ˆˆˆ^ fucking christ youtube channels like this just make me think that we need islam to take over like now I don't see any other way out! Convince me otherwise but you can't because there is no other realistic option right now
In Spenglarian thought, each civilisation blossoms and cultivates its own ideas, this is in sharp contrast to the post modern lie that every human being is the same, regardless of their origin and ethnic makeup. It is very clear that Islam is a system that suits the temperament and spirit of the orient, that is why it gain traction there and built a great civilisation that once rivaled the might Roman and Byzantine. As far as the West is concerned, instead of looking towards Islam to save you, you should try to move back towards Christendom because that is an ideology or worldview that suits your people more than Islam ever could.
Christian Gomez
Shit son I don't think that can happen, and I don't think all islamic nations are shit, desu I wouldn't mind being a rich muslim in Qatar or the UAE...
Michael Wilson
starting to think we need another hardcore crsade
Kayden Nguyen
Sheria law is the only way to fix this. Should start throwing fags from tall buildings. Stone adulterers like Allah intended.
Carter Ward
west isn't degenerating its just that the unwashed masses are more visible this era and time due to social media. Technologically, scientifically, medically the west is at a level its never been.
Zachary Lee
All we need is some good ol' traditionalism and we'd be set. Girls dress like girls instead of whores. Boys dress neat.
Jew culture has plagued the new gen
Ian Baker
yeah I don't disagree with those two things desu. I think also alcohol should be banned
Jordan Thompson
I agree but that isn't going to happen, the far right I feel like won't win I think going hardcore right wing islamic is very feasible though and is the only chance now it may form into the white sharia islam pol talks about but even if it doesn't it is the only shot right now for the west, it's going to become islamic anyways might as well start sooner then later!
Jonathan Murphy
it's degenerating, wake up amerimutt
Alexander Brooks
Shlomo, is that U?
Joshua Carter
Allah gave humans brains and intelligence. Alcohol removes that and lowers us to the status of an animal.
Angel Reed
Its so hard being a woman, isn't it bros? Isn't it just the hardest life one can possibly have?
Jack Nelson
The common folk have always been degernate they just broadcast it now, the non degenerates are not on social media so you dont see them, they are inventing, they are leading companies. You cant base society on what the common folk(white trash), peons(blacks and mexicans) are doing.
Kevin Howard
Lmao she bought a knockoff pornhub shirt, it's not even spelled right
Thomas Williams
Islam is for mankind faggot
Aaron Hall
Fucking traitor cuck. Fuck you
Noah Williams
Eat shit muslim dog. I fucked a muslim whore and slapped the hell out of her
Nicholas Scott
This is only easy if you are a parentless whore. Would be pretty hard/impossible for a well-adjusted female who actually has a family with like, brains. Doesn't even have to be a nun or church-going girl either, just an average woman with parents and/or brothers. Or is America really that fucked up? Somehow I doubt it.
Anthony Ramirez
Islam has been culturally appropriated by every single nation that has embraced it. Same is true with Christiniaty. If you want to see European Islam, go to Bosnia, Albania or Turkey, contrast that with Arabian Islam or South Asian Islam and you'll understand how different they are. Once you understand that the differences between the nations are biologically and moreover cosmological/spiritual in origin, it all starts to make sense why we are all so different. If Western Europeans will wholescale adopt Islam one day it certainly will be a diluted version of the religion that will not even be recognisable, they most certainly will incorporate pagan elements into it (like they have done with Christianity), their biology will not allow them to embrace a foreign lifestyle.
Joshua Watson
yeah I agree, alcohol is degenerate af
Alexander Cruz
Go LDS user. You get a free virgin wife
Daniel Allen
actually I think basing society on the majority instead of the minority is the way to go!
>we need islam to reduce the prevalence of kike porn
John Mitchell
>implying Islam is immune to degeneracy
Jaxon Williams
america is that fucked up serb bro
Chase Rogers
This. Remember, it's the jews who are funding all "far right" parties in Europe. Islamisation of Europe is a good thing, not a bad one.
Joseph Martin
>she never tried chocolate before She will soon
Evan Ramirez
but why? how is that not valid?
Elijah Parker
it's not but it's better then what we have now
Landon Perry
It's not real Islam.
Aaron Nelson
GTFO out of Lithuania then, "real talk" Would you like to be an impoverished degenerate muslim in the Baltics though? Because that is the only thing you can ever be.
Austin Bell
I feel bad for you, dude. The problem is that you don't know real Islam. I'll have to redpill you.
And if you think those people are "extremists," then watch the last five minutes of this video: youtu.be/noa5m8w4v0U?t=42m46s
Finally, for tracking Islam on a daily basis, I would suggest jihadwatch.org.
Noah King
You're on a device so advanced you would be labeled a witch if you described 5% of what it can do to people from the founding of Islam or Christianity.
You can do synthetic telepathy with strangers across the world by instantly transmitting your thoughts onto a screen yet you still clamor for a primitive book from 2k years ago.
Oliver Adams
impoversihed? My net worth is over 2 million euros. im not poor dumbass I am saying I would rather move to qatar or uae if shit gets bad here
Nathaniel Mitchell
You think this or the next generation of girls will imitate celestia vega in the future.
And europeans are to stubborn to change their religion definitifly that they lost there previous one.
Noah Long
Islam was founded by the whitest white man to ever live, Mohamed. In the Koran great detail describes his whiteness with poetic prose. The fact that a bunch of animals cling to it as their faith and thus corrupt it, well, that is no laughing matter.
Dominic Foster
People don't realize what’s about to come.
The alt-lite is taking over, and this is our plan. Pic related.
Kevin Cook
i don't know islam seems 90 percent ok with me just as long as you can have nationalism no circumcision no eating halal no praying 5 times a day i would be fine with it
Hunter Barnes
Then again I supersede all such teaching since I am tapping into source itself as only the white man is capable of and many shall die who go against the will of the creator.
Cooper Fisher
>we need sharia law now No we don't. You go and have fun in some islamic shithole and see the degeneracy going on there (hint: it's fucking children and particularly boys).
Noah Barnes
exactly whites need to reclaim islam as their won and remove the non whites
Christopher Barnes
And when the Muslims take over, the Jews will bomb us into oblivion. Genius plan.
Christopher Ortiz
> lol americucks are not ok with islam meanwhile the whole country is run by jews and it's white population is skyrocketing downwards...good one moron
Gabriel Rodriguez
top kek
Jayden Perry
Ayden Sanchez
france? you have nukes therefore when you are muslim you will have nukes, jews are fleeing your country cause they are fucking it up so bad, lots of muslim countries have nukes
Colton Rivera
Julian Harris
yeah it's quite a valid question since they are the ones bringing the muslims and non whites into your country
Angel Cook
What do we have now, huh? And guess how I know that you don't go out much and your entire worldview if formed though the screen Nobody would a white kuffar move to holy Arab lands. Islam is lierally Arab centric, you will never be an equal to a muslim. You woild be always stuck up here, in the cold, and fucking your 6 year old relatives instead. So much for non-degenerate cultures.
Jaxon Lewis
typical amerikanish vocabulary
Elijah Lee
Go fuck yourself faggot
Juan Wilson
Don't worry, if the democrats take back control of this country, sharia law will be here asap just like you asked. Everyone would realize it was a mistake, but by then it will be too late. The left are going to find out one day how wrong they were about everything.
Jonathan Campbell
>just as long as you can have nationalism no circumcision no eating halal no praying 5 times a day So you want Islam but wthout any Islamic features. Fuck Lithuanians are stupid.
Noah Mitchell
>islam seems 90 percent ok with me just as long as you can have nationalism no circumcision no eating halal no praying 5 times a day i would be fine with it "Muslims per se prove nothing about Islam. Islam is the doctrine found in the Koran, Sira and Hadith. There is absolutely nothing that any Muslim can do about the doctrine of Islam, except to choose what part of it to follow. The word Islam means submission; the word Muslim refers to one who submits. This establishes cause and effect—Islam causes Muslims; Muslims do not cause Islam."
you are just dumb and racist in a bad way not the good kind of racism. I am seriously considering it, qatar and uae are good countries for business and a good standard of living. qatar is the wealthiest country per capita in the world. taxes are basically non existent. they love whites there especially in the uae.
Logan King
at least lithuania is not 80 percent russian like latvia
Bentley Thompson
Crusader Laws.
Repeal the 11th amendment and enforce Christianity as our country's religion.
Start enforcing modesty laws or else things are going to get much worse for everyone.
Jonathan Sanders
guys don't listen to this faggot, he is obviously a retard
Dylan Hughes
>Lithuanian >Islam Of course
Caleb Martin
usa's religion is jewry...christianity is cucked and is a jew religion
Andrew Ward
the answer is white sharia, returning women to property but not mistreating them like islam. No more divorce. father holds right to whom daughter can marry, no voting and minimal working and even then only female fields such as teaching children and nursing etc.
Jacob Gutierrez
Josiah Baker
The amount of coping ITT
fucking kek
Carter Clark
Lithuania is like 0.1% muslim I think right now and probably growing, I am worried we will become a muslim nation so I am thinking of converting!
Connor Moore
Impossible, self-destructive nihilism.
Hudson Brooks
Shit, you know who REALLY needs to put in their place?
All those socially screwed up white boys who keep shooting up schools.
I think we'd better have full communism now.
It's the only way to get white men and the scared guns they worship.
Jordan Collins
He is mentally stunted, or just underage juding by his posts.
Robert Nguyen
how bout you take your idiotic ideas to the pub and leave us alone?
David Rogers
Majority are sheeple who cares what they think. Its the appeal to popularity fallacy.
Cameron Rogers
it will not help. islam cannot live up to it's theoretical high moral claim. it just moves degeneracy out of the public. also, no islamic country, except perhaps for iran, has leaders that give only the slightest shit for the futur of their population. Also, the Sauds are either actually jewish or up the zionists arse for some other reason. the zog in the west will not go away with islam.
James Reed
go away RUSSIA
Hudson Cook
Mashallah brother.
Mason Hill
too much peace and safety and literally bad genes going into the mix, like those american ass burger babies with adhdhdhbbchd.
suffering will fix mankind
Nathan Sanchez
Or we could just go after the jews in the porn industry and stop consuming their garbage - dropping demand and therefore supply. Ever wonder why it's free?
James Kelly
A’right muhammad
Austin Walker
why is it bad being an extremist though? by that logic fucking puritans were hitler, jefferson was a genocidal maniac, genghis khan ancient stalin...
seriously, muslims need to bomb us more - the ones they kill off will strengthen the tribe. I still remember getting bombed by NATO - you could feel the earth shake. And these nu-serbs started bitching, boo hoo, they are bombing.
Only 2000 people died. And they call it a bombing.
muslims should definitely do more, life gets more exciting.
Samuel Nelson
For me the real solution is to turn my back to all that shit. I just don't care about what young girls from my country do and I totally ignore them and pretty much the rest of the society where they live. They can be scum, but they can't force me to be scum too.
Get a girlfriend and you will be on your path to that too.
And if you can't, I would even say that if you are a decent guy and you have to kidnap one you should go for it. If you fail to convince her you will end in prison tho. Good luck.
John Torres
the pub? I am not some degenerate
Charles Gutierrez
then how do you cope with your own mortality? that is the only thing that matters - sure, sounds nice, science and all. then someone dies close to you. then you turn 25... then 30... then you see new generation of kids and realize you can't go back... body starts slowing down... how to be brave against complete annihilation? i cant do that.
Jonathan Barnes
>lithcucks want islam
Charles Hall
Why Islam when Eastern Orthodoxy promotes the same type of "stop being a slag"
Ayden Perez
cause islam is taking over western europe
Ryan Torres
I used to think this but then I hooked up with 3 muslim girls at my college, 2 were hijabis, and they were honestly just as slutty as the white girls, only out-slutted by the chinese immigrant girls. No religion can fix women.
Sebastian Martin
well I am, so fuck you and fuck your deathcult
Jaxson Fisher
sorry it's not my death-cult I am not the leader of islam. I don't even practice it I just don't really know where things go from here in this degenerate world
Robert Hill
You have children, they carry on your seed, your name, your lineage. Thats one of the reasons I dont understand gays. logically it makes no sense its just genetic suicide.
2nd, Live doing what you love and when times up times up.
Juan White
bzzzt, wrong. your 2nd argument goes against the first one - by your logic gays and even terrorists are "doing what they truly want". that's why existentialism is a pool of despair really.
i dont want to do what i "love" - i actually want to be forced on a path of suffering that gives me sublime meaning. and after that path i can still do whatever - but this time it is meaningful.
thats why i am jealous of those buddhist societies with spirits and lesser gods and whatever.
for the rest of us its drugs, sex, violence... and then we end.
Austin Morales
GTFO rabbi
William Fisher
I like you. I will kill you last.
Zachary Bell
forced? so you want to be a slave. Not surprising for a slav humans were gifted with higher consciousnesses you make choices everyday and they determine your fate. The simple desire that you have to be a slave is also a choice.
Daniel Allen
just don´t be "degenerate" whatever that means to you. You don´t have to go full real degeneracy for that
Jordan Harris
It's like yeah you're attractive but you aren't worth anything but that. I think the problem is so many beta faggots exist these days that completely worship trash like this that they just react and make money off them. And "beta" can really mean anybody who pays attention to these girls. It would be funny if they weren't dragging our society into depths so deep there's no way to escape. But the reality also stands that when the system inevitably collapses they will have absolutely 0 survival chance.
Michael King
hah, you dumb amerimutt.
i never said i want tto be forced by a human did i? why not from a holy text, a great work of art or a personal dedication?
did you think dostoyevsky was not "a slave" while writing, to an idea?
why am i trying to explain complex european ideas to an amerimutt?
go listen to boombox, shoot up a school then try to straighten your hair while crying over your ancestry.com results, mongrel.
Brayden Morris
Islam is a nice religion.
Leo Anderson
You cope with it by diying.
Ethan Robinson
Why? The west was fine before our jewish friends over in the UK and USA decided to fuck the entire white race over.
Jaxson Bell
fuck, too true
Jose Lewis
>islam is the solution an arab death cult isn't going to solve the problems in our culture. Adopting Islam will destroy our cultures, not save them. what needs to happen is that our corrupt, degenerated societies need to collapse ASAP so we can rebuild them properly. taking extreme measures like inviting savage religions and their proponents won't salvage our societies, first of all because Islam is garbage and second of all because our societies are already too far gone.
Charles Long
So yeah dont worry. Its one of the only problems in this world with a definitive answer. Yes, you will die. You and everyone you will ever meet. Stop complaining now. You only have to worry about death when you are dead, not before.
Lucas Robinson
then what are we supposed to do as societies? just fuck around?
i am already bored as hell
Ian Russell
As a society? Advance looking at the present, not the future or the past for both are not happening. As an individual? You do you man, just dont be a dick and try do something for those around you that need true help.
Hunter Hill
*neither are happening instead of 'both are not'. Looks better.
Jaxson Sanders
>built a great civilisation they never built anything, they just invaded and took over other civilizations
Owen Thomas
You have to give a sense to your life beyond your own life. It's the only way.
The other option is to stop thinking about death as this fellow proposes But that's just digging your head in the ground.
As a guy who has been obsessed with death since five years old, I can tell you for a fact digging your head in the ground will make your life more pleasurable, but at the moment of death you will suffer a lot and you will be scared with a type of fear you don't know yet.
Taking the hard path will make your life psychologically harder, but at the end you will have a deeper reward or even die knowing that you left your mark on history.
You will be scared of dying either way, but the second option will make it more bearable.
This is what's up. It's not beautiful, but it is what it is. Either way you also have to learn to enjoy the small things of life, to play around a bit with your feelings and love things that are going to last more than you, like for example your own children.
I hope I helped.
Luke Peterson
I'd hit that
Ethan Rodriguez
Jews are behind this "clash of civilizations" we are currently in. They hope to be the last kike standing
Nicholas Jackson
Here's what happens to OP under Islamic rule. Faggots get tossed from tops of buildings. Is that what you want, OP? Because that's what you get with Islamic rule.
No need to convert to yet another sand nigger religion, just team up with the muslims to destroy our common enemy da jooz. Let islam have the middle east and let christianity have the west when we deport all of the kikes to madagascar.
Christian Carter
What is it with pol wanting girls to cover up and shit , must be a bunch of faggots.
Jeremiah Powell
We need Odin! Not some shitskin version of the Judeo-Christian god!
Mason Collins
I'm sorry dude, there is no way I could ever hate a guy that hosts endless amounts of free porn for all to fap to
Robert Sanchez
You are a traitor. European was always like that.
William Collins
Quite the opposite. I propose to accept it fully, not hiding from it.
Levi Turner
The human-sized one don't so bad, in a sane society she could be happily married with a man instead of a imp,
How the fuck Scandinavia end up in this kind of shit? You guys should be THE example of civilization!
This is the kind of islam the jews pretend to implement in europe, they don't give a fuck about your traditions, it's just another way social control
Easton Barnes
??? what??? european was always like that??? the fuck is wrong with your grammar??? canadian schools that bad?
Cooper Ross
Islam is disgusting, I would rather have degeneracy over Islam.