-National registry, where everything, including mental health is regularly updated -no more assault style weapons. turn over or go to jail for felony possession -limits on amount of ammunition one can possess. No more than 5 rounds. -no more conceal carry or open carry -no guns allowed in a five mile area around any school, church, or government building. -must pass thorough background check. no misdemeanors, felonies, must pass IQ test, pass a doctor's exam, be over the age of 25, pass a government exam.
>no limits on ammo >No limits on amount of guns one can own >No limits on bullet capacity/type/attachments >Gun permit allows for the above and must be presented at all purchases of weapons/ammo >Must demonstrate a standard knowledge of weapon operation and safety to get a permit, as well pass a psychiatric exam and criminal background check and be a registered member of a local gun club >Permits must be renewed every two years with same test as described above
This way people who like guns can get guns and keep guns, and batshit dudes who just want to use a gun to take out a crowd have more time to be stopped
Nathaniel Miller
1. nearly impossible to implement. Would be easier to require a gun license with mandatory mental health evaluation. 2. Cops wont go door to door and demand firearms to be turned over. It will cause bloodshed. 3. Impossible to enforce 4. Awful idea, defeats the purpose of self defense. Can you provide a source that shows people who have a proper conceal carry license are more likely to commit homicide? How many conceal carriers commit homicide a year? 5. You actually think gun free zones work? What the fuck? 6. You would have to completely get rid of 2A in order to implement this.
Pretty shit ideas all around.
Andrew White
2nd is not up for debate or discussion.
Michael Phillips
>including mental health is regularly updated
who defines mental health problems? If it is the Establishment, then absolutely not because everyone who is NOT a pedo will be defined as a having a mental health problem. If it is the Protestant (Vast Right Wing Conspiracy), then all people not cis-het-white-males will be defined as having a mental problem.
>must pass thorough background check. no misdemeanors, felonies
Again no user. This is a bad plan. The powers that be will just send people to jail so they, in the future, cannot buy guns. See the mental health discussion above.
Austin Jackson
You do know the purpose of the 2nd amendment, right?
Nathaniel Reyes
Gun control ideas:
Not happening.
Gavin Garcia
Dylan Walker
considering firearms ownership is a right and voting isn't...
then all of these conditions should also be met for one to be able to vote, considering it's arguably as destructive.
Tyler Martin
Jacob Gomez
The only common sense gun control is to arm everyone and teach everyone how to be safe with them from an early age.
Jason Allen
I hope the Democrats run on this platform.
Jackson Butler
Or, you could just kill yourself.
Blake Thomas
Thomas Sullivan
Criminals do not care about laws - they break them. That's why they are criminals.
And law enforcement is not capable of handling the current load of libtard freak-outs.
Justin Rivera
I can't wait for guns to be banned just for the laughs. you conservashit pussies won't do a god damn thing to stop it. tyranny has eroded the entire constitution without you assholes doing anything about it, so it follows that you cowards will continue the same predictable "loudmouth pussy" behavior of hiding and retreating.
Leo Morris
What about no regulations and no fucking need of registry? Y'know, you already have laws, like if you kill someone without a reason (like being robbed) you can go to jail, so why the fuck you need more?
Luke Phillips
- already exists, in departments staffed by government morons -hahahaa meme word with no meaning - >creates own ammo - we already have those laws, except they dont work unless its a government building... ( pro tip, this is because they are staffed with armed individuals) -universal background checks already exist
0/10 bait
Caleb Walker
Not going to happen. Sage.
Leo Jenkins
I'm honestly be amazed if they're still a party in 2019. out of new ideas. diminishing returns on the old instead. demoralized. populated by the mentally ill. broke. beat.
Aaron Diaz
Gun control ideas:
Fuck off
Brayden Powell
Fuck off cunt
Nathaniel Green
While most gun laws are bullshit designed to keep you defenseless, I don't see why keeping them out of the hands of the mentally ill or those with criminal records would be considered an affront to the Second Amendment. That's just practical.
Jacob Parker
Solution for gun problem:
>move the fuck out from your shithole country
Ethan Cooper
What does "assault style" mean, and who determines what is and isn't "assault style"?
Saging because this is a stupid slide thread.
Tyler Brown
>-National registry, where everything, including mental health is regularly updated
that's bullshit, the jews would just start making up new "Mental Diseases" until everyone loses their gund.
Thomas Garcia
>redefine what is "insane" >every republican voter = insane >be able to remove guns from people who actually own them
Adrian Price
>"Guns are the problem guyz. Let's just ban them xD"
Nicholas Myers
Sebastian Morales
Iq tests should be mandatory. Most psychopaths and niggers are borderline retards. The problem is you cannot stop illegal gun trade unless you stop the manufacture of guns on a massive scale. Basically gun control became a problem because of cheap guns flooding the markets and spilling over into the black market. Only middle class and up should be able to afford a gun. Also if so many wypipo would stop doing heroin and cocaine many niggers and spics would starve. Just food for thought.
Jacob Gomez
Dont let insane children be ignored.
Cooper Cook
The obvious measure is a licensing procedure. None of the loonies who commit massacres would qualify.
Ethan Taylor
You could say Canada has similar gun laws, yet, there were 5 school shootings in Canada since 2000. So, it solved nothing.
Zachary Brooks
people will just bait and kill cops to get their reloads. so, please fuck off.
Ryder Campbell
>no misdemeanors, felonies, must pass IQ test zero niggers will be allowed to own guns in your world?
Ryder Nelson
Insane children should pull up by the bootstraps out of their insanity obviously. Also: >allow unlimited porn because muh freedoms >allow corporations to peddle poisonous food and drugs because muh capitalism >allow schools to become intolerable hell holes because muh small government >when problems arise blame others
Oliver Young
Kill all subversives Then institute it
Jackson Nelson
the moment you make it so mentally ill people can't buy guns, those same people will stop seeking treatment/no longer identify their mental illness. it would be even more difficult to stop mass shootings.
Dominic Cooper
Replace all guns with katanas. Katanas are much cooler anyways.
Blake Thomas
Also >push for mandatory iq tests >left pushes back because das raysiss Basically you get the left to oppose gun control
Carter Perez
I have a counter proposal for you. Outlaw gun grabbing marxists. If you scumbags surrender to gun owners, then we will allow you live in Detroit. If you do not, then we will summarily execute you. OP, do you agree to this fair and reasonable compromise?
Jaxson Peterson
>allow schools to become intolerable hell holes because muh small government
that doesn't make much sense, the school system gets more and more fucked over exactly because big goverment that tries to regulate everything, instead of leaving the things to the school them self.
Cooper Jackson
>op, tired of sucking nigger dick, makes yet another gun control thread Yes, let us keep explaining why you're wrong over and over again. You should also instruct all normalfags to the threads to see the information for themselves.
Jace Jones
>psychopaths capable of "acting sane" Maybe a sociopath could but they already are
Levi Allen
I imagine the process to identify the mentally ill would not rely on the person in question. They're unreliable narrators.
Luke Evans
Most of what you suggested already exists. Youre totally ignorant of your surroundings, and apparently illiterate, like most people who "want gun control." Why else would you keep asking for what you already have? sage
Brody King
You stupid chuche... you’re not getting any of that. In fact, you should lead the change, so someone can use those 5 rounds on you. This is America. Shall not be infringed, guarantees you won’t get shit. Take your SSRI, dust of your Pink Pussy Hat, and step into traffic.
Adam Allen
Illegal Immigrant ideas:
Since violent illegals from our Southern border kill FAR more Americans than guns do, why don't we
>build a wall >deport them >use Kate's law to jail the >use EVerify to dissuade them >stop giving them tax refunds >stop allowing them to rent apts and houses
I mean your goal is to save lives, right? Then why are these violent invaders living here?
Luke Wright
I can create my own "shotgun" from pipe and a simple trigger mechanism. I can make my own shot shells from scratch. You can never disarm us no matter how much you try.
Asher Nguyen
Have you actually been to a charter school? Think of how mcdonalds makes a hamburger and apply it to your child's social and intellectual development. Divestment from society does not lead to a minarchist utopia, it leads to corrupt state power and oligarchy with a dumb, defeated populace.
Nolan Green
how about guns with GPS that automatically turn the gun off anywhere near a school?
Connor Jackson
People actually think our current government is tyrannical lmao
Dylan Jenkins
I like how you didn't even try.
Robert Parker
Try getting a high kill ratio with your pipe gun. Might as well make a pipe bomb yah dingus. Just joking fbi :^)
William Sullivan
Fuck yes.
Elijah Wright
Anti 2A thread#54
Wyatt Thomas
Gun control works like a charm in Brazil...
Jaxon Powell
>Then why are these violent invaders living here?
Because your government likes cheap, strike resistant labour. Because the native population is old, sickly and fat. Industry in the US wants illegals and industry controls your government.
Jonathan Perez
>list of random pointless meme shit with no details, reasoning or logistics
The absolute state of antis.
Adrian Morgan
Try it.
Luis Cox
the shills are off the charts today
Colton Phillips
ok, so what would the process be? and who would decide? Mental illness is, in many cases, NOT easy to see, can have sudden onset like depression or psychotic breaks, etc.
A license idea might not be bad, but the licensing company would have to not be a government agency, or at the very least compartmentalized to ensure the least amount of government interference and make so that if a law enforcement agency wants to check on a person they first need a warrant and probable cause.
Carter Jenkins
More importantly: how do we get our guns back in Canakanda?
I want something more badass than my bolt action. 308
Jordan Lewis
>Gun control ideas: -No guns for nignogs -No guns for spics
Leo Thomas
>Try getting a high kill ratio with your pipe gun >not just making 50 disposable zip-guns
Ryder Rodriguez
A lot of things dont work where civil society is functionally nonexistant. Capitalist shills take note: Sao Paolo has more helipads per capita than any other city. Why? Because it is such a capitalist paradise that the rich simply fly over the violent mongrel populace which they bleed for labor and money with minimal maintenance cost.
Joseph Fisher
What a great idea, it's not like the government would use this technology to disarm all guns across the nation when required
Nathaniel Watson
I gotta ask you gun guys something. What the hell does anyone need a drum clip for? I personally do not think they should be permitted.
Jack Martin
i got a much better solution we kill everyone who wants gun control and make furniture from their bones
Henry Hernandez
>National registry State registry, non-transferrable. >no more assault style weapons almost everything, RPGs, mortars, and belt-fed weapons allowed in some states and not others. Stop pretending having something in Philly would be analogous to popping off crazy shit high powered weapons for fun in the middle of nowhere in Utah or Nevada. >limits on amount of ammunition one can possess. However much you want, legislation passes that says if you are imprisoned you must be given a working firearm with one round either to kill yourself with, or to try and fight your way out of prison. >no more conceal carry or open carry Agreed, all carry laws stricken from the books. >no guns allowed in a five mile area around any school, church, or government building. regulate this mind of nitpicking shit on a state level >must pass thorough background check. no misdemeanors, felonies, must pass IQ test, pass a doctor's exam, be over the age of 25, pass a government exam. see above. I agree felons should not possess guns, and I think firearms training should be mandatory for each and every citizen. Then they wouldn't be so scared when they encounter someone who knows how to use one.
Andrew Garcia
saged and reported
Parker Hughes
for suppressive fire like say during a riot
lol permit me
do you feel in charge?
Kevin Walker
America should really look at what the Swiss do and see if it could help.
Eli Wright
>Gun control ideas >Doesn't realize shall not be infringed. Tell me when less than 56% white democrat voters are gonna stop shooting schools for their degenerate ideology.
Tyler Miller
>clip I got a question for you gun grabbing faggots. Why do you think we give a fuck what your opinions are?
Mason Jones
Link to this study? Liberals never listen to stats.
Samuel Flores
Chemical castration for all liberals and minorities will solve the school shooting problem and all of society's problems in general.
Nathan Bailey
Liam Perry
Hudson Flores
I definitely agree, it wouldn't be easy. As you said correctly, mental illness is difficult to spot. What is needed is what is always needed: good parenting. Society does not have enough councilors, doctors, police officers, or bureaucrats to do the jobs of parents. People need to honestly identify the issues with their children that they are raising. Apart from that, the few doctors and school councilors/teachers that come into contact with kids should have more options to identify students who need help instead of just begging them to seek it as was the case for the Virginia Tech shooter.
A very difficult balancing act as you do not want one's freedoms stepped on by an angry teacher or doctor. Perhaps a mental health check when one applies for the permit to own the weapon? That would likely get it at the source and would do a lot in conjunction with the aforementioned ideas.
Lincoln Torres
Only thing i would be ok with is mental health and limits on ammo.
Nolan Gray
You should probably go fuck yourself.
Michael Garcia
thanks for the count You're doing mein Fuhrer's work
Isaiah Rivera
>honduars >non-whites >Switzerland >jews hmmmmmm
Nolan Taylor
Can somebody please tell me why there are so many threads trying to stop Americans from getting shot.
Grayson Price
Better idea, encourage good people to stop being irresponsible soy boys and carry a gun themselves.
Jackson Jenkins
lol no, try to take guns you die, try to register you die
Bottom line is you push more and more you will die. End of story. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.
Kayden Fisher
National service ? Probably would.
Nathaniel Green
Me too.
Julian Williams
>, I don't see why keeping them out of the hands of the mentally ill or those with criminal records would be considered an affront to the Second Amendment. That's just practical. Why are people so insanely dangerous that they can't be trusted with a constitutional right free to walk the streets? Lock them up. Anyone too dangerous to own a firearm is too dangerous to own a truck, buy household chemical from Wal*Mart, buy gasoline, own a lock and chain, have cutlery...
Ian Morales
the killer was raised by a Hispanic, but you all seem amazed by the result
>-National registry, where everything, including mental health is regularly updated
Ridiculous, this not violates the fourth amendment, but is the path to complete seizure of weapons. Evaluation of mental health is highly speculative and would need to be controlled to the point where politics becomes involved. Would you allow Joy Behar to judge who is mentally fit?
>-no more assault style weapons. turn over or go to jail for felony possession
Really, you are going to base a weapons ban on cosmetic features?
>-limits on amount of ammunition one can possess. No more than 5 rounds.
GTFO, I can go through 100 rounds each time I target shoot or develope hunting loads. 5 rounds is ridiculous, and defacto violates the Second Amendment.
>-no more conceal carry or open carry
The right to keep and BEAR arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.
>-no guns allowed in a five mile area around any school, church, or government building.
That means that you will have to wait for the Police to arrive to clean up the bodies.
>-must pass thorough background check. no misdemeanors, felonies, must pass IQ test, pass a doctor's exam, be over the age of 25, pass a government exam.
We already have background checks, any felonies means you won’t pass . Adding the other bullshit is a violation of the fourth amendment. The mass shooters pass the background checks, because the FBI sucks. And you think it will be better with more regulations and the same number of agents?
Pulling this garbage out of your ass does not help the situation, particularly if you don’t know jack shit about existing gun laws. Your suggestions are based on your desire to have the government control other peoples actions, but your too dumb to realize this will allow them to completely control YOU!
Robert Gray
Samuel Perry
30% would fight to the death. A civil war would erupt that kills 50 million at least. Sure try a gun ban and then you would really see some shootings. Just ban blacks and latinos from owning them.
Nicholas Diaz
Daniel Martinez
Implement mandatory 2 years of military service in order to earn full citizenship. Anyone who does not serve is not a full citizen and is not able to vote or hold firearms.
how bout you kill yourself. molon labe. and if you werent born here, fuckin deport yourself traitor.
Levi Cruz
kys faggot. im will not be ordered by law to join a fucking club
Justin Parker
>where everything, including mental health is regularly updated
Mental health is so subjective though. Its not like you can take a blood test to objectively determine a persons mental health. If you leave it up to (((mental health professionals))) to make that determination their liberal bias will surely impact their assessments.
>so you are a registered Republican? Sorry goy, but fascist Nazis arent allowed to have guns.
A better solution is to imitate the Canadian system and have two non-related persons who you have known for at least 3 years vouch for you that you are responsible enough to own a fire arm and are not a nut job.
Had this been in place, Nikolas Cruz would never have been allowed to purchase a fire arm as everyone he knew thought he was a homicidal psycho.
Andrew Young
Kill yourself, Communist filth.
Mason Perry
I've got a better idea; YOU - go to the hardware store - select rope - buy rope - go outside - find nearest tree - tie rope to that tree - hang yourself by that rope.
Juan Parker
> 1 post by ID > oblivion take you, be ye bot or be ye shill.
Aaron Sullivan
Go home to israel!
Why is it that every jew in the US federal government wants to disarm white men in America, but none of them wants to disarm jews in israel?
Isaiah Perez
Nice so I’m limited to protecting my family with a limited capacity magazine when a mentally ill criminal opens fire on people with their illegally obtained assault rifle. You think banning assault rifles isn’t going to just lower the cost when it moves to the black market?
Owen Johnson
how about instead, we do this:
repeal NFA 1934 repeal GCA 1968 repeal FOPA 1986
amend constitution with bill that makes it punishable by death to demand or vote for any legislation, bill, or candidate that proposes to infringe upon the civil liberty of firearms ownership in the united states of america
Joseph Smith
minimum age for ownership is 25
Charles Allen
how about the same applies to voting
Ryan Jones
>just do this How do you propose they confiscate these? If the option is give up my rights or prison, I’ll kill every last person coming through that doorway. Now who is there to confiscate? The limp wristed left?
Asher Taylor
This. time to fight back.
Luis Reyes
fuckn faggot, I wish i could reach through the internet and slap your stupid bitch ass unconscious.
Dominic Thompson
>some other niggers have to vouch for you Doesn’t sound like a right.
Charles Murphy
Go away jew
Angel Adams
Fuck you. Kill yourself.
Daniel Hall
-no -no -no -no -no -no
Jace Cooper
Gun Control Idea's: Only white people should own guns. White people must be part of a gun club or local militia. Any poc found with a gun outside of military service can legally shot on sight. Communists and other subservice organisation will also have to follow tbe same rules as poc.
James Perry
I predict that an American's right to fully automatic weapons, and heavy artillery will be once again recognized, after the communists are removed from congress or hanged for treason.
David King
As soon as you pass gun control laws the government cab literally just do whatever they want. If we were allowed to have guns qe wouldnt have a problem of wild jahoodi's and rapefugees running around killing and raping.
Ryan Wilson
Nigger you won't be in the clubs, you're legally diseased with leftism.
Kevin Evans
You'll find your answer when you see the nogs in the US.
White America is Luxembourg tier.
Dominic Miller
Brandon Cruz
pics appropriate, you sound like a retarded woman. move to bongistan if you want to live in an unarmed nanny state, nigger.
Mason Ward
no gun control. stop destroying family core and creating inbred mutt cucks
Nolan Myers
Eli Morris
>Gun control ideas No. Fuck you statist scum.
Parker Moore
>you have to be a member of the NRA to own a gun >if a person is a member and they shoot up a school or some public area, blame the NRA This is a win/win because it would give them more members and at the same time pressure them into making sure that only people who are fit enough to own guns can have them
Nathan Gutierrez
Great idea. Also same for tobacco sales, alcohol sales, military service (since we can't have under 25yr olds with weapons), driver's license, movie tickets to an R rated film?
Carson Cook
In an age of 3d Printing, CNC machining, and the spread of information and schematics on the internet.... any tough regulations will just be skirted by people "making" guns at home
After all, you've got guys in their garages at home already restoring 1965 Ford Mustangs from the frame up, rebuilding engines in their garages, converting carb'ed cars to Electronic Fuel Injection.... it isn't that much to expect the same guys with the same tools being able to pump out their own rifles
Brandon Thomas
30% is a pretty conservative estimate .
Gavin Rodriguez
We just need gun laws similar to Australia and the UK.
The stabbing/acid/truck attack meme is not even remotely comparable to the hideous, 3rd world per-capita gun death statistics in America. You will not stop a government that possesses a military so comically bloated and powerful that it outmatches the might of the next 5 countries combined with your AR-15 peashooters.
Stop being willingly mindfucked by the NRA.
Adrian King
The fbi will protect all you gun haters
Isaac Walker
Try it, kike. We have been waiting for folks like you.