Post your reality of the world most people dont believe in.
The Reality of things
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Guns don't kill people.
Traps are gay.
Hitler was spot on with everything he believed. I am against mass murder but kinda think that the world would be a better place if he had succeeded.
prepare 2 die
Can someone redpill me on this two russian clones? Never heard something about them, but i see so many memes about them.
Who are they and what are they up to?
You have no idea how bad it truly is.
Most of todays social movements especially anything on the left is caused by social engineering run by the deep state to further social division
>goes to show you how easy it is
Recent mass shootings and some old ones are psyops and the asset is "launched" into action when a diversion is needed.
V2k brainwashing and gang stalking
>device is >(V2K) fairly easy to make actually.
The deep state now has enough control over the population and it's workings to keep it's foothold and there is nothing you can do about it.
thanks, but is a slower version possible, please?
Liberalism is only limited by the lowest IQ in the group. A high IQ people could easily make it work.
Humans don't exist, it's a psy-op to get us animals to work together.
Even time though but it when was scooped up by your neckline very and so nine rope in how went where was we it in. So go your in at home.
The extermination of the inferior is necessary for the survival of our species and the health of our planet.
Goodbye Africans.
1. The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics has deep, pervasive effects on the nature of the universe and our lives in it.
>no free lunch is literally a law of the universe, and it is especially relevant in economics whether economists know it or not
>life as an uphill battle that you eventually will lose - "life is hard" is also a consequence of a literal law of the universe
2. Evolution happens as a weed-out process. You can't save everyone, in fact trying to is counterproductive
3. Ecosystems evolve too, so stop fucking trying to make them static
>I spread certain "invasive species" on purpose because I like to eat them, pic related
Just because you're poor doesn't mean you're humble.
Nothing is easy.
Future generations would fall for the same trap as we did, and invite them back in, even if we do deport them all now. Extermination is the only way.