Atheist jew >free software, free from virus and botnet, believes in open source, privacy, freedom of information, fights the system
Christian westerner >hidden source botnet full of virus and surveillance, sees every movement you do, sells your data to the NSA and makes you pay him money for all of this
Cred Forums BTFO again
Joshua Wilson
FOSS is shit only used by neets and bill gates is funnelling billions into euthanizeing Africa so, I guess Cred Forums wins again?
Charles Bailey
Stallman is not a jew.
Nolan Nguyen
Stop making this thread you boring fuck
Cooper Cooper
what do u mean by bill gates is 'euthanizing' africa
Julian Allen
Stallman most certainly is, Torvalds is not
Jace Martin
Are you serious. Linux has fuck loads of holes. Go look at wiki vault 7, they are all compromised, probably at the hardware level.
Carter Nguyen
No, Stallman is not. If he was a Jew, it would be written on every wiki in every languages.
sudo apt-get update
Aaron Rogers
Why do jews love word "open" so much?
Liam Turner
Ryder King
Because closed systems are inaccessible to parasites.
Easton Morgan
He says it himself on his website
Jonathan Bailey
Stop thinking about free software as free shit, think about free mind, free speech.
That's why so many former IBM developpers collaborate with Stallman.
Aaron Moore
terry davis is christian
Angel Hill
nobody ever said there weren't any good jews; Cred Forums merely says there aren't enough. that is to say, we cannot appraise the JQ ambivalently, for the skew of bad to good jews is so lopsided and warped in its proportions the tribe must be dealt with as if a monolith -- an utterly mendacious monolithic monster, that is.
Noah Lee
richard stallman isn't christian
Jaxon Gonzalez
Piece of shit that apt is, it's actually supposed to be apt-get upgrade, because why would telling a package manager to update mean to actually update packages.
Evan Carter
>israel legalizes weed >Jew politicians in the US and anywhere else fight to keep it banned for the goyim, instead only offering more ineffectual and harmful drugs >nu-Cred Forums agrees with this because they're all autistic redditfags who never had any real friends or a chance to smoke weed
Luis Ramirez
exactly, there are based jews such as bobby fischer and others
Asher Reed
Atheist Jew >Eats foot fungus Christian Westerner >Is highly successful >Richest man on Earth >Has a family >Is now curing diseases
Angel Hall
Former IBM devs collaborate with Stallman because they're trying to convince God to buy back their souls from the Devil.
Stallman is a legit nutjob. A fanatic/idealist to the point where it hurts the bottom line of his message.
Ethan Rivera
I love that Microsoft's video game hardware, the Xbox One, offers a subscription service, where you can play games that are exclusive to PC/Xbox on the system. That's the free market at work.
Nolan Torres
The absolute state of white leftists.
Nathan Gutierrez
IBM produces the best softwares in the world (high five for CPLEX).
Ryan Cook
>(((best softwares))) Oy vey.
Anthony Bailey
Jordan Green
>Daily remember: I use Linux because is free and I like it GNU\Linux, Stallman and politics over software can suck my dick