This is a general for the discussion of the Northwest Front movement seeking to establish an ethnically homogeneous republic in the Pacific Northwest of the USA.
Some basic points of the movement:
>We demand the establishment of an independent and sovereign republic in the Pacific Northwest, wherein only White persons shall reside or hold citizenship. This Northwest American Republic shall be a free and sovereign nation whose government and citizens shall exercise full control over their internal affairs, their economy, their culture, and their foreign relations.
>No person who is not of unmixed, non-Semitic, Caucasian European ancestry shall reside anywhere within the Northwest American Republic. Citizenship in the Northwest American Republic is a right that shall be open to all Aryan peoples of the world regardless of their country of birth or national origin. Citizenship shall not be bestowed at birth as is the case with liberal democracy, but shall be earned in adulthood through military service, by civic service to the state, or by demonstrated worthiness and value to the racial community.
On the flag: "The sky is blue, the land is green, the white is for our people in between."
Brody Cooper
Nice idea
Luis White
The definition of what white people can have citizenship is too loose. There are many white people who should be blocked from claiming citizenship.
Wyatt Rogers
Well that sucks. I'm not full white. Maybe 80 percent. I guess I'll go to Arizona.
Elijah Anderson
Why 'join' NWF when you literally so nothing? Your group constantly is absent from every right wing event I have been to since 2012 in Olympia, Seattle, or Portland. Explain yourself you boomer name collecting faggot.
Justin Scott
Why do street side theater and get our faces and names in some database?
You would like that wouldn't you Chaim?
Daniel Brown
I literally know people who have contacted you and you continually dodged going to even a pro-gun rally to network or even simply be a part of the non-liberal community in your own backyard. That's a big ass red flag for me - what kind of man exempts himself from peers? Not a man with a plan that I will follow - or any other sane non-leftist.
Luis Gomez
>why do street side theater and get our faces >you literally so nothing Mutt babble in incomprehensible
I live here already. That said, your racial purity restriction is going to eliminate a fuckton of white people, including me. I'm as white a chad that exists, and would blend in seamlessly in any country in Europe, but in my family tree, my great, great, great, great grandma was a full-blood injun.
So, you're going to have to do better than that. Besides, if you hadn't noticed on this board, "white" still people can't decide which Americans of European descent are truly white. "Celt mixed with Germanic? Nordic mixed with Slavic? You're not white!" and shit like that.
Christian Ortiz
Read it as 'do' >leaf Go shit in a street.
Aaron Young
It's cowards like you, NWF shill, that have forced white Northwesterners like me and mine to have to do the actual work of securing an existence of our people and a future for white children. You failed all of us. Go and die in obscurity you fucking Boomer trash while real men do the work you can't do because 'ooh they might take a picture of my face'. Fucking coward - you lack what is necessary for your plan - warriors and respect amongst peers.
Join True Cascadia, Identity Evropa, Cascade Legion or another active group. NWF are completely unknown to us for the aforementioned reasons.
Brandon Turner
we need to get all these filthy jews out of seattle
Mason Torres
I couldn't even imagine being as retarded as you
Liam Harris
>Why do street side theater and get our faces and names in some database? Everyone in this thread now knows, by your own admission, that you are ineffective and cowardly. Get the fuck out of the way - people like you have landed us where we are today. Your time is done and now my generation holds the future of Cascadia in our hands. We won't let go, nor leave it undefended like you did.
Adrian Peterson
>NWF thread again
I bet you haven't even read The Brigade
Jose Young
I think NWF's problem is that they operate like a think tank should, but are too paranoid to capitalize on the working class action that they really want to make happen. They need to compartmentalize so that they can open up on the action front without making the thought leaders vulnerable. Just my 2 cents.
Oliver Watson
They're Boomer-tier white nationalism 1.0 It's already a failed meme.
I agree with you though that they lack the fortitude to do anything except espouse wn fanwank
Jose Davis
Stop splitting, kick the niggers and jews out of your country you faggot
Kayden Hernandez
1.0 Boomer WN shit plz go
Covington is a fed informant, and a cringe upon the movement as a whole.
Luis Butler
Good idea, but you need an army to enforce it to kill off jew spooks and spec ops that would try to hit you for this. Key issue of movements I find is mobilization and the inability of our people to shake off our greed and fight for our children. Save from an economic collapse we would not get the numbers necessary to instill order in such a situation.
Jaxon Barnes
Honestly, the easiest way to compromise a growing movement is to get them to adopt something that has already been defeated by the leftist coalition.
If the Alt-Right goes to wn 1.0 or becomes overwhelmingly religious right, it's over. The ways to subvert those paradigms are already in the enemy playbook.
Joshua Thompson
Covington is a bitch that shills for donations for his clubhouse. Boomer bullshit.
Blake Wood
>This much bullshit
Yeah goyim with a family and kids go wave around this flag in front of those cameras
Neck yourself shill
Dylan Flores
Eat a dick. Covington is the only one true to the movement.
We do meet, what's funny is antifa doesn't "magically" show up at our meetings and we actually get shit done.
Go make another Midwest general larp thread you one man band faggot
Gabriel Bennett
Well, ideas are nice but unless you act on it it means nothing. Why are not european-americans joining this thing?
John Collins
Pretty much the idea is setting up the infrastructure and citizenry of an ethnostate and wait till the whole deck of cards comes down
Austin Cook
Ewww no.
Robert Rogers
Covington might as well be autistic. Not in the weaponized way, more like the fondles his nuts on the max then asks for money way. They don't show up because you're a joke. Why don't you go find them? I'll give you a pro tip, Twilight cafe and bar. Don't get me wrong, as someone living in Portland, I would love nothing more than to cleanse this shithole of failed ideology and degeneracy, but NWF ideas are living in early 80s era trailer trash white nationalism. Move on, you're stale.
Sebastian Phillips
why is NWF so buthurt about the Midwest General threads? It poses NO threat to your agenda and takes nothing away from you. The Midwest people cannot afford to relocate to the 3rd most expensive state and camp out waiting for "muh eventual collapse" (still waiting for it BTW been about 30yrs now by my lifetime). Your constant attacks against them is irrational. I suppose you shit on Billy Roper as well, when you have your "antifa-free meetings"?
Matthew Cox
Simply put: the Midwest cannot sustain itself and we have been over this a million times.
If you cant afford to move and find work outside of a jiffy lube in Columbus Ohio, how will you even make an ethnostate?
Gabriel Stewart
>Geopolitical shifts and state hood happen for free
If anyone's on the spectrum its you.
Ryan Wright
>projecting this hard Lol, I bet you're a draft dodger to boot. Some people fight in our military and risk their necks for those who they love. You just want to risk someone else's like a typical Boomer.
>only one true to the movement Movement of what? From your couch to the shitter? Lol
When the night of long knives comes, how will you survive?
Liam Reyes
What guarantee that it'll happen if I DO move? White Flight hasn't solved anything yet, so why would it do so NOW? And If the Midwest is SO untenable and such a lost cause, then why are you so upset aboutthe people who choose to stay there and spend their lives standing thier ground? Your arguments make NO sense. Your spokesman confesses failure, while continuing to promise what he cannot deliver. HOW WILL YOU even make "an ethnostate"?
Jose Green
You're shilling too hard.
Carter Thompson
If I thought he was doing anything more than living in the past and spending the donations on tendies, I might be more optimistic. As for now, no one takes you seriously because there's no reason to.
Hudson James
>Your not true to the movement unless you volunteer to die for Israel
Makes sense Shlomo
Joshua Parker
It is the only option that is viable on the table.
Levi Bennett
If you wanna stay that's your choice. But don't cry ethnostate if all you are doing is painting a target on white folks back
Logan Johnson
5 books on this idea have been written.
You can find them for free on archive.
Ayden Ortiz
I've got a flag too comrade!
James Reed
Where do I go to make this acually happen
Grayson Ross
Good to hear comrade! I got this one from Colonel House.
Easton Collins
I've been part of the NWF much longer than you've been trolling here and know for a fact HAC is legit. Now who are you? You're too cowardly to show us a face and a name. Put your money where your mouth is or go crawl back under your rock.
Jordan Gutierrez
I believe mine also came from him. Has been with me a long time. Planning on taking photos with it for future postings.
Matthew Ramirez
>banning people with negligible trace regions
Brayden Thompson
>Captain projection
True Cascadia >True Cascadia Identity Evropa >Identity Evropa Cascade Legion >Cascade Legion
Call me a Jew, I'm not speaking to you, but the lurkers itt will know the truth.
Covington is a fed informant. You have to use any excuse possible to dance around this fact. It was the original reason for asking you why your group is not a part of any Right Wing events for the last 8+ years. >Pic related This will never be you.
Chase Barnes
5 works of FICTION, that mis-predicted a Hillary presidency, doesn't count as "an answer" to this problem. Next you'll be telling me to "read Siege". BTW I already have copies of these works and have listened to various other readers critique them. Even in the glossary then "migrants" are looked down upon by "natives", so you can stop pushing mediocre fiction tales as "muh white solution". When Harold can stay married to his own baby's momma and raise HIS OWN kids, then he can tell me about "muh ethnostate", until then, in the trash it goes along with the scientology-tier nonsense that's still floating around like flotsam and jetsam. I ain't "crying" anything, that's the point. It's FOR those of US that LIVE HERE. NOT YOU. WE will at least attempt to correct some of the problems with real solutions that last, or die trying. Running away and being all paranoid in a panopticon-state is pointless. YOU are already on the LIST, you are already infiltrated and act like you are not. When your spokesman knows more about how much snitches and informants get paid as opposed to how much is needed to build even one piece of "muh infrastructure", that says a lot, and not in a good way. BTW, why does he continue to squander an hour's worth of audio saying nothing of merit, or even relevance to the NWF's issues or progress, and avoid topics with "muh grandpa simpson" and "muh I don't want to go into that"? Why does he NOT point out the abject failures so as to EDUCATE on what NOT to do so we don't repeat the errors of the past? He wastes time playing MUSIC (as if we need anymore time filling wastefull distractions) and then claims he "doesn't have the TIME". S.M.D.H. Get your shit together THEN you can criticise me. I spend my time working and getting solutions in place, NOT "fixing the rich man's TOYS". BTW, that's the absolute WORST advice to tell whitemen after the financial crisis, THEY are the ones who PUT us here!
Jace Bailey
Here's the thing Midwest You piss and moan and make pics shitting on the southerners who are doing the exact same thing as you:
over here we have people who have indeed moved and made some real world sacrifice.
You want to shit on someone who has spent their entire lives for the cause yet all you can cook up is some threads and a leaflet drop in Columbus.
If that's all it took the ethnostate would be in existence alreadu
Tyler Thompson
You can't argue with double trips you know. NWF is the way to go, the rest of you are lame ducks.
Joshua Bailey
>Makes accusations while not providing proof
Cool story bro
Sebastian Foster
My plan as well. It has been with me for around 8 years. I believe in the movement and HAC has a firm grip on the vision. I just hope he has a successor that is just as knowledgeable to convey the message. The only downside is there is A LOT of communists and general garbage that needs to be removed from the Homeland.
His books do give a solid framework.
Blake Cox
What makes me laugh are the shills who's only rebuttals of HAC being a fed and how they don't like the flag.
James Smith
>tricolour flag ftfy
Gavin Kelly
Notice that none of the trolls itt will step up to the plate and put their faces and names out there so we know who we're dealing with? Not exactly leadership material aye?
Jonathan Richardson
> (OP) >Have antifa do it, nothing puts fear in into the bigoted American heart quite like them.
What's gonna be funny is when the white commies who are tired of being ostracized for their ancestors come to our side.
Ayden Sanchez
This is common knowledge and has been for years, but it's always good to remind people he's a been a fed bitchboy since the late 80s/early 90s militia movements.
You two are phone posting from the same room in your drafty clubhouse aren't you?
Jayden Diaz
You can only make the rules if you protect the land. Worry about who you're letting into your country when you have a country to let people into.
Matthew Ward
Certainly beats your mom's basement in Columbus Ohio
Evan Parker
>being this retarded Because only idiots dox themselves on Cred Forums, or to prove a point to a Boomer nobody who isn't involved in any Right Wing movement in the PNW involving people younger than 50.
Jace Cruz
Clean up your room, bucko.
Jonathan Russell
>painting a target on white folks back I suppose you think shiling this idea on a board that is already being monitored by FBI (their own words) is "covert"? White-nigger please! Did you NOT see the kike who false-flagged a school shooting and was instantly called "white nazi boogyman"? Come On Now. If anyone's got a "target" on white people's back it's HAC(k) and his fairytales. He's admitted to being on a FED watchlist, so what makes you think he's not on it NOW, ESPECIALLY in this digital-snitch age of Panopticon. He's got a website, he's published HIS voice on multiple audio recordings w/ an address being broadcast on a NSA collection data-mined network. Your're really going to tell me HE doesn't have a "target painted on white folks back"!? I'd tell you to stop, but it's a perfect example I can show others of what NOT to do and why not to do it that way. I leave you to your fate. Good Luck, you'll need it.
Ayden Hall
>Being on a watchlist is being an informant
What's it like being this stupid?
Colton Mitchell
Why not? Don't you want to be an e-celeb? Why you afraid of doxxing yourself? Looks like HAC has bigger balls than you.
Jordan Watson
It's OK, the Feds, military and entire structure of the American state are completely incapable because they recruited a few blacks and Hispanics. Haven't you read ANY of his literary masterpieces?
Anthony Campbell
6's don't lie
What these movement mall ninjas don't get is Harold knows he's on a watchlist so why hide? He's also only the spokesman. The true leadership's voices are never heard and names are never dropped.
Shills won't mention that though. They believe Harold is the sublime leader. Kek
Austin Martin
>No person who is not unmixed George Orwell would love this one
Leo Bennett
>can't even keep track of previous responses >expects anyone to take him seriously The absolute state. I'm here. I've been here for a long time. I've been in a position to affect change and stop other changes from taking place for a few years now and have done so on my local level. Step up senpai.
Samuel Parker
Covington's 100% right. He's the only one with a plan.
Tyler Anderson
Name one decisive US military victory against an insurgency in the last 70 years.
Nolan Foster
You probably make threads shitting on America over Vietnam too don't ya?
Logan Gray
>ABC honeypot general. Fuck you.
Andrew Howard
That's right and it's why we're infiltration proof. It's driving them crazy isn't it?
>Hurr duurrrr , I made some change I can't quantify on line and I got this pic offline see how genuine I am
Not fooling anyone.
Kevin Long
Yeah they can't get why we don't put all of our cards on the table like everyone else.
Aaron Cox
So where's your website Mr.Mini-Führer? Do you accept Paypal donations?
Ian Hall
seattle checking in white people should move here, but i personally don't see the point of joining or associating with the NWF
Blake Moore
meant for
Nolan Sullivan
......your not being this stupid are you?
talking about nwf and defending now for an hour and your calling me mini führer and asking for a website?
Logan Reed
>No person who is not of unmixed, non-Semitic, Caucasian European ancestry shall reside anywhere within the Northwest American Republic How are you planning on deporting the entire coastal population from Portland up to Bellingham from your little dream? How are you going to deport the entire towns 90% full of Mexicans out in the Yakima valley? How do you plan on dealing with the fact that Oregon and Washington are blue states because the coast is Marxist as fuck while the inland red zone is virtually uninhabited desert?
Isaiah Jones
>expecting someone to out themselves I've got a good thing going here and will be in a position of actual power and influence in the near future, I'm not going to fuck that up to prove something to some backwards estacada meth head. >what is search by image >offline Want to know how I know you're a boomer Sad.
Jonathan Myers
Because as long as (((they))) get to keep "democracy" going by importing shitskin voters we keep losing. You like those rainbow crosswalks and streets covered with dirty needles and human feces?
Brandon Walker
Name one insurgency that's arisen in the mainland territory of a modern first world state in the past 70 years. Insurgencies arise from a retreat of state power from the communities or regions they form in - do you see that happening in America at the moment?
>You piss and moan and make pics shitting on the southerners who are doing the exact same thing as you: I never did, NOT EVEN ONCE! You're confusing me with some other user, big mistake. Sacrifice doesn't get results, it just wastes material and manpower. I adapt to my environment and thrive. I teach those who can learn and learn from those who can teach. WE are varied in location and ability. (((YOU))) are still buzzing around a man who's reputation is shit acording to OTHER WN and his OWN FAMILY! Get better "Leadership" or at least trade him up for a better figurehead with more credibility. sheesh. MWA is an attempt by someone who is working with what they got, where they are at. Period. That kid isn't bullshitting himself about how "someday muh ethnostate after the gubmn't collapse". He's just someone who memed his own version of the same old shit you all are. I'm working where I am, to do what I can, with what I can. I'm not playing "muh Beverly Hillbillies" and getting suckered into paying for HAC diabetes meds and overpriced rent while struggling to make my own ends meet. I'm comfy where I'm at and have managed to get some tangeable results in the last 3yrs. If (((YOU))) ain't impressed, I could give a fuck less cuz you ain't my neighbor and you didn't contribute any solutions. HAC has been spinning wheels since "muh hope and change", and he's still going on about "someday, muh hope and change, when da' gubmn't collapses, muh ethnostate, *insert music here*". He'll die having accomplished nothing, except maybe to be mythologized into something more than what he was, an absentee father who cut out on his wife, because raising a family is so important to the survival to the race. yeah, I caught that too, S.M.D.H. Well, shucks, I guess the mighty Cred Forums of double -triples(666) has spoken. I guess I got nothing else that can be said. the numerals have bested real world results. Guess I'll just have to die in the Midwest.
Ian Nguyen
Yes, we are in low-level civil war at this time and it could go hot at any moment. Just like in the former Yugoslavia. People are getting sick of it and we offer a solution. That's why we're rapidly growing in numbers.
Jack Ross
>Guess I'll just have to die in the Midwest. You will, because the Midwest cannot be defended. The PNW can.
Liam Diaz
>we are in low-level civil war at this time
You aren't even close to that. You've got the level of left/right political violence most European countries have taken for granted in the post WW2 period without ever thinking about civil war.
> ask legit questions about the prudence of trying to establish a right-wing white community in some of the most left-wing states on earth with far more non-white immigration than white birth > get referred to a page full of podcasts Christ, do you people not know what opml is? And, what’s in these podcasts? > HAC has a special all-music podcast featuring some his favorite tunes Dear fucking God. I’d heard the NWF was a fed honeypot, but this is just too pathetic to be the FBI. You guys are real.
Nicholas Murphy
If you are going to rallies then you're a fed and an actor. Post screenshot of yourself in video or be confirmed for larp.
Colton Lee
>Find Fed informant Covington in these videos? You'll see me in all of them Protests and rallies accomplish nothing.
>In fact, gee golly I don't think NWF has ever been seen by anyone at these rallies, but you'll see TWP in at least one. >Why is that? The purpose of the NWF is to get racially aware Whites to move to the PNW. Not go to rallies. That's why the NWF isn't there.
Leo Gutierrez
>Membership doubled from 1 to 2 Achtually muh Covington is the only true way...
Leo Flores
The C18 thing has been known about on the British far-left and far-right for nearly 2 decades now.
Jordan Green
>Christ, do you people not know what opml is? Never heard of it. What is it?
>And, what’s in these podcasts? Answers to virtually every question or concern one might have.
Same with the novels.
>Dear fucking God. I’d heard the NWF was a fed honeypot, but this is just too pathetic to be the FBI. You guys are real. So you have a problem with music?
Zachary Hill
I like the Doug Flag a whole lot more for the NWF. It really brings out the autism of it all tbqh desu.
Adrian Scott
Also, how does the NWF plan to fix all the fucking homeless people in Seattle and Portland????
Carson Martinez
OK lemme do that. Should I also post my social security number too? It's so important for me to prove myself to you, specifically. Fukken Kek
Robert Mitchell
If that were true then you wouldn't be shilling here in these threads. No, you're here because the NWF is growing rapidly and that's making you afraid.
Bentley Taylor
No, no need for your SSN#, just give us your name and I can run a check on you.
Easton Stewart
>Also, how does the NWF plan to fix all the fucking homeless people in Seattle and Portland???? National Work Corps. The NAR would find a job for everyone who needed one but couldn't find one on their own.
You don't work, you don't eat.
Jeremiah Richardson
Also, this.
Wyatt Morales
I don't know why but this flag reminds me flag of Nigeria.
Jackson Ward
It's possible, even likely, by the way he talks, that he's compromised. He's confessed to losing member lists and doing other dumb shit. Even if he wasn't pulling a paycheck for his nonsense, he's sloppy and that alone makes him weak and easy pickings for data-miners, not to mention the whole "axis sally" episode. yeah, He's a real good judge of character. For the record, being ON a watchlist doesn't MAKE him an informant. But it certainly isn't that far from crossing that line into it either. This guy's been in multiple countries, and left a trail of failure and group collapse behind himself. NOT ONE of his ventures has panned out, ever. I'm not saying this, this is what's in the public record. What I DO know from him is HIS OWN WORDS that HE recorded HIMSELF and EDITED. Failure, and "have nothing that I can show" is his mantra, when he isn't shitting on "white bois" (which is what niggers call young white men) who aren't giving him money and aren't building his barbie dream house for him. Some of us actually learn to survive where we are at, not constantly "migrate" like a bunch of kikes.
Grayson Cruz
National Fag Gagging
Levi Jackson
Samuel Price
TBF they're both ridiculous made up countries.
Bentley Perry
No I'm here because 1. Your fed informant is damaging to the movement 2. Your bad optics put my life and the lives of the men who risk more than you in danger from retaliation from the Alt-Left from your shitty ideas.
How does it feel when your only member is your wife because she feels sorry for you?
Anthony Flores
4TH REICH WHEN???! What's the timeline for secession? Y'all always brag about it. Very little action. Post sauce of actual progress. >t.Texan who always hears about their state seceding.
Camden Mitchell
Asher Miller
If the NWF wasn't important you shills would leave us alone in our little treehouse and go do more important things, right? It's really telling how as soon as a NWF thread is posted you fags magically appear.
Xavier Lee
>How does it feel when your only member is your wife because she feels sorry for you?
Kek. How does it feel that your wife's son is your meth dealer?
Alexander Nelson
>Get whites to move here K. Thanks for not cleaning it up first? I mean, fuck, you want white blood to be spilled as a result of your lack of diligence? Sounds weird.
Carson Campbell
You sound like Rocky Suyhada
Adam Edwards
>What's the timeline for secession? When there are enough Whites who've had enough.
>Very little action. The NWF is only about action. The action of Coming Home.
> Post sauce of actual progress. Progress is White people quietly Coming Home and quietly forming racially aware friendships, relationships and communities. By design they don't advertise their success for the enemy to see.
Hudson Johnson
i fucking hate this white nationalist Cascadia thing... it's just a psyop to make people hate the idea of a free Pacific Northwest. Even the founding fathers didnt expect this region to ultimately ruled by a government 3000 miles away on another ocean.
>redpill dispensation station holy fugg that's a new meme. quick, someone do some OC of this!!
Christopher Brooks
This, The whole idea is keeping cards close and not waving the hand all around for everyone to see
Gabriel Williams
Bingo! We have a match!
Nathan Morgan
Never heard of True Cascadia desu, how active are they?
Carter Brooks
>posts 'plan' on Cred Forums Better keep it a secret goys until we have enough people. >Boomerlogic
Juan Rivera
>The whole idea is keeping cards close and not waving the hand all around for everyone to see The NWF by design does not advertise and does not hold circlejerk rallies.
It's not even a group in the traditional sense.
You want to take part? You Come Home.
Once you Come Home you keep quiet. You "redpill" your community. You prepare. You encourage others to Come Home.
Samuel Torres
Think he already revealed it all when he shat on a typewriter 5 times in a row.
so which plan is "his plan"? Is it the "give me 6-7 grade-A /k/ommandos and a fat sack of soros $$'s and I'll have this thing figured out in ~5years" or is it the "just MOVE HERE at ALL COSTS and leave your dying family members behind (nice loyalty to your race BTW) because they are dead weight and can't fight / work, and JUST LIVE HERE. Raise a family and work for "rich men (kikes)", and just lay low for like 2-3 GENERATIONS (well after HAC is dead) and wait for the goverment to either: A) carry out it's white genocide or B) collapse somehow and leave "an opening" for NWF to rise-up and take over?
those are from HAC's own mouth, your spokesman. So according to you that your leadership telling him to say this? Do they also tell him use nigger slang and act like a sarcastic butthurt crybaby every week while blaming "muh white bois" for not "coming out from behind their keyboards"? Did NWF "leadership" validate the recordings before they are released? Do they approve of this "grandpa simpson" tomfoolery that is either legit weakness or feigned like a professional? I've read your non-updated, weaksauce website, it's pointless. Your spokesman confesses that "muh MWF political party" (plan #3 by my count) is NOT Professional and is only "real in his mind". LOL. I suppose he's still dreaming about a white Lolocaust as well? I'm curious, do you guys thing the Naval Yard he lives nearby is going to just take your side in this matter? Was using Navy ships to "trade goods" with China and Mother-Russia part of your Plan, Comrade?
Parker Johnson
Is it really you Rocky?
How's your heath been?
Aiden Gutierrez
Oliver Cox
I responded to your retarded ass numerous times saying that I've been doing exactly that to great effect. All you could do was HURRR YER MOMS BASEMENT IN OHIO and demand a pic of my driver's license and place of employment. Christ almighty, you fags are a dead end honeypot.
Jackson Bell
They're community builders with 7/8ths blood requirement to join. Their mission is building a white racially aware community in the PNW. Good goys
Camden Anderson
>I responded to your retarded ass numerous times saying that I've been doing exactly that to great effect. All you could do was HURRR YER MOMS BASEMENT IN OHIO and demand a pic of my driver's license and place of employment. Christ almighty, you fags are a dead end honeypot. So what's your group with a plan to make the 14 Words a reality in North America then?
Elijah Peterson
Don't get mad that we don't wanna play dress up Nazis with you in Detroit.
Jesus Christ Rocky I thought we were on good terms
Ian Miller
If I didn't know any better I'd say this whole Midwest general bullshit is Rocky's idea, he was never known for originality
David Ross
So NWF with a different name. And not quite pioneer little europe. Wow.
Logan Allen
Pic is Pt. Townsend taken from the ferry.
Parker Lopez
>If I didn't know any better I'd say this whole Midwest general bullshit is Rocky's idea, he was never known for originality Well the ANP is only about "somehow" getting NatSoc's elected into local positions and distributing literature.
To my knowledge there is no actual midwest ethnostate group let alone plan or movement. Even though people are always claiming that it's far superior to the Northwest Imperative.
If they had a legitimate plan and group that could save the White race I'd support them. Let the best group win.
But they don't.
Because the NWF really is the only group with a plan to save Whites on this continent.
>So NWF with a different name. And not quite pioneer little europe. Wow. They even had a podcast going on TRS for several weeks but something happened and it stopped with no explanation given....Meanwhile RNF has been going strong for years.
Joshua Nguyen
Bentley Harris
Is it true that Rocky is in favor of same-sex marriages and is upset with HAC because of his stance on sodomites not being allowed in? Could Rocky be a closet homosexual with a Nazi fetish? Asking for a friend of course.
Justin Evans
where is the needles and feces? Pics or i'm calling bullshit.
Andrew Reed
Measure the difference in effectiveness.
Adrian Kelly
Why do people try to establish a white ethnostate in two relatively non-white states instead of using far more whiter New England/West Virginia? Genuine question.
Cameron Martinez
Yeah what's funny is how any movement dude who is not on some payroll has nothing bad to say about us but all the questionable types have irrefutable evidence that nwf is a honeypot but it's all accusations that carry the weight of the Russia allegations against trump
Dylan Walker
People can be denied citizenship on other grounds than ethnicity
Colton Powell
Pacific Northwest is seen as best for the Viet Mong guerrilla LARP.
Carter Ross
Because it's too close to DC.
Luis Carter
The slag on the left is really sexy. I kinda envy that brainless knucklehead since he probably bangs her.
Jeremiah Ortiz
>Why do people try to establish a white ethnostate in two relatively non-white states instead of using far more whiter New England/West Virginia? Genuine question. Check out the very first question in this link
(I'd post the answer but it's too big for one post.)
Nolan Long
Fuck it, I'll just break up the answer to two posts.
Bearing in mind that the objective is to create a viable nation for White people and to avoid small, non-viable, surrounded enclaves, the new Homeland must meet several criteria. These include:
1. The Homeland must be extensive, big enough to grow into over many generations. Lebensraum, as it were. That rules out New England. 2. It must be a contiguous all-White land mass. Enclaves would eventually be overrun. That lets out Matt Hale’s “everybody move to Peoria and take over the county” idea, although as I explain later, becoming predominant in certain localities within the Northwest is a good idea with which to begin an eventual Northwest-wide revolution. We call these communities primary settlement areas or PSAs. 3. There must be sufficient natural resources and infrastructure to support, feed, and clothe a growing nation and create industry. That rules out New England as well. The Northwest presently has most of what we will need and we can jury-rig the rest. Towards the end in Rhodesia we were manufacturing everything from our own steel to our own Scotch; it was only a failure of political will that destroyed the country.
Elijah Baker
4. The new nation must have an extensive coastline with viable deep-water harbors. It must not be a landlocked enclave dependent on flight over hostile territory for communication with the outside world. We will also need access to the sea for commercial fishing, desalinization, and mineral extraction, all of which will be necessary in the 21st century. 5. Remember, the Northwest idea was not invented by me. It’s been around for about thirty years, and all unsung there is in fact migration already going on, including a fair amount of overt racially conscious migration, especially by religious people to Idaho and Montana. There is also a large amount of “organic migration” on the part of conservative White people who will not openly admit (yet) to racial feelings, but who are basically fleeing the mudflow, especially from California. 6. The land of the Northwest is already sanctified with the blood of martyrs such as Vicky and Sam Weaver, Gordon Kahl, Bob Matthews and Richard Butler. We cannot and should not turn away from this legacy that has been given to us by some of the few truly heroic White people of this generation, and we owe it to them to make sure they did not suffer in vain.
Joshua Collins
>Seattle Councilman: Cleaning Poop Off Sidewalks Is Racist
How can an white ethno nation-state be obtained legally?
Joseph King
>Mt. Terror You can't even defend PNW from rainbow crosswalks and "muh needles and feces streets". Get good.
Oliver Cox
Yes because HAC is a much better speaker than Rocky, and also HAC knows the endless baggage that Rocky's outfit carries. Also any person who's been in anyway shape or form been involved with any movement politics wonders how the ANP membership is able to donate money despite being unemployed or working at best lower blue collar work.
Jose Johnson
>How can an white ethno nation-state be obtained legally? It can't. The anti-Whites who have a death grip on this country will never allow it to be done legally.
Wyatt James
Good god, you can't keep up. What's life like with adult ADD? I am here and doing the work on my own as someone who is in a position to influence public policy and others around me. There's a reason that it's called the red pill, not the red suppository. Maybe I should start shilling for a fucking clubhouse and require your home address, social security number, and links to social media accounts in order to donate to my cause. I could also start showering once a week at best if I'm feeling spry.
Good eye. I actually took it from right here in my dear mother's Columbus basement. Telephoto lenses are impressive these days.
Juan Foster
Jason Morris
>Yes because HAC is a much better speaker than Rocky, and also HAC knows the endless baggage that Rocky's outfit carries. Also any person who's been in anyway shape or form been involved with any movement politics wonders how the ANP membership is able to donate money despite being unemployed or working at best lower blue collar work. People on Cred Forums really do need to read the following....
A Brief History of the White Nationalist Movement
Owen Lewis
Member the Craig Cobb incident? I member
Charles Cox
>Good god, you can't keep up. What's life like with adult ADD? I am here and doing the work on my own as someone who is in a position to influence public policy and others around me. There's a reason that it's called the red pill, not the red suppository. Maybe I should start shilling for a fucking clubhouse and require your home address, social security number, and links to social media accounts in order to donate to my cause. I could also start showering once a week at best if I'm feeling spry. So you don't actually have a group with a plan to save the White race from extinction in North America? Got it.
That's all I needed to know.
Cameron Bailey
>thanks You're welcome.
Grayson Phillips
Hey good goy come to the Northwest Forum this month. No ssn#, pics, or self-doxx required
Austin Howard
So since we're not going to do illegal shit, USA is out?
Leo Wood
>Member the Craig Cobb incident? I member Yes, that's a story of about how exactly not to go about change.
Not only did he think he could legally control a town...he fucking announced his plan, nazi flags, sieg heil's, goofy uniforms, marches and all to the town.
The city council actually said they'd disband the town before they let him take over.
Jaxon Young
>So since we're not going to do illegal shit, USA is out? I'll direct you to the pastebin so you can become informed on what the NWF is about....
Now you're near Ebey's landing looking North to Lopez Island. So you have a camera and delusions of grandeur. Now post a recent pic, not one of when you were here on vacation. From the sun's location the pic was taken during summertime when all the tourists are here.
Luke Adams
Get back to me when you or your band of idiots actually does something of note. I'll take anything really, my expectations of you all are very low. Get someone deported, change the outcome of a local ordinance vote, hell, just put some posters up and trigger some idiots at PSU, I don't care. All you are right now is a bunch of sad sacks whom not even antifa can be bothered to shit talk.
Gavin Gomez
can I come? full anglo
Jordan Nguyen
>i can run a check on you who does this? FEDS!!! Ladies and Gentlemen of the court of Anonymous, I give you, YOUR FED SHILL!!! It was nice talking to you, Frank.
Thomas Perry
>Citizenship in the Northwest American Republic is a right that shall be open to all Aryan peoples of the world regardless of their country of birth or national origin. inb4 the country is swamped by Russian gopniks, English hooligans and Spanish canis
Nathaniel King
Everyone has access to public information online. You can't hide from the feds but you hide from each other. Sad.
Lincoln Flores
where are some good smallish towns in washington/montana?
Alexander Wright
Kalispell is a nice white mountain community There are plenty of huwite enclaves in the PNW. The Olympic Peninsula is litter'd with em.
Benjamin Foster
kalispell looks beautiful, do they really allow non US euros in there? what kind of indistries, and internet are there?
Nicholas Anderson
>Get back to me when you or your band of idiots actually does something of note. The NWF is about getting racially aware Whites to quietly move to the PNW. That is "doing something of note."
>Get someone deported, change the outcome of a local ordinance vote, hell, just put some posters up and trigger some idiots at PSU, I don't care. That's not what the NWF is about because those things don't actually save the White race.
>All you are right now is a bunch of sad sacks whom not even antifa can be bothered to shit talk. The NWF doesn't confront antifa on the streets during protests because confronting antifa on the streets during protests doesn't actually bring the White race any closer to making the 14 Words a reality.
You're trying to say that "THIS IS WHAT THE NWF SHOULD BE!" when the NWF is saying "No, this is what the NWF is!"
If you had criticisms of the NWF but offered a viable alternative to save the White race, that would be one thing.
But all you're doing is criticizing the NWF and offering nothing in its place.
That's hardly productive.
Justin Rodriguez
That's just the rest of Whidbey. I'm enjoying pic dumping right now, so this I'll post as many as you would like to see. I get around quite a bit, it's beautiful country.
Justin Phillips
idk user, I've only visited. The town seems like it's OK with standard agland industry. Not sure about the residence policy, but it's predominantly huwite. Internet is dsl shit-tier.
Carson Adams
welp. defintely coming for a holiday, is a 9 month visa standard?
Dominic Gutierrez
I'm all for leaving you to your treehouse. You started shitting on Midwest's "treehouse. So tit-for-tat. If you were being "quite" about all of this Then you wouldn't be on here fishing for (you)s and baiting suckers and dupes with white Obama's "muh someday hope and change" shtick. I've been waiting for ANYTHING from you guys for +8 years!!! and as of this last year, after I've gone back and rexamined the previous recordings you guys like to keep pointing me too, just to make sure I didn't miss anything, and listening to every single podcast in 2017-2018, I realized that I didn't miss anything, excpet getting ripped off and blindsided by "muh white man coming home". Playing off of people's insecurities and luring them into a pay-cult of "promise forever and never deliver" is not going to cut it this time, Frank.
Hunter Hill
pic related I think it's a six month.
Mason Sanchez
>productive Yeh, but sniffing your own farts and making extensive commentary is a way better use of time. HAC is a bad trope.
Hudson Butler
this kills the white race
Ryan Butler
>No person who is not of unmixed, non-Semitic, Caucasian European ancestry shall reside anywhere within the Northwest American Republic.
This is poorly written. This sentence reads “no whites alowed” but the next is all about whites only. Make up your mind or learn how to logic, faggot.
Alexander King
where would you recommend to maybe find a fairly trad waifu?
>Yeh, but sniffing your own farts and making extensive commentary is a way better use of time. >HAC is a bad trope. Not an argument.
It's okay, we both know that you don't have an alternative to the NWF.
Jack Gonzalez
Yeah ok I took another look. It's the rest of Whidbey. Doesn't make you any less fake and gay though.
Michael Perry
I seriously doubt the kill zone will be that huge. And it partially works in our favor: Nigs and spics wouldn't go near the ash zone, and we evolved in frozen hellscapes. Surviving a volcanic winter would be easy as long as we can get indoor agriculture
Justin Wilson
jesus, what kind of lake is that in the background?
Robert Rivera
>no u You're just funny at this point.
Jeremiah Adams
Yep. I don't have a fed honeypot to 'compete' with NWF. You're like a bad dungeon master that no one wants to play with. It must be lonely in the magical ethnostate of your living room.
Can you give any measurable progress or successes of NWF? What sorts of things has NWF accomplished for huwites living in the PNW so far? I will suspend my judgements and earnestly listen to NWF's successes if you would list them for me.
Andrew Anderson
I've been trying to fish one out of these dipshits for a while now, I'm afraid the pond is empty.
Thomas Bell
must be nice to be in a high White % area, even if some are feds
David Gonzalez
Ok but what is your plan to save the white race?
Hunter Ross
omg, have you even read lokey's second treatise?
Evan Bailey
That's the Puget Sound. Ocean.
Hudson Martin
Evan Ortiz
What good is just a plan with no action?
Charles Hall
The action has already been outlined here.
Christopher Ward
proufound statement
Brayden Butler
I've been very clear about that. It definitely isn't shill and chill like yours seems to be. Go find that copypasta about acting superior and doing superior things if you claim to be superior. Get your shit together, put yourself in a position to influence, etc. Seriously, just click on my ID to highlight my posts newfag. Then you can read all about it.
Thomas Bennett
just got over the flu actually, shrugged it off without seeing a doctor, I actually have strong genes and healthy immune system (actual WHITE POWER). How's your rainbow colored streets? We don't paint fagegot shit on our streets here. Niggers have to actually shell out cash-money to get on BelleIsle now instead of shitting it up for free. Plenty of space now that entire cityblocks have been raized and niggers have nowhere to live. Shutting down roach-motels. Voted non-Democrat, AND finally got a WHITE MAYOR back in the city for 2nd term, voted in BY BLACKS BOTH TIMES. How's the local political scene over by you? Are they going to be painting anything else with rainbows? Maybe put up another statue of Lenin, comrade?
Gabriel Thomas
Kay. D-donate gibs to you, and... you keep planning more? Sounds like a great plan for, well, you. Do you also get paid for FBI tips for people who are willing to put skin in the game?
Easton Ross
When will we purge Chicago and Detroit?
Dylan Reyes
The filthy jews have imported too many Mexicans. I honestly don't think WA will flip red anytime soon
Dominic Walker
I would be happy if they just put some flyers up. I understand wanting to lay low, but something has to tell whites that there is something for them. How do you expect to build the NVA or even like minded groups if you have no presence? Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of the NWF, and have planned on moving to the PNW before I became a fascist, but without some sort of presence nothing can be done.
Lincoln Foster
You attempts to demoralize whites organizing in their own interests tells it all friendo. If you were really pro-white you'd be singing a different tune. It's obvious what you're trying to accomplish here.
Zachary King
Putting up flyers has little effect.
Noah Nelson
Benjamin Morris
Your efforts to push an already defeated White Nationism 1.0 plan are not wanted beyond YOUR generation. You already failed us - we have a better plan. It's almost like... The Alt-Right is a decentralized movement on purpose.
Justin Rogers
we already KNOW what the fucking "plan" is! Besides, we're busy working it to waste time "recruiting" online, or recording yet another "podcast". An even IF i could "convince" you, WTF would YOU DO? move here? fuck NO , we don't want you. You're damaged goods. Work where you're AT already. Best of luck to you.
John Cooper
The alt-right is conTrolled opposition. You're just more of the same with a different label. Also, you don't know what my generation is user.
Ian Kelly
I've done more to keep things cleaned up around my town and county than fat harold has done since he hired those chimps to write his books. I'm doing god's work user, too bad the same can't be said of you. If anything I've posted is demoralizing you, that's your own weakness showing. has a point. If you're not actually out there, you aren't out there in anyone's mind. You're the equivalent of an upset paypal account and nothing more.
Jason Young
shouldn't it be vertical then?
Luis Thompson
Yu do not knoe de plan.
All of *your* ideas are wrong. Only HECs plan will work, it's already been theoretically tested.
>boomer >cryptoboomer Choose one, both fall for the nwf 'muh plan' meme.
Dominic Martin
My point is that all you are doing is shilling here and have nothing constructive to offer. You have an agenda and it's easy to see you're an anti-white fake spreading disinfo and making specious claims.
Blake Cook
My bet is that you're genX at the youngest. You date yourself quite a bit by the way you type. Not to mention the old and failed strategies you keep pushing.
Sebastian Peterson
You're way wrong, keep trying though. I bet you haven't even had kids.
Benjamin Kelly
He was just a loud-mouth arrogant ASSHOLE. If he'd just kept his "pride" to himself and learn to either NOT speak in public or talk with a sociable tone, and not pick fights with his neighbors, then it would've worked. His fucking EGO cock-blocked him / us and ruined a perfectly viable plan. Sad thing is he didn't even pay for the land, it was on other's dime. So he pissed away all the "muh sheckels" that were collected beforehand. Fucking retard. I laugh every time I watch that clip of them lying about him being black just to spite him.
Luis Walker
What am I shilling exactly? That you're plan for the last twenty years has been to show up and wait (pls gib money though)? It's true and people are tired of your bullshit. I quit waiting the minute I had an opportunity and took it. That was three years ago and it's all uphill from here. Good luck with your clubhouse, maybe you can dupe enough people and get enough for a sweet pool table and new burner for the oven you're going to put in when you finally get it built. Poorly baked frozen pizzas are just the worst.
Kayden Ortiz
Cascadia people don't respond to emails. Kind of sucky.
Carter Walker
Please, tell us what you've done besides larping as a Nazi and talking shit on the internet?
Christian Reed
That's an incredibly nice photo. I'm feeling it. Have one from Lapland in return.
Easton Ward
Jonathan Hernandez
Message their twatter
Jackson Martinez
New awakening is the REAL way.
Logan Morales
You've had a really hard time understanding it so far, so I'll be very clear this time. I work in a position that influences public policy writing, law making, and the application of thereof. I already have influence in my department and associated agencies/businesses. I will have more. There's this thing referred to as your "power level". In places like this (NW Oregon), you don't reveal it if you want to keep your position or move upwards and onwards. You don't sperg out, you connect with people and do the right thing. People see you doing the right thing. They hear you making sense and tend to agree with you. You become an image of success and don't alienate them. This is how you win, not by eating corn dogs and waiting for your chance to rise up from the decrepit camper on the outskirts of Molalla.
Aaron Green
Thanks, is that light from a bonfire? Here is another from that day's hike.