You fuck faces Know if black people start doing winter sports we will dominate it right give it 10 years and the whitest thing at the winter Olympic will be the snow
You fuck faces Know if black people start doing winter sports we will dominate it right give it 10 years and the...
wakanda if true
who said you were invited?
Lmao blacks are "people" now?
The whitest thing there now is the snow, white people aren't literally white. Also niggers can't into cold.
I'll take building computers over running fast for six minutes any day.
keep dreaming, shitskin
But snow kills black people.
Good luck finding an Olympic calibre bobsled, luge, or skeleton track that will grant you a membership, let alone finding a willing trainer. Fuckin goof.
No, no you wont. The same reason you do well in track sports is the same reason you will never do well in winter sports. It's also why you will never win strongest man competitions or other strength based events.
Why are you so hateful user? You need to find something better to do with your life than try to rile people up online, its not healthy for you.
HURR DURR DURR HURR , i wish i could shoot you , not because of your color that is as jewish as it gets but because of these fucking threads 24/7 on my origami board you piece of subhuman filth fuck off reported and hidden.
Probably true. Maybe fix the baby daddy issues and gangster culture first, make some strong family values a central focus, clean your room, sort yourself out, for the good of your people.
haha you guys look like poops. i derive sufficient amusement from this daily.
>three American born nigger women
You guys should probably focus your efforts on not committing crime.
Stay home
who do you "think"?