This needs to be implemented around the world
Based Britain
Other urls found in this thread:
Remember what we fight for Cred Forums
in order to block, they must see everything. UK is shithole.
Yes lets make criminals out of whites for looking at anime tits while letting pedo rape gangs run free, based fucking Britain amirite?
Why is the jew the smallest thing on the picture?
>age verification
so what like a thing that asks you what your date of birth is? is that it?
anime is fine
Anime should be illegal period. Especially drawn pornographic images of children (loli)
Because the image was made by a jew
>how do you do my fellow nazis
>oy vey pay no attention to that merchant in the corner
yeah i wish i lived in mutt land
>a European country less than 99.9% white
Pathetic desu
No they will implement a system that keeps logs when you visit pornographic sites and the verification will be similar to gamble sites.
How sharia compliant of them. child brides soon.
>muh freedumbs to be a degenerate hedonistic perverse abomination
>be Britain
>regulate anime tits the same as gambling
>disarm the population
>import hordes of shitskins
>do nothing about said shitskins when they commit crimes and rape and murder children but arrest whites for daring to look at naked women without the proper verification
how? i really dont see this being possible
>listing darwin fish
>not listing cuckfish
why are you even on this board?
>muh freedumbs ooga booga whitey whiter than you muhhamad!!!!
>you must be 18 to fap to this bomganon
>please post photo Id that we totally wont feed into a database so when the facial recognition >bongAnon says fuckthis and fires up American VPN and bats off to Lolita tentacle pron
>mi6 says fuck more times than a nursing home full of grannies when some calls ‘bingo’
He's a kike promoting D/C tactics ive never seen that image posted that wasnt immediately followed up by a D/C shill.
This is modern britain
if only muslims didn't have to grow filthy beards and pray 5 times a day, then i'd happily jump on board
I bet this is the work of that puritanical old busybody nanny May
I know right, greece is degenerate at all
>immediately goes to muttposting
This is the average Euro argument
When presented with facts they will adhom, strawman and shitfling in an effort to drown out criticism from the USA
This will be the straw that broke the camel's back in 1984 land
>5 posts by this ID
Just stop posting you subhuman mutt you can't even find Britain on a map stop degrading the quality of my thread with your brainlet opinions
Maybe you guys should join the Muslims with those rape gangs. Multicultural rape gangs for Britain.
4chins was, is and always will be an anime website and there is nothing you can do about it but cry
The funny thing is your name is probably muhammed
Not only that but anyone that visits porn sites is now flagged and once they take over the country there is a nice list of infidels to prosecute.
neck yourself Ahmed
Let's fight against anime and vidya while importing a gorillion niggers, that's my boy!
Please don't insult me.
Quality Eurotrash arguments, courtesy of the least white country in Europe
Anime sucks, manga is ok.
>muh freedumbs to watch cuck porn on pornhub
Amerimutts are abominations I pray you get raped to death by a pack of niggers
how long until they ban alcohol?
And how long after that until women require a dress code in public?
> Yes yes goy, kill anime even if is one of the forms of multimedia outside of control and that have the weird effect of radicalizing whites youth into european and pan-european values
Go away schlomo
Ancient Greece was degenerate and most of the greatest Greeks tried fighting against it. Current Greece is ok.
The biggest threat to Europe right now are these mudslimes and jews yet OP and his ilk find it in their best interests to target video games, anime and porn over the real issues.
good goy
That's probably the end of Brits coming on Cred Forums then. I'm certainly not handing over my details to some private company to register to see porn
And you can bet this site will be registered as a porn site, for political reasons
Anime is modern day romanticism. It doesn't surprise me that it pushes young men towards reactionary politics.
Good. Kill everyone that makes and consumes porn.
Nigga you aint touching my medical weed!
the mutt meme looks like the average greek man
What from that image shouldn't be banned, or at least frowned upon?
This shit is cancer.
Why do Cred Forums bootlickers like being told what to do? Did daddy beat them too hard?
Yay literraly nothing will be solved. Exept maybe 45 year old John Williams won't be able to watch porn in his computer because he doesn't know how to use a vpn.
The solution to porn is a moral change not a law change. People do drugs even if it is ilegals the same with porn if you don't destroy the customer the product still generates money
I see you triggered him good, guess you were right.
guess we start saging.
>stop liking hobbies i dont like
What is with you faggots and the hate boner for video games and anime?
Wow horseshoe theory must be true! We are same same
>muh freedumbs ooga booga
You don't have a fundamental right to watch porn online you fucking retard.
i actually agree with one of these threads for once
Isn't this a step to bring Sharia Law to the UK?
How's that debt, gyro?
Will the UK government class Cred Forums as a porn site?
Anime is the only modern entertainment medium ((((they)))) don't control.
good news for vpn providers i guess...
lol I can't take your opinion seriously considering the state of your shithole. you're basically turkey with a little bit more history lol
pay debts
no, this is pushed by all caliphates including Britain. The only thing we need to ban is islam and jews.
Notice how the Amerimutt subhumans ITT literally chimp out because accessing pornography online will be a little harder especially for kids. Amerimutts are not human and should be completely rangebanned from this site.I legitimately and unironically hate you and all lobertarians and degenerates
Only if those fucking degenerates /gif/ don't get removed
holy shit... so Cred Forums is basically Islam. Red pilled as fuck.
Damn this site will lose a huge chunk of it's hit counts then. What will Brit bongs do without Italian schlong to finger to.
Anime is ok, but there is something wrong about it and I can't explain it. I feel gross and embarrassed watching anime. Video games are just a waste of time and no grown man should play video games. At least when you waste your time on the internet, you're interacting with other people. Video games are made for isolation and time wasting.
I agree. I think anime is creating a lot of soyboy NEETs that stay virgins forever.
>blocking porn from April
Why are they only targeting people with one specific name, and why choose a girl's name?
>>do nothing about said shitskins when they commit crimes and rape and murder children
The irony, you have guns and still won't do shit about your gang-banging wogs, like many americans you talk a good game mr 56%er
need to focus that muslim lust
Everything is a waste of time if youre going to argue that you fucking sperg
Weed is fine. And atheists are intellectually superior.
Yeah caliph, we should ban guns like you! That way we too can jail 200 million americans for owning scary salt rifles
Libertarians shouldn't even be opposed to it. One of the main purposes of government is to provide security for its citizens. In other words, it has a legitimate role in protecting people from harm. Pornography is harmful to both society and individuals. It fucks with your brain and contributes to the breaking down of important social institutions like marriage. Laws are an effective deterrent so pornography should be regulated.
you can't block porn when creating a proxy is as easy as pissing on your two fingers
Britain is 88% White European
>porn is why marriages are breaking down
Oh boy, imagine being this naive.
Fucking Tories. Can't fucking stick to economics, always got to be banning 'unsavoury' things.
How about you fuck off?
How do we get out of a system where your choices are this or a (((marxist)))?
All the same you're full of shit, like I said you're all talk
Fawk yeah, good one. How about you hide it from monkeyril. I'm just riffin babe.
anime reinforces traditional gender roles and stereotypes, though. women act feminine and cute
>a European country is sub 90% European
I love how you say that like it's a good thing
Dysfunctional attitudes towards sex contributes to the breakdown of marriage, yes.
It would be good for society, and most of us would be willing to sacrifice it to that end
Start a fascist party you nigger.
Attitudes towards sex are dysfunctonal because of women and their sexual revolution
Every other women sleeps.with 20 fucking people in the name of liberation, tries to settle down, then ends right back up on the cock carousel behind her husbands back
>Based Britain
Fuck off britcunt
Shall not be fucking infringed
Yeah make them browse the dark, next thing you know little Timmy is watching crush video's.
i remember when Cred Forums wasnt full of autistic "tradcon" christcuck redditfags who should have killed themselves instead of thinking they were anything more than the alt lite
It being illegal means it wouldn't carry the implicit approval of society
By that logic we should also ban alcohol, driving... literally everything....
Everything you do, can cause harm. Your very existence harms the planet and harms others who could use your resources. By your logic fucking an hero right now.
I have the same thesis and it's an interesting phenomenon that should be carefully analysed to use in our advantage.
But you are totally right my burguer friend.
Cred Forums has always been a National Socialist board you insufferable newfag redditor mutt.
I agree that porn isn't the only factor contributing to dysfunctional attitudes toward sex.
We don't ban alcohol or driving because there are legitimate and non harmful uses for them. However we do regulate them because they're easily abused which is what we should do with porn.
Cred Forums just mirrors the opposite of mainstream.
If the white nationalists actually ruled Cred Forums would be progressive as fuck.
hhahahha first of all pay your fucking denbts hahah second of all you're gay
You are still typing and consuming resources. Fucking kill yourself to prevent sum greater harm to society.
Government needs it.
Speak for yourself faggot
If I wanted someone to tell me what to do I would be a liberal
actually the sites popularity exploded in the 2016 election and now its full of cringy redditfags with no sense of humor or self awareness who fight to take away the few things that make life still worth living for men like weed video games and porn, beucase you cant have men wasting their time on literally anything that doesn't massively profit roasties or jews
most of the uk uses a vpn now anyway
Same as weed right?
Why does nu-Cred Forums or reddit-Cred Forums hate freedom?
I love how retards like OP think this has anything to do with porn, like all of our 1984 style laws this is just a method of getting getting a foot in the doorway, this will turn into allowing the government to monitor every thing you say, every site you visit and every item you buy, May has already stated that she isn't against the same form of internet system as China, and if anything she wants to go even further. This is all just a system to force people to be constantly logged into an online ID linked to their passport and home address (yes, the AgeID for this porn system requires both).
Why aren't Brits burning down the parliament?
Pol was never good. Even when it was Cred Forums or even before.
I've been here on Cred Forums since 2005. It's always been like this since anonymous.
Porn honestly is the lesser evil, women are the main fucking problem right now, and because of them men turn to porn since most normal men dont want to get with or trust a cunt thats slept with a dozen people. It's more of a symptom than a cause, obviously looking at it too much isnt healthy, but nothing in excess is healthy. What needs to change is women, and they dont want to.
I guess it's because freedom put a black president in the white house
Fucking thank you, someone in here gets it
Does this mean we'll see a resurgence in the porn shop for the selling of DVDs? That'll go down well with the local Sharia police
mashallah, theo
They never learn do they? You cannot stop the internet.
They should have stopped after BitTorrent.
>SJWs want to ban anime because it objectifies women
>Cred Forums wants to ban anime because it's degenerate
How are you any different from SJWs again? I just want to watch my anime in peace.
Did you know, there are more muslims in the US than the UK?
Inshallah brother!
Your argument is essentially that we shouldn't regulate anything because then we would have to regulate everything. It's silly.
All your Muslims are concentrated in London though, so the result is they have a much bigger impact on your society. America's muslims are scattered all over and none of them make up any sizable group to have any influence anywhere.
Does it cause physical harm? No? No regulations then.
>Muh mind warping
>Muh Jewish microcontroller.
I imagine this will never be reversed either, as no politiivan is ever goinmg to stand on a platform where t hey can be said to allow easy access to porn for kids.
Why must they fucking destroy male sexuality and masculinity?
Theres going to be a lot more METOO bullshit post April
They control Dearborn, but they never do anything because the feds constantly monitor the place
Muslims and communists literally have no rights in our nation funnily enough
Don't worry, neither of those groups hold as much political sway as we do, anime isn't going anywhere
The UK is for sale
Well I don't think you guys have anything to worry about, honestly. This entire plan of theirs is completely ridiculous and is going to fail spectacularly because it was conceived by technologically illiterate people who have no idea what the internet is like or how much porn exists on it. They might as well try to regulate breathing.
Cred Forums would totally be Muslim if their hatred of dark people didn't supersede.
>Why must they fucking destroy male sexuality and masculinity?
Porn destroys masculinity you giant faggot it is literal cuckoldry. End yourself Jesus Christ why is everyone ITT so stupid wtf happened to my board where are all of you people coming from?
It does cause physical harm. We have an epidemic of teenagers suffering from erectile dysfunction.
At this point i have no sympathy for women that get raped
>constantly remove outs for men
>constantly demonize and put down men
>men eventually just give up. Many turning to crime
>crime and rape skyrocket because men cant do fucking ANYTHING without cunts getting it banned
>Porn destroys masculinity
Digits of truth.
nice get my fellow muslim brother
Jersey city is 6% Muslim.
You'll be getting trucks of peace.
Wasted digits
Women destroy masculinity by constantly putting down men and attempting to jail or ruin the lives of the masculine
>no weed
>no videogames
>no anime
>no porn
Why is this board so lame?
>those digits
>nothing really matters
very superior.
Kek, and take guns away and women will have no way to defend themselves. It's like all of their policies lead toward mass rape.
He's right you know.jpg
>According to the Islamic council of Bongistan, all female pornstars will be required to wear Burkas.
wtf I hate porn now
Sure porn will be accessible without a pass, and sure you will be able to use a proxy or VPN to bypass it. But its that extra step you now have to take, and the majority of retards won't be able to do that.
Then I imagine what comes next is feature creep, just like in fucking South Korea and their feminist shit hole. Won't be able to game for more than 2 hours at a time. Or all sites will be age rated or some bullshit.
Honestly, I am not fapping since Makeapp threads. Thanks Cred Forums!
Women are fucking stupid and cant think more than a few years ahead, not a real surprise
But I watch porn and I'm masculine as fuck.
Bitch pls I have been on Cred Forums generals I know how degenerate and perverse you sandniggers are
Blaming women for being a pussy bitch lmaoo
Cred Forums ruined Korean women for me. Cred Forums is doing God's work.
Pretty sure julius doesn't smoke weed and wank to anime vidya
I have a girlfriend you stupid fuck
But you being willfully ignorant of the destruction of masculinity are no better than the cunts and kikes who push their horseshit
It's not the act of blocking porn itself, but the act of blocking another avenue of male release. Not evry male is or can be a bastion of fucking alphaChad. Even those who are married may want to jack off every once in a while without a retinal scan.
Do you think that denial of porn will have any effect on the masculinity of the population
Also nice Get
I hope you get beheaded soon faggot.
nice get my fellow muslim brother
>Porn forced to return to a print and video sale format
>Whites are the only people who for things
>Interracial, bestiality, and other filth bankrupted because niggers don't pay for things
>Porn produced is white people, missionary, etc.
>Minds no longer desensitized to weird jewish perversion "genres"
Internet porn has allowed niche degeneracies to flourish. When men are forced to face a cashier when buying their porn we will go back to superior high quality porn genres.
>Buying a magazine of "Hot Girls On The Beach" vs
>Buying a copy of "Horse Fucking Tranny Incest Orgy"
I see no problem with any of this.
Kinder eggs are legal now, I enjoy that illegals have the potential to be stopped near the border.
>Even those who are married may want to jack off every once in a while
kek, married men stroke it more than teens.
t. divorcedfag
Nah man. You obviously do not understand technology either. Because you create a problem like "suddenly I can't see my favorite porn sites" you are just creating a niche for ambitious developers everywhere to fill. Within a few months of this going live there will be some kind of easy, simple to use service for accessing porn sites being spread around Britain, it'll go viral in a week. And when they move to quash it the devs will just fork it and start up a bunch of competing services and. Like the hydra, for every head they cut off another will emerge. It will circumvent the laws through a loophole in that they do not actually serve or host pornography, they're just a tunneling service that gives access to "entertainment sites".
And then Britain will spend years trying to come up with more draconian measures to prevent it. There will be a cycle of making services illegal until the people have enough and it all gets tossed out.
good post aderfe
This will further the awakening of the angry white men.
Preach on! Praise Kek!
If aiming for asian 3D, go with Taiwanese grills.
>watching anything other than lesbian or female solo ever
>what's POV
>what's Hentai
this is a dumb ban
porn is everywhere and there's nothing they can do to block it
Male uprising in May?
>what's HIV
>what's Hyundai
The red queen hypothesis/arms race; but for watching porn.
They aren't originally for Cred Forums. Anyone who hates video games , anime , or Henri isn't from Cred Forums. They are from some other shitholes place like Reddit.
Also they corrupt the meanings behind doing things such as porn. Instead of saying that porn producers are the problem(they are Jewish scum) theybcreate a pseudo science or the anime hate. They corrupt and twist shit that makes our movement look like fucking retards.
legalize prostitution and ban porn.
April 4th
Or Christianity before it became cucked.
lol probably
While you retards go on about porn you missed the most important part.
>The changes for online pornography are being introduced under the Digital Economy Act. For the first time, he added, the government would have the power to block websites, en-masse, without court orders.
Can't wait to be freed from this shithole after Mummy May blocks it for hate speech.
>no anime on Cred Forums
Good luck with that
They will learn the hard way how behind the times they are. They probably think "oh there's probably a few dozen porn sites right? Can't be more than a hundred in all, we'll have this sorted soon."
They have no idea what they're dealing with. The sheer number of automated websites run by bots, the fact that the majority of websites are not even hosted in britain and thus not subject to its laws. They are going to be forced to ban millions of websites en masse, and even then they will not get everything.
It's shite here
Wow. Brexit really did let you take back control after all.
Based Greek.
Consider your debt paid.
100% correct.
Christianity has always been fuck ed you dumb fuck.
Stop trying to corrupt me!
Do you have a single party in your government that isnt 1984 personified?
And yet feminist misandry continues to reign over society
Just banning porn with no other restructuring of society is half-assing
Go for white girls
>come on burgers give up your guns its only a silly little right
>w-well porn is degenerate anyway
i cri evrytim
>"ok mates this is ilegal in Britain now,so we need to pretend we don't like it.
>"Oh sure m8 porn is degenerate anyway fuck porn"
>*goes home and wanks to death
Britain was saved that day
This, even a shitton of non porn websites host porn, tumblr, Cred Forums even fucking reddit are just a few
Which part, specifically?
Kek confirms, porn is for soyboy cuckolds.
They're women.
>hurr MGTOWs for fags
>that's right boyim! get married, have (((white))) babies, then when her talons are sunk in, she'll go for the kill
Cred Forums is a fucking faggot board full of outsiders who don't belong here. Fucking pod people who complain about jews, then do everything in their power to give them more money.
Then they SWITCH TACTICS when everyone gets tired of their shit and accuses them of being from reddit when they actually are the reddit.
These are leftists/soyboys/dc infiltraitors who realize they can't shut down Cred Forums so they'll shit it up as much as possible, including attacking the very anons who made this dump popular in the first place.
>Cred Forums wants...
You are welcome to fuck off back to plebbit, cuck.
I can't wait for April, the huge backlash this is going to cause is going to be very amusing.
How about instead of banning porn they create a Wanking License.
I've been on this site far longer than you have, newfriend.
Are you feeling upset?
Hello Cred Forums. /h/ here. lurk moar.
goddamn I fucking hate newfags
fucking kys you swarthy olive-skinned-debt-dodging Greek fool
Not sure why everyone is mad. Being against Darwinism is just laughable, but everything else on the post is completely reasonable.
It is a very childlike response. Maybe their SO child is posting on their account?
Well yeah, this board's population skyrocketed after the 2016 election. Most of Cred Forums are newfags who have been here only 2 years at the longest, they're from reddit and facebook mostly, but unfortunately this is the only board I can talk about politics. I'd love to be able to talk about politics that actually matter to my fellow 4channers, but I have to wade through all these fucking newfags to do it.
Why is it laughable? Darwinism is laughable and that is according to most athiest/agnostic perspectives in the field.
fuck off
You need a bot bot warmed up for you?
And what happens with TV and movies? There are a shit load of movies and series with people fucking. That's all gonna be censored?
t. idiot
They ban booze we will immediately revolt with most of the military
Pretty much hit the nail on the head.
>Not online porn
>Not sexdolls
>Women allowed to fuck men`s live just because.
Why are men cucked so hard in the UK?.
Darwinism is one of the most well tested theories in science. With it, we have been able to progress humanity further than ever before; not that you would comprehend that, brainlet.
This. What do you think all those stinky Pakis will do when they can't get access to porn?
>pay debnts
> Cred Forums is one person
End your life, painfully.
Wow, this is one of those terrifying laws that covers such broad behavior that anyone could be convicted of it. Just one of those laws that the state whips out and threatens you with if you ever cross them.
The creator of that game got triggered over people calling pink haired girl (Natsuki?) a trap and went on a SJW rant.
>ywn be a pissed off Greek NEET with absolutely nothing better to do on a weekend than fill a folder with mutts and get so assblasted you spend an hour replying to posts every time someone from a superior country laughs at you.
I really enjoy antagonizing Brits on Cred Forums, but what's happening to them makes my blood boil. What a bullshit law.
>Calling other countries mutt land at this point.
Oh boy I can't wait to visit London!
I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand porn is basically degenerate crap and can be addictive and stop men from going out and getting into meaningful relationships (and also likely contributing to the soyboy phenomenon). So curbing access to it is a probably not a bad thing.
On the otherhand having the government control whether or not people can access porn without jumping through hoops is a restriction on civil liberties, and coupled with other laws the conservative government has put in place, such as snoopers charter, is a clear violation of civil rights.
A better alternative to this would be a Porn Tax which penalized Porn companies.
It's sad to see the empire where the sun never set, fall like that. Very sad. A rotten corpse full of foreigners. The home of Owrell, Ironic and Very sad.
pornography is a gateway to pedophilia. It shouldn't exist
Okay as long as its sparingly or played by kids (after HW and chores ofc)
Medical use and fairly strict recreational use (no public smoking, age limit, etc) is fine desu.
I assume you mean Atheism and not evolution, yes?
You don't belong here
>bans porn
>while muslims continue to rape white children
Someone got their priorities stright.
Yes goy, evolution is evil! Race isn't real!
post more
The internet was made for porn.
UK is basically turning off the internet.
>And you can bet this site will be registered as a porn site, for political reasons
This is a porn site. There's like fifty porn boards.
>Remember to Register with The State Before You Masterbate!
It's impossible to enforce such a law. Total BS
>anti-anime on an anime board
Only the big porn companies making ad revenue off porn streaming will sign up for this age verification bs
Darwinism is a fundament of modern race realism. You are most likely talking to a nigger-lover.
Fucking 12 year olds and even younger kids was legal in most of the world until XX century. In US child brides were made illegal in the '20. Concept of pedophilia was created by those "ebil liberals" m8.
The Wankers Identity Card
>anime board
Sigh... this again...
>feminism ruined women and relationships
>men seek alternatives
>alternatives being destroyed to get men back to the plantation
Stop jacking off and start raising dem kidz.
lmfao this
Although I loathe the existence of internet porn I'm even more against the government controlling the internet
>hating on anime on a site created to discuss anime
Is your safe-space getting crushed user? Or is your waifu getting hurt?
>weed is fine
Frig off. Besides being a gateway drug, it fucks up your brain, especially if you smoking it at 16 or under.
Also, while DUIs from stoned drivers are generally at lower speeds than drunk drivers, they have a way higher rate of swerving.
I knew of a hardworking Christian familyman he watched the porn once and now he's turning tricks behind central station.
ah yes. theyre doing this for the betterment of white people im sure
It's you who got triggered over seeing chink cartoons on your board, faggot.
rip fapping in UK
Citation needed.
post anime reaction images
Thinking you Wuz Ape who turned in to human is as laughable as (((Chadder))) Man.
Fuck Darwin,he married his first cousin sister
Alter your magistrate when you masturbate
Notify your local government stooge before you splooge
>gateway drug
This simply isnt true. If it was, states that legalized weed would have an increase in hard drug use, but in fact the opposite happened. "gateway drugs" are pills prescribed by jewish doctors.
Yes that might be true but your country is so small we are 40 times the size of your country we can literally fit you in 11 of our states. Which would mean to be at your level America would have to have 40 times the number you have to see the same effects lol
I just don't like morons deraling threads with anime talk. And yet you faggots always cry about discussion level dropping down.
Everything else can go but you touch my anime and I will take the bowlcut pill.
even in OP, you can clearly read that this isn't in fact a ban on porn, it is a restriction about what and how you can watch. It won't deter people from watching porn, it'll control which type of porn will be available for them.
While the board was created to discuss anime. It was created to discuss politics.
The site was created around and centers around Japanese culture and Anime in particular.
It's why Anime is so popular and one of the most popular images on Cred Forums are anime images.
It's fine to post images with anime on Cred Forums but discussing anime on Cred Forums is wrong because Cred Forums is not an anime discussion board unless the anime in question is something that is inherently political.
>Besides being a gateway drug
this is ridiculous.
also post source for
>way higher rate of swerving
>While the board
Fucking get
Except for gay porn right? That will be broadcast 25 hours a day, everyday, on virtually every channel, forever.
>Poles will finally post in peace without Brits and their le epik toilet meme
wtf I love 2018 now
sure do you want the basic, standard, extra or premium package?
You have no idea the scale of how pathetic this place is.
>hating doki doki
I hope you burn you communist faggot
Out of all things they do wrong, banning porn is the least wrong. Don't forget the role porn plays in modern degeneracy and jewish brainwashing.
My point exactly.
This has nothing to do with muslims. Move along now..
This except the anime. Yukari will always be my floofy waifu
Some of us don't live at home toiletbro
>it'll control which type of porn will be available for them
Blacked will be only porn available, won't it?
Big if true.
This. /new/ was a containment zone after they realized the demographics prone to consuming anime are the same ones prone to forming the Fourth Reich.
I am strong in the nofap now, this will not even bother me. 3 months now. Take all the filth away.
Who was discussing anime? OP started with a claim that anime is wrong and people gave him their answers.
"Weed is a gateway" is fucking true, no matter what the legalization crowd cries.
The real issue is that the people who promote this notion of weed as a gateway drug, always get wrong WHICH drugs weed leads to people using.
Weed users tend to be people who end up moving onto LSD, Molly, other psychedelic drugs. Not heroin or cocaine.
Cocaine leads to crack (because crack is cheaper/gives the same level of high in smaller doses) while pain pills are the gateway to heroin, in that people addicted to oxycotin and it's ilk usually end up switching to heroin when they get cut off from their pain pills by the doctor and can't afford the mark-up price dope pushers charge for oxycotin.
>Some of us don't live at home toiletbro
Migrants shouldn't be allowed to talk. Period.
Like my bbc
porn is degeneracy.
pedophilia is degeneracy.
Stop trying to defend degeneracy and just criminalize both
>muh nihilism
go back to sucking cocks for upvotes faggot. maybe you’ll get a gold someday
Small if there at all.
That isn't the fucking governments job, it's your job, and your own fucking business what is and isn't blocked on your network.
Fucking cucks.
Ban 3D first.
Muslims are literally grooming little white british girls to be raped and pimped out.
I am reffering to shit happening around certain threads. Take /sg/ for instance. If nothing is happening - but honestly there is always a lot, yet those cunts are too lazy to search it I have autistic Sri-lankan with couple other mentally-handicaped weebs spamming thread with Megumeme or other 2d's, bringing nothing to thread.
I agree with this Europorn has gone too far down the rabbit hole.
You must be new or something, anime is fine
Then your telephone service centre economy would tank when I took it elsewhere.
This needs a follow up image where it's revealed that she was posing in front of a mirror in a secluded area of her property, and meanwhile a certain guy was skirting around the edge of her house after gaining permission from one of her parents.
There is already mandatory logging by all ISPs. At least they came out of the closet about it, I guess.
Banning anime, video games and such is Cred Forums playing 4d chess tbf. Imagine all these soyboys and NEETs being suddenly hit with reality and coming out of their basements, gradually turning into chads from all the real life pressure turning the ugly coal into diamond.
That's not important.
What's important is if brits are having a wank to something other than though of their country getting browned.
Right wing chads ready to fight for their country, might I add.
Excellent shitpost.
>that's right goyim, die for israel
You stupid kikes always give yourselves away.
You are right, I should have said nation, their people. Not the kikes in the governments.
t. butthurt weed addicts who can't realize what worthless junkies they are because their brains are fried from smoking drugs.
True. Stoners are more often than not rewired from the weed in all sorts of wrong ways.
Well at least I'm not a Leaf
my last internet provider had porn block on by default, blocked things like Cred Forums obviously but stuff like Cred Forums wasn't. hopefully it will be like that. it also didn't block some of the porn you can find on tumblr
Admit it. You were going to insult Weed Man Trudeau but that would've undermined your position.
if anyone, who doesn't work out and endure the pain, don't study or pursue some kind of hobby with passion towards the subject, if a person like this will be deprived from his appeasement what do you think he'll do? Become a chad, really?
Or will he turn to the even more Jew-controlled appeasements, watching telly, watching jewish movies, series, sport broadcasts without exercising, will he turn to hard work or will he turn to alcohol and drugs?
Just pain without rewards, without joy don't motivate people. The fruits of hard work are more than anything an acquired taste. Without social pressure most people wouldn't reach so far to learn to like it and do it on their own.
It's going to cost them the election, this'll go down so fucking badly they'll scrap it.
But you could be a chad and watch anime at the same time
I honestly don't care.