Want more screencaps of blacks freaking out when they see Black Panther and realize it's an anti-BLM and anti-fuck whitey/pro-white and pro-respectability politics film.
Black Panther Black Salt Thread
this is the greatest pol film in 50 years we need to meme this to #1 box office all time
How do blacks reconcile the fact that Black Panther is basically Black Trump The Movie: Make Wakanda Great Again?
One of my black FB friends wouldn't shut up about how great and important this movie will be, with multiple daily posts weeks in advance of its release. After it came out, he gave it his review. It was a single, unenthusiastic sentence calling the film "pretty good."
He hasn't posted anything about it since then.
Leave it to Cred Forums to fall for all the viral marketing they've done here, Cred Forums just might be the most retarded board
wakanda if true
absolut kek
>Being violent global oppressors of every country on earth including all the other blacks is okay when we do it
>Leave it to Cred Forums to fall for all the viral marketing they've done here, Cred Forums just might be the most retarded board
Implying any of us actually bothered to see the movie.
pic related
This. If Cred Forums read the comics or watched the movie, they'd realize wakanda is isolationist to protect the vibranium, which people want to kill for
Nice catch, that Spectre bitch is still working to undermine Europeans in anyway she can
I laugh every time.
>open relationship
lmao every fucking time
>no racial diversity, is that such a good idea?
lol hes getting red pilled that diversity means no white at all
You dense fuck.
Never change Australia. Never change
Quality shitpost.
>Oh shit nigga literal star metal managed to make our people more then mud hutters. Better fucking horde it to protect the world from fook'n gattin each oither over it.
I like you
>not recognizing the username of "MortyMortenstein"
I like you too bro.
>The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) first infantilizes its audience, then banalizes it, and, finally, controls it through marketing.
>This commercial strategy, geared toward adolescents of all ages, resembles the Democratic party’s political manipulation of black Americans, targeting that audience through its insecurities about heritage, social prestige, and empowerment. So Marvel’s new, instant blockbuster Black Panther appeals to adolescent fantasies about birthright and ethnic invincibility — dishing up the routine super-heroics of T’Challa (Chadwick Boseman), a black version of Batman who fights crime dressed as a panther. He’s a recent addition to the Marvel Avengers series and the new king of Wakanda, a fictitious African nation devised by two of Marvel’s pseudo–social scientists, writer Stan Lee and illustrator Jack Kirby.
>The Black Panther film and its hype are inseparable.
>What motivates their methods of racial exploitation are confirmed by this week’s Time magazine: Its cover features Boseman, Black Panther’s star, handsomely replacing Time’s infamously racist, darkened O. J. cover, to prove that the publication has abandoned journalism to become a social-justice-warrior pamphlet. Combining youth and black exploitation is an effective propaganda tactic when audiences don’t recognize how they’re being manipulated; they’re simply flattered by it.
>T’Challa’s superpowers, tight-fitting Panther outfit, and Shangri-La-style homeland (transferring the fabled El Dorado from the Western Hemisphere to Africa) distort actual history and anthropology the same way that TV, comic books, video games, and movies have supplanted traditional education and learning. Utopian Wakanda, hidden behind clouds and mountains away from European colonizers, resembles the faux-naïve heaven of the 1933 negro musical Green Pastures. But the old-timey Christianity in that film is now replaced by faux-naïve Afrocentricity, including clichéd tribal customs (T’Challa must fight challengers to his throne).
>During the radicalized 1960s, Green Pastures’ stereotypes were considered an outrage. Black Panther would seem similarly fake if people weren’t falling for it without question. Once again, we see the nation’s psychic wounds — and black folks’ desperate need for whites’ appreciation — exposed by stripping off the Obama bandage.
>Black Panther offers no mystical alternative to racism’s threat, or the helplessness engendered by the tragedy of slavery (the original sin of removing Africans from their real and imagined roots). Instead, the movie offers a panacea, a comic-book fantasy of black empowerment that exchanges the actual history of the ’60s Black Panthers for a superficial commercial remedy. Rather than any account of that hopeful, aggrieved, inspiring, yet violent and always controversial social-activist group, we get the story of a monarchy.
>Even elderly academics and young Afro-futurists who prattle about “revolution” have unaccountably joined the circle of Black Panther hype, as if it was somehow a protest. They accord an oddball sanctity to the media practice that persuades the public to cheapen its own best interests. The horror of seeing the makers of Black Panther on the stump, invoking the names of serious historians from Dr. John Henrik Clarke to Ivan van Sertima, twisting their principled, arduous studies into promotional fodder, suggests an intellectual setback. The film’s frivolous sci-fi technology and gladiatorial fisticuffs can only assuage this moral betrayal momentarily — through cheeky ripostes about imperialism. (A Wakanda woman throws an ideological spear: “Don’t scare me like that, colonizer!”) Black Panther turns racial politics into what Malcolm X called “politricks.”
>Black Panther is a Diaspora tale in reverse. Its homecoming plot — in which T’Challa’s sovereignty is challenged by Erik Killmonger (Michael B. Jordan) — pits one uprooted black against another. Rather than a battle of ideologies, like Booker T. Washington vs. W. E. B. DuBois, it plays out director-writer Ryan Coogler’s own inner conflict between his politically conscious upbringing in Oakland, Calif. (where the story is first set), and his desire to join the Hollywood mainstream. Coogler’s ambivalence is embodied by the dignified T’Challa and the swaggering Killmonger, updating the good brother/bad brother dichotomy of ’70s Blaxploitation films in which community activists fought drug dealers. (In Larry Cohen’s more imaginative iterations, black gangsters waged a complex, internecine battle at the bottom of a social hierarchy headed by whites.) What’s slightly different in Black Panther is the sentimentalized pain that drives hip-hop culture: fatherless boys reenacting that excruciating paternal absence. I have explained how Coogler honed this same theme in Creed, a fortuitous hip-hop reboot of the Rocky series.
>But Oedipal conflict is too serious for the Marvel Comic Universe, so careerist Coogler gets distracted from his real subject and creates a kind of ideological retreat in which Afrocentricity becomes an opportunistic folly. Unlike biracial Vin Diesel’s The Chronicles of Riddick, which translated racial and political awareness into a quasi-classical drama, Black Panther marginalizes its white characters: “Another broken white boy for us to fix,” a Wakanda scientist rhetorically spears a CIA outsider. Its focus is on what masculinity means for heartbroken black boys.
>Jordan’s Killmonger, an Afghanistan War veteran whose body scarifications flaunt the number of men he’s killed, represents the angry black male consumed by vengeance. He steals the show from virtuous, civilized, diplomatic T’Challa (whose two-fisted, Avengers-style derring-do lacks the electricity of Boseman’s great James Brown, Jackie Robinson characterizations). Will Smith’s unjustly ridiculed After Earth already addressed these issues, but Killmonger specifically personifies the street-fighter fury admired by emotionally damaged ghetto youths — the film’s primary market. (A flashback glimpse of Public Enemy’s It Takes a Nation of Millions album poster is just more marketing.)
>Coogler’s attempt at genre revision is part of Marvel indoctrination, so it’s less interesting than Zack Snyder’s battle with Warner Bros. over artistic expression in the D.C. Comics Universe. Snyder turns moral conflicts into sensual kinetics. You can relate to the great urgency of Man of Steel regardless of race, but Black Panther never achieves an interesting vision. The F/X, sets, and costuming are stock. They lack even the childlike idealization that made the “Africa” scenes of Eddie Murphy’s Coming to America and Michael Jackson’s Remember the Time music video such straight-up, feel-good versions of black anthropology. Afro-futurists will justify any whim, but how can they square the updated James Bond, Star Wars technology of the Wakandan people with the fact that they still live like the natives in Tarzan movies? This indicates how little Americans know about various cultures on the African continent. Black Panther’s Marvelization of black history and anthropology is pathetic, and the Marvelizing of black imagination is appalling.
>Black Panther’s circuitous hype conforms to the song “The Circle of Life” from The Lion King, the still-popular ’90s animated film that is evoked here by native singing and by Forest Whitaker and Angela Bassett as elders trilling their R’s. Black Panther continues this ersatz Afrocentricity (patterned after Julie Taymor’s Broadway spectacle) without answering our deepest emotional needs. Coogler gives us only the superficial satisfactions of the ersatz, a kitschy substitute for meaningful expression of black social and spiritual advancement.
>It’s a long, old story of cultural self-denial when that circle of hype — which keeps black Americans as bound to Hollywood as they are to the Democratic party — neglects other, more genuine entertainments about black American life. Maya Angelou’s film Down in the Delta, Benny Boom’s Next Day Air, and Doug Atchison’s Akeelah and the Bee, for instance, were naturalistic films devoted to black perseverance. They were box-office flops, made before the Obama era, before mainstream media learned to shamelessly calculate the political benefits of exploiting race (and gender) identity. But T’Challa’s boasts about Wakanda’s fanciful independence from other nations and its rich deposits of vibranium (a magical ore used to make weapons as well as Panther’s invincible suit) merely seduce Marvel fans into accepting a new brand of exoticized inanity.
>Pity those who missed out on that edifying scene at the national spelling bee where Akeelah (Keke Palmer) spells out the word “filiopietistic.” It confronted the cultural processes that affect ethnic identification. Pointing to the word’s dictionary definition (“often excessive veneration of ancestors and tradition”), the film warned against the shoddy exploitation of black cultural desire that eventually denies personal awareness and self-examination.
>Now that Marvel Cinematic Universe controls Hollywood’s agenda and promotes moviegoers’ immaturity, it sets such a low, formulaic bar that Coogler’s effort to customize it to his hometown, race-conscious ethos never rises above the escapism of other Marvel junk.
>The media’s enthusiasm for this bland action flick is maddening. The problem isn’t one particular movie, but the celebration of the illusion of “progress.” When Hollywood pegs everything in terms of race or gender, it dictates to the masses and keeps them all in a plantation mentality, mindlessly applauding Black Panther as part of the new segregation.
>Leave it to Cred Forums to fall for all the viral marketing they've done here,
WE did this viral marketing to meme the dindus into revolting.
...didn't we??
I litteraly don't know who's jewing who anymore.
Niggers gonna nig
when you go to see your homies rule the world and they a bunch of uncle toms.
Thank you based armond. The RLM schlock lovers can never touch you.
Thinking a disney film would serve any agenda but the jewish agenda. How niave are these people?
>Here goy, enjoy this gangster rap!! Ohhh btw, Have you ever tried crack?
I don't get it
Lol, I'm willing to bet either he's a fat or it's a totally one-sided "open relationship"
So a race reversed film about the American civil war then?
The absolute madman.
Type her name into Youtube.
(((He))) doesn't exist. I wrote it ;-)
>Dangles the idea of global black liberation in front of you, paints that as evil, and then ends in an orgy of the freest black people to ever walk the earth slaughtering each other to protect whites
In other worlds the civil war and world war 2
Wow who fucked this up?
Its the other way, the villan comes in
And he must be allowed to continue or wakanda wont survive...
Tchalla saved it and kept the nationalistic policy
>believing it's real
so this is the power of the reddit immigration...
While I find this one amusing I hate that it's always newly created accounts that do it solely for the single screenshot.
Marvel are douchebags for exploiting blacks racial insecurities to make a film that ridiculizes black culture and lacks complete self awareness.
Bretty good, although this guy writes too eloquently for your average guy to understand.
Tldr... Movie sucked, Hollywood and specifically marvel are in bed with intelligence agencies, it's a travesty combining fake African heritage with real protests (the black panther) revisionism. Awesome essay.
>Product of Hollywood
>not "deeply evil"
any racially based division is inherently evil.
Cred Forums would be a much better place when you tards can get past your prejudices and realize all races share the same fears, hopes, desires and birthright for a world without corruption.
>Feb 2018
There's no implying needed. You had it locked yesterday and you removed the tweet that you pretend to be proud of.
Anyone have any of them images of the theater stanind with their fists in the air? I can't find it for some reason.
Non-meme edition, please.
To be frank, we've always had a plebbitor problem. That hasn't changed for a long time, even after the popularity boom from the elections.
The only major migration is our own refugee crisis after the stormfags lost their echo chamber and became an screeching diaspora of autistic retards.
This isn't my first twitter account, the other ones have been banned obviously for the content I post you pleb.And now its so convulted I keep fucking up the settings.
Good for you. Mines been running since 2011 but except for this post you don't hear me patting myself on the back.
Really activates my armonds.
Get out of my country.
By being stupid.
I dont get the second half of his tweet, how does BP make the "global black liberation" villainous? Is he talking about black ethnostate?
>t. white libfag who has never lived around blacks and has never learned about taxes
The whole premise of the film is that the hero wants to open up Wakanda while the villain wants to keep it closed off to the rest of the world. The film explicitly refutes this premise.
>autism levels that shouldnt be possible
is that what the guy in ops's picture is crying about? then surely he is not allowed to criticize white ethnostates.
you'll have to wait for the yurope 2 movie for that
>Says muh single tweet is lame for response
>Posts proof of an active account
>Muh good job, you wanna cookie?
Wakanda = Israel.
Just Jew self-promotion while profiting off dumb niggers.
1000 keks
I'm sure your 9 followers are proud.
Who gives a fuck. Just trying to redpill niggas so they can do better. I'm trying to Killmonger the Jews, why does it matter faggot? As long as you make at least a few minds curious, who then make a few more minds curious, who cares.
got some from before
When cianigger bilbo risked his life to shoot down the bad niggers i laughed my ass off. If it weren't for the closing scene of "oh btw let's give away our tech advantage and take refugees" I'd call it a totally positive experience. Which i pirated.
The moral of the story was literally "don't act like niggers. Especially violent American hippity hoppity niggers. They will destroy the African culture."
Fucking Bill Cosby could have written this movie.
>why does it matter faggot?
Because you deleted the fucking tweet
based black man
meant 2/3
last one
This is what a "global uprising of the oppressed" looks like in practice.
40,000 keks under the sea.
>button-down shirt
Do Americans really do this?
Fucking newfags I swear.
>Fucking newfags I swear.
He swears, you guys! He swears indeed. In fact, he fucking swears, you guys.
>black people with vibranium. Horde it to themselves
>white people with vibranium. Give a super soldier a weapon that is used to hold up truth and justice the world over
Really makes you think.
I did just scroll through my feed and it's gone. wtf nigga
The bad guy wants to give non-Wakandan blacks access to the negrotech.
>Really makes you think.
It made him think, you guys! The thinking, it just won't stop with this one.
Black Panther gets his powers from Purple Drank
This movie is going to be the biggest redpill event
i can hear the hand rubbing from here. fuck off
You need to be 18 to poast here
>This movie is going to be the biggest redpill event
Guys, sources tell me that there will be an event!
>You need to be 18 to poast here
Stop poasting, you guys!
Are you ok user? You seem to be having a stroke.
>this stupid post
>that flag
never been less surprised in my life. stormweenies are ruining Cred Forums
White Americans killed each other so these apes could be free.
ahahahaa user seems to have a stroke and strokes are funi give it up for anglo bantz xD
If you think that’s real you’re either retarded or new and it explains why so many peoples idea of “subtle”” trolling is to make an account with le happy merchant avatar and a name like Schlomo Shekelbergsterin, or just to go full 1488
>implying I'm a kike after what Jews did to black people
suck my dick disinfo shill
Thanks user. Your other bread made me lose my shit also
>Your other bread made me lose my shit also
Guys, there is shit to be lost! Is there anything that bread can't do?
He literally tells his bleeding heart gf that Refugees are not welcome.
It must be hell on Earth being a self aware black guy. Sonetimes I feel sorry gor them, sometimes.
ahhahhahahaha a frog thats funi xD
>Sonetimes I feel sorry gor them, sometimes.
Guys, he feels sorry gor them, but only suntimes!
The influx of 1488 Daily Stormer cocksuckers was a mistake. They don't get chanculture, they don't get what trolling actually is. They don't get that a lot of what goes on here is "for teh lulz." Just because we hate niggers doesn't mean this is their home or that they are welcome here.
Kek. Critics gave it like 98% though.
>best film he's seen since House Party
I laughed harder at that.
>They don't get chanculture
Guys, there's people out there who won't respect chanculture! What is the world coming to!
He drinks magic purple flower juice
>Germanic meltdown
Please respect chanculture! You don't get that a lot of what goes on here is "for teh lulz"!
Are you serious? This movie is turning out better than expected all around
(((They))) wrote the story and (((They))) gave it good ratings. Social justice is backfiring on (((Them))). Kek.
it’s a meme you dip
Imagine watching a culture of self destruction, no piety, no virtues, and then imagine because you share the same skin color those around you want to share in the degradation simply because you "a nigga too" thats what it feels like
>Are you serious?
I don't know, is he? Is he serious? Some things are best left unanswered.
Cred Forums has had a unique place on the internet since the early 2000s. Nazi LARP fags don't belong, and I don't think you do either.
Where has all the piety gone, anons? Where indeed?
Guys, we unique now!
Is this your special place, user?
Are you secretly a faggot, user?
great heavens
I'm unique. You're unique. We're unique.
That makes all of us unique.
This guy saw the heavens, and they were GREAT.
Thanks for sharing, we will all sleep better for it today.
Yeah, you're special.
This guy shared his selfie even though this isn't /soc/.
I heard the movie about Trump?
That's exactly the kind of content I like. It's funny, it's racist, and it's not too serious. Stormfags come in and shit up threads with their insistence that everyone does srs bsns only.
>Unlike biracial Vin Diesel’s The Chronicles of Riddick, which translated racial and political awareness into a quasi-classical drama,
It was all worth it just to read this
>That's exactly the kind of content I like.
Good news, guys! This is not "almost" or "acceptably close" content, no, it's EXACTLY the content he likes!
You have made an user very happy today!
George Lucas gaslit me
Kek, a hans nigger made me laugh
What the hell did he think was going to happen? Ffs why do black people think they're is nothing wrong with the way they act, it takes some "normal" black person to point it out
Welcome to Whiteys nightmare.
>black people think they're is nothing wrong
Damn asshole, you correct yourself while I was searching for a good gif and ruined my moment of feeling superior.
Autists tend to do that
Actually no, your correction is still wrong.
Should be "THEIR".
Stupid Amerimutt
I remember when I got my first Internets...
El incorrecto...
who dis?
I lol'd.
goddamn son
next level kek
>Ffs why do black people think
Somebody better organized than me, please give this man the "Johnny" Sowell quote.
I actually went to school with one of his competitors. She weighed 99kg while the tranny weighed 131kg
I don't believe in gender segregated sports but a 32kg difference will tell
So it was like the American civil war where free white people defended niggers? Good to know.
Hmmmm, ... #wakandaisLiberia
zoomalis are disgusting.
look at that pathetic excuse for a human being. then theres the somalis
wtf is henny nigger?
With the black panther bullshit and the delusion of some people makes me think the the race war is more than just a meme at this point. tensions are rising, lads, at least for my point of view. it's kinda scary to think about the fact the with every shitpost, Cred Forums edges the US further and further into race war.
> a children's book designed for negros is the watershed moment in the collapse of america
hennessy is french cognac
But I haven't been to the movie theater since 2003, and haven't watched a new movie since The Dark Knight in 2009. I often think I'm missing out, but I can't be bothered to watch any movies.
tfw French Cognac House hundreds of years old. Build image of discerning taste and class.
> Become the drink of Nigger Rappers
Is she \ournegress\
DC should make a new black superhero
>PURPLE DRANK is a perfect name.
Yukio Mishima
>just trying to redpill niggas
It was a fucking stupid meme tweet, get off your high horse retard
Wow Americans are openly admitting to being cucks now. In 1960 BMWF relationships were unheard of now this shit happens openly? Wtf pol
HendriQs is not black.
But he literally does. Purple flower juice magic
All this drama is great and all, but what I really can't wait to see are the chinese reviews next month
>4 found it helpful
>tfw Cred Forums larps as cucks and other Cred Forums larpers use positive feedback to increase cuckdom
>niggers actually believe if slavery didnt occur that they would live in a technological wonderland similar to wakanda, and not the mud hut aids ridden diseased shit hole they actually live in which is a product of their low iq and lack of initiative
cant make this shit up kek
Cognac is fucking yuck anyway
Go to watch Benny hill.
You need to chill out bro.
African Violets are a weed in Oz.
Whisky Masterrace ftw
As if I'd ever pay to watch niggers chimpout on the silverscreen while there are niggers all around me yelling "DAS RITE" everytime the MC does something and chewind loudly with their mouths open like a bunch if bonobos.
Cognac is good with cigars.
T'Challa's ending monologue at the UN:
>“Wakanda will no longer watch from the shadows. We cannot. We must not. We will work to be an example of how we as brothers and sisters on this earth should treat each other. Now more than ever the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.”
Cred Forums got tricked again
So the nogs are getting psyop'd. Pretty funny.
>I don't believe in gender segregated sports
you're fucking retarded cunt
It's fake you retarded newfag.
t. fucking brainlet
Didn't release in China. They have a strict no niggers policy.
>t plays out director-writer Ryan Coogler’s own inner conflict between his politically conscious upbringing in Oakland, Calif. (where the story is first set)
Black panther starts in oakland?
Can someone summarize this stuff? I hate when people write like this and I don't know half of the stuff he talks about.
>Da herb
> We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe
RWANDA was a Triumph of Tribalism.
Wakanda is Isreal for blacks.
I'm boycotting Black Panther and all Marvel films until Marvel donates 50% of Black Panther profits to inner city PoC in need
this is the iq of the typical polnigger. zero self awareness
Start a new trend to piss all the liberal black panther supporters off.
They will release it next month:
Those disney kikes are smart, they released this movie in february (where there is no serious cooperation) and let china be the last country to release it , so they can use the numbers of the black and cucked virtue signalling countries in the promotion of the movie there.
Anyone that thinks that is a legitimate review and not sockpuppetry is actually mentally retarded and should do everything they can to ensure they don't procreate.
Go suck a circumsized cock you kraut nigger faggot
Thank you, this helps.
Nice. I'm actually kind of ok with Disney and the film itself. Never thought much of them to begin with.
I'm really only looking forward to the Kangz butthurt when they realize Disney is patting them on the head like pet monkeys.
it's amazing how awful somalis are compared to their relatives, ethiopians, just because islam has corrupted them. They don't have data for somalia here, but you can see pakistan (islam) vs india (not islam) rate of cousin marriage.
It truly seems to make people ruin their dna
Black people with ALL OF THE FUCKING WORLD'S VIBRANIUM: Create the most equitable & advanced society in the world for themselves; tell everyone else it doesn't exist & to fuck off away from their vibranium
White people with access to a tiny amount of vibranium: Use all of it to build a shield for a superhero
Really makes you think
Shouldn't have sperged out at the end you fucking sperg
>The whole premise of the film is that the hero wants to open up Wakanda while the villain wants to keep it closed off to the rest of the world.
You're mixing it up. T'Challa, the Black Panther we've seen in Civil War was the one who wanted to keep it a secret. The villain, played by Michael B. Jordan, wanted to use the tech to take over the world. In the end the Black Panther decides to begin to open up Wakanda to the world, but on their terms by setting up outreach centers in various cities around the world to help non-Wakandans.
yup, and that is why the jews are trying to turn niggers into a weapon against us.
>huge faggot
All Blacks should live out their DREAMS and go back to Africa! Make Wakanda more than just an Idea! You don't need Whites! Stick it to those racist Nazis!
GG brought a bunch of nerds here. Some of us actually know the difference between our Priest, Hudlin and Kirby runs.
And you're wrong. When all of their Vibranium got blown up, did they suddenly become multiculural? Fuck no. They STILL were isolationist nationalistic supremacists.
I blame Russia
>College Educated black, dealing with daddy issues and a desperate need to sound as smart as the whites who trained their pet monkey to 'sign' like they do, shits on black panther because it's nigger fodder and ultimately does exactly what the jew 'blacksploitation' films did back in the 70's... except they put an 'afrocentric' ( africa is the best, we wuz kangz) spin on it instead of the usual 'whitey holdin us down, fight da powa' shtick. Cries about the need for films that actually portray how the nigs 'REALLY' nig irl like (insert movie directed by Oprah here), and how the nigs act exactly like nigs always do by lapping up the obvious 'WE WUZ KANGZ' bullshit because it plays to their porch monkey sensibilities. "DAT NIGGA ROASTED DAT WHITE BOI! OOOOH NOW HE SLEEP! KNOCKT HIM DA FUK OUT! BIX NOOD!"
Basically you have an educated black that wishes blacks really WERE educated and like he is, but doesn't seem to realize.. or want to realize... what a statistical outlier he is on the bell curve. Like any nigger, regardless of his education, he is unable to/refuses to see the truth of the inferiority of niggers, as a race, intellectually.
This is the first review from Armond that I've read that isn't him just verbosely shitposting over some minor grievance. I think he's actually kinda upset about Black Panther being as patronizing as it is and how blacks are eating out of Marvel's extremely Jewish hand over it.
True, true.
Damn, Foodstamps, wellfare ,home invasion robber with heaping side of drug trafficking isn't enough?
Fucking LOL we need more theater nog pics
based "honorary" white
Imagine if you gave all that Vibranium to Tony Stark.
Just imagine it.
Vibranium man.
you americans are the reason the white race is dying. Let the black people have their fun and give their money to the jew. You did that for a lot of time.
>a tiny amount of vibranium: Use all of it to build a shield for a superhero
Because whites had already built
>the most equitable & advanced society in the world for themselves
They didn't need a cheat code to build it, like niggers obviously did in that movie
Mishima, I think.
They actually think they're the culture creators. It's fucking hilarious. I figured they were just Koch shills for a while until one guy actually tried to convince me he was some kind of redpilling patriarch by listing Jew names in banking.
I blame Spencer.
Well you had Hotel Rwanda and Last King of Scotland but blacks didn't go to see those movies
A dirty Gypsy talking ill of the jews
It's like the go-bots talking shit about the transformers
The shitty knock off of can't really offend the flagship product
look at the name (((Morty Mortenstien))) it's fake!
That is all the Vibranium we get?
from some oakland event
they dress like this normally though
We out here
That faggot won't even make suits for the other Avengers. Fuck that. And his pet nigger can't walk anymore because he's not as good as Wakanda.
Thinking about how mad Don Cheadle and Terrence Howard are that everyone's calling Black Panther the first nig hero is the funniest part. And bankrupt Wesley Snipes
White people slaughter eachother all the time though.
a vid here
>best film he's seen since House Party
It’s a superhero movie about men in costumes designed to entertain kids and sell them toys
Jesus fucking Christ why is America so retarded and ready to get offended, stop treating everything as American
>T. Butthurt failed colonizer soon w/ nigger hooker queen
maybe we should build a Wakanda and send all the niggers there.
>writes gypsies with a capital g
hi jew
God love ya anons. It’s Nigger Halloween
You idiots didn't watch it. The villain of the movie literally wants to genocide all white people. BP, the good guy, is a typical liberal.
Even with the obvious spelling error, your sentence structure and grammar gives away your true ethnicity
Killmonger's dad was a Wakanda spy/assassin sent to the US to do espionage on other countries to make sure they never even think about fucking with Wakanda.
He ends up stationed in Oakland, takes an American wife and has a son and ends up raising him by himself when the wife died.
Killmonger's dad sees all sorts of racist shit going on in America and decides that Wakanda needs to start doing more to kill whitey and bring about black supremacy with their advance tech being shared to black radicals/black supremacists around the world.
Killmonger's dad is also the King's uncle, meaning he has the power to act on his "kill whitey" dreams. But he gets caught trying to smuggle tech out of the country and tries to kill a servant of his brother, when he gets caught. So he is summarily executed (Wakanda is super strict on killing people who try and smuggle tech out of the country).
Killmonger gets put into an orphanage and basically grows up not only hating whitey but also hating Wakanda and his royal family relatives, including BP, who grew up a pampered prince who got the best of everything while Killmonger grew up poor as fuck and ending up having to go into the military rather than an ivy league school.
put me in the screen cap
Saw it with my wife’s son
Lovely rhythm
S'ok. He paid and went after promoting it for free.
>who were going to stage a global uprising of the oppressed
but if they were successful, wouldn't they then become the oppressors? Did he really not think that far?
No go....I men No fine sire, I am not nor ever was a Jew
You should be able to tell with my sub-par sentence structure and errs in grammar
To be fair, you need a pretty high IQ to understand Aussie shitposting
this legit ? kek'd either way
Jews exploit blacks.
I don't think Marvel made $1 from Cred Forums with this film. We tend to know over hyped libtard garbage when it's thrust in our faces. However, I bet you were sat in the cinema because there are black people on screen, and pretend to fancy Lupita Nyongo in front of all your beardy latte sipping friends.
So true, so very very true
The rest of you are just retarded if you cannot grasp that
> blacks freaking out when they see Black Panther
Its made by the same 1% today who sold their people into slavery back in the day.
Black Panther is emasculated impossible to grow or survive without his sister.
>Use all of it to build a shield for a superhero who stops Hitler and later stops an ALIEN INVASION THAT WOULD DECIMATE THE WORLD AND MAKE IT UNBREATHABLE
So he is the guy trying to protect wakanda from opening its borders and trying to protect his people worldwide?
It sounds like neither is really a good guy and it's not as simple as ethnostates vs no ethnostates.
Because nothing rhymes with Courvoisier.
Do melanin activated Vibranium?
I think you belong . . . with your goy tongue buried deep inside my after-gym anus. Feels good user.
I also have to say. After the race war, I'm marrying this qt negress.
Killmonger wants to turn Wakanda into the Third Reich: basically a racially pure homeland that wants to conquer the world and kill every single white person on the face of the planet using their advance tech.
BP wants to keep Wakanda isolated. He full on rejects Killmonger's dream of sending their tech to other countries so black Muslims and BLM fags can go about indiscriminately kill white people left and right so black supremacy reigns supreme.
The ending basically is Killmonger winning in so far as BP agreeing to open up to the rest of the world, but on BP's terms: allowing tech to flow out of the country, but not as weapons and to basically use it to help everyone, not just black people.
So it's anti-Trump/pro-Globalism, but takes a huge fucking shit on BLM/Black Supremacists type SJWs who want to kill whitey dead and openly advocate for a day of the rope for the mass murder of white people. Which makes sense, since the modern democrats kind of know they'd be fucked if minorities ever DO take full power in the US.
wtf i claimed her already
I wish this was real.
I accept your challenge, user. Get the purple drank.
I always love coming across Cred Forumsacks out in the open waters of the internet.
how mad are they that they can't even leave negative reviews on it anywhere because das raycis?
For the love of fuck, do you have any idea what that chimp will look like in 5 or 10 years? Have at it beastboy.
good post
How dare you.
hollywood are the real racists
How are the other nations in this movie?
>I also have to say. After the race war, I'm marrying this qt negress.
Will you be getting her one of those spit shields for her.
What an ugly fucking monkey.
More like this one
We wuz dovahkin and shit.
This. For two weeks straight if you posted a pic of the movie and text of “what do?” Shit would be in the top replies in 30 minutes. Some of you niggers are seriously dumb as fuck as to life and business works.
WTF the nigger Coolio gots to say?
He always had a valid and interesting point, and the da Jews always tried to shut him down.
Everytime he on some talk show and even hints at shit its always "go to commercial"
Don't worry mexinigger. There's room in my stable for Aimee Garcia too.
holy fuck i haven't seen that one in years
>tfw wanting to kill somone so bad but knowing youll never get to find out who they are or where they live
Do niggers have any control over how embarrassingly cringy they allow themselves to get?
>Exploring the politics of a movie where the main character wears a Spandex suit and scratches people
If your into that modernness look I suppose...