>we wuz kangz n sheet, weez gonna be super power n sheet. POOland STRONK n sheet.
We wuz kangz n sheet, weez gonna be super power n sheet. POOland STRONK n sheet
Other urls found in this thread:
>meanwhile in reality
Why is this fake country so arrogant and delusional? Nobody likes them on Cred Forums or in real life, except for murican mutts larping about muh 1/8th polish heritage
Stop hating Poles, muhammad, they are bros.
They are very aware that they will be a mediocre country forever.
Loads of them emigrate still. Half of all poles dont live in Poland.
polish untermensch scum.
Why does Cred Forums meme Poland so much?
I'm Iranian and I went on vacation with my japanese-American gf to Poland. The people were really nice especially if you know some basic phrases like Dzien Dobriy.
Some restaurant owner was interested in us and we talked for a bit about life. He even gave us free dessert afterwards.
Very nice people 10/10 would visit again
nice try aquafresh
average poles
Poles are a billion times better than any muslim or libtard Brit.
Too many Pole threads, must be paid shills again. No reason for the Polspam hate threads all within an hour.
And now imagine this Pajeet, even a simple bydlo dres like this has access to a toilet.
that's the equivalent of a british chav, or a russian gopnik
those people exist in every country
We wuz CHOSEN muddah fucka how dere dese antisemitic goyim not PAY UP
Who are you to talk how others look, turdman?
dude you lost in the last thread now you are OBSESSED was someone rude on the phone to you today?
Incredible inferiority complex. Slavs in general are completely unsophisticated and incompetitive. They are regularly the worst even in online games.
Ay kurwo pedale jestem wielkim fanem Cinmna Steffa!!
Szmata pizda Jebama
>I'm Iranian
Get the fuck out of my country you fucking sand nigger.
No you are arrogant, and have muslim mayor, britain stronk
yeah. but you will be first fully islamic nation of europe with lost genetics. you are already lost with your police state and fucked up demography. keep masturbate about your fallen empire britcuck. you are history. future is england is for pajeet, jamal and ahmed. not for you. england and france are already done and you can't change it. if it be ever white, than after total anihiliation. maybe in future france would be cleared. but why would anybody travel our see to fight island of shitskins. remaining whites should just leave.
Poland is that threatening to you kikes now, eh?
Britan is going now with all the mohammeds and abduls just like it's empire did
>>we wuz kangz n sheet,
Duuuh, like obviously?
Just stfu.
>0 years with Hitler
>5 years with Hitler
>70 years after Hitler
Czech people likes Poland so fuck off mohamedan.
Its because czech hospitals are full of polish women trying to get out their fetus.
God I hate these stupid fucking mashup pictures. Cause YEAH, those 2 ugly ass commie apartment buildings are just POLAND.
Go suck a corn-filled turd you dumb Dutch bitch.
ungrateful swamp german, say thank you to poles who saved you
Fuck off to Pakistan shitskin
>being nice
>inferiority complex
yeah, ok mountain jew
The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth actually occupied Moscow once
They're not the eternally buttraped people you think they are
>pajeet is talking
Those were the good times.
Well isn't the one britfag who feels obligated to put that thread up at least twice a week?
When Russia was significantly weakened because of eternal problems. And then Russia made Poland disappear off the map and put it back on the map.
Nobody cares, you loser toiler cleaner diaspora. Show your flag. Bet you don't even live in POOland and still larp about MUH POOland great in every thread, you sad cunt.
I hate Russians as well, I don't blame for you for putting us In the same group as them though
>Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Oh and it was literally a meme country that only existed because Mongols raped everyone.
>And then Russia made Poland disappear
when poland was significantly weakened because of eternal problems
Oh and you're not fooling anyone, POOland diaspora.
Yet they managed it, and you couldn't do the same to them. Because Russians are the alpha slavs, you're the beta bitch boys, destined to be under the German and Russian boot.
WOW that's some real 13 year old butthurt spam
Elaborate. I am curious about this history of Europe with british twist.
Russian slavs are the only slavs with any achievements in the sciences, mathematics, arts, music, and literature that is worth talking about. Minus a few outliers, like Tesla, most Slavic achievements come from Russia.
together with germans and austrians? powerfull russia, powerfull
T. polish diaspora
This is a historical fact.
>Kieven rus exists
>Mongols come and rape it, the leaders of Kievan Rus flee to lands that become Novgorod and the Duchy of Moscow.
>power vacuum is created
>Lithuanian tribes unify and conquer all the territory from mongols over 200 years
>The country that later becomes Russia, grows in power and begins to wage wars with Lithuania over half a century to take back old lands
>Lithuanians start to get BTFO
>Ally with POOland to fight Russians
>POOland inherits 60% of the entire territory of the PLC from Lithuania
>POOland gets BTFO by Russia eventually
>POOland gets wiped off the map.
>POOland gets delusions of granduer again, gets STOMPED by Hitler in 2 weeks
>Stalin takes pity on POOlish 'people' and gives back POOland.
>POOland is getting big for its boots again and will need to get stomped by Russia again.
Oh Muhammad stfu.
You are inferior to everyone in Europe, except maybe gypsies. You are rat like people.
Show your flag loser.
Fuck off back to your POOlish shithole, you disgusting rat.
Show your flag, you little coward.
kek, what a salty cuck. Probably some polish plumber fucked your mother?
Polish men are even below niggers, pakis, and every other eastern european, except maybe Romanians, in the sexual market place here. The only Polish people getting fucked here are your women, a lot of which go for niggers and pakis.
you mad on euros while taking this stinky curry dicking from smelly poo in a loo u mad cause britbongs made you travel so far just to be taken for muslim because of poobrown skin tone?
this same pic.
this same thread.
are we talking with IA?
>You are inferior to everyone in Europe, except maybe gypsies. You are rat like people.
Russian philosopher Nikolai Berdyaev:
>”In the past, polonisation and latinisation of the Russian people would have been to the ruin of its spiritual self-existence, its national visage. Poland descended upon the Russian East with a sense of its own cultural superiority. The Russian spiritual type seemed to the Polish not some other spiritual type, but simply a lower and non-cultural condition.”
>”Altogether different is the Polish soul. The Polish soul -- is aristocratic and individualistic to the point of morbidity, in it so powerful is not only the sense of honour, connected with the knight-chivalrous culture unknown to Russia, but also an obdurate ambition. This is the most refined and elegant soul within Slavdom, drowning in its own suffering fate. Pathetic to the point of affectation. The mannerisms of the Polish soul always strike Russians as artificially elegant and sweet, lacking in simplicity and directness, and repelling in its sense of superiority and suspiciousness, of which the Polish are not free. The Polish have always seemed lacking in a sense of the equality of human souls before God, of brotherhood in Christ, as connected with the acknowledging of the infinite value of each human soul. The unique spiritual aspect of the Polish nobility has poisoned Polish life and played a fateful role in its state destiny. Russian man is little capable of such scorn, he does not love to give another man the feeling, that he is lower than him. Russian man is proud in his humility. The Polish soul however draws upward.”
add some years with commie occupation and overall soviet block style.
>Polish men are even below niggers, pakis, and every other eastern european, except maybe Romanians
kek enough for your sluts
You're that POOlish teenager living in Sweden that keeps buckets of copy paste material and then spams it in every thread about POOland. Kill yourself you little loser.
yes and no u pepik scum. if it was like you said, every border region would have increased values. add some Germs there too.
>UK flag
Lmao the EU cocksucker is coming for Poland
W-What was that? I can only hear screetching.
>POOlish teenager living in Sweden that keeps buckets of copy paste material and then spams it in every thread about POOland
We're the Polish Internet Defense Force.
Poland is comfy and developing, meanwhile you can't even carry a knife and go to jail for bad-mouthing brown people. Your children will be brown and you can suck my dick for it
Its not like you brit faggots have the worst tourists in existence and horrible fucking diaspora to begin with.
Just kys
When were the upper ones taken? Probably before WW2, when 70% of the city was destroyed and then rebuilded
>When were the upper ones taken? Probably before WW2,
No shit.
In less than 1000 years UK gonna be a muslim country.
2 less zeros
>entire Warsaw is just fucking UGLY cubes
I hate modernism so much.
Never said they didn't have any cool people, but the real reason why I hate them is because they invented the squatting in tracksuits nonsense and now the whole world thinks even we are the same as them, come to think of it, the gopnik "culture" is the fault of Communism, so I don't know anymore
sracie się a to jakiś polaczek po gimnazjum który pojechał budować swoim panom domy albo myc ich talerze SAGE
really boils my blood that such beauty isw destroyed.
on the bright side tho, the one on the far right and that corner one are still the same
Tell me about it...
Well that's what German autism and communist esthetics do.
But remember, Hitler was le based and savior of Europe XDD!
Lol, is this an attempt at making me less depressed?
That was probably the commies who fucked warsaw up, not hitler.
Remember it next time you see a nazi LARPer
Eternally buttbalsted kurwas in this thread are funny. The eternal pretender and laughing stock, meme of a country living on gibs while holding onto a lot of German clay given by commies. Useless people larping as a great power while having fresh spot of cum on their mouths from sucking off the Zionist burger cock 24/7. The Russians should have genocided you after 1814 and done the world a favour.
another saly britbong, why you mad? complexes?
>American education
Commies "liberated" Warsaw. But there was nothing or no one to liberate
kill lot of slavs what a great man.
No, mostly a sefl-note. Why should you ruin such intricacy, such delicacy?
I somehow hate above most else that streetlights are so ugly nowadays. They used to be so pretty! Why mess with them?
>Laughing at the subhuman
Pick one
Sounds like you have a personal problem with Poland instead of objective arguments.
okay, but it was the commies who rebuilt it to the piece of shit it is now
>expecting me to read a wikipedia article on nazis, who will clearly side against them
the jewish projection here knows no bounds.
It's not actually. A majority of immigration to the UK is from Europeans, Poles are actually the largest immigrant population in the country. This meme that the UK will be Muslim is retarded.
"Power is like being a lady... if you have to tell people you are, you aren't."
Well there was, around a 1000 people left amongst the rubble.
Because as a German Nazi you need to destroy Polish culture and thus erase Polish history from the territory which you want to steal and conquer for yourself.
Becuse the city was rased to the ground and there was lots of homeless people. You had to rebuild ASAP so there was no time for fancy fucking streetlamps.
da reson we poor is cuz of da nazis we wuz kangz of yurop n shiieeetttt *scrubs toilet*
Yep Im ashamed to be a subhuman. So what can I do about it? I cba kms since I have a decent life atm.
Oh look another anti-Poland JIDF shill thread. Your hate make us stornger and we won't pay you single shekel.
>hitler bombs 90% of eastern european cities
>people need a place to live so lets build whatever we can fast
>reeee fucking commies it was all their fault
The absolute state of american """"nazis"""""
>>expecting me to read a wikipedia article on nazis, who will clearly side against them
But I'm a Pole and I'm automatically born anti-Nazi or anti-Soviet and why do you believe me?
Accurate enough
>De reason we is jobless is cuz da EU n da poles n shit *gets beheaded on street*
Pic rel.
They WERE polish death camps
lmao im not even a nazi or a fascist, im just ur average teapartier
We all stand for Poland! The future saviour of Europe
Polish nationalists from ONR - fascist Christian Falangists.
Stay strong, Poland. If I can support your country in any way, I will.
you're more likely than a fucking wikipedia article to be self-aware
ONR is gay, Falanga is the way.
Both the Soviet Union and Poland were fucking ruined, people were homeless and the country had no capital - of course the rebuilding was sloppy
>hurr durr I don't trust Wikipedia, they are biased against Nazis
Kill yourself you fucking LARPer retard, you think Hitler was le based because you've seen some memes on an anime forum.
Always the Brits starting some shit. Still bitter that their economy will collapse and their people will be replaced. That makes Little Britain a double looser.
>you think Hitler was le based because you've seen some memes on an anime forum.
no, but I prefer to some less biased-against sources
>Kill yourself you fucking LARPer retard, you think Hitler was le based because you've seen some memes on an anime forum.
Well he was red pilled on the JQ (I don't support mass murder though) but then became totally anti-Polish as is the essence of German nationalism formed by Prussia (former Polish vassal created by Poland). Fuck him.
>Be poolish, in times of great upheaval act like the meme nation they are and fight each other and get partitioned like a bunch of cucks
>Be glorious people of all the Russia’s, get invaded by subhuman toilet cleaners in times of troubles, unite as a nation and form a militia, BTFO kurwa niggers out and partition them after.
Falanga to był ten faktycznie myslący odłam ONRu. Tzw. partia faszystowskich intelektualistów.
Sam Piasecki to pies jebany i jego trzeba tak nazywać, ale falangisci głupi nie byli.
>>Be glorious people of all the Russia’s, get invaded by subhuman toilet cleaners in times of troubles, unite as a nation and form a militia, BTFO kurwa niggers out and partition them after.
t. Moskal detected ;)
The fact he's invaded Poland for no reason and started putting my people in death camps is reason enough to spit on his grave.
Yes, before 1942 the majority of people in death camps were non-jewish ethnic Poles, did you know that? Did you read the quotes from the top nazi officials (Hitler, Himmler, Darré and others) where they explicitly talked about genociding and enslaving Slavs?
Fuck you.
Little Britain would be destroyed by Germany if it wasnt for Russia and your masters in Washington.
According to you there will be no non biased sources.
There are plenty of history books that focus more on the military aspects of the war and present just the known facts. You will still call them biased because the facts don't correspond to what you believe in.
>Fuck you.
Don't be mean, he isn't.
Sam jesteś psem, kurwo.
>you can suck my dick for it
I agree.
Poland is not real
Poles are fags
Little Britain angry that their economy will collapse and their people will be replaced by negroids. They also need to ask for permission from the masters in Washington to take a shit.
Kek it hurts knowing that Russians are your superior there toilet boy? Don’t forget about muh Katyn toilet nigger. Don’t be mad that people point out the obvious Mylko.
>eternal anglo bullying the savior of Europe
>Kek it hurts knowing that Russians are your superior there toilet boy?
Top kek >Don’t forget about muh Katyn toilet nigger.
Trust me, we haven't. Also this.
Retarded much?
>dat eternal anglo butthurt
Wiesz że to jakiś seba który myje talerze swojemu panu gdzieś w UK. Taki nieudacznik ze nawet paczki fajek nie chcieliśmy za niego, bo i tak nie było by z niego żadnego pożytku.
When you're closer with God you tend to be bullied more by the devil.
A country that’s so shit that most of the people immigrate from into white European countries and then larp as saviours of Europe while being on the same level gypsies.
Yep, it's actually a good sign, because if they didn't get hated, they'd be doing something wrong.
Only a fool tries to be close friends with everyone.
Didn’t know that aristocracy in polish means toilet cleaners.
Brit, your Empire is dead. By what right do you people have, to talk shit about Poland? Britain is the epitome of 'loser'.
>A country that’s so shit
Poland is doing quite okay actually.
Careful, if we fall then no more British NATO troops stopping Russia from extending his border
>POOland gets BTFO by Russia eventually
by Russia&Prussia&Habsburg empire combined.
they couldn't do jack shit before they allied
>A nation of dog fucking drugs is superior in any way.
Kill yourself
You're not funny.
if only you had so much honor like bad british teeth.
6 million poles died in the polocaust
>get sexually enriched by subhumans
The absolute state of stromniggers
Because you and your nation are the joke
I'd rather live in Poland for 100 years than live in negroid uk for 1week. little britain is going down anyway.
>get sexually enriched by subhumans
literally the definition of british society throughout the ages
Please tell me more.
Poland, Germany, and Slovakia all have a crime rate lower than the UK's lmao.
I Know. The Brits on Cred Forums are total cunts. They're salty because deep inside they know that the British economy will fall after Brexit, that their people will be replaced by negroids and that Poland will become richer and richer, whiter and whiter.
as Im opposed to german dominance in EU I hope that you gonna fuck these britbongs really good during brexit, i would love to see them btfo into parts
Make it happen again! NOW!
>whiter and whiter.
Well I don't know about that.
>beginning his post by legitimizing his opinion about that matter with "t. polish diaspora"
I would like to know what you feel, when you get a (you) for every of ur LARP'ing posts. Did your parents and friends didn't gave you a lot of attention so you need to search for ANY reaction of your being? Can't you just turn off your computer and do something useful in your life like sleeping, please? You are an embarrasment!
>98% White vs Nigger Nobility
Why aren’t you living in pooland oh great patriot? That’s right because a subhuman like you doesn’t want to live in shit and has to leech of white people, you are the same as niggers.
przestań larpowac ty idioto
Who allowed you to respond to me you inbreed british mongrel? I don't want your perfidious taint on my posts. Fuck off.