sooo cool *dies*
> opioids like xanax
Being a retard is more degenerate than taking drugs, dumb ass.
It's formulaic boyband pop cloaked in hip hop garb. Google Max Martin.
choke on a cock until you asphyxiate you fucking fag
But they're like porcelain looking grills. Otherwise knows as false teeth.
False teeth don't have diamonds on them you moron, you'd know that if you weren't a dentlet from Britain.
You're really invested in this retarded fake culture handed down to you from pharmaceutical companies aren't you? Chill out, have a xan bro.
Look at the bright sie (suicideboys)
decent flow
I’m 28 and I don’t care. My younger sister is a medical professional and listens to that garbage.
Xanax is a benzeodiazepine which is a sedative hypnotic acting on GABA receports in the CNS. Opiods are analgesics, which reduces pain. They work on opiate receptors.