>mfw my 59 year old mother BTFO'd Cred Forums.
She said jew hate comes from jews being more intelligent and cohesive as a group, which upsets people around them and leads to hate eventually. How does it feel to get BTFO by a completely apolitical normie?
Mfw my 59 year old mother BTFO'd Cred Forums
why don't people hate south East Asians then?
South East Asian being in the west is a new thing.
I don't hate Jews, but to deny that they control the hollywood media machine / the Western governments to a degree and use it for their own collective gains is to straight up deny reality.
she's right except the part that upsets us is the jews working tirelessly to stop us from having the same cohesiveness as a group
>cohesive as a group
this is why I hate white people, willing to sell out their own at the drop of a hat
No It's not
>build railroads
>new to west
My mommy is so good to me, I'm a big boy, no more pull ups, gonna get me a new watch with GBP, Ahmed mommies new man friend who wrestlers her is going to pay my tv license tax too
Well, she's half right. The hate comes from their tribalism and nepotism, enhanced by living in a society for thousands of years which is governed by obscure rules they constantly manipulate. So basically, their societal evolution led to those who manipulate the rules for their own benefit , combined with probably the strongest in group preference out there.
>my mommy said you is stoopid!
Yeah did she tell you that before her and Mohammed went to go have special time in her room?
We need a sticked thread with this coming b8 and responses.
>puts Asians in concentration camps during ww2.
>bruh nobody hated Asians
Also, east Asians are only a little bit smarter. Jews are way smarter and also less autistic.
Yes it is. We have never had them to the same scale that we had Jews in the past
>one thing from your bubbela's mouth beats out the years upon years of research detailing the international jewry scheme
Gradually, I began to hate them.
If anything she proved the hypocrisy of ultra political jews trying to disrupt other groups of people while maintaining their own structure.
Well your moms a fucking roastie and you dads a cuck, so fuck you.
People love me. Bitch please. They just hate lying kikes.
She's only partially correct though. They're subversive towards outside groups as well. They erode societies because of this.
>She said jew hate comes from jews being more intelligent and cohesive as a group,
that makes no sense, we should hate all ethnic groups that stick together then.... face it your mother is a dumb slag, an indoctrinated lefty cunt and you're a little autistic faggit still living at home probably.
>If you can't escape your kidnapper and torturer that means you're stupid.
Tell your mom that's like hating fags because you had too much buttsex.
Then move out and stop being a tendie cuck.