Cred Forums why haven't you watched Black Panther yet? It's the fifth biggest obening of all time Cred Forums
Cred Forums why haven't you watched Black Panther yet? It's the fifth biggest obening of all time Cred Forums
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I rarely go to the movies but I'll check it out when it comes to HBO.
>The only place black people can see a prosperous black society is in make fictitious universe.
US market is now pretty much irrelevant for the Hollywood jews, it only matters how it performs in china. And chinks hate niggers.
Everyone involved already made their money. That's how Hollywood works. They're not invested in a films financial success because they all already got paid. They basically pay each other to make slop.
>Everyone involved already made their money. That's how Hollywood works.
thats literally how everything works user
Not bad. Annoying that people have to politicize and attach more importance than there should be to what is just another capeshit movie. Have to hand it to the Jews in Hollywood, though, they've done a marvelous job of squeezing money from blacks and other useful idiots.
What was the advertising budget?
I'll check it out when I accidentally see it on TV at someone's house
According to comScore, 37% of moviegoers were African American.
The studio forecasts a four-day holiday weekend of $218m in the US and Canada, and a global debut of $361m. Though the film’s international footprint doesn’t include several of the largest markets – China, Russia, Japan – it still ranks among the top 15 global debuts ever.
must have been high
I saw black panther trailer playing on some of the shittiest preroll/interstitial video ad placements on the days leading up to the premier. studio probably spent millions on shitty DSP traffic that was 90% fraudulent impressions in order to squeeze out maximum awareness for this film.
I'll do this just because I inevitably always watch things at least once. No way in hell I'll see this in a theater though.
Black Panther is an action hero movie released at a time of significant social tension, in order to increase that social tension.
it's every marketer's wet dream come true
>In the U.K./Ireland, “Black Panther” took in $24.8 million and is the second-highest opening for a Marvel title, behind only “Avengers: Age of Ultron.” It has already overtaken the entire run of “Justice League,” “Captain America,” “Thor” and “Iron Man” and broke the record for highest grossing February opening weekend of all time.
>Mexico was the third-largest market with $9.6 million, followed by Brazil with $9.4 million, Australia with $9.2 million, France with $7.7 million, Indonesia with $6.5 million and Germany with $6.2 million.
I don't watch capeshit movies. 15+ years ago people would have labeled you an autist for doing such a thing. I don't know what changed
I dont lnow user, i heard they liked planet of the apes
>With both Lionsgate's "Early Man" and PureFlix's "Samson" struggling in the low single digits
This week on "Niggers think they've achieved something"
The USA has a judaified negro-centric culture.
Evola wrote about this very thing.
they became profitable
Friend of mine downloaded it..watched it. Not bad but nothing special. It is a generic CGI shit show, like all comic book movies.
I'll watch it online once I can find a video quality better than a shaky cam.
>Paying actual real world currency to watch a movie once at a time and place not of your choosing
>Giving (((Them))) shekels
I seriously hope none of you do this.
>fifth place
this was just the right time to release the movie, by jumping on the fuck whitey bandwagon. black panther as a character has been around for 50 years and he's never had anything close to this scale.
In the theater watching it now. It’s swarming with niggers and their spawns. Movie hasn’t even started yet and they’re all fucking loud
I was always told that when in the USA, never go to the cinema when you have a large concentration of blacks cause they tend to hoot and holla, making the movie impossible to watch
Who gives a shit that all the niggers of the world finally paid for a movie?
Not only that, but they yell at the movie screen in reaction. It's fucking obnoxious.
this is true. It's like being forced to watch a movie with chimpanzees.
>literally modern blacksploitation
>truth hurts kek
They didn't tho. They are on welfare. Whitey paid.
>Disney earning boatloads of money on niggers
>mfw I'm a Disney shareholder
Black are highly susceptible to advertising
leave and ask for your money back, not sure why you thought that was a good idea
>Annoying that people have to politicize and attach more importance than there should be to what is just another capeshit movie.
The white villain is every chav stereotype rolled into one, plus the added insult that he's only successful in what he does due to stealing from KANGZ.
The white sidekick/ally is a CIA agent/ex fighter pilot that is so bumbling and incompetent that it beggars belief.
Yeah, definitely no politics there
I didn't know theaters accepted EBT cards.
I bet this is because they started accepting EBT cards for tickets for this movie
Thats why the white man pirates his movies
>Watching modern cinema in the comfort of your own home
>Dont have to deal with niggers and other shitskins
>Dont have to pay absurd prices for snacks
>Can pause/rewind if you have to piss or miss something
>Doesnt give (((Hollywood))) your money
Going to movie theaters is for suckers.
who's gonna have the balls to watch Black Panther and then walk out of it. Make sure to wear a trucker hat and mutton chops
>is in a make fictitious universe invented by Jews
Fixed for extra pathetic points
That's exactly right. I drive an extra 30 minutes out of the way to go to a theater that has white people because the black theater smells bad and parents let their kids run up and down the aisles when they get bored of the R-rated movie they shouldn't be watching to begin with.
I dont even need to watch the movie to know what its about
>Relatively same plot as some other Marvel movies over the last 10 years
>Same CGI as other Marvel movies over the last 10 years
>You could replace 'Black Panther' with literally any other Marvel movie and itd be almost the same
Did I get it right? I havent watched a movie in over a year. And before that it had been like 5 years.
Wakanda is REAL
Wow great success. Disney will be very happy to pay all of the taxes they owe on all of those millions in profits.
I bet it wasn't that high. They really banked on social media advertising and word of mouth and damn it worked really, really well. The kikes in Hollywood know what they're doing.
I do that and I always go early in the morning at like a 9:30 showing cos that's when it's only seniors and early birds and the niggers are still asleep.
I don't watch movies anymore user. That shit's degenerate.
Why are whities so cucked that they watch this shit and pay money for it?
Voter registration at the theater. Uh oh.
I didn't know Cinemark accepted EBT.
This. Fuck Hollyjewwood, no more shekels from me ever again.
she's real too.
It wasn’t the largest opening of all time???
This is clearly ypipo systemic racism
>Boost Mobile
poorfag detected
kek. Financed by white tax payers. The ultimate shekel ponzi scheme. Even better than Bitcoin.
Disney will report a loss due to Hollywood accounting.
Everyone became autists.
das rite
I don’t think Cred Forums is going to win the next US election. That was a one time trick.
>That number
I smell something rotten.
A fast and furious movie? More popular than all that other shit? How?
It's shit, I don't need to pay $14 to know that
I watched it, it was OK, there were a few major plot holes that were hard to ignore.
It wasn't anti white--I appreciated that.
if Cred Forums really wants to fuck with the system we could all go to the movie theatre and pay $10 bucks for "Early Man" kek.
The white CIA agent literally saves the day and the main villain of the movie is a poor black American from Oakland who wants to arm black people all over the world with hyper-advanced weapons to exterminate whites. The hero kills the villain to prevent white genocide while the CIA agent prevents the weapons from leaving the country.
What movie did you watch?
Where are these Basketball Americans getting all this money?
Whoa whoa user, this movie is racist against black people
They're getting it from taxcucks.
your pockets
>It wasn't anti white
>white people is inferior devils that we should rule with our superior everything
It was actually pretty good guys.
Normies love those movies here for some reason. I don't understand how either, everything past Tokyo Drift is the same shit over and over.
only rural and suburban retards didn't like Black Panther
>superhero movies in Anno Domini 2018
Because im not a fuckin nigger
I was told that the white people will clap at the beginning and the end but that for the rest of the movie they are respectful. And basically what you said about majority black audiences
What a phenomenon. So basically, any cam of this movie outside of the USA will be ok to watch (as my copy was) but you will never see a cam from an American theater.
Chances are the will be reacting to the scenes and fuck up his own release
HAHAAHHAAH would love for an American going to a cinema to record the reactions more than the movie, would probably donate to that dude just so I could get the experience AHHAHA
>not wanting pay as little to the jews as you have to
Catman, fake and gay
Have not paid to see a hollywood movie for over 15 years...In Brazil it is common for people to get the bootleg version...I have even seen a BOPE officer purchase a movie from a street vendor HAHAHAH
FBI stats show violent crime goes down when BP is showing.
Who the fuck keeps letting all the Cred Forumsirgins in here, anyone who tells you they'd unironically watch any of this jew hollywood shit is not from Cred Forums
This is just a projection that includes Monday. Which is retarded because Monday isn’t a real holiday not has it happened yet. Also they should just compare it to three day openings
> why haven't you watched Black Panther yet?
>It's the fifth biggest opening of all time
because I'm not three fifths of a man
I watch American releases, I actually like to see the and often point out to my wife the whilst we watch the movie...
The biggest horror fest was that Armie Hammer movie, call me by your name or some shit...that was the most horrifying shit I have seen in a decade:
Jew family, rich as brings a colleague from America over to France, identifies as jew...young son: 17, gets into a sexual experience with a 30+ the end of the movie the jew dad basically explains that he brought the jew stud so his son could be fucked by the man he wishes he had the balls to fuck. Indicated to the son that knows the men of the house are gay...
Worst scene ever: kid fucks a peach, falls asleep...stud muffin older man turns the kid on by pretending he will eat the peach and his cream HHAHAHAHAH
I barfed in my mouth a little bit, my wife was revolted.
>shills so afraid of archivefag that they don't even include links anymore
Sometimes Cred Forums forgets like 75% of the "white" population in the USA are race traitor cucks.
Or maybe Hollywood washes money like fuck with fake ticket sales and fake SJW campaigns are the perfect occasion to wash money galore?
>capeshit makes money
Am I supposed to be surprised?
Niggers would just steal all the pens
>I was told that the white people will clap at the beginning and the end
That's a meme and doesn't really happen. At least not in any of the theaters I've ever been to.
>but you will never see a cam from an American theater
Because you will get arrested. Hollywood puts markers in the movies at certain points so they can tell which theater it was shown in. That's probably less of a problem in Brazil because police are probably more concerned about violent crime than some guy recording in a theater.
>Chances are the will be reacting to the scenes and fuck up his own release
Usually the better cams will have a dedicated audio stream recorded from headphone jacks used for the hearing impaired to avoid things like that. You'll see "TS" (short for telesync) in the filename for these.
>They are on welfare. Whitey paid
the movie theaters take EBT?
Nope. Why do you think all these companies keep doing all this sjw shit. Cause people buy it.
I'm going to see it next Friday with my girlfriend.
Why is this movie triggering Cred Forums so much? Who gives a fuck if blacks finally get a black superhero? I'd rather black kids look up to this, an idealized version of their culture vs the filth and degeneracy that their culture actually is.
Ill pirate it like i do every other movie because im sick of 14 dollar movie tickets. Im not paying more then the dvd of a movie to see it early. Im all for an ethnostate where you keep out invaders and keep your culture. Blacks tried that with liberia and were invaded by other blacks that ruined it.
Most hollywood releases that I have seen (cam) have a censored portion when those markets come up. I get tons or releases from Saudi Arabia, Korea and all kind of places, even Brazilian but I seldom see an american cam recording...interesting to say the least
As I understand, Hollywood releases movies abroad before they are shown in the USA?
Also hilarious shit: every single hollywood + china release has such blatant product placement, it is hilarious. The last orlando bloom movie has a drone operating side kick drink soy milk and at some point you see he is browsing the site for said soy milk company (SILK) and drinks that shit in the movie
Independence day 2 (fucking garbage) has the people in the movie drink that garbage on screen on 3 occasions. Don't know if this is shown on the american release of the movie
When ever I hear critics of the movie being shouted down as racist I automatically think that the movie is going to be a terrible piece of dog shit. Everything thing I heard about that movie was about race, and when that's the only thing it can stand on it's usually not worth the time it takes to watch. I'll download it eventually, but I'm in no rush, because my feeling is that I'll have to turn it off 15 minutes in just because of the cringe factor.
I wonder sometimes, maybe I have been on pol for too long but...every fucking movie I have seen since 2015 has interracial that Kate Winslet movie with the black guy...the only non mixed race shit is when you have 2 jew homosexuals....
The rest is pure SJW insanity.
And not a palatable movie on the entire list
So niggers spent their EBT checks on capeshit written by pedo Jews?
>only 37% of the audience were niggers.
What the fuck are you doing America? STOP ENABLING NIGGERS
Capeshit (especally marvel capeshit) is garbage and you should feel bad for watching it
Black Panther is effectively a Trump ad where a nationalist with a heart takes on a Black Lives Matter supporter on a power trip.
cgi got better
Any white who watch this movie is a traitor.
No, wear an "I'm with her shirt". It'd be perfect. Then demand your money back and make sure everyone sees you.
>fifth largest opening of all time.
Black Panther didn't even make it to the podium. Sad. No medal for Wakanda.
Jews sitting around a table with a mediocre for a mediocre marvel comic book.
How can we make the goy give us more money for this shit ?
I know rabbi
We Was Kangz and Shitte !!
Racial movies suck...all they do is shill for the minorities in the movie
Any Will Smith, Kevin Hart, Planet of the Apes bullshit is impossible to watch
Fifth in fiction and 3/5ths in history. Good on you, niggers.
'Dis be our bible now, y'know.
That seems total believable. Especially with a 100 % rating before it's opening weekend.
Fuck this marvel turd. Even if it is good... I'm tired of the fucking kiked movies, tired of the kiked media pushing race bullshit...
Tired of niggers being so gullible and giving into it all.
Well yeah, marketing is the science of seducing the stupid and weak willed.
THIS. Brilliant. I love how he's forced to rattle off credentials of every published author, because mongs think that anything they see on a screen has a monopoly on truth and can't be challenged. I fucking can't believe we didn't get rid of these genetic laughing stocks and failures in the late 1800's. There were plenty of blacks that we're loyal to their southern masters, refused to leave the plantations, and we're treated very well. They were happy in the same way a well-trained dog is (not trying to be demeaning); they knew were they fit in. As soon as you let them off the leash, like any fucking animal, they run wild and destroy everything they fucking touch. They've sewn nothing but misery, death, destruction and disorder since their unceremonious origin after a bonobo fucked a neanderthal child with downs. They've literally made life a living hell for anyone below the upper class who has no choice but to be in proximity to these violent vermin 24/7. I'm not a fucking white supremecist. I judge these fucks on the content of their character; I never gave a shit about their skin color. But after 30 years of this shit, I can identify the correlative that ON AVERAGE (inb4 dur dur dur I know one who isn't like that dur hur) all that is filthy, violent,
and diseased ridden 80% of the fucking time has dark skin / negroid feathers
Why haven't I gone? Because I don't want some feral nig at the theater who now THINKS HE IS A KANG AND SHEEEIT try robbing me in the parking lot for airfare to Wakanda and me have to shoot him. I am too old to want the hassle.
sorry to push pause on your rant a Jap Brazilian and as many South Africans can relate, and US southerners...they would often consider black as family
it is the Jew, wanting to protect themselves from their crimes that convinced white retards to accept as a thing. So many slave owners came to accept loyal blacks and natives as family members.
Don't believe the bullshit...not all slave owners were animals as white people are compassionate and not only afforded salaries but went to great lengths to protect, shelter and aid their loyal friends/family
To be a racist and say that all black/natives were savages is bullshit...Our common enemy is the very (((people))) that sought to undermine (as they do) our very special relationships in a cruel and unusual (((world)))
No group of people are evil unless they accept to succumb to fake propaganda
Will Smith movies are ok IMO
Racist white people on movies with a predominantly white cast and one (1) non white person, something which has been the norm for a century: [crickets]
Racist white people on one (1) movie with a predominantly black cast, which takes place in Africa and still manages to get two white men in the cast: SJW bullshit, propaganda, racism, alienation (it's because you're racist and and can't relate to non-white people when POC have had to relate to white characters forever), etc.
Just say that you are racist and go.
Chinese market isn't as important actually. The Chinese government keeps most of the revenue.
>fifth place
yeah, that's about right, greatest black masterpiece, a triumph of blackness, and still comes in fifth place. What's it like to see your best isn't good enough? What's it like to know that the perfect storm of social media still only bought you fifth place?
this movie is fucking dangerous. Not in and of itself, but when you mix a childish theatrical lie with a bunch of 0 iq hominids, there WILL be a generational chimpout. We've had to deal with enough of their fucking shit, and now their constant harassment, violence, sexual abuse, etc etc etc will be vindicated because of a fucking comic book. God these slimes are pathetic. I wish Marcus Garvey's ideas had got off the ground, and the whole lot of these dumb bells went back to their subsaharan 'holy land' to die in puddles of ebola and warlord blood
You are right...slave owners (especially whites) were quite loving of their special circumstances and sheltered and protected their new found family/friends.
The only savages were (((those))) that were part of a global slave trade for profit..the only people that recognize all goys as scum...
When their game was up, as it would have been without the they drove a wedge between the humane white man and his humane treatment of workers
No white man creating a decent empire would treat their as subhuman.
For example, I am a 3rd gen parents never mistreated their employees...only (((they))) would be disgusting enough to distort the role our workers played in raising myself and my kin.
To this day. I consider my maids as family
So am I.
30k worth of shares. You?
Also, watch as 25% of your profits goes to black communities.
yeah its been the norm for a century and it would be until the end of time if leftists didn't disingenuously shoe horn blacks into every goddamn page of history. The truth is there IS NOTHING INTERESTING ABOUT THEM or their history, cultures, or physical makeup. Them beating the shit out of eachother or raping babies to cure aids just doesn't make for good theatre. Normal humans (aka all non-negroid blacks) use drama and art to grow, develop introspection, and expose themselves to new thoughts, dialectics, ideas etc. That's exactly why you don't have blacks in the best literature, art, cinema etc except when they BIG SUPRISE decide to act like a human and not a nigger (ex. Othello, Cry Freedom (Steven Biko), etc etc etc
>atleast 20 monkeys with internet access and the wit to use it decided to return to the promised sand
Let them chimp the fuck out. Let them scare the soccer moms and soyboy normies. Let all the white Hillary voters get robbed, shot, and their fucking heads split open. Let the whining white liberal race traitors see what happens when the cultural model that let America grow and exist gets upended from within through the scheming of the Jew and their pet apes gone feral.
>tfw every time I go to the cinema everyone stays dead silent
Its good to be a brit sometimes
I'm not surprised. Yesterday I went to see Peter Rabbit and half of the rooms in the movie theater were playing Black Panther. The place was packed with kangs.
>implying they paid
If the niggers had actually paid for tickets, damn movie probably would have been $400 million
Paki here, somehow (((they))) convinced a lot of Muslims and Paki kids that this film is something to do with them. Tonnes of these faggots went out to watch this nigger propaganda.
ugh. Pakis and Muslims do NOT have negroid features (i.e. the flat wide nose and brow ridge); they are not nigs
If I didn't hate niggers so much, and I was younger (used to love the super hero block busters), I'd have definitely seen it. Between the hype and the fact that it's a completely new hero and storyline, it's attractive to a normie. Let blacks have one thing they can be proud of, even if it's fictitious.
seems to me like this is a perfect VS china when all the studios need to sell out to china,,,independence day open fucking shit the chinese cam version...promoting soy milk and extended scenes pandering to chinese audiences
fucking spooky..USA so in debt to China that they allow special ethnic versions of your iconic movies to be shit versions and DVD releases are grossly different
the end times are near my brother
Yeah no need to tell me.
We're mostly central asian + pajeet, not sure why these fucking paki kids end up in the gangster nigger culture.
My hope is that this movie could also have some positive effects. Haven't seen it but if the super nigger has a level head, can employ reason, wants to be a father, thinks before chucking a spear at someones throat etc etc I'm hoping that blacks may be inspired to be more responsible. I'd rather they worship super nigger that the typical hip hop mongoloids
Because they come to the west and see that the prevailing bad boy culture is niggers and their antics. They copy and mimic what they can to also get pussy.
>Implying this is relevant by the end of the movie.
>Black Panther open's borders
>Starts trade
>Becomes less nationalistic
>Becomes for refugee
>Slowly shows traditional is bad in the movie that he's the first one to change it and tells his dead ancestor kangz "YOU'RE ALL WRONG"
Black Panther is Progressive Left, bud.
those numbers are fake news.
>I'll check it out when it comes to HBO.
>t. faggot
The studio and producers are just buying tickets and giving them away, it's a kike tax scam that also furthers the nigger agenda
God, imagine if that vibranium fell into the hands of humans instead of apes?
Dude, unless watching that movie was some kind of rite of passage, I'm afraid I have some bad news for you.
>I'd rather black kids look up to this, an idealized version of their culture vs the filth and degeneracy
I agree with this, but I think the point has eluded you. Anyway, I'm not watching it because I won't give any of my money to the (((producers))).
I won't even do this. I can't stand the sjw influence that has become prevalent in most movies. I think that this one might be the final straw for me.
The movies are good, he, not so much. He has his niche but tends to be cast outside his ability a bit too often. Smith literally ruined I am Legend.
Just zapping through it. That shit is the most stereotypical racist shit I ever saw. The effects are shit tier and the dialogue sound like written by a team of jewish 12 year old midgets. 2/10, 2 hours offence to everything Black
As a Brazilian, a mixed mutt native add mixture, ayahuasca was my rite of passage...this movie was the enemy's chess move that I found B. fisher playing with a toddler
It was an awakening, a sign that pol was fucking correct...even ayahuasca at an adult age warned me that the last bastion of free speech is where I would find my greatest allies.
sure...huehue jungle medicine and all that..but truth be told, unlike (((psychiatric medicine))) even the jungle juice tells me that my greatest allies will always be found on this board and especially amongst the angry, revolted and pissed off.
Those that look beyond my mutt mixture and desire to partake in the treasure bestowed upon us as the human race, I will always call my brothers
Hate me, love thing is for sure, I will never fuck your mother/sister unless you consider me a brother from another mother
If you get the cut of my jib, good, if not, I meant no offense to you or your family. I will never cast dispersion on you loved ones.
Same with TV commercials. It's painful how obvious they are with pushing their agenda.
You would definitely see burger camrips if it wasn't so risky to make them here. You've got about as much chance of getting away with it as you do cheating in a casino, and the movie studios will do you much worse than an ass whooping.
More like everything past tokyo drift is a soap opera loosely incorporating cars.
That is why, especially in my shithole, I understood long ago that I needed to kill my TV... my family to adopt a fringe lifestyle that is neither popular nor accepted.
My neighbors may hate me but my children love me for fostering their natural inquisitiveness and love of based discovery ...this is honestly the only place that allows me to speak freely and find kindred spirits.
What was it’s three day haul? They’re projecting Monday despite the fact that most working people don’t get it off and all the niggers that would pay to see it already saw it. Sounds like they’re just spinning it into a record breaker when it broke no records. It was shown at a near-record number of theaters and over 1/3 of the audience was a nigger and was also super hyped and at the end of the day was mahvel capeshit so it wasn’t going to bomb but why are they still making it out to be huger than it is?
Damn this film's raking in money for the Jews and white executives.
Did these people even watch the damn film?
I agree...Due to the fact that we are a shithole...personal exhibition of rips are legal in Brazil. Although they do take down money making copyright infringement, the average cunt such as myself can find cam rips and DVD screeners to watch, at less than 1$US (mostly free) and the gov won't do shit
I'll check it out when local nigger channel WNIG 7 buys the rights to show it on a Thursday afternoon and I have no remote in my retirement home in 2071
>foreign not already beating domestic
welp, looks like maybe $500M globally
If there was a caucasian version of this called White Tiger, a superboer in South Africa, it would have been deemed racist.
Hey yo monkey boy. How about Brazil becomes the dump of the mixed. You nation is already a total genetic fuck up and throwing some more in there wouldn't really hurt the social cohesion. Of course no right to travel and communicate with ethno states and you will get Venezuela to for energy security. Mutts would go freely to Brazil and no need for a worldwide genocide on poor mixed devils
Sure, Brazil is a mutt society and the last paradise when it comes to ethno states...German colonies and Japanese colonies,,,no mix regions that formed a great nation, divided by glow in the dark agencies,
A Lesson for you my meme flag friend>> Brazil is an anti deep state country that will always be fucked with until the swamp is drained...let me explain>
Largest population of german rejects, only cause the USA only wanted paperclip cunts: Brazil
Largest population or Japs, outside of japan cause the USA thought that japs should live in isolation
Largest population of Lebanese people outside of Lebanon, cause we accepted all the disenfranchised
As a meme flag...The only country that created black stongholds, in Bahia and Quilombolas around brazil, the only country where Africans slave could have their culture preserved
Before you call out Brazil, read a fucking book or two, we are the only nation that never turned away any nation, including Southern whites from the civil wars (americana) , gave African slaves their own land and native peoples a right to govern their own people...Japanese and German evil people a right to colonies and let anybody that western people history books called EVIL a place to live in peace
No wonder we are the shit hole of the world, the asshole...cause we refused to accept bullshit history as truth
Call me a monkey..but Brazil is a nation of all and probably the only place if we BTFO deep state where you will end up calling home
cooked numbers
>Black movie is 5th largest opening
>Africa is the 5th best continent in the world ahead of only Antarctica and Australia.
Given all the circle jerking and all the Hollywood lies people gobble up I'm actually amazed it didn't break Top 3.
They can only donate so many tickets before the tax scam isn't profitable anymore.
>5th place
4th loser
so glad i've never seen any of those movies
It's a fucking marvel movie on the hype train to Infinity War. The fact that it's got niggers in it is a bonus for Disney.
It appears to be imploding.... most of the upvoted reviews are against it.
Is a fucking fast and furious movie seriously #1? LOOOOOOOOL
Why would I pay money to watch any of the subhuman scum?
> Not adjusted for inflation
What is this garbage?
movie theaters take EBT now
no just kidding, they sell EBT for real cash, then buy crack and sneak into the theaters
>China market isn't relevant
That's why Disney removed Star Wars from the Han Solo marketing after Last Jedi bombed, right?
It also proves the Bix Nu are willing to break into violence at the drop of a hat. Or, lip disk, I guess
>The white villain is every chav stereotype rolled into one
There are plenty of reasons to hate the movie but this is some strawman bullshit. The villain is an actual Black Panther from Oakland who wants to kill whitey because muh oppression and reparaishuns for slavery
Fucking lmao
Would just add at the end: , by jews
>5th place in openings
>5th place in inhabited continents
Makes sense
Because it's an pretty good ACTION movie with cool effects. It has nothing to do with real blacks.
Remember that old movie about a white astronaut that pretended to go to the future but instead faked future footage of everything going well to inspire people and give them hope so they could work towards making all those good things happen?
Black panther is that movie for niggers
I liked it, Cred Forums BTFO
not by ticket count, by dollar amount due to inflation it looks bigger than it is. its not a significant piece of cinema.
That's a good excuse right there.
Let's start talking about why "we wuz kangz the movie" did so well.
The same way avatard pushed up ticket prices, put inflated prices cause all presentations were 3D IMAX?
them slick bastards know how to
niggers listen to their overlords, other niggers like jayz. and the nigger overlords said to see the nigger movie. they went with credit cards and ebt swaps and snuck in liquor and had a good old time. im going to wait a week before using a theatre again to let that stinking nigger funk dissipate
one of the worst 'mainstream' movies of all time
First cam releases on bootleg are all 3D...hummmmmm
I'm not a little kid or comic book nerd. I don't go out to watch any of these shitty faggy movies
>Boost Mobile
poorfag dete>>Boost Mobile
>poorfag detected
tfw BP got zero Oscar nominations
One of the mosy SJW movies in the history of cinema....
Pro-native and pro evil white man shit...record box office...shitshow of a movie...even included a cripple....
Even as a mutt native, that shit made me want to inter ...white boy pairs up with an alien played by mutt zoe fruit salada
First mega fucking SJW movie before people realized the agenda
I'm going to watch it after the traffic dies down a little bit. I don't like watching movies packed in a theater with people.
Still looks like shit compared to live action movies I grew up on.
Cred Forums memed this film into success. nice going.
Black Panther has a 97 on rotten tomatoes. Meanwhile One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest has a 95. Just putting that out there
I don't go to movies anymore. I am cocooning because of multiculturalism. While I am interested in a technological ethnostate, I am too fatigued from black people to pay to see a movie staring nothing but black people.
I still haven't seen Wonder Woman.
Do these figures allow for inflation?
I actually thought he was good in that, I also liked Hancock.. hate his stances on racial issues though, from what Ive seen he's just another "blame whitey" black celebrity without an original thought.
So why does the left wing keep claiming it is the bastion of the oppressed if you clearly have numbers far outweighing our own? This is why you're losing. Actions speak louder than words. want America to seem racist? just bootleg it like every other movie you own.
I sill haven't run into a single person expressing interest in this movie
I mean, he has charisma. I don't have a problem with him being in movies. He is just stupid as fuck and, any time he tries to act as an intellect, his deficiencies begin to glare. I just couldn't see him as a world renowned chemist. And the zombies were blatantly, hatefully white. I didn't go into the move thinking this, I loved Omega Man and 'I am Legend' the book. I was simply given this feeling in an overwhelming way. Hancock. The story was ok, not original, but okay. My point is that the movies were fine without him as an actor in them. To me, this is what defines a good actor. Does their presence enhance the film or are they only there to get a paycheck?
>firth largest
That's pathetic
Shit is black, also. Just saying.
Also, see here: