Is this the worst political slogan of all time?
Is this the worst political slogan of all time?
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It wasn't that bad desu
I thought it was pro-Trump at first
I don't know how they greenlit a slogan where the first two words are "love trump"
I always liked the "Had enough: vote Democrat."
when they came out after this screeching they wanted him to burn in hell i knew the democrats were finished.
I love Trump's hate
I love Trumps hate
I still believe it is.
Takes a real dipshit to use her opponents name in her slogan
You have one of the worst right there. They hate everything and everyone they disagree with but Trump is bad. So precious.
Yeah or very close followed by Tuck Frump
there were so many bad slogans from the Demoshits it almost felt like deliberate sabotage. Remember Hillary's economic rambling about 'trumped up trickle down' (pants of piss and shit) ?
This. Even normies were wondering what hilldog was thinking.
I'm With Her
I Bleed With Her
Yeah, a slogan that bad could only have been produced by a midwit neo-liberal.
No. This is.
Make America Great Again.
Compare "Make America great again" (patriotic, simple, reference to Reagan) to "Love trumps hate" (reference to your opponent, contains the word hate, it takes a few seconds to figure it out)
Yes, it's an abomination
>We hate America,its national identity, and culture cause white men built it.
>This is love
>Oppisition Wants to make the national identity strong again, and reinforce the culture that united its people
>This is hate
Aaaaaaand that how you lose a multi-million dollar campaign.
>We hate America,its national identity, and culture cause white men built it.
Yeah because that's totally what they believe.
Because the only thing that matters to Democrats is sounding clever without thinking about substance or meaning.
Love Trump's hat.
It’s right up there with “I’m with her.”
I do love Trump's hate. I think it's a great slogan.
>create a fake persona for trump where hes literally hitler and every -ist in the book
>base your slogan around this
pathetic desu, who was this supposed to convince
Oh me, oh my, how could I ever come to that conclusion?
Hillary put 0 effort into her entire campaign. Arrogant bitch just thought it was all in the bag from day 1, the slogan is a testament to that
what they believe doesn't matter, reality matters
Well, a) those slogans don't mean what you think they mean and b) the democrats themselves didn't make them.
This still doesn’t make any sense, considering lefties are violent psychopaths.
Love makes us blind.
>reality matters
Not to right wingers or Trump. You voted for a man who constantly lied and revels in the fact he did.
I still don't really know what they meant by that, love Trumps hate? Like telling us we should love the hate he gets for running so vote for him? I mean it contains the words love Trump as the first two words.
What a loser
Theyve been shouted in my ear for a little over a year now, Ive done my homework. And democrats absoloutely pump these half assed pander-slogans out every few weeks. If its not Hitler, its Russia, if its not Russia, its white supremacy, if its not supremacy, its rape. Im sick of DNC shilling.
#ImWithHer was pretty fucking terrible too
Her whole campaign was terrible
Did you see the MDE episode where Sam Hyde starts shouting that the day after the election? Made me kek.
Also, another vote for "I'm With Her".
Russians obviously hacked her campaign.
I hate Reagan so much
Well first, I agree with the first two slogans because I understand what they mean. I wouldn't agree with them if I thought what you think. I don't agree with #TrumpisHitler, because that's downplaying how evil Hitler actually was.
>If its not Hitler, its Russia, if its not Russia, its white supremacy, if its not supremacy, its rape.
Yeah fuck them for having opinions right? I don't like the Democrats, but they have a right to comment on, you know, current events.
Most people who watched the campaign assumed it was in the bag. Everyone always says “just like the all the polls said Hillary was going to win, right?” I never even saw the polls. It just struck me as common sense that in the real world people like Donald Trump don’t become president because at the end of the day reasonable people would prevent that from happening.
Apparently too many others felt the same way and stayed home. Lesson learned. The U.S. is heavily populated with gullible retards who would vote a barnacle in as president if that barnacle could be taught to recite empty promises about guns and coal. Fuck you people.
And I have a right to critique and point out hypocrisy and fallacies I see in them, welcome to the public sphere.
Tuck Frump made me cringe to death
Typical leftie retard
Another leftie retard.
It's a cult message.
>Trump is hate
>We are love
>Our love is greater than Trumps hate
It's literally the basis of cult programming. The leader is love, all who oppose leader are hate.
Well you’re British so of course you’ll hate him.
Lmao you are so fucking dumb
No-one said you didn't. I'm just confused as to why you're angry they're commenting on politics when they're a fucking political party. Its kinda to be expected. And I have to listen Trump's bullshit all the time as well as well white nationalist paranoid ranting on this board.
I have always loved it. But never understood why it was not Trump's slogan. It just makes no sense as a Democrat slogan.
I'm glad they decided against the Donald Duck campaign which was the original idea to attack Trump.
Although the memes that would have resulted from it may have been good.
the dems in charge of slogans.
I'm Californian just living in UK for a bit, I hate him for giving amnesty, also the war on drugs was overall pretty retarded. I used to have a list of everything he did that I hated but I forgot it.
Who said I was angry?I called the slogan for what it was, bullshit that contradicted itself, nothing more, nothing less.
Her entire campaign was a disaster. The majority of her ads either focused on Trump (like your pic) or the fact she was a woman (I'm with her). Relying on attack ads and being the first x president is not the way to go. Obama did a far better job. He wouldn't have gotten anywhere simply shitting on opponents and with a slogan like "Black is back" or some shit.
Yes, it literally has the other candidates name in it. I don't know wtf they were thinking rolling this out.
Does it tell us to love "trumps hate"?
Yes, all one had to do was slap an 'I' at the beginning and it's pro-Trump.
It's also easily misunderstood and uses the opponent's name and comes across as petty.
Even "I'm with Her" and "Feel the Bern" were better.
On top of that, using "love" as a selling point is a bad idea since the past 2 years of "love" were fucking everyone over.
yo b i'm put little panels up and get energy from the sun. dork man.
I don't know why, but the period at the end really pisses me off for some reason.
> lmao you are so fucking dumb
This is literally what Putin and the FSB are probably saying right now about you and the rest of the U.S. electorate. I can assure you, however, that I am not included in that calculus.
If you are any kind of a patriot, you will kill yourself honorably for the treason you “unwittingly” participated in. Opiate overdose doesn’t count either you brain dead hick.
I live in a big city and I'm richer than you and smarter than you :)
You are really out of touch with the world and people in general and that's why you had no idea Trump would win. Work on yourself and look at your failures.
the first thing you think is well trump isn't that bad. then you think well i kinda like trumps hate. then you love trumps hate. and your at the colosseum. kek
I do love Trumps hate. Its why I voted for him.
Wait a minute, I'll ask Mr Ghaddafi.
Most exploiable, surely.
> because I said this, that means it's true
Your "reality" is nothing but lies and balderdash, and it pleases me to inform you Cred Forums has absolutely no grasp of it whatsoever.
A neighbor of mine has this posted on their fence
That how I read it at first.
"Love Trump", then hate ???
I think most people will stop at "Love Trump"
That was refreshing
So you and others still think Russia spending a few million cost Clinton the election?
I love Trump's hate!
at first i didn't understand, i thought they were endorsing trump's hate. then i realized it was a silly play on words
Imagine being this fucking ass-blasted.
I dont blame you, though. If my candidate was backed by the media, celebrities, the CIA, the FBI, the previous President, several of our foreign allies, and 1.1 billion dollars of campaign funding - and still lost - I'd be mad too.
However, I dont feel the least bit sorry for you. You're mad because Hillary lost, which means you're mad that America isnt a multicultural, globalist fuckhole like Sweden, Canada, and Germany.
So go fuck yourself.
uhmm but sweetie, its a double entendre. its clever, that means its good.
Im convinced it came from Hillary herself, it seems in the same vein as her other efforts like "Trumped up tricke down", "Donald Ducks questions on his tax return" and "im with her".
Basically the big problem she has more than anything else is her inabilty to have a brand. Compare Hillarys trashy one dimensional taglines with "Make America Great Again" or "Hope and Change". You might not like one or the other of those candidates as people or agrees with thier policy but thier taglines became shorthand for what they were promising.
Hillary's taglines barely said anything more than their literal interpretations. More than a year on and i cant remember much about what she was promising except that shed be a woman president.