>President Trump: Year One
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>VP Pence @America 1st Policies event in TX 2/17/18
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis in-flight presser 2/17/18
>NSA McMaster @Munich Security Conf 2/17/18
>DNI Coates on russian election meddling 2/17/18
>This Week @State 2/16/18
>Tiffany/Barron arrive in WPalmBeach 2/16/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Broward County Sheriff's Office 2/16/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Broward County Hospital 2/16/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arrive in WPalmBeach Fl 2/16/18
>Pres Trump Departs DC 2/16/18
>VP Pence/2nd Lady/Rato after visiting border 2/16/18
>VP Pence @RNC in San Antonio TX 2/16/18
>VP Pence in Hidalgo TX on immigratin 2/16/18
>VP Pence/2nd Lady arrive in TX 2/16/18
>DepAG Rosenstein indicts 13 russians 2/16/18
>SoS T-Rex presser w/RoachFM Cavusoglu 2/16/18
>CommSec Ross @Small Biz Summit 2/16/18
>Pres Trump Addresses Nation on FL Shooting 2/15/18
OP pastebin:
/ptg/ President Trump General - Official Pace Car Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
>be on /his/
>lefty/pol/ shows up
>starting to make the argument that communism was less degenerate
>point out that communism inspired neo-marxism in the west
>immediately all the leftists start saying it wasn't true communism
Why do these faggots, without exception, always end up using this same arguement?
give me a hat darling
>made a deer meat cheeseburger for NASCAR and Trump shitpost watch
What level of rural retard am I?
>I am willing to make libtards butthurt even if it leads to children getting gunned down like animals at schools
/ptg/ in a cashew nut
damn, you are a true suburban and/or rural retard.
Fox News just said that Senator Lankford said that Mueller is going to release his final report in the next few days. Any truth to that?
I'm looking for a source but I can't find one. The host on Fox News said it like 10 minutes ago.
You haunt Hillary's dreams
some of us aren't freedom hating commies like you gypsyfaggot
You posted this last thread but I’m gonna say it again: to leftists, Commie countries are only Communist when they win a war.
>his tweeting of fascist videos
Holy fucking soy
Calm before the Storm(y) HAHAHA
>believing mid-day Fox News
Good goy.
The most noticeable thing about foot fats is their inability to shut up about their footfaggotry.
Take. His. Phone. Away.
>foot fats
yes and?
>didn't even mention it
>being this mad, darling.
So predictable, Fluffy
What the fuck is wrong with all of you??? Also shut the fuck up about millennials
Mmm gamey
If he does that would be incredible. It would also fit in with the rumours of a late-January/early-February wrap-up from back in November.
Can this board change? No more anime, let's talk about politics
> This shocking development will change everything you know about the former candidate and now President Trump, widely know for his chastity and his measured and carefully constructed image of conservatism, prudence and adherence to good morals and christian behaviour
Piss on the seat
i'm afraid not pherhaps reddit is more your swing.
This is not nearly half as bad as the autistic anime fags spamming their shit every thread as it was during the primaries.
If you weren’t so new, you’d learn how to co-habitate
>Can this board change? No more anime, let's talk about politics
Deal! There is space for 200 threads in the catalog, make a new one to your living and people will flock to it
Cred Forums was founded as an anime imageboard; you can't get rid of that part.
>1 post by this ID
Why would you even use the same old shill tactics? Goddamn you people are stupid.
>/m/ vs /d/
Post Darling Lewds
Stop posting this thot
It's a foot, I don't get it either but no need to be this mad fren.
I actually heard from people that they have more respect for trump for that, because he's real
Make it bigger
nothing wrong with this desu
A subspecies of PCfats
>200 million
i really hate to give them more but 200 million is basically nothing for our government. at least it's not in the billions and hopefully it's just for defenses for our troops.
>don't care about thr next voting block in 2020 goyim they are the next red wave
My lullaby
>I actually heard from people that they have more respect for trump for that, because he's real
"Donald Trump tells it like it is" won Trump the primaries. Here is one of the first polls and it was already clear by then that people didn't want a politician mincing words but someone telling it like it is. [1]
>sucking jewish cock
You should hang
there is nothing wrong with being Jewish
You might as well, "gender inclusive restrooms" almost never have a God damn urinal in them.
NEW ----->
>latinos are they only ones who don't like being told the truth about
top wew
i wish i were someone's darling...
Whatever happened to Sessions investigating the FISA court application?
spoiler alert: NOTHING
Good, you found Cred Forums
Go back to plebbit
Rush Limbaugh, Boomer conservative. I can't listen to him because half his segments are about Israel, but he totally disgusted me with this pro-amnesty segment. He is losing audience as they age out, so he has to suck up to the Diaspora to be promoted in their outlets now. And the Jews are happy to do it because they want to prop up any counterweight to the identitarian right they can while they still can.
Well, Trump can "tell it like it is" and be insulting at the same time, this poll had a crappy false dichotomy
>we should abolish the right of 300 million, a right so important the Founders put it immediately after your right to speak your mind without being imprisoned, all because a couple freak incidents occur each year that kill roughly as many people as fucking lightning strikes and are equally freakishly rare
i mean the only people going in them is women and cheap imitations of such
Just a reminder that I am still baking. There will be no recycling split threads, worry not
/Our gal/
my neighbor has one of those
small and loud
>I can't listen to him because
Then why the fuck are you linking it here and talking about it at all? Much like Joe, just starve him of oxygen your attention gives to him
>"Telling it like it is" is the opposite of being "insulting and offensive"
Fucking millennials and foreigners. The truth is often insulting AND offensive.
>Who you sleep with doesn't matter, no need to advertise it or wear it as a label. Who you are as a person, what you believe, and how you act are the only things that are important.
god I hate centrists like this pede here, who you sleep with says A LOT about you, every choice does
Who is this as 2B?
is she still moaning about the wall?
lol remember when trumpfags thought gates didn't flip, rural retards
It suck when she turns her cannons to the right but Ann is ruthless kek. The amount of hate she cam absorb and that just slide through her silk smooth perfumed skin is amazing
>is she still moaning about the wall?
Dunno, I rarely read her twitter anymore. Found that linked on another site.
What wall? There will never be a wall
>that just slide through her silk smooth perfumed skin is amazing
Calm down, Alberto
it's okay aussie. one of these days you will find a nice girl.
Daily Ann Coulter Baby Check!
Yesterday: 0 Babies
Today: 0 Babies
Tomorrow: 0 Babies
And don't forget to buy our based Barreness' new book, "Womb=Tomb," available next spring from Simon & Schuster.
Tune in next time for Ann "Uterus Ain't Swole Cuz I Love to Burn Coal" Coulter's baby counter!
>this is simply about demographics
Yes, I agree. Which is why we have to send them back. The more non-white America gets, the more communist and anti-white it gets.
Someone's shift just started
We already knew that.
Gates flipped and there isn't a wall
fluffy has been here all weekend, they're rotating between spamming the catalog with mutt memes and spamming here
such is life of a slave
>100 guaranteed (You)s
>I have to highlight the text or else people won't notice!
See that's the thing though, the long term goal for LGBTALKSFHFHIQHDGISNAQ+-/* is to replace all bathrooms in new construction with that shit. So we can have the speed of the women's restroom and the piss puddles of the men's so that everyone can be miserable.
The weird thing about /leftshitpol/ is their bizarre insistence on their banal, mainstream far-left ideology being somehow "cool" and "genuine" in the context of whatever they think are Cred Forums's collective principles. It's like they think they can just pretend that communism is whatever their audience wants to hear, in order to convince that audience to join the cult, then once you're in you won't be able to leave when you find out you were tricked, which I guess is exactly what communists have always done throughout history, but it's still weird to see in the context of a hinalayan yak-milking discussion board.
As with all aspects of communism and communists, I can never be 100% sure if they actually believe what they're saying, especially when it's self-contradictory, or if they're aware that they're just saying anything to "win", to achieve whatever their current objective is. Perhaps they believe whatever they say when they say it and no consistency beyond that is deemed necessary. It might not be unfair to characterize communism as regimented and weaponized cognitive dissonance, since this is the only element which is universal across every branch and twig of the marxist ideological morass.
she's jewish isn't she?
I can do that too, Donald. I'm coming for that presidency.
>We could have had an El Goblina... as First Lady if Jeb! won
Really dodged a bullet there desu
I spilled my snot from the laughter, good shit user
That's fucking funny but at the same time unfair. Mia fucking Farrow had four biological children, presumably white. Is that a measure of worth? Is Mia Farrow more important to white people than Ann Coulter?
He told 'Good hair' Tucker to fuck off because he got tons of hot pussy. Its been known, yes.
Quality post
It's a cult, that about sums it up. You can't rationalize a cult
>says increasingly nervous man for the second election this decade
NO! People knew Trump got mad pussy, sponsored human cockfighting and beauty pageant contests and voted for him anyway?! That's shocking
Ausie, I share in your pain
I still can't tell if her arms and legs are shopped or if her bodies proportions are really that upsetting.
>Gimme an I
>Gimme an N
>Gimme an P
>Gimme an E
>Gimme an C
>Gimme an H
>Gimme an M
>Gimme an A
>Gimme an N
>Gimme an T
aesthetic as fuck really
>trumpfag paranoia
>I still can't tell if her arms and legs are shopped or if her bodies proportions are really that upsetting.
It was shopped to make her shorter.
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHahahahahahahahahahaha * wheeze* AHAHAHAHAHAHAHhahah
no. jeb's wife is literally a goblin.
He looks like a Bond villain, I love it.
it's great being an American the (((msm))) is out virtue signaling about gun control, while us True Americans sit in our comfy homes with state of the art weaponry designed and manufactured here in the number 1 Nation on earth. I love owning guns
>/m/ getting tentacle fucked
hope you can post this for the next 7 years
She makes a career out of moaning how America is going brown and she's part of that reason. She's a fake and probably a democrat as well.
>muh memo
How'd they produce this handsome white man?
Does this count as a car?
How far can portucuck go up his own ass hahahaha
God, I want one of those
Literally looks more like a woman than most trannies, also like a young clone of pic related
he shouldn't bring his mum to every meeting, gosh..
el goblino
What memo again.... ??? I already forgot about it? Must not have been inportant
Beautiful children that Jeb produced. Just look at their beautiful brown skin and eyes. This is his daughter
Is mayonnaise an instrument?
I'm not going to respond to all of you, but why can't we talk about SC decision on DACA or President Trump cancelling his Rick Rally on Wens.
Oh and we elections coming up, but that isn't cool, right!
Most of /pdg/ is so desperate they would hit it
>She's a fake and probably a democrat as well.
reminds me of Spurdo
Amen brother. Here is my family photo.
After the cucks lose the midterms the dream is dead. Better to just berry your head under the sand pretend you won
My grandpa is dying and I don't even know how I should feel. I just feel empty.
Is he the one trying to carry the family name in politics? Please, no...
not with a rented dick
It was the memo about Obama hiding in Tahiti and podesta being indicted
>sitting on public stairs, smoking near a child
I'm a smoker and this fucking disgusts me.
I want a Trump edition 1911
good fucking god, even mexico's ruling elite looks whiter. you'd think Jeb being a rich as fuck wasp politician dynasty member would go for at least spaniard-looking latina, but he just mestizoed the bloodline forever.
Also on the bucket list
Hes actually the only decent Bush going these days. Hes not a total cuck like Yeb!
Shit sounds like the cucks finally got hillary this time hahahaha
Good, a fitting end for their dynasty
>no lever action
>claims to be American
Kinda looks like a mexican Don Jr, was Jeb! cucked?
>Cutting it close, I'm impressed by the hispanic rate, but why are blacks stagnating, not that you should care about more blacks existing but I don't get the relationships of their crawl compare to Hispanics.
I attribute it to the complete degradation of the black family. If the father ditches the kids, then it's just accepted as a fact of life. But hispanic families have a stronger family bond, which allows for support of more children. There's pressure on the deadbeat dads to still pay for their kids. Even with single moms, I've seen plenty of black families where the grandparents refuse to raise the niglets, but hispanics still take part in the "takes a village" mentality.
>long slide 1911
Engraving give you no tactical advantage whatsoever.
no disagreement here.
Most people would probably feel sad.
I cried a little when I saw my grandfather in his coffin, but after that life goes on
Jeb! married a la creatura
Currently working on getting a good job, just a college fag right now. I will be buying plenty more in the future.
>The amount of hate she cam absorb and that just slide through her silk smooth perfumed skin is amazing
have sex with your wife, you sound worked up
I don't want to see any of that. I just can't. How do I move on from it.
>she's part of that reason
user, legal immigration alone fills America with A MILLION legal minorities every year. Illegal immigration must certainly add another million / year at its peak, back in the 90s.
One of the major influences on Trump view on the immigration problem comes from her writings and constant media exposure meaning she likely did a whole lot more to reach the solution for that than a hundred Mia Farrows.
This line of criticism is as retarded as if people criticised Ron Paul for accepting Fed issued bank notes
> Ron Paul: US Notes Owned today: zero
> US Notes Owned tomorrow: zero
It comes naturally, stop being such a whiny fucking soyboy.
that helo has erection
The cock pics donald
You just do.
No more abuelas coming through chain migration soon
You're just going to have to man up and find a way to deal with it we're afraid. Sorry user.
Yeah, /m/ is done
you go to his funeral and move on user. pay him respect and pay your family respect. that's it.
>I don't want to see any of that. I just can't. How do I move on from it.
The vessel is not the person.
He needed an eyepatch.
when will brits take matters into their own hands?
>Britain isn't de-
>tfw one of my rifles has been blessed by the God Emperor
Any French anons here to tell us what he's been doing recently?
Never, they're cucks
Britain is lost. Just send the best whites to Australia and torch the whole thing down
oh my
When he was growing up, there wasn't a school shooting every other weekend
US was also mostly white, and you could still bring a gun to school. Makes me (((Think)))
No more Poms. I can't stand that fucking accent.
Baking, Worry Not
>dont bother
thats rude as fuck
czeched, needs bond girl
>Never, they're cucks
My wife just saw in one of our cable news channel:
> robbers try to force entry in a gold shop using a car as a battery ram
> police scream at them to no avail as he's not armed
She commented something to the lines of
> I pity the cop, not being armed he can do nothing but shout at them
Britain is dead, how is the situation in Ireland? Are they still catholic and unashamed or the new Pope is driving them to the same path?
mother of fucking god..
Pick one
There's that one American you're always flirting with. I imagine he probably cares about you.
You just have to grow the fuck up. I've lost several relatives and resisting it won't help you at all. Death is a normal part of this fallen world.
I was a kid when my military grandfather passed. Cried my eyes out when my dad helped carry the coffin and silently cried during taps. It's pretty brutal during the service but you'll bounce back quicker than you think. Sorry for your loss, man
>be lefty Romanian pulling the rope for ZOG
Jesus Schlomo, no wonder your AKMs are all shit-tier. I hope you drown in your kosher cabbage porridge for your niggerish shenanigans.
Other than this new Black Panther film, what other """accomplishments""" do blacks have to be proud of?
I am not Shareblue and speaking my honest feelings, after his tweetstorm today I think he's gone bonkers from constant witch hunts.
Actually READ the style of his tweets, so many are in the third person or feel like an observer looking at events rather than having agency. He'll say "look no collusion!" or "this guy did blank blank, sad!" or "going to Indiana should be fun! wow!"
When he said something like 'FBI was looking up boogeymen rather than doing its job... get better!' I said what the fuck? A president would say 'we are going to have a topdown review of the performance of the FBI, the dead at Florida deserve it'.
I think he is delusional and reverting back to before he won the election, maybe its Alzheimers. It just feels like he's not acting right in the head, not that he is unpresidential or anything like that because that is an abstract concept anyway.
Britain has fallen.
Dunno, m8. Shame, looks like brexit was the last gasp from old gramps, nothing more
post trump tweets
It's like no matter what you choose you will fucking lose LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Melania didn't even wear the head rag in SA.
>send me $9000 bucks to see a pair of tits. of you could buy a super high priced hooker for weeks.
Crusade to retake Londonistan when?
let crazy ted explain it
>The university intellectuals also play an important role in carrying out the System’s trick. Though they like to fancy themselves independent thinkers, the intellectuals are (allowing for individual exceptions) the most oversocialized, the most conformist, the tamest and most domesticated, the most pampered, dependent, and spineless group in America today. As a result, their impulse to rebel is particularly strong. But, because they are incapable of independent thought, real rebellion is impossible for them. Consequently they are suckers for the System’s trick, which allows them to irritate people and enjoy the illusion of rebellion without ever having to challenge the System’s basic values.
why does jimmy kimmel cry so much /ptg/?
That's from Obama's agreement you fucking Jew. We tell you this every time and you show up the next day like you weren't proven wrong. You are a Jew.
>Obama signs deal to give $38bn to Israel
>The first year didn't give them $3.8bn
>A 3rd grade math education tells you Obama's deal increases the amount given to Israel each year.
I dub her Kunnyso Fatima Deeq
Who has the video of Joy Reed doing the Wakanda salute and making ape noises?
Well she put on some weight she probably stopped smoking crack but a beaner having common sense and manners is a stretch hence the smoking around a toddler
over active tear ducts
2077: The Tenth Crusade
Retake the Fatherland!
Please just post the image
his boss makes him push narratives. if he fails, he's fucking fired.
No indictment yet, will keep on fighting the good fight!
Trump MAJOR Accomplishments (2017) -
>ICE arrests hit 3-year high under Trump (
>CNN to lay off up to 50 employees after missing revenue targets - viewership down 30% (
>US homebuilding permits soar to highest level since 2007 (
>The DHS is planning on denying green cards to legal immigrants if they receive federal or state aid (
>The Education Department officially says it will reject transgender student bathroom complaints (
>Arrests of illegal immigrants without criminal records skyrocketed in 2017 (
>Feds collect record taxes in first month under Trump’s tax cuts; runs surplus in January (
>Stocks close higher, post best weekly gain since 2013 (
>ICE arrests 212 illegals, targets 122 businesses in LA raid (
>France boosts defence spending to hit NATO target after Trump complaints (
We let them believe they invented peanut butter even though they really didn't
>Niggers chimp out
> When I was your age I had to walk two miles uphill to school
> I had to hide in a closet while a mass shooter killed my teacher and friends
Greatest Generation
> when I was 18 I had to land on the shores of Europe (or defend the shores of Europe) with nothing but a backpack and see the best of my generation be mowed by machine gun fire
His parents
> when I was 18 I had to see my whole generation die in the trenches only to survive the greatest economic turnoil ever to hit the home front, when actual starvation and mass suicides were a reality
Really, the only generation that know they had it good was the GenX, they build the modern world as it is for fun and profit. Fucking whiners
I think he did a story one day about that lion being killed in some sanctuary and he cried about that
he's a little bitch
>The Education Department officially says it will reject transgender student bathroom complaints (
Empress Melania was alpha as fuck in Saudi Arabia. That was a fun trip to watch.
Yeah i would showcase it in my study and have it as a conversation piece. I wouldn't carry it I'm not a beaner
I'm hard-pressed to think of something better than that gif.
This could've been a shot from a movie. She's pure kino right there.
SCOTUS hasnt decided on DACA.
Didn't he offer Trump his job once or something? I don't even think he likes what he does.
need kurt to see it
They have gone down faster than George Michael in a public restroom and Kirstie Alley at the Golden Corral.
It's weak and pathetic, but it's very deliberate. I think it's part of some sort of some psychological fuckery to trick stupid people into believing what he's pushing. I think mostly for women.
>Oh wow gee, he's crying!
>So brave. I better really pay attention to what he's saying.
That's enough Joeposting for you. You're going to jail.
>Kirstie Alley at the Golden Corral.
Wait, what? She did that? Link or quick rundown?
>ywn be a 5 ft manlet eye level with Melania's chest
I can't stop staring at this pic.
>Being the authority on firearms
Dammit I thought Piers was changing a little bit for the better especially when he went on Tucker several times but this proves he is still lost.
He actually likes Trump, but his boss makes him go full SJW. He was forced to have Clinton on a few times I think and he clearly can't stand her.
He can either keep pushing lies or quit. If he quits he will never get another job again.
>Really, the only generation that know they had it good was the GenX, they build the modern world as it is for fun and profit. Fucking whiners
Hmm? What? What did we build?
>this is supposed to be a girl
>a nasty spic name
Piers Morgan is a gigantic faggot about guns and Muslims but otherwise is awesome. I just don't understand the man.
Hah, observe the top of this person's cranium.
the sunnis were too pure for DAT ASS
Soon it will be this.
he's making a fat joke
El Atrociodad...
And the commie is winning because he's honest.
Name a more aesthetic first lady.
Wilbur and T-Rex sword dancing was the best
wtf is that?
Add a headscarf too.
>immediately picks up a gun and points it at someone
La Goblino
she is like the female counterpart to the guy who shoot out the school.
He has always been a big gun grabber. He is just friends with Trump.
2020 for what? this bitch is like 16 years old. no one will vote for an 18 year old (maybe except california) and i think there is only one state that allows you to run that young.
il abominacion....
there is a parallel dimension with La Creatura in it
She comes close.
Maybe. But I hope he doesn't care TOO much.
eric andre wasn't really that funny
Stop speaking Spanish. It's the 2nd language of the Devil.
Come on now...
The one that doesn't link to the OP of this thread, genius
Maybe that could be you.
I don't even think they offered her a head scarf in Saudi Arabia.
Jesus Christ Jeb couldn't just find a normal white woman, what a sperg. you just know he was in extra education classes at his private school. Total mess.
Nigger just deal with it like everyone else. Think your gramps never saw any corpses?
>A Brit Conservative having a problem with armed Americans
Shit hasn't changed a bit since Lexington and Concord.
>You must be 35 to run for the office of Presidency
That haggard cunt looks at least 40, but I'm guessing she's a student from that Florida school.
>don't have kids
>have a bunch of niglets
By this measure your a piece of shit because your childless. And unloved. Fucking wizards commenting on child birth.