What's something negative that a black person can experience but a white person can't?
What's something negative that a black person can experience but a white person can't?
Be black.
sub 80 IQ
Explaining all their problems on their skin color rather than facing the real cause of their failures.
inability to have abstract thought
racism and poverty
Credit score
Worrying about getting attacked in Appalachia or places like it because of the amount of melanin in their skin
Worrying about a racist boss not hiring them because of the amount of melanin in their skin
Worrying about fitting in somewhere where whites are the majority because of the amount of melanin in their skin
It's a lot of things.
RIP lil niglets
Not be expected to amount to anything other than get free gibs
Inability to truly comprehend the concept of time
Get free abortions funded by democrats.
>whites can't be stupid
like that's a bad thing.
i'm sure there's plenty of sub 80 iq whites
Inability to nation build (Western)
Invent sophisticated machines
Invent non-sophisticated machines (the wheel)
Critical thinking
Inferiority (intellectual)
False sense of superiority.
>only niggers experience racism and poverty
This board, for example. Just kidding, 80% of this board is spics LARPING as whites lol
Father’s Day.
Spotted the racist anti-semite!
Raising an albino in West Africa
>What's something negative that a black person can experience but a white person can't?
the feeling of contentedness and satisfaction at being a fifth generation welfare recipient.
This is not true. Your hateful opinions are a threat to society. I'm disgustet by Cred Forums so far.
Planned Parenthood
I know this is just bait but this is why niggers actually believe
>You don't know what it's like to experience racism!
Well what do they do, physically harm you?
>No they don't say anything but I feel like they don't like me cuz I be black
Meanwhile, whites are murdered for being white in a black area. I was in the military and a dark skinned nigger made it to csm/ lt. Colonel. They surrounded themselves with niggers up and down the ranks. The csm's cousin was a 400lb s6 csm. They were all dumb and fat as fuck, they walked in big gaggles during pt, they pencil whipped their PT test because they surly couldn't pass.
So let's recap:
>Be black
>Sense the inferiority when in the presence of whites.
>Don't get the job, despite institutionalized racism (affirmative action is nothing short of that)
>Blame unconfirmed racism
Side note: whites shouldn't have to be in the company of niggers, ever. Their entitlement knows no bounds.
>Be white
>Get raped/robbed/ assaulted/ murdered by niggers
>don't get the job because affirmative action and diversity quotas puts preference for niggers over you because your skin and brain is European and niggers will give the job to a nigger over you.
>In your own fucking country
having a victim complex
Who are you quoting?
Ashy skin
Please explain what's not true
Do you know what makes racial terms offensive?
It's not that the word was offensive or used in a hostile manner, no.
It's because the term is associated with an obviously inferior being.
>Colored person is offensive because it describes a nigger.
>Person of color is a newer term, and it's ok to use, but give it time and it will be offensive just as colored person became offensive
Now, please show me exactly which nation that was built by black leadership.
>The wheel was not used by sub-saharan Africans until Europeans brought it to them.
Please show me a sophisticated machine built by a FULL African.
Don't worry, I'm not directly quoting you. I know, you made very vague statements and when pressed wouldn't dare to extrapolate on their meanings with real examples. So I'll just let you read what I wrote and tell yourself you have better real world examples and my point is null when put against your argument that you won't even make for fear of not knowing what the fuck you are talking about.
Thanks for the posts. We need more like yours.
a black made the video game cartridge, so wrong on one point
The racist assholes on Cred Forums is one thing a black person can experience but you racists can't.
What's his name
>a fatherless home
>a prison sentence
>a gang shootout
This is not a full blooded African.
Being offended by racism