Jesus, Criminal Refugees, Charcoal Burners, No black people... has there ever been a more redpilled game?
Jesus, Criminal Refugees, Charcoal Burners, No black people... has there ever been a more redpilled game?
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I cant stop playing it, it has a few bugs but its worth
Gameplay on this is shit though
Just because you're not bouncing off the walls like a fucking anime character doesn't make it bad.
>a few bugs
It’s a shitty game you defend because it’s propaganda aligns with your personal opinions. Literally no different than leftists who do the same thing
gets better with time
its "open world" but punishes you for nigger behavior
> jewing merchants on prices
> stealing
> killing
> having dirty clothes
act like a nigger in this game, you'll have a bad time
You can still be a godless degenerate in it if you please, even if playing dishonorably makes some of the game harder.
love that game lets discuss it
>kangdom cum
I think I'm good with Vermintide 2.
I also love how every woman in it is a bar wench.
Let’s discuss the broken game mechanics and severely flawed AI.
Its actually pretty damn good, and yeah it has a ton of bugs but nothing game breaking, or a previous save wont save, no one is forcing you to play it you little bitch
Can you really be good without the option to be bad?
Love this game, best non strategy game I have played in a long time.
I'm about 12 hours in, and I've only encountered minor bugs here and there. The story is so good though, it's barely even bothered me.
True AAA-experience from indie team.
>Let’s discuss the broken game mechanics and severely flawed AI.
please be more specific. You just described every game released in the last 5 years
The game is good and is historically fitting. That being said it has a lot of bugs, poor terrain navigation, a combat system that doesn't always to input, and a save system that, when mixed with the other mechanics of the game, makes it unbearable. if you download the no-Schnapps save mode it's actually quite nice.
I got that Burgher swagger with my fancy hat and 1000 gold clothing. Be jealous knackers.
I'm playing. Legit best thing that's come out in a while. It's nice playing a game that hasn't been ruined by pc culture. Or cunts selling shit just to turn a profit. They made the game they wanted to make without the bs and its fucking good.
>he save scums
First of all yess there are some bugs
but in my playthrough (on laptop) there was only one that ruined a quest.
its really story driven, what i like in a open world rpg. The world is realistic scaled so towns are towns and not just 4 houses with quest givers or traders in them. Shooting bows is great lock picking is totall bs (most realistical in Elex pic related)
you can tell they really put a lot of work into it, Im really wondering if they are going to make another game, and if they do I hope its even better and they dont get lazy
lol, scrub
are you the Cred Forums naab spamming threads about how he is too stupid to know what wep to use against certain types of armor?
So every modern game that can be patched post release.
I see you niggers haven't fought and killed Runt yet. Come back to me when you do and tell me how balanced the game is right now.
Yes modern games suck ass since normie trash with no standards on their consoles became the priority for big corporate developers.
How is Elex? Have Pirahna Bytes redeemed themselves after Risen 2 & 3? Does it live up to Gothic?
I fought and killed him what if it?
Rabbi spotted.
Did you use a bow or your sword? Fighting him in melee is beyond bullshit.
>Criminal Refugees
The village you're in get sacked and the people of Skalitz are refugees in another Lord's town and they beg and turn to crime.
It makes me so fucking mad that fascists are actually popular enough for this to be one of the biggest games of the year. i honestly wish i wasn't into gaming because this community is so embarrassing. Because of you racists i have to hide my favorite hobby from all of my friends.
So was there any truth to the one black dude in Gladiator?
Gotta practice and train man. I'm almost at the point where I can reliably fight 3 Cumun Cunts and win with a sword and shield. Just practice, watch the AI and adapt.
You cant hack your way through this game.
the only thing I don't like is how animals drop fucking 150+ meat, you can make 2K by killing 5 deers
also the hidden chests are too op, but you dont have to grab none of these things
As long as M&B is not out, this stay the best medieval game ever done.
What do you expect from big RPG?
Kek, I'm a console gamer. Last pc game i played was starcraft 1. If RTS ever makes a comeback i may into PC gaming again.
Oh, what should make you mad is that there are so many racists now we're about to have race war now, kike.
the people who made the game sold their company to thq the day after the release of the game
was elex any good? I pirated but never played it
I don't think so.
It will never come out.
bros, should I buy it on steam or pirate it ?
Sword mate. He wasnt that hard. I put my perks where they counted and practised the fuck out of combos and shit. Git gud.
will buy when it's $10 on steam
25 years gaming, 15 hours in and its in my top 5 of all time. no bs, just truth.
I did practice, but the battle has to be done perfectly. I can get him down to about 1/5th of his life with a sword before the mistakes here and there eat away my help. His stamina really fucks you for any missed evade or parry. Even then it took an incredibly long time to just get him to 1/5th.
Alternatively you can hit him in the head 4 times with your bow while running around it it drops him fine. I am all for a tough fight, but that's a bit much for something that's not the final boss.
Only got about 2 hours into ELEX before I stopped but if you like slow clunky souls-like combat systems you would probably like it. It suffers from the same issues as The Surge or Lords of The Fallen, personally couldn't bring myself to finish those either.
its worth the buy for sure
so , every AAA title?
Buy it, support the company you kike.
The animal AI is trash and there is a bug that turns roe deer meat into cooked livers which is basically money hacks.
This on many levels. I ditched my sword and shield and went straight for the longsword and heavy armour. And spent a fucking shit ton of time practicing in the arena in rattay
It's a fun game but it has too many bugs right now for me to recommend buying it. I've already had two instances where I had to reload a save: once when the game softlocked in a loading loop, and another when the game flat out crashed to desktop. This coupled with the game's save system makes me not recommend buying it until they fix these bugs.
damn it's that good?
It's very accurate to real life!!!
Darksouls had a much steeper learning curve than this.
your delusional and please do not start a race war, there is no chance whites will win it if it happens.
Depends if you like RPGs.
>this game is popular because sword fags.
why hasnt anyone else pandered to them?
Nigga runt didn't even get me to 75% health and I'm not even good at parrying
No. THQ bought the game's publisher Deep Silver. Warhorse was never owned by Deep Silver.
Buy it support the based developer.
Bullshit. I am a huge Dark Souls and Bloodborne fan and, with the bugs and clunky mechanic system, this has a steeper curve. It's for the wrong reasons though.
clunky combat system*
Just play Skyrim or Oblivion if you want some truly redpilled Medieval-esque RPG game, not this bug-ridden pre-Alpha garbage.
Personally, I don't play games for the gameplay. I play mostly RPGs and I play for the story and the immersion. I don't really mind bugs unless it breaks the game, I'm aware it's just a piece of entertainment, I'm not a fucking autist.
Have been playing this game for 5 days straight now. Only taking brakes to masturbate. Drinking red bull until my heart starts to beat really fast. Living the life man. Collecting my 2000$ welfare check tomorrow
Prices should drop as you sell meat to towns. Supply versus demand. If you flood the market with meat, it'll be worth less meaning your return will be less.
Sounds like the in-game economics wasn't very well thought out.
pirate it,play a few hours and if you like it buy it.
thats what I do for every game
true the combat is broken, except for bows. Bows are really fun getting headshots. The horses are amazing even though I have had funny moments getting launched into space or stuck inside a river bank
>Have Pirahna Bytes redeemed themselves
Yess they have its a really good game like a modern gothic in a bigger scale.
its kinda clunky but that wasn't a problem for me with gothic either.
I love this guy.
Buy it, dont be a nigger
Lol. Wtf does that mean?
I don't understand why the bow removes the dot cursor. Unarmed and melee has it, but the bow, nope. I've trained my eye to know the center of the screen, but if want's me to do that it should just remove it for all but unarmed (for item interaction).
is it an rpg?
I don't know, but I'm tired of the game crashing every 10 min . I modded the game to get unlimited saves because it got annoying quickly
Is the save system going to change perhaps? Potions for saving seems pretty stupid. And how bad are the bugs/performance? Does the game have any DLC planned? Does it help alleviate the painful wait for Bannerlord? Probably going to wait out a few patches.
The preorder chests make me feel like I cheated. The armor is some of the best in the game and high as fuck charisma. And the short sword you get is absolutely overpowered as fuck I can oneshot anyone not in heavy plate with a good stab.
I was not aware you simulation fags were so fucking deprived you actively like hot PS1 garbage like Mount & Blade
I can never land a shot with a bow. But then I dont really use it either.
It seems the studio head is a Burzum fan
Never mind I looked it up
>it is a profession
>your delusional and please do not start a race war
>there is no chance whites will win it if it happens.
Oh you're right. We just have the world's best military hardware we'll never win.
Go suck off your Jew wife, nigger kike.
Bought for PC and Xbox One.
Do your part in supporting Red Pilled games, movies and companies.
The best way to fight the scourge of SJW Globalist Marxist faggotry is to use our combined purchasing power.
Coincidentally the game is amazing and really makes me sad that I don't have any historical context as to what my family was doing during that time period.
Woah nigger, calm down. M&B is fun and so was M&B Warlords. And if fulks like M&B Look into Freeman Guerilla Warfare. It's modern, slavic M&B. Still very early though.
I really dislike it. Risen 3 felt better than that pile of shit.
> PS1 garbage like Mount & Blade
That's why we have Warband
>I don't understand why the bow removes the dot cursor. Unarmed and melee has it
Because you have no way of knowing where your shot is actually going to land with a bow. But when you're standing close to someone, you can point at where you're going to strike them.
im like 30 hours into it
the only bug i had was that once i couldnt ride my horse i would just stand there
i reloaded the save and everything was fine
all of you saying this are either shitposting or wilfully forgetting the amount of bugs that AAA rpgs like witcher 3 and skyrim also had
If you don't mod the game for saves it will piss you off. I once fell in a bottomless pit (because of a bug) and it wasted 15 min of games. Save potions are very rare and you only save automatically once you finish a quest or if you sleep
Buy it. Play like a Christian and flog the sinners.
I chalk it up to console controller games ruining a good keyboard mouse combat. Much like dark souls which sucks as well.
The story is A+ user. Stop being a nigger.
Games so based its calling coal burners what they are.
Post 23&me results, muttly
How is performance for everyone else? I meet the recommended specs and can tweak it to get a decent framerate but the game keeps locking up for a second or more.
Yes, but it's easier to gauge drop relative to that dot than with nothing. My biggest problem is lining up the shot horizontally at long distance. I can gauge drop just fine. Got me Capon's bow.
I hear you. I love DS, but I cannot play that without my XBOX controller plugged in.
lucky bastard
>Historically accurate
>Jesus, Criminal Refugees, Charcoal Burners
Anyone care to expand on these points? If Christianity is shown in a nuanced way in the game I may go ahead and buy it.
I'm really sick of 2 dimensional portrayals of faith.
nitroglycerin will undo the fast heartbeat thing
just cycle red bull and nitro to keep you heart from exploding
Don't forget about the midterms goy.
neet life, best life
Hold up. Everyone's talking about how the combat is too hard. You have a Skyrim sword and now you're saying you feel cheated? What faggotry is this?
I have seen better graphics on a atari 2600
The actual gameplay itself doesn't even come close to justify it either, as that manages to look even worse than the graphics
Promoting reality is propaganda to those that want to rewrite it.
>Yes, but it's easier to gauge drop relative to that dot than with nothing.
Yes it would be in real life easier to gauge drop if there was a laser pointer attached to your bow.
Worst bug I had was the buildings failing to render at all I had people walking in the sky and shit. But i had been running the game for a solid 12 hours when that happened. Them I turned it off and went to bed.
No problem of performance. The only thing missing me off is loading times when you talk to a NPC. 20 sec to talk to a merchant is annoying.
I was trying to play the game sober and said what the hell I need this priest to tell me who committed the murders at neuhoff... how much trouble can drinking with this priest get me into? not touching alcohol again after that.
You've never asked yourself what's the difference between coal and charcoal ?
Charcoal is man made, someone has to make it, they are named "charcoal burners"
>inb4 : too much time spent on Cred Forums
It's pretty good, from atmosphere to combat. The main issue comes from the bugs: stuck in doorways, merchants animations activate with them inside of tables, and combat inputs aren't always 1:1 it feels. If you're used to Bethesda RPGs and the bugs they produce, you won't find anything surprising. Given I've around 9k sitting around, buying your saves doesn't amount to much. It takes 0 funds to simply brew your own so once you know what you need and where you can make it, or if you know where to nap for a save, you're set.
It runs without issue. The only problem I have is sometimes there is a loading screen that never goes away. It will load the world in, I can hear it, it even sometimes does it for cutscenes, but it will never take away the screen. I have to alt + f4 to fix it.
i demolished runt
>Khergit recruits don't have horse anymore
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea? If you start out as a Khergit you're gonna get gangraped by steppe raiders left and right because everyone except your party are on horses. For fucks sake, khergit recruits were never even overpowered.
This. I'm seeing reviews with the terms "an outdated view of history" in them. I'm like, nigger what?
Priest was a frmr mercenary who settled down after adventuring, gets into fights with the local bailiff and gets so fucking smashed he can't do sermons properly.
Fuckers got some good sermons though.
It's set I the holy Roman Empire everybody is catholic and they burn cunts at the stake.
>As long as M&B is not out, this stay the best medieval game ever done.
kcd will still be better .. till the Napoleonic version will come out
>pic sorta related
great rant
play it its great also kinda redpilled
i like it, but sure has a lot of problems. Too many jenky mechanics, and glitches. I hope they fix it. And christ, change that lockpick minigame
It's a good game user. Replaces Oblivion as my all time favorite rpg. You should actually try playing it and not just shitpost about the 3 webms you see online.
Love the butthurt skyrimbabies playing their first real RPG and crying about
>fucking guards searching me what is this shit
>omg i got send to jail because i had stolen bread fuck this game
>why cant i just loot this NPCs house while he is talking to me, he is reporting me to the guards wtf
>baaah looting is too hard, good loot is only on the very hard locks and lockpicks are too expensive
how accurate is the history for the time period?
Was skalitz a real place?
That defeated look in his eyes. That's a cuck if I ever seen one.
Face it dinosaur. Your history is old hat, our history is new and improved. You can't progress into the future by clinging onto the past. You want to get to the star trek Utopia don't you?
What's the peak of good AI and game mechanics? Skyrim lol. An indie company had a more bug free launch than any elder scrolls and it's more fun.
How can one man be so based?
The only thing that gets me is if you loot a corpse in the middle of nowhere that is not a bandit, it marks it all as stolen. How would folks know if I sold it three towns over, you know?
>generic medieval first person
Looks absolutely shit mate
Man these combat mechanics are too hard, desu. I can never seem to land a strike on a shielded opponent.
100% Cred Forumstier red pilled gaming
You've got the full spectrum.
Also, it's been a while since 'I hope you're a good Christian' was a valid dialogue option.
yeah, it was
Stab towards their shield and at the last moment jerk your hand to the opposite side. You'll deny them a chance to block.
how come i cant seem to really land any shots aside from a direct stab, and only immediately after parrying my opponents blow?
i guess i just suck ass and forgot the combat tutorial or something
just use bow :P
as soon as they get close let em have it in the face and run
Hæng dig selv.
show us a better game with a similar fighting mechanic
Can you beat up merchants and take all their goods? That was a feature I adored from Gothic 1.
>You want to get to the star trek Utopia don't you?
No, I want the Starship Trooper Utopia.
It's a real place today. Mate including
Rattay and talmberg and other locations in the game. Search "czechia rataje nad sazavou' in google maps and you should find it.
>Was skalitz a real place?
I believe there was also a Austro-Prussian War o battle there
You need to dodge or block and counter attack or feint. Just hacking at the enemies works for random encounter bandits in the beginning, but not on anyone with fancy armour.
The graphics in the game are fucking shit. The Tutorial too. CBA to play it
How do you do that? Stab and then slash before it hits?
Yeah. I'm holding off on buying the game for this very reason. Do they allow mods? Maybe someone can mod black slaves. They could double as pack mules and work farms (plantations).
Thanks, now I won't need to sleep ever again.
It does have some bugs though, game breaking sometimes.
When an object is the object of a quest and you're supposed to locate it and activate it, sometimes the object spawns like through the wall or above or below where it's supposed to be.
Has glitched at least one quest so far, when the miller is about to be murdered, for instance.
I know right. Tradition is death. An endless purity spiral of "tolerant progressivism" is the new way.
Oh fuck of shill. We all know USA has a mutt problem OK
As far as history goes the events around the game are accurate the story's of the character are fictional. But believable for the time period.
The khergits were such pussies, desu. I always took their castles first, because they'd all be denied their horses in a siege LMAO. Enjoy your plains, gay boys, I'll take the castles!
Your sword takes time to actually reach the opponent to stab, shortly before the sword connects move your hand to the opposite of the stabbing. Example,
Enemy has shield to left. Stab left. Right before the stab connects move your hand to the right, you will move over and viper poke him. You can't do it too early or they'll see and just block.
stolen loot can be sold as regular loot after a few days.
if you kill bandits and take their equipment its not marked as stolen.
the way i look at it is if you loot a corpse and take his clothes for example, the guards of the surrounding towns would probably be alerted that the person is missing or found dead.
so if they find his shit in your inventory, you will be blamed for looting of a corpse which is a very bad and unethical thing to do, bandit-tier.
Plus it depends of your reputation and time, i have 100% reputation in almost all towns and i have been searched only once, but probably because i was trying to enter the city at 2AM.
If you are known thief who wears shitty rags they will search you more often.
Also while investigating the limplegged guy, i broke into his father's house to look for clues, he saw me and reported it to the guards.
When they came i told him that im in the service of Sir Radzig and conducting investigation so they apologized and let me go.
I always wanted to live in the forest
>live in texas
>search up best forested areas to live in texas
>find out that the forest area in texas is near nigger infested houston and on the border with louisianan
Why even live
thats what i mean, i could only even land the stab as a counter attack
but actually i think it was just true for more harder opponents for whatever reason, they're really fast but it seems you can cheese it and still stab them a lot
specifically this black knight looking guy i ran into while fast traveling
>tfw you bought this game only because its success makes people like this red in the face
>The graphics in the game are fucking shit.
You can't be serious...
It's cry-engine 3 and has some of the best foliage in any game ever. Just walk around the forest and tell me it isn't life-like.
>but probably because i was trying to enter the city at 2AM.
Did you bring a torch? It's the law, you know.
I've never been searched, but I wear very fancy clothes or my knightly attire with my decorated Skallitz tabard.
It's fucking shit bruh
I gotta say I watched the first episodes of the AdmiralBulldog LP and I'm impressed at how solidly the game handles someone playing like a total retard without breaking the storylines.
I'm definitely buying it.
Central Texas has forest but its dense as fuck
But it's accurate though. Blacks lived in Africa, Asains lived in Asia, and Whites lived in Europe.
Only the finest and fittest men serve the Lords. I know that's hard for a knacker like you to understand.
Racist. Reported to ADL, SPLC, JIDF, and Hillary 2020.
>"RPG" but can't roleplay as anything but a dirty peasant
>you can roleplay as a jackass or a saint, but that's about it
>can't play as a woman
>can't even customize your character's looks
>full of bugs
>fanbase defends it by calling you a "SJW" or "cuck" if you so much as point out one of the many glaring flaws in the game
It might be a good game some day. Right now it isn't. Please feel free to call me a SJW cuck who is "so mad" now.
This is honestly just wrong. It is objectively better than 2/3rds of games out there and better than 90% of rpgs. It has more bugs than I'd like, but many have already been fixed and I don't doubt more will be.
>not Oprah2020
yeah better to try new mexico and colorado for white people and forests
Blacks in the game would ruin it. Unless your a completely ignorant of history the game would become completely unbelievable. And break that immersion.
This is the most retarded thing I have read so far. History is history, it doesn't matter if it's old or new.
>You want to get to the star trek Utopia don't you?
You won't get that by being progressive and erasing history just because it has people you don't like in it.
lmao! epic i wanna buy this game
>being a goyim gamer
console is pleb shit
>>"RPG" but can't roleplay as anything but a dirty peasant
>>you can roleplay as a jackass or a saint, but that's about it
The roleplay is who Henry becomes, not who you start out as.
>female in mediaval times in a historically accurate game
Yeah man, that would be interesting to play.
Like you take care of children or sell your cunt in whore house.
I heard that the game has a main character instead of proper customization. Is that true ?
Fallout 4 got called out for the same garbage yet it's okay when /ourguys/ do it.
Fucking disgusting. Play Mount and Blade you imbeciles
Can I be a stealthy archer? or is it one of those games just built around the masses of brainlets that will play some barbarian nigger style of combat?
>these few bugs makes the game shit
Has anyone purchased a horse yet? What happens to Pebbles if I get a new horse?
>can't play as a woman
totally valid criticism bruh, you can't even 360 noscope behead guys as a female knight :(((
>"RPG" but can't roleplay as anything but a dirty peasant
Yeah, sometimes RPGs force a role on you. Not every one has a chargen. Furthermore how dare you call a blacksmith a peasant. You charcoal burning knacker.
>can't play as a woman
Why so I can >fanbase defends it by calling you a "SJW" or "cuck" if you so much as point out one of the many glaring flaws in the game
We can be defined as fans here and we're shitting on the flaws and bugs. Fuck off.
>Charcoal Burner
Does this mean what I think it means? Is it a repeated line?
bruh I've got 15hrs and only bugs I've really seen are some shader problems when looking into buildings at night, the rare clipping problem on rocks, and occasionally enemies disapear and reapear on top of you.
10/10 otherwise
Please stop posting, Joan of Arc.
Sorry the bottom should read like so:
>can't play as a woman
Why so I can cook or clean all day? lol
>fanbase defends it by calling you a "SJW" or "cuck" if you so much as point out one of the many glaring flaws in the game
We can be defined as fans here and we're shitting on the flaws and bugs. Fuck off.
I guess the witcher is a shit rpg too
Nope, it isn't satisfying to take the high road either if it's the only road.
>tfw can't run it but might buy anyway
3rd gen mobile i7 and a gtx 750ti can't quite make it
>Literally no different than leftists who do the same thing
considering the tactic works, it doesn't matter if leftes use it
Never heard of this game. Just looks like Mount and Blade with better graphics. What's the big deal?
The guy you play as, Henry, is a real person in real life. Also, woman couldn't do the adventuring and all of that back in the day.
Stealth coward. Glorious warrior is the path for RPG
You say that because your country is nearly 100% white. Brainwashed fool
Tried playing it round a friends house on PS4.
Shit show of a game.
Witcher actually has fun combat.
People donated tons of money to its kickstarter and now are trying to convince themselves that it's worth the 60$ pricetag
The big deal is that there are NO BLACK PEOPLE and NO FEMALE FIGHTERS.
Crazy that historically accurate games doesn't include black men.
Stealth is the best way to go
Developers didn't cave to SJWs demands to put niggers in a Medieval Europe Knight Sim. Worth throwing them some shekels for this imo.
No. Propaganda is forcing niggers into historical piece games where they don't belong. I hate burgers like you.
ive been in the town for 5 days straight. I keep closing out. had to return it cause I got a free copy with this eye tracker. i go in, it looks nice, then i just close out cause i have no idea what to do
>why use ranged weapons when you can just fly your knee into someone's face at 70mph
You can give them your old horse in exchange for discount.
I traded him in, Leipnir is a fantastic fucking horse, better than even pebbles.
Just trade the fucker in.
Oh shit, no! I'm sorry I- I- Uh. I'm pure enough I promise!
>Similar fighting mechanic
Why would I go out of my way to present a game to you with terrible gameplay? M&Bs combat looks like a goddamn puppetshow.
I just fucking told you that the gameplay is worse than the graphics. And don't fucking speak Danish to me, roach
Having established characters in rpgs is fine. The problem is, Fallout was since the very first one, about making your character just the way you wanted. Which is why voiced protagonist didn't work for Fallout 4. In a new franchise like KCD, it's fine.
1406 AD in Bohemia, historically accurate RPGs, uses a nigh similar but different combat system like Chivalry, but in Singleplayer. Doesn’t take you by the hand, but offers some, of you look for it („How do I combat, Sire?“). Hunting can be very fun, but the AI is borderline autistic, the game itself is full of bugs and combat can be very difficult to handle, especially in mass combat.
>I can't roll around on the floor in this game like and do pirouettes like a literal ballerina.
Thats the way the market works nigger. You want us to stop supporting things that align with our beliefs while you full on support the rap industry and the degenaracy it produces. You made kim kardasian a fucking superstar because she fucks niggers. This is the way the market works. You support things that you want to see more of in society.
I must have shit taste then. I'm hooked on it more than any other game I've played in years.
Fun combat?
Quen sign, stab stab stab get hit lose quen shield roll roll quen sign stab stab stab get hit lose quen shield roll roll roll repeat.
I can beat monsters way above my level easily in witcher by abusing quen and rolling.
The combat in Witcher is utter trash, for many reasons other than Quen sign, mainly autofacing and fucking eating for health in combat.
Mount & Blade:Warband FTW. After you play vanilla try some mods. Game is really good
sweet thanks, also can you repair saddles
Mate I dont have the time for pc gaming. I dont even own a pc anymore. Also console offers a stability that pc doesnt. Every two years pcs have to be updated to play a new title consoles dont suffer from this. It's a convieniece thing.
>thinking there's any black people in medieval Europe
truly a 56% mutt
DESU my favorite is the Star Wars mod for M&B. I wish they made one for M&B Warlords
So it's just an RPG that's not set in a fantasy world for once? That's pretty unique nowadays I guess, but it still seems like a pretty meager thing to get hyped up about. I'll pick it up after work today and check it out.
After 30 hours in, I finally got decent armor. Around level 10 and I feel like Jaime Lannister, deflecting sword blows from two men at once, cutting them down quickly.
Protip: Longsword, no shield, get Savage and Sadist perks, remember to stab and feint. Combos are kinda useless.
reported for degeneracy
I don't actually know...
Kek. Or claim to be in touch with god wear mans clothes and armour charge into battle never actually fight get captured by the English then burned at the steak for being a cross dresser.
>Priest was a frmr mercenary who settled down after adventuring, gets into fights with the local bailiff and gets so fucking smashed he can't do sermons properly.
So there is some depth to it and I can actually listen to sermons. That's what I was looking for.
I wonder if you can get yourself tied to a stake in this game.
>You've got the full spectrum.
Alright you guys sold me. Hopefully I'll be able to find all sorts of characters, from pious people to doubters and everywhere in between.
I just watched some of the videos they've put out and it looks like they put an emphasis on realism. From what you guys are saying that seems to extend to the characters as well which is something I can appreciate.
Yes, it means they produced charcoal by burning wood.
Anyone have any suggestions for getting out of the castle?
I was told I could dress up as a guard, I tried lockpicking a chest to see if there's an armor set in there, but keep getting caught.
I also am not fond of the idea of trying to knock out a guard and take his things.
this game sucks, good if your a 1/8th German burgers/amermutts who want to larp as their "ancestors" in a game
Or play the game as usual, except you help your mother in the start and you get horribly raped when Skalitz is sacked. The game is then told through cutscenes as you watch from the sidelines quietly and obediently.
>a main character instead of proper customization.
>proper customisation
I cant even.
>save scum in a story driven game about someone special
you might as well only play hardcore simulator games since you're clearly missing th entire point
Kek, fucking golden.
It's him.
The legends are true.
bugger off then achmed
whites know you need to run it on a good PC
What ever you want mate that part of the game is really well done.
I fucking shot runt in the eye with my longbow because I didnt have much health left. I got so many nice arrows on that quest tho mmmmmm
wow, it's like trading in a car
these medieval niggas was advanced and sheit
holy fucken shit
The developer is also jewish btw. Cred Forums BTFO AGAIN
Ditto, but I'm pretty sure that's not what was intended. The cutscene after helps my case too.
this is what happens if you masturbate
Speaking of jews, has anyone spotted pic related in the game?
I played Runt like 10 times with sword I couldn't beat his so I just ran back and forth shooting him with bow xD
>talk to lady stephanie
>she will give you 25 shekels
>go to the trader and buy lockpick
>head to the castle, as soon as you enter it, turn right up the stairs and to the room on the right
>drink saviors schnaps and open the Very Easy chest
You should save before trying to open it because as a begginer you may fuck up and break your lockpick.
Also if you scout around the walls you can find a shield too.
all I did was fucking run for it, I fucked up and had to bribe a guard to let me go though
Who else walked up to the Vicar in Uhitz and beat the living shit out him?
Agreed. I'm loving it. Anyone that says the combat is clunky is just used to pressing a button and everything on the screen dying. They're just bad.
There's a codex entry on jews ingame but I haven't actually met any yet. I plan to kill any kikes I see.
If you mean the priest I did fistfight him. It was epic. It lasted until the sun went down. After that, we drank all night, got laid, and I did the sermon the next day,
Not Father Goodwin, I mean the Vicar. The one sent from mother Church to church. Go speak to the honorable Lord Hanush in Rattay sometime. He will key you in.
Remember the women wear a yellow band in their hair.
Just started playing it, Henry seems like a proper lad. I hope I get to genocide c*man scum soon.
If I see any they shall befall a terrible accident. But my Heinrich is an honorable and loyal servant to Lords Capon, Hanush, and Radzig. I doubt they will find me guilty of any act for merely stumbling upon such a horrid scene.
I helped him catch the heretics.
I even gave the bitch a chance to flee, only because Sir Hanush told me to not make a big deal out of it.But after she went full "i aint going nowhere, they can do whatever they want to me, i don't care for hte villagers or my husband" i told the Vicar about her.
Im still happy thinking she was burning at the stake or rots in a dungeon without sunlight.
Also i hoped i could report Father Godwin for being such a degenerate """""""priest"""""""".
Shame you can't do it tho, would be happy knowing he rots in prison with his whore
>Literally no different than leftists who do the same thing
This. Can you really be happy with winning if the losers also try the same tactics from time to time? Read horseshoe theory.
I actually failed that quest, because I fought Runt and didn't know that would end the quest line. I didn't understand the heretic's ramblings so I just did the main quest hoping to figure it out over time. Oops lol.
Horseshoe theory is bullshit
Horseshoe theory is for radical centrists to feel justified.
Bugs like this remind me of when I actually played video games and desu it makes me want to buy a system.
>Huurrrr good game but bugs no play
>Hurr propaganda that is historically accurate
Honestly with all of the profiles made to leave one bad review of this game and how people seems to be flat out shilling with no ammo about it today I'm pretty sure there's either a small failraid trying to disband it. Mass effect looked like shit, the storyline was decent for your usual space Marines with aliens and ancient alien precursors, but the gameplay and characters was just so shit. And now that new one came out and it looks like it was made my highschool coders who have never socialized with people (the expressions sat it the uncanny valley). It was also a prime example of when a game can be too buggy to even enjoy.
Maybe it's just people who play RPGs and need their other life to be as convincing as possible. But buddy if you never played Halo 2 and broke that fucking game for the hell of it then you just don't know a good space marine+aliens+precursors game or how to have fun.
yea. the oldest one in the world...
>basic historical accuracy that would have been uncontroversial ten years ago is now red pilled
Horshoe theory is for shitting on authoritarians.
The right scale is based on government involvement, with communism and fascism on the left, and libertarianism on the right, with most Americans in the middle or center-right.
It isn't a horseshoe if you're using the right scale, authoritarians are just leftists.
Welcome to the Brave New World, mate!
I was waffling between playing this game and browsing Cred Forums . I know a sign when I see one
>Mutt calls others brainwashed
The cumans are portrayed as evil, I'll pass.
lol it's not a 1D line, bro. Left =/= authoritarianism by default, right =/= libertarian by default. It's a 2D plane of anarcy-control, liberal-conservative. Expand your mind, bruh.
There is no way to accurately boil political ideologies into a planar system. There are too many facets to consider and any attempt to reduce it to this level necessarily removes the complexity needed to accurately represent positions.
To this point, note that you had to define a different framing of the planar system to make your argument.
It's set from the perspective of the ones being attacked. And was made by Czechs sweet Jesus fuck. What do you want.
A perfect, open game that is free of hate (tm)
But they don't even hide it, the game wants you to hate them. It's annoying.
If anything though they're portrayed as relentless well trained blood thirsty mercenary army. Not evil.
Roach lover
>why hate a bunch of tengri turks from the east pillaging your lands and raping your women
Go play Wolfenstein II then, good goyim.
I’ve heard that most of the bugs are related to game memory, is this true?
sure, different stances on social issues aren't represented, but the level of government involvement in the issue certainly is--and that's simply the most useful metric.
They're foreign invaders. Don't you hate those niggers in your country? Imagine if they were all armed.
I liked that game. I hated the story, but it was so beautiful. I almost cried when I saw the glory that was the Nazi court room.
It's easy to hate them. Their armor sucks, they're dishonorable and beg for their lives after failing to ambush you. They deserve to be picked clean by the dogs and vagabonds.
What's so good about Cumans
It's a thread dimensional sphere with absolute authority at the origin and anarchy existing in the void beyond. And all other political ideologies falling within their respective hemispheres. At a distance from the origin.
So let me get this straight you downloaded something to make the game easier, which resulted in you progressing further, faster, and freed up your game currency for use elsewhere, and now you tell yourself you are just better than others?
Why do you love Turk roaches so much
not really. I run a laptop 3 years old. Still better than a console although I have an xbone. Some shooters I still prefer on console because I know I will get rekt if I run controller on PC.
I haven't played it. I might pirate it, but I already have so many unplayable games in my library.
>implying I'm not one of those "tengri turks"
Unplayed. DERP.
So let me get this straight you have no reading comprehension?
How the fuck do I take the ring out of the executioners barn? These faggot dogs keep waking him.
Great game. If it sucked i would say so.
Well yeah, that may be more precise.
Like Americans?
Because I am one?
What's so good about bohemians?
they have great fashion sense
the whole black turtleneck and beret thing is 10/10
I told him he owed the miller. He left and i robbed him
>uses 23 and me
Fuck off Kike scum with your DNA profiling scam.
Ancestry DNA is the only service to use.
Umm. A sphere is the shell of a ball, so it is a 2D object, not a 3D object. All points are equally distant from the origin. Furthermore, since you can unwrap the sphere and create a 2D plane, I have to ask what the axises are.
Until someone finds the "different ethnicities" he was talking about in that tweet I can't help but think he was culture jamming a critic to fuck with them.
Degenerate priest should burn at the stake too.
Kill the dog.
Implying that the majority of the cumans living in Hungary wasn't already crhistian by the 1400s.
Take your damn armor off so you make less noise, put on some silent shoes or something.
Also this.
Your people were honorless subhuman cowards who couldn't actually fight worth a damn. No reason to be butthurt.
Literally the only success Turks had fighting other white people, was getting other white people to do it.
Your ancestors were rapists and murderers
haven't bought it yet but i'll probably get it on xbox one soon
>I am one
hahahaha fuck off dity turk
You mean Englishmen? Yes, they had honor back then. Far more than any Turk, past or present.
>xbox one soon
Why are you doing this to yourself?
>more redpilled
Oblivion is redpilled bigly.
how does it feel to be wrong, user?