White women casually dress like prostitutes.
White women casually dress like prostitutes
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So will yours the longer you stay in the Jew infested west.
>I feel comfortable in them
>Except when you're looking
How do we solve the entitled bitch problem?
Symptom of a degenerate society. Not much else to say about it.
I see this everyday. It's fucking dangerous at this point. We're reaching critical levels.
you mother and grandmothers were giving handjobs in middle school and blowjobs in high school. don't fool yourself.
she looks like my gf
How is that outfit bad? I don't see anything wrong with it, Muhammad.
Shut, up! I like this.
Go back to Iran if you don't want to see skin faggot.
they act like pros too. who cares. they'll all be shit in 10-15 yrs.
>go to country where female degeneracy is punishable by law
really makes you think...
That picture makes my pee pee stiff
Do Gen Z girls, or Millenies, wear this look, the tiny denim shorts showing off their stem legs, with white Keds? They wear these shorts to skool? It's hot but not believable. Prep slut is hot though, this look intimidates niggers and Jews, who don't have the bodies or diets to pull it off. Even a Jew slag like Natalie Portman couldn't wear this lol.
This is retardedly stupid, actually the style I see young girls sporting now is really similar to late 80’s early 90’s
Chokers and tiny shorts and belly shirts were also popular around 2000
Go with him.
White women have to try hard to attract white men now because all white men are scared betas who run from girls and hide in mom's basement watching anime and playing videogames and posting on /r9k/ crying about how scary women are. It's really hard for a white woman to get a white "man" to pursue her these days.
And you know what, men encourage this behavior. Women are subservient and just want to do what it takes to get the boys to notice them.
>Do Gen Z girls, or Millenies, wear this look, the tiny denim shorts showing off their stem legs, with white Keds?
I've never seen 0ne dress like a slut but the way they act is bad. At least in my 0wn pers0nal experience
Does anyone have the image that says
>"I'm this attractive because both my parents are white"
Millie girls did when they were 14 in 2005
These are gen z girls now, the style is remarkably similar
Don’t let retards fool you with their rose tinted view of their childhood
>i totally support my daughter dressing like a complete whore to get ogled by niggers!
Please do some soul searching and come back when you mature enough to get traditional values.
Typically when I see a slut, it is a Jew or a mystery meat, not white. This girl probably isn't even white.
>do what it takes to get the boys to notice them
>self destructive women itt
Start carrying around jizz balloons and give them what they want
I disdain them so much, don't even care to grope or rape anymore. Well, unless they are kids.
Honestly I think sluts are fantastic I do not see the problem. Plenty of variety in people, if you don't like sluts then pick someone else. Also the manner in which someone dresses does not necessarily dictate their conduct.
Do what it takes to become Chad then
> Also the manner in which someone dresses does not necessarily dictate their conduct.
yes and because my cat has 6 toes all cats now have 6 toes.
Bruh, if you've been to Raves and Music Festivals, girls dress a FUCK TON worse than the photo OP uses.
If you want to see real sluts, look at EDM festivals.
Go up to them and ask "how much?" They'll be a little more self-conscious next time they dress that way.
>Honestly I think sluts are fantastic
What? No sluts ARE fantastic you fucking mong. And I'm not a virgin, stop being retarded.
Called a lefty by a fucking britbong, what a way to start your day. Wrong.
>So what if sexual promiscuity is the hallmark of a dying civilization? What are you, a muslim?
I would say a lady without serious mental problems would not dress like that.
your cat has 6 toes ? quick rundown ?
i once knew a cat that had thumbs
Todayour society today is based on consummation.
Today for the majority, if you want to have fun you have to buy something (alcohol, food, activities, vacations, etc).
Everyone today was born in this mess called capitalism. This ugly shit made us depend, and show us thanks to school and "modern" life how to live.
Today people have the same relationships with objects and with their similar.
So considering this fact people must look like attractive as an advertising. An advertisement whose colors are themselves defined by this society which imposes the tendencies and customs of a generation.
Don't blame this poor little girl who do not know what they are doing.
Today and tomorrow man will only be a consumer product.
Just like your existence. Irrelevant.
i pump da pussy full of da cums nigga rape is just a game for me
commie pig
No.. you missed the point. Most cats have 5 toes, so mine having 6 changes nothing. Much like most people who dress like whores are whores and just because some girls are just retarded and dress like whores whilst not being whores does not change the reality of the situation. Most girls who dress like whores are whores.
they also call us pigs if we get caught staring
>"At least its not Islam"
If you dress like a fireman I'll assume you're a fireman if you dress like a prostitute I'll assume you're a prostitute.
They dress like they have no fathers.
Seriously even my animes are starting to dress that way
I'm sorry if it is too American for you, but I believe in personal freedom over touting some old ass Abrahamic religious modesty. Time to realize that we don't live in 500 b.c.e. People never change and if you think forcing modesty on someone is going to change anything, it never does.
>checked and kek'd
hahaha genes wiped the fuck out
good job anglo
femanon calm down, you can't compare yourself to the lowest of the low to make yourself feel better
that's stupid and irresponsible
How much of a flaming fucking faggot do you have to be to think that women strutting around showing off their goods is a bad thing? Do a little window shopping and fuck the hot ones and move on. It's not difficult.
>wanting degeneracy to be accepted by society
This is how you get entitled women. As for 'plenty of variety in people' -- the moment you give women freedom, they act like complete degenerates (as do most teenagers) and make decisions that make them unmarriable in the long term. Why do you think our divorce rates are so high?
There is no reason to accept this.
ban porn also, fuck you degenerate fag.
>Asians have fallen for the jew on a stick meme
Fuck, they're goners in a generation or two.
Get this retard semetic religion worship out of here
Plenty of cats have many extra toes. They used to have cats on ships back in the day to deal with rats and many of them developed extra toes for better grip.
Creeper camera guy got busted
Oh please Muhammad, we both know that during the day, women wearing somewhat revealing clothing is not as bad as what many wear at night when they are hooking up with better looking men than you.
Personally I wear a somewhat tight shirt and decent shorts to show off my muscular tone to women.
But I guess when men do it too, that's horrible and should be frowned upon in Islam.
Divorce rates are high because marriage is an antiquated practice. If you only look to marriage figures for successful relationships. More commonplace now is cohabitation or childless couples. those figures do not take into account that people divorce for tax purposes and for insurance purposes. Honestly most younger people just don't need these bindings and want to live more free.
There is nothing wrong with traditional values but no point in holding back your society because of it.
because no one taught them otherwise
America hate thread? America hate thread.
Fat virgin upset that they do this to attract Alphas and look with disgust at your face.
Sluts never sleep with ugly men, they're only easy for chads.
All modern women dress like that (with a few exceptions) is just the west doing his thing
The virgin puritan
The Chad slut fucker
>wearing shorts
holy kek hwat kind of retard are you
Nobody has the right to tear down a civilization.
This is not an abrahamic idea. This concept is applicable to literally every society, immodesty is the beginning of a decay.
The standard American diet
"This diet is "rich in red meat, dairy products, processed and artificially sweetened foods, and salt, with minimal intake of fruits, vegetables, fish, legumes, and whole grains." ... Complex carbohydrates such as starch are believed to be more healthy than the sugar so frequently consumed in the Standard American Diet."
At least I'm not an Islamic retard.
>wanting women to stay virgins until marriage
>sayin rape is a-ok
nice goin
>better looking men than you
>my muscular tone
>but muh when men do it
stop larping as a man pls
>no point in holding back your society because of it.
You're the one holding back society with your "muh dick, I want see girls shake bum in street".
Imitating ghetto niggers is backwards.
The Pimp Hand
>What do us Amerifats die from the most?
1: Heart disease. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the U.S. and also the leading cause of death worldwide. More than half of the deaths that occur as a result of heart disease are in men.Feb 23, 2017
why does every white girl pierce their nipples, guys?
this style comes from korea
the former is nostalgia though rose tinted glasses
the latter is a skewed perception due to your perversion
Black women formally dress like prostitutes.
Civilizations rise and fall, this is a natural occurrence. The long lasting ones are the ones who allow themselves room to grow and change with the world around them. Civilizations that are flexible will almost always have a better chance of lasting longer and thriving. Its okay to hold on to fundamental ideologies when it is beneficial, but it is equally detrimental to cling to them past their need.
Does it hurt you to know that attractive men are ending up fucking those women you call whores over that of you, a fat/skinny little man who likely can't get laid if he tries?
Holy fuck that image is tragic.
>Honestly most younger people just don't need these bindings and want to live more free.
must be why they need drugs to cope with life
>Double Nigger
Learn the difference between casual sex encounter, and long term committed relationship. It can save you from being so tilted by people looking to have a good time.
Sugar, Salt and "Fat" a three things extremely rare in the world.
It is really a strange thing that, nowadays, the "simple" vegetables, meat "bio" become expensive, whule the extremely rare sugar, salt in the former world are now cheaper.
OP may be filthy muslim but he's right. I sincerely hope Cred Forumsacks never let their daughter go out like this.
Hey that’s an empowered woman. It’s not taunting men because they should be taken seriously no matter what they want. She’s definitely not asking for it.
It might be worst, those dont look like mixed kids...
>GUH Amerigans and our military actions are justified in everything we do as long as schlomo gives permission! Neoconservatism! I love ben shapiro!
You made some bad like choices sodomite. We don't want our daughter dressing like whores and vermin like you praying on them. Degenerates like you will get the same treatment they get in Iran. Whipping fucking nigger.
Women will be decent again and their is no question about it. We cannot not let this continue. Think of your children is this what you want for them!
>Implying drugs are new.
Very few people if any do not consume some kind of "drug" now and since the beginning of humans 2.5 million years ago.
An example
>girl selling roadside flowers in Oklahoma in 1973
Many here delude themselves into thinking that it was any different before, they balieve bullshit propaganda and biased views of made up utopias too.
not at all, those women can all die in a fire for all I care
did you really expect me to give a single shit about whores?
deadlifted 180kg for 7 today, i'm neither fat nor skinny
Reminder that women make their decisions based off male validation, women are the way they are today because males have failed and masculinity has shifted from a competent father to a player party boy.
/ourguy/ apparently
And that's America, so none of those kids has the same dad.
Wrong, otherwise women would not want bigger government and less freedom for men to compete for their attention
jews manufactured our culture
these kids think this is normal and right because the kikes have been lying to them for their whole lives.
Since you're french, you might not know what this cup is, (maybe, idk how far our disgusting corporatism reaches) but this is, i believe, 42oz of pure sugar and soda syrup for a crisp price of 60 something cents that we guzzle every day.
>hurr why do we have such high obesity rates hurr, why are we all dying from preventable diseases durr
Oh hey, another NAWALT
Return to reddit, please
>"go bak to asia"!
>posts asian
Americans, everyone.
I acknowledge the necessity of riding the tiger. Doesn't mean I won't complain though.
how is this a bad thing?
You just proved the leaf right by going on the defensive this aggressively.
>successful reproductive strategy
How bad was your childhood that you think not having kids is wonderful?
Because sexual repression always leads to modesty. Where is Japan when you need them.
Also quick shout out to Japan in male figure skating, breathtaking performances.
>le "its all men's fault"
Fuck outta here with this tripe
No, i think hes trying to exercise his racemixing fetish
Because they are unfaithful and prefer fucking braindead niggers
Both sets make the girl look like a whore. We want women to dress modestly and sweet let them retain their innocence and dignity. Why want them to dress for sex appeal they should let their natural beauty show. Motherhood is the most natural and beautiful thing. We want them to dress like expectant mothers. Who in their right mind wants a whore raising their children?
Old person here. I miss when people were normal-sized.
White women are cancer anyway so it doesnt really matter, asian women is where its at.
Yeah. It's rather obvious lmao. This person really believes that a girl who wears short shorts is a slut, and probably hasn't gone to a bar/club/rave in his life nor could distinguish between a normal girl and a slut.
I mean whatever, I got an excuse to exercise my hatred for this first world progressive shithole
>auto correct wanted to change exercise to "supersize", kek
but it's true though
"degeneracy for me but not for thee"
>Marriage is a antiquated practice
Laughable. Monogamous marriage has and always has been the foundation upon which every civilization exists.
>Most younger people just don't need these bindings and want to live more free
Being a slave to your hedonistic desires is 'freedom'?
Don't take casual glances. Get in some good stares. They are advertising their goods, and as a consumer you have the right to inspect them.
If they don't wish to have to have their goods inspected, they should have better packaging.
why is the parole officer there?
Sexual repression who told you of these things? Some Jewish psychologist? Oh yes the root of this notion of sexual repression was a Jew fucking Sigmund Freud. Must I remind you the filth that came from this kike rat? Infantile sexuality!
We are developing our nations by their notions. It is all lies you never trust a Jew. Look what all of this has brought us, enough, enough.
Yes that is our natural goal, successful offspring. Just because it is natural does not make it correct or necessary. Depending on your level of education and your goals in life children can be an afterthought.
Personally I don't care about my genes, plenty of people in the world as it is. I would rather be successful in my career and use all my money on myself. I can contribute far more to my country without having kids.
You can thank (((Hollywood))) for that!
Asian women are clean and beautiful
/pol will marry white ones though, cause they been defending them
t. manchild
Projecting insecurities is a staple of a fat/skinny little man who likely can't get laid if he tries.
>holding back society
How the fuck do you figure that, guy? Thinking society is getting fucked up is equally valid.
>We are complacent in the fact that Jews literally brand us with marks of slavery
>In a sunlit synagogue in Durham, North Carolina, everyone’s eyes are on an eight-day-old boy—my new nephew, bundled in his grandmother’s arms. While a rabbi speaks about new life and making the world a better place, a woman quietly sets out gauze, scissors and other tools on a table near the altar. The atmosphere is a little tense. We have all gathered to celebrate this brand-new baby. We have also come to witness the removal of his foreskin.
Fucking disgusting kikes. Put them in Israel or in Madagascar where they belong. But oh wait! Burgerland has a better idea! Make Little Israelistan right in our fucking country! Do you like your otherwise healthy mutt baby? Not healthy enough unless we take blades to his dick! For fucking fuck's sake
that is good
Just b urslef
True shit, but which one do you think pol can get- Japanese/Korean models or fat white bitches with kids or other issues? pol will pick the bird in the hand EVERY time
You either are or you are not
No. Prostitutes dress like prostitutes. If you have negotiating skills and a little money you too can dip your dick in "I've never done this before" amateurs.
We are in pol retard
Actually no, they are lower than prostitutes according to the bible.
Prostitutes are committing a sin but it's far less bad because they do it in order to survive.
The only thing worse than fornication on the other hand is murder and apostasy.
These girls will after death have to experience being burned alive again and again for all eternity.
Go sort yourself out then you numale beta.
DUDE.... Like... TITS! and ASS! Nomsayin'?
Huh? You don't like???
Nod an argumend.
Yeah when a bunch of christians force policy so that we cannot do more stem cell research, I'm going to say their outdated ideologies are holding us back. I am biased due to my line of work however in a STEM field.
i'm pretty sure it's a dumb woman
Portman wore stuff like this in The Professional.
Because that makes complete sense. I led you on.
>asian girls: I have to get home soon to start dinner and clean up before going for a jog
>white whales: my stupid husband doesn’t appreciate how hard I work out to maintain this body he should love me no matter what I look like I’m a queen
I wouldn't mind it if my wife dressed like the one on the right did if she could pull it off.
You know this because you grew potato in the 80's, 90's, 2000, and now in 2018?
I graduated HS in 2001 and the "slutiness" was fairly similar as far as what I saw in Colorado, Oklahoma, and Texas during those periods of time.
With the above said you seem to be off when it comes to the 80's and early-mid 90s, IMO(anecdotally speaking just as you also seemed to be).
Honestly, it's not close either and in my personal opinion a lot of it has to do with the "sexy trend" being something that was 100% not really worn by middle schoolers in the 80's/early 90s(hot pants/Suuuuper short shorts) and in recent times having "yoga pants" be the somewhat similar "sexy fad of the times" being seen as perfectly acceptable for 12yos to wear.
Mainly the fact that the "lewdness" of yoga pants/shorts/leggings varies sooo much by the specific pair that girls that are far too young get away with the invisible/see-through shit and their parents might have not even realized, etc..
Obv., the above is merely one aspect but I totally think girls are sexualized at younger and younger ages over the last ~18 years than they were back in the 80s and 90s but, I am open to actual data that isn't anecdotal if someone has thought of a way to come up with some on a very broad/opinion based topic.
Asian women look gross.
Not a bad thing but now I need an ID checking app because the dumb club I went to lets in a bunch of sub 18 year olds in. Had to dodge three thots so far for being 17, 17, and 16.
You shouldn't want to. That is the point. The whole relationship of men and women was based on the idea of loyalty. That you give your heart to her and take out your lost on her, your wife and stop the philandering and whore mongering. You focus on work and family, on community and living life. Don't wonder forever settle and live life.It's starts after marriage. You gave all this and so have they and what is the result now. You think life ends with marriage and your children will pay the price for it.
>muh dick
fuck off, casual sex is degenerate and should not be socially acceptable
I have no problem with Japanese but I don't want a son who is physically weak.
This woman cannot give me a strong, dominating son.
Just let the white woman live in her delusion she deserves to be cubed stomped more so now that ever.
This man has come to disagree with you
y-you too
That's not long after 1969, the year of flower power. Towards the 80's people started dressing progressively conservative. Besides, this is a bum.
Sure, there's always exceptions to the rule, but most males in my family are 1.90m or taller and I don't want this to change.
t. average white guy who wouldn't mind their daughter being oogled by creepy men wanting to stick their dirty dicks inside your daughter
Sometimes I feel sorry for whites but then you go on ahead and post stupid shit like this
Well don't sexual fetishism corrupts your integrity love her for who she is only. Their is beauty in love like nothing else.
Are Christians actually doing this in the US? Christianity is fine in my opinion but it should never stand in the way of science and research, when that happens then it becomes an issue and is borderline religious extremism.
Why do you prefer rape mohammed.
Fucking kike whore.
you don't have to rape someone to marry them, tyrone
not giving your sons exogenous hgh
You could find these things in asian women, you might be able to find in white women but its exceptionally hard to find one thats not broken.
Those shorts are one of the worst fashion items of recent years. They look shit.
Oh no it's Muslims that are bad for molesting prostitutes.
>western civilization
Funny you say that, because Abrahamics are the ones pushing degeneracy. Healthy European societies were always balanced
Pathetic puritanical incels in this thread make sluts look well adjusted as fuck by comparison
source on the girl? does she have an instagram she is super beautiful
lol im sure this is a problem only affecting whit women goys
thank you Christian Taliban for your valuable contribution of fear-crazed rape fantasy.
You sound exactly like the ISIS fuckwits.
Noone would say the right is more revealing than the left. translation:
>"great outfit(ass) today"
I mean Bruce wasn't tall so I see your point.
t. 193cm
Is that supposed to be Age of Empires 3 humour?
everything about them is just emulating western sluts. they get surgery to look white
Well of course this is necessarily true. Children are being sexualized at a younger age and there is substantial evidence pointing to hormonal imbalances from the American diet which is causing young girls to develop faster before their brain can mature.
Yet in relation to clothing, it's only in respect to what the OP decided to post. There's no doubt that some women dress to seek attention, but another part to it is that many women also dress in terms of being part of a group identity with other females.
Have females changed over the past 50 years? Yes. There's data to support that. Yet many idiots on /pol still post about their supposed love for Asian women while their clothing trends are the same.
My thought is that most of these men are in fact insecure because they see black men dating white women on posts and it triggers them. Meanwhile they sit in their basement at home jerking off.
It primary is though, you will not see this happen in countries that are not influenced by Holllyjew.
Yeah depending on how inundated an area of our country is with a Semitic religion one will see this. Our senate and government is full of christians. Hollywood and the media is full of jews. It tends to be a motivator in action and policy that does get in the way of our progress. This is why you see us lagging in science and technology. Peoples moral obligations are holding back gene therapy and a good deal of genetic research. A lot of problems could have been solved by now simply by allowing our industry more freedom to do our jobs.
it's ok if someone with an american flag says it cause you probably arent white.
So they are sluts. Even if you are an immitation slut, you are still a slut.
too bad they are absorbing our degenerate culture, especially because they want to marry for BWC and abandon their traditional asian ways
correct, the key is to meme them into keeping their slant eyes and cute husband loving ways, roasties fear this meme.
except asians have feminist politician worse than even us. Look at korea. Oh but let me guess, you will exclude koreans because they are what you fear the asian to become.
something tells me you are pissed.
But I am not fucking Asian. I am an English man and I want an English wife. I'm not asking for the world and neither is anybody else who want the same. I want my kids to look like me. I want them to know and believe with all their heart that they belong here in this land where my forefathers toiled and suffered and struggled to build our nation. Who I end up with ultimately fate will decide but on these principles I will not compromise.
>hyperbole dribble "huh huh ISIS xDDDD"
Do you even have a dick? I'am willing to lay down money you're some r/theDonald R*dditor old white guy. Fuck outta here you piece of shit.
I have heard numerous times by men and women that skimpy short shorts are fine but these same people look down on East Asian/ Japanese fashion trends. It's only in America that stupid white people think short shorts aren't made for the sole purpose of sexualizing girls and it's perfectly okay for girls to roam the earth like this.
That might be the case for Korea or Japan but China and India has its own media and influence and I can assure you their women dont dress or act in any way like white women.
holy fuck, I love the 70s now
>"great outfit honey, you look great" - father
>gets creeped on and posted in a Cred Forums creepshot thread later
Not at all. But something tells me you are not willing to have an honest conversation about the rising problem of Asian whores and how race mixing only accelerates this as they trade out their tradition and language for another, especially a more degenerate one like western culture. The more you absorb them, the more they wil abosrb the bits you were trying to get away from in the first place. You already see it happening in many developed Asian countries were career women take control of the workforce and make wages rise as the flood in and abandon motherhood for careers.
yea now high school girls are wearing shorts with half their butt cheeks hanging out
or young girls with short shorts with words on the backside so you look at their ass to read it.
and yoga pants
so yea things have gotten way more degenerate
pfff, you are just trying to meme the bad. I meme the good. it's a choice
Let them! There is nothing to be envious about these fools, you fucking idiot. This is what they are talking of when they say this generation is refusing to mature. Grow the fuck up. This isn't high school anymore take on responsibility, think of starting a family, to hell with your philandering grow up!
China has rampant plague of carer women with wombs drying up and men having to leave the country for possible marriages because they outnumber them AND the women, especially civilized women, are pursuing a career. Very often this will take them(men and women) out of their country to another one with a higher wage. In other words, the women in that culture have a significant amount of leverage. This WILL and HAS lead to feminist uprisings, and these feminist uprisings, especially with the west being the influence for feminism, WILL make them spiral into pure degenerate thottery and its already happening. Many japanese school girls are selling their bodies for boyfriend services in high school and youre a naive fool if you don't think these services don't lead to straight up prostitution. This isn't just japan either, these kinds of women can be found all over asian and often lie about their age. Prostitution is one of the reason men visit asian countries because its abundant and cheap.
>Black women casually dress like gorillas.
>tfw will never faceplant in those cheeks
“The way of the man is will. The way of the woman is willingness” as Nietzsche said.
If men don’t show their natural dominance, women will walk over them to seek more dominant men to have children with. Basically, the reason why women are whores is because the men who raised them were mentally weak.
>here you go princess I’ve given you a car
>thanks daddy teehee
>goes and gets gangbanged because it’s the only overwhelming sign on male dominance over a woman in this degenerate, sex obsessed world
prostitution needs to be legalized world wide and regulated by governments with checkups
also porn needs to be banned.
Those are absolutely perfect
Was it really this bad? I must've missed out or something.
Let them dress like that, I personally don’t mind ;)
That's actually sad as fuck if you're correct about it, hopefully it'll start getting a lot better in the near future as more people are starting to talk about gene therapy now, it might become a hot topic soon enough. It's only a shame that most people seem to be so stuck up on other meaningless issues right now.
>hates whores
>wants prostitution
>wants to encourage whores at all
Come to America then, every basic white hoe dresses like this.
come back when you know anything shill
women don't care dudes.
especially now when there is unlimited male attention at their fingertips.
I saw the whole bare under-ass-cheek look all over Germany last summer
I can no longer blame the refugees for doing what they do
>he thinks daisy dukes started in the 2000s
You are improving her gene pool.
Breed some maser race hapas, drop them in korea, they will do the job
Women have a weaker Super Ego/Conscience, so they basically are prostitutes.
My dick isn't dirty. Thanks.
There will never be a feminist uprising in China, wtf women are seen as 2nd class citizen, hell they even have fewer right in some cases when comes to the workplace or going for office, as for being career women they are forced by the communist government compared this in the west where they willing to this but even so they are now regaining back their birthrate to be at replacement level.You are right regarding prostitution but I dont follow how this has anything to do with how the majority of women in the country dress.
Cohabitation has just as bad outcomes for a child's development as divorced parents, statistically speaking. A society is made great by raising great children, two married people is the best institution for providing that
He didn't say they were smart or logical
get rekt Nord pagan LARPing faggots, asian christians are simple decent people who think working hard is a good thing.
Don't you have some YouTube clips to upload in your dream to be a gamer for money or some stupid shit?
harpies. They flock around men with more money than sense. They are vermin who want to live like royalty at all of our expense in fact they take pride in it. These people in a just world would be sent to a concentration camp where they would learn the true meaning of hard work.
no one messes with the dragon and rightfully so, China will reign supreme, India a close second.
its not rose tinted glasses, girls now act sluttier because they have no childhood thanks to the internet. when i was younger girls didnt act this way, now theyre all degenerates.
but that's not how evolution works you fucken shit-for-brains
Kek her tummy sticks out more than her ass
Black woman are actually degenerates .
Stop this Jewish propaganda now.
Its simple, porn created from art is fine, this doesn't encourage an easy street of Stacy sucking 20 dicks on cam. This encourages an artist to apply a respectable and hard to master skill into a project everyone can enjoy. You don't need real women for it, you just need one perverted artist. It is not easy to make good erotic artwork.
Porn and prostitution however, you need women for those things. And if you are giving women an easy out of selling their bodies, then you will have plenty of women take this path and demand to be respected for it. That is enabling bad habits in women, fuck that. Those things need to be highly controlled.
Don't like it?
Go back to your fucking shithole of a country, brown asshole
This exactly.
t.soy boy
What are you afraid of white boy? Dont tell me you cant dominate a white women to stay with you which means you dont need to marry her sweetie.
bing bing
Kike trying to justify rape
>It's only in America that stupid white people think short shorts aren't made for the sole purpose of sexualizing girls and it's perfectly okay for girls to roam the earth like this.
t. doesn't have a passport
I thought they were Koreans from the thumbnail
>Never been with a white woman
How does it feel being so cucked you need to white knight white women so much?
Women are competing against other women, men hardly factor at all.
>pretty much exactly what old farts said about girls in the 70s
if you're under 40 you're a joke
>my future waifu
pls do not save
Love the angry virgin resentment these threads always spill.
Because these "men" refuse to grow up its a sign of a decay and dysfunctional society. The west has failed to raise the next generation of men. This crop is weak and stale our futures are at stake. We have the colored horde flooding into our nation and our women being more rebellious than ever and they tell us don't be angry. They admit they are trying to replace us but don't be angry. Finding a decent women has become a near impossibility and we have to turn to whores to raise our children but don't be angry. When will we reach the tipping point and say enough is enough. No more or war. This is not how the world will turn out and this is not what becomes of the west.
Was his father or mother German?
Sup thottie
You say this because you are a fool incapable of grasping the situation your cheap laugh comes at the expense of our future.
This is where it crosses the line from sexy to pornographic - there IS a difference.
When she aint got fuck all goin on upstairs
Resorts to ... Just not eating, and wearing slut clothes
Whores.... More and more these days
You are an idiot if you don't think kids today are more sexualized than they used to be.
Woah there, little shill cunts. Cut it with the logical fallacies. Let's not turn this rape into a murder. Actually, a lot of men are becoming serial killers due to you so keep it up.
post tits
>wahhh women dress like sluts, girls dress like sluts
>this triggers me :(
OP and everyone throwing fits over this are acting like the leftists who scream about guns and violent video games being negative influences on the greater population. Who cares if a girl dresses like a whore? Stay away from her if you don't like it.
>b-but muh future daughter
>the future of our race :(
Majority of the people posting here are virgins who'll never score because very few women satisfy their list of desired qualities these days. Even if you do have a daughter, it's up to YOU to be a good parent and raise her properly unlike the niggers proliferating in the hood. It's all about the parenting.
but still don't wanna fuck you
Is this Nintendo's new IP?
Grandmother was German
Mother was half German
I speak indian
Modi is god and the inc are incestuous faggots
Sure, Sambo.
girls didn't wear shorts with half their ass cheeks hanging out when I was in high school in the late 90's
is pretty accurate
And here we see one of the few remaining saxon left in the Caliphate of Engladistan.
>Wrong, otherwise women would not want bigger government
>implying wanting a bigger government doesn't mean you also want to be subservient to said governments rules
ok m8.
competing against women for what?
Woah it's like 3 shills in a space of 4 posts. Somebody is going to die, now.
So, maybe there is hope left for our German brothers, if theTeutonic gene is maternal.
Are you stupid or not knowing anything about Chinese people. Behind every single man is a women who thinks she knows how to do the job better than him and will not hesitate to boss him around. They are over bearing as a whole. And if you can not understand that it is those very prostitutes and porn stars who jump start these sexual uprising you are a god damned idiot. It is hard to find a prostitute or a porn start who doesn't think her job should be treated as a serious career choice and her decision respected no matter how many toilets she licks on camera. That filthy mouth will not hesitate to tell the other women in their society they should demand more "liberation". After all, you have given them power.
Girls on the right are the type to pollute their womb with drugs and so many degenerate gunk that they won't reproduce. That's a good thing.
0/10 bait
Try harder roastie
Who runs the fashion industry? Not straight men.
We set the standard to which they compete.
hit a little too close to home, virgin?
What situation and future?
sorry virgin, not a girl, though I guess at this point you'll take whatever you can
You sure showed me!
No, we don't. Most men don't like anorexic whores.
Also, I forgot to mention a lot of these career women are their own form of unique prostitute. Not only will they suck their bosses cock for a raise/promotion, you are a cuck for EVER being ok with your woman answering to another man EVER.
I entered this thread only to view pics of teen sloots.
>I would say a lady without serious mental problems would not dress like that.
wow. today was the day i actually agreed with a Russian.
But I'm right
Still no tits sweetie.
They are bossy I will give you that but they are kept under control by the government as I told they are seen inferior to men the same way muslim see their women.
We both know that censorship is in full swing in China these prostitutes will never be able to rally enough support or have the necessary platform to spread their message so nothing will happen.
You keep saying that, prob cause the most miserable virgin here is you
>Women compete against women, nu-males and trannies, faggots for the top 20% of males
Czech them
There are valid talking points here kek em
How bad is the women drought in china exactly?
Facts I know:
>men to women ratio is like 1.2/1
>They only like sons
>Women go after foreigners or leave
>la creatura
>justifying an act that only niggers will stoop to
I'm not talking about myself, I'm literally the purest Croat imaginable
I'm not the one hating and resenting women for how they dress though lol
>let's shit together
fuck man is that the 1st date? the 2nd being the rap..consensual sexing?
I'm 1/4 Croat. Is it worth it to lean Croatian?
Westerners probably think you're being facetious when you say "prostitutes", but this is LITERALLY how prostitutes dress in other countries.
>I want them to know and believe with all their heart that they belong here in this land where my forefathers toiled and suffered and struggled to build our nation.
But tgey will not take... are freedom!!!!!
Mel gobson
Yes and no.
>The 6 toe gene has to already be in the gene pool on the ship.
>6 toes catches more mice and becomes stronger than measly 5 toes
>6 toes fucks all the bitches
>5 toe dies off
>I do not see the problem
Heh, I mean yeah some poor sucker gets one of my discarded cum rags and spics are outbreeding whites, but why is that my problem? Just smash, bro.
>brown hair
Lmao a virgin and a fucking idiot. Try reading the thread before assuming. I’m only here to see thots
This just look like kpop style
why the fuck do so many people here want girls to wear shorts halfway up their ass
wtf is wrong with you all
>not European species
>brown bear
I feel sorry for the young boys that have to be classmates with these whores.
How are they supposed to focus on their schoolwork? I don't blame the boys for becoming degenerate fuckboys, I blame the girls for sexually provoking them.
I'm honestly scared to have children in this day in age.
It is true the Chinese government is "trying" but it is not working. we just leave the country and these women are in close contacts to their relatives thanks to internet it is easy for them to influence them more than ever and we are losing control hence the effort to increase censorship, it is their last struggle, it is too late. It is too easy for everyone to just abandon china and maybe come back after a while. but by then there will be no need because everywhere will be china
>I’m only here to see thots
then why did you respond in an angry manner to my OP making fun of virgins?
lol learn to lie convincingly buddy
Being a whore isn’t new, it’s just regularly accepted now
The figh for CHAD is becoming brutal. Virgin Muhammads who can't attract fit white women are on suicide watch.
What the hell is wrong with you all?
>hard work at the gym
>little fats
how about no
>in an angry manner
lol just kill yourself already
What's the cartoon on pic related?
>anime is a cartoons
I really doubt that considering my grandma was married by age 18 and had children by 21
Fucking commie revisionism, fuck off
Da, you'll magically become 6'3" like me in a few hours, provided your family came from the south, in Herzegovina
>I'm honestly scared to have children in this day in age
>implying you could if you wanted
Ghost in the Shell I think
What's wrong with that sentence? Isn't "an" supposed to be placed before words that start with vowels?
Why would I kill myself? I love my life, I don't hate women over my virginity like you. God that must feel horrible lmao.
Oh you.
>are kept under control by the government
dont you see they didnt need to be controlled until now, the censorship is response to our LACK of control, not a sign that we control them! You will never be able to stop the mass communication between the mainland and the west as more asians pour into your countries who keep in contact with their friends in relatives while they whore it up and spend their money at restaurants and on clothes.
I never said that tho you delusional autist. And yes you should kys for being a delusional autist (and possible virgin)
>Must I remind you the filth that came from this kike rat? Infantile sexuality!
t. extremely neurotic, unanalyzed person
are you anal-expulsive?
Remember, this thread will 404 eventually and our interaction will be forgotten, but you'll still be a virgin getting angry at women online.
You know there's a lot of BROWN trees in Europe, perfect for Native European people with BROWN hair to camouflage into.
I constantly tell my daughter to go and put on more clothes or she wont leave the house - i blame nigger musics popularity for the rise of whore fashion
if they let the jew spread em, the least you can do is shmang-gang-bang, grab some %.
>you’re ANGRY
whatever helps you sleep at night loser
I'm not a virgin and women are retarded. Your bait is shit and you're an idiot contributing nothing of value to the board. Go back to Cred Forums and kys
They like to fuck with men. Women feed off of attention. They are hypocritical in their very nature. When Chad Thundercock states, he totally is not a pig, but much rather a cute guy :3
do you pinch on her underclothed buttox?
Very original, faggot.
LMAO it's okay virgin, start talking to wome and you might stop being a virgin
yes you are
>Native European
>BROWN hair
Fuck off dumb roastie
Fuck off Mongol
You’re life has come to this. Posting 0/10 b8 to keep yourself entertained. You used to be pretty good with b8 but you stopped trying years ago. Now you sit at a computer everyday spewing anything just to get a reaction. I think it’s time user. The noose is calling you
t-t-thanks Jewish dominated media and hollywood
Lil murder poof aint even trying
Its exactly how evolution works. Random genetic variations that allow for higher survival and thus reproduction rate will self reinforce over time.