They seem like a pretty dope system of community. >self sustaining >industrious for the glory of god, not (((money))) >Not regimented to the 40 hour work week >Hub of a community (depending) - ties those around you together >all the wine, beer and fresh food you could ever want >your labor directly benefits you and others around you - after which you are free to pursue your own academic, artistic, and/or scientific endeavors >there are like 100 festival days a year where you can kind of let loose
I guess the only downside is your not supposed to have sex - although some lay brothers were allowed to marry and such But its not like half of you are having sex anyway
>not having sex anyway Yup, that's me. I've wondered from time to time if maybe I should just go join a monastary. It does seem like a decent thing to do with my otherwise useless life.
Carter Perry
So why did they invent it?
Thomas Gomez
plus if you add walls they turn into a pretty formidable fortress - aka chimp out proof (I lived in Ferguson at the time... - you never know when they'll hit apparently)
Thomas Peterson
May as well. While the rest of us are toiling in our despair you could be liberating yourself right now.
Cooper Torres
Monasteries can't exist without veneration of Our Lady that's why they are non-existent in protestant countries
Ayden Bailey
I'd still be toiling in despair though. I hate people, so living in a city-type location allows me to be yet another anonymous nobody with limited and prefunctory interaction only.
Samuel Garcia
i'm telling you man. And you know the first amendment secures it to where you could form a monastery where you are allowed to marry or something. IDK i've always wanted a self sustaining farm anyway Theres this old (ex ) jesuit seminary by me thats bassically abandonned. I kind of want to breath new life into it
Adam Hill
They were too busy having gay sex instead of getting a wife making babies and all died off. The end.
John Sullivan
there were 2 monstraties in my village... both closed because of sexual abuse of young boys..
William Roberts
>scarcity of pussy: unobtanium i have no idea why anyone would get tired of this lifestyle
Christopher Gonzalez
isn't that why they break away from the secular world though? They get sick of corruption and say "fuck you all"?
Like the OG St. Benedict was straight up like fuck you all im going to sit in a cave for two years
Hudson Bell
If life were easy enough that I could just go disappear I'd just go kill myself instead. I haven't had much to look forward to after giving up on that dream.
Grayson Hall
The people there have a different mentality than normal people do. You have to keep your socialization to a minimal, as meaningless chit-chat gets in the way of service.
Austin Myers
also you seem to think it's some sort of turbo ultra neet life... which it is by far not the case.
My uncle lived in one.
you wake up at 5 in the morning every day.. and you start the day with prayers.
followed by cleaning the place, doing choirs etc..
you are not allowed to have televisions, radios or any form of electronic equipment. Basically all you do is praying , choirs, and making money for the church (by selling handcraft made stuff for example) hat money is send to Rome and is not for you.
it's a very spartan life
Adrian Walker
ah. Its not like everyone who was involved in a seminary was a monk though. Sure the monks ran shit but there were plenty of lay people that hung arround nearby and worked there and such idk I only just started looking into this like a month ago. I was raised in the Episcopal church so I don't know all these formalities and rules
Luis Sanchez
You're being too pessimistic. Its not world thats the problem but your attitude towards it.
Noah Robinson
yeah I couldnt do the catholic type of monestary life - personally dont agree with stuff post vatican 2 but idk
I just like the idea of an integrated community thats not a bunch of retarded hippies out in the woods in stick huts
Carson Peterson
Oh, I don't blame the world. I'm just pointing out why the monastary would probably be better off without an interloper like myself.
Oliver Rogers
Not being able to reproduce could be somewhat detrimental to sustaining any sort of society, including monasteries.
Elijah Gray
>Not regimented to the 40 hour work week More like 98 hour work week there
James Howard
when you want to live in a monastery you first have a interview selection with the people who live there (basically similar as when you want to enter the Military)
that idea/attitude will be answered with a ''no you can't live here''
They never accept people who say ''I just want to live this and this life'' No they only allow people who want to fully commit their life to God and for the rest of their life.. Total dedicated and submission to God
they are not going to invest time and energy in people who will most likely leave after 6 months or a year.
Hunter Murphy
In England at least they were shutdown by King Henry the 8th and his Tudor progeny. The true reason for his break from the Roman Church was not due to ecclesiastical dispute but based on a desire to solidify power over his realm. Monasteries were financed and owned by the Roman papacy. People were distrustful of these insular walled monastic communities, who often accumulated great wealth over the centuries. Henry VIII was able to seize this land and wealth for himself, as well as placing papal enclaves under the control of the Crown.
Tyler Hughes
Best monastery coming through
Julian Morales
Damn that is a shame. I have been thinking about joining the priesthood only to get the like 6 months of hardcore Latin studies and then drop out.
Seems like a good way to learn latin, they probably use some sort of immersion program.
Jayden Ross
this video will give you a glimpse what life in a monastry is like:
A better idea is to buy some land, develop it, grow your family.
Ayden Wood
It's easier to become a priest than a monk. Priests are in short supply. Monks take resources similar to a priest but cannot perform the mass.
Nathaniel Russell
Doing fine last time I checked.
Angel Lee
That makes sense, I here theres at minimum a two year initiation period. Idk if being a sworn member would be my calling. But I'm somewhat curious - ive been working in biotech (academia and industry) and I honestly think i've been called Idk how to explain it
monks live from gibs retard, most of them have mental retardation. if you want to be a neet just move to your moms basement.
Jayden Davis
fucking chirst man, get a grip.
Dylan Kelly
>implying we don't have monasteries
Christian Johnson
I feel bad for Shinji. Why didn't they just leave him alone instead of harassing him?
Dylan Hernandez
>self sustaining literally funded by the Church and their taxation
>industrious for the glory of god, not (((money)))
the Knights Templar were basically the mafia/(((international banksters))) of medieval Europe, had a patronage system of monasteries, were a monastic warrior group themselves
>Not regimented to the 40 hour work week They had a 24 hour shedule
>Hub of a community (depending) - ties those around you together They didn't make babies = no community. A lot of people who joined monasteries were simply autists, social outcasts, or intelligent criminals seeking solace in a foreign land.
>all the wine, beer and fresh food you could ever want monastic life was about temperance
>your labor directly benefits you and others around you - after which you are free to pursue your own academic, artistic, and/or scientific endeavors
I'll grant that, they were intellectual powerhouses
Elijah White
oh see thats the thing I couldnt bare to be a drain
Thomas Young
Just to make sure that guy isnt me the OP I like life