What's Detroit like now? Is it beyond repair or has it changed a little in the last few years? Post the worst example of this nigger hole please
What's Detroit like now? Is it beyond repair or has it changed a little in the last few years...
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Where there are niggers there is wasteland.
It's partially abandoned. That's not a bad thing in itself. You will find thousands of abandoned cities all around the globe through history. There is no point in maintaining a city that has long ago lost it's value on every level.
Is Detroit a survival simulator?
Are niggers entirely to blame? Isn't it like 90% nog?
Niggerz, like Dayz but with negroes and actually gets updated.
The niggers are actually the only ones keeping what's left of the city from being a wasteland. They should actually be thrown out of the area to let the city slide back to nature.
The problem with Detroit is that there is just too much space. Americans need to learn to urbanize properly. And stop spreading their population out in areas too costly to maintain. Picture related. My vision of future detroit.
God Almighty.
It's like looking at Aboriginal housing in Australia.
I wonder what the link might be?
First of all. Detroit is not and was not a real city. Rather a vast area of small houses with a tiny center with high rise buildings. The city of Detroit never existed.
Detroit is undergoing gentrification. The abandoned areas are being turned into farmland. Detroit is soon to be a decent place again. White.
Friendly reminder Detroit was never a City.
What happened to the fire hydrant?
I don't think you realize how big Detroit is.
Only certain areas are undergoing gentrification, like downtown and the area around DIA/Shinola, etc...
Most of Detroit is an unmitigated shithole. Even the less dangerous parts of the "bad" areas, like Wyoming and I 96 are irreparably bad, and are experiencing NO gentrification.
There are simply kernels of salvageable neighborhoods that are built around tourist draws and schools, and nothing else is improving.
i 'memba readin how they turned off the water mains to entire neighborhoods so they didn't have to maintain the infrastructure (pipes, pumps, etc)... they also did the same with the streetlights yahoo.com
The whole city should be glassed and rebuilt as a white ethnostate. It's on a good geographical spot but the kikes and niggers ruined it.
What the actual fuck? Yes, it was. It was the hub of the auto industry (and others) at the beginning of the century until the 67 riots.
Detroit isn't as built up as some of the largest cities in the world, therefore it isn't a city. Jesus christ you're fucking dumb
ITT: People who are not from Detroit or at least the area talk about it like they know what the hell they are discussing
Detroit has always been a spread out shithole with areas of development that get more attention than others, this is due to the nature of the nogs culture and they need to use police resources to patrol only the areas where regular people visit ( see downtown, see midtown, see the fisher theater area, etc. )
As it stands now, the city is actually experiencing a hipster Renaissance as gentrification is taking place all over the parts of the city that matter while nogs complaining about being pushed out due to increases in cost of rent, that is in most areas that do not have rent price controls in place.
t. software developer that lives in the shitty
Niggers stole it just like the siding from the houses?
>stealing the siding off of a house
God damn niggers are shit.
There is too much space because something like 1.3 million people all packed up and left after the nig riots of '67.
It was literally the richest metro in the USA during the 50s and some of the 60s. There are buildings in Detroit that are unique to this entire planet
Pic 2. The Fischer building is literally stories upon stories of custom marble, brass, bronze, and mosaic. It's like a fuckin standing palace that would be impossible to afford today
God damn Tokyo is insane.
I've been following Detroit for a number of years. Trolling aside, There is numerous attempts renovating and revitalizing part of the city. This is one of the more interesting. The Packard Plant. I hope it succeed. That will be a true testimony on how important it is to maintain a majority of a city white in order to stay afloat. youtube.com
>What's Detroit like now?
Here. I updated it for you, granted this is already over a year old.
nature is reclaiming the ghetto.
I'd rather have trees than niggers, to be honest.
did they stole a whole house?
Detroit should just import all the gay people there and refurbish the houses. It would look amazing.
House on left was still being used it seems
Probably a crack house that used the house on the right for firewood
>House on the left looks a little better
>House on the right is completely gone
>House in the middle has huge bushes/tress in front suddenly
Someone is doing some shit in that middle house. Guaran-fucking-teed.
>city filled exclusively with gay men and black people
It'd make for a helluva reality show
Would Shaniqua bitchslap philip for sucking Tyrone's dick?
what if we fill it with immigrants?
They seem like they are eager to work and live they the US. Send them to Chicago, the city gets more tax revenue, empty homes get populated, every one wins.
Some poor boomer is going to visit his childhood home and see something like this.
Middle house is the red room.
They literally stripped the siding off the houses.
What the fuck. That's not aluminum siding. You can't recycle it for money. Is there a lucrative market for used already-cut fucking siding in detroit?
Niggers. The mind boggles trying to understand why they do shit.
Its not uncommon to open a drug spot in vacant houses in Detroit.
Don't pity baby boomers.
Every green area in the first pic used to be urban. Every single bit. Note the streets lining all those areas. At one time there were houses and building lining those streets. Now it appears green ("urban prairie" google it) because the groids have/had this thing called Devil's Night where they went out and burned abandoned buildings. A rental vacant for a week? If its on Devil's Night poof...burned. And nobody rebuilt those areas, thus the greenery.
Detroit absolutely was a city. Don't kid yourself. Nature is reclaiming it now only because the groids burned it out.
I grew up on the border (one block from the city limits.) in many ways things have improved. Downtown Detroit or the business district has been revitalized and they are building their first major skyscraper in 30+ yrs. But large swaths of East and West Detroit are total shit holes. The real issue is city politics and lack of economic growth. Most of the business in SE MI isn't in Detroit but in Ann Arbor, Troy, Birmingham, Royal Oak, Warren, Sterling Heights and other surrounding suburbs and cities. The police are severely underpaid, understaffed and under equipped. But most of the crime and violence is pretty consolidated in E and W Detroit, those areas (like the pictures) are becoming unlivable and utility companies don't even go in there to fix downed lines or broken water mains. As those areas deteriorate they are bulldozed and turned into urban farms or re-zoned for new industrial or light manufacturing. The Detroit School system has some of the highest cost per pupil with the highest dropout rates in the country. It will take a lot of money, education and investment from outside of MI to fix Detroit. But it is getting better, ever so slowly.
democrats are still in charge
no relief on the horizon
did they remove all the siding from the house on the right? what the fuck?
that shit water in london
Aluminum for the scrappers. These guys are probably dead now from trying to grab some copper from an electric vault.
Look at 19010 a few doors down. A white guy. In that neighborhood....wow.
gotta love some imperial planning
what the fuck am I looking at?
t. Woodrow Wilson
You can have:
A) Civilization
B) Niggers
Choose one.
It is absolutely beyond repair. It's so bad that nobody will gentrify it because there's nowhere to get a foothold in, it's all dangerous ghetto blacks all around.
>t. Livonia
You know what to do
when nogs kill each other, the nog who dies normally has a memorial placed at the site of death decorated with empty liquor bottles and stuffed animals. I think there's a church across the street from this one
Sandniggers = "White"
Yeah, I can't think of literally anything that happened between 2009 and 2012 that resulted in the loss of houses...
Must be black people's fault.
I'm always reminded of Home Improvement.
Black neighbourhoods are not worth investing in and blacks don't have the agency to invest in their own future.
what is with redditors always announcing what they are?
Detroit is surrounded by miles and miles and miles of suburban sprawl, the problems are in the city core
need those upvotes to feel good
>niggers buy cheap house
>raise niggers on food stamps
>nigger kids want to buy Jordan shoes and nice clothes and have their own car but can’t because their single mom is a lazy nigger living on food stamps
>niggers talk with other niggers at local school near neighborhood and start peddling drugs to make money
>in a few years all the local niggers are selling drugs to each other
>degeneracy increases as crackheads and methheads and potheads roam the streets so nigger 1 and nigger 2 can wear designer clothes
>crime increases, police involvement in community grows
>niggers start dealing out of their house out of fear of getting busted on street or shot by other niggers on corners, and because of the natural lazy progression of nigger businesses
>cops eventually find out about the selling of narcotics from inside home, send DEA and SWAT to raid home
>home gets raided, niggers die and go to jail
>home is left abandon as all living niggers there are either dead or in jail
>police and city are too busy fighting nigger crime to care about house, house rots
You just learned what happened in Detroit, Chicago, etc and why there’s so many abandoned houses
You can tell that Detroit didn't organically collapse based on real estate prices. The land itself is still valuable based on where it is located and how prosperous it could theoretically be. If this was some ancient city which dried up when trade routes shifted the real estate market would reflect that, but Detroit is still a major distribution hub for goods all over north America.
This is a place a city should be.
>gay niggas in detroit
would watch
shitcago is a hustle bustling city. detroits dead cause no jobs
houses and property are cheap i heard but its the rules and building regulations that scare off potential buyers
Bing tells it how it is, Bing never sugarcoats the truth.
No I'm pretty sure it's the rampant nigger crime. Would you take free land in the ghetto and build a house?
>In 2022, the crime rate in the United States rises four hundred percent. The once great city of Detroit becomes the one maximum security prison for the entire country. A fifty-foot containment wall is erected along the Lake Erie shoreline. It completely surrounds Detroit. All bridges, roads and waterways are mined. The United States Police Force, like an army, is encamped around the city. There are no guards inside the prison, only prisoners and the worlds they have made. The rules are simple: once you go in, you don't come out.
Would it work?
If it's this empty it's prime land to reclaim. You gotta start with setting up fences and paying for guards though but you're gonna make a fucking fortune bringing the whites back to your cheap oasis.
You do know why they do that is because nobody wants to be close to niggers
like i was saying the land and houses are cheap but detriot has some tough housing codes and if you dont follow them they fine you thousands of dollars till your up to the strict codes so it scares away potential buyers
Do these people like to live in chaos?
So fucking retarded and could be fixed with one simple exemption rule for these abandoned areas.
Ancap building boom WHEN.
All these pics are just the old white people dying off and their homes not selling so they fall into disrepair.
I know but what is that thing on the left? It looks like a stuffed bear but also a white person in a black shirt with all their limbs boiled off
>Muh Native Land and Nature
>Whites build city on land and nature
>Whites import slaves
>Slaves take over and burn down city
>Nature Reclaims it
Thanks for playing, try again sometime !
That bush became a tree.
The house on the right did a Copperfield
Those trees that grew up in front of the middle house are the same species as the large trees on the right. I think the house is just being reclaimed by nature.
The real issue is niggers
It can be both
Nogs stole it to sell for scrap metal.
>empty liquor bottles
Wouldn't want to let any go to waste now.
How long would a white resident last living in the worst parts of Detroit?
It really would if you microchipped everyone and made a policy that anyone who gets caught escaping is shot on the spot.
Even if a few escape, a very small few. The amount contained or outright killed would be far more effective than our current system.
In this case violent sex offenders who are proven without a doubt should be let in.
Anyone with a three strike for breaking and entering and theft should be let in.
I would not condemn someone who just breaks a law to such an existence. Those people can stay in the low security prisons that are even more relaxed to the point of being like Swiss prisons.
Hard crime hard time, low crime easy time method.
It's called regression toward the mean.
And the mean for niggers is cannibalism and mud huts.
Detriot does have one of the best airports that I've ever been in
Here's what's interesting. This is exactly one block to the north. I have included the address of the white house on the left as a flag on the minimap so you can see.
And before you say, no, this isn't the white side of the street. I went and double checked the race census map to be sure. Both are overwhelmingly black.
Democrats, it's what they do.
Race census map. Red circle is OP's picture. Blue circle is my picture here.
>with Jews you lose
Metro Detroit resident here. This nord is correct. Detroit was always a suburb that called itself a city. Detroit has always had a very small downtown
Looks like a Trump building but with hexagrams on the ground.
Looking on the bright side
Newly evolved man eating super mutts when?
I live near Detroit. Minimum of 1 dead dog on the side of the interstate per week, usually a pitbull.
you left out this tunnel which is creepy as fuck
t. live near detroit
Depends on the white man involved
>some, you could say, would thrive
Detroit was the richest city in the world in the 40s retard.
Shouldn't Detroit look like Wakanda?
You laugh but that is how gentrification in places like NYC and Chicago always started. First the gays come to the nigger shithole, then the emo punk rocker grunge types, then the hipsters, then the yuppies, then the rich elite with their benzos.
>Are niggers entirely to blame?
Yes. 100%. Detroit niggers are violent. They rioted and drove out all the white people. They're still violent to this day, and keep destroying shit. Nobody wants to live in an area where their shit will constantly be stolen and you need to be on edge in case someone tries to break into your house or assault you. That means that only small pockets of the city are being revitalized. If all the black people left then Detroit would fully recover almost immediately.
Boo hoo. No one cares. Youre irrelevant.
Of this keeps up it will turn into the real wakonda, also known as Africa
>check out all that green space. They really are one with nature. Wild and nature conscious.
You lost, stop your bitching.
That being said, we really need to get our shit together if we want to avoid your fate. Incidentally, you really should root for our side, as the groids will just turn America into Africa, and I sincerely doubt they will leave even your reservations to you. The Bantu have shown us long ago what they do with other tribes and races in their power.
In case you're wondering, they genocide them completely.
Combination of this and Running Man should suffice. Annual purge style w/ arial drone footage. Good Hunting.
What the fuck are you saying.
>The Bantu have shown us long ago what they do with other tribes and races in their power.
Never manufacture guns, never grow food, starve to death, beg for food, and then start killing and eating each other?
Even at it's peak of 2.5 million people it was 1/4 the size of the other cities you show. You are a fucking retard.
not all, some of it is the county insisting on squeezing blood from a stone. the Money was already accounted for and spent as if it was good (it wasn't, it never existed) so the properties were over valuated inorder to justify the previous gluttonous spending / pension obligations (that were only partially paid out). There was an economic Bomb that went off during the financial war of the previous decades + half.
Silent Weapons for a Quiet War.
Monetary Fukushima, basically.
This pic just proves that Google Maps is racist towards black people.
Yes. But while doing all those things, they conquered half of Africa from other starving niggers, and then raped, killed and ate all of them.
Sometimes even in that exact order.
>the biggest city on earth
fuck off
So they're doing some of our work for us.
>What is population density
I remember being on that train system thing
some guy from Montana was almost aggressively enthusiastic about Montana being the most picturesque US state, he only got off my case when I promised to visit Montana one day
more realistic than Fallout 4
Urban Farming is makign a huge comeback...why go to the store when you can grow your own?
For them it's not chaos, it's normal
re; Detroit, it was on a path of prosperity until approximately WW2. I know attacking blacks is a meme by now, but it is what it is. Detroit could have been a city as significant as Chicago or LA.
That kind of midwest city of skyscrapers, manmade verticality and nice buildings out of nowhere, is as far as the American melting pot could go. It did work with Europeans of all types, but obviously has a different aura compared to a more homogenous place such as Quebec City.
> While the value of residents’ homes fell, their taxes remained inordinately high, and tens of thousands of people fell so far behind on their inflated tax bills that the county seized their homes and sold them off at annual auctions.
So basically similar to cook county (Chicago) in Illinois. Property taxes are not talked about enough, I think, as they're one of the major barriers to moving up in life. Also, it's essentially a way to have gated communities without the gate.
Agree. I live nearby and would love to see it all return to the land. Little known fact, we have some of the most fertile soil on earth, let it all get overgrown and farm it again says this user.
1960s/70s it turned to shit
during WWII Detroit was making one B-52 every 60 minutes. Plus tanks. All that auto manufacturing turned to wartime production.
Michigan died when manufacturing was outsourced. A big reason Michigan went Republican for a presidential election for the first time since '88
>houses cost a dollar
>forced to pay back-taxes for several decades, insuring nobody comes to buy up the property and revitalize the town
even after all these years, dems still manage to keep detroit destroyed
Detroit is in shit state because of all that racist white scum in charge that cuts donations to oppress local black folks.
This is miserable, instead of being a slave of white neanderthals economy manipulation, I’d rather die, like my ancestors who jumped off the boat, because they knew that death was better than bondage.
Detroit absolutely was a city. It was spread out because the people living there were wealthy and could afford the land. Since cars were manufactured in Detroit, everyone had one and could manage driving longer distances than the people in more clustered cities could. To that point, in 1960 Detroit was the richest city per capita in the United States. I want all you Eurofriends that have African refugees flooding your countries to let that sink in. In the span of a few decades the blacks of Detroit took it from being the most prosperous city in the country to what you see in this thread.
Tell me Im not the only one who reads this word to them self mimicking Trump
Keep blaming others for the failures of your lawmakers.
Dan Gilbert is making Detroit a city. Dude will keep dumping billions into the city until he gets what he wants
T. previous Quicken Mortgage Banker
>gated communities
speaking of which, there's been rumored plans to section various city-block sections into "gated communities", multiple ones, maintained by private entities. slice up the city and privitize sections into small "private blocks". I'd thnk that be pretty shitty myself. rather see less houses than fenced in "communities".
True. Let it be a reminder never to let any african population spread out and breed like vermins. Africans have never been able to put "State" in front of hood. We have been warned.
Not completely. NAFTA and the WTO killed the auto industry in Detroit and most of the Midwest. Nigger crime just exacerbated White Flight.
Fuck off dumb pale monkey, remember when your ancestors slept in caves, while we lived in pyramedes? These times are making a comeback, sunburn dumbass.
No. The auto companies now have NAFTA slaves to make their cars. Also, decades of corrupt democratic leadership doesn't help economic conditions
It's a black ethno city-state
Because capitalism is a broken system
Nigger's out of it's cage again.
I propose that we rename the city Wakanda.
Wakanda is the entire state of Missouri
its working pretty god damn good where people give a shit. Detroit is fucked because Dems fleeced it and left it to nigs to die
niggers are still living in mud huts today. please sit down
this is detroit now
Wakanda is the entire state of Mississippi
>during WWII Detroit was making one B-52 every 60 minutes.
Yeah, goddamn whitey white flighting the pyraminds n shieeet
whites are TRUE BARBARIANS, pale pig.you ENSLAVED BEATEN HUMILIATED KILLED billions of innocent Blacks. Without the europan barbarians, Africa would be like Japan in terms of economics and technologics
What suburbs of detroit are the niggest? I want to see for myself.
>beautiful midwestern white man grid system
>lots of space for big house, 2 chevys, and back yard for football
>logical, efficient, peaceful
>zig zaggy overly dense hell hole
>my ancestors who jumped off the boat, because they knew that death was better than bondage.
Fresh from the movies full of enthusiasm. How cute.
All of them. 80% of the population is groids.
45 whatever fucking number
This image is bringing me such joy I hope they weren't saved
>muh white devils
>everyone else is at fault for my shortcomings
What's next? You are going to ask us for gibs?
sad that those houses used to look like pic related
Well Auckland isint a city either then if we follow your retarded logic.
You do realise cities are different sizes and the examples you used are literally the busiest, cities in the world that are overpopulated to hell.
B-17 or more likely B-24
Ignore the typical victim playing nigger
well i browsed google maps of detroit for some post-apocalyptic gore.
i was surprised to see none, city is huuuge, tidy, streets are clean.
there are some derelict houses that were obviously abandoned, some amateurish paint jobs but 100 meters down street there are perfectly trimmed lawns and beautiful houses.
i'm surprised to see absolutely no people on the streets for the most part, which is a testament of american work habits.
few niggers here and there go about their business instead of hitting each other with poles over an antilope.
maybe i browsed wrong parts of a city, but doesn't look that bad compared to what i expected.
the only thing i noticed is that everyone drives humongous fords in america.
Ok, for a moment I thought you were an actual dindu.
Highland Park. It is one of the five niggerest places in Michigan, along with Inkster, Flint, Detroit, and Benton Harbor.
Detroit is a good example of what a fully Democratically supported US would look like.
google racial dot map
you gotta admire the work of natural selection
the dindus that weren't afraid of water jumped from the ship and drowned, so that only the dindus afraid of water got to reproduce, which selected a fear of water among dindus that still lasts to this day
same as with the dogs
the dindus that weren't afraid of dogs got mauled to death when they tried escaping plantations, so that only the dindus wary of dogs got to reproduce, etc
rly, it's a pretty sight
I went to the boat show yesterday and was impressed with the quality of cobo hall, ive only been to joe louis for the wings before though
Chicago is 35% black, Detroit is 80%+
How labour intensive and difficult would it be to buy up a block or neighbourhood, and just build South Africa tier forts/homes to keep the nigs out?
It seems like a decent investment if one was willing to put up with bullshit for a couple decades, be like the urban Amish or something like that.
>Americans need to learn to urbanize properly.
Detroit was called the Paris of North America in the early-to-mid part of the 20th century because it was so wealthy and beautiful. Urban planning wasn't the problem, retard, it was niggers.
You could have a naive 90% white population, for example Seattle or Portland a while ago. It would be a nice place to live and very Democrat.
It's about the quality of people, not their emotional political outlook.
b8 pls respond
half of Detroit proper is vacant lots, the buildings were torn down you brainlet. Anyway, why the fuck would you want to live in a place like tokyo, it's just a human anthill with zero greenery or space.
what are the most beautiful towns/cities in america, scenery wise?
Are all Norwegians this stupid? Stick to ski jumping dude.
at least the bush grew bigger
>I’d rather die, like my ancestors who jumped off the boat
nothing stopping you from talking a long walk off a short bridge, faggot.
it's the fucking "city council" that's the real problem. They NEED to be flushed the fuck OUT. they constantly fuck up everything and sellout first chance they get, that is when they are not outright stealing from the city coffers and "hiring" their family members on paper to get another check sent for being an "employee". It's corrupt and it constantly hinders real solutions and enforces idioic codes that prevent real innovation from taking place.
Need to cut that head off of the hydra to be sure.
That's just how black people operate.
sauce on picture? is it shooped or are they really that savage?
In South Africa they put tires around peoples necks, pour gasoline in them, hand them a lighter, and then torture them until they light themselves on fire. And you're asking if they're savage?
what if I just claim to be black, they'll let me do whatever I want then right.
this is how it works in shithole countries, if you have money you move to a gated community whit 24h armed security, and you never need to meet poor people anymore.
I used to live in a shithole country when i was little upper middle class all my life.
I was guarded by the fucking army.
why the fugg the mexibros are so funny since two weeks ?
So you're saying we should have nuked Africa instead? Sounds like a plan I can get behind.
You couldn't do it. If you tried to rent out to anyone and passed over a black you could lose your property. If you invited anyone but not blacks you could lose your property. If the state sees it working they could eminent domain you and build a project. If you do anything to the exclusion of blacks you can lose everything.
>The niggers are actually the only ones keeping what's left of the city from being a wasteland
Nice proxy, nigger.
wh... what are they doing with the cladding?
What is “urban sprawl”
>Africa would be like Japan in terms of economics and technologics
what the fuck really, what if you claimed to be Native Americans, surely they couldn't cuck you as easily?
in college i was roommates for awhile with a nog who decorated the place with empty liquor bottles. imagine my surprise when i discovered his entire collection of liquor bottles only cost like $500 tops.
college made me racist.
>Detroit was called the Paris of North America
this is a FAKE urban legend you dumb detroit nigger
Why are North American urban planning all about DUDE RECTANGULAR GRIDS LMAO? Twisty turny roads are way comfier.
unless a wasteland city has a coastal advantage (e.g. Boston, NYC, DC), it's too expensive to "save". Detroit is way too geographically irrelevant to "save". it's far cheaper and wiser to spend billions building a NEW suburb or growing a sun belt city with favorable weather
Everyone in America wants a yard. Girds allow you to fit the most houses and yards per acre.
Because most of the city's were built around horse, wagon, and later automobiles, not foot paths like a lot of older city's in Europe.
A yard is not a 10x15ft rectangle of grass behind your house; it's an extension of the perimeter of your walls, generally allowing for fences and so on.
Steal it and sell it. They will steal absolutely anything. When I was a kid the house next door was broken into and they took everything in there, including the light bulbs.
It’s never beyond repair. The worse it gets the more harsh the cure will have to be. As much as people like to call current NYC a shithole it’s nothing compared to 30 years ago. It was Detroit tier, but as soon as you clean up the scum with heavy policing the quicker you get everything else to recover. Pic related, 70’s NYC.
Wealthy areas have more shape to them. Cities on the other hand are designed to fit as many people as possible. Take West Bloomfield Township as an example. It's the Jewish stronghold of Michigan, which means it's very wealthy, which also means the roads don't many any fucking sense and area a pain in the ass to navigate.
yea but nyc is a global coastal city, cultural center, most prosperous suburbs in the world (westchester, CT, long island, hamptons, ny suburbs). detroit (and cleveland, indianpolis, st louis) are flyover state dumps...insignificant
Are you going to visit Montana one day brit friend? Its a nice state, very picturesque and quiet. You wouldn't go back on a promise would you?
if your ancestors died how are you alive
people are still capable of dying after they have kids, user
Anons I kinda look at Detroit as a niggerish Wild West. What could I do for a small business there? I'm part asian so maybe another liquor store?
The thing is NYC was also thought to have been a lost cause. Moves like Escape from New York really blew up in the 80’s because everyone thought it would just get worse. All it took was someone in charge to put his foot down and make sure every scumbag got what he deserved. The city did a 180 in much less time than anyone would have thought.
>Jewish stronghold
Also chalked full of Chaldeans...
shut the fuck up virgin leaf
White dude here. I live in Detroit. It's actually improving.
>geographically irrelevant
Your ignorance is showing.
>so maybe another liquor store?
Do you enjoy getting robbed? If yes, then sure.
Detroit is big with a lot of foodies these days. Lots of small restaurants with really good food. There are also a bunch of breweries. Those, and the entertainment (the casinos, Little Caesars Arena, the Fox Theater, etc) are the biggest draws to the city.
>muh water
>muh canada border crossing
nobody gives a shit. barren areas of texas utah california and arizona thrive and have dynamic economies, your shithole continues to rot and turn to mich-issippi
Might as well post the rest of the brochure
NYC was a global coastal city before it turned into a shithole in the mid 20th century. What makes you think it won't turn into a shithole again?
As for Detroit, who do you think will building the autonomous vehicles in the coming years? They sure as hell won't let that production go overseas to China or India to steal the IP and rip us off. Metro Detroit still has the industrial capacity, suppliers, and mechanical engineering to pull it off (with computer engineering most likely supplied from Silicon Valley). Within the next 10 years, you'll see a global shift from obsolete manual vehicles to automated ones; while Detroit sits at the center of it all.
>Do you enjoy getting robbed? If yes, then sure.
True. I need to look up Detroits/MI carry laws.
>Detroit is big with a lot of foodies these days. Lots of small restaurants with really good food.
Maybe some kind of food (exotic perhaps) purveyor or something niche that hipsters would pay decent money for.
not even the right biome sven, south eastern michigan was called the great swamp until they built the erie canal and could circumvent it. imagine frozen swamps
detroit has shifted all the important development to cali and arizona. cadillac moved hq to soho nyc a few years ago
>True. I need to look up Detroits/MI carry laws.
Michigan has conceal carry, stand your ground, and castle doctrine. Basically if a nig-nog looks at you wrong you just shoot them in the face.
Sheeeeiiit, I didn't realize that siding was missing cause of theft.
Detroit would thrive more if it was barren of niggers too. That's the problem. It's an albatross hanging on the city's neck because it can't get rid of them.
While this is all true, it kinda misses the point. Even at the very depths of this in NYC (and it was BAD, my parents lived through it and left after multiple friends were killed) there was still an incredible amount of wealth in NYC. Billionaire and millionaires owned multi-million dollar units on the Central Park they didn't dare go walk in.
Then wall street boomed for 15 years. THEN Based-Wop Giuliani could do his thing.
Know any rich people in Detroit? No? You know why? There aren't any. They left decades ago. They built nigger-defense associations in the suburbs and you are not going to convince them to go back. Especially when, even if there were a new Auto boom, they would never put the factories in fucking detroit.
>Know any rich people in Detroit? No? You know why? There aren't any.
Dan Gilbert and the Illitch family.
Uh no. Cadillac is a division of GM. GM is still HQed in downtown Detroit. Ford in Dearborn. And Chrysler in Auburn Hills. All their main engineering tech facilities are still in Metro Detroit. All their major suppliers are still in Metro Detroit.
While some of the production facilitates have been shifted, Michigan is still the top auto production state in the US followed by Ohio and Kentucky.
North American cities aren't as vertical because we aren't as land-deprived as Europe and Nipland.
INternal water pipes as well, because they were copper. It resulted in property damage, increase to water bills, because nobody turned off the water that just ran and ran, even through the winter months.
As a result, new Scrapping payout laws were enacted to delay any quick-cash grabs for random metal drop offs. It's a real shitshow. Some contracter is going to have a filed day whenever they decides what to do with the land sections.
>they would never put the factories in fucking detroit
No, you put them in the massive suburban areas where there's a shitton of land and infrastructure. You know, Metropolitan Detroit. Maybe Tesla can build a square mile factory in the heart of 7x7 mile San Francisco?
Globalization killed Detroit, not blacks.
great was to turn gays against niggers real quick
Pretty sure the guy that has six billion dollars has more than one residence. I'd imagine one of them is located near the multi-billion dollar business that he owns that is headquartered in Detroit.
That’s definitely a factor. Anyone who became rich would have left Detroit. NYC at least had and still has plenty of rich people investing into it today.
>Someone is doing some shit in that middle house. Guaran-fucking-teed.
Doesn't even know thatTrees are freebasing Miracle Grow in Detroit.
That's exactly the point, we're discussing how to revitalize the City of Detroit. There's plenty of nice places to live in metro Detroit now.
What ever happened to those anons trying to get people to throw seed/plant balls into these abandoned/derelict neighborhoods to help nature do it thing. That was a good idea.
No, I can assure you, it was the blacks. Globalization didn't make Detroit an unsafe place to raise a family, causing anyone with the money to leave to do so.
many of the cities in Europe are 1000's of years old
with all the changes in the global economy, not a single one of them has turned into Detroit
Except that blacks have always made up a bigger share of Detroit's population than New York's, at least since the 1930s.
damn, all the fags brought to SLC was a fuck ton of homeless.
Go back to Mongolia this is the white mans land.
>Globalization killed Detroit,
Got any pictures of the globalization riots that chased away all the law abiding whites?
It's already happening, takes time though. It won't be the actual manufacturing that will revitalize Detroit, but the service industry that surrounds the Auto Industry. Stuff like vehicle financing, tech services, engineering, marketing, advertising, etc. These will be the people that move into Midtown, gentrify, and expand from their outward.
They'll still be slums, but even San Francisco has places like the Tenderloin and Bayview...
Because those are awesome.
Name the streets by number (100 East, 200 East, etc.) and its easy as fuck to find your way around, even if you have never been there before.
Detroit is bigger than all of those combined is the problem (in terms of square miles)
not much there
Well, I don’t disagree blacks are a big reason cities fail. The Bronx is still pretty shit and Brownsville in Brooklyn is a nightmare and mostly black. The city would be a lot nicer if white floght hadn't hit it so hard.
why do people talk out there ass on subjects they know nothing about?
I've noticed Americans do this habitually
Just because it makes sense in your mind doesn't make it true
There are a shitload of arabs there too.
Aside from Paris, Detroit is the smallest one on that list. Tokyo is huge.
yup. all you can do is shift them around to inner ring suburbs it's all zero sum for SE Michigan
You're also missing the point of Detroits original purpose.
Which was an industrial hub and trading switch off.
More efficient traveling and better industry was created elsewhere due to cost of living in Detroit. So people left.
England can't afford to just up and move its industry.
Neither can most other countries, so they adapted to make the industry centers better.
America just starts over somewhere else.
user, those were B17s and B25s.
And Detroit died before the 80s. Coleman was elected and he told whitey to GTFO.
They are building pyramids tho.
completely retarded logic, you are talking out of your ass with no facts to back you up
You are making up something that makes vague sense in your mind without checking actual facts
cctv every square inch and pay per view that shit, watch in disgust as it breaks all pay per view records
after making that i bet they were tired haha
If it really is so abandoned it might be possible to maybe just burn a large chunk of it down without too many people noticing
Browsed google earth in the same city not even a month ago and saw several caved in houses along with lots of overturned/destroyed cars and lawns with no grass. In the main hub there’s construction fucking everywhere and almost no trucks whatsoever.
Also, you clearly don’t know much about America or else you’d realize pickup trucks are more of a southern thing, and are especially not a city dweller thing. Cute attempt but I’m going to have to call complete and utter bullshit on your entire post.
>More efficient traveling and better industry was created elsewhere due to cost of living in Detroit. So people left.
No. You're not rewriting history. It was the blacks lighting houses on fire and shooting at people. During the riots there were fucking tanks driving down the streets. Would you want to live in a place like that? Notice all the vacant lots on Google Maps? That's because they're still fucking burning shit down. My parents left Detroit because it wasn't safe to raise a family. It was a good thing they did because the house they lived in was later burnt down by a nigger. Nobody wants to live in a city like that, so all the whites left.
cities don't really come back, especially rust belt cold climate cities. the weather sucks, it's flyover country, too many niggers, economies are not dynamic, pension and infrastructure liabilities
if you're a smart college grad why would you waste the prime of your life in a rust belt dump? life is too short - talent wants to live in a "turn key" city, not some shit hole they didn't ruin
Detroit is not big at all, though. (?)
After the niggers move on from their ruined hovels, nice white people eventually move back in and fix them up to be comfy gentrified areas.
If this were the case they why hasnt Africa bounced back.
People that believe this shit should be kicked out of first world countries and sent back home where they can eat fucking bugs.
New York didn't have as much white flight because much higher population density that couldn't support everyone in suburbs and their commutes. White people in detroit could more affordably move to nearby suburbs
Your 100% right go to google earth look at 1990 photos of detroit then move it 2018, there where many more houses and building but many id say somewhere around 25% or more are not there now.
The houses are super cheap because they have reduced "price" not value. So when you buy you will be paying tax on a 150k plot instead of the 10k you bought it for.
Inward wxpansion. Everything from south of 8 mile to new center needs to be demolished, rebuilt, sold and taxes. Once there is 2 million tax payers (right now the city has 400k residents, maybe 50k taxpayers), then They can build up more warehousing, industrial and manufacturing as well as residential and business highrises.
>it won't ever happen though because nogs
seems like a grandpa playing around with a grandkid,
maybe we have a different concepts of big, or maybe it looks huge because google street browsing but yeah downtown might be smalish in american scale but the suburbs with houses looks huge to me.
A large chunk of Detroit has already been burnt down. They don't have the tax revenue to demolish all the condemned buildings because niggers don't pay taxes. The city finally started shutting off the water service for niggers that haven't paid their water bill in years and they all had a chimpout.
One benefit is that urban sprawl is cured, and free-fire zones are much larger
Niggers are always a problem... But when they get ook'd into government positions..... That's a WRAP.. Monkeys should NOT vote or serve on Juries because they ONLY see color.. They will vote for a monkey and pronounce a monkey "Not Guilty" every time..... (Jury Nullification, they know that their fellow Nigger is Guilty, but don't give a shit.)
>destroy your local ghetto
What's the address of this house
Untenable union deals made them go elsewhere. Failure to recognize changes in the industry was another, as Americans started buying smaller cars after the early 70’s energy crunch. Cars the japs and euros made.
I really wish Alt-Hyp's "third worldism" derogative would catch on. Third worldism is supporting third world policies and third world people. If it caught on, some liberals would inevitably adopt the term for great lolz.
You're right. Michigan had to make an amendment to its constitution prohibiting convicted felons from holding political office because without that it was very likely that Detroit would have re-elected Kwame Kilpatrick, an alleged murderer who drained the city dry.
Yeah this is what makes my head itch, How can they have turned it into that? those houses would be 300.000 Euros and in a rich neighbourhood, in crime series, all i see is niggers living in these type of houses with all of their kids, How can this neighbourhood not be full of volunteers,educated people,lawmen etc
Those houses used to be sub-urban, Now i see haunted houses.
> just start here nigger lover
it still blows my mind that it has a population above a half million people
look how beautiful it is
i thank you niggers. for making this world a better place.
Lazy Nogs couldn't even pic them up to mow the grass.. The scene of Jamal's Murder is gonna be overgrown before his homies can even grab their liquor back.
Arabs and North Africans are considered white in US Census reports.
> nigger, Cadillac is in NYC
>ignorant piece of fuck
The government will just build them new free housing next to you. Or god forbid give them housing vouchers. Let them have their ghettos.
what are you saying, that i'm lying that i saw ton of big fords in detroit street view?
you're retarded
> pickup trucks are more of a southern thing
The fuck are you even talking about?
>well i browsed google maps of detroit for some post-apocalyptic gore.
>i was surprised to see none, city is huuuge, tidy, streets are clean.
Thats because entire neighborhoods are becoming abandoned and demolished. Hard to have plastic wrappers and cigarette butts all over the ground when nobody actually lives in the area. Entire portions of the city have basically reverted to nature. Wouldn't be surprised if in a few decades there will be an actual push for literal deer hunting within city limits.
>if we put lights on our bicycles it doesn't make our town a shithole (that we destroyed)
ahahahahah niggers ahhahaah when will they ever learn.
European cities grew organically. American cities sprang up in a short period.
I think its funny that a city once known for motor industry is now populated by nigger cycle hobbyists.
>European cities grew organically.
Sometimes this is true. Cities like Boston, definitely not.
"You know what to do."
YEP.... Carpet Bomb.
Ummmm, can somebody tell me why the Fuck it looks like Dearborn is the Whitest area? I've been there and this looks like a blatant lie portrayed by politicians... That place is packed solid with Dune Coons... (Like a No Go Zone, seriously.)
>How can this neighbourhood not be full of volunteers,educated people,lawmen etc
It's a catch-22. The city doesn't have the money to pay for police. White people don't want to live in a place where there is not police and they stand a high likelihood of being robbed or assaulted. There are some volunteers for Detroit, but for the most part people don't bother because they know that the niggers don't appreciate their efforts and will just shit on whatever they do.
Pretty sure that's basically the plot to Madworld
The government considers Arabs to be white. So considering that West Dearborn is mostly white, and East Dearborn is mostly Arab, that means that as far as the census is concerned, the whole city is pretty much completely white.
Fuck that's an eyesore, where is this?
Hey broke fag here, where can I find a decent length of rope that will hold 201lbs? I will steal if necessary.
lol imagine trying to get past them on the road too. it would be horrible. i feel bad for white working people that have to live there.
It's worse than that. They have an annual house burning day in October where they try to burn down as many houses as possible.
It only stopped because people organized militias to fight off the niggers.
don't know mate, maybe i looked at the wrong suburbs but it looks ok to me.
maybe americans have very high standards of living so their apocalypse is not same as for other nations.
you should see what gypsies can do with a part of town they occupy.
> i feel bad for white working people that have to live there.
Don't feel bad, nobody actually works in Detroit except for government employees and they're partly responsible for it being a dump
If you told me that picture of yours was Harlem, New York in the 70s or 80s, I would probably believe you. The difference is that the politicians in this country unfortunately give a shit about niggers and will actually hire people to clean up the housing projects. I doubt Serbia has the money or really gives a shit about ensuring that the Gyppos clean up after themselves.
Did prison colonies work IRL?
all those poor teens...
Yep.. The monkeys get all pissed off and call it "White Flight" when we leave the neighborhoods and it turns into a shithole because of our taxes leaving with us..
The monkeys get all pissed off and call it "Gentrification" when we come back to the neighborhoods and it Raises their Rent..
these are for two people, Mexicans and middle age/old men that got tired of driving a Camry and felt like being a big boy. In that sense, they're basically "I'm a man" status symbol cars. Those beds will never be touched and the hitch will see rust before it sees a trailer.
t. Southerner.
This is taking place in nearly every city in the country right now. I am a Philadelphian, and my city is largely shit, but this is always going on. Ghetto parts of the city where rents and property values are really low are being bought up by entrepreneurs and turned into trendy destinations with art galleries, concert venues, gastro pubs, wine and cheese bars, breweries, and every other manner of soyboy destination you can imagine. As these destinations become trendier and more ideal for those with money, the rents rise, and the poor (IE blacks) are pushed out of these areas and into worse neighborhoods. The rents and property values in these neighborhoods begin to drop, making them ripe for future gentrification. Gentrification is absolutely a cycle, and a self perpetuating one, but one that is ultimately good for society. Its smart business owners taking advantage of cheap property and changing it into something useful for the better half of society.