Chris Rock: “I want to live in a world where an equal amount of white kids are shot every month” he continued “I want to see white mothers on TV crying”.
What did he mean by this?
Basically he said
>I don't want to watch people like me die
>I'd rather see people not like me die
Not surprising, given his political position in Hollywood.
dark humor
wakanda if true
how brave
I don't blame him, but his people aren't capable of living in society without killing each other.
same thing dave chappelle meant means when he ameks OJ simpson jokes. Its funny when white people get murdered, especially if murdered by a black man and they get away with it
So Chris, you wish whites were as violent as blacks? I suppose you do.
so he wishes that whites were as violent as blacks, but we've already evolved beyond that. someone get him a time machine so he can go back some tens of thousands of years.
ITT: racists getting triggered by racism
Chris rock is a black Marxist Jew
No it's just a useful point of leverage in trying to make liberals understand that Equality is just a Trojan Horse. In fact they hate you with a deep and unending bitterness and they want you, your children, and your grandchildren to suffer eternally for their rage and envy.
He hates white prosperity because it's impossible for blacks to achieve, and so he wants white prosperity to be destroyed because he's a selfish, jealous, hate filled nigger.
I just think its fair if so dont give a shit about nigger children dying if they want white moms to cry on TV.
One more reason not to care about niggers. They don't realize they need us far more than we need them.
man, that's edgy. i just want to live a country with no niggers. I don't want them to all die, I just want them to go back to Africa.
Typical fucking libshit
>I don't want to reflect on why my group is so shitty in terms of being grossly over represented in gun murder, decade after decade after decade, and instead wish other groups to deny their biology and become as savage as my group so that I can feel better about my shitty group.
I'd like to know what this rich uncle tom faggot has done for any black communities. these guys maybe show up to a fundraiser once a year for PR and that's it. put your fucking millions where your mouth is you hypocrite asshole.
>implying his wish isnt already granted since when there's a school shooting it's in a white school and no one cares about black kids getting shot so their mothers arnt on tv
He wants to shoot the white devil kids.
Is pooping on the street also dark humor to you?
>Las Vegas shooting never happened
Guess we are equal. I want even more niggers shot every month.
yeah I watched the first few minutes of this and it was just racist nigger ranting
>"I'm preparin my kids for da white man every day, from before day was even born I been preparing dem for da what man"
black people are so fucking pathetic