>Supervolcano 'worse than Vesuvius' that could kill MILLIONS across Europe 'ready to blow'
>Shock research, revealed last month, warned that the “big daddy” of Vesuvius is showing signs of “reawakening” and may be on the brink of going off.
>Should it blow in a “big one” eruption, experts told Daily Star Online thousands, possibly millions, of people across Europe would be killed “immediately” from incineration and suffocation.
>Dense black ash clouds would block out the sun, plunging the continent into months, if not years, of eerie darkness.
Ryan Anderson
Fucking Yellowstone and now this? Christ.
Brandon Walker
God seems pissed at the state of humanity
Nathan Nguyen
There will be more room to settle the refugees there afterwards now. Better call in the military to prevent escapes, this will prevent the former inhabitants from coming back to claim the land again.
Kayden Thompson
Jordan Morgan
only 90iqers actually buy into tabloid garbage. Neither this volcano, nor yellowstone, nor Vesuvius are 'ready to blow'. Even considering we are 'overdue' for eruptions at them, on a geological timescale standard deviations are thousands or tens of thousands of years.
The effects of a Yellowstone eruption have also been overplayed, the Yellowstone caldera's eruptions tend to take place over centuries, not all of the energy is released at once, there is an initial blast that would destroy the park but 'kill zones are vastly overstated.
The Italian and Eastern Mediterranean volcanic clusters are significantly more dangerous in terms of potential lives lost due to eruption, but again, it's not like we can predict when this is going to happen except in the immediate run up, where we might get a few weeks warning.
Owen Morales
Maybe europoors should let all the niggers and mudshits in and leave themselves for africa.
Then drop a nuke on it to give it a helping hand
Grayson Russell
Human beings are hardcore...they live in places they know will eventually kill off almost the entire population
Case in point> Japan prior to the tsunami...engineers know that the several generations ago, stones were erected along the coast line, on them> DO NOT BUILD LOWER THAN THIS POINT
they go and build the fucking nuclear power plant well below the level, thinking their ancestors were retarded....shit happens again...fuckyoushima
Connor Sanders
Good based Vesuvio
Aiden Hughes
Dominic Cook
Robert Hernandez
Cooper Nelson
Evan Long
Jeremiah Garcia
Gas all napoletani
Jaxon Ortiz
Jaxson Wilson
Found the napoletano You will be washed with fire too
Brody Edwards
Jackson Allen
Napoli colera
Brody Murphy
Lavali col fuoco
Bentley Sullivan
Vesuvio lavali col fuoco
Adam Morris
Gas all terroni too
Owen Cooper
>willingly living in a place where natural disasters can happen and most likely will >complain that a disaster will happen or happened Why do brainlets do this?
Connor Young
> Yfw the rise of Italian nationalism and identity triggers volcanos