>when you actually read the Holy Qur'an and realise the massive redpill that Islam is
When you actually read the Holy Qur'an and realise the massive redpill that Islam is
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I read it as a soldier in 2009 after I fell for the fight for Israel meme. Best thing my squad leader ever made me do. The whole know thy enemy thing. Far from a redpill though. Savages at best.
another repost of a thread by another botnet
It's litteral condensed bluepill, a beta fuckboi religion for people who have to make their women live like Prisoners to control them. Not to mention THE most degenerate lifestyle that runs on prison rape politics for everyone and everything untill your dad decides who'll You're going to marry (your twelve years Old cousin). Pathetic.
I personally don’t like to diddily with kids but you do you Ahmed.
>pedofile confirmed
If the Crusade ever reaches the Jungles of Argentina I look forward to killing you, filthy Moor.
Argentinians are pretty much palestinian immigrants so it would make sense to you
If it involves giving up your freedom it ain't a redpill.
I hate muslims and want all of them deported asap, but this vid legit made me cry:
Anyone else notice the increase in Islam shit spam on the internet? Cred Forums, twitch chat, YouTube comments; it's fucking everywhere.
Those parts of the Qur'an were added by the Jews corrupted by the Talmud, as they didn't want islam to become a major religion. Mention one other country than Afghanistan were child marriage and rape is okay, you would get stoned to death by most islamic communities for doing that shit with a child.
Dude you Pakistani retards just lurk all day and only post about your stupid cult
Also fuck off you filthy American, atleast us Muslims don't huve genes from every side of the universe. Go back to your zionoist supporting leader, scum.
That's not a pill
We all thought commies or nazis were the biggest threats to world peace, but when you read the Qur'an, you realize that Islam is the true obstacle that's holding us back.