if you need any further proof this board is getting shilled to shit
If you need any further proof this board is getting shilled to shit
Other urls found in this thread:
What can be done?
>troll the entire world 24/7
>butthurt when people troll you
Grow up.
get better mods
>its real in my mind
Grow up
explain pic related
>Cred Forums is one person
Nobody needs proof, everybody knows this
The problem stems from either bad moderation or too large a number of shills with changing proxies
Why do you think we troll the entire world 24/7?
considering that mods delete threads like this i would say it is bad moderation
>get better mods
I don't think Cred Forums wants better mods. I think they got the mods they want.
We need the ability to filter by meme flag.
far right has the amount of threads filtered by their associated keyword
>I discovered Cred Forums in 2016
We need the ability to filter by the poster's IP address.
There are obviously JIDF, Israeli, Soros, Shareblue, Antifa shit posters in abundance. We also need a bigger catalog so they can't flood the catalog with shit posts that drive out serious discussion.
This thread belongs in meta. But more than half the threads here are /bant/ level crap; mods don't ban the shit posters.
NEVER post your filters.
How do you think they adapt their phrases?
>troll up the world
>by talking to each other on a Laotian rice hat website
Is this an echo chamber or not?
fuck off you idiot
more like infiltrated
>/bant/ level crap; mods don't ban the shit posters.
ikr but what can be done they refuse to acknowledge the problem and prefer to ban those who complain instead
Oh wow, hm what could it be? I really don't know. I mean, mods are our buddies!
lurkmoarfagit youtu.be
Watch as the JIDF shills calls this picture fake.
cry moar faggot
i literally get b& daily but dyndns and virtual machines are my work so theyre never affective. you are the one crying wahwah
This board's been getting shilled to shit since GG. The election sent it spiraling into full autism mode.
also hiro was served fisa warrant last week, this place is done
>keeps on crying
this is why you get b& daily
you are like babby, post yer tiddies
Literally the point of above is to associate Lauren Southern with jew shilling without evidence. They are trying to taint her by association. The number 1 threat right now are the trad girls as they will end the feminism scam if they gain more popularity. Fems are trying to seize power and they are the big enemy shilling this board. It’s goes deep - South Korea was a test run.
They attack Lauren because she signed an NDA and didn't take the money to be a ethno shill
Report bread with porn pics
Report shills that insult your well thought out opinion
Report bread that has little to no information, only inflammatory garbage
Never engage trolls, never reply to shit bread
Make pol a better place
close knit communities will always be attacked,,,be aware and don't fall for bullshit, especially when it triggers your autism
Friend don't let friends reply to shit posts and bread
ive got a better board for ladies itt
Nothing happens when I report threads with porn pics
I think it's shills who do it mostly desu, because the threads with a pornographic pic as the OP are always phrased weirdly enough to not get filtered
I normally have 10-20 threads hidden at any given time
mods are literally the shills
try +100 anytime i shitpost
>never will RECOVER from powerful black white Cred Forums APOLOGIZE
99% of threads start with a shill asking the exact same leading question in the exact same way, and people fall for the bait every time.
Get woke
Update your filters regularly as they come up with different phrasing to dodge them
They will report....they do
You can't imagine the burden and insanity they are going through at the moment with all the filth on this site
We all see it but can't get the job they have to do...without pay..we are being bombarded at the moment...why do you think they asked for Janitors...at this moment
We notice the chaos, they are overwhelmed
did you not notice the call for janitors?
They are doing their best. we are under attack
Easy to call them out when they are unpaid fuckers trying to do their job,,,
i have 0 empathy. theyve made their bed. theyre weebo fringe fucktards and laugh at their userbase. they get purged first. dox them all
Who gets picked to be Janitors even? I always seem to just barely miss the applications. It's weird.
I would honestly take great pride in 404ing every porn pic on here. I would do it for free.
I think it's the biggest derailment on here by far.
sure, you have zero empathy but I do see a call to arms that few of us identify with
Imagine the poor cunts that seek to rid you of shills, don't get paid but love the free speech we have on this board
The entire media and several Jewish associations literally jumped on a 40-post semi-failed larp thread about the other shooter being a huwhite supremacist.
The board is monitored 24/7. There is probably at any time at least 10 prominent Jewish interests lurking plus a good dozen alphabet soup agencies agents. Not to mention journalists.
If you have a history of calling people names, if you liberally use insults cause you are pissed or if you dismiss valid opinions by calling people poo-in-loo or calling brazilian hue monkeys...they won't consider you as an applicant.
I was actually banned for a week because I used an intelligent insult to counter a troll that reported me...and they refused me because of this ban I got...they are trying to elevate this board, they really want to, but most of us just engage the cunts and it will be our downfall
This is the only place I like to post on, and yet, even if I refrain from insults ...I fucked up one time and a shill reported me
They are doing God's work over here...they want to distance themselves from bad publicity and don't want to be targeted I get it and respect the work these people do for free.
I would love to serve as a mod over here some day because I understand the fucking selfless endeavor required to hold my tongue and keep this place (especially pol) a bullshit free board, the only place we have left
ctr spotted
>asking the exact same leading question in the exact same way
this filters 80+ any time
this board is constantly getting shilled to hell. i have faith that my bros can't be swayed by retarded leftists who waste their time here though.
How do they know our post history?
Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of them not storing data long term/saying we have anonymity?
That being said, I don't think I've ever, even once, been reported by another user for insulting them.
I have been temporarily banned for calling a mod a faggot/shill before though. For sure.
I had an actual politically-relevant thread of mine 404 (actually deleted by a mod, not just die on its own) within just a few minutes while there were 18 BLACKED threads in the catalog that all reached their bump limits
Do they want help or not?
>I've only been banned for opinions I've had regarding being more prudish about thread deletions so u know I'd do a good job
how do you filter faggots who make threads without subject ?
Truly. I have 35 threads filtered right now.
By the way user, if you wanted to save space, the "|" symbol counts as an "or" in a filter
So you could just do
>why is|do|are
instead of
>why is
>why do
>why are
If you wanted
Although I am not a mod or janitor (worthy of a ban if you falsely claim to be)...I have done my part by reporting posts....if you are a user that believes in free speech, do your part, report all insults and shit bread and make this place our free haven.
I especially appreciate this en devour because it permits me to alert my pol bros to genocide and shitshows we have been seeing on this board
Report all shilling and inflammatory or bullshit rebuttals filled with vitriol and cancer replies
we still need names and home addresses of anybody administering /po/
Also here, have this one on me
merge since mods are fagits that dont do their jobs
Honestly...think about it...
Mods and janitors are not paid...I am not one of them but actually aspire to become part of their team because pol is the last bastion of free speech we have
A normal poster will never take offense if you have a valid rebuttal. We are not here to fuck with each other but we all know that a cancer exists. Although I am not a mod or janitor, I can tell you that they have the worst job/function in the world
Unless we do our own due diligence and report the incoming cancer, we can't win the war. I am from South America, although I am a Jap-Brazilian, any valid opinion I have is countered with hue hue hue bullshit...we are better than that...we should know better than to insultt or foster a killary dream world.
Don't hate, post your opinion and situation...don't dismiss...we all long for the opportunity to speak our mind without bullshit memes and condescending remarks...
We are all attacked....huehue,pooinloo,mutt bullshit...
Fucking enough...don't like a contrary opinion, don't be an asshole...intellectuals don't resort to insults and blanket garbage, only shills do. Respect your fellow man, we have a mission to unite against a common enemy.
honestly..we do not
After I stopped coming up with clever insults and just refused to be autistic and reply to bullshit...I no longer need to do the captcha shit
I am not a mod or janitor, I just understood that intelligent people don't need to insult.
What does it mean!?
Add 'based' and 'nigga' to eliminate 56% of the nonwhites
>Add 'based' and 'nigga' to eliminate 56% of the nonwhites
i now have 4 posts displaying in the catalog
Posting your filter lists will surely help you dumb fucks