Watched a special noon screening with a lot of black teenagers around. Just got out of the shower and ready to talk about my experiences and the politics of the film if you are interested
I just saw Black Panther ama
How am I supposed to get off on Lupito Nbongo?
No clue
Why did you give money to the filmographic Jew instead of pirating it?
what kind of shampoo did you use in the shower? did you play with yourself a little? details.
I took my gf who wanted to see it
Vidal sasoon and nah i just wanted to get all the nigger stink off me as fast as i could
post penis
>Vidal sasoon and nah i just wanted to get all the nigger stink off me as fast as i could
Burn your clothes.
no faggots lol i just wanted to talk about the movie wtf is wrong with you ppl
>wtf is wrong with you ppl
You do know which board you are on, right?
>I took my gf who wanted to see it
While you were in the shower soaping up your tiny little white pecker she was fantasizing about getting whisked away to Wakanda and having all her orifices simultaneously filled by KangKocks
>no faggots lol i just wanted to talk about the movie wtf is wrong with you ppl
So what the fuck happened then?
do it pls
Yeah i thought pol but clearly r9k must be raiding
>I took my gf who wanted to see it
Never compromise on your values for a bitch, that was your first mistake.
it sucked
Should I see it? Was it good? I usually hate superhero movies, except Christopher Nolan's batman films
No i would say everyone here will hate it as much as i did. gf also said she was disappointed
>r9k must be raiding
>gf also said she was disappointed
She didnt get blacked in the back of the theater while you watched?
>my gf wanted to see it.
You've got three fucking seconds to admit you're larping
Go to Cred Forums nigger
>>my gf wanted to see it.
>You've got three fucking seconds to admit you're larping
Fuck this guy, I'm outta here.
No neither one of us went to the bathroom after either we went and used the one at the applebees outside the mall
I would also like to see the penis, user
kys. someone immunity
>I took my gf who wanted to see it
why are you a beta being bossed around by a girlfriend?
You black? Your gf black?
She gave me head on the way to the movie
Don't be mad user
NO and NO
how big is ur penis??
Did the niggers/niglets hoot, whistle and make ooga booga monkey noise behavior, to affirm black supremacist bullshit?
Have you felt threatened by the presence of niggers, being nervous about being assaulted?
Is CGI in the film shit like 90's video game, like the last fight sequence and rhinos?
>dumb ass pays $20 to go sit in a dirty room to watch a mediocre movie AMA
You know why I sage.
post DNA
this is what i wanna know
Thing is, it sounds like they have very few action scenes in the movie to cause chimping.
Better than the film.
>they want to see my dick
>must be from /r9k/
This is actually correct. /r9k/ wants to see dicks more than any board, even the gay ones, so they can compare it to theirs and feel shitty about themselves.
Idgaf about the politics of the film i just want to know if its any good? I dont know wether to watch or not because everyone screaming biast reviews.
Left and right.
>Did the niggers/niglets hoot, whistle and make ooga booga monkey noise behavior, to affirm black supremacist bullshit?
They were noisy af must have heard 30 cell phones ringing
>Have you felt threatened by the presence of niggers, being nervous about being assaulted?
No i just try to ignore them
>Is CGI in the film shit like 90's video game, like the last fight sequence and rhinos?
It looks really childish and stupid for sure i assumed they would have let white people edit it better but it just went on and on
No, compared to iron man or some of the good batmans it was a fucking waste, really only couldd appeal to blacks
How about you stop shitting up this board and lurk for at least a fucking month?
kys faggot
sound like a nigger
the movie sucked dude and i doubt any of the kids there paid for their tickets it looked like they were all brought on busses to me
They did all that and cheered when. I watched Django unchained and they killed whitey
im not from r9k tho
>Sound like a nigger
I'd love to hear a newfag like yourself explain what the fuck that means, but I know you won't.
Oh wait it means you're a little faggot and your only insult is Xbox live tier.
Imagine, I k.ow you won't, that this board had it's usuals, then a bunch of children heard about it and wanted to be apart of it. So they come in and make stupid threads about dumb shit and call it "pol"
It's why I don't bother coming here because it's just Reddit Edge now.
do not open image is one of those
Sharpie in pooper plox
Can we please see a picture of your feet?
But why does anyone here care about Black Panther? Don't you all have lives or actual research to be doing? Some days, I question the absolute state of this fractal chaos development forum...
lol good stuff i remember 4th grade
>I took my gf who wanted to see it
>she gave me head on the way to the movie
Yikes. I'm sure you're fine but I hope you realise that that sounds bad
His benis is small
kys faggot
ooh yes pls
i can see why he wont show it to me lol
Why are people talking about movies on a political board? Don't you understand anything about power of attention? You are giving power to an imaginary conflict portrayed by Hollywood.
>I took my gf who wanted to see it
It is pretty good. One of the better Marvel flicks.
No thx
What if he value making his gf happy. Why should he compromise those values at the behest of internet virgins?
Did any negros "holla" at your gf?
super kangs
Did you carry a gun to the theater?
Ok newfag
Is Black Panther the pinnacle of theatrics?
Is there any point in making any movies that AREN'T black panther-related?