The image of a disc with water falling off is psyop propaganda to throw off the scent.
The uncomfortable possible reality is that we live on a infinite plane where the sun carved a pool of water from ice. You dont fall off the edge, the image of a disc is propaganda.
Anywhere you go south, you reach the southpole -- because its a sun-carved ice ring that surrounds us on a flat plane.
Try flying from California to Japan and see what happens you retard.
Kevin Russell
Smells like bullshit in this thread.
Ayden Price
Have you flown from California to Japan?
Logan Fisher
Is it so shameful to say I don't know if it's flat or round?
Mason Ramirez
flight paths for jets and ocean shipping disprove flat earth
Eli Davis
Fuck off shareblue
David Scott
There is no point arguing with idiots. When one of you morons can explain magnetic variation under your flat earth stupidity I will listen. Until then go back to /x.
Jaxon Miller
this would be so cool
Xavier Long
Those could just be forgery
Explain this
Ian Flores
You fuck off. Actually argue his fucking point. Don’t just call him a shill.
Cooper Williams
How are the constellations in the Southern hemisphere different than the ones in the North?
Luke Perry
you are saying every shipping company and sea captain on the planet is in on the lie?
Robert Myers
We're hanging off of an icey pool inside of a giant cavern system.
Asher Mitchell
The stars are actually much closer to earth than we think
Aaron Harris
Never feed shareblue shills. Call them out and watch them scatter.
Evan Butler
There are thousands of people doing it right now, just check out flight radar.
Austin Collins
I've done it a few times from Seattle.
Camden Allen
The lot of them haven't been to Antarctica. They would be extremely easy to lie to
Xavier Anderson
You realize how easily internet flight paths can be faked right?
Dylan Collins
Are you stupid? If the earth was flat the time it takes to get from China to the US west coast by ship would be tippled the reported time. You are telling me they are all lying?
Luis Lee
why all this shilling of Flat Earth?
I dont give a fuck about this topic, anyone else feel the same?
Sebastian Roberts
You cared enough to post, shill
Noah Bailey
No, they can't be. These airlines fly those routes everyday. People buy tickets and get on those flights, every day. Are you saying they are all shills?
Jaxson Lewis
i so don't care about things that i literally believe this shit because I find it "cool" and thats enough for me
Adam Perez
This changed my belief forever. Scientists can't keep getting away with the heresy that is the round earth.
Xavier Wright
not a shill lol, just fucking flat earth or not, who gives a fuck honestly, in what way does this affect ones life?
Matthew Powell
Not saying the earth is flat. But there are fishy things regarding our official information regarding space
NASA admits we are unable to pass the van allen belts today
Those intense layers of radiation between here and the moon
Yet we did so in the 60s?
And never went back.
Last civilians, non nasa employees to go up to space exploded before they could get there
Nasa also admits to an incredible amount of images of earth being composite i.e.photoshopped. a quick google search of 'satellites in space' affirms this. Which is another thing.
Officially there are over 5000 satellites orbiting earth. Where are the photos and videos to confirm this?
If the earth was rotating and orbiting the sun for hundreds of thousands of miles per hour and the sun itself is moving at millions of miles per hour.... And its been this way for billions of years Why do we see the same exact constellations over and over again
That space jump guy... Went above earth. Very high. Where the earths spin should be noticeable both visibly and physically. He stayed up there for hours. Then jumped...only to be a few mere miles from the ascension point.. when he should have landed thousands of miles away
If the moon landing was fake when officially its otherwise Why believe anything they say regarding astronomy.
Justin Sanchez
fbi cointelpro is trying to poison the well of far right pro white politics by getting people to associate it with this garbage
Cooper Foster
I can't say that I'm aware of their exact motives. But it does seem that way
Jason White
>NASA admits we are unable to pass the van allen belts today
Not true. The current craft need to be tested before putting people in them. There's more electronics today than there were in the 60s/70s.
Easton Bell
The Earth is round but the sun is flat desu
Cooper Roberts
Oliver Johnson
>Last civilians, non nasa employees to go up to space exploded before they could get there
Dozens of non-nasa civilians go into space.
Zachary Torres
what are you talking about? if anything they prove OP's theory. Absolutely no planes fly over what we would know as Antarctica, even though this would save thousands and thousands of miles on trips in the 'southern hemisphere'. They say the ban on flying over Antarctica is to prevent pollution but really you think a few jets flying over at 40,000 ft would have any impact on pollution on a landmass that size whatsoever?
Aiden Myers
How come whenever I get on a flight from California to Japan, it takes the exact amount of time it would have if the flight radars were not faked?
What's even your fucking argument, do you think every airline in the world goes the long way around, using billions more in fuel and man hours, and some how no one who works for an airline has noticed? Not one single fucking pilot has ever chimed up and said "you know, we actually have to fly over Africa to go to Japan"?
If you want to be a flat earth retard, at least use a model of the flat earth that isn't so easily disproven.
Lincoln Nguyen
what flight paths would save time flying over Antarctica?
David Turner
>can be faked You seriously believe this is how the world you live in functions ? You think the earth is flat & millions of people are all working in conjunction, for some inexplicable reason, to keep it a secret, you actually think like this ?
Asher Morgan
Josiah Ward
Fuck off shareblue
Camden Miller
Ruh roh!
Leo Anderson
Explain the stars faggot
Elijah James
Crazier things have happened
Robert Rodriguez
Brayden Anderson
Gabriel Hughes
no they havent
Jacob Taylor
>I can't say that I'm aware of their exact motives. But it does seem that way
lol so there are thousands of people who are being paid (or something) to fly around every day for no reason on the off chance that someone will ask them about it so that they can lie so that we don't find out that the world is flat?
This must be the stupidest thing I have ever read.
Samuel Price
Wait what? That's fucking retarded.
No, scratch that. You are fucking retarded.
Jaxson Morales
they don't have to lie when they don't know the truth. the newer generations of pilots all just fly the routes they have already approved and as a privat pilot there are also restriction which means for dummys they have to fly specific routes too so that we get no traffic chaos in the sky.
in the doesn't matter if you are a pilot you get your routes ehich you are allowed to fly and everything else is illegal
Carson Hughes
Flight plans online which are lines on a map can be easily faked
Nicholas Russell
Juan Nguyen
That's not how piloting works. The pilots have to do the math. They know how much fuel they have, the speed of the plane and the distance to cover. They do it manually before flying. Are you telling me they are all lying about how long it takes to get somewhere and what they see outside their window?
Xavier Wood
Go buy a ticket to one of the fake flight paths and prove it.
Jack Williams
People fervently believed in a shitload of religions for thousands of years even though they're complete bunk. Tell me how believing that the earth is round and making up "proof" of it is any different
Parker Myers
in fact some of these routes make absolutely ridiculous 10k+ mile diversions if you look at flight trackers
Levi Powell
>the sun melted the disk into the plane
This is not how that works
Josiah Williams
you can prove the earth is round with mathmatics....
Owen Price
...but how do you fake time and distances?
Nicholas Johnson
Ok let's say the earth is flat, what would the powers that be have to gain by telling us that it isn't flat but is orb-like?
What would they have to gain?
Grayson Carter
Those flight paths exist. I've already posted a few.