Gus Kenworthy, the american skier who came out after the last olympics- choked and got 12th place in this years olympics. He made himself look like an asshole by dissing on Mike Pence, saying he didnt want to shake his hand.
Oh the sweet sound of revenge.
The famous Pence-dissing ski faggot gets 12th place
It because he’s American. Americans are losers.
Only winners get to shake hands
NPR was gushing all over some gay olympian for being gay (WOW WHAT AN ACHIEVEMENT). Is this the guy? I couldn't understand what they were so excited about.
"Gay Gus couldn't even medal - Great shame brought to America! Maybe he should have spent more time skiing and less time playing with other men's poles... Sad!"
Need gloves to shake hands with this rim job queen
>Gus Kenworthy
Too focused on playing politics to be of any use in his chosen field.
That applies to homosexuals across the board. Whether they're policemen, teachers, sportsmen, makes no difference. Their emotional immaturity puts their need to validate their degeneracy over anything else. We see it all the damn time.
Trump curse strikes again. When will these virtue signalling cunts learn?
I'm calling the pronoun police on you faggot.
Fucking kek.
He couldn't keep his legs/skis together after a particularly hard night partying. Too sore.
Yup. Thats him
To be fair, this dude's entire identity revolves around being gay. He's like a furry of the gays.
Makes more sense then. Gay + anti-Trump would give even the FGMed NPR cat ladies orgasms.
Yeah he kinda looked like his ass was a little loose
>it's real
God bless you Mr. Trump
> he's like, super gay
Really? That must be fucking exhausting for those around him. I used to have a homo friend but couldn't do it anymore. Everything was a drama, he had the maturity of a 12 yo girl, absolutely emotional stability. And evil as fuck, never had a good word to say about anyone.
He redpilled me on faggots. Thanks to him, I'll have nothing to do with them.
your celebrating this?
>a trump supporter's daughter was murdered by a trump supporter
>a white man shot up a country concert full of trump supporters
we're still winning.
>12th place.
There is only one place and that's 1st place.
It really doesn't matter to me that it was Mike Pence in particular that he was disrespectful towards, I just think in general this is a really good example of why it's never a good idea to be an asshole. Even if it's done based on principle, a principled asshole is still an asshole. I know this is a hell of a thing to say in a place like this, but you should treat everyone with respect even if you hate them. That's how you be the better man, there's no honor or virtue in doing anything intentionally disrespectful.
He could have choked and everybody would just feel bad for him, but because he couldn't carry himself with some fucking decorum now a bunch of people are going to point and laugh and put him on blast. There's a lesson to be learned here, and I wish I was pointing these things out directly to him but you anons do with it what you will.
Lack of T for being a fag made him unable to compete with the other men.
give this man a you
New Winter Olympic sport: American 'fans' hating on American athletes who speak their mind
>PYEONGCHANG, South Korea – Perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised that Americans are now rooting for their fellow Americans to fail at the Olympic Games.
>First it was Adam Rippon, then Lindsey Vonn, then Gus Kenworthy. All three dared to speak out critically against the leaders of our country, something that is about as American as apple pie, and very much in keeping with the First Amendment.
>But exercising that right comes at a cost these days for America’s athletes. A sizable slice of the American public has decided that their allegiance to President Trump and Vice President Pence supercedes their red, white and blue devotion to their countrymen and women competing abroad in the largest regularly scheduled peacetime gathering of the world.
>One would think that because criticism of Trump is so widespread across the country, his fans would ignore it by now. They didn’t lose the election; they won it. Declare victory, move on and wave the flag when Rippon takes the ice or Vonn and Kenworthy take to the slopes.
>But no. These anti-American Americans become so rattled by the honest exchange of opinions that their anger gets the best of them. Then they end up treating a once-in-a-generation U.S. sports icon like Vonn as if she were a mortal enemy from the old CCCP.
>If you haven’t read what has been said on social media about Vonn and the openly gay Rippon and Kenworthy, let your imagination run wild: angry insults, personal attacks, nasty language, childish taunts, the works. It's a very different kind of criticism than what the athletes doled out to Trump and/or Pence.
>When Vonn, the 2010 Olympic downhill gold medalist, finished a disappointing sixth in the Super G the other day, her Twitter feed was filled with vitriol. It didn't matter that she is a terrific role model and one of the greatest U.S. Winter Olympians ever. Trump’s fans were out in force, furious that Vonn told CNN in December that she wouldn’t go to the White House for a post-Olympic celebration hosted by President Trump.
>Julie Foudy, the former U.S. soccer star and two-time Olympic gold medalist working for ESPN here, couldn’t believe what she was reading about Vonn on Twitter Saturday.
>“I just spent last 20 mins reading thru tweets directed at @lindseyvonn," she wrote on Twitter. "Sickened & disgusted once again by the lack of humanity that engulfs our country. She just raced her damn heart out & Trump supporters gloat/cheer/celebrate her inability to medal. Is this what we’ve become?”
>Several hours later, Vonn replied.
>“It’s ok Julie. Not everyone has to like me but my family loves me and I sleep well at night. I work hard and try to be the best person I can be. If they don’t like me their loss I guess… Thank you for the support.”
>It came as no surprise that Vonn took the high road. It also came as no surprise that her detractors did not.
>dissing on Mike Pence, saying he didnt want to shake his hand.
Looks like he won't have suffer that indignity.
>Of shaking that fag's hand.
Dont bother with the second half faggot. Nobody cares, and nobodys gonna read it.
Maybe get back to tonguing your bfs asshole?
Do homosexuals just suffer from an extreme form of narcissism?
>they are being american and speaking their mind
>other americans speaking their mind against them spewing political bullshit as taxpayer-funded representatives of our country during a fucking sporting event are morally wrong because we disagree with it
I mean, isn't it obvious to anyone who isn't pants on head retarded that news media is completely fucked?
Wait, are you saying that mike pence WANTED to shake his hand?
Would have been funny if Pence had one of those gag shockers in his hand.
Wow, faggots are really spurning all the good will they had.
I feel it will soon go back to the 90s where faggots were regarded with disgust by normies.
I doubt that. Most homosexuals have poop on their hands from their weird sexual rituals
legacy of a president awarded teh Nobel Peace prize
>The U.S. dropped an average of 72 bombs every day — the equivalent of three an hour — in 2016, according to an analysis of American strikes around the world.
>Report from the Council of Foreign Relations comes as Barack Obama finishes up his presidency — one that began with promises to withdraw from international conflicts.
>According to the New York City-based think tank, 26,171 bombs were dropped on Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan during the year.
delicious irony is delicious
boo fucking hoo
bashing trump for no reason has become national pasttime
you don't have to like the guy, but if you're invited to the white house, you fucking dress your best, and go
you show no respect, you get none
What exactly does mike pence do.... no memes, like, really what does he do?
It'd be one thing to quietly and politely decline for whatever reason. It's making a big fuss and scene about it that shows lack of character.
Great stuff
If they wanted to be cheerd on as representing America they should have left their identity as American. Nobody would have a problem cheering on fellow Americans, in fact its what they have done in the past. The problem arises when the athlete decided to stop representing America as a whole and divide themselves into whatever lefty minority group they think will garner them the most fame points. Suddenly its not about "Hooray Amaerica! USA" they dont want to represent America, its got to be about "gay America" or "woman's America," "immigrant America." They brought it upon themselves when they decided to politicize their identity during a fucking sports event between nations, if i cant root for you as an American, representative of the whole country, then I wont root for you at all.
>A sizable slice of the American team has decided that their dislike for President Trump and Vice President Pence supersedes their red, white and blue devotion to their countrymen and women competing abroad in the largest regularly scheduled peacetime gathering of the world.
See how easy manipulation is!?!
Why don't those privileged professional freeloaders keep their pieholes shut until after the competition when they're not representing all the US?
it would still be disrespectful, but classier
we all know it's just virtue signalling points
if they want to take that road, they're fucking paying the toll
they're the ones scalating a war against at least half the country, and a president
kek. Thx user
and who's paying the olympic team?
I'll also offer the thought about what I think would have served him much better. If I was in his shoes I'd make sure everybody who knows me personally knows I despise a motherfucker, in preparation to utilize this opportunity to be an example to a few people that actually matter instead of seeking to disparage his reputation and embarrass him in front of millions of strangers. (An incredibly petty act, truly divine justice it backfired.) When the moment came I'd walk right up, stare him in the eyes, and shake his fucking hand. If even just one person watching is aware of the significance of this it's already an infinitely better situation than proving yourself to be petty to the whole world.
electrocutes faggots
>skier, who came out after the last olympics, choked and got 12th place...
I think he used his ski pole incorrectly.
>electrocutes faggots
I'm serious... what does he actually do.
It's not like he has access to some sort of secret space electrocution technology that can canvas the entire country, is it?
by far- my Favorited thing from pol is the mike pence electrocution memes
Casts a deciding vote in the Senate as necessary, goes and meets with foreign leaders when somebody not quite as important as Trump is needed, PR, and probably running secret operations and participating in palace intrigue.
>probably running secret operations and participating in palace intrigue.
what kind of secret operations?
I know the vice presidents official residence is right next to some sort of Navy operations center...
Does he have access to their sattelites?
He's like the backup quarterback on a football team: stay out of the spotlight and be prepared if you're needed, otherwise just hold the clipboard and pay attention.
Are we sure that he's not actually electrocuting anyone that he calls a faggot, using top secret technology?
kinda this. id normally blame it on the trump curse, but americans generally dont give a shit about the winter olympics. snowboarding is kinda cool and we'll watch some clips, but i doubt even a quarter of americans could name anyone other than the red haired guy.
i admit i watched womens biathlon, but i had my penis out
Who knows. If you go watch Mike Rupert's big info drop about CIA drug running he mentions confronting Bush when he was VP in the whitehouse over coordinating Iran-Contra stuff. I'm sure there's tons of stuff that gets delegated to 2nd in command.
Why worry, unless you're a faggot?
>Why worry, unless you're a faggot?
Oh, I'm not a faggot.... but I didn't ask if he was electrocuting faggots.
I asked if he was electrocuting people that HE CALLED faggots.
not exactly the same thing, right?
You remember how the media calls us "Russians"?
something like that.
What if Pence is calling us faggots in hat same idiom?
>What if Pence is calling us faggots in hat* same idiom?
I went shooting today, and my range mate said “I can’t watch the Olympics anymore, it’s just too gay”. My bluepilled friends are getting sick of all this shit.
I want to see Vonn crash into those orange fences. The irony.